Physics Practicals 202122
Physics Practicals 202122
Physics Practicals 202122
Experiment No: 6
Aim: To find the force constant of a helical spring by plotting a graph between load
and extension
When a load F suspended from lower free end of a spring hanging from a rigid
support, increases its length by amount l,
1. Suspend the spring from a rigid support. Attach a pointer and a hook from its
lower free end.
2. Hang a 50 g hanger from the hook.
3. Set the vertical wooden scale such that the tip of the pointer comes over the
divisions on the scale but does not touch the scale.
4. Note the reading of the position of the tip of the pointer on the scale. Record it
in loading column against zero load.
5. Gently add suitable load of 50 g or 20 g slotted weight to the hanger. The
pointer tip moves down.
6. Wait for few minutes till the pointer tip comes to rest. Repeat step 4.
7. Repeat steps 5 and 6 till six slotted weights have been added.
8. Now remove one slotted weight. The pointer tip moves up. Repeat step 6.
Record the reading in unloading column.
9. Repeat step 8 till only hanger is left.
10. Record your observations as given below.
Sources of error
Experiment No: 7
A half metre high, 5 cm broad glass cylindrical jar with millimetre graduations along
its height, transparent viscous liquid, one steel ball, screw gauge, stop clock/watch,
thermometer, clamp with stand.
1. Clean the glass jar and fill it with the viscous liquid, which must be transparent.
2. Check that the vertical scale along the height of the jar is clearly visible. Note its
least count.
3. Test the stop clock/watch for its tight spring. Find its least count and zero error
(if any).
4. Find and note the least count and zero error of the screw gauge.
5. Determine mean radius of the ball.
6. Drop the ball gently in the liquid. It falls down in the liquid with accelerated
velocity for about one-third of the height of liquid. Then it falls with uniform
terminal velocity.
7. Start the stop clock/watch when the ball reaches some convenient division (20
cm; 25 cm ;………..). Note its fall.
8. Stop the stop clock/watch just when the ball reaches lowest convenient
division (45 cm).
9. Find and note the distance fallen and time taken by the ball.
10. Repeat steps 6 to 9 two times more.
11. Note and record temperature of the liquid.
12. Record your observations as given ahead.
The coefficient of viscosity of the liquid at temperature (θ°C) =…….C.G.S. units.
1. Liquid should be transparent to watch motion of the ball.
2. Ball should be perfectly spherical.
3. Velocity should be noted only when it becomes constant.
Sources of error
Experiment No: 8
Aim: To study the relationship between the temperature of a hot body and time by
plotting a cooling curve.
Newton’s law of cooling apparatus (a thin-walled copper calorimeter suspended in a
double walled enclosure), two thermometers, clamp and stand, stop clock/watch.
Newton’s law of cooling, states that the rate of cooling (or rate of loss of heat) of a
body is directly proportional to the temperature difference between the body and its
surroundings, provided the temperature difference is small.
1. Fill the space between double wall of the enclosure with water and put the
enclosure on a laboratory table.
2. Fill the calorimeter two-third with water heated to about 80°C.
3. Suspend the calorimeter inside the enclosure along with a stirrer in it. Cover it
with a wooden lid having a hole in its middle.
4. Suspend from clamp and stand, one thermometer in enclosure water and the
other in calorimeter water.
5. Note least count of the thermometers.
6. Set the stop clock/watch at zero and note its least count.
7. Note temperature (T0) of water in enclosure.
8. Start stirring the water in calorimeter to make it cool uniformly.
9. Just when calorimeter water has some convenient temperature reading (say
70°C), note it and start the stop clock/watch.
10. Continue stirring and note temperature after every one minute. The
temperature falls quickly in the beginning.
11. Note enclosure water temperature after every five minutes.
12. When fall of temperature becomes slow note temperature at interval of two
minutes for 10 minutes and then at interval of 5 minutes.
13. Stop when fall of temperature becomes very slow.
14. Record your observations as given ahead.
Least count of enclosure water thermometer = ……………….°C
Least count of calorimeter water thermometer = ………..°C
Least count of stop clock/watch = …………….s.
Table for time and temperature
Activity No: 6
Three capillary tubes of different radii and a tipped pointer clamped in a metallic
plate with a handle, travelling microscope, clamp and stand, a fine motion adjustable
height stand, a flat bottom open dish, clean water in a beaker, thermometer.
A detergent when added to distilled water reduces surface tension of water. If we use
same capillary tube to study the rise of pure distilled water and then the rise of
detergent mixed water (solution), we shall find that the rise will be less in case of
solution. If quantity of detergent (solution concentration) is increased, rise will be still
The rise in capillary tube decreases with addition of detergent in pure water. With
more addition of detergent, rise becomes lesser and lesser.
The detergent reduces the surface tension of water.
Sources of error
Water and capillary tube may not be free from grease.