Marsha Math SBA

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What is the effect of ironing once per week versus every day?

Name: Marsha James

Grade: 1150
Teacher: Mr. Rhoomes
School: Gaynstead High School
Territory: Jamaica
Centre number: 100319
Candidate number: 1003190429
Year of examination: 2019-2020
Table of Content
Content Page

Introduction ___________________________________________________________3

Method of Data Collection ________________________________________________4

Presentation of Data _____________________________________________________5

Figure 1

_______________________________________________________________6 Figure

2 _______________________________________________________________7

Figure 3

_______________________________________________________________8 Figure

4 _______________________________________________________________9

Figure 5 _______________________________________________________________10

Analysis of Data ________________________________________________________11

Discuss Finding _________________________________________________________12



I have noticed that my friend is constantly late for school. After asking about the situation, I

learnt that she irons in the mornings before coming to school. I suggested to her that it is better to

iron once per week instead of ironing each day because it reduces the cost of her monthly

electrical bill. However, she was in great denial. I have decided to conduct a research using

mathematical tools that is easily read by viewers. These data include: tables, chats and graph.

The tools will be analyse to determine the effect of ironing once per week rather than every

day. It is my intension to gather enough information to find out if the amount of time spent

ironing affects the electrical bill, the percentage of her utility bill is consumed by ironing as well

as how much money her family can save by practicing good ironing habits.

Method of data collection

To find out whether there is a difference in the cost of the electricity bill when ironing once per

week versus every day, I will iron once per week for a month and record the time spent ironing. I
will then iron every day for the next month and also record the time spent ironing for each day. I

will visit the Jamaica Public Service (JPS) website to find the kilowatt charge per hour ($8.61).

After receiving the rate per kilowatt hour, I will multiple the total amount of hours I spent

ironing once per week for a month by the kilowatt hour as well the total time recorded for

ironing every day for a month. By doing this I will ascertain which of the above mentioned

practice is more cost efficient.

Presentation of Data

Formula (for finding cost of iron): �������� ��

� ��

● Every day for a month

A 1100 watt iron was used to iron 23 minutes

everyday ● 23 minutes to hours= 23/60 = 0.38hr

1000= $3.60
● Cost for the month- $3.60 × 21 = $75.60

● Percentage of monthly bill-


5000× 100 = 1.5%

● Once a week for a month

● 30 minutes to hours = 0.5hr


1000= $4.735~$4.74

● Cost for the month=$4.74×4= $19

● Percentage of monthly bill
5000 × 100 = 0.38%~0.4%

Money saved while ironing once per week

$75.60−$19 = $56.60
Amount per year would approximate to:
$56.60× 12 = $679.

Figure 1: This diagram shows the percentage of ironing in the monthly bill.

Figure 2: The bar graph shows the comparison between ironing everyday versus once per week
for a month.

Figure 3 shows the impact of ironing once a week for a month

Figure 4: Impact of ironing every day for a month on the electrical bill

Figure 5: this bar graph shows the great amount of money that can be saved if the once per week
method is used.

Analysis of Data
With evidence from figure 1 the effect of ironing on the monthly bill shows that ironing

takes up 1.9% approximately 2% of the monthly bill. As shown in figure 2 the comparison

between ironing everyday versus once per week there is a great difference in the amount of

money that is spent ironing everyday versus once per week. In figure 3 percentage of ironing

once a week for a month shows us that when we practice to iron once a week it helps us to save

money compared to when we iron every day a week. In figure 4 impact of ironing everyday a

month on the electricity bill the diagram shows that ironing everyday a month takes up a

percentage of 1% of the monthly bill. In figure 5 money that can save if the once per week

method is used shows that $679.20 almost $700 can be saved if the once per week method is


Discussion of Findings
Many times we tend not to consider the amount of money that goes towards ironing. With

evidence from figure 1 it clearly shows the effect of ironing on the monthly bill. It shows that

ironing is approximately 1.9% of the monthly bill. This will help viewers to have a better

understanding that everything second spent ironing increase the monthly bill. Simple bad habits

such as ironing every day for a week can cause a great stress on the pocket. Figure 2 it shows

that approximately $56.00 was saved it also helps individuals to understand that it is much better

to iron once per week versus every day because it saves money for future use. When ironing

once a week a month it saves you a percentage of 104.6 than when you iron every day a week for

a month this findings helps individuals to practice good ironing Figure 4 shows us the

percentage of money (that is consumed from your pocket when you iron every day a week for a

month, it shows that there can be great pressure for individual's pocket with this practice If

individual practise good ironing habit it is shown in figure 3, a good amount of money can be

saved and over a period of time this good habit will leave enough money to invest in more

adventurous things in life.


In concluding, there is a great difference in ironing once per week rather than every day as it was
proven to me that ironing everyday consumes more energy than ironing once per week. Practise

good ironing habits, it will leave money for future adventures.


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