ForexTruck User Manual
ForexTruck User Manual
ForexTruck User Manual
Choose Inputs tab, specify your desired risk, if needed (more information about all the parameters you can
find below), or keep the recommended default settings. We recommend to set the risk up to 30% (RiskLimit=30).
Minimum deposit for the EA is $290 for 0.01 lot. Recommended deposit is $970 (or higher) for lot 0.01.
Make sure that AutoTrading is enabled and the symbol “>” is running:
AutoRisk – the money management of ForexTruck. If “true” the EA will set lot size automatically, based on
your deposit and the risk you set. If “false” the EA will use lot size, which you can set manually in StartLot.
RiskLimit – a part of your deposit (in percentage) which the EA will use for trading. Doesn’t work if
AutoRisk is “false”. The minimum deposit which is required for the EA ($290) equals to 100% risk. To be
able to trade with a lower risk your deposit should be bigger than the required deposits. For trading with
the recommended 30% risk, your deposit should be $970 (or higher).
StartLot – lot size, which you can set manually. Doesn’t work if “AutoRisk” is “true”.
Drawdown Control – if “true” the EA works as usual and limits a drawdown. If “false” the EA removes all
StopLosses and stops limiting a drawdown. It helps to wait for a rollback to clients who are willing to take
that risk.
Slippage – slippage, which you can set manually.
NFA – if “Yes”, the EA will disable opening of possible opposite trades (no hedge) and apply FIFO rule. If
“No”, the EA will trade without NFA limitations. Hide Stops will hide SL and TP for all orders, if that is
needed, and the EA will close trades in the necessary moments at their Market prices, same as on our
account. Please notice, despite the fact of enabling NFA option, some brokers may show a FIFO error from
time to time, but it is not dangerous for the logic of the EA.
MT5 version of the EA has an additional parameter - Order_Filling_Type:
ORDER_FILLING_FOK – an order can be filled only in the specified amount. That is a recommended default
mode for a guaranteed proper work of the original strategy.
ORDER_FILLING_IOC – a trader agrees to execute a deal with the volume maximally available in the
market. In case of using this mode, there could be a violation in the strategy of the EA, and we cannot
guarantee a proper operation of the system in all kind of situations. Use this mode only if the default FOK
mode is forbidden and you are ready to put up with possible deviations in the strategy.
ORDER_FILLING_RETURN – in case of partial filling an order with remaining volume is not canceled but
processed further. In case of using this mode, there could be a violation in the strategy of the EA, and we
cannot guarantee a proper operation of the system in all kind of situations. Use this mode only if the
default FOK mode is forbidden and you are ready to put up with possible deviations in the strategy.