Sahil Nayak, Project Report

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Summer Internship Project Report


Submitted for partial fulfillment of requirement for the award of degree


Master of Business Administration


Project Guide: Submitted By:

Name - Dr. Abhishek Pratap Name - Sahil Nayak
Designation - Asst. Professor Enroll. No - MB/20/013
Department - Management MBA - 3rd Semester

I solemnly declare that the report of the project work entitled "Analyzing the perception of
retailers and customers towards Osam Dairy's milk products" is based on my own work
carried out during the course of my study under the supervision of Dr. Abhishek Pratap.

I assert that the statements made and conclusions drawn are an outcome of the project work. If
further, declare that to the best of my knowledge and belief that the project report does not
contain any part of any work which has been submitted for the award of any other
degree/diploma/certificate in this University or any other University.

(Signature of the declaratory)
Sahil Nayak

(A Zonal Manager of Osam Dairy)

This is to certify that the report of the project submitted is the outcome of the project work
entitled in "Analyzing the perception of retailers and customers towards Osam Dairy's milk
product in Jamshedpur" carried out by Sahil Nayak bearing enrollment no. MB/20/013 carried
by under my guidance and supervision for the award of Degree in Master of Business
Administration of Jharkhand Rai University, Ranchi, Jharkhand. To the best of my knowledge
the report:

● embodies the work of the candidate him/herself,

● has duly been completed,
● fulfills the requirement of the ordinance relating to the BBA degree of the university and
● is up to the desired standard for the purpose of which is submitted.

(Signature of the Supervisor)

Name: Kumar Saurabh

Designation: Zonal Manager (Osam Dairy)
Department: Sales and Distribution
Company: Osam Dairy, Ranchi

(An internal faculty of Management)

This is to certify that the report of the project submitted is the outcome of the project work
entitled in "Analyzing the perception of retailers and customers towards Osam Dairy's milk
products in Jamshedpur" carried out by Sahil Nayak bearing enrollment no. MB/20/013
carried by under my guidance and supervision for the award of Degree in Master of Business
Administration of Jharkhand Rai University, Ranchi, Jharkhand. To the best of my knowledge
the report:

● embodies the work of the candidate him/herself,

● has duly been completed,
● fulfills the requirement of the ordinance relating to the BBA degree of the university and
is up to the desired standard for the purpose of which is submitted.

(Signature of the Guide)

Name: Dr. Abhishek Pratap

Designation: Asst. Professor
Department: Management
Institute: Jharkhand Rai University



I would like to express my deepest sense of gratitude towards the faculty for their guidance and
encouragement throughout the period of the project study. I am indebted to their guidance, spirit
and valuable suggestions. First of all I am extremely thankful to my college JHARKHAND RAI
UNIVERSITY, RANCHI for providing me with this great opportunity and for all its contribution
and cooperation. Special thanks to my project mentor and guide Dr. Abhishek Pratap for giving
me the encouragement and freedom to conduct my project. I would like to thank everyone who
has been a help directly or indirectly leading to the successful completion of the study report.

(Signature of student)
Sahil Nayak


Chapter Title Page No.

1 Introduction
● Fig 1.1
● Fig 1.2 5
● Fig 1.3 6
● Fig 1.4

4 Data analysis and interpretation

17 - 34
● Table 4.1 - Table 4.19
17 - 34
● Fig 4.1 - Fig 4.19


Chapter Title Page No.

1.1 Introduction 1-3
1.2 Company Overview 4-6
1.3 SWOT Analysis 7

2.1 Introduction 8-9
2.3 Conclusion 10

3.1 Introduction 11-12
3.2 Objective of the study 12
3.3 Data Collection 13
3.4 Research Plan 14
3.5 Sample Plan 14
3.6 Limitation of the study 14








Fig - 1.1

Osam Dairy, from Ranchi, Jharkhand, is one such business. Started in 2012, Osam Dairy was
started by four friends who knew each other from their college days.
Thus, Osam's objective is to procure milk directly from farmers in Jharkhand and Bihar, chill and
process to sell it to retailers. Although two friends left the business and the company almost went
bankrupt twice, Osam Dairy took the proverbial bull by the horns to emerge as the one of the
fastest growing private dairy companies in Jharkhand.

Osam sets up milk collection points in villages, and farmers can go there to drop off the milk
they have collected from their cows. Payment is made instantly and at rates higher than those
offered by traders in the markets.
This way, Osam's milk collection points, like Amul's, do not leave much incentive for farmers to
go to markets where they might be subjected to exploitation and manipulation by traders.
If a consumer in a village is buying directly from a farmer, there is usually no way of telling if
the farmer has adulterated the milk to increase his margins. If a consumer is buying from a trader
or retailer, there is still no guarantee the milk is unadulterated, and further, he/she doesn't know if
the farmer has been compensated fairly for the milk. Therefore, farmers selling milk to Osam is
beneficial for the consumer.

Mission and Vision of Osam Dairy
"To create a dairy brand which inspires confidence amongst the consumers for it's unfailing
quality, outstanding processing infrastructure giving the most hygienic products which offers
value for money. We want to be part of consumers' every meal based on binding trust generated
through the use of our products".

Today, Osam Dairy sells one lakh liters of milk on a daily basis and clocked a revenue of Rs 120
crore last year, the company claims.

Processing and retail

From the collection points/centers, Osam transports the milk to chilling plants which have
capacities of over 25,000 liters each. After chilling, insulated tankers carry the milk to Osam's
processing plant in Patratu, Jharkhand, in a short span of time, in order to maintain freshness.
The Patratu plant is a 50,000 liter, fully-automated processing plant where no physical human
touch is required, the company claims.

Fig - 1.2

It also has a similar processing plant in Seraikela, Jharkhand.
At the plant, certified dairy technicians oversee the pasteurization, processing, and packaging of
the milk, to which no preservatives or chemicals are added, the company says.

2.2 Company Overview

Assocham & Ministry of Agriculture awarded Osam as the 'Best Company' in agriculture and
Dairy Category.

Marketing :

In 2009-10, average daily cooperative milk marketing stood at 195lakh liters,

registering a growth of 4.2 percent over 148.75 lakh liters in 2003-04.
Dairy Cooperatives now market milk in about 200 class cities including metros and some
550 smaller towns.
During the last decade, the daily milk supply toeach 1,000 urban consumers has increased
from 17.5 to 52.0 liters.

Key challenges before Indian Dairy Industry are as follows:

• Ensuring Quality
• Procurement and efficiencies in supply chain
• Product differentiation and value addition

Although today, Osam Dairy sells one lakh liters of milk on a daily basis and clocked a revenue
of Rs 120 crore last year, the company claims.

Collection points
Osam sets up milk collection points in villages, and farmers can go there to drop off the milk
they have collected from their cows. Payment is made instantly and at rates higher than those
offered by traders in the markets.
This way, Osam's milk collection points, like Amul's, do not leave much incentive for farmers to
go to markets where they might be subjected to exploitation and manipulation by traders.

If a consumer in a village is buying directly from a farmer, there is usually no way of telling if
the farmer has adulterated the milk to increase his margins. If a consumer is buying from a trader
or retailer, there is still no guarantee the milk is unadulterated, and further, he/she doesn't know if
the farmer has been compensated fairly for the milk. Therefore, farmers selling milk to Osam is
beneficial for the consumer.

Various products offered by Osam Dairy:

Fig - 1.3

Osam Dairy's milk products

Fig - 1.4

SWOT Analysis of Osam Dairy:

● Variety of different products
● Low cost strategy
● Efficient distribution
● High production and quality of milk

● Poor milk safety and quality
● Low awareness of product categories like flavored milk, Soanpapdi, ghee
● Doesn't spend much money on advertising
● Low popularity of product categories
● Expansion issues

● Potential to expand on small towns and villages.
● Expansion of product portfolio
● Online market
● Partnership
● Ice cream and chocolate production

● Increased local and global comparators
● Highly dynamic market and changing customers perceptions





2.1 Introduction
The Indian proverb "Health is Wealth" indicates the importance of milk & milk products. A
prudent man always gives preference to his/her health. If a human being has good health, then
he/she can serve himself/herself and the nation. India's approximately 60 percent of population
resides in rural areas/villages & semi-rural areas and do agricultural & allied activities for
livelihood. India is 'The Oyster' of the global dairy industry, providing opportunities to
entrepreneurs worldwide, who wish to take advantage of this fastest growing market for milk and
milk products.
The review is arranged in the sequence as given below:
The author analyzed the value chains of milk, paneer and curd in the cooperative and private
dairy plants in Jamshedpur Market of Jharkhand based on primary and secondary data that they
have collected through questionnaires via an online panel of regular users of dairy products.The
author observed that there are so many competitors of dairy products Amul, Sudha, Megha etc
and through our analysis it's revealed that products of milk such as Milk, Paneer, Curd are highly
demanding products through which dairy farms can earn higher value.
The study was conducted to analyze the dairy products in the local market area of Jamshedpur, to
evaluate the marketing efficiency; primary data was collected from retailers and people who
consume dairy products on a regular basis from the market. The marketing efficiency of
cooperative dairy plants for all products has been observed relatively less. This study was aimed
to find the perception of retailers and customers of dairy products cooperatives on milk
production, income and employment. The researcher found a positive impact of the project on
milk production, as the average production in villages with milk cooperatives was twice the
production in villages without cooperatives.. The researcher explained his opinion as a SWOT
analysis was carried out for the cooperatives. It explained how services are delivered and what
Feedback given by the consumers. However the researcher found that other dairy farms had to
improve upon the quality of the services and had to reduce the cost attached to these services.
Ahila and Boopathi (2015) analyzed consumer perception on Aavin Milk in Pollachi,
Tamilnadu. The study found that consumers change their behavior frequently on the basis of new

trend/ fashion and are also affected by the price, quality, taste, and other attributes. The study
also depicted that consumers buy the Aavin Milk for its quality and taste.

Khanna (2015) studied the problems faced by consumers in making dairy products like Dahi at
home. The study facilitates the marketing of dairy products and the difference in taste and
perception of home-made and purchased dahi. The study revealed that perception of packed dahi
and home-made dahi, based on parameters like cost, health, consistency, convenience, storage,
time etc. varies. The study found that home-made products were less expensive. The packed
dairy products were considered as good for health, freshness, consistency in taste, than unpacked
dairy products by the consumers.

Ingaval and Thaker (2012) studied consumer's preference for milk & milk products. The study
revealed that the consumers preferred packed branded milk products. The consumer's purchase-
decision was changed because of availability, advertisement, product quality & price of products.
The study also indicated grocery shops, bakers & sweet markets were preferred places of
purchase of dairy products, some consumers preferred company outlets for their dairy products

Hansen (2005) investigated consumer preference for milk & milk products. The study indicated
that most consumers said price had a positive effect on eating quality. The eating quality
positively affected respondents' pleasure feeling. The physical surroundings had a positive effect
on pleasure. The result implies that food producers & retailers should understand consumers'
quality perception.
2.6. Conclusion
The information found in this literature review is useful given a comprehensive view and better
Understanding in this research study, Reviews of this study make the elaboration more objective
And supportive.





3.1 Introduction
This chapter describes the research methodology which is applied during this whole project
work. Here we describe what we believe and apply methods for collecting data and analyzing for
this project. We will examine the following concepts:
● Source of data
● Method of data collection
● Instrument used
Our priority is to find out the perception of Osam Dairy's Retailers and Customers in their minds
So, to fulfill the objectives of this project, Descriptive research is most suitable because into the
descriptive research, it is easy to describe things, such as the market potential for
product/services or the demographics and attitudes of consumers who buy the product/services.

3.2 Objective of the study

● To determine the consumer preferences on Osam Dairy with the help of some parameters
- Quality, Taste, Price, Packaging.

● To know the factors which affect consumer's buying behavior while purchasing Osam
milk products

● To know the awareness of retailers and customers towards Osam Dairy products.

● To know the retailers and customers demographic and geographical profile of Osam

3.3 Data Collection:
The research consists of the application of both primary and secondary data.
a.) Primary Data: The primary data was collected through questionnaires specially designed for
retailers and consumers separately.
b.) Secondary data: The secondary data was collected through websites and from various

Source of Data:
Here in this project taking primary sources of data.

Questionnaires: Applicability of primary Data is analysis of perception in the minds of Retailers

and Customers about Osam Dairy Milk Products (Milk, Paneer and Curd) with respect to their
Method of data collection:
Survey method is used in which different activities have been performed in terms of visiting each
and every retail shop, going to customers and making them individually fill up the questionnaire,
then explaining them about the questionnaire and Osam Dairy's milk products (milk, paneer and
Curd) by taking their feedback on the prospects of their choices and idea about bits milk
Instrument used for data collection:
Considering the nature of study as well as the obtaining correct information from the
respondents, it was decided to collect information through structured questionnaires prepared
with the help of subject literature and research reports which can be modified as per requirement.
The data was collected through:
Forms designed specifically for the retailers and customers, the questionnaire is designed with
the view of knowing the level of willingness in the people to really use milk, paneer and curd
and to know the views of them about the Osam dairy and acknowledge their valuable
suggestions to make the Osam Dairy more successful.

3.4 Research plan:
The research plan indicates the method of research i.e., the method of gathering information and
methods of sampling.
This research plan is descriptive analytically to describe something such as demographic

3.5 Sample plan

The sampling technique involved in this project is a convenience sampling technique.
The respondents are various groups of age, places, gender etc.

Sampling Area: Jamshedpur, Jharkhand

Sampling unit: Sampling unit consists of retailers who are selling and Customers who are
consuming milk products of Osam Dairy

Sampling method: Convenience sampling technique.

Sampling size : It consists of 100 retailers and 100 customers.

3.6 Limitation of the study

● Selected sample may not represent actual population

● Due to the short time period it's not sufficient to gather more information and opinions
from respondents.
● Sometimes respondents were hesitant to respond.
● Respondents may give biased or false information than the actual data.






Pictorial Chart: In order to analyze the data obtained from questionnaire pictorial chart are used
like data table, pie charts.

Analysis and data interpretation of retailers:

● Which Dairy products of Osam Dairy do you like most?

Dairy products No. of Respondents %

Milk 79 79

Curd 38 38

Paneer 23 23
Table :4.1

Fig : 4.1
Data interpretation: Out of 100 respondents 79 retailers mostly like Milk among Osam Dairy's
milk products, 38 retailers like Curd and 23 retailers like Paneer.

What do you like most/least about Osam Dairy's milk products among Milk, Curd and Paneer?

Parameters No of Respondents %

Packaging 9 9

Taste 30 30

Price 35 36

Quality 26 26
Table: 4.1

Fig: 4.1

Data interpretation: Out of 100 respondents, 35 people mostly like the price of Osam Dairy's
milk products, 30 like taste, 26 like quality and 9 like packaging.

● What is the most important feature for you to have Osam Dairy milk products?

Parameters No. of Respondents %

Margin 33 33

Quality 34 34

Packaging 14 14

Shelf life 19 19
Table : 4.3

Fig: 4.3

Data interpretation: Out of 100 respondents 33 retailers are interested in margin on the milk
products, 34 retailers interested on quality of the products, 14 retailers interested on the
packaging and 19 retailers are interested on shelf life of the milk products.

● As a retailer which Dairy Company's dairy products like Milk, curd and Paneer you
mostly prefer?

Dairy Companies No. of Respondents %

Osam 25 25

Amul 34 34

Sudha 39 39

Medha 1 1
Table : 4.4

Fig: 4.4
Data interpretation: Out of 100 respondents 25 retailers like to have Osam Dairy's milk
products, 34 retailers like Amul milk products, 39 retailers like Sudha milk products and 1
people like to have Medha milk products.

● Why have customers chosen to leave or not buy Osam Dairy items like Milk, Curd and
Paneer from you?

Parameters No. of Respondents %

Bad packaging 21 21

Shelf life 16 16

Bad taste 35 35

Poor quality 28 28
Table: 4.5

Fig: 4.5

Data interpretation: Out of 100 respondents of retailers, 21 said customers chose to leave or not
buy Osam Dairy's milk products due to bad packaging, 16 said due to low shelf life, 35 said due
to bad taste and 28 said due to poor quality of milk products.

● How many potential/loyal customers are there who buy Osam Dairy items like Milk,
Curd and Paneer?

Numbers No of Respondents %

Less than 10 88 88

10 - 30 12 12

30 - 50 0 0

More than 50 0 0
Table: 4.6

Fig: 4.6

Data interpretation: Out of 100 respondents 88 retailers said they have less than 10 loyal
customers and 12 retailers said they have between 10 - 30 loyal customers.

● Are competitors spamming with fake reviews towards Osam Dairy items like Milk,
Paneer and Curd?

Options No of Respondents %

Yes 6 7.1

No 77 76.5

Maybe 17 16.3
Table: 4.7

Fig: 4.7

Data interpretation: Out of 100 respondents 6 retailers said that competitors were spamming
with fake reviews and 77 retailers said no and 17 retailers said maybe competitors were
spamming with fake reviews towards Osam Dairy's milk products.

● What upgrades could be made to Osam Dairy products or services to make it better?

Parameters No of Respondents %

Taste 37 37

Quality 38 38

Packaging 16 16

Price 9 9
Table: 4.8

Fig: 4.8

Data interpretation: Out of 100 respondents 37 people want to upgrade the taste of milk
products, 38 people want to upgrade in quality, 16 people want to upgrade in packaging and 9
people want to upgrade the price of the milk products of Osam Dairy.

● How much do you rate Osam dairy on the following attributes

Parameters 5 4 3 2 1

Quality of dairy items 3 37 60 0 0

Price 5 46 49 0 0

Understanding customer's needs 3 36 61 0 0

Shelf life 3 47 50 0 0

Sales executive 3 48 49 0 0
Table: 4.9

Fig: 4.9
Data interpretation: 100 respondents ranked Osam Dairy in terms of the given attributes
(Table: 4.9)-
5 - Completely agree
4 - Somewhat agree
3 - Neither agree nor disagree
2 - Somewhat disagree
1 - Completely disagree

Analysis and data interpretation of customers:

● Gender of customers:

Gender No of Respondents %

Male 57 57

Female 43 43
Table: 4.10

Fig: 4.10

Data interpretation: Out of 100 respondents, 57 are male and 43 are female.

● Age of customers:

Age No of Respondents %

Less than 18 1 1

18 - 30 84 84

30 - 50 15 15

More than 50 0 0
Table: 4.11

Fig: 4.11

Data interpretation: Out of 100 respondents 84 customers are of between 18 - 30 years

of age, 15 customers are of between 30 - 50 years and 1 customer is less than 18.

● Occupation of customers:

Occupation No of Respondents %

Student 20 20

Housewife 23 23

Employee 28 28

Self- employed 26 26

Other 3 3
Table: 4.12

Fig: 4.12

Data interpretation: Out of 100 respondents 20 are students, 23 are housewives, 28 are
employees, 26 are self employed and 3 are others.

● Monthly expenditure in terms of milk products usage

Monthly expenditure No of Respondents %

Less than 500 19 19

500 - 1000 45 45

1000 - 1500 34 34

More than 1500 2 2

Table: 4.13

Fig: 4.13

Data interpretation: Out of 100 respondents 19 people spend less money than 500rs, 45 people
between 500 - 1000, 34 people between 1000 - 1500 and 2 people more than 1500 on their
monthly expenditure on milk products usage.

● Which dairy product of Osam you like most

Dairy products No of Respondents %

Milk 70 70

Curd 18 18

Paneer 12 12
Table: 4.14

Fig: 4.14

Data interpretation: Out of 100 respondents 70 people like Milk of Osam dairy, 18 people like
Curd and 12 people like Paneer.

● From where you get Osam milk products

Place No of Respondents %

Retail outlets 46 46

Food mall 23 23

Getting door delivery 15 15

All above 16 16
Table: 4.15

Fig: 4.15

Data interpretation: Out of 100 respondents 46 people get their Osam Dairy's milk products
from retail outlets, 23 from food malls, 15 people are getting door delivery and 16 people get
from all the above.

● Do you recommend Osam milk products to others

No of Respondents %

Yes 77 77

No 5 5

Maybe 18 18
Table: 4.16

Fig: 4.16
Data interpretation: Out of 100 respondents 77 people recommend Osam Dairy's milk products
to others, 5 people don't recommend and 18 people may recommend.

● Have you experienced any of the following problems in Osam Dairy's milk products

Problems No of Respondents %

Bad taste 38 38

Leakage 17 17

Bad Cholesterol level 10 10

Expired 13 13

HIgh pricing 52 52
Table: 4.17

Fig: 4.17
Data interpretation: Out of 100 respondents 38 people have the problem of bad taste, 17 people
have leakage problem, 10 people felt bad cholesterol level, 13 people had experience of expired
and 52 people think the price is high.

● What changes do you expect in Osam Dairy's milk products

Attributes No of Respondents %

Taste 38 38

Availability 14 14

Price 16 16

Variety 32 32
Table: 4.18

Fig: 4.18

Data interpretation: Out of 100 respondents 38 people want to change the taste of milk
products, 14 people expect to have better availability, 16 people want to change the price and 32
people want to have variety in Osam Dairy's milk products.

● Please rate your overall satisfaction level toward Osam Dairy's milk product

Rating Scale (1 - 5) No of Respondents %

1 0 0

2 0 0

3 26 26

4 74 74

5 0 0
Table: 4.19

Fig: 4.19
Data interpretation: Out of 100 respondents 26 people rated 3 and 74 people rated 4 towards
Osam Dairy's milk products on the scale of 1 - 5

Chapter - 5



From retailers point of view:

● 79% retailers like to sell milk from Osam Dairy and few others like to sell Curd and
Paneer items.
● Maximum retailers like the price of milk products and the margin they get from Osam
dairy milk products.
● Only 25% of retailers prefer Osam Dairy's milk products.
● Many retailers said the customer chose to not buy Osam Dairy's milk products due to its
bad taste and poor quality.
● 88% retailers have the loyal customers of less than 10 and 12% have between 10 - 30
loyal customers.
● 75% of respondents want to upgrade the taste and quality of Osam Dairy's milk products.

From customer’s point of view:

● 70% of respondents like Milk from Osam Dairy's milk products (milk, paneer and curd).
● Mostly people said that they get their milk product from retail outlets and some are from
food malls and getting door delivery.
● 70% of respondents expected a change in taste and variety of Osam Dairy's milk
● Most respondents will recommend their milk product to others.
● 2% of respondents use their monthly expenditure more than 1500 on milk products and
45% respondents expenditure between 500-1000 and 34% respondents expenditure is
between 1000-1500 and 19% respondents expenditure is less than 500.
● Respondents are less satisfied with Osam Dairy's milk products.
● 74% respondents rated 4 on the scale of 1 - 5 to the Osam Dairy's milk products and 26%
respondents rated 3.


● A complaint register should be provided by the Osam Dairy company to every distributor
in every route so that customers/retailers can write their problems and requirements.

● The company should improve the taste and quality of the milk products.

● Osam Dairy Company should also provide their dairy items to the rural area also.

● Facilities provided by the company should be increased. Facilities requirements should be

fulfilled in all the rural and urban areas properly after study for various aspects.

● Respondents are quite satisfied with the information provided by the company
representatives about product details and usage but still they want the product details to
be enlisted in the company.


● The sampling size is 100 which is very small as compared to the millions of people who
Use milk products like curd, paneer and milk.

● Due to the short time period it's not sufficient to gather more information and opinions
from respondents.

● Sometimes respondents were hesitant to respond.

● Few people didn't respond correctly as per requirement.


This study was conducted to examine and analyze how consumer and retailer perceptions
towards Osam dairy milk products (milk, paneer and curd) are developed through information
from the survey questionnaires of perception statements, which is applied to a sample of 100 for
customers and 100b for retailers. Consumers accordingly develop their perceptions on which
they mainly learn from consuming Osam Dairy's milk products and retailers develop their
perceptions by gathering information from consumers. It is found that negative perceptions were
generally stronger than positive ones towards Osam Dairy's milk products.
This research obviously has certain limitations. A sample size covering 100 retailers and 100
customers of Jamshedpur city ( Sakchi, Kashidih, Bhuiyadih, Parsudih, Kadma, Sonari,
Adityapur). Even due to the short time period it was not sufficient to gather more information
and opinions of retailers and customers towards Osam Dairy's milk products.

After completing the study related to the project. I drawn conclusion:

Both retailers and customers preferred Osam Dairy's milk products in terms of price, margin and
availability but most customers and retailers preferred other milk companies including Amul and
Sudha as they are big companies in the dairy market and their quality and packaging. Osam
Dairy has been facing huge competitive challenges in the market as there are many dairy
companies. Osam Dairy never compromises with the quality of products and dairy items even
customers are quite satisfied with the post using Osam Dairy but they want to improve on its
taste, quality and add on variety. The effective marketing strategies help the dairy to reach the
maximum number of customers in rural areas also. So product quality should be the main focus
of the dairy company. The distribution techniques are very good. They created a strong brand
image in markets. All the 4P's of marketing mix are well exploited by Osam Dairy. A proper
price, product, promotion, and place selection helped the diary become what they are today.
The SWOT analysis of Osam Dairy says that there are many opportunities and competitors are in
the market. Talking about the threats and weaknesses, there are not many of them and those will
also disappear in future.

● Philip Cotler…………………..( Marketing Management)

● Naresh K Malhotra…………(Marky Research)

● Research Methodology, Methods and Techniques (Second Revised Edition),

C.R.Kothari; New Age International publishers





Questionnaire on Analyzing the perception of retailers towards Osam Dairy's milk
products in Jamshedpur Market :

Retailer Name __________________

Distributor Name __________________

Sales Executive __________________

1.) Which dairy product of Osam you like most (✓)




2.) What is the most important feature for you to have Osam Dairy products (Milk, Curd,

Margin [ ]
Quality [ ]
Packaging [ ]
Shelf life [ ]

3.) As a retailer which Dairy Company's dairy products like Milk, Curd and Paneer you mostly

Osam [ ] Amul [ ]

Sudha [ ] Medha [ ]

Others [ ]

4.) Why have customers chosen to buy Osam Dairy items like Milk, Curd and Paneer?

Quality [ ] Quantity [ ]

Price [ ] Taste [ ]

Packaging [ ] Shelf life [ ]

5.) How many potential/loyal customers are there who buy Osam Dairy items like Milk, Curd
and Paneer?

Less than 10 [ ] 10 - 20 [ ]

20-30 [ ] More than 30 [ ]

6.) Are competitors spamming with fake reviews towards Osam Dairy items like Milk, Paneer
and Curd?
Yes ( )

No ( )

7.) Do you offer regular discounts as Osam Dairy provides you?

Yes. ( )

No ( )

8.) How much do you rate us on the following attributes?

Extremely Satisfied Average Below Well below

Satisfied average average

Quality of
dairy items


g customer's

Shelf life

Sales staff

Questionnaire on Analyzing the perception of Customers towards Osam Dairy's milk
products in Jamshedpur Market :

1) Name:


2.) Gender:

Male [ ]
Female [ ]

3.) Age:

Less than 18 [ ]
18 - 30 [ ]
30 - 50 [ ]
More than 50 [ ]

4.) Occupation:

Student [ ] Housewife [ ]

Employee [ ] Self-employed [ ]

Other [ ]

5.) Monthly expenditure of customers in terms of Osam Dairy's milk products usage:

Less than 500 [ ] 500 - 1000 [ ]

1000 - 1500 [ ] More than 1500 [ ]

6.) Which dairy product of Osam you like most (✓)




7.) From where you get Osam milk products:

Retail outlets [ ] Food mall [ ]

Getting door delivery [ ] All above [ ]

8.) Do you recommend Osam milk products to others?

Yes [ ]

No [ ]

Maybe [ ]

9.) Have you experienced any of the following problems in Osam Dairy's milk products?

Leakage [ ] Bad taste [ ]

Expired [ ] Bad smell [ ]

Bad Cholesterol level [ ] Bad quality [ ]

High pricing [ ] none of the above [ ]

10.) What changes do you expect in Osam Dairy's milk products?

Price [ ] Taste [ ]

Variety [ ] Availability [ ]

11.) Please rate overall satisfaction level toward Osam Dairy's milk products on linear scale 1 -

1 - Highly Dissatisfied
2 - Somewhat Dissatisfied
3 - Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
4 - Somewhat satisfied
5 - Highly satisfied


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