Lin2 1
Lin2 1
Lin2 1
Revision 2.1
November 24, 2006; Page 1
Specification Package
1.1 LIN ....................................................................................................10
1.1.1 Scope ...........................................................................................10
1.1.2 Features and possibilities .............................................................10
1.1.3 Work flow concept ........................................................................11
1.1.4 Node concept ...............................................................................12
1.1.5 Concept of operation ....................................................................12 Master and slave ..........................................................................12 Frames .........................................................................................13 Data transport...............................................................................13 Schedule table..............................................................................14
1.1.6 Document overview ......................................................................14
1.1.7 History and background................................................................14 Compatibility with LIN 1.3 .............................................................15 Compatibility with LIN 2.0 .............................................................16 Changes between LIN 1.3 and LIN 2.0 ........................................17 Changes between LIN 2.0 and LIN 2.1 ........................................17
1.1.8 References ...................................................................................18
1.2 LIN Glossary .....................................................................................19
Protocol Specification
2.1 Introduction .......................................................................................24
2.2 Signal Management ..........................................................................25
2.2.1 Signal types ..................................................................................25
2.2.2 Signal consistency........................................................................25
2.2.3 Signal packing ..............................................................................25
2.2.4 Signal reception and transmission................................................26
2.3 Frame Transfer .................................................................................28
2.3.1 Frame structure ............................................................................28 Break field.....................................................................................29 Sync byte field ..............................................................................29 Protected identifier field ................................................................30 Data ..............................................................................................30 Checksum.....................................................................................31
2.3.2 Frame length ................................................................................31
2.3.3 Frame types..................................................................................32 Unconditional frame......................................................................32 Event triggered frame ...................................................................32
Diagnostic specification
5.1 Introduction .......................................................................................78
5.1.1 using the transport layer ...............................................................78
5.1.2 LIN master ....................................................................................79
5.1.3 slave nodes ..................................................................................79
5.2 Diagnostic classes ............................................................................80
5.2.1 Diagnostic Class I.........................................................................80 Transport protocol ........................................................................80 Diagnostic services.......................................................................80
5.2.2 Diagnostic Class II........................................................................80 Transport protocol ........................................................................80 Diagnostic services.......................................................................81
5.2.3 Diagnostic Class III.......................................................................81 Addressing....................................................................................81
1.1.1 SCOPE
The LIN standard includes the specification of the transmission protocol, the transmis-
sion medium, the interface between development tools, and the interfaces for soft-
ware programming. LIN promotes the interoperability of network nodes from the
viewpoint of hardware and software and a predictable EMC behavior.
The slave nodes are connected to the master node forming a LIN cluster. The corre-
sponding node capability files are parsed by the LIN cluster design tool to generate a
LIN description file (LDF) in the LIN cluster design process. The LDF is parsed by the
LIN cluster generator to automatically generate LIN related functions in the desired
nodes (the Master node and Slave3 node in the example shown in the picture above).
The LDF is also used by a LIN bus analyzer/emulator tool to allow for cluster debug-
TL Signal interaction
Frame handler
LIN bus line
LIN bus
The master task decides when and which frame shall be transferred on the bus. The
slave tasks provide the data transported by each frame. Frames
A frame consists of a header (provided by the master task) and a response (provided
by a slave task).
The header consists of a break field and sync field followed by a frame identifier. The
frame identifier uniquely defines the purpose of the frame. The slave task appointed
for providing the response associated with the frame identifier transmits it, as depicted
below. The response consists of a data field and a checksum field.
The slave tasks interested in the data associated with the frame identifier receives the
response, verifies the checksum and uses the data transported.
[2] LIN Slave Node Position Detection - Implementation Note, version 1.0
[3] “Road vehicles - Diagnostics on Controller Area Network (CAN) - Part 2: Network
layer services“, International Standard ISO 15765-2.4, Issue 4, 2002-06-21
[4] “Road vehicles - Diagnostics on controller area network (CAN) - Part 3: Imple-
mentation of diagnostic services”, International Standard ISO 15765-3.5, Issue
5, 2002-12-12.
time base tick
time base time base
time base tick
time base time base
Header Response
Response space
Each byte field, except the break field, is transmitted as the byte field shown in Figure
2.4. The LSB of the data is sent first and the MSB last. The start bit is encoded as a bit
with value zero (dominant) and the stop bit is encoded as a bit with value one (reces-
Figure 2.5: The break field
Start Stop
bit bit
Figure 2.6: The sync byte field.
A slave task shall always be able to detect the break/sync field sequence, even if it
expects a byte field (assuming the byte fields are separated from each other). A
desired, but not required, feature is to detect the break/sync field sequence even if the
break is partially superimposed with a data byte. When a break/sync field sequence
happens, the transfer in progress shall be aborted and processing of the new frame
shall commence.
Start Stop
ID0 ID1 ID2 ID3 ID4 ID5 P0 P1
bit bit
Figure 2.7: Mapping of frame identifier and parity to the protected identifier byte field. Data
A frame carries between one and eight bytes of data. The number of data contained in
a frame with a specific frame identifier shall be agreed by the publisher and all sub-
scribers. A data byte is transmitted as part of a byte field, see Figure 2.4.
For data entities longer than one byte, the entity LSB is contained in the byte sent first
and the entity MSB in the byte sent last (little-endian). The data fields are labeled data
1, data 2,... up to maximum data 8, see Figure 2.8.
Figure 2.8: Numbering of the data bytes in a frame with eight data bytes.
Frame from slave 1 is requested
One of the slave nodes has a new response
Example 2
A typical use for the event triggered frame is to monitor the door knobs in a four door
central locking system. By using an event triggered frame to poll all four doors the sys-
tem shows good response times, while still minimizing the bus load. In the rare occa-
sion that multiple passengers press a knob each, the system will not lose any of the
pushes, but it will take some additional time.
Master Slave
Master has nothing to send
Something happens that
updates a signal in frame ID=0x22 The associated frame 0x22 has an updated signal and
0x22 is sent by the master
An unconditional frame associated with a sporadic frame may not be allocated in the
same schedule table as the sporadic frame.
Scheduled frame is
due for transportation
Activ e
Rx data Tx data
Rx checksum Tx checksum
Checksum valid i nvali d or
fram ing error Readback not
/Error correct
Error and Success refers to the status management described in section 2.7.
The last frame response too short means that the last frame contained at least one
field (correct data byte or even framing error) in the response. This is to distinguish
between error in response and no response.
If the master node does not transmit a break field (i.e. starts to transmit a frame) or if
the node issuing the wake up signal does not receive a wake up signal (from another
node) within 150 ms to 250 ms from the wake up signal, the node issuing the wake up
signal shall transmit a new wake up signal, see Figure 2.17. In case the slave node
transmits a wake up signal in the same time as the master node transmits a break
field, the slave shall receive and recognize this break field.
The master sets the cluster into bus sleep mode by transmitting a go to sleep com-
mand. The request will not necessarily enforce the slave nodes into a low-power
mode. The slave node application may still be active after the go to sleep command
has been received. This behavior is application specific.
The go to sleep command is a master request frame with the first data field set to 0
and rest set to 0xFF, see Table 2.1. The slave nodes shall ignore the data fields 2 to 8
and interpret only the first data field.
data1 data2 data3 data4 data5 data6 data7 data8
0 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF
Note 1: LIN transceivers normally have filters to remove short spikes on the bus. The transition
here refers to the signal after this filter.
Central cluster status management is made in the master node. The master node
monitors status reports from each node and filters/integrates the reports to conclude if
one or more nodes are faulty.
Each node application may also monitor its interaction with the LIN bus. This can be
used to enter a limp home mode, if applicable.
+0x55 = 0x9F 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1
(Add Carry) 0x9F 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1
+0x93 = 0x132 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0
Add Carry 0x33 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1
+0xE5 = 0x118 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0
Add Carry 0x19 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1
Invert 0xE6 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0
0x19+0xE6 = 0xFF 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Mathematical symbols
The following mathematical symbols and notations are used in this standard:
f ∈S Belongs to. True if f is in the set S.
a⊕b Exclusive or. True if exactly one of a or b is true.
¬a Negate. True if a is false.
back-bone bus
LIN cluster
Slave1 Slave2
Figure 3.1: Typical system setup for a LIN cluster using the transport layer. Overview
To simplify conversion between ISO transport layer frames [3] and LIN transport layer
frames a very similar structure is defined, which support the PDU types shown in Fig-
ure 3.2. The left byte (NAD) is sent first and the right byte (D4, D5 or D6) is sent last.
Requests are always sent in master request frames and responses are always sent in
slave response frames. The meaning of each byte in the PDUs is defined in the fol-
lowing sections. NAD
The NAD is defined in Section PCI
The PCI (Protocol Control Information) contains the transport layer flow control infor-
mation. Three interpretations of the PCI byte exist, as defined in Table 3.1. LEN
A LEN byte is only used in FF; it contains the eight least significant bits of the mes-
sage length. Thus, the maximum length of a message is 4095 (0xFFF) bytes. SID
The Service Identifier (SID) specifies the request that shall be performed by the slave
node addressed. 0 to 0xAF and 0xB8 to 0xFE are used for diagnostics while 0xB0 to
0xB7 are used for node configuration.
The Response Service Identifier (RSID) specifies the contents of the response. D1 to D6
The interpretation of the data bytes (up to six in a single PDU) depends on the SID or
RSID. In multi-PDU messages, all the bytes in all PDUs of the message shall be con-
catenated into a complete message, before being parsed.
If a PDU is not completely filled (applies to CF and SF PDUs only) the unused bytes
shall be filled with ones, i.e. their value shall be 255 (0xFF).
It is required that a transport layer message is exclusive on one bus. This means that
only one message can be active at one time.
If a node is receives a message with a NAD equal to the node’s own NAD or the
broadcast NAD and no other message is active the message shall be received and
Request transmission
of diagnostic frame (FF or CF)
Transmission confirmation
Diagnostic frame
(MRF or SRF)
frame received
diagnostic frame (FF or CF)
reception indication
D1 D2 D3 D4 D5
Supplier ID Supplier ID Function ID Function ID
Variant ID
D1 D2 D3 D4
LSB ... ... MSB Wildcards
To be able to leave some information unspecified the wildcard values in Table 4.3
may be used in node configuration requests. All slave nodes shall understand the
wildcards in requests.
e.g. pin configuration VRAM
Initial NAD Instance generation
Configuration from
master node, over the bus
Figure 4.1: Slave node memory model.
VRAM (Volatile RAM) is considered a memory that is not valid after reset. The
NVRAM (Non-Volatile RAM) is memory that is maintained after reset and can be mod-
ified with internal processes (e.g. the application). ROM (Read Only Memory) is con-
sidered as constant memory that cannot be modified with internal processes (e.g.
A slave node has a fixed LIN Product Identification, see Section 4.2.1. The serial num-
ber is optional.
Instance generation
Initial NAD
Configured NAD
Assign NAD
Figure 4.2: NAD instantiation and configuration process NAD
NAD is the address of the slave node being addressed in a request, i.e. only slave
nodes have an address. NAD is also used to indicate the source of a response.
NAD values are in the range 1 to 127 (0x7F), while 0 (zero) and 128 (0x80) to 255
(0xFF) are reserved for other purposes: PCI
The PCI (Protocol Control Information) contains the transport layer flow control infor-
mation. For node configuration, one interpretation of the PCI byte exist, as defined in
Table 4.5. SID
The Service Identifier (SID) specifies the request that shall be performed by the slave
node addressed. This SID numbering is consistent with ISO 15765-3 [4] and places
node configuration (0xB0 to 0xB7) in an area “Defined by vehicle manufacturer”.
The following Table 4.6 shows what SIDs are used: RSID
The Response Service Identifier (RSID) specifies the contents of the response. The
RSID for a positive response is always SID + 0x40.
If the service is supported in the slave node the response is mandatory (even if the
request is broadcast). The support of a specific service will be listed in the NCF, see
Node Capability Language Specification.
A slave shall process the configuration request immediately and be able to respond in
the next schedule slave response frame (t_sep_min and t_resp_min, see Section 5.6,
are not used for node configuration). D1 to D5
The interpretation of the data bytes (up to five in a node configuration PDU) depends
on the SID or RSID.
Example 1
A slave node has five frames {power_status, IO_1, IO_2, IO_3, IO_4}. The master
node application will setup a assign frame id request with the parameters: start index
set to 1 and PID (index 1..4) set to {0x80, 0xC1, 0x42, 0x0}. When the slave node
receives the request it will set the PIDs to {IO_1=0x80, IO_2=0xC1, IO_3=0x42,
IO_4=unassigned}. Note that the power_status frame will not be affected. The slave
will respond with a positive response if requested.
Support of identifier 0 (zero) is the only mandatory identifier, i.e. the serial number is
If the slave successfully processed the request it will respond according to Table 4.20.
Each row represents one possible response.
Function ID
0 NAD 0x06 0xF2 Supplier ID LSB Supplier ID MSB Function ID LSB Variant
1 NAD 0x05 0xF2 Serial 0, LSB Serial 1 Serial 2 Serial 3, MSB 0xFF
NAD 0x05 0xF2 user defined user defined user defined user defined user defined
Diagnostic response Diagnostic response (gatewayed to CAN)
Header, but no response from slave Addressing
Class III slave nodes require a unique NAD in the cluster.
UDS ser-
Slave Diagnostic Class I II III vice index
Diagnostic Transport Protocol Requirements
Single frame transport only +
Full transport protocol (multi-segment) + +
Required Configuration Services
Assign frame identifier range + + + 0xB7
Read by identifier (0 = product id) + + + 0xB2 0x00
Read by identifier (all others) optional optional + 0xB2 0xXX
Assign NAD optional optional optional 0xB0
Conditional change NAD optional optional optional 0xB3
Positive response on service +
+ + +
supported configuration services 0x40
Required UDS Services
Read data by identifier: 0x22
- hardware and software version + + 0x22
- hardware part number (OEM specific) + + 0x22
- diagnostic version + + 0x22
Read by identifier (parameters) + + 0x22
Write by identifier (parameters) if applicable if applicable 0x2E
no test result available, default, initialization value
test result: failed
test result: passed
The transport layer defines a special functional NAD (0x7E) that is used to broadcast
diagnostic requests. The broadcast NAD (0x7F) is normally not used in diagnostics,
since there will be collisions if the master requests responses. If used anyway, the
behavior will be the same as if a request with the slave node’s own NAD was received
(i.e. same behavior as for the configuration).
Normal communication
Normal communication
Normal communication
Normal communication
Normal communication
Normal communication
Normal communication
Normal communication
Normal communication
Normal communication
The number of executions of the diagnostic master request schedule table depends
on the amount of data that needs to be transmitted and shall be determined by the
master node considering the LIN transport protocol (e.g. Two executions of the sched-
ule for transmitting 10 user data bytes using the LIN transport protocol).
The subsequent interleaved execution of the diagnostic slave response schedule
table depends on the amount of data to be transferred and shall therefore be per-
formed by the master node until the transmission has been successfully finished or a
transport protocol timeout occurs.
If a diagnostic transmission from a slave node to the master node has been started,
the master node shall keep executing the diagnostic slave response schedule even
when one or several slave response frame headers have not been answered (see
Figure 5.8) until:
• A P2max / P2*max timeout occurs, see Section 5.6.
• A transport protocol timeout occurs, see Section 3.2.5
Diagnostic request
to slave node ID=0x3C Diagnostic master request
Master request frame
Normal communication
Slave response frame Diagnostic slave response
without response schedule
Normal communication
CAN schedule
Slave response frame Diagnostic slave response
without response schedule
Normal communication
Slave response frame Diagnostic slave response
with response (SF) schedule
Diagnostic response
Figure 5.8: Continued execution of diagnostic slave response schedule table until
response is received
. . .
The diagnostics only mode shall be enabled and disabled via diagnostic service
request from external test tool (e.g. service "Communication Control" in UDS to dis-
able normal communication on the LIN cluster will lead to the activation of the Diag-
nostics Only Mode). When operating in the diagnostics only mode without any active
transmission the master node shall execute diagnostic slave response schedule
tables (see Figure 5.10).
Tx functional activ e
(11) (12)
(2) (10)
(1) (14)
Tx physical Rx physical
(3) (6) (7)
Interleav ed Tx Interleav ed
functional during Tx functional during Rx
physical physical
(2) (6)
response FF
CF ID=0x3D
Figure 5.13: Timing sequence chart of the diagnostic communication from the tester
to LIN via a back-bone bus.
Table 6.2: Slave node bit rate tolerance relative to master node bit rate
Sync field
8 Tbit
start 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 stop
bit bit
It is recommended to measure the time between the falling edges of both, the start bit
and bit 7, and to divide the obtained value by 8. For the division by 8 it is recom-
mended to shift the binary timer value by three positions towards LSB, and to use the
first insignificant bit to round the result
tBFS tEBS tLBS = 10/16 TBIT - tBFS
cycles per TBIT
16 1/16 TBIT 7/16 TBIT 9/16 TBIT
8 1/8 TBIT (= 2/16 TBIT) 4/8 TBIT (= 8/16 TBIT) 4/8 TBIT (= 8/16 TBIT)
Start Stop
Bit 0 Bit 1 Bit 2 Bit 3 Bit 4 Bit 5 Bit 6 Bit 7
Bit Bit
Master ECU Transceiver IC
Figure 6.3: Illustration of the Difference between External Supply Voltage VBAT and
the Internal Supply Voltage VSUP
dominant dominant
For a correct transmission and reception of a bit, it has to be asserted that the signal is
available with the correct voltage level (dominant or recessive) at the bit sampling time
of the receiver. Ground shifts as well as drops in the supply voltage have to be taken
into consideration as well as symmetry failures in the propagation delay. Figure 6.5
shows the timing parameters that impact the behavior of the LIN Bus.
The minimum and maximum values of the different parameters are listed in the follow-
ing tables.
(input to transmitting Node)
tBus_dom(max) tBus_rec(min)
Thresholds of
VSUP receiving node 1
(Transceiver supply THDom(max)
of transmitting node) LIN Bus Signal
THRec(min) Thresholds of
receiving node 2
tBus_dom(min) tBus_rec(max)
(output of receiving Node 1)
trx_pdf(1) trx_pdr(1)
(output of receiving Node 2)
trx_pdr(2) trx_pdf(2)
a. VBAT denotes the supply voltage at the connector of the control unit and may be different from
the internal supply VSUP for electronic components (see Section 6.5.2).
b. VSUP denotes the supply voltage at the transceiver inside the control unit and may be different
from the external supply VBAT for control units (see Section 6.5.2).
c. IBUS: Current flowing into the node.
d. A transceiver must be capable to sink at least 40mA. The maximum current flowing into the node
must not exceed 200mA under DC conditions to avoid possible damage.
e. Vth_dom: receiver threshold of the recessive to dominant LIN bus edge.
Vth_rec: receiver threshold of the dominant to recessive LIN bus edge.
f. VANODE: voltage at the anode of the diode.
VCATHODE: voltage at the cathode of the diode.
g. VBATTERY: voltage across the vehicle battery connectors.
VGND_ECU: voltage on the local ECU ground connector with respect to vehicle battery ground
connector (VGND_BATTERY).
h. This constraint refers to duty cycle D1 and D2 only.
Table 6.8: Driver Electrical AC Parameters of the LIN Physical Layer (20kBit/s)
For improved EMC performance, exception is granted for speeds of 10.4 kBit/sec or
below. For details see the following table (Table 6.9), which specifies the timing
parameters for proper operation at 10.4 kBit/sec.
Table 6.9: Driver Electrical AC Parameters of the LIN Physical Layer (10.4kBit/s) l_sys_init
l_bool l_sys_init (void);
Master and slave nodes.
l_sys_init performs the initialization of the LIN core. The scope of the initialization is
the physical node (i.e. the complete node), see Section
The call to the l_sys_init is the first call a user must use in the LIN core before using
any other API functions.
The function returns:
Zero If the initialization succeeded.
Non-zero If the initialization failed.
Dynamic prototype
l_bool l_bool_rd (l_signal_handle sss);
l_u8 l_u8_rd (l_signal_handle sss);
l_u16 l_u16_rd (l_signal_handle sss);
Static prototype
l_bool l_bool_rd_sss (void);
l_u8 l_u8_rd_sss (void);
l_u16 l_u16_rd_sss (void);
Master and slave nodes.
Reads and returns the current value of the signal.
Protocol Specification, Section 2.2.
Dynamic prototype
void l_bool_wr (l_signal_handle sss, l_bool v);
void l_u8_wr (l_signal_handle sss, l_u8 v);
void l_u16_wr (l_signal_handle sss, l_u16 v);
Static prototype
void l_bool_wr_sss (l_bool v);
void l_u8_wr_sss (l_u8 v);
void l_u16_wr_sss (l_u16 v);
Master and slave nodes.
Sets the current value of the signal to v.
Dynamic prototype
void l_bytes_rd (l_signal_handle sss,
l_u8 start, /* first byte to read from */
l_u8 count, /* number of bytes to read */
l_u8* const data); /* where data will be written */
Static prototype
void l_bytes_rd_sss_iii (l_u8 start,
l_u8 count,
l_u8* const data);
Master and slave nodes.
Reads and returns the current values of the selected bytes in the signal.
The sum of start and count shall never be greater than the length of the byte array.
Assume that a byte array is 6 bytes long, numbered 0 to 5. Reading byte 2 and 3 from
this array requires start to be 2 (skipping byte 0 and 1) and count to be 2 (reading byte
2 and 3). In this case byte 2 is written to data[0] and byte 3 is written to data[1].
Protocol Specification, Section 2.2.
Dynamic prototype
void l_bytes_wr (l_signal_handle sss,
l_u8 start, /* first byte to write to */
l_u8 count, /* number of bytes to write */
const l_u8* const data); /* where data is read from */
Static implementation
void l_bytes_wr_sss (l_u8 start,
l_u8 count,
const l_u8* const data);
Where sss is the name of the signal, e.g. l_bytes_wr_EngineSpeed (..).
Sets the current value of the selected bytes in the signal specified by the name sss to
the value specified.
The sum of start and count shall never be greater than the length of the byte array,
although the device driver may choose not to enforce this in runtime.
Assume that a byte array is 7 bytes long, numbered 0 to 6. Writing byte 3 and 4 from
this array requires start to be 3 (skipping byte 0, 1 and 2) and count to be 2 (writing
byte 3 and 4). In this case byte 3 is read from data[0] and byte 4 is read from data[1].
Protocol Specification, Section 2.2.
Flags are local objects in a node and they are used to synchronize the application pro-
gram with the LIN core. The flags will be automatically set by the LIN core and can
only be tested or cleared by the application program. Flags may be attached to all
types of frames. A flag is set when the frame/signal is considered to be transmitted
respectively received, see Section 2.2.4.
Three types of flags can be created:
• A flag that is attached to a signal
• A flag that is attached to a frame
• A flag that is attached to a signal in a particular frame. This is used when a
signal is packed into multiple frames
All three listed flag types above are applicable on both transmitted and received sig-
nals/frames. l_flg_tst
Dynamic prototype
l_bool l_flg_tst (l_flag_handle fff);
Static implementation
l_bool l_flg_tst_fff (void);
Where fff is the name of the flag, e.g. l_flg_tst_RxEngineSpeed ().
Returns a C boolean indicating the current state of the flag specified by the name fff,
i.e. returns zero if the flag is cleared, non-zero otherwise.
No reference, flags are API specific and not described anywhere else.
A flag, named txconfirmation, is attached to a published signal valve_position stored
in the IO_1 frame. The static implementation of the l_flg_tst will be:
l_bool l_flg_tst_txconfirmation (void);
The flag will be set when the IO_1 frame (containing the signal valve_position) is suc-
cessfully transmitted from the node. l_flg_clr
Dynamic prototype
void l_flg_clr (l_flag_handle fff);
Static implementation
void l_flg_clr_fff (void);
Where fff is the name of the flag, e.g. l_flg_clr_RxEngineSpeed ().
Master and slave nodes.
Sets the current value of the flag specified by the name fff to zero.
No reference, flags are API specific and not described anywhere else. l_sch_tick
Dynamic prototype
l_u8 l_sch_tick (l_ifc_handle iii);
Master nodes only.
The l_sch_tick function follows a schedule. When a frame becomes due, its transmis-
sion is initiated. When the end of the current schedule is reached, l_sch_tick starts
again at the beginning of the schedule.
The l_sch_tick must be called periodically and individually for each interface within the
node. The period is the time base, see Section 2.4, set in the LDF, see
Section The period of the l_sch_tick call effectively sets the time base tick,
see Section 2.4. Therefore it is essential that the time base period is uphold with mini-
mum jitter.
The call to l_sch_tick will not only start the transition of the next frame due, it will also
update the signal values for those signals received since the previous call to
l_sch_tick, see Section 2.2.4.
The function returns:
Non-zero if the next call of l_sch_tick will start the transmission of the frame in the
next schedule table entry. The return value will in this case be the next
schedule table entry's number (counted from the beginning of the sched-
ule table) in the schedule table. The return value will be in range 1 to N if
the schedule table has N entries.
Zero if the next call of l_sch_tick will not start transmission of a frame.
Protocol Specification, Section 2.4. l_sch_set
Dynamic prototype
void l_sch_set (l_ifc_handle iii,
l_schedule_handle schedule_iii,
l_u8 entry);
Static implementation
void l_sch_set_iii (l_schedule_handle schedule, l_u8 entry);
Where iii is the name of the interface, e.g. l_sch_set_MyLinIfc (MySchedule1, 0).
Sets up the next schedule to be followed by the l_sch_tick function for a certain inter-
face iii. The new schedule will be activated as soon as the current schedule reaches
its next schedule entry point. The extension “_iii“ is the interface name. It is optional
and the intention is to solve naming conflicts when the node is a master on more than
one LIN cluster.
The entry defines the starting entry point in the new schedule table. The value should
be in the range 0 to N if the schedule table has N entries, and if entry is 0 or 1 the new
schedule table will be started from the beginning.
A predefined schedule table, L_NULL_SCHEDULE, shall exist and may be used to
stop all transfers on the LIN cluster.
Protocol Specification, Section 2.4.
A possible use of the entry value is in combination with the l_sch_tick return value to
temporarily interrupt one schedule with another schedule table, and still be able to
switch back to the interrupted schedule table at the point where this was interrupted. l_ifc_init
Dynamic prototype
l_bool l_ifc_init (l_ifc_handle iii);
Static implementation
l_bool_ifc_init_iii (void);
Where iii is the name of the interface, e.g. l_ifc_init_MyLinIfc ().
Master and slave nodes. l_ifc_goto_sleep
Dynamic prototype
void l_ifc_goto_sleep (l_ifc_handle iii);
Static implementation
void l_ifc_goto_sleep_iii (void);
Where iii is the name of the interface, e.g. l_ifc_goto_sleep_MyLinIfc ().
Master node only.
This call requests slave nodes on the cluster connected to the interface to enter bus
sleep mode by issuing one go to sleep command, see Section
The go to sleep command will be scheduled latest when the next schedule entry is
The l_ifc_goto_sleep will not affect the power mode. It is up to the application to do
If the go to sleep command was successfully transmitted on the cluster the go to sleep
bit will be set in the status register, see Section
Protocol Specification, Section 2.6.3. l_ifc_wake_up
Dynamic prototype
void l_ifc_wake_up (l_ifc_handle iii);
Master and slave nodes.
The function will transmit one wake up signal. The wake up signal will be transmitted
directly when this function is called. It is the responsibility of the application to retrans-
mit the wake up signal according to the wake up sequence defined in Section 2.6.2.
Protocol Specification, Section 2.6.2. l_ifc_ioctl
Dynamic prototype
l_u16 l_ifc_ioctl (l_ifc_handle iii, l_ioctl_op op, void* pv);
Static implementation
l_u16 l_ifc_ioctl_iii (l_ioctl_op op, void* pv);
Where iii is the name of the interface, e.g. l_ifc_ioctl_MyLinIfc (MyOp, &MyPars).
Master and slave nodes.
This function controls functionality that is not covered by the other API calls. It is used
for protocol specific parameters or hardware specific functionality. Example of such
functionality can be to switch on/off the wake up signal detection.
The iii is the name of the interface to which the operation defined in op should be
applied. The pointer pv points to an optional parameter that may be provided to the
Exactly which operations that are supported are implementation dependent.
No reference, the behavior is API specific and not described anywhere else. l_ifc_rx
Dynamic prototype
void l_ifc_rx (l_ifc_handle iii);
Master and slave nodes.
The application program is responsible for binding the interrupt and for setting the cor-
rect interface handle (if interrupt is used).
For UART based implementations it may be called from a user-defined interrupt han-
dler triggered by a UART when it receives one character of data. In this case the func-
tion will perform necessary operations on the UART control registers.
For more complex LIN hardware it may be used to indicate the reception of a com-
plete frame.
No reference, the behavior is API specific and not described anywhere else. l_ifc_tx
Dynamic prototype
void l_ifc_tx (l_ifc_handle iii);
Master and slave nodes.
Static implementation
void l_ifc_tx_iii (void);
Where iii is the name of the interface, e.g. l_ifc_tx_MyLinIfc ().
The application program is responsible for binding the interrupt and for setting the cor-
rect interface handle (if interrupt is used).
For UART based implementations it may be called from a user-defined interrupt han-
dler triggered by a UART when it has transmitted one character of data. In this case
the function will perform necessary operations on the UART control registers.
For more complex LIN hardware it may be used to indicate the transmission of a com-
plete frame.
Reference l_ifc_aux
Dynamic prototype
void l_ifc_aux (l_ifc_handle iii);
Static implementation
void l_ifc_aux_iii (void);
Where iii is the name of the interface, e.g. l_ifc_aux_MyLinIfc ().
Master and slave nodes.
This function may be used in the slave nodes to synchronize to the break/sync field
sequence transmitted by the master node on the interface specified by iii.
It may, for example, be called from a user-defined interrupt handler raised upon a
flank detection on a hardware pin connected to the interface iii.
l_ifc_aux may only be used in a slave node.
This function is strongly hardware connected and the exact implementation and usage
is implementation dependent.
This function might even be empty in cases where the break/sync field sequence
detection is implemented in the l_ifc_rx function.
No reference, the behavior is API specific and not described anywhere else. l_ifc_read_status
Dynamic prototype
l_u16 l_ifc_read_status (l_ifc_handle iii);
Static implementation
l_u16 l_ifc_read_status_iii (void);
Where iii is the name of the interface, e.g. l_ifc_read_status_MyLinIfc ().
Master and slave nodes. The behavior is different for master and slave nodes, see
description below.
The status word is only set based on a frame transmitted or received by the node
(except bus activity).
The call is a read-reset call; meaning that after the call has returned, the status word is
set to 0.
In the master node the status word will be updated in the l_ifc_sch_tick function. In the
slave node the status word is updated latest when the next frame is started.
Error in response is set if a frame error is detected in the frame response, e.g.
checksum error, framing error, etc. An error in the header results in the header not
being recognized and thus, the frame is ignored. It will not be set if there was no
response on a received frame. Also, it will not be set if there is an error in the
response (collision) of an event triggered frame.
Successful transfer is set if a frame has been transmitted/received without an error.
Overrun is set if two or more frames are processed since the previous call to
l_ifc_read_status. If this is the case, error in response and successful transfer repre-
sent logical ORed values for all processed frames.
Go to sleep is set in a slave node if a go to sleep command has been received, and
set in a master node when the go to sleep command is successfully transmitted on the
bus. After receiving the go to sleep command the power mode will not be affected.
This must be done in the application.
Bus activity will be set if the node has detected bus activity on the bus. See
Section 2.6.3 for definition of bus activity. A slave node is required to enter bus sleep
mode after a period of bus inactivity on the bus, see Section 2.6.3. This can be imple-
mented by the application monitoring the bus activity. Note the difference between
bus activity and bus inactivity.
The combination of the two status bits successful transfer and error in response is
interpreted according to Table 7.2.
error in successful
response transfer
0 0 No communication or no response
Intermittent communication
1 1
(some successful transfers and some failed)
0 1 Full communication
1 0 Erroneous communication (only failed transfers)
Example 1
The l_ifc_read_status is designed to allow reading at a much lower frequency than the
frame slot frequency, e.g. once every 50 frame slots. In this case, the last frame PID
has little use. Overrun is then used as a check that the traffic is running as it should,
i.e. is shall always be set.
It is, however, also possible to call l_ifc_read_status every frame slot and get a much
better error statistics; you can see the protected identifier of the failing transfers and
by knowing the topology, it is possible to draw better conclusion of faulty nodes. This
is maybe most useful in the master node, but is also possible in any slave node.
Example 2
This example shows how the event triggered flag behaves in case of a collision
Master node transmits header The master node switches And switches automatically
of check_IO but both slave nodes automatically to the collision back to the normal schedule
responded, i.e. a collision occurs solving schedule table table
Return value of
0 2 0 1 0 2 0 1 0 2 l_ifc_sch_tick
Event triggered frame
0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 flag - the l_read_status is
called directly after
l_ifc_sch_tick l_sys_irq_disable
Dynamic prototype
l_irqmask l_sys_irq_disable (void);
The user implementation of this function must achieve a state in which no interrupts
from the LIN communication can occur.
No reference, the behavior is API specific and not described anywhere else. l_sys_irq_restore
Dynamic prototype
void l_sys_irq_restore (l_irqmask previous);
Master and slave nodes.
The user implementation of this function must restore the interrupt level identified by
the provided l_irqmask previous.
No reference, the behavior is API specific and not described anywhere else. ld_is_ready
Dynamic prototype
l_u8 ld_is_ready (l_ifc_handle iii);
Master node only.
This call returns the status of the last requested configuration service. The return val-
ues are interpreted as follows:
LD_SERVICE_BUSY Service is ongoing.
LD_REQUEST_FINISHED The configuration request has been completed. This is a
intermediate status between the configuration request
and configuration response.
LD_SERVICE_IDLE The configuration request/response combination has
been completed, i.e. the response is valid and may be
analyzed. Also, this value is returned if no request has
yet been called.
LD_SERVICE_ERROR The configuration request or response experienced an
error. Error here means error on the bus, and not a neg-
ative configuration response from the slave node.
The following Figure 7.2 shows the situation where a successful configuration request
and configuration response is made. Note that the state change after the master
request frame and slave response frame are finished may be delayed up to one time
No reference, the behavior is API specific and not described anywhere else. ld_check_response
Dynamic prototype
void ld_check_response (l_ifc_handle iii,
l_u8* const RSID,
l_u8* const error_code);
Master node only.
This call returns the result of the last node configuration service, in the parameters
RSID and error_code. A value in RSID is always returned but not always in the
error_code. Default values for RSID and error_code is 0 (zero).
No reference, the behavior is API specific and not described anywhere else. ld_assign_frame_id_range
Dynamic prototype
void ld_assign_frame_id_range (l_ifc_handle iii,
l_u8 NAD,
l_u8 start_index,
const l_u8* const PIDs);
Master node only. ld_assign_NAD
Dynamic prototype
void ld_assign_NAD (l_ifc_handle iii,
l_u8 initial_NAD,
l_u16 supplier_id,
l_u16 function_id,
l_u8 new_NAD);
Master node only.
This call assigns the NAD (node diagnostic address) of all slave nodes that matches
the initial_NAD, the supplier ID and the function ID. The new NAD of the slave node
will be new_NAD.
See the definition of the service assign NAD, Section ld_save_configuration
Dynamic prototype
void ld_save_configuration (l_ifc_handle iii,
l_u8 NAD);
Master node only.
This call will make a save configuration request to a specific slave node with the given
NAD, or to all slave nodes if NAD is set to broadcast.
See the definition of the service save configuration, Section API call
l_ifc_read_status, Section See also the example in Section 7.5.2.
Slave node only.
This function will not transport anything on the bus.
This call will serialize the current configuration and copy it to the area (data pointer)
provided by the application. The intention is to call this function when the save config-
uration request flag is set in the status register, see Section After the call is
finished the application is responsible to store the data in appropriate memory.
The caller shall reserve bytes in the data area equal to length, before calling this func-
tion. The function will set the length parameter to the actual size of the configuration.
In case the data area is too short the function will return with no action.
In case the NAD has not been set by a previous call to ld_set_configuration or the
master node has used the configuration services, the returned NAD will be the initial
The data contains the NAD and the PIDs and occupies one byte each. The structure
of the data is: NAD and then all PIDs for the frames. The order of the PIDs are the
same as the frame list in the LDF, Section, and NCF, Section 8.2.5.
The function returns:
LD_READ_OK If the service was successful.
LD_LENGTH_TOO_SHORT If the configuration size is greater than the length. It
means that the data area does not contain a valid
See the definition of the service save configuration, Section Function
l_ifc_read_status, Section See also the example in Section 7.5.2. ld_set_configuration
Dynamic prototype
l_u8 ld_set_configuration (l_ifc_handle iii,
Slave node only.
This call will not transport anything on the bus.
The function will configure the NAD and the PIDs according to the configuration given
by data. The intended usage is to restore a saved configuration or set an initial config-
uration (e.g. coded by I/O pins). The function shall be called after calling l_ifc_init.
The caller shall set the size of the data area before calling the function.
The data contains the NAD and the PIDs and occupies one byte each. The structure
of the data is: NAD and then all PIDs for the frames. The order of the PIDs are the
same as the frame list in the LDF, Section, and NCF, Section 8.2.5.
The function returns:
LD_SET_OK If the service was successful.
LD_LENGTH_NOT_CORRECT If the required size of the configuration is not equal
to the given length.
LD_DATA_ERROR The set of configuration could not be made.
See the definition of the service save configuration, Section Function
l_ifc_read_status, Section See also the example in Section 7.5.2.
7.3.2 ld_conditional_change_NAD
Dynamic prototype
void ld_conditional_change_NAD (l_ifc_handle iii,
l_u8 NAD,
l_u8 id,
l_u8 byte,
l_u8 mask,
l_u8 invert,
l_u8 new_NAD);
Master node only.
7.3.3 IDENTIFICATION ld_read_by_id
Dynamic prototype
void ld_read_by_id (l_ifc_handle iii,
l_u8 NAD,
l_u16 supplier_id,
l_u16 function_id,
l_u8 id,
l_u8* const data);
Master node only.
The call requests the slave node selected with the NAD to return the property associ-
ated with the id parameter, see Table 4.19 in the Node configuration and Identification
Specification, for interpretation of the id. When the next call to ld_is_ready returns
LD_SERVICE_IDLE (after the ld_read_by_id is called), the RAM area specified by
data contains between one and five bytes data according to the request.
The result is returned in a big-endian style. It is up to little-endian CPUs to swap the
bytes, not the LIN diagnostic driver. The reason for using big-endian data is to simplify
message routing to a (e.g. CAN) back-bone network.
Node configuration and Identification Specification, Section
Dynamic prototype
l_u8 ld_read_by_id_callout (l_ifc_handle iii,
l_u8 id,
l_u8* data);
This callout is optional and is available in slave node only. In case the user defined
read by identifier request is used, the slave node application must implement this call-
This callout is used when the master node transmits a read by identifier request with
an identifier in the user defined area. The slave node application will be called from
the driver when such request is received.
The id parameter is the identifier in the user defined area (32 to 63), see Table 4.19,
from the read by identifier configuration request.
The data pointer points to a data area with 5 bytes. This area will be used by the appli-
cation to set up the positive response, see the user defined area in Table 4.20.
The driver will act according to the following return values from the application:
LD_NEGATIVE_RESPONSE The slave node will respond with a negative
response as defined in Table 4.21. In this
case the data area is not considered.
LD_POSTIVE_RESPONSE The slave node will setup a positive
response using the data provided by the
LD_NO_RESPONSE The slave node will not answer.
Node configuration and Identification Specification, Section
Dynamic prototype
void ld_init (l_ifc_handle iii);
Master and slave nodes.
This call will (re)initialize the raw and the cooked layers on the interface iii.
All transport layer buffers will be initialized. ld_put_raw
Dynamic prototype
void ld_put_raw (l_ifc_handle iii,
const l_u8* const data);
Master and slave nodes.
The call queues the transmission of 8 bytes of data in one frame.
The data is sent in the next suitable frame (master request frame for master nodes
and slave response frame for slave nodes).
The data area will be copied in the call, the pointer will not be memorized.
If no more queue resources are available, the data may be jettisoned and the appro-
priate error status will be set.
The raw and cooked is not differentiated outside the API. A general description of the
transport layer can be found in Transport Layer Specification. ld_get_raw
Dynamic prototype
void ld_get_raw (l_ifc_handle iii,
l_u8* const data);
Master and slave nodes. ld_raw_tx_status
Dynamic prototype
l_u8 ld_raw_tx_status (l_ifc_handle iii);
Master and slave nodes.
The call returns the status of the raw frame transmission function:
LD_QUEUE_EMPTY The transmit queue is empty. In case previous calls to
ld_put_raw, all frames in the queue have been trans-
LD_QUEUE_AVAILABLE The transmit queue contains entries, but is not full.
LD_QUEUE_FULL The transmit queue is full and can not accept further
LD_TRANSMIT_ERROR LIN protocol errors occurred during the transfer; ini-
tialize and redo the transfer.
The raw and cooked is not differentiated outside the API. A general description of the
transport layer can be found in Transport Layer Specification. ld_raw_rx_status
Dynamic prototype
l_u8 ld_raw_rx_status (l_ifc_handle iii);
The call returns the status of the raw frame receive function:
LD_NO_DATA The receive queue is empty.
LD_DATA_AVAILABLE The receive queue contains data that can be read.
LD_RECEIVE_ERROR LIN protocol errors occurred during the transfer; ini-
tialize and redo the transfer.
The raw and cooked is not differentiated outside the API. A general description of the
transport layer can be found in Transport Layer Specification. ld_send_message
Dynamic prototype
void ld_send_message (l_ifc_handle iii,
l_u16 length,
l_u8 NAD,
const l_u8* const data);
Master and slave nodes.
The call packs the information specified by data and length into one or multiple diag-
nostic frames. If the call is made in a master node application the frames are transmit-
ted to the slave node with the address NAD. If the call is made in a slave node
application the frames are transmitted to the master node with the address NAD. The
parameter NAD is not used in slave nodes.
The value of the SID (or RSID) shall be the first byte in the data area.
Length must be in the range of 1 to 4095 bytes. The length shall also include the SID
(or RSID) value, i.e. message length plus one. ld_receive_message
Dynamic prototype
void ld_receive_message (l_ifc_handle iii,
l_u16* const length,
l_u8* const NAD,
l_u8* const data);
Master and slave nodes.
The call prepares the LIN diagnostic module to receive one message and store it in
the buffer pointed to by data. At the call, length shall specify the maximum length
allowed. When the reception has completed, length is changed to the actual length
and NAD to the NAD in the message.
SID (or RSID) will be the first byte in the data area.
Length will be in the range of 1 to 4095 bytes, but never more than the value originally
set in the call. SID (or RSID) is included in the length.
The parameter NAD is not used in slave nodes.
The call is asynchronous, i.e. not suspended until the message has been received,
and the buffer may not be changed by the application as long as calls to ld_rx_status
returns LD_IN_PROGRESS. If the call is made after the message transmission has
commenced on the bus (i.e. the SF or FF is already transmitted), this message will not
be received. Instead the function will wait until next message commence.
The data is received from the succeeding suitable frames (master request frame for
slave nodes and slave response frame for master nodes). ld_tx_status
Dynamic prototype
l_u8 ld_tx_status (l_ifc_handle iii);
Master and slave nodes.
The call returns the status of the last made call to ld_send_message. The following
values can be returned:
LD_IN_PROGRESS The transmission is not yet completed.
LD_COMPLETED The transmission has completed successfully (and
you can issue a new ld_send_message call). This
value is also returned after initialization of the trans-
port layer.
LD_FAILED The transmission ended in an error. The data was
only partially sent. The transport layer shall be reini-
tialized before processing further messages. To find
out why a transmission has failed, check the status
management function l_read_status, see
LD_N_AS_TIMEOUT The transmission failed because of a N_As timeout,
see Section 3.2.5.
The raw and cooked is not differentiated outside the API. A general description of the
transport layer can be found in Transport Layer Specification. ld_rx_status
Dynamic prototype
l_u8 ld_rx_status (l_ifc_handle iii);
The call returns the status of the last made call to ld_receive_message. The following
values can be returned:
LD_IN_PROGRESS The reception is not yet completed.
LD_COMPLETED The reception has completed successfully and all
information (length, NAD, data) is available. (You can
also issue a new ld_receive_message call). This
value is also returned after initialization of the trans-
port layer.
LD_FAILED The reception ended in an error. The data was only
partially received and should not be trusted. Initialize
before processing further transport layer messages.
To find out why a reception has failed, check the sta-
tus management function l_read_status, see
LD_N_CR_TIMEOUT The reception failed because of a N_Cr timeout, see
Section 3.2.5.
LD_WRONG_SN The reception failed because of an unexpected
sequence number.
The raw and cooked is not differentiated outside the API. A general description of the
transport layer can be found in Transport Layer Specification.
* Procedure : l_sys_irq_restore
* Description : Restores the interrupt mask to the one before the call
* to l_sys_irq_disable was made
* In parameters : previous - the old interrupt level
* Out parameters : None
* Return value : void
void l_sys_irq_restore (l_irqmask previous)
/* Set interrupt level to previous */
} /* l_sys_irq_restore */
* Procedure : l_sys_irq_disable
* Description : Disable the UART interrupts of the controller and
* return the interrupt level to be able to restore it
* later
* In parameters : None
* Out parameters : None
* Return value : The interrupt level before disable
l_irqmask l_sys_irq_disable (void)
l_irqmask interrupt_level;
/* Store the interrupt level and then disable UART interrupts */
return interrupt_level;
} /* l_sys_irq_disable */
* Procedure : main
* Description : Main entry of application
* In parameters : None
* Out parameters : None
* Return value : function will never return
int main (void)
/* Initialize the LIN interface */
if (l_sys_init ()) {
/* The init of the LIN software failed - call error routine */
/* Start the OS */
start_OS ();
/* return code */
return 1;
} /* main */
} /* main_application_10ms */
* Interrupt : lin_char_rx_handler
* Description : UART recieve character interrupt handler for the
* interface i1
* In parameters : None
* Out parameters : None
* Return value : void
void __INTERRUPT /* Compiler intrinsic */ lin_char_rx_handler (void)
/* Just call the LIN API provided function to do the actual work */
l_ifc_rx_i1 ();
} /* lin_char_rx_handler */
* Procedure : main
* Description : Main entry of application
* In parameters : None
* Out parameters : None
* Return value : function will never return
int main (void)
l_u8 cfg[20];
l_u8 len = 0;
l_bool configuration_ok = 0;
l_bool stored_configuration = 0;
while (1) {
/* Call the only task */
main_task ();
/* return code */
return 1;
} /* main */
Figure 8.1: Development of a LIN cluster. Debugging
Debugging and node emulation is based on the LDF file produced in the LIN cluster
design. Thus, the monitoring will work just as in earlier versions of the LIN specifica-
Emulation of the master adds the requirement that the cluster must be configured to
be conflict free. Hence, the emulator tool must be able to read reconfiguration data
produced by the LIN cluster design tool.
Shall be in the range of "0.01" to "99.99". This specification describes version 2.1.
If a node capability file contains more than one slave node, the node_name shall be
unique within the file. The declared slave nodes shall be seen as classes (templates)
for physical slave node instances.
The properties of a node_definition are defined in the following sections.
The general_definition declare the properties that specify the general compatibility
with the cluster.
This specifies the protocol used by the slave node and it shall be in the range of "0.01"
to "99.99".
The supplier_id is assigned to each LIN consortium member as a 16 bit number. The
function_id is a 16 bit number assigned to the product by the supplier to make it
unique. Finally, variant_id is an 8 bit value specifying the variant, see Section 4.2.1.
The diagnostic_definition specifies the properties for transport layer and configuration.
The NAD property defines the initial node address; the value shall be set according to
Section Either a list of values or a range can be given. The range is inclusive,
i.e. both values are included in the range. If more than one value is given, the slave
will dynamically select one of the values within the given NAD set based on a physical
The diagnostic class defines the supported class 1, 2 or 3.
The default values of P2_min is 50 ms and ST_min are 0 ms, see Section 5.6.
The default values of N_As_timeout and N_Cr_timeout are 1000 ms, see
Section 3.2.5.
Above timing parameters are only relevant for diagnostic class II and class III slave
The max_message_length property applies to the diagnostic transport layer only; it
defines the maximum length of a diagnostic message. Default: 4095.
The support_sid lists all SID values (node configuration, identification and diagnostic
services) that are supported by the slave node. Default: 0xB2, 0xB7. Note that the
supported identifiers for the read by identifier are not given.
Frames listed here shall be all unconditional frames and event triggered frames pro-
cessed by the slave node. Event triggered frames means the event triggered frame
header, it will therefore not contain any signals. The diagnostic frames will always be
supported and therefore not listed.
<single_frame> ::=
<frame_kind> <frame_name> {
All frames (except diagnostic frames) carry signals, which are declared in according to
the signal_definition.
<signal_properties> ::=
size = integer ;
offset = integer ;
(<encoding_name> ;)
<init_value> ::= <init_value_scalar> | <init_value_array>
<init_value_scalar> ::= init_value = integer
<init_value_array> ::= init_value = {integer ([, integer ])}
The init_value specifies the value used for the signal from power on until first set by
the publishing application. The init_value_scalar is used for scalar signals and the
init_value_array is used for byte array signals. The init_value_array is given in big-
endian order.
The signal_value the min_value and the max_value shall be in range of 0 to 65535.
The max_value shall be greater than or equal to min_value. If the raw value is within
the range defined by the min and max value, the physical value shall be calculated as
in (16).
physical_value = (scale * raw_value) + offset (16)
The status_management section specifies which published signal the master node
shall monitor to determine if the slave node is operating as expected.
The identifiers above refer each to one unique published signal in the signal definition,
see Section See the definition of the response error signal in Section 2.7.3
and the fault state signals in Section 5.3.
The free_text_definition is used to bring up help text, limitations, etc., in the LIN cluster
design tool, if desired.
Typical information provided in the free text definition is:
• Slave node purpose and physical world interaction, e.g. motor speed, power
consumption etc.
• Deviations from the LIN standard.
Shall be in the range of "0.01" to "99.99". This specification describes version 2.1.
This sets the nominal bit rate for the cluster. It shall be in the range of 1 to 20 kbit/sec-
Postfix for all named objects in the LDF. The postfix is mandatory for master nodes
that are connected too more than one cluster. It is used to avoid naming collision if a
node is connected to several clusters (i.e. using several LDFs). If given all named
objects shall add this postfix to its name.
The nodes clause lists the physical nodes participating in the cluster. All node_name
identifiers shall be unique within the node identifier set.
The node_name identifier after the Master reserved word specifies the master node.
<time_base> ::= real_or_integer
The time_base value specifies the used time base in the master node to generate the
maximum allowed frame transfer time. The time base shall be specified in millisec-
<jitter> ::= real_or_integer
The jitter shall be specified in milliseconds. For more information on time_base and jit-
ter usage see Section 2.4.
All node_name identifiers shall exist within the node identifier set and refer to a slave
<protocol_version> ::= char_string
The diag_address specifies the diagnostic address for the identified slave node in the
range as defined in Section It shall specify the unique NAD used for the slave
node after resolving any cluster conflicts, i.e. it shall be unique within the cluster.
In case the initial_NAD is not given the configured_NAD is the same as the
In case of LIN 1.x the attributes_def contains no attributes.
In case of LIN 2.x, following attributes applies:
<attributes_def> ::=
product_id = <supplier_id>, <function_id> (, <variant>) ;
response_error = <signal_name> ;
(fault_state_signals = <signal_name>([, <signal_name>]) ;)
(P2_min = real_or_interger ms ;)
(ST_min = real_or_interger ms ;)
(N_As_timeout = real_or_integer ms ;)
(N_Cr_timeout = real_or_integer ms ;)
<configurable_frames_20_def> | <configurable_frames_21_def>
The supplier_id, function_id and variant_id ranges are defined in Section 4.2.1.
The variant ID is optional since it is a property of the slave node and not the cluster. It
is set here for LIN 2.0 slave nodes.
<signal_name> ::= identifier
The message_id range is defined in the LIN Diagnostic and Configuration Specifi-
cation of LIN 2.0.
The configurable_frames_def for LIN 2.1:
<configurable_frames_21_def> ::=
configurable_frames {
[<frame_name> ;]
The order of the frames are important since the node configuration request assign
frame PID range dependent on the order, see Section
All composite_node identifiers and logical_node identifiers must be unique within the
slave node identifier set.
<configuration_name> ::= identifier
The composite_node groups a number of logical slave nodes into one physical slave
node. The composite_node is used in the list of participating slave nodes,
<logical_node> ::= identifier
The logical slave node shall be listed in the node attributes section. Each logical slave
node will keep its NAD. The master node will communicate to the logical slave node
as if they were separated.
All signal_name identifiers shall be unique within the signal identifier set.
<signal_size> ::= integer
The signal_size specifies the size of the signal. It shall be in the range 1 to 16 bits for
scalar signals and 8, 16, 24, 32, 40, 48, 56 or 64 for byte array signals.
<init_value> ::= <init_value_scalar> | <init_value_array>
<init_value_scalar> ::= integer
The init_value specifies the signal value that shall be used by all subscriber nodes
until the frame containing the signal is received. The init_value_scalar is used for sca-
lar signals and the init_value_array is used for byte array signals. The initial_value for
byte arrays shall be arranged in big-endian order (i.e. with the most significant byte
The only way to describe if a signal with size 8 or 16 is a byte array with one or two
elements or a scalar signal is by analyzing the init_value, i.e. the curly parenthesis are
very important to distinguish between arrays and scalar values.
<published_by> ::= identifier
<subscribed_by> ::= identifier
The published_by identifier and the subscribed_by identifier shall all exist in the node
identifier set.
Diagnostic signals have a separate section in the LIN description file due to the fact
that the publisher/subscriber information does not apply here.
All frame_name identifiers shall be unique within the frame identifier set.
<frame_id> ::= integer
The frame_id specifies the frame identifier number in range 0 to 59. The frame identi-
fier shall be unique for all frames within the frames identifier set.
<published_by> ::= identifier
All sporadic_frame_name identifiers shall be unique within the frame identifier set.
<frame_name> ::= identifier
All frame_name identifiers shall exist in the frame identifier set and refer to uncondi-
tional frames. In the case that more than one of the declared frames needs to be
transferred, the one first listed shall be chosen.
All frame_name identifiers shall either be unconditional frames published by the mas-
ter node. Furthermore, they shall not be scheduled as unconditional frames directly in
the same schedule table as the sporadic_frame_name.
All event_trig_frm_name identifiers shall be unique within the frame identifier set.
<collision_resolving_schedule_table> ::= identifier
The frame_id specifies the frame ID number in range 0 to 59. The ID shall be unique
for all frames within the frames ID set.
<frame_name> ::= identifier
All frame_name identifiers shall exist in the frame identifier set and refer to uncondi-
tional frames.
The first byte of the frame carries the protected identifier of the associated frame and,
hence, cannot be used for other purposes.
The MasterReq and SlaveResp reserved frame names are identifying the diagnostic
frames (see Section and shall be unique in the frame identifier set.
All schedule_table_name identifiers shall be unique within the schedule table identifier
<command> ::=
<frame_name> |
MasterReq |
SlaveResp |
AssignNAD {<node_name>} |
ConditionalChangeNAD {<NAD>, <id>, <byte>, <mask>, <inv>, <new_NAD>} |
DataDump {<node_name>, <D1>, <D2>, <D3>, <D4>, <D5>} |
SaveConfiguration {<node_name>} |
AssignFrameIdRange {<node_name>, <frame_index> (, <frame_PID>,
<frame_PID>, <frame_PID>, <frame_PID>)} |
FreeFormat {<D1>, <D2>, <D3>, <D4>, <D5>, <D6>, <D7>, <D8>}
(| AssignFrameId { <node_name>, <frame_name> })
The command specifies what will be done in the frame slot. Providing a frame name
will transfer the specified frame.
<frame_name> ::= identifier
The frame_name identifier shall exist in the frame identifier set. If the frame_name
refers to an event triggered frame or a sporadic frame, the associated unconditional
frames may not be used in the same schedule table.
<node_name> ::= identifier
The frame_index sets the index to the first frame to assign a PID, see Section
<frame_PID> ::= identifier
If the optional four frame_PID are given the request will include these values. If
frame_PID are not given the PIDs for the four frames are taken from the frame defini-
tion for frame_name, see Section 9.2.4.
AssignFrameId generates an Assign_frame_id request with a contents based on the
parameters: NAD, supplier_id and message_id are taken from the node attributes of
the node_name, see Section and the protected_id is taken from the frame def-
inition for frame_name, see Section 9.2.4.
All data in this frame is fixed and determined during the processing of the LDF file.
This service is only supported if the master node also support this configuration ser-
vice. This service is optional since it is only defined in the LIN 2.0 specification.
FreeFormat transmits a fixed master request frame with the eight data bytes pro-
vided. This may for instance be used to issue user specific fixed frames.
<frame_time> ::= real_or_integer
The frame_time specifies the duration of the frame slot, see Section 2.4.2. The
frame_time value shall be specified in milliseconds.
The handling and switching of schedule table is controlled by the master application
program, see description in Section 2.4 and the schedule table handling API in
Section 7.2.4.
Figure 9.1 shows a time line that corresponds to the schedule table VL1_ST1. It is
assumed that the time_base (see Section is set to 5 ms.
schedule_tables {
VL1_ST1 {
VL1_CEM_Frm1 delay 15 ms;
VL1_LSM_Frm1 delay 15 ms;
time_base = 5 ms
Jitter TFrame_Maximum inter-frame space
The delay specified for every schedule entry shall be longer than the jitter and the
worst-case frame transfer time.
The signal_value the min_value and the max_value shall be in range of 0 to 65535.
The max_value shall be greater than or equal to min_value. If the raw value is within
the range defined by the min and max value, the physical value shall be calculated as
in (17).
physical_value = (scale * raw_value) + offset. (17)
The V_battery signal is an eight bit representation that follows the graph in Figure 9.1,
i.e. the resolution is high around 12 V and has three special values for out-of-range
signal_encoding_types {
power_state {
logical_value, 0, "off";
logical_value, 1, "on";
V_battery {
logical_value, 0, "under voltage";
physical_value, 1, 63, 0.0625, 7.0, "Volt";
physical_value, 64, 191, 0.0104, 11.0, "Volt";
physical_value, 192, 253, 0.0625, 13.0, "Volt";
logical_value, 254, "over voltage";
logical_value, 255, "invalid";
7 11 13 17
Figure 9.1: Representation of V_battery.
The signal_encoding_type_name identifier shall exist in the signal encoding type iden-
tifier set.
<signal_name> ::= identifier
The signal_name identifier shall exist in the signal identifier set (both scalar and byte
array signals are applicable). Each signal may only be associated with one
signal_encoding_type_name and may not be nested in a signal_group_name.
LIN_protocol_version = “2.1”;
LIN_language_version = “2.1”;
LIN_speed = 19.2 kbps;
Channel_name = “DB”;
Nodes {
Master: CEM, 5 ms, 0.1 ms;
Slaves: LSM, RSM;
Node_attributes {
LIN_protocol = “2.1”;
configured_NAD = 0x20;
initial_NAD = 0x01;
product_id = 0x4A4F, 0x4841;
response_error = LSMerror;
fault_state_signals = IntTest;
P2_min = 150 ms;
ST_min = 50 ms;
configurable_frames {
CEM_Frm1; LSM_Frm1; LSM_Frm2;}
LIN_protocol = “2.0”;
configured_NAD = 0x20;
product_id = 0x4E4E, 0x4553, 1;
response_error = RSMerror;
P2_min = 150 ms;
ST_min = 50 ms;
configurable_frames {
CEM_Frm1 = 0x0001; LSM_Frm1 = 0x0002; LSM_Frm2 = 0x0003;}
Signals {
IntLightsReq: 2, 0, CEM, LSM, RSM;
RightIntLightsSwitch: 8, 0, RSM, CEM;
LeftIntlLightsSwitch: 8, 0, LSM, CEM;
LSMerror, 1, 0, LSM, CEM;
RSMerror, 1, 0, LSM, CEM;
IntTest, 2, 0, LSM, CEM;