Muscle Function Path Analysis Through Muscle Activity
Muscle Function Path Analysis Through Muscle Activity
Muscle Function Path Analysis Through Muscle Activity eISSN 2093-9752 ORIGINAL
Received : 17 December 2017 Objective: The purpose of this study was to perform a muscle function path analysis of muscle function
Revised : 18 December 2017 on myofascial meridians.
Accepted : 12 January 2018
Method: Seven male students (mean age: 22 ± 3.46 years; mean mass: 72.71 ± 8.19 kg; mean height: 174 ±
4.39 cm) without a history of musculoskeletal system symptoms or injuries were recruited for this study. The
measurement muscle of the myofascial line was selected along with the muscle presented in "anatomy
trains (Thomas W. Myers. 2014)", and the attachment of the surface EMG (Telemyo 2400T G2, USA) pad was
determined according to "EMG analysis (Kim Tae Wan et al., 2013)". The subjects underwent maximum
volumetric contraction of their fascia line end muscles three times in lying and standing postures and were
subjected to the maximum number of contractions of the myofascial line muscle three times in the lying
and standing postures. The sampling rate of the EMG signal was set to 1,000 Hz, and the bandwidth was
20 to 350 Hz. The activity of each muscle was quantitated using the Pearson correlation coefficient, and
Corresponding Author SPSS 22.0 was used for data analysis.
Jea Moo So
Department of Physical Education, Results: In myofascial meridians, a positive correlation in the myofascial connection and a negative correlation
College of Education, Konkuk in the mechanical connection were observed.
University, 120, Neungdong-ro,
Conclusion: Muscles that show significant contract correlations with one another may be expected to be
Gwangjin-gu, Seoul, 05029, South
used as an effective clinical marker in muscle strengthening or relaxation therapy, and rehabilitative training.
In this study, the correlation of total myofascial meridians may differ without consideration of functional
Tel : +82-2-450-3828 posture. Future studies need to consider these points.
Fax : +82-2-453-6326
Email : Keywords: Muscle activity, Myofascial meridian, Myofascial connection
Copyright ○
C 2017 Korean Journal of Sport Biomechanics
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License ( which permits
unrestricted noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
280 Young Hyun Park, et al. KJSB
Figure 1. The fascia meridian that connects the body vertically. From the left superficial back line (SBL), superficial front line (SFL), lateral line (LL), spiral
line [back] (SL[B]), spiral line [front] (SL[F]), functional line [back] (FL[Back]), functional line [front] (FL[Front]), deep front line (DFL) (Myers, 2009).
MM Attachment muscle
1. Research participants and period
(Rt.) Gastrocnemius, biceps femoris, lumbar elector,
thoracic erector, semispinalis capitis
Seven male students who were studying physical education at Konkuk
University participated in this study between September 15, 2017, and (Rt.) Tibialis anterior, rectus femoris, rectus abdomen
SFL lower, rectus abdomen upper, pectoralis major,
September 22, 2017. Students who had a muscle disorder or pain in the
neck and ankle, received treatment for musculoskeletal disease in the
last 6 months, undergone surgery of the neck or ankles, a previous or (Rt.) Peroneus longus, tensor fascia lata, gluteus
LL medius, external abdominal oblique,
current history of neurological problems, or a cardiopulmonary disease
were excluded. All the participants received an explanation about the
purpose and methods of this study, and provided informed consent. The (Rt.) Peroneus longus, biceps femoris, lumbar erector,
thoracic erector, semispinalis capitis
general characteristics of the participants are summarized in (Table 1).
(Rt.) Tibialis anterior, tensor fascia lata, internal
abdominal oblique, splenius capitis
(Lt.) External abdominal oblique, serratus anterior,
Table 1. General characteristics of the participants (n = 7) rhomboids
282 Young Hyun Park, et al. KJSB
hip joints in an abducted position. Contraction of the muscles of the 2. Superficial front line
knee joints, namely the vastus lateralis, was measured while the ex-
aminer applied resistance at the angle of maximum contraction. The The tibialis anterior, pectoralis major, and SCM were significantly
participant was asked to make a half squat in the supine position. (Table correlated with all muscles along the superficial front line. The rectus
3) shows the measurement methods used for each myofascial meridian. femoris was significantly correlated with the tibialis anterior, pectoralis
major, and SCM. The rectus abdomen lower and upper were significantly
4. Electromyography correlated with all muscles except the rectus femoris (Table 5).
SPSS 22.0 was used to analyze muscle contraction correlations among TA: Tibialis anterior, RF: Rectus femoris, RAL: Rectus abdomen lower,
RAU: Rectus abdomen upper, PM: Pectoralis major, SCM: Sternocleido-
the muscles along the myofascial meridians using EMG data. The level mastoid
of statistical significance was set at p < .05. Descriptive statistics were *p < .05, **p < .01
used for the general characteristics of the participants. EMG data of
terminal muscle contraction in the supine and upright positions were
combined, and Pearson correlation coefficients were calculated to analyze 3. Lateral line
muscle contraction correlations.
The peroneus longus was significantly correlated with all the muscles
RESULTS except the external abdominal oblique. The TFL was significantly cor-
related with all the muscles except the external abdominal oblique. The
The muscle contraction correlation results for each myofascial meridian muscle gluteus medius was significantly correlated with all the muscles
are as follows: except the external abdominal oblique. The external abdominal oblique
was not significantly correlated with any muscles along the lateral line.
1. Superficial back line The SCM was significantly correlated with all the muscles except the
external abdominal oblique (Table 6).
The gastrocnemius, lumbar erector, thoracic erector, and semispinalis
were significantly correlated. However, the biceps femoris was not signi-
ficantly correlated with any of the muscles along the superficial back
Table 6. Muscle contraction correlation of the lateral line
line (Table 4).
PL 1 .708** .454* -.135 -.713**
Table 4. Muscle contraction correlation of the superficial back line
TFL 1 .421* -.033 -.585**
GCM BF LE TE SS Gm 1 -.237 -.399*
GCM 1 .041 -.543** -.463* -.603** EO 1 .157
BF 1 .143 -.040 .027 SCM 1
LE 1 .568** .828**
PL: Peroneus longus, TFL: Tensor fascia lata, Gm: Gluteus medius, EO,
TE 1 .756** External oblique, SCM: Sternocleidomastoid
*p < .05, **p < .01
SS 1
GCM: Gastrocnemius, BF: Biceps femoris, LE: Lumbar elector, TE: Thoracic
elector, SS: Semispinalis
*p < .05, **p < .01
4. Spiral line [back] and vastus lateralis. The thoracic erector significantly correlated with
the vastus lateralis. The lumbar erector and gluteus maximus significantly
The peroneus longus, lumbar erector, thoracic erector, and semispinalis correlated with each another. The vastus lateralis significantly correlated
were significantly correlated with all the muscles along the spiral back with the latissimus dorsi and thoracic erector (Table 9).
line except the biceps femoris. The biceps femoris was not significantly
correlated with any muscles along the spiral back line (Table 7).
Table 9. Muscle contraction correlation of the functional line (back)
5. Spiral line [front] The pectoralis major significantly correlated with all the muscles along
the functional front line. The rectus abdomen upper significantly cor-
The tibialis anterior significantly correlated with the TFL, rhomboids, related with the pectoralis major and rectus abdomen lower. The rectus
and splenius capitis. The TFL significantly correlated with the tibialis abdomen lower significantly correlated with all the muscles except the
anterior only. The internal abdominal oblique did not significantly cor- adductor longus. The adductor longus significantly correlated with the
relate with any muscles. The external abdominal oblique significantly pectoralis major only (Table 10).
correlated with the serratus anterior only. The serratus anterior signifi-
cantly correlated with the external abdominal oblique, and the rhom- 8. Deep front line
boids significantly correlated with the tibialis anterior and splenius
capitis. The splenius capitis significantly correlated with the tibialis The tibialis posterior significantly correlated with the adductor magnus
anterior and rhomboids (Table 8). and scalenes. The adductor magnus significantly correlated with the
tibialis posterior and iliopsoas. The iliopsoas significantly correlated with
6. Functional line [back] the adductor magnus and scalenes. The scalenes significantly correlated
with the tibialis posterior and iliopsoas (Table 11).
The latissimus dorsi significantly correlated with the thoracic erector
TA: Tibialis anterior, TFL: Tensor fascia lata, IO: Internal oblique, EO: External oblique, SA: Serratus anterior, RH: Rhomboides, SC: Spenius capitis
*p < .05, **p < .01
284 Young Hyun Park, et al. KJSB
Table 10. Muscle contraction correlation of the functional line (back) Although no correlation was found between all the muscles along the
myofascial meridians, some muscles showed strong positive correlations.
(Rt.)PM (Rt.)RAU (Lt.)RAL (Lt.)AL
They were the lumbar erector-thoracic erector-semispinalis on the super-
(Rt.)PM 1 .521** .447* -.452* ficial back line, tibialis anterior-rectus femoris on the superficial front
(Rt.)RAU 1 .690** -.191 line, and peroneus longus-TFL on the lateral line. This result suggests
(Lt.)RAL 1 -.056 strong myofascial connections between the corresponding muscles that
cause them to contract together. On the other hand, some muscles
(Lt.)AL 1
strongly negatively correlated, and they were the tibialis anterior-SCM
PM: Pectoralis major, RAU: Rectus abdomen upper, RAL: Rectus on the superficial front line, the peroneus longus-SCM on the lateral line,
abdomen lower, AL: Adductor longus and the tibialis anterior-splenius capitis on the spiral front line. These
*p < .05, **p < .01
muscles appear to contract when muscles on one end of a myofascial
meridian contract to increase contraction efficiency.
In this study, the muscles along the myofascial meridians were found
Table 11. Muscle contraction correlation of the deep front line
to be partially connected in the supine and upright positions. Our results
TP AM IS SC suggest the possibility for changes in muscle contraction depending on
TP 1 .654** .354 -.586** the posture and trunk position.
AM 1 .425* -.345
IS 1 -.384*
SC 1 In this study involving 7 male university students, muscle contraction
TP: Tibialis posterior, AM: Adductor magnus, IS: Iliopsoas, SC: Scalenes correlations among terminal muscles along 8 myofascial meridians that
*p < .05, **p < .01 vertically connect the body were analyzed in the supine and upright
positions. As a result, positive correlations were observed for the myo-
fascial connections, and negative correlations were observed for the
mechanical connections between the muscles along the myofascial
DISCUSSION meridians. Based on these results, muscles that show significant con-
tract correlations with one another may be expected to be used as an
Myofascial continuity refers to the connections between ligaments, effective clinical marker in muscle strengthening or relaxation therapy,
tendons, and muscles, or the connections between myofascial structures, and rehabilitative training. In this study, the intrinsic functional position
and is based on the study of anatomy. Myers (2009) explained that of the myofascial meridians was not considered; therefore, results re-
tension and movements are transferred through myofascial continuity garding the overall correlation of the myofascial meridians may not
and referred to direct myofascial connections as "fascial connections" be precise. These limitations must be accounted for in future studies.
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