I.O Assignment
I.O Assignment
I.O Assignment
Answer :
A league to enforce Peace was established by a group of Public leaders including many outstanding
Republicans headed by Taft. The organisation Republicans held a conference in June 1915 and adopted a Four
point Programme which received wide publicity.
It called for the submission of all justifiable international disputes to arbitration, the submission of all
disputes to a council of conciliation, the application of economic and military force by all states against any State
resorting to war.
At another conference held in May 16, President Wilson declared that the united states was
Willing to become a partner in any association of nation formed to check aggression. In January 191, he
addressed the American Senate on a “World
League for peace”.
When the united states entered the war, Wilson insisted in his war message that, peace in future can
never be maintained except by world-wide
partnership. One of the 14 Points of Wilson was, an association of nations formed for the purpose of affording
mutual guarantees of political independence and territorial integrity to all states whether big or small.
On 1915 a draft was published known as "Proposals for the Avoidance of war". The “league of nations
society" was set up in 1915 and "The League of Free Nations Association” was started in 1918. Later on both the
associations were amalgamated into the "League of Nations union". In March 1918, a committee of British
Foreign Office with Phillmore as chairman prepared a draft.
On December 1918, General smuts Prepared a Plan containing the germs of the council and the
Mandate System. President Wilson prepared a second draft on 10 January 1919, and a third draft was prepared
10 days after. The third draft was submitted to Hurst and Miller for revision and the composite draft prepared by
them was used by the League of Nations commission of the peace conference on a basis of discussion.
A commission of 19 members was set up under the chairmanship of President Wilson and on 14th
February 1919, the tentative draft was prepared to the peace conference for it’s consideration. On 28 April 1919,
the revised draft was adopted unanimously and the covenant of the League of Nations was incorporated into the
Treaty of Versailles which was signed by the German Delegation on 28 June 1919.
On 10 January 1920, League of Nations officially came into existence and its headquarters were fixed at
Geneva in Switzerland.
League of Nation :
o The Assembly :
The assembly was the main representative body of the League of Nations. It consisted of
delegates of all member States, which were equally represented as, every state had one vote, without
geographic , demographic on economic distinction.
Functions :
o The Council :
Functions :
o The Secretariat :
It consist of secretary generals and such secretaries and staffs as may be required. Sir Aeric
Drummond was the first secretary. It is located in Geneva.
Functions :
It assist all the organs of the league by providing services by Bank of clerical, research,
drafting, publication, record keeping, registration of treaties, meeting arguments, etc.