Natural Healing Master List Dr. Pescadore

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Over 180 cures, tips and
solutions from America’s
leading voice in natural

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Table of Contents

Foreword .................................................................. 1

Part I: Simple Natural Secrets to Life’s Annoying Ailments:

The ultimate guide to everyday illness—
from IBS to LDL....................................................... 3
Chapter 1: A foolproof guide to a cold-& flu-proof immunity.. 5
Chapter 2: TBC: The Tree Bark CURE-ALL
How nature’s oldest and simplest material
can save you from sunburn, stroke…
and everything in between.............................. 12

Chapter 3: Head-to-toe healing with Nature’s

piece-of-cake cures........................................ 17

PART II: Shockingly Simple Cures for Today’s Biggest Killers.... 73

Chapter 4: The Halo Cure: A cut-poison-and-burn-free
solution for defying your diagnosis. . ................. 75

Chapter 5: The “Mediterranean Miracle Molecule”. . ............ 80

Chapter 6: T-Max Therapy: Unlock your body’s own
natural immunity to cancer. . ........................... 84

Chapter 7: Top Secret Triple-Threat Cure:

How you can wipe out the hidden epidemic
of the baby boomer generation. . ...................... 94

Chapter 8: Cholesterol’s “Silent Partner”: A statin-free

blueprint for avoiding heart attack and stroke... 101

Chapter 9: The 72-hour secret to a heart that’s

STRONG AS STEEL!.................................... 108

Chapter 10: Back from the Abyss: The “Hyperion Strain”..... 124
Table of Contents (continued)

PART III: The New Hamptons Health Miracle:

The next generation cure for diabetes,
pre-diabetes, belly fat, metabolic syndrome,
and so much more........................................... 137
Chapter 11: Ten Diabetes Myths That Could Kill You.......... 139
Chapter 12: Diabetes-Free in Just Six Weeks...................... 151
Chapter 13: Diabetes Cheat Sheet for Even Faster Results:
Without eating less or lifting a finger............... 168
Chapter 14: The Decadent Dining Out Plan:
How to eat out every day, still lose weight,
AND defeat diabetes................................... 184
Chapter 15: Amazing Hamburger Cure:
How to cure obesity for life, with the help
of America’s favorite “Junk food”.. .................. 193
Chapter 16: The 3-Day Sugar Cure:
Start reversing diabetes in just 72 hours........... 196
Chapter 17: The Top Secret Super Charger—
One secret ingredient that makes
dodging diabetes simple.............................. 203

Part IV: Decadent Diet-Free Recipes.. ............................. 207

Chapter 18: BREAKFAST: Never be bored again................. 210
Chapter 19: LUNCH: Enjoy all these “forbidden” favorites... 222
Chapter 20: DINNERS: Dine in decadence!...................... 234
Chapter 21: SAVORY SIDES .. ........................................ 252
Chapter 22: Sweet and Sinful Desserts: ........................... 256

SOURCES .............................................................. 264

Twenty years ago I witnessed the many failures of modern
American medicine on the frontlines as an ER doctor in New York.
After just 6 months of watching the same sick patients sent home
with the same failed treatments time after time… I had seen enough.
Since then I’ve learned to combine the best of both modern and
natural medicine in such far off places as Asia, India, Japan, Africa
and Europe. And while I’ve watched these techniques work modern
day miracles for my patients over the last two decades, American
medicine seems to have only gotten worse and worse. Billions have
been gutted from life-saving medical research programs, almost
20 percent of critical medical scientists are considering leaving the
country and doctors are turning away Medicare patients by the tens
of thousands. Put simply, American medicine is on life support.
And that’s why I’ve decided to release this 21st century “survival
guide” filled with some of the most powerful natural alternative
secrets known to medicine. In the following pages, I’ll provide you
with the tools you need to heal and protect yourself during these
frightening times of medical uncertainty.
To health and longevity for years to come,

Fred Pescatore, M.D.

Editor, Logical Health Alternatives


The ultimate guide
to everyday illness—
from IBS to LDL

Part I: Simple Natural Secrets to Life’s Annoying Ailments:
The ultimate guide to everyday illness—
from IBS to LDL....................................................... 3
Chapter 1: A foolproof guide to a cold-& flu-proof immunity.. 5
Chapter 2: TBC: The Tree Bark CURE-ALL
How nature’s oldest and simplest material
can save you from sunburn, stroke…
and everything in between.............................. 12

Chapter 3: Head-to-toe healing with Nature’s

piece-of-cake cures........................................ 17

Chapter 1
A foolproof guide to a
cold- & flu-proof immunity

It’s a fact, every second of every day your immune system is

under constant attack.
But there’s one immune-destroying compound in particular
that’s growing to epidemic proportions throughout the world. In
fact, The World Health Organization considers it one of the top
10 most dangerous chemicals to your health.
But unlike other chemicals and compounds on that list, this
one is so common it’s almost impossible to avoid completely. I’m
talking about mercury. And if you were living almost anywhere but
the U.S. you’d already be taking measures to limit your exposure.
In fact, in October of 2013 an international convention was
held in Japan where …

Over 90 countries signed a global treaty

to cut their citizens’ exposure to this immune-
killing chemical…But guess who’s not on the list!
You guessed it, the good old U.S. government.
It was called the Minamata Convention and virtually every
industrialized country you can think of recognized the growing
danger mercury poses to its citizens: Canada, the UK, Germany,
France, Japan… Heck even China—where pollution standards are
so low the surgical-mask has become a fashion staple—signed
this treaty!
Meanwhile, you’re still more exposed than ever. And the danger
is right in your own home!
In fact, in September 2013, the WHO sent out an urgent

warning to avoid these 7 common household items that increase
your exposure to mercury:
• batteries
• measuring devices, such as thermometers
and barometers
• electric switches and relays
in equipment
• lamps (including some types of light bulbs)
• dental amalgam (for dental fillings)
• skin-lightening products and other cosmetics
• pharmaceuticals
Mercury is also found in foods, especially fish.
Obviously, I’m not telling you to stop eating fish. That would
be ridiculous. But you must be choosy about the types of seafood
you eat.
Large predators—like swordfish, tilefish, tuna, and shark--are
loaded with mercury. Do yourself a favor and avoid them.
Lower mercury options include catfish, herring, pollock,
haddock, tilapia, and wild-caught salmon. Generally speaking,
you can eat as many as three servings of these fish per week.
And of course, if you take fish oil (and I absolutely recommend
you do), be sure to select a safe, purified supplement to get your fill
of omega-3s. (Though more often than not, fish oil is derived from
small fish like anchovies and sardines, which are both naturally
low in mercury anyway.)

The dangers of excessive mercury exposure

really couldn’t get any clearer.
But unfortunately, it’s a condition that easily falls through the
cracks, with symptoms that mimic a long list of other common

diseases. (We’re talking everything from memory loss and
depression to joint pain, fatigue, and allergies.)
That’s one reason why I routinely test my patients for mercury
toxicity. And believe me, positive results are not at all uncommon.
So by all means, I recommend having your own mercury levels
tested if you’re displaying any of the above symptoms
Unfortunately, it’s nearly impossible to avoid mercury
completely. It’s in the air we breathe, the food we eat and the
water we drink… Which is a big part of why this is becoming such
a problem! So what else can you do?

The immune-boosting powerhouse

that takes on all comers
I always recommend a good immune booster. And one
ingredient I’ve been recommending for years is a veritable jack-
of-all-trades immunity breakthrough known as beta-glucans.
Beta-glucans are sugars found in the cell walls of bacteria, fungi
and plants such as oats and barley. They already have a reputation
as an immune-boosting powerhouse used by people whose body
defenses have been weakened by conditions such as chronic fatigue
syndrome, or physical and emotional stress; or by treatments such
as radiation or chemotherapy.
Beta-glucans are also used for the common cold, flu, H1N1
(swine) flu, allergies, hepatitis, Lyme disease, asthma, ear infections,
aging, ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease, fibromyalgia,
rheumatoid arthritis, and multiple sclerosis.
And it’s one of the only natural substances I know of powerful
enough to fight the immune-damaging effects of mercury exposure
With this level of immune boosting power you might expect to
pay a pretty penny for Beta-glucans but you can actually get them
for as little as 33 pennies a day! Beta-glucans are readily available

online with some 30 day supplies going for as little as $9.99.
But be certain to check the amount of beta-glucans you’re
getting in every dose. I usually recommend a dosage of at least 70
mg a day for optimal protection.
Beta-glucans are one of the most powerful immune-boosting
ingredients around but if preliminary studies on this next
compound hold up, it could make beta-glucans look like Tic-Tacs!
It all started over 20 years ago when one researcher set out to
answer a question that’s stumped scientists for decades…

Why are sharks completely immune

to all known viruses?
It’s a mystery that’s kept sharks at the top of the food chain for
hundreds of millions of years...
And when Dr. Michael Zasloff of Georgetown University
studied the shark’s remarkable immune system…he found the key.
It’s an extraordinary “golden particle” compound known as
squalamine and according to Dr. Zasloff, it’s…

“Like nothing else that has ever been

described or discovered.”
Why? Because unlike vaccines, which need to be specifically
tailored to each and every individual virus, squalamine works by
exploiting a weakness shared by every virus known to man—the
need to feed.
From the common cold to HIV, when a virus enters your cells,
the first thing it does is feast on positively charged proteins in your
cell walls in order to replicate and spread.
But when the squalamine enters a cell, it pops these proteins
off without harming the cell... Leaving nothing behind for the
virus to feed on!

And again, according to Dr. Zasloff…

“There is no other compound known to science

that does this—this is a remarkable property.”
And to prove it, squalamine was lab-tested on some of the most
deadly viruses known to man…
And to everyone’s surprise, this “golden particle” not only
prevented, but killed viruses such as dengue fever, yellow fever,
and hepatitis A and D (just to name a few)!
You heard that right…Lab tests show the squalamine can
prevent and kill viruses that currently have no known vaccine!
In fact, squalamine can effectively defend against and eradicate
over 194 different viruses in the lab... And fast! Studies show the
squalamine can go to work in just hours.
So why hasn’t squalamine gotten more mainstream attention?
Because like with most natural breakthroughs, instead of being
presented in its natural form, pharmaceutical companies are
rushing to create a synthesized version so they can cash in!
But you can get the same natural version of squalamine that
showed so much promise in lab tests right this moment!
Squalamine is generally found in shark liver oil which is readily
available online. Shark liver oil supplements are available through
a number of major manufacturers—Life Extension, Country Life,
and Puritan’s Pride, to name a few. I generally recommend a dose of
1,000 mg, twice per day to raise white blood cell counts—a benefit
that will strengthen your body’s defenses against everything— from
cancer to the common cold.

Flu-proof your immune system in just three days

Come every Fall, the flu shot propaganda is in full swing. So I
always take the time to remind readers that the flu vaccine isn’t all
it’s cracked up to be. I never, ever get a flu shot. And guess what?

I never get sick, either. Because I follow my own common-sense
advice when it comes to staying healthy during cold and flu season.
In case you need a refresher, that advice goes like this:
• Eliminate sugar
• Wash your hands regularly (with plain, old soap and water—
NOT anti-bacterial soaps and gels)
• Take 1,000 mg of AHCC per day
This protocol offers just as much protection as the flu shot (if
not more)…with a whole lot less risk.
Yes, warding off colds and the flu really is THAT simple.
But I recently came across some new research that points to
an intriguing addition to this basic flu-prevention strategy. (And
it still doesn’t require a shot.)
Get this: Researchers think that fasting—that’s right, fasting—
may be the secret to regenerating a weakened immune system.
Recent studies show that undergoing several two- to four-day
fasting cycles, staggered over the course of six months can flip a
switch that puts your immune system into “turnover” mode.
That’s because, when you’re fasting, your body attempts to
conserve energy by cutting the fat—literally and figuratively. It
burns through fat and sugar stores for energy, while culling worn
out white blood cells that aren’t pulling their weight anymore.
At the same time, your levels of an enzyme called PKA start
to lower. And this eventually sends signals to your body to start
producing new, healthy immune cells. (It’s worth mentioning that
prolonged fasting also lowers levels of IGF-1—the same hormone
implicated in tumor growth.)
The end result is a rehabbed immune system. And you don’t
even have to lift a finger.

This strategy could have some pretty amazing applications. In
fact, this team of scientists found that prolonged fasting reduced
levels of circulating PKA—and put the brakes on chemotherapy-
related immunosuppression and mortality—in mice.
Which would mean nothing, of course, if the results didn’t
happen to coincide with the outcome of a previous pilot study. That
Phase I clinical trial showed that prolonged fasting in humans—in
this case, during the 72 hours prior to chemotherapy—can protect
white blood cells and ward off toxicity as well.
So just imagine what it might do for someone who’s simply
trying to avoid the flu. Fasting may also prove to be a real game-
changer when it comes to immunosenesence—or, as I call it,
immunity rot.
This condition is the gradual breakdown of immunity that
results from aging…and it has potentially deadly consequences.
If these new results hold water, fasting could play a key role in
stopping this silent epidemic in its tracks.
Obviously, this is still very new research. But it’s not the first
time science has uncovered impressive benefits simply from fasting.
(And not just as a weight-loss strategy—fasting can curb high blood
sugar, lower cholesterol and blood pressure, and cut inflammation,
So whether or not this tactic can spare you from the latest
bug making the rounds, I’m still a big proponent of responsible,
properly planned fasting. Nothing drastic—just 24 to 48 hours,
with plenty of water.
I do this once a month myself, and I always feel refreshed and
energized afterwards.

Chapter 2
TBC: The Amazing
Tree Bark CURE-ALL
How Nature’s oldest and simplest material
can save you from sunburn, stroke…
and everything in between

In all my years dedicated to overturning the mainstream

medical dogma and developing the simplest—most effective—
healing cures, I’ve never come across one quite as PERFECT
as this.
There’s simply no easier way to make such an enormous impact
on every aspect of your health. From the top of your head to the
tip of your toe.
Even deadly serious conditions like Alzheimer’s and
hypertension are no match for this natural remedy. And you’d
never guess the source…
This virtual cure-all comes from one of nature’s oldest, simplest

Tree bark, of all things!

But before you start chipping away at the old maple in your
backyard, hang on just a second!
I’m not talking about any old tree bark here. No, this one is
highly unique.
It comes from a particular type of pine tree that only grows along
the southwest coast of France, in the Les Landes de Gascogne area.
And inside this exotic pine bark is an extract called Pycnogenol.®
Since researchers began looking at it more closely over 60
years ago, more than 220 studies have been published on the

benefits of Pycnogenol—demonstrating its antioxidant properties,
its ability to help reduce blood sugar, its effects on cardiovascular
and circulatory health, and much, MUCH more.
From the outside in and back again, this remarkable extract
works wonders for what ails you…

Nature’s own ALLERGY medicine

Silence those hay fever symptoms without the brain fog or
heavy head! Allergy meds work by keeping sneeze-triggering
histamine from attaching to your cells.
But this little wonder does Allegra one better.
Pycnogenol can help prevent the release of histamine in the
first place, keeping you allergy-free from the start.

Erase the NO. 2 FEAR of getting older

Cancer reigns supreme as the biggest fear of getting older. But
close on cancer’s heels, is something many of us take for granted
until it’s too late—vision loss.
But Pycnogenol has been shown to sharpen vision like Windex
on a dirty window. Plus, it halts the primary cause of cataracts—
free-radical damage—stopping it in its tracks. And helps defend
against retinopathy.


Get back the stamina and performance you had in your 20s.
Yep! Pycnogenol is a miracle worker for erectile dysfunction. In
fact, it operates in a similar way to Viagra…but naturally. (In other
words—without the risk!)
You see, Pycnogenol helps keep your blood vessels healthy,
so blood and oxygen can flow freely to every area of your body.
And blood and oxygen are two critical elements in achieving and
maintaining an erection.

So is another substance called nitric oxide (NO). And
Pycnogenol helps boost your body’s natural NO production.

Hush that incessant RINGING in your ears

Hissing, ringing, buzzing. Day in and day out. If you’ve got
tinnitus, you know just how maddening it can be. Even worse—
most doctors will tell you there’s “nothing you can do.”
But I’ve been tracking the research on Pycnogenol for close
to a decade now. And just a few years ago, a group of Italian
researchers put it to the test in 82 tinnitus patients. And just
150 milligrams of TBC reduced tinnitus symptoms by more
than 62%.
It’s a small study—and not a fool-proof cure. But if you
suffer with tinnitus, you know ANY dent in your symptoms is
a miracle!

Armor your brain against ALZHEIMER’S disease

Research on Pycnogenol for Alzheimer’s is just taking off, and
already it’s showing some amazing results.
It helps stop the No. 1 marker of Alzheimer’s—dangerous beta-
amyloid plaque—from killing off brain cells. And one randomized
trial showed Pycnogenol improved memory and everyday thinking
in elderly patients.

Shield yourself from SUNBURN—

from the inside out
I know it sounds crazy, but with Pycnogenol you can shield
yourself from dangerous UV rays—with a SIMPLE PILL.
In one study, researchers found that when volunteers
supplemented with Pycnogenol for four weeks, they didn’t sunburn
as easily following exposure to UV light.
In other words, Pycnogenol can actually give you a built-in SPF,

without the dangerous chemicals in lotions, oils, and sprays.

The safest STROKE

prevention on the planet
Think of it like Nature’s Coumadin…keeping your blood clot-
free and flowing with ease. But much, much safer than prescription
blood thinners—or even aspirin! (And if you love to travel—don’t
forget the Pycnogenol in your carry-on: It works for deep vein
thrombosis and swelling, too.)

And that’s just the beginning of what

Pycnogenol can do for you!
Just look at what else Pycnogenol is capable of. It also…
• Shaves days off of wound-healing time—and prevents ugly,
disfiguring scars
• Promotes a youthful, glowing, wrinkle-free complexion
• Sooths the itching, scaly skin of psoriasis
• Even helps kids with ADHD—one study showed that within
a month, symptoms were barely noticeable!
Plus, this remarkable tree bark cure even plays a major role in
curbing impaired microcirculation—the culprit behind so many
of today’s biggest health threats. In fact it’s one of the primary
components of my “Triple Threat Cure” (which you can read about
in the chapter on page 75).
Clinical research has shown that one of the primary ways
Pycnogenol benefits your microcirculation is by targeting collagen
and elastin, which are the building blocks that line your blood
Unfortunately, a combination of aging and less-than-ideal food
choices cause collagen and elastin to break down. But Pycnogenol
helps the body replenish these two critical substances—and keeps

your blood vessels working the way they’re supposed to in the

Recommended dosages
As you can see, there’s almost nothing Pycnogenol can’t do.
Which is why I recommend it to all of my patients. Dosage can vary
depending on the nature of any specific health concern. Minimum
dosage for general antioxidant protection is 20 mg. For general
health, I recommend 50 to 100 mg per day.
Higher doses of 100 mg per day can be taken for heart-health
concerns, such as high blood pressure, blood clotting, and impaired
If you have diabetes or blood sugar concerns, you may need
additional support. I have my diabetes patients take 100 to 200
mg of Pycnogenol per day.
For osteoarthritis or asthma, 100 mg per day is recommended.
Pycnogenol may cause some gastrointestinal discomfort. This
can be due to the astringent nature of the extract. Taking it with
or after meals may help reduce any GI symptoms.
Pycnogenol supplements (and supplement formulas that
contain it) are actually widely available in many vitamin shops
and even in natural food stores. They can be on the pricey side.
But when you consider all the potential benefits this one, single
extract has to offer—it’s actually one of the best investments you
can make in your health.
One note of caution—Pycnogenol is actually a patented extract,
so make sure any product you choose lists it with the registered
trademark symbol (Pycnogenol®). Otherwise, it may not be the
real deal—or provide the same benefits.

Chapter 3
Head-to-toe healing with Nature’s
piece-of-cake cures

One food everyone with allergies should avoid

You can’t escape it. In fall, the air is full of pollen from ragweed
and mold spores that grow in damp leaf piles. In spring, budding
trees and flowers release their own pollen. And in the winter,
simply turning on the furnace churns up dust mites. These factors
alone are enough to make you miserable, if you’ve got allergies. But
there are some things that might be contributing to your symptoms
that you CAN control—and some of them might surprise you...
If you’re sensitive to ragweed and mold, for instance, you might
be eating things that can cause similar sniffling, sneezing, and
You see, certain foods are genetically related “cousins” to
allergens like ragweed, grasses, or trees. And I’m not talking about
genetic modifications here. These plants are simply in the same
species, so your body can have a similar sort of reaction to them.
For example:
• If you’re sensitive to ragweed, your immune system may
react to foods like corn, tomatoes, melon, apples, peaches,
pears, apricots, cherries, berries, plums, bananas, cucumbers,
squash, or chamomile tea.
• During spring allergy season, when trees and grasses release
their pollen, foods like apple, pear, kiwi, cherry, parsley,
peach, carrots, and even some nuts (almonds or walnuts)
can trigger an allergic reaction.
• If you’re allergic to mold—which is a common allergen
in fall and winter, in leaves and in damp, dark spaces like
basements—it’s best to avoid foods that have been fermented

or contain mold, fungi, or yeast—like cheese, sour cream,
mushrooms, beer or wine, and vinegar-based foods like
salad dressings.
Keep in mind, not everyone has this type of cross-reaction
with foods...but if you’re battling a seasonal allergy, think about
the foods you’re eating, and try cutting back on or eliminating the
foods listed above to see if it makes a difference for you. And don’t
forget about the one food everyone with allergies should avoid.
I’m talking, of course, about SUGAR.
Sugar is a major threat to your immune system. In fact, even
one teaspoon of sugar can suppress the immune system by 56
percent! And a compromised immune system is even less likely
to be able to handle allergens. Unfortunately, you might be taking
in more sugar than you realize.
Simple carbs like white bread, crackers, and pastries are obvious
sources. But a glass of orange juice contains two teaspoons (or
more) sugar. And even certain fruits—like apples, kiwis, and
oranges—are especially high in sugar. When you cut these from
your everyday diet, you’ll give your gut health (and your immune
system) a big boost, and you’ll be another step forward in curbing

A sure-fire fix that turns “useless” arthritis

remedies into miracle cures
Maybe you’ve tried natural arthritis remedies before. And
maybe you’ve had less-than-stellar results.
There are certainly plenty of reports to back up your experience.
In fact, you hear more stories claiming that natural arthritis
remedies don’t work than ones claiming they DO.
But before you write them off altogether, consider this…
None of those supplement-bashing stories ever talk about WHY
natural arthritis remedies don’t live up to expectations.

But after decades of research and hands-on experience with my
patients, I’ve finally pieced this mystery together. There’s a hidden
reason so many people never seem to be able to get the arthritis
relief they so desperately need.
It turns out, you may actually have a problem with your
You see, every nutrient that supports your joints must pass
through your stomach first. And if your stomach isn’t operating
up to par…Well, you may not get all the healing potential those
natural remedies really have to offer.
Problem is, it’s not always so easy to tell if your digestion is
out of whack. But here’s a quick checklist of some things that can
throw it off kilter. Do you…
• Chew your food too quickly?
• Eat on the run?
• Eat junk food?
• Eat late in the day?
• Drink alcohol?
If any of these apply to you (and, let’s be honest—they apply
to most of us), chances are good your stomach isn’t quite at the
top of its game.
And, unfortunately your joints may be paying the price.
But start with your stomach, and before you know it, those
natural arthritis remedies will go from useless to miraculous.
Bromelain (from pineapple) and papain (from papaya) are
two common, widely available digestive enzymes that can help
your body break down arthritis-relieving supplements and use
them more effectively.
Pancreatin and pepsin are two other options I often recommend
to my patients.
Of course, it’s always best to work with a doctor to find the

right combination and dose. To find a natural physician near you
who will be familiar with digestive enzymes, contact the American
College for Advancement in Medicine at
But, rest assured, in many cases, all it takes is a few of these
specific enzymes to jumpstart your digestion. And—voila!
You unlock all the healing potential inside those natural joint
supplements. Which means you’ll finally get that relief you’ve
been searching for.

“Maori gold”: The lost solution for arthritis pain

found and forgotten on the coast of
New Zealand over 35 years ago!
You probably know New Zealand as a tiny island on the other
side of the world. But hidden on its remote shores is the secret
to not only soothing your arthritis pain but possibly healing the
damaged cartilage in your joints…
According to New Zealand folklore (and now science!), eating
one type of shellfish—called a green-lipped mussel—will help
keep your joints strong, smooth and healthy well into your golden
The green-lipped mussel only grows naturally along the
glimmering Maori coast of New Zealand. And it remained a local
Maori secret until the 1960s, when western researchers stumbled
upon it while searching for a cancer cure.
Unfortunately, the green-lipped mussel didn’t cure cancer. But
during testing, the researchers found something almost as valuable
for millions suffering from arthritis.
A unique oil containing one of the most fascinating
combinations of anti-inflammatories known to man…I like to
call it, “Maori gold.”
Once scientists realized this green-lipped mussel was the key
to the Maori’s joint comfort, it quickly led to a flood of studies.

Now with more than 25 trials, scientists agree the green-lipped
mussel could be your ticket to pain-free joints.1
One study showed that 1,050 mg of green lipped mussel extract
was able to improve joint comfort, mobility and stiffness in 76%
of participants.
Another showed that 83% of participants reported good or
excellent results after using 1,500 mg of green lipped mussel extract
daily over a year-long period…the patients described exercising
with ease, improved joint comfort, and greater mobility. Just like
the Maori.
“Maori gold” even showed the ability to repair and replace
damaged joint cartilage for some of the study participants. After
four decades of testing, researchers now believe that the “natural
compounds” responsible for the effects were the omega-3 fatty
acids found in the green-lipped mussel. And what’s more, as it
turns mussels have them in droves!
In fact, the green-lipped mussels contain more omega-3s than
just about any other fish on the planet. They also contain a unique
combination of fatty acids you’d be hard pressed to find in any
other food.
What’s their secret? Green-lipped mussels feed on a unique
species of plankton that migrate to the New Zealand coast from
subarctic waters.
These unique plankton contain loads of anti-inflammatory
compounds that protect them from harmful ozone damage above
the subarctic circle.
When green-lipped mussels eat the plankton, they inherit
this ingenious defense mechanism. As a result, the green-lipped
mussels contain a powerful combination of fatty acids and anti-
inflammatories that are hard to find anywhere else in the world!
I know there are huge concerns about the purity of omegas.
And with good reason. But green-lipped mussels are about as pure

as they come. They grow in pristine waterways that are remote and
government-protected off the coast of New Zealand.
So you can take green-lipped mussel extract with confidence.
And enjoy not just the soothing anti-inflammatory effects, but also
the potential to actually help “regenerate” the connective tissue in
your joints for longer-term benefits.
I generally recommend 1,000-1,500 mg per day in capsule form.

A perfect, scalpel-free cure for

excruciating gallbladder attacks
Gallbladder removal (technically known as cholecystectomy) is
actually the most common surgery performed in the United States.
Primarily because most mainstream doctors use it as the go-to
prescription for every minor gallbladder flare up. But if you ask
me, removing an organ as the first-line treatment for any condition
is overkill.
The fact is, you need all of your organs—even the ones the
“experts” think are useless. The appendix is a perfect example. Up
until about a year ago, no one thought it served much of a purpose
in the body. So, like gallbladder removal, appendectomies were
viewed as “no big deal.”
But we now know the appendix houses all the good bacteria
your body needs to stay healthy.
And your gallbladder serves an equally important function.
Your gallbladder is a pear-shaped organ under your liver. It
stores bile, a fluid made by your liver to digest fat. Your gallbladder
releases bile into the stomach and intestines through a tube called
the bile duct.
Most of the time, this system works perfectly, and you never
notice your gallbladder. Problems arise when something blocks
the flow of bile from the gallbladder through the bile ducts. The

primary culprits are usually gallstones. Gallstones are hardened
deposits of bile. And if they get lodged in your bile ducts, you’ll
know it.
Symptoms can be very painful and usually occur after you eat.
The most common ones include nausea, vomiting, cramping, or
sharp pain in the abdomen, back, or just under the right arm.
Attacks usually last anywhere from an hour to four hours.
If you experience these attacks regularly, your doctor will
probably tell you that you need surgery. But unless your gallbladder
is diseased or actually ruptured, surgery should be your last resort.
Especially since there are other things you can try first.
In fact, there’s one step I recommend to every person who’s
ever experienced a gallbladder attack...
Whether you’re prone to gallstones or have only had one
attack, the first thing I would recommend is to switch to my New
Hamptons Health Miracle immediately.
You hear a lot about high-fat foods causing gallbladder attacks.
And that’s true to some extent. But it’s a major oversimplification.
I don’t know anyone who’s had a gallbladder attack after eating a
piece of salmon or an avocado. Both of which are considered “high-
fat” foods (and both of which are staples on my New Hamptons
Health Miracle).
But that’s because they’re rich in monounsaturated fat. The
kind that actually helps promote healing throughout the body.
Not the processed, saturated kind (which DOES contribute to
gallbladder attacks).
Gallstones are also a sign of inflammation in your system. And
one of the primary benefits of my New Hamptons Health Miracle is
it helps squelch inflammation everywhere in your body. Including
your gallbladder.
Once you’ve made that switch, I also recommend adding
more alkaline foods to your diet. This helps even out your

body’s pH balance. If your pH balance is too acidic, it can
create excess inflammation. Luckily, alkaline foods are easy
to find in the supermarket or your local farmers’ market.
Cucumbers, broccoli, and almonds are just a few examples.
You can find more complete lists of alkaline foods all over
the Internet.
If you’re in the midst of a gallbladder attack, there are a few
natural substances that can help ease the pain. I sometimes
recommend willow bark or an enzyme formula called Wobenzym.
But it’s important to see a doctor first if you’re in pain.
And unless the pain is really severe, I usually have my patients
ride it out. And work on figuring out what brought it on in the first
place. (This is one of the few instances where I would recommend
keeping a food diary.) Because, usually, a gallbladder attack can
be traced back to a particular food or meal. And, more often than
not, it’s something that isn’t good for you anyway.
Yet another reason the New Hamptons Health Miracle is the
perfect remedy for gallbladder problems. Not only will it keep you
from potentially dangerous surgery, it will also help you look and
feel better overall.

The secret to bringing your blood sugar

down as much as 28%—in mere minutes
A recent study showed that a quick workout can lead to some
major improvements in your blood sugar. Here’s how it works...
Researchers had a group of sedentary people do three of these
workouts a week for six weeks. Each workout consisted of easy
cycling and sprinting.
The first week, the subjects only sprinted once during their
10-minute workout. And only for 10 seconds. The next two weeks,
they sprinted twice during the routine. Each sprint lasted 15
seconds. The last three weeks, they continued with two sprints
per workout. But those sprints were each 20 seconds long.

At the end of six weeks, these short workouts led to a whopping
28 percent improvement in insulin function.
I know what you’re thinking. “Dr. Fred, I can’t even jog, let
alone sprint.” But hear me out...
We’re not talking about long distances here. Or even a lot of
time. In fact, these “sprinting” workouts only last 10 minutes.
Total. That’s even less time than the 15-minute after-dinner walk
I ask all my patients to commit to. And you only have to sprint
for 20 seconds—max.
It’s certainly well worth a try for such an impressive result.

The “tap water cure” for banishing

painful kidney stones
Kidney stones are one of the most painful conditions you can
get. Unfortunately, they’re also very common.
But what exactly is a kidney stone? The “stone” is a hardened
mass of calcium crystals that get stuck in the urinary tract. So why
do some people seem to get them again and again, while others
escape them altogether?
Well, it turns out some people are predisposed to get kidney
stones because of a common genetic variation in a gene called
Researchers explain that the claudin-14 gene is a gatekeeper
between the kidneys and the bloodstream. When claudin-14 is
inactive, as it normally should be, the kidneys’ filtration system
works fine. Any calcium in the urine is allowed to flow back into
the bloodstream.
But some people are born with an overly active claudin-14
gene. So they have an increased risk of kidney stones. But there’s
an easy way to reduce that risk.
Drink lots of water.

When people don’t drink enough, claudin-14 is even more
likely to prevent calcium from re-entering the blood. And when
calcium builds-up, kidney stones develop.
So how much water do you need? I always recommend drinking
the amount of water in ounces that your body weighs in kilograms.
Which is easier to figure out than it sounds.
A kilogram is 2.2 pounds. So just divide your weight by 2.2,
and that’s the number of ounces of water you need every day.

The single cause of back pain, headaches,

and almost EVERY nagging ache
and painful flare up
Migraines. Arthritis. Back pain. They couldn’t be more different,
Actually, they’re more similar than you may think. In fact, they
all boil down to one, single underlying cause...
Of course Big Pharma has made billions selling the idea that
all the different types of pain require a different bottle in your
medicine cabinet.
Tylenol Back Pain...Advil Arthritis...Excedrin Migraine—the
list is endless. But really, they all address pain the same way. By
relieving inflammation.
Problem is, their effects are only temporary. So as soon as they
wear off, the inflammation—and your pain—comes back.
But here’s a little secret those drug makers don’t want you to
You CAN get rid of pain and inflammation entirely—with
just a few simple steps. And it’s important to do so, because left
unchecked, inflammation can be killer.

In itself, inflammation is a good thing. It’s how your body
protects itself. And how it heals itself. Without it, wounds and
infections would never get better.
Here’s how it works. Any time you injure yourself or are exposed
to some sort of infection, your immune system responds by sending
out substances called “inflammatory mediators.” Histamine,
prostaglandins, and cytokines are probably the most well-known.
The inflammatory mediators increase blood flow. They also
allow more white blood cells to get through your blood vessel
walls to the site of the infection or injury.
All of this is necessary to heal you. But in the process, it can
also cause redness, fever, swelling, and—yes—pain.
This sort of response is known as acute inflammation. And it
generally goes away on its own within a few days (at the most).
But when it doesn’t go away, it results in something called
chronic inflammation. Which causes ongoing pain (among other
symptoms)—and generally makes your life miserable.
This sort of inflammation is at the root of arthritis pain,
fibromyalgia, back pain, etc. And if you don’t rein it in, it can
lead to more serious conditions.
Research has linked chronic inflammation to heart disease,
cancer, and Alzheimer’s disease.
But as complicated as the inflammatory process is, keeping
it under control is actually quite simple. And like most health
problems, the best place to start battling inflammation is with food.
I believe there’s a simple reason arthritis, back aches, and so many
other forms of pain are at record highs these days. It all comes back to
the dreadful diet that’s become the “standard” in this country.
You see, the Standard American Diet relies heavily on packaged,
processed foods. And these contain large amounts of omega-6
fatty acids. I’ve talked before about the importance of fatty acids.

But even more important than fatty acids themselves is the ratio
of fatty acids in your body.
Omega-6s are generally known as “pro-inflammatory” fatty acids.
So you need to balance them out with other essential fatty acids to
neutralize this effect. Otherwise, your body is in a constant state of
inflammation. And you’re much more likely to suffer from ongoing
aches and pains.
And being overweight—which is also much more likely if
you’re eating a lot of packaged, processed carbs—compounds the
inflammation problem even more. Body fat, especially belly fat,
triggers a low-grade inflammatory process throughout the body.
Studies show that people with chronic low-grade inflammation
have two to three times the levels of inflammatory markers such
as TNF-a, IL-6, and C-Reactive protein.
To put it simply, immune cells mistake fatty deposits as
intruders. When fat cells expand and leak, your body releases
more inflammatory chemicals. It’s a vicious cycle. But there’s an
easy solution...

Cut out the processed, packaged foods.

Instead, focus on whole, natural, minimally
processed foods.
That single, simple step alone will make a huge difference in
easing inflammation throughout your body. In fact, it will probably
get you most of the way there without doing anything else.
And it’s not as difficult as it might seem to make the switch. You’ve
probably heard this advice before, but shopping the “perimeter” of
the grocery store is the simplest way to bypass most processed foods
altogether. (Avoid “foods” like crackers, granola bars, cereals, bottled
salad dressings, etc. All the products that fill up the center aisles in
the supermarket.) Stock your shopping cart with vegetables, fruit,
cheese, meat, and seafood. Another good option is to do as much
food shopping at your local farmers’ market as you can. Not only
are the foods you’ll find there unprocessed, but they’re also more

likely to be organic, are locally grown, and seasonal. So you can be
sure they’re truly healthy. (Plus, they taste better, too.)
My New Hamptons Health Miracle makes it simple—and
delicious—to cut out the processed foods that contribute to chronic
In the meantime, there are also a few supplements that can
help you get even better results...
Fish oil. This is the best source of the omega-3 fatty acids
EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid).
Studies show that omega-3s have powerful anti-inflammatory
effects. And you need plenty of omega-3s to balance out those pro-
inflammatory omega-6s. For fish oil supplements, check the label
for the EPA/DHA content. This is the most important part of any
fish oil supplement. And you want to get the most bang for your
buck. You need 3,000 mg of EPA/DHA (not just fish oil) per day.
Vitamin D. Two new studies show how important vitamin
D is for pain and inflammation. The first study, published in The
Journal of Immunology, showed that vitamin D is directly related
to how well your body handles inflammation. Based on their
findings, the researchers concluded that people with low levels of
vitamin D aren’t able to regulate inflammation. But people whose
levels are within the normal range can keep inflammation from
raging out of control and contributing to problems like asthma,
arthritis, and cancer.
The second study was even more impressive. Researchers looked
at 2,070 adults over age 65. More than half—53 percent—reported
having moderate to severe pain. Every single one also had low
vitamin D levels. Just 10 minutes of sun exposure daily is all it
takes. But if you’re wearing sunscreen, you probably aren’t getting
sufficient amounts. That’s where supplements are essential. I
recommend at least 2,000-5,000 IU per day of vitamin D3. And
be sure to get your blood levels checked periodically by your
physician. It should be in the 50+ range.

Bromelain. This pineapple extract is best known in the natural
medicine world as a digestive enzyme. But it also has powerful
anti-inflammatory effects. In fact, in 2008 Duke University
researchers found that bromelain can decrease migration of white
blood cells to sites of acute inflammation. A dose of 200 mg per
day is usually plenty.
MSM. This sulfur compound has been around in supplement
form for a long time. Most of the evidence supporting its powerful
pain-relieving effects is anecdotal. But in 2009, a Korean study
showed that MSM does inhibit a number of inflammatory
mediators. I generally recommend 2,000 mg three times per day.
CoEnzyme Q10 (CoQ10). On its own CoQ10 has some solid
research supporting its ability to reduce inflammation. But a new
study conducted at the University of Cordoba in Spain made an
interesting discovery. You can get even more anti-inflammatory
benefits when you add CoQ10 to a diet based on lean protein, fruits,
vegetables, and monounsaturated fatty acids. (Sound familiar?)
Researchers found that the diet alone made a big dent in
curbing participants’ inflammation. But when they took 200 mg
of CoQ10 too, they got even better results.

One more reason to get moving

I know. When you’re in pain, exercise is the last thing you want
to think about. But it’s actually one of the best things you can do
to overcome it.
Research has shown that regular physical activity decreases
markers of inflammation. Activity also releases endorphins, the
brain chemicals that improve a person’s mood, which simply helps
you cope better. And exercise will help you lose weight, which
helps ease inflammation even further. Plus, it takes some excess
stress off your knees and hips, and that helps relieve back pain.
I advise my patients to start with stretching and muscle
strengthening exercises. You’ll be surprised what a big difference

it can make. But don’t stop once your pain starts to subside!
You need to keep moving—and keep eating healthy foods and
taking the right supplements—to keep those anti-inflammatory,
pain-relieving benefits going.

Relief for acute flare-ups

Of course, even if you’ve taken every step outlined above to
protect yourself from chronic inflammation and pain, every now
and then you’re bound to have an acute flare-up. Whether it’s a
headache, a bruise, or sore muscles from overdoing it in the garden.
So here are some of my go-to recommendations for nipping acute
pain in the bud.
Arnica. This herbal, homeopathic remedy has been used for
more than 500 years to treat pain and inflammation. But it’s got
some modern science behind it as well.
One study looked at 204 people with osteoarthritis in their
hands. Researchers found that a topical arnica gel worked just as
well as ibuprofen for relieving pain. You can use topical arnica
creams. Or you can look for homeopathic sublingual tablets (in
the 30x potency). If you opt for tablets, I recommend 5 under the
tongue five times per day.
White willow bark. This is Nature’s aspirin. In fact, aspirin is
actually a synthetic form of salicin, the natural compound in white
willow bark. But the natural form is much, much safer. I typically
recommend 400 mg tablets up to four times per day.
Curcumin. This extract comes from the spice turmeric. One
study found that 2 grams of curcumin extract provides pain relief
similar to ibuprofen.
Capsaicin. This hot pepper extract stimulates circulation,
desensitizes nerve endings, and acts as a local anesthetic. It’s usually
used topically. And studies have shown it’s very effective for many
different types of pain with few—if any—side effects.

How to wipe out arthritis pain—and a whole lot
more—without a single drug
Enzymes are the catalysts behind every single important event
that takes place in your body. Like a finger pushing an intricate
line of dominos, these tiny molecules set off the chain of events
that make life itself possible.
In fact, there’s a theory out there that the length of your life is
directly related to your body’s enzyme status. And that the state of
your health rests on the shoulders of these vital molecules.
This same theory suggests that simply supplementing with
enzymes can lead to a longer, healthier life.
But could perfect health really be that easy?
Well, I’m not sure I’d go quite that far. There are other factors
involved in longevity that are equally important (a healthy diet
and regular exercise being two of the most obvious).
But I do know that enzymes are incredibly underused in
modern medicine. And it’s absolutely true that your health depends
on them—in more ways than you might think.

Benefits way beyond your stomach

The most common uses of enzymes revolve around digestion. I
frequently recommend enzymes to patients with nausea, diarrhea,
ulcers, GERD, or hiatal hernias. But I also use them for patients
suffering from conditions that don’t have anything to do with
digestion—like serious injuries or joint pain.
And there’s a good reason for that.
Enzymes are responsible for breaking down the food you eat
into vitamins and minerals that your body can actually use for
nutrition. But enzymes also go way beyond that.
At the most basic level, enzymes are proteins that make life-

sustaining chemical reactions happen. They’re what keep the
complex clockwork of your cells, organs, bones, muscles, and
every other conceivable living tissue running.
Unfortunately, you lose enzymes as you age. Take the enzyme
that converts the omega-3 ALA into the active forms of EPA and
DHA, for example. In most people, it’s gone by age 40.
It’s a sinister sequence of events. One that essentially paves the
way toward disease—and even death. And there are a few factors
that make the problem even worse.

How you eat is just as important as what you eat

First of all, your levels of stomach acid start to decline with
age. And stomach acid is partially responsible for activating your
digestive enzymes.
In a perfect world, your food would pick up most of the slack
caused by this natural decline. Fresh, raw food is packed with live
enzymes that help to maximize nutrient absorption. But “fresh”
and “raw” are the key words here.

Five telltale signs of enzyme deficiency

How do you know if you’re lacking critical enzymes? If you’re

over 40, it’s practically inevitable. But here are five telltale signs
of enzyme deficiency:
• heartburn • fatigue
• bloating and gas • aches and pains
• food sensitivities
If any of these symptoms sound familiar, a digestive enzyme
supplement is definitely in order.

Obviously, processed foods are about as far from nature—and
devoid of life-sustaining enzymes—as it gets.

But when I say “fresh,” I mean food that just came out of the
ground or off the tree. The enzymes in fruits and vegetables start
to degrade the moment you harvest them. And produce that isn’t
local and seasonal often spends weeks in crates on a truck before
it actually makes it to the supermarket.

And simply cooking your food strips it of vital enzymes even

further. Not that I’m advocating a strictly raw food diet. But
incorporating some raw or very lightly steamed or sautéed produce
into your diet is always a good thing.

Then there’s the rushed way so many Americans eat. You see,
chewing is a vital part of the digestive process. It triggers the release
of enzymes that help to break down your food. (That’s why I don’t
recommend chewing gum—why waste precious enzymes on non-
nutritive junk?)

So eating processed, enzyme-deficient food too quickly is

the worst possible scenario for your body. You miss out on the
important pre-digestion that occurs with thorough chewing.
And the food itself doesn’t contain enough enzymes to aid with
digestion once it gets to your stomach.

This leaves your pancreas to generate all the enzymes necessary

to eke out even a scrap of nutrition from the meal you just ate.

It’s an enormous amount of pressure to put on one organ.

Especially one that plays other critical roles in the body (namely
insulin production and blood sugar control). This extra burden
may be one reason why so many people in this country have pre-
diabetes and diabetes.

So let’s talk about how to tackle this uniquely modern health


Six enzymes you need with every meal
Your first step should be to get as many live enzymes from your
food as you can. As I said above, fresh, local, seasonal produce is
your very best source of enzymes. And cook your vegetables just
until they’re ever-so-slightly tender.
You can cover the rest of your bases with a comprehensive
enzyme supplement.
This is really one recommendation everyone can benefit from.
Because even young, healthy people are borrowing from Peter to
pay Paul (so to speak) if they’re not eating a near-perfect diet.
If your enzyme reserves are limited, your body uses them for
digestion first. Which means you don’t have as many left for the
other critical functions enzymes help carry out in your body.
This is why I often recommend enzyme supplements to treat
conditions that, on the surface at least, seem to have nothing to do
with digestion. Like bacterial and viral infections, and conditions
associated with inflammation, including heart disease, multiple
sclerosis, and cancer—just to name a few.
So here’s a quick list of some of the key digestive enzymes you
should be taking with every meal:
• Papain—From papaya and helps digest proteins
• Amylase—Aids the digestion of starches and carbohydrates
• Lipase—Aids the digestion of fats
• Cellulase—Helps break down fiber
• Lactase—Helps break down milk sugars in dairy products
• Bromelain—From pineapples and helps digest protein
The good news is, there are numerous products on the market
that include most—if not all—of these enzymes in one formula.
Even better, enzyme supplements are easy to find (your local GNC

and Vitamin Shoppe likely carry several good options to choose
from), and they’re affordable.
You should start with a low dose and take it with every meal.
Follow this prescription, and you can count on some pretty
transformative results. For one thing, you’ll be giving your
overburdened digestive system some much needed relief, while
maximizing nutrient uptake from your food. And that’s a sure path
to higher energy and stronger immunity. Not to mention one of
the most surprising benefits of enzyme therapy…

Arthritis relief that rivals painkilling drugs

As I mentioned above, enzymes are actually one of the most
powerful weapons in your arthritis arsenal. But when it comes
to tackling joint pain, one particular type of enzyme is especially

The bedtime cure for leaky gut

For best results, I recommend taking a dose of whatever enzyme

supplement you choose before bed, too. Because enzymes
that aren’t tied up with digestion will eventually make their way
into your bloodstream—where they go after any undigested
food particles that may have slipped through. (The byproduct of
a condition called leaky gut syndrome.)
Food particles that escape through a leaky gut are targeted as
foreign invaders by your immune system. And it attacks them
just as it would any other threat—by triggering inflammation
throughout your body (and all the problems that come with it).
So taking digestive enzymes at bedtime on an empty stomach
helps combat this increasingly common problem before it even
has a chance to start.

Let me explain: Nutrient uptake is the domain of digestive
enzymes, which come from your pancreas, your stomach, your
salivary glands, and ideally, your food. But any condition outside
of your gut needs help from metabolic enzymes to heal.
Metabolic enzymes come almost entirely from your pancreas,
with two notable exceptions: papain and bromelain, which come
from food sources. They also function as both digestive and
metabolic enzymes.
And that’s why they’re such great natural anti-inflammatories.
Because like other metabolic enzymes, they have the unique ability
to cruise through your blood stream and eat up foreign proteins.
Not just rogue food particles but also viruses, bacteria, and—
perhaps most importantly—fibrin.
Fibrin is a key player in your body’s inflammatory response.
And left unchecked, it can cause a lot of problems.
You may have heard about its role in the formation of deadly
blood clots and heart attacks. However, fibrin deposits in the
joints are also one of the defining traits of arthritis. But metabolic
enzymes (like bromelain and papain) are able to dissolve them.
This probably sounds a little too good to be true. But it’s not. In
fact, published research shows that metabolic enzymes rival drug
therapy when it comes to relieving arthritis pain and improving
Several clinical trials from the last two decades show that
specialized enzyme supplementation offers the same clinical
benefit as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) for
patients suffering with osteoarthritis of the knee.1-3
And a 2006 study featuring patients with osteoarthritis of the hip
showed similar results. This six-week study pitted enzyme therapy
against a NSAID called diclofenac. And it found no significant
difference in pain, stiffness, or physical function between the two
treatment groups.4

In fact, the results of this study leaned pretty definitively in favor
of enzyme supplementation. Just over 71 percent of the patients
taking enzymes showed either a good or very good response—
versus 61.4 percent of the patients taking the NSAID.
And of course, enzymes are much safer than any of the NSAIDs
on the market.
After all, enzymes certainly aren’t causing heart attacks, stroke,
hearing loss, or any of the other horrors you hear about on the
nightly news. No—that distinction goes to NSAIDs.
So researchers may call the two arthritis treatments “equivalent.”
But when you factor in safety, enzymes are the clear winner.

The blood-pressure remedy so easy

you can do it in your sleep
Believe it or not, lack of quality sleep may be an important—
and neglected—contributing factor in cases of hypertension.
Researchers at Harvard Medical School found that men who
spent less than 4 percent of their sleep in “slow-wave sleep” were
83 percent more likely to develop high blood pressure by the
study’s end. These men had poorer-quality sleep—less hours of
sleep, more awakenings, and more sleep apnea.
This is the first study to find that poor-quality sleep—not just
lack of sleep—affects blood pressure.
If you’re not getting 6-8 hours of restorative sleep each night,
and you’ve already tried addressing the obvious culprits (cutting
back on caffeine, establishing a relaxing bedtime routine, etc.), try
taking a closer look at your actual surroundings.
It may not seem important (after all, you’re asleep, right?) But
the fact is, certain environmental factors can negatively affect how
well you’re sleeping.
One of the things I always recommend to my patients is to

make sure they’re sleeping in absolute darkness—even the light
from the alarm clock can alter your sleep patterns. Also, try turning
your thermostat down a few degrees before you turn in for the
night. During the day, you’re probably comfortable with a room
temperature in the 70s, but studies show that an optimal sleeping
temperature is between 60-68 degrees Farenheit.
And, above all, make sure that you’re making sleep a priority.
Your health depends on it.

The secret prostate cure that’s been hiding on your

Thanksgiving dinner table for generations
You hear about women battling urinary tract infections all the
time. But few doctors ever talk about treating men’s urinary problems.
Their sole focus is on shrinking the prostate. And, don’t get me
wrong—that is important. But there’s more to male “mechanics”
than the prostate. The urethra has problems of its own, including
inflammation that makes urinating very painful. And these issues
are generally lumped together under one catch-all diagnosis:
Unfortunately, the catch-all treatment—antibiotics—is
notoriously ineffective. In fact, there’s not a single documented case
that antibiotics are effective for treating the problems associated
with prostatitis (like a burning sensation while urinating, pain in
the perineum, blood in the urine, and painful ejaculation).
That’s why for the past 15 years, I’ve been suggesting that my
male patients use the same natural treatment women have been
relying on to cure UTIs for generations: cranberry juice.
I admit, I didn’t have a whole lot to go on the first time I
recommended this approach. But it just made sense—if cranberry
juice helps to keep the female urinary tract healthy, it should work
for men, too. And it did. So I’ve continued prescribing it ever since.
In fact, I have patient after patient who could tell you just how
well cranberries work for guys. Take Ron, for example.

Here’s what he has to say about cranberry:
“I’m 67 years old and have suffered a long time with having to
urinate constantly throughout the day. It got so bad, I even kept a log
and the worst day was 23 times. I went to a conventional urologist
who tried me on all the usual drugs. They helped a little, but I didn’t
like the way they made me feel. And besides, I always preferred the
more holistic approach. I was taking all of the nutritional supplements
that I had read about for prostate health--saw palmetto, etc. But when
I saw Dr. Fred, he mentioned starting cranberry. He said he had used
it in many men who had no or little success with all the traditional
supplements. So, I figured why not? Within 2 weeks I began to see
an improvement--and within 8 weeks, I stopped keeping my log as I
was down to about 6 trips to the bathroom per day, which, for me,
was a fantastic improvement.”
Now—finally—there’s a study that backs me up in recommending
cranberry to men like Ron.
Researchers in the Czech Republic have discovered the first
firm evidence that cranberries may improve lower urinary tract
symptoms in men.
The study, published in the British Journal of Nutrition, involved
42 men diagnosed with chronic non-bacterial prostatitis. Half
the men took 1,500 mg of dried powdered cranberries daily for
6 months, while the control group took no cranberry treatment.
Their prostate-related symptoms were taken at baseline, and at
three and six months later.
Men who took the cranberry treatment had significant
improvements in quality of life, urine flow and volume (and other
factors measured by the International Prostate Symptom Score);
and in levels of prostate-specific antigens, or PSA.
In other words, they could pee again easily—without the pain!
And other research is pointing to the potential for cranberry
supplements to prevent repeated UTIs in women. (And my guess
is it will do the same for men. Again, it just makes sense!)

This is very good news, especially since drinking too much
cranberry juice might increase risk of kidney stones. Not to mention
the fact that fruit juice is a notoriously overlooked contributor to
sugar-overload, obesity, and diabetes.

The 20-minute outdoor trick that’s

curing high blood pressure
A new, study out of University College London showed higher
levels of vitamin D directly contribute to lower risk of hypertension
and heart disease. Researchers looked at data from 35 studies and
over 155,000 subjects. They also employed a special approach
known as “Mendelian randomization.” This method looks at genes
in order to examine causality as opposed to correlation.
Up until now, most studies on vitamin D and heart health have
only established links between the two.
This is among the first to establish a clear cause-and effect
relationship. Results showed that people with high concentrations
of the sunshine vitamin had lower blood pressure overall. In fact,
for every 10 percent increase in vitamin D concentrations, there
was an 8.1 percent decrease in hypertension risk.
Now this is great news if you happen to live in an area with a
warmer climate, where presumably everyone’s getting a lot more
sun. But if you’ve been hiding indoors, now’s the time to get
outside. All you need to boost your stores of vitamin D is 20 to
30 minutes of maximum exposure to mid-day sun.
It’s the easiest half hour you might have all day. But if you live in a
colder climate like I do, make sure you’re taking a good supplement.
I always recommend at least 2,000 IUs of vitamin D3 daily.

Two simple strategies that stop

vision loss in its tracks
Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) may not be the world’s
leading cause of blindness. (That honor goes to cataracts.) But it’s

a major one, nevertheless. So it’s important to know the signs.
Especially if you’re over 60, when most cases of AMD strike. It’s even
more important to know about the simple nutritional interventions
that can make a huge difference in this disease’s progression. And
knowing about them might just save your eyesight in the long run.
As the name suggests, macular degeneration destroys your macula.
This is the most sensitive part of your retina, located in the back
part of your eye. It’s filled with the light-sensing cells responsible
for sharp, central vision. There are two main types of macular
degeneration—dry AMD and wet AMD. The former is by far the
most common, accounting for roughly 90 percent of all cases. It’s
a slow-moving disease that causes the critical sensory cells in your
macula to break down and die.
Wet AMD, on the other hand, is marked by the growth of
abnormal blood vessels beneath your macula. This results in a
leakage of blood and fluid. Both of which damage the macula a
lot more quickly than dry AMD. So it’s fortunate that wet AMD is
also the more rare form by a wide margin. But your risk of either
form of the disease is higher if you’re over 60, female, obese, or
have heart disease. In both forms of macular degeneration, your
peripheral vision remains intact. Objects right in front of you,
however, will appear hazy and dull—often obscured by a single
blurred or blind spot.
That’s typically in the later stages, of course. Most cases of early
AMD can only be detected through a comprehensive eye exam. You
may notice subtle changes, like straight lines appearing crooked.
Or you may not experience any symptoms at all.
Either way, now is the best time to start taking action. Which
brings me back to the good news.Like I said, you can stop AMD—or
at least, slow it down—with a few carefully selected nutrients. This,
of course, includes supplements. And one of the most common
recommendations, even among mainstream doctors, is what’s
known as the AREDS formulation.
The AREDS formulation is named for the National Eye Institute’s

Age Related Eye Disease Study. This was a 10-year clinical trial that
evaluated the effectiveness of five different nutrients—vitamin C,
vitamin E, beta-carotene, zinc, and copper.
Results showed that high daily doses of these nutrients can slam
the brakes on AMD progression. One of the main products I use for
vision preservation, EYE-BRITE,™ is based on the AREDS formulation.
I recommend two tabs daily. I also administer a special IV cocktail
to my patients with macular degeneration. Getting nutrients directly
into your vein allows your body to tolerate doses that you could
never take by mouth. It also facilitates better absorption.
My IV protocol features nutrients from the AREDS formulation
(including vitamin C, zinc, and copper). But it delivers large
doses of glutathione, a range of B-vitamins, and several other
minerals, as well. (Namely magnesium, manganese, chromium,
and selenium.)
The addition of glutathione is especially important to my IV
protocol, since it isn’t well absorbed through your gut. And that’s
a problem, because this antioxidant is by far one of the most
powerful forms of natural protection your body has. Low levels
of glutathione can speed up oxidative damage to the cells of your
macula and lead to imbalances in ocular fluid pressure. Both of
these phenomena are risk factors for AMD.
Meanwhile, research shows that B-vitamins prevent AMD-related
vision loss, too. This is most likely due to their effect on homocysteine.
I’ve mentioned homocysteine before—in particular, its link to heart
disease. But the tiny blood vessels in your eyes are just as susceptible to
this substance’s negative effects. A steady stream of B vitamins can help
to minimize this damage, which is why I’ve also included them in my
IV protocol.
This approach isn’t exclusive to my clinic. So it should be
relatively easy to find a holistic practitioner who offers a similar
treatment for macular degeneration. The American College
for Advancement in Medicine ( can help you to
locate an experienced doctor in your area.

Eat your way to “younger” vision
I’m always telling my patients and readers that the right diet can
go a long way in preventing disease. And my prescription for AMD
is no different. As usual, sparing your vision requires eating less
sugar. But it also means eating more of two key foods in particular.
The first is fish. A study of participants in the famous Nurses’
Health Study and the Health Professionals Follow-up Study showed
that eating more than four servings of fish per week lowers AMD
risk by 35 percent. And this was no small study, either. Researchers
looked at data from over 72,000 men and women aged 50 and
older, spanning over a decade. The results appeared in the American
Journal of Clinical Nutrition in 2001.
These benefits are obviously related to the omega-3 content of
fatty fish—and to its abundance of DHA in particular. So if you’re
not a fan of seafood, be sure to at least take a high-quality fish oil
every day. (I generally recommend 3,000 mg of DHA/EPA.)
While you’re at it, eat more salad. Leafy green vegetables are
especially rich in lutein and zeaxanthin. And research shows that
getting more of these carotenoids in your diet could cut your risk
of AMD by 43 percent. That’s a pretty serious perk for a side of
spinach, kale, or collard greens. So feel free to serve with a heavy

Slash your depression and anxiety by 72%

with the rare, Indian “good mood root”
It would be nice if you could just call a time out and take off
on vacation whenever you felt overwhelmed by stress. But we all
know the real world doesn’t work that way. The fact is, everyone lives
with stress—some of us more than others. That’s why it’s so critical
to find practical ways to buffer its negative effects on your body.
And make no mistake. Stress does erode your health. So I’d like to
take a moment to zero in on one of the more effective solutions.
Withania somnifera (also called ashwagandha) is a popular

Ayurvedic (traditional Indian) herb, a potent antioxidant, and—bar
none—one of your best bets for all-natural stress protection. That’s
because ashwagandha is an “adaptogen.” This classification refers
to its ability to help your body adapt to difficult circumstances. This
could be actual physical stress, like critical illness or surgery. Or it
could be mental stress, like a high-pressure job or an ugly divorce.
I won’t go into the many ways that either form of stress can
weigh down your health. I doubt I have to. If you’ve ever been at
the mercy of your high-stress life, you already know the problems
it can cause. And what makes ashwagandha so incredible is that
it addresses practically all of them.
For one thing, research shows this herb offers powerful anxiety-
relief without prescription drugs. In fact, one recent randomized,
double-blind, placebo-controlled trial showed that taking 600 mg
of ashwagandha for just 60 days could cut depression and anxiety
scores by as much as 72 percent. And it could slash cortisol levels
by nearly 28 percent.
This is important because chronically elevated cortisol levels
can disrupt a long list of your body’s vital processes. Not least
of all, its immune activity. So it’s hardly surprising that research
supports ashwagandha as a natural immune modulator and anti-
I’m constantly warning about the insidious role that inflammation
plays in disease development. It’s a smoking gun behind arthritis,
heart disease, diabetes…the list goes on. And yes, ashwagandha may
help to ward off all of these conditions to some degree.
So for all you stressed out readers, here’s my recommendation:
Take 150 mg of ashwagandha, three times per day. A natural shot
of relaxation is the least of what you stand to gain.

The “women’s only” diet trick that

reduces hot flashes by 20%
I’m a huge fan of bioidentical hormone replacement therapy.

But that’s just one option for menopause relief. In fact, a couple
of great new studies address this very subject.
One recent study shows that simply tweaking your diet could
do a number on hot flashes. Australian researchers followed a
group of over 6,000 menopausal women for just under a decade.
They assessed dietary patterns and menopause symptoms (night
sweats and hot flashes). And Mediterranean-style eating habits cut
hot flashes and night sweats by just over 20 percent.
My New Hamptons Health Miracle is very similar to the
Mediterranean diet. It’s rich in lean protein, fresh fruits and veggies,
and healthy monounsaturated fats. It’s absolutely deprivation-free.
I know I’ve said it before, but if you make this “diet” a way of life,
you really can’t go wrong.

The silent enemy that’s stealing your sleep

…and the only prescription that will put your
insomnia to bed for good
It’s 3 o’clock in the morning. And yet, you’re still awake, pacing
the house. Again.
And it only gets worse from there. When you do manage to
get back to sleep, you’re still exhausted when the alarm goes off.
So you pull yourself out of bed in that all-too-familiar fog.
You brew a pot of coffee. And you hope it’s enough to help drag
you through your day, until you finally tumble back into bed,
…and completely unable to sleep.
If this vicious cycle sounds familiar, I want you to stop what
you’re doing and listen. Maybe you’ve given up on the idea of
waking in the morning, refreshed and full of energy. Maybe your
doctor diagnosed you with insomnia and handed you a prescription
for Ambien, Lunesta, or one of its cousins.
But before you head to the pharmacy out of sheer desperation,

hear me out. Those sleeping pills aren’t going to fix anything.
Because, chances are, insomnia isn’t really your problem.
The fact is, inability to sleep is just a symptom—not a disease.
And in my clinical experience, the underlying cause is a diagnosis
conventional medical doctors would never make. In fact, I would
bet that they’ve never heard anything about it. And they certainly
wouldn’t know the first thing about helping you fix it.
But I do. That’s why my practice is full of people who get
incredible sleep every single night without dangerous drugs. And
today, I’m going to tell you how you can, too.
How chronic fatigue is keeping you awake
You might think fatigue would lead to sleeping too much. But
that couldn’t be less true. In fact, “fatigue” is exactly what leads to
the inability to get quality sleep.
In my clinical experience, adrenal gland exhaustion is the most
common culprit behind insomnia.
And one of the telltale signs of adrenal burnout is trouble
sleeping. Particularly waking up around 3 a.m. every night. Why?
To answer that question, let’s talk again about what adrenal fatigue
is, and what it means for your body.
In simple terms, adrenal exhaustion sets in when stress
overwhelms these glands’ ability to generate key fight-or-flight
hormones, like adrenaline and cortisol.
Your body releases these hormones to put you on alert in the face
of danger—whether it’s a physical threat, illness or injury, a family
crisis, or just rush-hour traffic. (It’s all the same to your body.)
When your adrenal glands are working properly, they stop
releasing these hormones shortly after the perceived danger has
passed. But if you’re under too much stress for too long, things
start to go haywire.
Your cortisol levels stay high. Your body stops “listening” to it

properly. And eventually, your adrenal glands “burn out” and stop
producing enough stress hormones, even when you need them.
And it’s this confused state that’s really driving your insomnia.
Cortisol in particular plays an important role in managing your
body’s restorative sleep cycles. When you’re healthy, cortisol levels
peak around 8 a.m. You hop out of bed ready to start the day—and
you don’t even reach for the snooze button on your alarm.
On the other hand, cortisol levels should be at their lowest
between midnight and 4 a.m.—when most people are sleeping
If your cortisol levels are high when they shouldn’t be, you’ll
be too wide awake to sleep. But cortisol also plays a role in blood
sugar regulation. And if it dips too low, it could take your glucose
levels with it.
This floods your body with adrenaline. And it wakes you up in
a wired, desperate search for emergency fuel—usually in the form
of carbs or sugar—right around 3 in the morning.
So those middle-of-the-night fridge raids? Well they actually
point to some serious hormone problems. Fix the imbalances,
and you won’t be waking up starving in the middle of the night
any more. In fact, you won’t be waking up in the middle of the
night at all.

A whole new take on tackling insomnia

In order to get better sleep, you have to get your body’s stress
response back into balance.
Unfortunately, though, eliminating stress simply isn’t enough.
When you’re dealing with adrenal exhaustion, you need to do more
than just stop the damage. You need to repair it.
And there’s not a sleeping pill anywhere that can do that for you.
And as always, it starts with your diet.

When you’re slogging through the day, running on fumes, it’s
tempting to rely on “pick-me-ups” like coffee and candy bars. But
these quick fixes are only making your problem worse.
Both coffee and sugary foods crack the whip on your adrenal
glands. And remember, you don’t want your adrenals to work
harder. You want to nurse them back to health. And you can do
that by following my New Hamptons Health Miracle.
Protein, vegetables, and healthy fats. Eating this way will keep
your blood sugar on track—and help restore balance to your
hormone levels. And that will take enormous pressure off of your
adrenal glands.
Once you’ve cleaned up your diet, it’s time to take a closer look
at your surroundings…

Power off to promote sound sleep

It’s a connected world with stimuli everywhere. So your
bedroom has to be a safe haven.
Go there when you’re ready to sleep. But do everything else in
another part of your home. If that’s not possible, then at the very
least, shut down all your electronic devices 30 minutes before you
want to go to sleep, at a minimum.
And yes, that includes your Kindle, Nook, iPad, or any other
reading tablet.
Recent research from the Mayo Clinic showed that the bright-
light diodes that illuminate devices like smartphones, e-readers,
and tablets impede secretion of melatonin. And melatonin is the
hormone that regulates your sleep-wake cycles.
Needless to say, television comes with the same risks.
So make sure your room is completely dark. Power off all
electronic devices before you get into bed (or, better yet, keep
them out of your bedroom altogether). Anything that may have

a light—from your alarm clock to a surge protector—can make
a difference in the quality of your sleep. So they should all be
turned off.
If you must keep something on (like your alarm clock), at the
very least tape a piece of paper over the light to cover it up. Get
room-darkening shades for any window that lets in light from
streetlamps. And if this still isn’t enough, sleep with an eye mask.
It may feel strange at first, but you’ll get used to it. And it’s an
adjustment worth making if it helps you get the sleep you need.
Oh, and one more thing. Wear ear plugs. Sound pollution can
keep you awake too. And I’m not just talking about sirens or rowdy
neighbors. Even if you live in a rural area, the wind, the creaking
of the house, the heating/air conditioning, the appliances… all
of these things make noise that can keep your adrenal glands in
fight-or-flight mode. And that’s exactly what you’re trying to avoid.
Once you’ve made the necessary adjustments to your diet and
your sleeping environment, there’s just one more step left to getting
the best sleep you can…

Five supplements to help you sleep like a baby

There are five nutritional supplements in particular I prescribe
to sleepless patients, above and beyond my basic adrenal support
protocol. And I’ll begin with the two supplements that you should
always take:
• 5-HTP. This will induce drowsiness at bedtime. But it also
works on neurotransmitter levels by raising serotonin and
other key chemicals in your brain. This helps to regulate
your body’s sleep/wake cycle, as well as to support your
adrenal glands.
Safe and effective doses range anywhere from 100 mg to
5,000 mg at bedtime. (Though most people don’t need more
than 1,000 mg.) It’s a big range, but start with the smallest
dose and work your way up, 100 mg at a time, until you

notice a difference in how quickly and easily you’re able to
drift off to sleep.
If it happens the first night, great! But don’t fret if it takes a
couple of weeks. 5-HTP is very safe.
• SAM-e.This amazing amino acid helps regulate
neurotransmitters. And they’re just as important as your
hormones in the pursuit of deep, restorative sleep and
adrenal health. Both are responsible for sending critical
messages that regulate your body’s biological rhythms. I
recommend 400 mg every morning.
Unless you’re already taking antidepressant medications,
5-HTP and SAM-e should form the core of your sleep
restoring supplement regimen. From there, you can mix
and match these next three nutrients to find the combination
that delivers the best results for you:
• L-theanine. This is the calming agent in green tea. It helps
relax your mind so you—and your body—can forget about
the troubles of the day. I recommend 200 mg 30 minutes
before bedtime and 200 mg in the morning.
• GABA. This is a neurotransmitter that helps your brain relax.
I recommend 800 mg 30 minutes before bedtime.
• Melatonin. I really can’t overstate the importance of
melatonin. Your body generates this hormone not only to
help you sleep, but also to shore up your immune system.
And not surprisingly, production drops significantly with
Melatonin and cortisol also fight each other for dominance.
And if your cortisol levels are elevated at night—as they often
are in cases of adrenal exhaustion—this could interfere with
melatonin’s activity.
That’s why I recommend 3 mg at bedtime to start. But if you
need to, you can work your way up to a maximum of 21 mg.

You’ll likely need to continue to take these supplements until
you get your adrenals back on track, and your energy—and sleep
quality—starts to soar again. Then, you can gradually wean yourself
off of them when you feel ready.
But remember, like I’ve mentioned before, it can take as long
as a year to reach this point. So don’t give up if you’re not seeing
immediate results.
Because at the end of the day, we’re talking about two twin
conditions. If you’re not sleeping, your adrenals can’t repair
themselves. And if your adrenals are exhausted, you can bet you
won’t be getting quality sleep. So addressing one issue always
requires addressing the other.
It’s a complex problem, no doubt about it. But it doesn’t have
to be complicated to solve. All you need is a single, comprehensive
plan—one that covers enough bases to allow your body to regain
its natural balance.
And now, you have one.

Shining a nightlight on burnt out adrenals

Do you suffer from…
• Chronic waking around 3 a.m.?
• Urgent carb cravings—especially late at night?
• Unbearable sleepiness (but difficulty actually sleeping)?
• Clouded thoughts?
• Excessive caffeine use to get through a day? (In other words,
more than just a cup or two of coffee in the morning.)
Are you…
• Stressed out from work, children, life?
• Working long hours only to come home and take care of

household matters?
• Eating poorly?
If you answered yes to most or all of these questions, guess
what? You aren’t an insomniac. You have adrenal fatigue, and it’s
stealing your sleep.
But if you want solid proof, two simple blood tests can deliver it.
First, have your fasting cortisol levels checked. If they’re too low
(less than 10) or too high (greater than 20), then you may have a
problem. And if your fasting DHEA-s levels are off, too, adrenal
fatigue is a given.
DHEA-s is another hormone that originates in your adrenal
glands. Your level will vary with your age and gender. But generally
speaking, they should fall around 400 for men and 300 for women.

My tried-and-true protocol for

battling adrenal exhaustion…
There are eight supplements I recommend to all my patients
who need strong adrenal support:
DHEA. This is a hormone that will give your adrenal gland a
much-needed rest. I recommend anywhere from 5 to 50 mg per
day, depending on the case. (But do not take this if you have a
hormonally related form of cancer or if you’re a pregnant and
lactating woman.)
Rhodiola rosea. This is an adaptogenic herb. Which simply
means that it can help to steel your body—including your
adrenals—against stress. I recommend 30 mg, three times per day.
Schizandra chinensis. This works a lot like Rhodiola, and helps
to stabilize your adrenal gland. I recommend 60 mg, three times
per day.
Ashwagandha extract. This is yet another adaptogen that guards

against stress, and enhances immunity. I recommend 150 mg,
three times per day.
Eleutherococcus sinensis root extract. Also known as Siberian
Ginseng—and another adaptogen. I recommend 150 mg, three
times per day.
Panax ginseng. This is also a classic adaptogen. I recommend
50 mg three times per day.
Phosphatidylserene. This is a component of your cell
membranes—and helps to heal damage done by stress. I
recommend 50 mg, three times per day
Licorice. For detoxification, I recommend 10 mg, three times
per day.
Just bear in mind that it could be six months or more before
you start to really see a difference. Your adrenals didn’t burn out
overnight…and they won’t recharge overnight either. So stick with
the protocol, even if you think it’s not working. Because it will pay
off in the end.

Popular sleep aid takes on cancer, diabetes,

migraines, and more
Sure, a good melatonin supplement can be a lifesaver for an
insomniac. But melatonin’s benefits go well beyond a good night’s
This hormone originates in your pineal gland. Its release is
based on your level of light exposure. During the day, your body
generates little to no melatonin. And production peaks after dark,
about three to five hours after you go to sleep.
So melatonin plays a key role in regulating your body’s natural
circadian rhythm (your natural sleep/wake cycle). Which is why
melatonin supplements are a popular, all-natural sleep aid.
But here’s something you might not have guessed about

melatonin: I also use it to boost my patient’s immune systems.
Research has revealed melatonin as an anti- inflammatory and
antioxidant powerhouse. It soaks up health-robbing free radicals.
And it mobilizes key immune cells in your body—including T
lymphocytes, monocytes, and your first line of defense, natural
killer cells.
So melatonin’s other surprising benefit really isn’t so surprising
at all: It may also help prevent cancer.

Shrinks even the most stubborn tumors—

and significantly boosts survival time
Research shows that low levels of melatonin are linked to breast
cancer. Lab studies confirm this connection, showing increased
cancer cell growth in low melatonin conditions—and slowed cell
growth with higher levels.
Clinical studies, meanwhile, show melatonin supplementation
may be an important adjunct therapy for women with breast
cancer—helping to buffer the body from chemotherapy side effects
like platelet depletion. One small study even showed that adding
melatonin to tamoxifen treatment resulted in modest tumor
shrinkage among 28 percent of breast cancer patients who weren’t
seeing improvement before.
This same study showed improvement in survival rates among
men with metastatic prostate cancer, too—as well as patients with
unresponsive uterine cancer and melanoma.
And those are just a couple of highlights. Research points to
significant increases in survival time among a variety of solid
tumor cancers—including brain and lung cancer—with melatonin
Of course, immune modulation and cancer prevention are just
two major “off-label” uses for melatonin. But there’s a lot more
where they came from.

Cut your risk of diabetes in half while
wiping out migraines for good
Data from the Nurses’ Health Study recently showed that high
levels of melatonin secretion can cut your risk of type 2 diabetes
in half.
Scientists have found melatonin receptors in pancreatic cells.
And previous research has pointed to the fact that this hormone
could somehow be involved in blood sugar metabolism. So the
idea that melatonin could protect against diabetes isn’t exactly a
But there’s another strong association here that bears
Research has also linked sleep disruption to type 2 diabetes.
One study showed that men who get less than five hours of sleep
per night are twice as likely to end up with diabetes as men who
regularly clock at least seven hours.
But this link doesn’t just apply to diabetes. Researchers have
also connected circadian rhythm disruptions to migraines, too. In
fact, another recent trial showed that a 3 mg dose of melatonin
was as effective of a 25 mg dose of amitriptyline (a tricyclic
antidepressant) when it comes to warding off this debilitating
Even better, melatonin supplementation came with lower rates
of daytime sleepiness. And it didn’t contribute to weight gain,
either. (Both of these are common side effects of amitriptyline.)
In fact, subjects taking melatonin actually lost weight. And
that’s not all…

An all-natural solution for PMDD,

arthritis …even sunburn
Research on the topic isn’t extensive, but studies have noted
abnormal melatonin secretion in cases of premenstrual dysmorphic

disorder (PMDD), too. Women suffering from the condition have
shorter duration of melatonin secretion and lower melatonin
One recent pilot study looked at hormone levels and mood
changes in two small groups of women— five with PMDD and five
age-matched controls—over the course of their menstrual cycles.
Not surprisingly, women with PMDD scored much higher
than controls on symptom scales measuring depression, tension,
and irritability. And as you would expect, their moods worsened
significantly in the days following ovulation.
Meanwhile, researchers found that 24-hour melatonin levels
dropped significantly among the PMDD sufferers when they
were experiencing symptoms. They also noted big differences in
nighttime melatonin levels among the two groups.
In women with PMDD, nocturnal melatonin secretion was
much lower—which might explain the insomnia reports that
so often accompany this condition. (Sound sleep is melatonin’s
calling card, after all.)
Ultimately, the study authors proposed that abnormal
melatonin secretions contribute to imbalances of serotonin—the
body’s natural happy chemical—in women with PMDD.
I’m not surprised that serotonin might be a major smoking gun
behind PMDD. And that’s probably why Prozac (under its new
name, Sarafem) is now prescribed for this condition.
But why take risky drugs when you can just take melatonin?
Especially since studies also support melatonin’s benefits against
a number of other conditions—including rheumatoid arthritis
and neurodegenerative diseases, like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.
Some small, preliminary trials suggest it could also help against
common conditions like IBS… and even sunburn.
So whether or not you’ve been struggling with sleeplessness,

you might want to consider adding melatonin to your permanent
supplement rotation. I recommend a starting dose of 3mg (and
never more than 15 mg) at bedtime. Feel free to experiment over
time in order to find the dosage that works best for you.

Your “pill-free” pooping solution

The symptoms associated with irritable bowels are very real.
And they can have a profound impact on your quality of life.
But what most mainstream physicians call IBS is usually the
symptom (or symptoms) of a deeper problem. And you know
how I feel about treating symptoms without dealing with their
root cause.
Simply put, it makes no sense. Yet all too often, that’s just what
doctors do.
This is tragic, really. Because the majority of patients who’ve
walked into my office with an IBS diagnosis have gone on to enjoy
complete recoveries. And all it took was targeted dietary changes
and a few key nutritional supplements.
I’ll get to those in a minute. First, let’s take a closer look at
what’s really going on in your gut.
Before going any further, I’d like to note the critical difference
between IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) and IBD (inflammatory
bowel disease).
Simply put, IBD involves actual structural damage to the GI
tract. This includes conditions like Crohn’s disease and ulcerative
colitis, which are accompanied by marked inflammation of the
colon and which often have autoimmune roots. The IBS solutions
I provide in this article will also help patients with IBD. But bear in
mind that these are very different conditions. And proper diagnosis
is important.
IBS, on the other hand, is a non-specific term that refers to
a cluster of symptoms-namely, recurrent bouts of gas, bloating,

diarrhea, or constipation. Sometimes all of the above.
To make matters worse, clinical tests have never been able to
pinpoint a single cause. So as far as most mainstream physicians
are concerned, in cases of IBS, your bowels are just “irritable.”
But just because a colonoscopy doesn’t show any digestive tract
abnormalities, that doesn’t mean there isn’t anything going on in
there. Because obviously, there is.
There are plenty of potential IBS triggers that a physical exam
won’t necessarily find.
Things like gluten intolerance. Or leaky gut, in which the lining
of your digestive tract becomes irritated and permeable. (This
inhibits proper nutrient absorption and introduces inflammatory
elements into your bloodstream.)
Yeast overgrowth from a poorly populated digestive tract is
another alarmingly common problem. And it’s a major contributor
to IBS. That’s one of the reasons I talk about the importance of
beneficial bacteria so much.
Ultimately, there are any number of potential culprits behind
IBS symptoms. But pretty much all of them have the same solution.
1. It probably won’t surprise you when I say that the first key to
beating IBS is changing the way you eat.
But contrary to popular belief, that doesn’t include filling up on
those fancy probiotic yogurts. In fact, that’s probably the last thing
you want to put in your body. For one thing, it’s usually packed
with sugar—which cancels out any benefit of good bacteria.
2. Then there’s the fact that dairy itself can be a major gut-irritant.
So in this case, I recommend avoiding it. Many people with IBS
have a difficult time digesting lactose. (That’s the natural sugar
in milk).
But milk proteins can also be a problem. Casein in particular-
which, along with gluten and yeast, is one of the most common

food sensitivities. So this is one instance where I recommend
eliminating cheese, too. (Although some people find that they
can tolerate it in small amounts. The only way to know for sure
is to reintroduce it and watch for symptoms.)
3. It also means that bread is off the table too. Eliminating gluten is
especially important. This wheat protein is easily the No. 1 cause
of digestive problems of any kind—indigestion, GERD, bloating,
gas, constipation, diarrhea, and of course, IBS.
But many of my patients have found their sensitivity to grains
isn’t limited to wheat. All grains—including gluten-free grains
like corn and oats—contain potentially aggravating proteins that
can pave the way to gut permeability. That’s why eliminating all
grains, and not just gluten, is often a necessity for optimal health.
Besides, whole grains are also chock-full of insoluble fiber. And
too much insoluble fiber can trigger a case of the “runs” and leave
you feeling bloated if you have a problem gut.
4. Unfortunately, this means that you may have to limit other healthy
fiber-rich foods like leafy greens—at least until you’re able to
identify your own personal IBS triggers. But thoroughly cooking
your vegetables can minimize these digestion difficulties, too.
5. You should also eliminate any excess sugar in your diet.
Consuming excess sugar will trigger and exacerbate IBS symptoms.
Again, it goes back to imbalanced gut bacteria (technically known
as dysbiosis). Without enough good bacteria, certain dietary
sugars—even otherwise harmless ones—are harder to digest.
Extreme dysbiosis allows sugars to ferment excessively in your
gut. And this can cause severe bloating, gas, and pain, among
other unpleasant symptoms.
These dietary sugars fall into four specific categories—fermentable
oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides, and polyols.
And there’s actually a whole diet based around eliminating them,
called the FODMAP diet.
The idea is to steer clear of FODMAP-rich foods. This includes
obvious problem ingredients like high fructose corn syrup, agave,

honey, artificial sweeteners, and sugar alcohols like sorbitol,
mannitol, and xylitol.
But there are some surprising foods on the list as well. Even
some healthy staples of my New Hamptons Health Miracle are
packed with FODMAPs. And some IBS sufferers have to avoid
them by necessity.
The complete FODMAP list is extensive, so I won’t include one
here. (You can get a complete rundown of FODMAP Foods on
my website.) In the meantime, I put together a short list on page
44, outlining some of the FODMAP foods that would normally
get a thumbs-up on my New Hamptons Health Miracle.
But if you’ve cleaned up your diet and are still having serious
gut problems, it might be time to dig a little deeper for answers.
6. The first place I usually start is with comprehensive allergy
In fact, this is just a good idea anyway. But be careful which kind
of allergy testing you choose. Those traditional skin prick tests
are notoriously unreliable.
I have all my patients get an ALCAT test, which screens for a
variety of different food sensitivities based on antibody reactions
from a blood sample.
I recommend the “100 Food Panel” at a minimum. But the more
comprehensive the panel, the better, if you can afford it. (All of
these tests are relatively pricey—but in my opinion, absolutely
worth it.)
You don’t even have to see a doctor for ALCAT testing. You can
order one online at or by calling 1-800-872-5228.
They will send someone to you directly to draw your blood
sample then overnight it to the lab. Then they will help you find
a doctor in your area to review the results or provide a wellness
Obviously, if your ALCAT test turns up specific food sensitivities,
you should cut those items from your diet (along with dairy,

grains, and sugar as I recommended above).
There are a lot of other factors that can aggravate IBS issues—like
stress levels, hormones, you name it. But the culprits I mentioned
above are by far some of most common. And whatever the cause
of your IBS, dietary changes will absolutely make a difference.
7. So will upping your intake of a few nutrients in particular.
There are lots of supplements you can take to keep IBS under
control. And you might have to experiment a little to find a
combo that best suits your particular symptoms. (Working with
a physician skilled in natural medicine will help streamline the
process. If you don’t already have a naturopathic doctor, you can
find one in your area by contacting the American College for
Advancement in Medicine at 800-532-3688 or
That said, there are a few supplements I recommend to everyone
dealing with irritable bowels. The first, is a high-quality probiotic
like Dr. Ohhira’s.
The second, which might be slightly more surprising, is vitamin
D. Preliminary research shows that high-dose vitamin D can
deliver significant improvements to IBS symptoms. Anecdotal
reports peg the success rate around 70 percent.
That certainly reflects my experience—which makes pretty good
odds for a nutrient that you really should be taking anyway.
I always recommend at least 2,000 to 5,000 IUs of vitamin D3
every day—but you can safely take up to 10,000 IUs. And in the
winter, when sun exposure is minimal, this might be necessary.
I also advise taking regular doses of pantethine (B5)—1,500
mg, three times per day. This serves a dual purpose. On one
hand, it helps your body process the toxic byproducts of Candida
overgrowth (namely a chemical called acetaldehyde), which
happen to spike in your body when the yeast begins to die off.
This is, of course, a good thing. But it can have unpleasant side
effects—also known as the Herxheimer reaction. Symptoms can
include headaches, fatigue, digestive upset, muscle or joint pain,

flu-like symptoms, and rashes.
Simply put, you’ll feel worse before you feel better. (Sometimes
a lot worse.) But pantethine can help minimize this reaction.
As an added bonus, pantethine also boosts adrenal function.
This is important because stress can paralyze your bowels, which
renders them unable to process your food. And what happens?
Your meals “go right through you,” so to speak.
Vitamin A is another staple for my patients dealing with IBS.
I recommend 40,000 IU of vitamin A per day. You need plenty of
vitamin A to reinforce the junctions of your intestinal walls and
ensure proper function of the cells lining your gut. So needless

Fifteen healthy foods that could be

wreaking havoc on your bowels
This list might surprise you. And, yes, these are all foods that are
included in my New Hamptons Health Miracle. The fact is, there’s
nothing inherently “wrong” with any of them. In fact, they can
offer tremendous health benefits for most people. But if you’ve
got IBS, they can make your symptoms a lot worse. So you’ll
feel a whole lot better if you avoid them and stick with the other
delicious choices included in my New Hamptons Health Miracle.
(Don’t worry—there are plenty of them!)
If you have IBS, avoid the following FODMAP foods:

Avocado Green beans Leeks

Watermelon Okra Summer squash
Artichokes Brussels sprouts Cabbage
Cauliflower Broccoli Pistachios
Mushrooms Garlic
Asparagus Onions

to say, deficiencies can have serious consequences for gut barrier
This is the same reason I advise anyone struggling with IBS
to fill up on a combo of gut-strengthening botanicals and other
nutrients. Along with vitamin A, they can help heal leaky gut
and strengthen the mucosal lining of your digestive tract. Which
is especially important after years of dealing with one or more
undiagnosed food sensitivities.
Obviously, it’s easier if you can find a product that combines
these nutrients into a single formula. (Any comprehensive GI
support product will feature several or all of them.) But either way,
the dosages I shoot for are generally as follows:
• Deglycyrrhized licorice (DGL)–500 mg per day
• Aloe vera leaf extract–250 mg per day
• N-acetyl glucosamine–250 mg per day
• Slippery elm bark–200 mg per day
• Marshmallow root–100 mg per day
So there you have it. My foolproof prescription for healthy bowels.
In fact, go ahead and call it a cure. Because I’m willing to bet
that, like so many of my patients, your results with this combination
of strategies will be just that powerful. And most importantly,

The Scandinavian secret solving the “missing piece”

to ultimate blood-sugar support
And it’s finally at your fingertips!
I didn’t just stumble upon the game-changing new ingredient
I want to tell you about today. I went looking for it.
In fact, I’ve spent years searching for a blood-sugar solution that
could take the quality of my patients’ lives to a whole new level.

And I finally found it in Fall of 2013, at one of the world’s largest
gatherings of natural breakthroughs.
It’s a huge show packed with industry leaders—doctors,
scientists, ingredient suppliers, manufacturers, you name it. And
needless to say, it can be tough to find hidden gems when you’re
wading through row after row of flashy displays.
But this time, I managed to discover a true diamond in the
rough. And I couldn’t be more thrilled.
It’s an extract of Fraxinus excelsior—the European Ash tree.
According to Scandinavian mythology this tree was once considered
the very center of the world. Its trunk propping up the Earth’s crust,
its canopy forming the sky and every stream and river rushing to
water its roots.

What about GlucoLogic?

You might be wondering how Glucynergy Advanced fits into

my NuLogic Nutritionals line of supplements. Especially if
you’re already familiar with my GlucoLogic formula. Why add
another blood sugar product?
Well, GlucoLogic and Glucynergy are complementary
formulas. They have very different ingredients with very
different mechanisms of action. (And Glucynergy, in
particular, works in a novel way like no other product on the
market.) I have my patients take them together because they
work synergistically for complete blood sugar support.
If you haven’t taken any blood sugar support supplements
yet, and want to start with just one, I recommend trying
Glucynergy Advanced first. Addressing the “missing piece” in
blood sugar support is absolutely critical—and could make all
the difference.

And it turns out its potential for your health is just as pivotal.
In fact, Fraxinus excelsior could transform the notion of blood-sugar
health forever.

The missing piece in the fight against sugar

When we talk about sugar and its effects in the body, we usually
focus on the pancreas. But recent research in the field is shedding
light on the role another organ plays in this process.
I’m talking about your liver. And science is showing it has more
to do with blood-sugar health than doctors once thought.
I’ve discussed liver health in these pages before—including an
in-depth article on the subject back in December 2012.
But what does it have to do with blood sugar? A lot, as it turns out.

The silent danger of “stowaway sugar”

This link isn’t too surprising when you consider the critical
role your liver plays in converting blood sugar into energy. Under
normal conditions, your muscles and liver store excess glucose in
your bloodstream as glycogen. Or, as I call it “stowaway sugar.”
When you sleep, when you’re hungry, or God forbid, if you’re
ever stranded without food—your liver hangs onto this secret
stockpile of sugar to slowly release into the blood until you’re able
to eat. Essentially, it’s a form of backup energy in case of emergency.
The problem is, we rarely face those kinds of “emergencies” today.
And living in a constant state of “excess” interferes with your
liver’s ability to take in and store glucose as glycogen. While at the
same time prompting your liver to release even more sugar into
your blood stream.
This means your glucose levels just keep getting higher—both
directly following a meal and long after. And what happens to all
that excess stowaway sugar?

Don’t wait for problems to start—
get tested today

Of course, like any other nutritional supplement, if you decide

to try Glucynergy Advanced, be sure to work with your
doctor, so you can monitor your glucose levels and adjust
medication dosages safely and appropriately.
This means paying close attention to your numbers. I know
I’ve discussed this topic before, but now’s the perfect time for
a refresher.
Most doctors don’t even test for the all-important hemoglobin
A1C (HgBA1C). But it is critical for you to know this number. This
test tells you how well controlled your blood sugar has been
for the past six weeks. If your level is anywhere above 5.0, a
targeted blood-sugar protocol is definitely in order.
This is especially true if you or your doctor suspects a
liver concern. Which is why you should also be tested for
something called CK18.
CK18 is a newly identified biomarker for liver health. And it will
help your doctor determine whether or not to move forward
with further screening, including imaging or a liver biopsy.

It turns into triglycerides—and you wind up with a layer of fat

forming around your liver. Meanwhile, anything that’s leftover
simply remains in your bloodstream, where it wreaks havoc on
your body in a nonstop cycle.

Impressive results backed by solid science

As you can see, a healthy, functioning liver is just as essential
to proper glucose metabolism as a healthy, functioning pancreas.
If your liver isn’t operating at peak performance, it simply can’t

clear the sugar out of your blood effectively.
And that’s exactly where this game-changing new ingredient
comes in.
You see, what makes this standardized Fraxinus excelsior extract
so different from every other blood-sugar supplement on the
market is that it directly supports liver health.
More specifically, it helps promote proper uptake of blood
sugar into your liver and muscles. And early lab research shows it
can help maintain healthy liver function AND blood-sugar levels.
There’s no other product on the market that I know of that can
make the same claim.
As you know, I don’t usually put much stock in animal studies.
But I have to share the details of this research, because the results
were just that startlingly good. In just 16 weeks, rats fed a high
fat diet and treated with this proprietary extract, had a whopping
66.7 percent better rate of liver health compared to rats not given
the extract.
So yes, it’s an animal study. But if Fraxinus excelsior works even
a tenth as well in humans, it will be a truly amazing result.
And, in fact, human trials have been conducted showing
impressive benefits. Some are still pending publication, so I can’t
go into too much detail today. But in one published study, results
revealed that after just one dose, subjects experienced an immediate
reduction in postprandial blood-sugar levels. Again—that’s after
just one dose.
In another study presented by the supplier, after three weeks,
subjects’ postprandial blood glucose levels dropped by 28
percent compared to their baseline values. And in another, their
fructosamine levels—a measure of your blood sugar over the past
two weeks—plummeted.
By now, I’m sure you can see why I was so excited to discover
Fraxinus excelsior.

It promises an approach to blood-sugar support that has been
desperately lacking. Plus, the proprietary version of this ingredient,
called Glucevia™, has been the subject of research and development
for at least six years now. And as luck would have it, it’s finally
ready for market.

First-to-market access—just for you

As soon as I learned about Glucevia™, I knew I’d finally found
the missing piece to complete blood-sugar support. And I didn’t
waste a single second securing access to it for my patients—and
for you.
The minute I got back to New York, it was a 10-week whirlwind
that resulted in what I believe is the most innovative blood-sugar
supporter available today. I call it Glucynergy Advanced. It’s the
latest addition to my NuLogic Nutritionals line of supplements.
And it’s currently the only product on the market that contains
Honestly, from start to finish—a breakthrough of this magnitude
can take up to six months to get into your hands, if not more. Not
this time.
I’ve never worked so hard. But it’s completely worth it.
With Glucevia™ as the cornerstone of Glucynergy Advanced,
I’m finally able to offer my patients—and you—a true blood-sugar
breakthrough. By targeting the missing piece in ultimate blood-
sugar support. One that no other blood-sugar product on the
market addresses—healthy liver function.
I’ve been excited about medical revelations before—but never
like this.
And Glucynergy Advanced doesn’t just address the long-
neglected “missing piece” to blood-sugar health. It also incorporates
two other cutting-edge ingredients I believe are indispensable for
complete blood-sugar health.

Science-backed support from
two more natural wonders
The first is a specialized form of the B-vitamin thiamine, called
benfotiamine. This powerful nutrient addresses one of the most
dangerous side effects of sugar: the formation of advanced glycation
end products. Known, appropriately, as AGEs. Put simply, these
molecules age your body, cell by cell.
So anything that can put up a roadblock and help stop them
from forming in the first place is a true breakthrough. And
benfotiamine does just that. Which is why I added it to Glucynergy
Advanced, right alongside Glucevia™.
To round out Glucynergy Advanced, I added one more
ingredient that’s been creating a lot of buzz in the natural medicine
world—mulberry leaf extract. One study published last fall showed
impressive results on participants’ blood-sugar levels after meals.
And mulberry leaf extract has been shown in animal studies to
help your body reduce the production of glucose from within the
liver. So it’s added back-up for addressing the missing piece in
complete blood-sugar support.
Personally, I’ve never seen a more well-researched line-up for
a natural blood-sugar protector. And I’m both proud and excited
to be the one to bring this revolutionary formula to you.
Glucynergy Advanced works best when taken directly before
a meal. And I recommend two capsules per day. You can take the
two capsules at once or you can split them up over the course of
two meals. Whatever suits you best.
To order Glucynergy Advanced, visit
or call 1-877-489-0665 and ask for order code GOV1R5A.

Fight for your liver health with food—
and beat back blood sugar for good

It would be nice if there were a magic bullet that could help

keep your blood sugar on an even keel all the time. And
Glucynergy Advanced is as close as I’ve ever seen. But even
the most powerful support supplement won’t do you any
good if your habits are working against you.
In 1822, it took the average American five days to consume
the amount of sugar you’ll find in a single 12-ounce can of
soda. Today, most people consume that much sugar every 7
hours. And the real reason behind our country’s skyrocketing
rate of chronic disease is clear as day. Sugar kills—it’s as
simple as that.
So if you really want to get a jump on liver and blood-sugar
health, you’ve got to give up starchy, sugary foods. And soda
and other sweetened drinks, in particular.
Stick strictly to lean proteins, veggies, healthy fats, eggs,
cheese, and low sugar fruits (like berries and melon). And
you will have already taken the single most important step
towards ultimate liver and blood-sugar health there is.



PART II: Shockingly Simple Cures for Today’s Biggest Killers.... 73
Chapter 4: The Halo Cure: A cut-poison-and-burn-free
solution for defying your diagnosis. . ................. 75

Chapter 5: The “Mediterranean Miracle Molecule”. . ............ 80

Chapter 6: T-Max Therapy: Unlock your body’s own
natural immunity to cancer. . ........................... 84

Chapter 7: Top Secret Triple-Threat Cure:

How you can wipe out the hidden epidemic
of the baby boomer generation. . ...................... 94

Chapter 8: Cholesterol’s “Silent Partner”: A statin-free

blueprint for avoiding heart attack and stroke... 101

Chapter 9: The 72-hour secret to a heart that’s

STRONG AS STEEL!.................................... 108

Chapter 10: Back from the Abyss: The “Hyperion Strain”..... 124

Chapter 4
The Halo Cure:
A cut-poison-and-burn-free
solution for defying your diagnosis

I often speak out against the barbaric nature of conventional

cancer treatment.
It’s not that I think everyone should opt out. There’s little
question that chemotherapy and radiation can and often do “cure”
this disease. I simply can’t believe that, after all these years, they’re
really the best we’ve got.
Think about it. We live in a day and age where science fiction
fodder like space travel and cloning is actually possible. And yet,
when it comes to cancer, patients are still informed that their only
viable option is to indiscriminately flood their body with poison.
It’s the medical equivalent of burning down the barn to deal
with the rats. Effective…but senseless. And this reality is made
all the more frustrating by the fact that, presumably, it’s the best
strategy on offer.
So much of my practice revolves around minimizing the horrible
effects that come with modern cancer treatment, while aiming to
maximize my patients’ results. But truly, I envision a day when
the first half of this equation becomes completely unnecessary.
And it looks like that day could be arriving sooner than I thought.
A new, groundbreaking treatment has recently come onto the scene.
And it’s shaping up to change cancer care as we know it.

Stunt deadly tumors without

devastating side effects
This technology is called tumor treating fields—or TTF, for
short. Also, nick-named the “Halo Cure,” this non-invasive medical

device consists of insulated electrodes which are attached to your
skin in the location of the tumor, like a bandage. These electrodes
connect to a small field generator, which you wear continuously
in a small backpack.
You remove the device to shower or bathe. But otherwise, you’re
free to go about your daily life without any interference.
That’s because the device doesn’t deliver an electrical current
to the tissue, as with some other forms of electrotherapy. On the
contrary, as the name suggests, a TTF device simply generates an
electrical field. Unlike an electrical current (which is a flow of
charge), an electrical field is the space around a charged particle.
You won’t feel this field. But it’s able to influence the behavior
of highly charged particles. It just so happens that the proteins
responsible for cell division fall into this category. And cancer’s
most notorious calling card is the speed with which malignant
cells reproduce.
Simply put, TTF generates an electric field that paralyzes cancer
cells as they attempt to rapidly divide. This essentially scrambles
their programming and causes faulty reproduction, resulting
in daughter cells that are unable to survive. Or, after enough
unsuccessful attempts at division, the cancer cells simply give up
and die.
Meanwhile, normal non-dividing cells and healthy tissue—
including bone marrow, which is responsible for red and white blood
cell production—remain completely unaffected. And so do you.
No nausea. No brain fog. No bone-crushing fatigue.
You might have a mild skin reaction to the electrodes. And in
very rare cases, patients could experience headaches, tiredness,
or muscle twitching. But even the worst case scenario pales in
comparison to the average experience with chemotherapy.
And that, quite frankly, is incredible. Especially when you
consider the results this system can deliver.

Early lab research shows that
TTF really works
That’s really the most vital question here: Just how well does
this new TTF technology work? So let’s take a look at what we
know so far.
The earliest research on this technology focused on the effects
of tumor treating fields on cancer cells in vitro (test tube) and in
animal models. Experiments used a wide range of human and
animal cancer cell lines. These included glioma, glioblastoma,
melanoma, lung, breast, prostate, and colon cancers.
This is when TTF’s future really cracked open. Results showed
significant activity in terms of apoptosis (programmed cell death)
and arrested tumor growth. In fact, animal models revealed
extensive cancer cell destruction in less than a week.
These results carried over in animal models of metastatic cancer.
This means that TTF may be able to prevent the spread of cancer
as well as stop tumor growth. In vitro research also suggests that
TTF may pose a crucial threat to tumors that stop responding
to chemotherapy agents. (A phenomenon called multi-drug
These benefits speak pretty loudly for themselves. But as I’m
always saying, research in the lab is only worth so much.
And that’s what makes the results of clinical studies on TTF
so thrilling.

Fights the most lethal form of brain cancer

better than standard chemo
The most compelling clinical support for TTF is in cases of
glioblastoma multiforme (GBM). It’s the most malignant and
aggressive type of brain tumor.
A GBM diagnosis is largely considered a death sentence. The
five-year survival rate for patients with GBM is less than 5 percent.

Most will survive 15 months on average with standard treatment.
Without treatment, the disease could take them in as little as three
Just last year, researchers completed Phase III trials of TTF
on patients with recurrent GBM. (This means they had received
treatment for GBM—in the form of surgery, radiation, and
chemotherapy—but the tumors started to grow again.)
Of these subjects, 120 received TTF treatment alone, while 117
received chemotherapy. Median survival rate with TTF was 6.6
months—with chemo it was 6 months.
One-year survival rates were the same between both groups—20
percent. But perhaps most significantly, patients enjoyed a much
higher quality of life in the TTF group. Which means tumor
treating fields offered at least the same survival benefits as standard
treatment…but with a fraction of the suffering.
Believe it or not, one member of this study has survived on
TTF for more than six years.
Clinical trials are currently underway to assess TTF’s effectiveness
in combination with chemotherapy in newly diagnosed GBM
patients. And so far, results look promising.
In-vitro analysis reveals that TTF super-sizes chemotherapy’s
cancer-fighting abilities. (Findings suggest that it boosts cells’
sensitivity to cancer drugs by as much as threefold.)
And results in both animal models and actual human GBM
patients reflect this synergistic effect. In fact, a combination of TTF
treatment and chemotherapy was able to stop disease progression
for nearly three years…with overall survival coming in at 39
months or longer.
In a nutshell, TTF therapy more than doubled average survival
times in newly diagnosed GBM patients. And these are just the
results we’ve seen with one particularly deadly type of cancer.

Casting a new lifeline to lung and
breast cancer patients, too
Published results of early trials on advanced non-small cell
lung cancer debuted in September 2013. As part of this research, 42
patients with inoperable, progressing stage IIIB and stage IV lung
cancer received daily TTF therapy in combination with standard
It’s worth noting that the five-year survival rate for stage IIIB
and stage IV non-small cell lung cancer is less than 10 percent and
less than 5 percent, respectively. So we’re talking about a disease
that’s every bit as deadly as GBM.
Results showed that nearly 15 percent of the subjects saw a
partial remission of their disease. Almost half maintained a stable
disease. Average overall survival was 13.8 months.
Just to put this in perspective for you, the median survival
time for stage IV non-small cell lung cancer patients—which
comprised just over three-quarters of this subject set—is eight
months. So these patients lived almost 75 percent longer than
usually predicted, thanks to TTF.
Pilot trials, meanwhile, are underway in patients with advanced
breast cancer. And preliminary results have been near miraculous.
The first four patients treated to date have seen their tumors
shrink dramatically—by 83 percent, 86 percent, 96 percent, and
100 percent. (That’s right—that last patient’s tumor actually
disappeared with TTF treatment.)

Growing availability
TTF is a very new technology. The FDA just recently approved
its use in cases of recurrent GBM and is currently in the final stages
of approval for non-small cell lung cancer. However, the device
is already approved for treatment of newly diagnosed GBM and
lung cancer in Europe.

And as we speak, trials are also in the works for cases of ovarian,
breast and pancreatic cancer. I expect that list to get a lot longer
in the years to come.
For an exhaustive list of treatment centers in the United States
please visit
As for what the future holds? By the looks of it, the possibilities
here are truly limitless. And I’ll be watching developments very
closely, to say the least. This may be the first you’ve heard of tumor
treating fields. But I’m certain it won’t be the last.

Chapter 5
The “Mediterranean Miracle Molecule”
that strips cancer cells of their “super power”
and kills them on sight

Maybe you’ve never heard of apigenin. But if you start following

my dietary advice, you’ll be consuming a lot of it anyway. And
believe me, that’s a very good thing.
New research suggests that this common phytochemical is also
a powerful anti-cancer agent. And it doesn’t just prevent cancer,
either. It can literally stop cancer cells dead in their tracks.

The flavonoid that strips away

cancer’s superpowers
Apigenin is a flavonoid—an antioxidant powerhouse in the
same class as hesperidin and quercetin. It’s not a natural-products
industry darling, like resveratrol or EGCG. (Not yet, at least.)
But one look at the evidence shows that it’s only a matter
of time before this compound carves out its own place on the
supplement shelves.

Scientists have discovered that apigenin launches an attack
against abnormal cells on several different fronts—all of which
act in tandem to thwart cancer growth.
One of the most recent studies showed that apigenin is able
to undermine cancer cells’ ability to cheat death (which they do
by tricking your body’s natural cell cycles). This is the loophole
that allows tumors to grow unchecked. (In fact, researchers have
found that cancer cells use sugar to do this...but that’s a discussion
for another day.)
According to this new study, apigenin restores a normal life
cycle to cancer cells by interacting with key proteins that influence
RNA. This gives the malignant cells a different set of “instructions”
that makes them vulnerable to programmed cell death, when they
otherwise wouldn’t be.
But it’s not the only trick apigenin has up its sleeve.
Cancer cells are able to avoid their natural fate by subverting
a protein called p53. This is a tumor suppressor that triggers the
death of cells with damaged DNA. Research shows that apigenin
is able to activate p53. And this lowers cancer cells’ resistance to
chemotherapy and improves responses to treatment.
Yet another recent study showed that apigenin also blocks
vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) This is the same factor
that triggers angiogenesis—a technical term for the new blood
vessels that tumors grow to feed themselves.
To put it simply, apigenin starves malignant tumors. And this
slams the brakes on cancer development and growth.
And now, apigenin’s unique cancer-fighting powers are at the
center of another recent study—this time focusing on one of the
deadliest forms of the disease.
A team of researchers treated human pancreatic cancer cell
lines with apigenin, along with another flavonoid called luteolin,
extracted from celery and artichoke. And they found that these

compounds increased cancer cell death rates from 8.4 percent to
43.8 percent.
Their conclusion? Pretreatment with apigenin might
significantly boost the effectiveness of chemotherapy in cases of
pancreatic cancer.
The researchers made a point of noting that you likely wouldn’t
be able to eat enough of either vegetable to consume the amounts
of flavonoids used in this study. And there’s always the question
of whether lab results will carry over in a clinical setting.
But their hope—and mine, as well—is that this research will
lead to the development of new supplements to aid in the fight
against cancer.
As of now, stand-alone apigenin products are scant. (Although
other sources, like chamomile extracts, are more common.) I expect
that to change in the not-so-distant future, as long as studies like
this one keep making headlines.
But until then, you can’t go wrong by filling up on dietary
sources of apigenin. (Check out the box on the next page.)

Eat yourself away from

a dozen different cancers
Numerous studies on a variety of human cell lines show that
apigenin can help combat a long list of cancers. These include, but
are not limited to: leukemia, lung cancer, colon cancer, ovarian
cancer, cervical cancer, endometrial cancer, breast cancer, prostate
cancer, skin cancer, thyroid cancer, gastric cancer, and liver cancer.
And I’ve seen it work first-hand with countless patients—like
Ivy Posner.

Ivy was given 6 months to live…21 years ago

When Ivy’s oncologist gave her 6 months to live she just wanted
to see her children get married… But now, 21 years after her first

visit to my clinic, she’s seen four grandchildren born!
In 1993, Ivy’s doctor sat her down and gruffly gave her the
dreaded news every woman fears… “It’s breast cancer, and it’s bad.”
By that point it had reached stage 4… Her doctor gave her just
6 months to live and suggested the typical regimen of chemo and
But after seeing chemo and radiation slowly suck the life out
of countless friends, Ivy knew she had to take a different route.
That’s when she decided to schedule her first appointment
with me.
One of the most important parts of her cancer treatment with
me was getting more apigenin-rich foods in her diet.

Apigenin-rich foods include endive, beans, broccoli,

leeks, onions, basil, rosemary, oregano, thyme, tomatoes,
and especially chamomile, celery, and parsley—just to
name a few abundant sources.

For the most part, these are all Mediterranean diet staples. So
once again, if you follow my nutrition advice, your bases in this
department should be well covered.
Ivy will be 81 in February… She now has 2 children, 4
grandchildren and still works every day at her job as a librarian.
And she did it without the slightest bit of radiation or
Aside from the foods mentioned here, you can also find
apigenin in supplement form—although at this point, it’s not
widely available.
Swanson currently offers a single-ingredient apigenin product
derived from grapefruit. But another alternative is to look for

chamomile extract that’s been standardized for high apigenin

Chapter 6
T-Max Therapy: Unlock your body’s
own natural immunity to cancer

T-Max Therapy (sometimes referred to as Alpha G) is currently

the No. 1 natural cancer treatment used in over 700 clinics and
hospitals in Japan. Not only is this treatment as thoroughly
researched as ANY pharmaceutical cancer drug, but it actually
works better!
The T-Max cure works on ANY type of cancer…breast, prostate,
lung, stomach—even brain.
And, not only is the T-Max cure the most promising cancer
breakthrough in the past 150 years…it’s also the easiest.
If you or anyone you know has ever faced the mainstream “cut,
poison, burn” cancer tactics, please keep reading.

Why this mushroom-based product

might be the only cancer “breakthrough”
you can count on
T-Max therapy involves a mushroom based immune supplement
known in scientific circles as Active Hexose Correlated Compound
(AHCC). AHCC works by boosting cancer-killing T-cells in the
body to unprecedented levels (hence the nickname “T-Max”).
I don’t generally write books about products. Diet and
nutrition, yes...but not specific supplements. There has, however,
been one major exception in recent years. It’s a product with so
much therapeutic promise and compelling research to its name,

that I’m all too happy to spread the word about it to as many
people as I possibly can.
Debates over whether nutritional supplements are an effective
(or even safe) way to fight cancer constantly hog health headlines.
And in a lot of cases, the controversy is understandable. Published
studies deliver conflicting research all the time.
One day, a supplement lowers your risk of cancer. The next day,
it raises it. Self-interested research sponsors and inconsistent study
methods are common. And that’s why we’ll probably never get a
straight answer where most complementary approaches to cancer
are concerned.
That said, I will tell you that my commitment to telling the
world about AHCC stems from one simple fact. Unlike some of
the other “breakthroughs” you might have read about before, this
one actually works.

Why your average medicinal

mushrooms aren’t good enough
As I mentioned above, AHCC is a medicinal mushroom extract
with origins in Japan, where over 700 hospitals use it. Its introduction
stateside has been more recent—in the last 20 years or so.
But in that time, reputable universities across the country have
subjected AHCC to an expansive body of clinical study.
Needless to say, this is one supplement that enjoys a ton of
well-documented research.
Technically, AHCC is a functional food—and it’s certainly as
safe as a plate of mushrooms. But that’s where the similarities end.
Edible offerings and most other mushroom-based supplements
provide only the fungi’s “fruiting body.” AHCC, however, draws
from the mycelia (or roots) specially cultivated medicinal
mushrooms, where active ingredients concentrate.
The manufacturing process breaks down these beneficial

components to make them more absorbable. What you end up
with is a pharmaceutical-quality supplement packed with immune-
stimulating polysaccharides.
Most common mushroom-based health foods and supplements
derive their effects from a particular kind of polysaccharide called
beta-glucan. The problem is, our bodies don’t contain enzymes to
digest beta-glucan effectively. So while these other mushroom-based
therapies do help somewhat, you’re not getting their full potential.
AHCC does contain beta-glucan. But it also contains another
type of polysaccharide, called alpha-glucan—or Alpha G. And
Alpha G is what sets AHCC apart from other mushroom products.
Our bodies are able to break down Alpha G with the naturally
produced enzyme amylase. Which means you’re getting its full
immune-boosting benefits.
But what does any of this have to do with fighting cancer? To
answer that question, it helps to take a closer look at the role your
immune system plays in both prevention and remission.

The “cure” for cancer starts with

your immune system
You have cancer forming in your body every single
this very moment, in fact. This is a reality of the disease-forming
process that few people realize.
That’s because if your body is healthy, you won’t even know
it’s happening. Microscopic tumors develop, and your immune
cells hunt them down like Pac-Man to gobble them up before they
can grow larger. This is called cell-mediated immunity—and it’s
sustained by your body’s natural killer (NK) cells, macrophages,
T-cells, and cytokines.
In fact, doctors assess these immune cell populations in order
to form cancer prognoses. Because your odds against any disease
are only as good as your defenses.

Ultimately, it’s easy to see why having a healthy immune system
is so essential. It is, quite literally, a matter of life and death. And
as you may have guessed, this immune defense is precisely where
AHCC comes into play.
But first, here’s what it doesn’t do. AHCC doesn’t “cure”
cancer—at least, not in the conventional sense of the word.
AHCC doesn’t attack tumors directly, the way that chemotherapy,
radiation, or other conventional therapies do. On the contrary,
AHCC heightens this cell-mediated immunity. In other words, it
helps your body to launch its own natural defenses...and in doing
so, to heal itself.
To that end, AHCC doesn’t merely “boost” your immune
system. It modulates and directs it, making it smarter and more
efficient. The result is powerful support against disease—without
the damaging side effects that are hallmarks of modern cancer

Real research, real patients, real results

AHCC has the benefit of a wide spectrum of research on its
side. More importantly, it’s solid, reliable research.
Too often, supplement manufacturers cite animal studies as
“proof” of their product’s effectiveness. This is especially frustrating
in the face of cancer prevention claims, because we rarely have
assurance that any given compound will work the same in humans,
under real world circumstances.
What’s more, you’ll often see these same studies come from
single researchers, without any independent verification. This is
not the case with AHCC. My enthusiasm for this product springs in
part from the fact that it has been the subject of multiple peer-
reviewed and published clinical studies, with multiple authors,
examining hundreds of real human patients.
In other words, it’s science your doctor can use. And science
you can trust.

The body of research on AHCC’s anti-cancer properties is vast
enough that I couldn’t possibly detail all of it here. But what I can
offer is a brief overview of some of the most compelling evidence
out there—a snapshot of AHCC’s “superpowers,” if you will.

Higher remission rates...with virtually no risk

Japanese researchers collaborated with scientists at Harvard
and Yale to carry out clinical trials here in the United States. And
the results have been promising to say the least.
Smaller Phase I trials revealed that even at high doses, AHCC is
non-toxic, only causing mild, temporary stomach discomfort and
headache in a small portion of subjects. Meanwhile, larger Phase
II trials confirmed that AHCC can help to prevent cancer in elderly
people by increasing key immune cytokines. These positive effects
were noticeable within just four weeks of use, and persisted for at
least a month after daily recommended doses ended.
Studies have also shown dramatic increases in survival rates
among cancer patients, even those with late-stage or terminal
diagnoses. One placebo-controlled study of advanced-stage liver
cancer patients, for example, showed that 6 grams of AHCC per day
doubled survival time. Other, long-term, placebo-controlled studies
reaffirm these results, revealing significantly higher survival rates
among liver cancer patients taking 3 to 6 grams of AHCC per day.
These results bear out in a wide range of other types of cancer,
as well. A large study of terminal patients with gastric cancer,
colon cancer, liver cell cancer, pancreatic cancer, lung cancer, breast
cancer, and ovarian cancer showed marked increases in immune
cell activity.
But that’s not the most remarkable part. Out of 195 patients,
this study reported 114 cases of partial improvement or complete
recovery. There were also 27 cases in which cancer progression was
stopped within 6 months of AHCC supplementation.
These results are stunning, to say the least. And they’re just a

small sampling of what’s out there.

Taking conventional cancer treatment

to the next level
It’s important to note that AHCC works just as well in conjunction
with conventional cancer therapies. In fact, it’s a critical complement
to popular mainstream protocols.
Using AHCC in combination with chemotherapy can reduce a
long list of its most notorious side effects. (This includes nausea,
vomiting, appetite loss, hair loss, liver damage, low white blood
cell counts, and anemia.) And the fact that research shows AHCC
can actually increase chemotherapy’s cancer-destroying activity at
the same time only adds to its incredible merit.
It’s impossible to overstate AHCC’s benefits to your health. This
supplement has so many perks that go beyond the scope of this
report—with studies supporting its use against everything from
diabetes and viral infections to chronic inflammation and stress
reduction. Enough, in fact, that I’ve dedicated an entire book to
the subject (The Science of AHCC: Japan’s Medical Breakthrough in
Immunotherapy which you can find on So you can
bet I’ll revisit this topic again in the future.
But for now, I hope that I’ve at least left you with a clear idea
of why AHCC stands apart from the pack. I like to think that one
day, mainstream medicine will give it the widespread recognition
it deserves.
Until then, and probably long after, I’ll remain one of its most
vocal advocates.

How to put AHCC to work for you

The proper AHCC dosage depends on your specific goals.

As a form of prevention, you’ll want to take 1,000 mg of
AHCC per day, split into two doses. (I suggest a 500 mg
dose in the morning and another at night.) This dosage
maximizes general health and strengthens your immune
For therapeutic use or as a complementary treatment, I
recommend you start with 3 grams of AHCC per day, split
into three doses. (That’s 1,000 mg in the morning, 1,000 mg
in the afternoon, and 1,000 mg at night.) Take this dose for
three weeks.
After that, continue to take 1,000 mg daily. (Again,
I usually suggest one 500 mg dose in the morning and one
at night.)
Starting with a higher “loading dose” initially will increase
your NK cell activity at a faster rate, which you can then
easily maintain at a lower dose for maximum clinical

Where to find AHCC

AHCC can be found through various online retailers and

in some specialty health food stores. It’s also available in
a product called ImmPower™ - AHCC from The Harmony
Company, Ph: (800)422-5518, www.theharmonycompany.
com/pescatore. ImmPower™ costs US$54.95 per bottle,
but patients and readers are entitled to an exclusive 25%
discount on their first order.

Probiotics: A new frontier in
the natural treatment of cancer
If you’re reading this book you already know that immunotherapy
is one of the hottest new areas of cancer treatment. It’s all about
using your body’s own immune system to shrink and destroy
deadly cancerous tumors. And when you consider that 70 percent
of your body’s immune system is located in your gut… it’s easy
to see why many oncologists are starting to look at probiotics as
a potent new tool in the fight against cancer.
One of the most interesting ways probiotics are starting to
gain attention is as a defense against the devastating side-effects of
mainstream cancer therapies such as chemo and radiation. Now, I
always recommend a natural approach but I realize treating cancer
is a very personal decision and many people are going to go with the
most well-known treatments available. And there are cases where
these options may be your best (or unfortunately) only choice.
In those situations, I always recommend supplementing with a
natural option like AHCC (see chapter 6) and now probiotics.

Protecting the body against chemotherapy’s

harmful effects in order to outlive cancer
Chemotherapy is a tremendous killer of cancer cells but it does
so indiscriminately, leaving a trail of millions upon millions of
dead healthy cells in its wake. That’s why cancer treatment many
times boils down to surviving this assault on the body long enough
to let the chemo kill its intended target. It’s a race for survival
between your body and the cancer inside it. And all too often,
the body comes out on the losing end of this medical marathon.
But what if you could find a way to protect your healthy cells in
order to endure longer and higher doses of chemotherapy? Doses
strong enough to wipe out even late stage cancers and multiple
tumors? That’s the potential probiotics are starting to reveal to
oncologists across the country.

It all started at the University of Michigan where researchers
theorized that chemotherapies slow erosion of gastrointestinal tract
specifically, resulted in fewer and fewer vital nutrients reaching the
body over time and eventually leading to death. They theorized
if they could somehow protect the gastrointestinal tract from this
devastation, the body could continue to receive life-giving nutrients
long enough to outlive the strong doses of chemotherapy needed
to eradicate late-stage cancer.

The University of Michigan study that’s

pointing the way towards a new era
of natural cancer treatment
In order to accomplish their goal, the researchers focused on
a natural molecule found in the intestines known as R-spondin1.
This chemical works to repair any damage done to the intestinal
track in order to keep digestion running smoothly and nutrients
flowing to the body. The problem with cancer treatment is that
chemotherapy destroys intestinal cells at such a rapid rate that
the natural amounts of R-spondin1 found in the gut can’t keep
up with up with the damage. So the University of Michigan team
theorized that upping the amount of R-spondin1 in the intestines
could potentially protect the intestinal walls long enough to survive
large doses of chemo.
To test this theory, university researchers injected a group of
mice with R-spondin1 to see how they would fair against lethal
doses of chemotherapy. To their surprise, up to 75 percent of the
mice injected with R-spondin1 survived doses of chemotherapy
that, pound for pound, would kill most adult human beings.
Meanwhile, 100 percent of mice not injected with R-spondin1
died from the chemotherapy.

Triggering your body’s own

“molecular chemo-shield”
Now this study is only the first step in what could be a decades-
long journey for R-spondin1 treatment. But as I mentioned before,

R-spondin1 is a completely natural chemical found in all of
our intestines. That’s why I recommend anyone going through
chemotherapy (as well as my healthy patients) take probiotics.
This will help ensure natural levels of R-spondin1 and all healthy
gut bacteria are replenished on a regular basis.
Just be sure to use one with multiple strains of beneficial
bacteria. There are hundreds of strains of probiotic bacteria. And
while research on individual strains continues to build, I believe
it’s best to support the overall balance of your gut microbiome by
supplementing with more than just one strain.
The brand of probiotic I prefer is Dr. Ohhira’s Essential Formulas
Probiotics. It uses ancient Japanese fermentation techniques to
produce a product that contains 12 synergistic strains of probiotics
along with natural prebiotic cultures to help feed the probiotics.
Their formula is also backed by 25 years of university-based
But current research on probiotics doesn’t stop with simply
protecting your body from mainstream methods of cancer therapy.
New studies are also emerging showing probiotics have the power
to help kill cancer outright!

Three specific probiotic strains that are leading

the charge in the fight against cancer
There are over 500 different probiotic strains of bacteria in the
human intestines but there are three specifically that are starting
to pop up in preliminary cancer studies.
One recent study showed that yogurts rich in lactic acid
probiotic bacteria were able to slow the growth of colon cancer
cells. While milk fermented in the Lactobacillus helveticus probiotic
strain (commonly found in Swiss and cheddar cheeses) was even
able to slow the growth of breast cancer cells.
And even more impressive, a 2007 study found that the
probiotic strain Lactobacillus Casei (commonly found in cheddar

cheese and Sicilian green olives) was able to prevent recurrence of
bladder cancer in 74 percent of patients treated!

So while studies are still preliminary and ongoing, if your main

goal is to supplement your cancer treatment, I recommend getting
healthy amounts of dairy, preferably from hard cheeses such as
cheddar and Swiss. Unfortunately most yogurts also contain too
much sugar, which is why I also recommend supplementing with
a probiotic with multiple strains of beneficial bacteria.

Chapter 7
Top Secret Triple-Threat Cure:
How you can wipe out the hidden epidemic
of the Baby Boomer generation

The real culprit behind today’s deadliest threats actually goes

much, much deeper than you may realize. That’s right…there’s
one sinister syndrome behind things like…

• High blood pressure

• Elevated cholesterol
• Problem blood sugar
• Bone loss
• Sexual dysfunction
• Memory loss
• Vision loss
• Gum problems
• Peripheral neuropathy
• And more

But now, you can eliminate them ALL in ONE FELL SWOOP.
With the three affordable, readily available nutrients you’ll ONLY
learn about right here.

Surprising signs you might be at risk
of this hidden epidemic
While everyone focuses all their attention on the major diseases
of aging and how to address each one alone…there’s a hidden link
lying beneath most of them that could make tackling them ALL
easier than ever.
I’m talking about small blood vessel and capillary disease—or
impaired microcirculation. And this little-known hazard can lead
to some enormous health problems.
In fact, the leading causes of death in this country are almost all
related to blood vessels, whether it’s stroke, heart disease, or any of
the others.

It’s all about maintaining

healthy blood vessels
Luckily, scientists are starting to unravel the mysteries
of this chronic, debilitating (and stealth) illness. And,
as it turns out, research is showing that focusing on
maintaining—and repairing—your microcirculatory system, or
your small blood vessels and capillaries, may be the first step in
reversing some of the most devastating complications of today’s
major diseases.
Unfortunately, that’s just not something many people are
equipped to do these days. Especially considering that conventional
medicine only treats the symptoms of ailing blood vessels (with
potentially dangerous prescription drugs to boot). If they recognize
the problem at all, that is.
Today, we’re going to change all that.
I’m going to give you a complete rundown of all the tools you
need to keep your microcirculatory system strong and healthy for
the long haul.
But before we get to that, there are...

Three important facts you need to know
about this hidden danger
No. 1: When small blood vessel disease occurs, the blood
flow to critical areas of your body becomes impaired. Without
adequate blood flow, there’s not enough oxygen being delivered
to your organs.
And that’s when bad things can happen.
No. 2: That’s why this stealth killer is linked to so many different
diseases—because it affects so many different organs. Every system
in your body relies on oxygen and blood flow to survive.
For example, medical experts have believed for years that the
neuropathy so many diabetics struggle with is caused by nerve
damage. But a recent study from Johns Hopkins published in June
2011 in the journal Brain reported that small blood vessel damage
may actually be at the root of the excruciating pain, numbness,
and tingling that can drive many people with diabetes mad.
In fact, more and more doctors are now beginning to recognize
what I’ve been seeing for years—that microcirculation may hold
the key to all things related to aging. As was written in the Townsend
Letter for Doctors and Patients, “The experts all agree that improving
microcirculation is essential to enjoying a long and healthy life.”
In fact, the same article points out, “The most common thread in
premature [aging] is impaired microcirculation.”
No. 3: These sorts of blood-vessel-related problems don’t just
start when you’ve been diagnosed with a disease like full-blown
diabetes. Damage to your small blood vessels can begin well before
a diagnosis. For example, you’re putting your small blood vessels
at risk each day your blood sugar starts to elevate, even if you don’t
have diabetes.
Every time you eat a meal that is filled with a lot of simple
carbohydrates—i.e., any white breads, pasta, etc. (you know,
the usual American diet)—it destroys your blood vessels, slowly

but surely.
So focusing on your food choices should certainly be your first
priority. Yes, you’ll probably have to make some changes. That’s
the bad news...the GOOD news is, making those changes doesn’t
have to be so hard.
And you don’t have to go out and buy anything special. In fact,
you can start today—at your next meal, even—with things you
already have in your kitchen.
For example, one of my favorite ways to fill up without reaching
for the bread basket is to begin each meal with a savory vegetable
appetizer. Here’s one of my go-to, quick, easy recipes:
Blanche some veggies—green beans, broccoli...whatever you’ve
got in the fridge (lightly steam them for 30 seconds or so, then
run cold water over them). And then just dip them in rich cream
cheese, ranch dressing, peanut butter, or sour cream.
That’s what my New Hamptons Health Miracle is all about—
simple, easy ways to indulge your way to amazing health...and
healthy blood vessels. (Check out Part III for more great healthy
recipes!) And in the meantime, to support those efforts, there are
also a handful of nutrients that can help...

Speed healing with this “triple-threat cure”

There are many nutrients that work to support blood flow and
blood-vessel health. But I have three favorites that all have research
behind them to support their role in supporting small blood-vessel
health in particular.
Triple-threat player No. 1
If I had to choose my favorite supplement for blood vessel
support (and just about everything else, for that matter), it would
have to be Pycnogenol®.
Pycnogenol is an extract from the bark of a particular type of

pine tree that only grows along the southwest coast of France, in
the Les Landes de Gascogne area.
Since researchers began looking at it more closely over 60 years
ago, more than 220 studies have been published on the benefits of
Pycnogenol—demonstrating its antioxidant properties, its ability
to help reduce blood sugar, and its effects on cardiovascular and
circulatory health. And clinical research has shown that one of the
primary ways Pycnogenol benefits your circulation is by targeting
collagen and elastin, which are the building blocks that line your
blood vessels.
Unfortunately, a combination of aging and less-than-ideal food
choices cause collagen and elastin to break down. But Pycnogenol
helps the body replenish these two critical substances—and keeps
your blood vessels working the way they’re supposed to in the process.
It’s something that everyone can benefit from, and I recommend
50 to 100 mg a day for general health. If you have diabetes or
blood sugar concerns, you may need additional support. I have
my diabetes patients take 100 to 200 mg of Pycnogenol per day.
Fortunately, given the strong research behind this product,
Pycnogenol is readily available in most vitamin retail shops like
GNC or health-food stores like Whole Foods. It is also easily found
online. And while it is on the expensive side relatively speaking,
it’s because Pycnogenol comes from only one, proprietary source/
supplier. And that’s actually a good thing, because you can always
count on the quality of the product. The company that makes
Pycnogenol is among the best in the business—with top-notch
dedication to quality and science. So regardless of the brand you
purchase, just be sure it has the name Pycnogenol listed on the
ingredient label.
Triple-threat player No. 2
Resveratrol appears to help keep blood vessels healthy by
stimulating nitric oxide synthase activity. Which is simply a fancy
way of saying it helps to keep the blood vessels open. It may

also help keep blood platelets from sticking together, so blood
flows more smoothly. The same reason your physician probably
recommends that you take an aspirin each day. But there are some
significant risks associated with daily aspirin intake. Resveratrol
can have a similar affect without the risk.
Of course, I’m sure you’ve heard you can get the benefits of
resveratrol by drinking red wine. However, due to the high sugar
content of red wine, you’re better off getting resveratrol from a
supplement. I recommend 500 mg per day of resveratrol. And again,
thanks to the growing volume of research on the benefits of resveratrol,
it is readily available in most vitamin retailers and online. Just make
sure to look for trans-resveratrol, which is the most potent and
active form.
Triple-threat player No. 3
Diosmin is an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory ingredient
found mainly in citrus fruits. Technically speaking, it’s a bioflavonoid
that is closely related to other citrus bioflavonoids like rutin, quercetin,
and hesperidin. In fact, Diosmin and hesperidin are often used in
combination to support the circulatory system and treat heart disease
and are used widely in Europe for varicose veins and hemorrhoids.
One study showed that Diosmin helps repair microcirculation
and blood vessel function throughout the body. This resulted
in less edema—a sign that kidney function was improving.
Diosmin is most commonly taken on a short-term basis to
relieve varicose veins and hemorrhoids. So you will likely find it
in combination products geared toward those conditions. Such
products tend to have higher dosages (450-900 mg to be taken
up to twice a day for a few days). However, it can be beneficial if
taken in lower levels to help promote healthy blood vessel health
Other blood-vessel-supporting supplements that I recommend
to my patients include pomegranate and an herb called butcher’s

Pomegranate and butcher’s broom have been used for centuries
in supporting leg and vein health. Science is finally catching up
and starting to understand the mechanisms behind why these
nutrients work—and the research is very exciting.
Between easy mealtime swaps to keep your blood sugar balanced
(and, in turn, keep it from wreaking havoc on your circulation), and
the added support of the triple-threat cure of Pycnogenol, resveratrol,
and Diosmin, you’ll keep your blood vessels healthy without having
to give it a second thought. Simple as that.

Surprising symptoms of
small blood vessel disease

Take a look at the following list. If any of these symptoms

sound familiar, your small blood vessels may be the culprit...
• Cold hands and feet
• Feeling cold all the time
• Numbness or tingling in the hands or feet
• Blurred vision
• Skin bruising that doesn’t heal quickly
• Frequent urination
• Persistent dark under-eye circles (despite getting
adequate sleep)
• Leg and/or toe cramping

Chapter 8
Cholesterol’s “Silent Partner”
A statin-free blueprint for avoiding
heart attack and stroke

If there’s one thing history has taught us, it’s that the wheels
of medicine grind at a painfully slow pace.
Up until the mid-nineteenth century it was commonplace for
doctors to move from patient to patient, surgery to surgery without
once washing their hands.
When a young Hungarian doctor named Ignaz Philipp
Semmelweis presented evidence that infection and disease could
be greatly reduced by doctor’s simply washing their hands between
patients, the medical community scoffed. Many even took offense
at the suggestion and eventually Semmelweis was laughed out of
medicine. It was years after Semmelweis’ death in a Hungarian
insane asylum that his theory was finally proven correct and slowly
implemented into common medical practice.
Likewise, in the 1960’s a brilliant doctor and researcher named
Albert Sabin invented an oral vaccine for Polio which was superior
to the injectable Salk vaccine in three separate ways. Again, the
medical community turned a blind eye and Sabin eventually left
America to treat patients in Russia, Mexico and Singapore to prove
his vaccine’s superiority. It took five long years and hundreds of
millions of successful inoculations overseas before Sabin’s now
ubiquitous sugar cube Polio vaccine was finally accepted into
widespread medical practice in America.
And now, in the 21st century it appears we’re at another medical
crossroads in terms of the importance of cholesterol as a major
risk factor for heart disease.
Much like the stubborn philosophies that were ingrained
in medical thinking of the past, the idea of cholesterol as the

foremost predictor of heart attack and stroke is likewise believed
and repeated among doctors of today without so much as a second
Further compounding this belief is a modern pharmaceutical
industry with a $20 billion yearly stake in the widespread
acceptance of cholesterol management as the be-all end-all in
terms of avoiding heart attacks and stroke.
But even in the face of such insurmountable odds, studies
are coming to light which both directly challenge the overall
importance of cholesterol and point to a second and much more
dangerous component to heart disease.

Colossal cracks in the case for cholesterol

In 2009, the American Heart Association published a Harvard
University study which began to raise eyebrows among enlightened
doctors across the country.
The study, one of the largest of its kind, involved 1,315 physicians
and over 17,500 men and women in 26 different countries. Though
many important findings were made in the study’s five years of
research, one of the most astonishing facts was something the
statin industry would prefer you never heard at all.
Shockingly, the study found that, “of the nearly 1.7 million
heart attacks and strokes that occur annually in the United States,
more than half occur among apparently healthy men and women
with average or low levels of cholesterol.”
So there must be another, more important factor involved in
heart attacks and stroke that raises risk regardless of cholesterol
levels. More on that in a moment.
Another study which raised serious questions as to the
importance of cholesterol was the Lyon Diet Heart Study.
The study, also published by the American Heart Association,
involved over 400 men and women who had already experienced a

heart attack. The participants were split into two groups: A control
group which adopted a traditional “heart healthy” diet focused on
lowering cholesterol. And an experimental group which adopted
an altogether different diet.
To the surprise of mainstream doctors everywhere, after 46
months the group not following the traditional diet managed
to lower their overall risk of heart disease between 50%-70%
without lowering their cholesterol levels one bit! (I’ll discuss the
unbelievable way they did this in minute.) These results were so
surprising that the doctors involved decided to stop the study early
for moral reasons because the risk of heart disease remained so
high for the control group.
These two high-profile studies published by the American Heart
Association (of all places!) teach us two important things that
completely fly in the face of mainstream medical thinking.

1. Even with perfect cholesterol levels the odds of suffering a

devastating heart attack or stroke are still over 50%.
2. It is entirely possible to drastically reduce your risk of heart attack
and stroke without lowering your cholesterol.
So for now, let’s focus on the surprisingly overlooked reason
that makes that first statement true and then get into exactly how
you can quickly and easily accomplish the second.

Cholesterol’s “Silent Partner”

Around the same time that Harvard University published its
study revealing that increased cholesterol levels were found in less
than 50% of all heart attack and stroke victims, researchers at the
World Health Organization published a study which pointed to
an overlooked risk factor that seemed to account for the other half.
It was a blood marker known as Fibrinogen. Now don’t feel
bad if you’ve never heard of fibrinogen, most doctors you’ll talk
to these days likely haven’t either. In fact, in their own words, the

World Health Organization describes this crucial blood marker as
being “almost forgotten by the clinical community.”
But by publishing this groundbreaking study they hoped to
both remind mainstream medicine of the vital importance of this
risk factor and set standards for measuring its levels in patients.
Now, to understand just how dangerous excess levels of this
blood marker can be we must first look at how it works in your

Anatomy of a heart attack

Fibrinogen is a protein produced by the liver and in small
quantities it is an absolutely vital and necessary component for
When you cut or scrape your skin, fibrinogen is the agent which
causes the blood to congeal and eventually create a scab which
clots the wound altogether. It also works on a molecular level in
much the same way, by clotting small stress-related cracks and
crevices in your arteries.
The problem begins when levels of fibrinogen become elevated.
When this occurs, instead of creating a small clot to repair an artery
imperfection, the fibrinogen begins to work overtime creating a
much larger clot than is needed. These oversized clots can grow to
the point where they close off veins, blood vessels or major arteries
entirely and cause devastating heart attacks and stroke.
To put this in simpler terms: A heart attack or stroke is caused
by a clot which shuts off blood flow in a vein or artery and a clot
is caused by excess fibrinogen. Now to be fair, excess amounts of
cholesterol can latch onto these clots making them bigger and
speeding the process…but the clot forms regardless of cholesterol
levels in the blood.
That is exactly why the World Health Organization study
stated that “the risk of high cholesterol levels strongly depends on
concomitant high fibrinogen levels. In contrast, the risk calculated

for high fibrinogen is fairly independent of the cholesterol
This is also why the same study concluded that testing for
and management of fibrinogen in the bloodstream could be even
“more important than cholesterol and lipoproteins.”
And this is far from the first study to point out the danger of
excess fibrinogen. Another Harvard University Study published in
the Journal of the American College of Cardiology found that “Those
with high fibrinogen levels had a twofold increase in myocardial
infarction (heart attack) risk.”
And still another study published in the prestigious Royal College
of General Practitioners found that when coupled with other heart-
health risk factors such as cholesterol and high blood pressure,
“incidence of heart attacks was respectively six times and 12
times greater in those with high plasma fibrinogen levels than in
those with low fibrinogen levels.”
In other words, even if you have high cholesterol or high blood
pressure you’re respectively 600% and 1200% less likely to suffer
a heart attack if your fibrinogen levels are in line!
Which brings us to the main question:

How can you control fibrinogen levels?

Alarmingly, this is a question that mainstream medicine has
so far been unable to answer. In fact, the peer reviewed website states that tests for fibrinogen levels have
“not gained widespread acceptance because there are no direct
treatments for elevated levels.”
Other studies have also found that mainstream clot-busters
like aspirin and warfarin have absolutely no effect on fibrinogen
If fact, in my own practice I’ve found that these drugs actually
tend to increase fibrinogen levels in patients.

Luckily, however, nature has provided us with a method to
quickly and easily control levels of fibrinogen and in turn slash
your risk of heart attack and stroke. I’ll get to that in a moment,
but first let’s talk about how to find out if you need this natural
intervention at all.

Assessing your risk: The first step to slashing it!

Your levels of fibrinogen can be easily tested by any doctor
simply by asking for what’s called a fibrinogen activity test. Currently,
many doctors will only perform this test if you’re displaying
excessive bleeding (a rare sign of low fibrinogen levels) or if
you have already formed a blood clot (the after-effect of excess
fibrinogen). However, your doctor should be able to easily add a
fibrinogen activity test to your regular blood work. All you have
to do is ask!
Generally, I like to see my patients’ fibrinogen levels under
300 mg/dl. If your levels are lower, I’d continue to get your levels
tested around twice a year. If higher, you should get your levels
tested every three months.
But more importantly, if you have high levels of fibrinogen you
should take steps to get that number down to acceptable levels.

The cardiovascular cure-all that’s stunning science

Earlier in this report I mentioned the Lyon Diet Heart Study. If
you’ll remember, the experimental group in that study was able to
lower their overall risk of heart disease by an astonishing 50%-70%
without lowering their cholesterol levels. And remember, these
were patients who had already suffered a heart attack so their risk
levels at the beginning of this study were through the roof!
So how did they do it? The experimental group was told to
follow a strict Mediterranean diet. And doctors found that the
primary reason for the improved health of these participants can
be attributed directly to the high levels of Omega-3 fatty acids
found in this diet.

So it’s no surprise that Omega 3’s are one of the only proven
natural substances I know of that can quickly and effectively lower
your levels of fibrinogen in the bloodstream.
In fact, yet another study published by the American Heart
Association found that Omega 3’s can lower your levels of this
deadly blood marker as much as 13.2%.
And as we discussed earlier, getting your levels of fibrinogen
down can lower your overall risk of heart diseases an eye-popping
Of course, the heart healthy benefits of Omega 3’s don’t stop
with fibrinogen. The benefits of this fabulous fatty acid are vast
and well documented. One meta-analysis which reviewed close
to two dozen separate studies on Omega 3’s found that this
amazing fatty acid improved CRP, Triglycerides, blood pressure
and cholesterol levels. But it didn’t stop there, Omega 3’s were
also linked to improvements in depression, memory and even
Alzheimer’s Disease!
So how do you get more Omega 3s?
First, you can start eating foods which are rich in Omega 3’s
such as salmon, mackerel and sardines. Also eat plenty of nuts and
seeds such as macadamia nuts, pecans, walnuts, and flaxseeds. And
use macadamia nut oil, estate-bottled olive oil, and avocado oil.
Also, I always recommend that my patients supplement with
3,000 mg of fish oil daily (one that contains EPA and DHA).
And finally, as per the Lyon Diet Heart Study you can make
a significant dent in your fibrinogen levels by following a
Mediterranean Diet—which is exactly what my New Hamptons
Health Miracle is…only with the added benefit of an emphasis on
the use of macadamia nut oil over olive oil. It’s the easiest and most
enjoyable diet there is to follow, hands down. For all the details,
see Part III of this book. This volume will provide all the steps to
having success with my New Hamptons Health Miracle—no matter
what your health concerns may be.

Chapter 9
The 72-hour secret to a heart that’s

True heart health isn’t as complicated as you’ve been led to

believe. In fact, it all boils down to an astonishingly simple secret…
In just a moment, you’ll discover the secret to defeating the ONE
thing that’s secretly contributing to most of your heart problems. You’ll
get the tips, hints, and details—as well as the encouragement—you
need to turn the tables on this overlooked heart killer starting in just
72 hours.
Plus, you’ll also discover:
• The heart-health markers way more important than
• Six red-flag symptoms you’d never expect—but should
never ignore
• Seven easy-to-find natural supplements that can set your
heart on a path to healing
• The simple $15.00 test that predicts future heart attacks
with 99% accuracy!
• The European pocket-sized device that can boost your
odds of surviving a heart attack by 91%
• The free, one-minute heart test you can do right at home

How healthy is your heart?

I discuss the importance of microcirculation—the small blood
vessels and capillaries throughout your body—in the chapter on
page 75, The Triple-Threat Cure. Keeping your microcirculatory
system healthy is one of the most important things you can do
for your overall health. Those small vessels are the lifeline to every
point in your body, from head to toe.

But once you’ve addressed your microcirculation, it’s
important to turn your attention to the “Big Picture”—your heart
and arteries.

Here’s what you need to know...

1. This is not a battle between HDL “good” cholesterol vs. LDL
“bad” cholesterol. It’s not even about total cholesterol. There
are far more important markers of heart health than cholesterol.
2. Chest pain isn’t the only symptom that can signal a problem.
3. Seven natural supplements can improve heart and artery
health—without risky side effects.
4. It all boils down to one simple secret to promoting a heart
that’s strong as steel in just 72 hours.
But first, there’s one aspect involved in heart health that is still
overshadowed by the mainstream’s incessant focus on cholesterol...

The heart risk the “experts”

aren’t warning you about
Inflammation plays a huge role in this risk picture. The
inflammatory process can take a toll on your heart and blood
vessels. Chronic inflammation damages artery walls. That damage
gives them a rougher surface. And that gives a foothold for plaque
to latch on to.
Then the plaque continues to build up, which narrows arteries.
And prevents blood from flowing freely. In turn, your blood
pressure goes up. And your risk of potentially fatal stroke-inducing
blood clots goes up, too.
But the big question is...
How can you tell if this is happening to your heart and arteries?
How can you tell if they’re healthy or not?

Six surprising symptoms of heart problems
Sure, chest pain is a big red flag of a heart attack. But it’s also
one of the last signs. And sometimes it never occurs at all.
The truth is, there are many more symptoms that can indicate
the heart isn’t as healthy as it could be. And these can occur well
before an actual heart attack. Which gives you more time to correct
the underlying problems...and avoid a heart attack altogether.
A few of the most surprising symptoms include:
• Neck, jaw, throat, or ear pain. Damaged heart tissue can
send pain signals up and down the spinal cord to nerves
that radiate out to these areas.
• Swollen feet or ankles. When you take off your socks, do you
see an indent or mark where the elastic band at the top touched
your ankle or calf? If so, it may indicate that your heart isn’t
pumping effectively, allowing fluid to leak out from your
blood vessels.
• Hair loss. Men who are losing or have lost hair at the crown
of the head have a 23% higher risk of heart disease.
• Yellow bumps on the skin. Technically, these are called
“xanthomas” and they can be a sign of high triglycerides.
• Frequent urination. Most people assume this is a symptom
of diabetes. And it can be. But it can also result from decreased
blood flow from the heart to the kidneys.
• Coughing at night. This can signal a buildup of fluid in the
chest and heart that occurs when you lie flat at night.
Of course, these symptoms may have other causes, too. But if
you have more than one, or if it doesn’t go away within a few days,
it’s a good idea to get a full heart workup done.
There are a handful of time-tested medical tests that can track
heart rate, blood flow, and heart function. And, scientists have honed

in on several blood tests that can help you monitor your heart and
artery health. There’s also solid research that support some easy-to-
find nutritional supplements to protect, strengthen, and improve
the markers that threaten your circulatory system. So let’s start with...

Three tests I use to monitor my own heart health

EKG (Electrocardiogram). An EKG is a simple, painless test.
It usually takes only 5-10 minutes. During an EKG, you’ll have
electrodes attached to your arms, legs, and chest. The electrodes are
attached to a machine that detects and records the heart’s electrical
activity. It shows how fast the heart is beating and its rhythm, so
it can detect signs of heart damage. I recommend getting an EKG
every year.
Echocardiogram. An echocardiogram uses sound waves to
monitor blood flow. It provides information about the heart’s
size and shape, and how well the heart and valves are working.
During an echocardiogram, you’ll lie on a table and an ultrasound
technician will press a small, microphone-like “wand” against
your chest and move it around slowly. The “wand” (technically
called a transducer) sends sound waves into the chest and picks
up the echoes as they bounce off various parts of the heart.
The echoes are sent to a video monitor that records pictures of
your heart for your doctor to review. I recommend getting an
echocardiogram yearly.
Ultrafast computed tomography (CT). An ultrafast CT can
take multiple images of the heart in the time it takes for a single
heartbeat. It can also detect very small amounts of calcium within
the heart and the coronary arteries. So it provides much more
detail about heart function, and can detect even very early signs
of heart disease. During an ultrafast CT scan, you’ll lie on a table
that slides into the scanning machine. You’ll be asked to lie very
still as the scanner rotates around you, generating X-rays that
your doctor will review later. You’ll hear loud clicking sounds,
which are normal. I recommend getting an ultrafast CT scan
every five years.

Simple blood tests that show hidden dangers
In addition to the regular scans above, there are six blood
markers that can help predict your risk for heart attacks, stroke,
and overall cardiovascular disease.
But one important note: Some of these aren’t tests that
mainstream physicians commonly order. So you may want to
bring this list with you to your next appointment, to be sure you’re
getting a complete picture of your heart.
B-type natriuretic peptide (BNP). BNP is a biomarker of
tension in the heart wall. It can be an indicator of heart failure.
The higher your level, the worse your risk. You want yours to be
below 100.
C-reactive Protein (CRP). The body produces CRP during
the inflammation process. In the Harvard Women’s Health Study,
women with the highest CRP levels were more than four times as
likely to die from coronary disease, or to suffer a non-fatal heart
attack or stroke, compared to those with lower levels.
• Less than 1.0 = Low risk
• 1.0-2.9 = Intermediate risk
• Greater than 3.0 = High risk
I recommend getting your CRP tested twice per year.
Homocysteine. Research shows that homocysteine can injure the
endothelium, or lining of arteries. Homocysteine also contributes
to production of pro-inflammatory chemicals called cytokines.
And, it promotes oxidation of the fat and LDL cholesterol that can
build up in arteries damaged by inflammation.
Elevated levels have been linked with atherosclerosis (artery
damage), and higher risk of heart attack, stroke, and dangerous
blood clots.
One little-known fact about this blood test: It actually measures
the level of B-vitamins in your blood (folic acid, vitamins B12,

and B6). If you have a vitamin B deficiency you will have a high
homocysteine level. And most Americans are B-vitamin deficient,
because processed foods and sugar actually steal these essential
nutrients from your body.
I like to see my patients’ homocysteine levels at 8 or below.
And I recommend having it tested every three months if your first
test shows elevated levels. (Or twice per year if they’re normal.)
Fibrinogen. Fibrinogen is a sticky protein that promotes blood
clots and affects blood “thickness.” It can help predict numerous
heart risks, including stroke risk and heart attack.
In fact, a decade ago, a large-scale study conducted in Europe
showed that “fibrinogen is a powerful predictor of stroke, including
fatal and non-fatal strokes, first-time strokes, and hemorrhagic and
ischemic strokes.”
Another study found that high fibrinogen levels predicted
recurrent angina, cardiac catheterization, and major events like
heart attack and death.
I like to see this number below 300. If yours is higher, be careful
which treatment option you choose (I’ve outlined the best—and
safest—options in the box on the next page).
Get your fibrinogen tested every three months if your first test
shows elevated levels. (Or twice per year if they’re normal.)
Lipid profile. This test measures levels of fats (lipids) in the
bloodstream. A lipid profile will show HDL, LDL, total cholesterol,
and—most importantly—triglycerides.
There’s also a new test that I’ve been recommending to my
patients, called the Vertical Auto Profile (VAP) Cholesterol Test. It
gives you a detailed analysis of HDL and LDL. You see, your HDL
cholesterol may not be all good. And even if your LDL is high, a
more detailed analysis can show whether those LDL particles are
truly “bad” or not.

Seven heart supplements
everyone should be taking

These seven supplements will help support every important

aspect of heart health. They’re all easy to find, so there’s simply
no reason not to take them on a daily basis.
CoEnzyme Q10 (CoQ10). I recommend a CoQ10
supplement—100 to 600 mg daily. The dosage will vary
depending on whether you already have heart disease (higher
dose) or are preventing it (lower dose).
Omega-3 Fish oil. I recommend 3,000 mg of fish oil daily (one
that contains both EPA and DHA fatty acids).
Folate & B-vitamins. Take at least a B100 complex. However,
to really improve your homocysteine levels, you need at least
2,000 mcg of B12, 5 mg of folic acid, and 100 mg of B6 per
day. Oh, and if you enjoy an occasional cocktail—which is
perfectly fine—just keep in mind that alcohol does deplete B
vitamins, so you will need more of all the “Bs.”
Nattokinase. Nattokinase is an extract derived from Japanese
fermented soybeans. I recommend 1,000 to 3,000 fibrin units
per day (3,000 fibrin units equals roughly
150 mg).
Pycnogenol. I recommend a 100 mg daily dose of
Pycnogenol for optimal heart health.
Resveratrol. I recommend 500 mg of resveratrol daily.
Vitamin D. I recommend at least 2,000-5,000 IU per day of
vitamin D3 (the active form of the nutrient). And be sure to get
your blood levels of 25 hydroxy vitamin D checked periodically
by your physician. This is the most critical of the vitamin D
levels. And I like to see my patients’ between
80 and 100.

That said, keep in mind cholesterol isn’t the danger it’s been
made out to be. And it’s not the most important of the heart-health
markers. But for the sake of giving you a “barometer” for this
particular test, here are the ranges I would look for in a patient:

• Total cholesterol around 200 mg/dL

o HDL-cholesterol 60 mg/dL or higher

o LDL-cholesterol less than 110 mg/dL or lower

• Triglycerides 100 mg/dL or below

Get your lipids tested every three months. But keep in mind,
this is more about the total lipid profile. These numbers can’t stand
alone. In fact, the cholesterol numbers can be higher than the ones
I listed above and still be acceptable—IF your triglycerides are low.
And if the ratio between HDL to triglycerides is greater than 1.0 and
the ratio of total cholesterol to HDL cholesterol is less than 2.5.

Lipoprotein(a). Lipoprotein(a) (or Lp(a), for short) is a

substance that builds on the inner lining of arteries, promoting
inflammation and damaging artery walls. Lp(a) also contains a
blood clotting component, which compounds the risk for heart
disease and stroke even further.

You should get your Lp(a) tested every year. And you want your
level to be below 10.

Ferritin. This is a seldom-run heart-health test, but it’s a critical

one. It indicates how much iron is stored in your body. Which is
important because excess iron can cause organ damage—and too
little can cause heart disease. I recommend having your ferritin level
tested yearly if your level is normal. Generally this level should be
around 75. If yours is higher or lower than that, you should have
follow-up testing done quarterly.

The simple $15.00 test that predicts future
heart attacks with 99% accuracy!
What if you could literally see your heart’s future? Well, now—
with a cheap, two-minute test—you can.
I know, it sounds like science fiction but it’s been clinically proven.
Just last year, researchers from the Karolinska Institute in
Sweden discovered the secret to determining whether or not you’re
in imminent danger of having a heart attack.
Most people assume chest pain is a telltale sign of heart attack.
And it can be. So this frightening symptom sends thousands of
people to the emergency room each year. But chest pain can also
result from any number of benign causes, including anxiety and
bronchitis. The problem is, ER doctors don’t have any reliable
methods to rule out heart attack. So these patients are often
admitted for further observation. But, many times, it turns out
they’re totally fine. Which means a significant number of chest-
pain related hospital admissions are completely unnecessary.
But now you may be able to save yourself the time, expense,
and worry.
The Swedish researchers found that patients with chest pain
who have no detectable levels of a chemical called “high-sensitivity
cardiac troponin T” were at very low risk for a heart attack within
the next month.
And the results held even when the researchers adjusted for
other risk factors of heart disease. In fact, they found a 99.8 percent
probability that people with no detectable levels of this particular
blood chemical were not at risk for heart attack.
That’s right, 99%!
And this was no small study. They followed over 14,000 people
for 2 years to come up with these numbers.
The researchers themselves were blown away by the results.

The lead author of the study said “Despite our observations before
the study, we were still surprised by the strength of our findings.”
But only a staggeringly low number of Americans know this test
is available to them.
Current clinical guidelines actually recommend that patients
should receive this test within three hours after chest pain begins.
Unfortunately, many times, doctors wait until after the patient has
been admitted to run it.
But the authors of this study estimate that using this simple
blood test along with an electrocardiogram screening (ECG) could
potentially save between 500 and 1,000 unnecessary admissions
in each and every hospital per year. Not to mention the fact that
it also has the potential to save hundreds of thousands of lives!
Of course, even despite the very strong results, doctors caution
that more research is needed. And it should be noted, as well, that
even if this test indicates you’re not at high risk, there is always
a small possibility that you could suffer a cardiac event in the
following weeks.
However, even with these two caveats, the Swedish researchers’
new findings unequivocally support the role of this test in
determining cardiac risk.
If you or someone you love experiences chest pain, you
should seek emergency care right away. But before you agree to
be admitted, ask the attending physician to run the “hs-cTnT assay”
(the technical lab term for the “high-sensitivity cardiac troponin T”
test) along with an ECG. If your results don’t indicate the presence
of hs-cTnT or impaired blood flow, it’s very likely that you’re in
the clear.

The European pocket-sized device that can boost

your odds of surviving a heart attack by 91%
A staggering 90% of sudden heart attack victims in the U.S. die

before they ever reach the hospital.
But there’s a cutting-edge device available right now that could
flip this sobering statistic upside down.
Imagine a portable device you could purchase today that can
skyrocket your odds of surviving a sudden cardiac event outside a
hospital from just 5% to over 90%.
And I’m not talking about a pacemaker that needs to be
implanted in your chest or a bulky defibrillator that takes two
people to lift off the wall.
This is a battery-powered, portable piece of technology that
only requires you to press 3 buttons to save a life.
It’s called an Automated External Defibrillator (AED) and it
takes the heart-starting power of those “crash carts” you see in
hospitals—and condenses it into a convenient, compact unit.
Honestly, it’s small enough that you could take it with you
anywhere. It can fit in your glove compartment, your purse or your
coat pocket!
In fact, it’s so durable and portable that the president even
keeps one on hand at the White House and on Air Force One.
And it’s so simple even kids can use it easily. According to a
study published in the journal Circulation, a group of 6th graders
using an AED for the first time performed almost on par with
trained emergency medical technicians in terms of speed. And
they were just as accurate.
Unfortunately, while portable AEDs are common in Europe,
most Americans don’t even know this simple, life-saving technology
exists! Let alone that you can purchase one to protect yourself and
your loved ones RIGHT NOW.
There are actually a number of AEDs available. But the smallest,
lightest model is called the HeartSine Samaritan® PAD 350P. In
the event of a sudden heart attack, a user simply turns on the unit

and follows the instructions to help the victim. Audio and visual
prompts help the user through each step of the process, from
attaching electrode pads to delivering shock (if necessary), and
even administering CPR.
As you might guess, this sort of technology doesn’t come
cheap. Portable AED units can range in price from $1200 to $3000
depending on the source and model you choose. (The HeartSine
Samaratin® PAD 350P costs $1,175 and you can find it at www. But the protection and peace of mind
you get from this investment is truly priceless.

The free, one-minute heart test you

can do right at home
I’ve written before about how your waistline is a clear indicator
of your health status. But it’s not the only measurement that can
tell you whether you’re at increased risk of some serious health
Several studies have shown that there’s a significant connection
between neck circumference and heart disease.
In fact, researchers have determined that neck circumference is
an accurate predictor of risk independent of other factors, like BMI
and waist size. In other words, even if you’re not carrying around
an obvious spare tire around your midsection, you could still be at
risk—and measuring your neck may be all it takes to clue you in.
In a recent study, published in November in the American
Journal of Clinical Nutrition, looked at just over 300 subjects. And
researchers found neck circumference was positively associated
with blood pressure and triglycerides—especially in women.
Another, even bigger study took place in 2013 in China.
Researchers examined 4,200 subjects and had similar findings,
with the notable addition of lower HDL (good) cholesterol levels
in people with wider necks.

Both of these studies also correlated neck circumference with
increased risk of insulin resistance—one of the biggest warning
signs impending diabetes.
In all instances, the wider a person’s neck, the worse their heart
health markers were. The same held true with blood sugar control.
So get out your trusty tape measure and take a minute to
measure your neck.
For men, measurements greater than 14.5 inches are cause for
concern. And for women, anything over 13 inches raises a red flag.
If your measurements put you in the “high risk” category, it’s
definitely worth following up with your doctor to get a complete
picture of your heart health.
In the meantime, you can get a head start with my special
report, The World’s Easiest Heart Disease Cure. In it, I detail exactly
which tests you need—and which ones you don’t—along with safe,
natural strategies for protecting and healing your heart.

Kick the No. 1 cause of heart disease—

starting in just 72 hours!
When it comes to keeping your heart humming on all cylinders,
here’s what you need to know…the cause of heart disease essentially
boils down to ONE thing.
That’s right—just ONE simple secret: SUGAR.
If you haven’t already given up sugar, now is the time. Because
sugar is the No. 1 cause of oxidative stress on your heart and
arteries. The No. 1 trigger for damaging inflammation. The No. 1
cause of heart disease.
And don’t forget that regular table sugar is only one source.
High fructose corn syrup is another (look for it on package labels).
Simple carbohydrates—potatoes, rice, pastries, jams, crackers,
cereals, candy bars, cookies—are also sources. They all need to go.

Think you can’t live without sugar? Well I think you can. In
fact, I know you can. And I’ve helped thousands of others do it…
starting with this one simple technique.
All it takes is 72 hours. That’s it.
Imagine, 72 hours from now, you’ll be well on your way to living
heart-disease-free and even diabetes-free for the rest of your life.
So isn’t it worth a shot?
I’ve seen even the most diehard sugar addicts succeed. Just
remember to take it day by day. Don’t try to make all your changes
at once, keep it easy. Make one change at a time, and in just 72
hours you’ll be reformed—for good!
Ready to get started?
Day 1: Cut the crud
This first day is simple: Just avoid everything that you know
has sugar without even having to think about it. Cookies, cakes,
ice cream, soda—toss them all. If it seems like just one small sweet
won’t hurt you, try looking at the sweet and visualizing all the
sugar it contains. An ounce of hard candy? Picture a 5-teaspoon
mound of sugar! A slice of cherry pie? Make that 10 teaspoons.
Now imagine sitting down and eating that mound of sugar, and
you’ll see just how damaging those sweets really are!
Day 2: Un-refine your diet
Get rid of all the processed, refined, and simple carbohydrates in
your diet. This means white rice, white flour, sugar, corn syrup, and
fruit juice (did you know apple juice has more grams of sugar than a
soda?). Whole grains (quinoa, brown rice, and millet, for example)
are A-OK.
Day 3: A sugar by any other name
So you switched to whole wheat bread. Great! But did you
read the label to make sure it didn’t have any simple sugars? You

should—and don’t just trust the marketing claims, such as “no
sugar added.” It’s surprising how many seemingly safe foods hide
sugar, corn syrup, and refined carbohydrates. Take a close look
at the ingredients list and avoid sugar, obviously, but also these
• Honey • Rice syrup
• Concentrated fruit juice • Cane sugar
• Fructose
• Barley malt
• Anything that ends
• Maple syrup in -ose or -ol.
Now here’s the part where I get the most raised eyebrows, but
hear me out:
I need you to give up fruit on day three. Fruit is largely sugar
(did you know a banana has 6 grams of sugar?) and therefore needs
to be included in the sugar-elimination challenge.
This isn’t forever—just until your metabolic imbalances have
been corrected, at which point you can add low-sugar fruits like
melons and berries back in.
Now don’t stop!
Once you’re through the first three days, you’ve made it past
the hardest part. So even if you don’t feel great just yet, you will—
as long as you continue to stick with it. Your body has begun to
re-adjust its metabolism. Instead of using sugar for energy, it uses
the other food that you feed it for energy—and best of all it is
beginning to burn your fat cells as well.

Before you get too depressed over what you

can’t eat…revel in what you CAN.
You don’t need to be afraid of saturated fat. Its role in heart
disease is way over-stated. Which means you can enjoy that thick,
deliciously marbled steak, or that juicy cheeseburger without
worrying. And go ahead and enjoy some cheese on those veggies!

There are so many delicious hard cheeses to choose from…and
let’s face it, cheese just makes everything more fun.
Just make sure you also get plenty of the following:
• Omega-3 fatty fish like salmon, tuna, and mackerel.
• Monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs), from sources like
macadamia nut oil, estate-bottled olive oil, nuts (almonds,
walnuts, macadamias), and avocados.Fresh, non-starchy
vegetables—spinach, broccoli, bell peppers, kale, collard
greens, string beans, cabbage.
• Whole grains like quinoa, millet, spelt, teff, etc.
And don’t stress out over calories. When you’re eating the right
foods—you’ll naturally feel full sooner, and simply stop when
you should. No need to drive yourself crazy with all that calorie

Last, but certainly not least...

You knew I would say it. You’ve got to get moving. No getting
around it.

Crush Your Cravings

It’s 3 o’clock and you’ve got only one thing on your mind: a
chocolate bar. You’re pretty sure you’re not going to make
it through the day without one. Or three. What do you do to
get your mind back on track?
Take some glutamine! This protein building-block is a surefire
cure for sugar cravings. Take 500 mg (up to three times per
day), and you’ll watch your sugar cravings disappear.
Chocolate bar? What chocolate bar?

It’s a sure-fire way to decrease damaging inflammation. And
the best therapy to cut your risk of heart disease, heart attack, and
Not to mention that exercise will help you lose weight, which
helps ease inflammation even further. You don’t have to kill
yourself, even a little bit will help. Get out after dinner, and get
that 15-minute brisk walk. Make it a daily habit...and you’ll add
years to your life.

Chapter 10
Back from the Abyss: The “Hyperion Strain”
A 30-cent, all-natural “cocktail” that slams
the brakes on Alzheimer’s disease

After decades of research and billions of dollars spent,

mainstream medicine has come up empty-handed on Alzheimer’s.
The best you can hope for is delaying symptoms for a year or
two…if you’re lucky.
Why? Because they’ve missed the forest for the trees…
They’re so hung up on plaques and tangles that they’ve utterly
ignored the most obvious symptom of Alzheimer’s that shows up
10 years before the disease really starts to take hold.
I’m talking about brain shrinkage.
It’s a fact, a brain riddled with Alzheimer’s shrinks up like a grape
in the summer sun…utterly devastating areas involved in thinking,
planning and memory.
And mainstream medicine has no drugs, treatments, or
therapies to combat it.

But just months ago, an Oxford University study proved that a
“pennies-per-day” all-natural cocktail of three simple B vitamins
can halt brain shrinkage in its tracks.
The astonishing results, published in the renowned medical
journal The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, showed
that patients with mild to moderate brain shrinkage who took
vitamin B6, vitamin B12, and folic acid slowed brain shrinkage
by an unheard of 90%!32
Yes, I said 90%! Put simply, this treatment is pulling patients
back from the abyss of Alzheimer’s.
And if that sounds crazy to you, I can assure you no one was
more surprised than the researchers themselves…
Even senior author of the study, A. David Smith was caught
totally off guard, saying, “It’s a big effect, much bigger than we
would have dreamt of, I find the specificity of this staggering.”
And it’s an effect you can see with your own eyes.
Researchers took MRI scans of patients’ brains and highlighted
the specific areas that were protected by this natural cocktail…and
amazingly, they all lined up perfectly with areas normally ravaged
by Alzheimer’s disease.
After viewing the MRIs, Paul Thompson, professor of neurology
and head of the Imaging Genetics Center at UCLA School of
Medicine said, “I’ve never seen results from brain scans showing
this level of protection.”
In fact, the only thing more impressive is the effect these three,
simple B vitamins have on memory.
An earlier study performed in 2012 showed that patients taking
vitamin B6, B12, and folic acid trounced their placebo-taking peers
by a whopping 69% on memory tests!33
As lead researcher David Smith of Oxford University put it…

“It’s the first and only disease-modifying
treatment that’s worked.”
And with rates of Alzheimer’s expected to skyrocket in the
coming years to 115 million Americans (or 1 in 3)…it couldn’t
have come along at a better time!
Jess Smith, a communications officer for the U.K. Alzheimer’s
Society, says this simple treatment has the power to “halve the
number of people dying from [Alzheimer’s].”
But don’t expect your doctor to recommend anything but
pharmaceuticals anytime soon…Why? Because the money
generated from Band-Aid-like Alzheimer’s drugs adds up to over
$600 billion dollars a year. Put another way, Alzheimer’s disease
is simply too big to cure. And as you’ve seen—it’s only going to
get bigger.
Pharmaceutical companies (and the FDA who gets paid to
approve their products) simply have too much to lose by publicizing
a pennies-per-day natural treatment with the potential to wipe out
Alzheimer’s for good.
But if you or a loved one are suffering from Alzheimer’s, you don’t
have to wait! I’ve seen in my own patients the remarkable effects
these three simple B vitamins can have on cognitive function—and
on overall health. So if you’re not already supplementing with B
vitamins, it’s time to get started.
The doses used in the studies were:
• 0.5 milligrams of vitamin B12
(equivalent to 500 micrograms)
• 20 milligrams of B6
• 0.8 milligrams of folic acid
(equivalent to 800 micrograms)
You can get quality B vitamin supplements in any natural food
store or vitamin shop, as well as from online supplement retailers.

And upping your intake of foods rich in these nutrients certainly
won’t hurt either.
But there’s another way to give your brain even more protection
from the ravages of Alzheimer’s. This one is equally simple—and
completely free!

Fish, poultry, meat, and eggs. (clams and liver

Vitamin B2
are particularly rich in this nutrient).

Vitamin B6 Tuna, chicken, turkey, and cantaloupe

Folic Acid Spinach and other dark green leafy vegetables

A little exercise leads to big brain benefits

According to four new studies presented at the 2012 Alzheimer’s
Association International Conference in Vancouver, exercise may
be one of the best ways to protect yourself from Alzheimer’s.
One of the studies involved 120 sedentary adults without
dementia. Half of them were assigned to a walking group. The other
half did stretching exercises. A year later, each volunteer had their
brain’s hippocampus (the memory region) measured with an MRI.
After just one year, the size of the hippocampus increased by
2 percent in the walking group. This is significant because, as
I mentioned above, brain shrinkage is one of the hallmarks of
Another study found that resistance training (also called weight
training, or strength training) led to improvements in three brain
regions involving memory. You can get these effects at home by
lifting some 5-pound weights while you watch TV. Twice a week—
that’s all you need.
This research reaffirms what I’ve been advising my patients for
YEARS now. You can stave off all sorts of serious chronic diseases—
including dementia—with just a little bit of effort every day. And

you don’t have to spend hours in the gym. In fact, you don’t even
have to break a sweat.
Just a simple walk every day, and some light weight training a
couple of times a week. That’s all it takes to protect your body—
and your mind.

Five Alzheimer’s-squashing foods you

probably have in your kitchen right now
Alzheimer’s disease is overtaking the country. And health
experts worldwide have been spinning their wheels trying to figure
out why.
But I can’t stress this enough... There is absolutely NO REASON
to wait for the “cocktail of Alzheimer’s drugs” that’s supposed
to come down the pike some 15 years from now. (According to
government estimates.)
Thanks to this new research, reversing the process that triggers
Alzheimer’s disease has never been more possible. And you can
start today. In fact, there are some foods you probably have in
your kitchen right now that have impressive research supporting
their anti-Alzheimer’s benefits. These foods are the simplest way
to support your brain—starting today.
#1: Eggs
Eggs may be the perfect anti-Alzheimer’s food. They’re literally
packed with brain-supporting nutrients. Starting with cholesterol.
Yes, you read that right. As terrified as everyone is of cholesterol
(thanks to mainstream medicine), it’s actually an essential nutrient
for your brain. In fact, high levels of cholesterol have been linked
to better memory and mood in healthy middle-aged and elderly
people. And higher levels of total cholesterol are associated with
a decreased risk of dementia in elderly people.
Eggs are also rich in vitamin A which feeds the hippocampus,
the brain region that breeds new brain cells.

And eggs are terrific sources of choline, a nutrient that supports
the brain’s message relay system (the synapses). Choline also
maintains the structure of brain cell membranes.
In a gold-standard randomized study in Clinical Therapeutics,
dementia patients who took choline had consistent cognitive
improvement. And a major review of 10 studies found that choline
significantly improved dementia patients’ clinical conditions.
#2: Berries
All berries are packed with antioxidants. And one recent study
found low blood levels of several key antioxidants in the brains
of 41 Alzheimer’s patients. That list includes vitamins A and E,
lutein, zeaxanthin, lycopene, alpha- and beta-carotene (which are
converted into vitamin A in the body).
But blueberries appear to be especially powerful brain-boosters.
A study in the journal Subcellular Biochemistry found that the
complex mix of polyphenols found specifically in blueberries has
beneficial effects on cell signaling and brain cell communication.
#3: Butter
Butter is an excellent source of vitamin A. And vitamin A
supports enzymes that create neurotransmitters like dopamine
and their receptors. These are key players in the basic biochemistry
of memory. But keep in mind we’re talking about real butter, not
margarine. And certainly not those blends that claim to be “better”
than butter—hardly!
#4: Sunflower seeds
Sunflower seeds provide magnesium, a mineral that protects
your brain from ammonia (a waste product) and improves memory
and learning. A study in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease also
found that magnesium helps to decrease levels of the amyloid-beta
proteins that lead to Alzheimer’s.16
They also contain vitamin E. This essential nutrient has all sorts

of functions in the body. But it’s especially critical for protecting
omega-3 fats, which are concentrated in neurons. And a recent
study in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease found that dietary intake
of vitamin E particularly lowered the risk of dementia.17
#5: Salmon
Salmon is one of the best sources of omega- 3s that feed and
protect your brain’s neurons. And one scientific review published
in the Proceedings of the Nutrition Society found that omega-3 fats
from fish significantly protect the brain from dementia.18

Heart test predicts dementia

It’s hard to imagine a heart disease test could predict your
risk of dementia better than an actual dementia test. But
according to recent research, this is one fact you can file
under “strange-but-true.”
Researchers looked at British subjects from the Whitehall II
cohort study, all with an average age of around 55 years
old.39 They compared Framingham heart disease and stroke
risk scores--a popular test to gauge 10-year heart risk--with
Cardiovascular Risk Factors, Aging and Dementia (CAIDE) risk
scores. (This latter test estimates dementia risk based on a
number of midlife risk factors.)
Subjects took cognitive tests that covered factors like memory,
vocabulary, and reasoning skills three different times over the
10-year follow-up.
At decade’s end, high heart disease and stroke risk scores
translated to cognitive decline in almost every area.
Ultimately, heart test results were stronger predictors of later
mental decline.
So what’s the bottom line? The secret to a sharp mind lies,
quite literally, in your heart.

Protect yourself from Alzheimer’s while you sleep
Protect yourself from Alzheimer’s while you sleep
As I’ve said many times before, sleep is a critical component of
health. The health go well beyond just feeling physically alert on
a daily basis. Unfortunately, it’s often overlooked in our always-
on-the-go world.
But I’ve also mentioned before that quality of sleep is just as
important as quantity. And getting uninterrupted rest is just as
critical as clocking in the right number of hours. In fact, a recent
study indicates that people have trouble sleeping through the night
have a higher Alzheimer’s risk than those who don’t.
The researchers studied older men, who were initially 50 years
old, between the years 1970 and 2010. (Yes, a 40-year follow-up
period—talk about thorough.) Self-reported sleep disturbances
were shown to increase Alzheimer’s risk by 1.5 fold (or 50 percent).
And that risk increased with age.
We know that a good night’s rest supports brain health in
general. But now we can go one step further, to recommend getting
your zzz’s as a possible guard against Alzheimer’s.
Just as interesting: in an earlier article, the same researchers
noted that just one night of sleep deprivation (this time in young
men) increased levels of molecules that typically show up in cases
of brain damage.
I realize, of course, that getting a good night’s sleep may be
easier said than done for many people. After all, doctors doled out
more than 60 million prescriptions for sleep aids in 2011 alone.
But turning to Ambien or one of its over-the-counter cousins
isn’t the best solution. Because chances are, your insomnia is
actually just a symptom of a much bigger underlying issue.
If you have trouble sleeping, you can refer back to the article
“The silent enemy that’s stealing your sleep” in the June 2014 issue

for some insight into what might be causing your restlessness—and
what you can do about it.

A huge leap forward in the fight against Alzheimer’s

This news is new and it’s huge. For over a quarter century
researchers have been getting Alzheimer’s disease wrong. For years
they’ve been focusing all their attention on a sticky, toxic substance
that can build up in the brain… beta amyloid plaque.
Billions of dollars have been spent by pharmaceutical companies
to find a way to clear or slow the buildup of this plaque in the
brain. And it’s been seen as the sole “boogey man” responsible for
the disease’s rapid destruction of memory and the brain.
But a new, large-scale study just published by the Mayo Clinic
found that higher amounts of amyloid beta build up in the brain
did not correspond to greater levels of mental impairment. In fact,
they found that many people can have large amounts of amyloid
beta built up in their brain and be completely free of Alzheimer’s

After decades of research,

this 2015 study has finally revealed
THE true culprit behind Alzheimer’s disease
It’s a completely different protein that doesn’t simply cause
communication problems between neurons like amyloid beta,
but actually kills the neurons outright.
A toxic protein known as Tau.
And unlike amyloid beta which is found in healthy patients’
brains, Tau is only found in patients with Alzheimer’s disease.
And, the progression of the disease increases along with the level
of Tau in the brain.
For decades pharmaceutical companies have been creating
drugs solely focused on clearing amyloid beta from the brain… and

they’ve gotten absolutely nowhere in stopping the disease. That’s
because they’ve been overlooking the true cause of this devastating
illness this whole time.
Now that it’s been found, you can bet pharmaceutical companies
will be falling over themselves to create the next Tau-clearing drug.
But guess what…

Natural medicine has already found a method of

clearing this dangerous Alzheimer’s trigger and you
can have it in your hands today!
And it all starts with omega-3 fatty acids.
Dr. Pescatore has been recommending omega-3 fatty acids
for decades. Unlike many mainstream drugs designed to treat
Alzheimer’s that can’t seem to get past your body’s blood-brain
Scientific studies have shown that omega-3s are able to target
the brain directly and quickly lower your levels of Tau… the true
hidden cause of Alzheimer’s disease. And this is leading to amazing
A 2006 study showed that a diet high in omega-3 fatty acids
helped patients lower their Alzheimer’s risk by 40 percent.
A more recent 2009 study showed you can lower your
Alzheimer’s risk by up to an amazing 67 percent by simply
increasing the amount of omega-3s in your diet!
But things get even more impressive when omega-3s are
included in an overall, targeted lifestyle and nutritional protocol
for those who are already showing symptoms of Alzheimer’s. For
many patients it’s a night and day difference.
Jan Pierce started experiencing the telltale symptoms of
Alzheimer’s in her late 60’s. She would get lost on once-familiar
roads near her house, was unable to remember simple 4-digit
numbers, and was unable to remember information she had just

read moments before…
She went to see her doctor and was told there was nothing she
could do.
But after seeing her mother suffer from the same symptoms,
she was determined to find something. She eventually enrolled
in a small study using methods similar to those prescribed by Dr.
Pescatore, including the natural Tau-clearing breakthrough…

After 3 months she was able to remember

phone numbers and navigate and write complex
reports without a problem.
Amazingly she was symptom-free!
But she wasn’t the only one.
Nine out of 10 patients involved in this small study all
experienced similar, incredible results. In fact, 6 of the patients
who had to stop working due to their symptoms were able to
return to work after three months.
To put these results into perspective…

This was the first time any treatment has had

success in reversing Alzheimer’s symptoms… ever.
The results were published in the world-renowned medical
journal Aging just last year.
But Dr. Pescatore has been recommending these techniques
for decades.
Along with a healthy dose of omega-3s, the patients involved
in this groundbreaking study were able to reduce their Alzheimer’s
symptoms by using a variety of natural supplements and lifestyle
techniques… many of which you’ve already heard about in this

While each of their therapeutic programs were individualized,
following are the key common recommendations they followed:
• Elimination of all simple carbohydrates and processed foods
• Focus on organic lean sources of protein and non-farm-raised fish
• Increased intake of vegetables and fruits
• Reduced stress through yoga, meditation, relaxation techniques
• Increased sleep (close to 8 hours a night)
• Supplementation with fish oil for omega-3 fatty acids (up to 2,000
• Supplementation with vitamin D3 (2,000 IU)
• Supplementation with B vitamins (including 1 mg of B12 in the
form of methylcobalamin)
• Supplementation with coenzyme Q10 (200 mg)
• Supplementation with pre- and probiotics
• Exercise for 30 minutes 4 to 6 days per week
For an extensive list of all methods used you can read the
full published study at the following link online:


The next generation
cure for diabetes,
pre-diabetes, belly fat,
metabolic syndrome,
and so much more!

PART III: The New Hamptons Health Miracle:
The next generation cure for diabetes,
pre-diabetes, belly fat, metabolic syndrome,
and so much more........................................... 137
Chapter 11: Ten Diabetes Myths That Could Kill You.......... 139
Chapter 12: Diabetes-Free in Just Six Weeks...................... 151
Chapter 13: Diabetes Cheat Sheet for Even Faster Results:
Without eating less or lifting a finger............... 168
Chapter 14: The Decadent Dining Out Plan:
How to eat out every day, still lose weight,
AND defeat diabetes................................... 184
Chapter 15: Amazing Hamburger Cure:
How to cure obesity for life, with the help
of America’s favorite “Junk food”.. .................. 193
Chapter 16: The 3-Day Sugar Cure:
Start reversing diabetes in just 72 hours........... 196
Chapter 17: The Top Secret Super Charger—
One secret ingredient that makes
dodging diabetes simple.............................. 203

Chapter 11
Ten Diabetes Myths That Could Kill You!

In this important chapter, you’ll get an eye-opening look at

just how shockingly INEFFECTIVE the mainstream’s approach to
diabetes really is. And I’m not just talking about drugs like Avandia
or Actos. I’m talking about low-fat, doomsday diets… fake butter…
and diet foods. You don’t need them!
Let’s get started…

Let’s get one thing straight. In many ways, pre-diabetes is MORE
dangerous than diabetes.
It’s dangerous because it’s now an official diagnosis. Nowadays,
when your doctor says you have “prediabetes,” he immediately
puts you on a drug to prevent the full-blown disease.
Plus, the American Diabetes Association’s “new and improved”
guidelines have lowered the blood sugar bar even further. This
opened the door for millions of previously “healthy” people to
start taking long-term heavy duty drugs.
In 2011, the prestigious New England Journal of Medicine
published a study about the diabetes drug Actos. Researchers
wanted to see if giving Actos to men and women with prediabetes
would prevent them from developing the full-blown disease.
The study—conveniently sponsored by the drug’s
manufacturer—showed that men and women with prediabetes
reduced their risk of developing the full-blown disease by a
whopping 71 percent.
Predictably, all the major news outlets ran stories about
the study.

But there’s one small problem about Actos…it may increase
your risk of bladder cancer. In fact, the FDA is currently investigating
the link between Actos and bladder cancer. It appears that men
and women who take it for more than a year increase their risk.
Plus, it appears that the longer you take the drug and the higher
the dosage, the greater your risk.
If this story sounds familiar to you, it should…
Remember Actos’ ugly twin brother…Avandia? Actos and
Avandia belong to similar class of drugs. Research showed that
prediabetics who took Avandia also cut their risk of developing
the full-blown disease. But Avandia appears to increase your heart
attack risk. Now the use of the drug is strictly limited. Europe has
banned it all together.
So what about metformin? This first-line diabetes drug hit
the market in 1977. And, yes, it does appear to be safer than
Actos or Avandia. Plus, studies show that it can reduce the
progression to full-blown type-2 diabetes by 30 percent. But
here’s the bottom line…
Diet and exercise work better. Far better.
In fact, a recent study (again published in the New England
Journal of Medicine) compared lifestyle changes to metformin in
preventing type-2 diabetes.
The study followed more than 3,000 overweight men and
women with elevated fasting and post-meal blood sugar levels.
The researchers divided the men and women into two groups.
One group took metformin for almost three years. The other group
made changes to their diet and began exercising.
Three years later, the researchers checked back in on the
patients. The metformin group reduced their diabetes risk by 31
percent (compared to a placebo). But the lifestyle change group
almost doubled those results!
In fact, they reduced their incidence of developing type-2

diabetes by a whopping 58 percent!
So skip the scary drugs. You’ll be better off in the long run.
With my NEW Hamptons Health Miracle, you can start to safely
drop those excess pounds and get your blood sugar in line…in
just 6 weeks!

Simply put, you CANNOT develop type-2 diabetes if you do
NOT eat sugar. Diabetes is a blood sugar disorder. Therefore, by
eliminating sugar and anything that TURNS INTO sugar in the
body, you eliminate your risk of becoming diabetic.
Think about it. How many people really gain weight from
eating too much steak? You get full so quickly, it could never
happen. But, combining it with sugar, or sugar-like substances and
BINGO—you’re on your way to getting diabetes.
On the other hand, I know plenty of skinny men and women
who live on donuts and sweet tea. And guess what? They all come
to me when they are diagnosed with diabetes or prediabetes,
searching for answers.
Plus, a recent major study found that healthy men and women
who consumed what government health experts consider “normal
amounts” of high-fructose corn syrup experienced spikes in their
cholesterol and triglycerides…within TWO WEEKS!
And high-fructose corn syrup…and we all know…is just another
form of sugar. A deadly form, if you ask me.
For this study, 48 overweight but healthy adults began getting
25 percent of their daily calories from high-fructose corn syrup
(HFCS). Remember, this amount is within current government
guidelines for HFCS. But in just two weeks, their bad LDL cholesterol
and triglycerides spiked through the roof.

You probably know sodas contain a ton of HFCS. But food
manufacturers are sneaky. In many instances, you may not even
realize your diet is filled with sugar! Always make sure to read food
labels carefully. And even then, you have to be extra vigilant.
Take for example, my patient Jennifer. She came to me in her
early 40s because she wanted to lose 20 pounds. No matter what
I try, she said, I gain weight. But I eat healthy, I don’t understand it.
Then I asked Jennifer to tell me about her typical meals. She
said for breakfast she ate cereal with bananas or a plain bagel. A
low-fat yogurt for lunch. And for dinner, some light pasta.
Jennifer’s problem was very clear to me: She ate too much sugar
and not ENOUGH fat. In fact, everything she ate either contained
sugar or was itself sugar! No fat. Very little protein. And viola—she
packed on 20 pounds.
Here’s the truth about how your body works (no matter what
the mainstream medicine might try to force feed down your
When you consume more carbohydrates that can be stored
in your liver or muscles… and more than your brain needs to
function… these carbs turn to GLUCOSE. The body stores three
of these molecules together as a more efficient way of storing the
excess energy.
This is called a triglyceride, and it explains why so many people
with type-2 diabetes have high triglycerides.
These excess triglycerides are what clog up your arteries. That’s
why it’s MORE dangerous to have high triglycerides than high
cholesterol. High levels lead to higher incidences of heart disease
and stroke.
To compound the problem, the ADA recommends that people
with diabetes should start with consuming between 45 and 60
grams of carbohydrates per meal and make adjustments depending
on how their blood sugar responds. PER MEAL?! That’s more than

I recommend per day.
Keep on their program for any amount of time and I’ll bet you
won’t see your blood sugar budge.
Now, here’s the good news…
On my program, you don’t count carbs at all. Yes, that’s right.
All you have to do is stick to “slow release” carbohydrates like
brown rice and 100 percent whole wheat, or better yet, grains like
quinoa or buckwheat, and you’re set.

I recently took the “DIABETES RISK TEST” on the American
Diabetes Association’s website. They asked me these six questions:
1. Age?
2. Does anyone in your immediate family have diabetes?
3. What’s your ethnicity?
4. Height and weight?
5. Do you have high blood pressure?
6. Are you more active, less active, or as active as most men
and women your age?
They ask nothing about sugar consumption or other symptoms.
But these are FAR more important than your age, your family history,
or even your weight! (As I said earlier…I’ve seen plenty of skinny
sugar addicts walk into my office with full-blown diabetes.)
Plus, the ADA test is FAR too generous with your weight. A
160-pound woman who eats a donut every morning has a “low
risk” of developing diabetes if she doesn’t have a family history of
the disease and says she’s “more active” than her peers.
This is pure hogwash that lulls you into a false sense of security

that relies on self-reporting, which is notoriously unreliable.
Here’s a better list of questions to ask if you think you may be
at risk to develop diabetes:
1. D
 o you eat sugar?
2. D
 o you eat processed foods?
3. D
 o you eat white flour?
4. D
 o you drink beer or wine?
5. D
 o you sometimes feel “cravings” for sweets or
salty foods?
6. D
 o you sometimes skip your exercise routine?
7. D
 o feel light-headed or sleepy in the afternoon?
8. D
 o you ever feel depressed?
9. D
 o you weight at least 10 pounds more than you
did in college?
10. D
 o drink diet soda?
11. D
 o you drink regular soda?
12. Do you cook with Canola oil?
13. Do you eat margarine?
14. Do you find it hard to lose weight,
even when you exercise?
15. Do you have less energy than you did in your 20s?
If you answered yes to ANY of these questions, even if you’re not
overweight, it’s a pretty good bet you’re a candidate for prediabetes.
But don’t worry…more than half the country would fail my test, too.
Now, here’s the difference. I WON’T put you on a drug or
sawdust diet.

Instead, the answer is simple. By following my 6-week program,
you’ll feel (and look) better than ever! Plus, you’ll silence your
sweet tooth and supercharge your energy in the process.

The grueling low-fat, calorie-counting “sawdust” diets just don’t
work. They don’t work because they aren’t satisfying.
Plus, when food manufacturers take out fat, they add in sugar
and other nasty ingredients. In addition, low-fat diets can cause
sharp DROPS in your good HDL cholesterol. They can also cause
SPIKES in your triglycerides.
And worst of all, they don’t contain enough GOOD fat.
Fat is extremely important to your body. It actually helps
regulate your blood sugar. Fat takes longer for your body to digest.
This prevents the sugar RUSH and lets sugar slooooowly drip into
your bloodstream. Overall, it helps your metabolism operate much
more efficiently.
Fat also plays a major role in the chemistry of your brain. Your
brain is more than 60 percent fat and low-fat diets deprive your
brain of essential fatty acids so vital to its function. That’s why
when you go on a sawdust diet you feel fuzzy-headed all the time
or get the dieting “blues.”
The American Heart Association diet recommends you limit total
fat to less than 25-35 percent of your total calories. Although this
diet has been shown to lower your total cholesterol, it lowers good
cholesterol numbers and doesn’t touch triglyceride levels. As I said
earlier, this is a far more dangerous number.
Plus, low-fat diets may actually INCREASE your risk of diabetes.
A brand new study published in the Annals of Internal Medicine
proves it.

In this clinical trial, researchers followed more than 3,700 adults
ages 65 and over for three years. They asked the participants about what
kinds of foods they ate.
Just as I would have expected…
Those who ate full-fat dairy products (we’re talking delicacies
you haven’t dared to eat in YEARS, like heavy cream, and cheese)
were actually 60 percent less likely to get diabetes than people who
stuck to skim milk and reduced-fat dairy products.
Plus, they had:
• Less body fat
• Higher good HDL cholesterol
• Lower C-reactive proteinLower triglycerides
You see? This is what I’ve been trying to tell you! You need
the fat.
But even my patient Irene had trouble accepting this new way
of thinking. She came to me a few years back because she needed
to lose 100 pounds. Plus, for the first time in her life, her blood
pressure reading had started to creep up.
Irene had tried many low-fat, low-cal diets that made her track
her points and calories. On these diets, she could eat as many carbs
as she wanted, as long as she stayed within a certain amount of
calories and fats for the day. But Irene found herself CONSTANTLY
Sure, she’d lose weight for a time…but then pack the pounds
back on.
Now, here’s the good news about Irene…
Together, we got her off the sawdust dieting rollercoaster. She
began eating a more balanced diet with MORE fat and SLOW-
RELEASE carbs. In two weeks, she lost 15 pounds. In just 13

months, she lost all 100! Plus, her blood pressure came down to
normal in just two months.

So throw out the low-fat yogurts and bring on the luscious,

satisfying, and full-fat cream.

On many popular diets, you must cut out ALL carbs during an
induction phase. This requires you to go “cold turkey” off all carbs
during the early phase of the diet. Don’t even think about eating a
grain of brown rice or a crumb of whole wheat bread. Heck, you
can’t even eat carrots.

Here’s why my program filled with complex carbs works for

the long-term…

Recent studies show that people who eat more complex carbs
have a decreased risk of getting type-2 diabetes. In fact, complex carbs
aren’t the enemy. They help your body achieve a balanced state of
insulin regulation. Plus, you need “slow carbs” for energy.

I’m not suggesting that you only eat slow carbs. Rather, strive to
incorporate them into your balanced diet.

Slow carbs include: brown rice, oats, 100 percent whole wheat
bread, barley, amaranth, buckwheat (kasha), kamut, teff, spelt,
milo, millet, and quinoa. Vegetables also fall into this category.

Now, I know many of these may sound foreign to you but many
of them are found easily at your local supermarket. Check the organic
aisle first. If unavailable there, you can get them easily at your local
health food store or you can have them delivered directly to your
door by shopping online.

Whole grain cereals are usually the trickiest to pin down. So,
here is a list of whole grain cereals you can safely enjoy on my

decadent diabetes program:
• Cheerios
• Granola or muesli
• Nutri-Grain
• Shredded Wheat
• Wheat Germ
• Wheaties
• Wheatena
• Oatmeal made with steel-cut oats & no sugar
Avoid: Cream of Wheat, Cream of Rice, Grits, and other cereals
marketed as whole grain that contain sugar.
You can also find whole grain pasta at your super market. You
must check the food label. If it says “100 percent whole wheat,”
you’re safe. You can also find pasta made from spelt, kamut, brown
rice and quinoa.

Red meat is great source of lean protein and it will help regulate
your blood sugar. Just make sure you choose lean cuts of organic,
grass-fed beef. Yes, it’s a little more expensive, but it’s worth it. The
meat tastes better…plus you won’t have to worry about harmful
hormones or pesticides.
Choose naturally lean cuts of meat, such as flank or sirloin.
Marinate the steak for a few hours before grilling with lime juice,
macadamia nut oil, and spices.
You’ll also want to bring the meat to room temperature before
grilling. This enhances the flavor.
Also, go ahead and leave the fat on the steak during grilling.
After you take the steak off the grill, let it rest on the plate for 10

to 15 minutes. This allows the meat to reabsorb all the natural
juices. Lastly, trim your steak before you serve it.

According to recent studies, moderate drinkers (men who drank
5 to 6 drinks per week) are 20 percent less likely to die from all
causes. Overall, moderate drinkers live longer than those who
drink less.
New studies show that alcohol can improve insulin resistance,
lower triglycerides and LDL cholesterol, and increase HDL
Moderation is the key.
Men can indulge in up to four servings per week of distilled
spirits. Women can enjoy up to two drinks per week.

Time and again, research has proved that eggs
are not only safe to eat; they’re good for you too! Eating them will
even help you lose weight. Yet, this myth persists.
Here’s the evidence to prove my point…
A 2007 study followed nearly 10,000 overweight but otherwise
healthy men and women. The volunteers who ate one or more eggs
a day didn’t raise their triglycerides or cholesterol one iota.
Plus, they didn’t raise their risk of heart disease or stroke. On
the other hand, eating eggs seems to help raise GOOD cholesterol.
Plus, in a 2008 study published in the journal Obesity, researchers

looked at breakfast habits of overweight men and women trying to
lose weight. The folks who ate eggs in the morning lost more weight
and felt more energetic than those who ate a bagel for breakfast.
In fact, in an earlier study, volunteers who ate eggs instead of a
bagel for breakfast lost 65 percent more weight!

Skipping breakfast is one sure-fire way to sabotage your weight
loss and your health.
Studies show that those who eat breakfast every day weigh less.
So take a few extra minutes in the morning to make a nice omelet
with a side of bacon (you can even throw in a slice of 100-percent
whole wheat toast now and then, but try it without the toast the
first few times—I bet you won’t even miss it!) You’ll feel great for
the rest of the day. I guarantee it!

MYTH #10
Walk through the grocery store dairy aisle and you’ll see all kinds
of “heart smart” margarine products. These products are nothing
more than margarine with added plant sterols. Don’t buy them.
Margarine is not better than butter…no matter how many
vitamins or plant sterols you add. It is still fake butter and it
contains trans-fatty acids even if it denies it on the label. The
government allows products to be called trans fatty acid free if it
contains less than 0.5 grams per serving. Yet, studies have shown
that 3 grams per week can increase risk for heart disease.
Trans fats are bad news. They increase your risk of heart disease
as much as some saturated fats do…if not MORE. Plus, they increase
LDL (bad) cholesterol and decrease HDL (good) cholesterol. They
also raise your lipoprotein(a) levels, impair arterial flexibility, and
promote insulin resistance.

Yet somehow, the American public has been duped that their
“heart smart” spread is safer than butter.

Chapter 12
Diabetes-Free in Just 6 WEEKS:
Your complete and exclusive, step-by-step guide
to my NEW Hamptons Health Miracle

Ready to live diabetes-free? Then stop listening to what the

diabetes industry has been telling everyone. I’m here with the best
diabetes news in the last 30 YEARS.
Now YOU can indulge in the same healing secret sweeping the
Hamptons. And discover for yourself just how easy it is…so much
so, you’ll soon be calling it, “a six-week vacation!”
In fact, you must start by forgetting the very idea of DIETING.
This plan is simpler—and more decadent—than anything you’ve
ever experienced.
Finally! All those useless years of deprivation are OVER…
starting here and now!
Not since my mentor, the late Robert Atkins, M.D., has anyone
had the guts to call the mainstream out on its deadly diabetes
mistakes, or to offer a new cure. One so easy, and so enjoyable, it
will completely transform the very course of diabetes care—and
defeat your diabetes demons—for good!
I’m here to tell you that overcoming diabetes is not about pills,
it’s not about deprivation, and it’s not about drugs.
You can indulge in loads of FABULOUS FORBIDDEN FOODS
and help start to turn your blood markers around in JUST 6 WEEKS.
Did you know that most medical schools don’t even require

future doctors to study nutrition before they graduate? That means
all the so-called diabetes experts out there probably have never
learned the most basic way to treat diabetes: through smart eating!
I’ve spent my entire medical career studying nutrition and
how it affects health, and that’s how I know the anti-diabetes
secrets that other doctors don’t. The answers are not in a pill jar,
on the surgical table, in the horribly misguided advice from the
mainstream “diabetes experts,” or in the latest fad diet.
The solution to diabetes is simple—and not only that, it’s so
sinful and so decadent…you’ll think you’re dreaming! All those
so-called “diabetes experts” crowding the shelves and fighting for
headlines have it all wrong.
Now YOU will know better than them. This easy, 6-week plan
has worked miracles for my clients—and it will for you, too!
Just look at Joan, an A-list celebrity who had followed all the
popular weight loss advice and was still 30 pounds overweight and
diabetic. She came to my clinic not really believing that I could cure
her—but she didn’t know about my secret anti-diabetes weapon.
I convinced her to follow my plan, and within three months she
had lost 24 pounds.
Impressive, right? But even more impressive is the fact that her
blood sugar readings were dramatically improved and she was able
to cut her diabetes medications in half. In fact, at the end of six
months she was off them altogether, her blood sugar was totally
normal, and she was down 45 pounds!
And Joan isn’t the only one. Ann, a famous clothing designer,
was 56 when she realized she was turning into her mother—weight
creeping up, blood pressure rising, and diabetes rearing its ugly head.
Determined to stop the downward spiral, she came to me, and I put
her on my plan.
The result? Her diabetes was stopped in its tracks, her cholesterol
normalized, and her blood pressure was perfect—PLUS she lost
48 pounds!

This plan has had such dramatic effects for so many celebrities
and A-listers that I can’t in good conscience keep it a secret any
longer. Others have paid dearly for the advice I’m about to give
you for free!
So, if you’re ready to feel better, look better, and live better…
read on for the secret behind my NEW Hamptons Health Miracle
and all the details of the 6-week plan!

The great diabetes myth

Diabetes. If it were a high school course, it wouldn’t be science—
it would be mythology. And unfortunately it’s a Greek tragedy that’s
getting worse by the day. Far too many people suffer from this
devastating illness, and worst of all, millions suffer without even
knowing they have it.
Diabetes, and its precursor, blood sugar disorder, is a life-long,
debilitating illness. It attacks the body from head to toe, robbing you
of your memories, increasing your stroke risk, blinding you, rotting
your teeth, clogging your arteries, ruining your love life—and the
list goes on.
So there’s the tragedy; now let’s get to the mythology. Most
people think diabetes starts when you get diagnosed. Not so. It
starts at birth, and the fact is that most of us fall somewhere on the
diabetes spectrum. Depending on your eating habits, genetics, and
plain-old luck, it may develop into full-fledged diabetes or it may
keep you treading water in the prediabetes zone. Either way, it keeps
you from living the full and energized life you’re meant to live!
Think of all the ways symptoms of diabetes shows up in your
life, whether you’re diagnosed with diabetes or not: That 3 o’clock
energy plummet, forgetting why you went into a room, your
caffeine addiction…you can thank blood sugar imbalance (a.k.a.,
prediabetes) for all these problems and more.
Isn’t it time to fix it?
Of course, the first step to fixing your problem is admitting you

have a problem. There are 25 million people with diabetes above
the age of 20 in the United States and—even more surprisingly—an
estimated 79 million Americans are considered to have prediabetes.
Chances are you’re one of them. I know I was.
But here’s the good news. You can change it.
You can stop diabetes in its tracks and start living your life to
the fullest—and all without deprivation, diets, or drugs! Read on
for my simple, decadent, and life-changing plan.

Think you don’t have to worry

about diabetes? Think again.
Some people think they’re safe from diabetes. They’re wrong.
Here are the top-5 misconceptions people have about why diabetes
isn’t a concern for them:
1. I’m thin, so I don’t have to worry about diabetes. While it’s
true that obesity often goes hand-in-hand with diabetes, thin
people are not immune. Even if you are of a normal weight,
your risk factors increase if you are African American, Native
American, or Hispanic; you eat a lot of sugar or refined
carbohydrates; you don’t exercise regularly; you have a family
history of diabetes; or you are older than 45.
2. I feel fine, so I can’t have diabetes. Diabetes doesn’t always
present with the classic symptoms (increased thirst, hunger,
and urination, for example). In fact, most diabetics are
diagnosed at a routine check-up.
3. My doctor told me I don’t have diabetes—just a “touch of
sugar.” This is the most serious warning sign you can get. A
fasting blood sugar reading of greater than 100 means you’re
at increased risk of heart disease and all sorts of vascular
problems, including stroke. Stop what you’re doing and start
my plan for becoming Diabetes-Free in Just 6 WEEKS today.
4. My doctor told me it doesn’t matter how much sugar I eat.

This couldn’t be further from the truth. Diabetes is a blood
sugar disorder; therefore, by eliminating sugar and anything
that turns into sugar in the body can significantly reduce
your chances of becoming diabetic if you are predisposed
to the disease.
5. I’ve always been able to eat anything I’ve wanted. Good
for you. I hope you enjoyed it. Now it’s time to step back and
realize your body doesn’t see it that way—at some point your
body just can’t compensate for all the wrong you have done.
And with diabetes, once the complications set in (which
they do long before you even know you have the disease),
it is really hard to make them go away. Now’s the time to
make a change.

Blood panel guarantee

If you follow this plan religiously for 6 weeks, I can virtually
guarantee you’ll see improvement in every single measure of
health on your blood panel:
• Your LDL (bad cholesterol) will go down.
• Your HDL (good cholesterol) will go up.
• Triglycerides, C-reactive protein, homocysteine, fibrinogen,
vitamin D levels, and total cholesterol will all stabilize.
And the most important marker of all—your blood glucose?
It will finally be on the road to normal!
Some other so-called experts promise results like these in just
two weeks. You know the old adage “if it sounds too good to be
true, it probably is”? That definitely applies here. You’ve spent years
getting your blood sugar, cholesterol, triglycerides, and weight to
the point they’re at. Don’t you think you’ll need six weeks to get
them back where you want them? But here’s the thing—this plan
is so SIMPLE, so SINFUL, and so DECADENT, that these six weeks
will feel like a treat—not deprivation!

GET STARTED NOW: Six steps to my
New Hamptons Health Miracle!
So you can see that the plan works—now are you ready to get
to it? What follows is my sensible, easy, and indulgent plan for
reversing your blood sugar problems in just six weeks.
You’ll see there’s nothing extreme about it—I’m not advocating
a high-fat, ultra-low carb approach, or some expensive regimen
that requires you to buy prepackaged meals from me. My approach
is low in processed foods; high in good sources of protein; rich
in vegetables, nuts, and low-sugar fruits; and rich in omega-9
monounsaturated fats. There’s nothing gimmicky about it.

Tap into your body’s


As rich and sinful as they seem, all the foods you’ll read
about in these special reports actually help your body tap
into and maximize a little-known process, called TEF.
This secret process can help supercharge your
metabolism, so that you burn more calories indulging in
these “forbidden” foods than you would by eating so-
called “diet” foods!
You see, as decadent as they are, all of the foods on my
plan are minimally processed. And these types of foods
make your body work harder to digest them, which kicks
TEF into high gear, speeds up your metabolism—and
makes you burn more calories.
And, based on my patients’ experiences, adding
macadamia nut oil to this program boosts weight loss
even further.

Follow these six principles
for six weeks, and I can virtually Never Go Hungry
guarantee that you will see
every number on your blood Don’t try to shortcut by
panel improve. Your doctor forgoing food. Skipping
won’t believe his eyes! meals can make you
hungrier at the next meal,
1. Eat fish and eat other causing you to eat more
pure and lean protein. than you should. Worse,
hunger might tempt you to
Fish is great for the body, make bad choices when
mostly because of its omega-3 you do eat.
fatty acids—especially DHA
and EPA. These essential fats
can lower triglycerides and raise HDL cholesterol—addressing
two common problems for people with diabetes. Bonus: Omega-
3s benefit the heart by reducing inflammation, decreasing the risk
of clots, and preventing abnormal heart rhythms.
The downside of eating fish is the fact that pollution and poor
fish farming practices have caused high mercury levels in fish.
You can still reap the benefits without the risks by focusing on
smaller fish like tilapia or sardines or taking fish oil capsules from
a reputable source.
Stay away from top-of-the-food-chain fish like bluefish, striped
bass, tilefish, swordfish, king mackerel, tuna steaks, and white and
golden snapper, as well as any freshwater fish. When eating canned
tuna, choose chunk light over solid white or albacore. This advice
is especially important for women who are pregnant or nursing
and those who plan to become pregnant within a year.
When eating fish, how you prepare it counts. Research shows
that frying fish turns it from a wonder-food into a health-saboteur.
Keep fish healthy by sauteing it in macadamia nut oil, baking it,
or grilling it.
In addition to fish, I recommend other lean types of protein,
including trimmed beef, trimmed pork, skinned chicken, and other

animal forms of protein including eggs.

2. Eat nuts.
Our ancestors relied heavily on nuts in their diet, and it’s little
wonder why: Nuts are remarkably nutritious and were very easy
to gather. We now know that they are not only full of protein, but
they’re also rich in important nutrients like vitamin E, folic acid,
potassium, and magnesium. Plus, although they’re high in fat,
they’re low in saturated fat and high in monounsaturated fat and
omega-3 fatty acids. Important note: Peanuts are legumes, not
nuts, and are therefore not included in this category.

3. Exclude trans-fatty acids.

If you want evidence of the failure of the food industry to
promote health, look no further than trans-fatty acids. These aberrant
concoctions are all over supermarket shelves for two reasons: They’re
cheap, and they increase shelf-life. Never mind the fact that they’re
killers. Trans-fatty acids, made when oil is hydrogenated, raise
lipoprotein(a) levels, make arteries less flexible—raising blood
pressure and stroke risk,
promote insulin resistance,
Listen To Your Body! and increase the risk of
diabetes. So basically
• Eat only when you’re everything you want to
hungry. avoid if you’re trying to live
• Don’t go back for
seconds. This is not one of those
• Stop eating before you’re
cases where moderation is
full: It takes the brain about
the key to success—there is
20 minutes to realize your absolutely no safe amount
stomach is full, so give the of trans-fatty acid in the
two organs a chance to diet. In fact, as little as 2–3
communicate! grams of trans-fats per day
can increase health risks.
One single doughnut has 4

grams—and the standard American diet hovers somewhere around
40 grams a day. No wonder we’re experiencing a diabetes epidemic
in this country!
To avoid trans-fats, go immediately to your cupboard and
look at every canned, bagged, or boxed food, and throw away
anything that has the words “partially hydrogenated” or “vegetable
shortening.” First on your list should be margarine, the worst
offender of all. Do what your grandma did: Use butter!
Another way trans-fats sneak into our diet is when we cook oils
past the point where they produce smoke. Every oil has a different
smoke point; olive oil smokes around 300 degrees F and therefore
shouldn’t be used for frying or sauteing. Macadamia nut oil has
a smoke point of about 410 degrees F. This means you can cook
with it without worrying about trans fats.

4. Eat healthful fats: monounsaturated fats,

specifically macadamia nut oil.
The high smoke point isn’t macadamia nut oil’s only health-
boosting quality. In fact, when I discovered this oil, it completely
changed my approach to healthful eating. I now use it every
opportunity I get, and it’s a big part of the success of my New
Hamptons Health Miracle.
What makes macadamia nut oil so special? It’s the fact that it’s
almost entirely composed of monounsaturated fats—85 percent,
on average. Plus, it’s particularly rich in oleic acid, which increases
the absorption of omega-3 fatty acids into the cell membrane,
decreases total and LDL (bad) cholesterol levels, lowers triglyceride
levels, and raises HDL (good) cholesterol levels.
When I tell you this plan will make you rich, this is the secret!
Macadamia nut oil will make you monounsaturated rich—and
provide health benefits that no amount of money can buy!
Other healthy monoun­saturated fats include estate-bottled olive
oil and avocado oil. Though they are best used at lower temperatures.

5. Eat your veggies (and some fruits)!
The produce section of your grocery store is a jackpot
of antioxidants, micronutrients, and phytochemicals that
rejuvenate the body. You can’t go wrong eating a colorful array
of low-carbohydrate vegetables like greens, peppers, cucumbers,
mushrooms, and bok choy. Starchy vegetables (peas, carrots, corn,
potatoes, winter squash, beets, and so forth) are better left in the
supermarket. There’s a reason they feed corn to cows—to fatten
them up!
Fruits make for a sweet and tasty treat, but some are a better
choice than others when it comes to preventing and reversing
diabetes. You’ll want to focus on the ones that are lower in sugar,
like these:
• Watermelon
• Cantaloupe
• Honeydew
• Strawberries
• Raspberries
• Blueberries
Stay away from fruit juices, which give you everything that’s
bad about fruit (sugar!) without the good stuff (fiber). And limit
the sugary, tropical fruits like bananas, pineapples, mangoes, and

6. Consume moderate amounts of alcohol.

That’s right, this plan allows for the occasional drink. Like I
said, it’s not about deprivation! Moderate amounts of alcohol (1.5
ounces of spirits four times per week for men, twice per week for
women) actually benefit your health. Studies show the occasional
drink actually improves insulin resistance and can prevent the onset
of diabetes. Plus, people who drink in moderation—especially those

with diabetes—decrease their risk for heart disease.
You’ll notice I specified spirits and not wine, beer, wine coolers,
or fruity cocktails. Why? Because distilled spirits like vodka are lower
in carbohydrates, and your waistline will thank me.

What about exercise?

You’re probably waiting for me to get to the part where I tell
you to start jogging four times a week and lifting weights the other
days. Well guess what—I’m not going to do that. You’re about
to overhaul the way you eat—for the better!—and that’s enough
of a change. If you don’t exercise already, I advise that you don’t
start now. This plan is simple, decadent, and fun—it’s not about
pushing your limits and being uncomfortable!

Must-have nutrients to ensure

your success
If you follow my New Hamptons Health Miracle without deviating
for six weeks, you’ll reach your goals. But let’s face it—sometimes we
could all use a little help getting to the finish line. Certain specific
nutrients can boost your success and give you results faster than
food alone. Think of them as a shortcut for faster results; these
supplements will help you make up for damage done over the years
and help you smooth over the bumps along the way. Recommended
dosages are provided, but it’s really up to the individual. If you take
some of these together, you may get a synergistic effect and so may
be able to take slightly less. Be sure to work with a doctor to monitor
your blood sugar levels and adjust accordingly.
Ash tree extract (1,000 mg/day of Glucevia™). This is one of
the newest breakthroughs in blood sugar science. And it couldn’t
have come at a better time. It addresses an aspect of blood sugar
maintenance that has been completely overlooked until now:
liver health. Ash tree extract helps escort excess sugar safely from
your blood and into your liver and muscle cells. It also nurtures,
supports and improves your liver function on a long-term basis. I

recommend a specific ash tree extract called Glucevia.™ Glucevia
is the only available extract derived exclusively from the seeds and
fruit of the Scandinavian ash tree. But more importantly, it has
very solid research behind it. For instance, one study showed that
healthy volunteers who took Glucevia experienced a 28 percent
reduction in glucose in just three weeks. Perhaps even more
impressive, Glucevia showed immediate effect on postprandial
blood glucose concentration.
Benfotiamine (150-200 mg/day). This is a specialized, fat-
soluble form of the B-vitamin thiamine. And one of its most
notable benefits is its ability to interfere with the production of
advanced glycation endproducts (AGEs). AGEs form in the body
after prolonged exposure to excess blood sugar. And they destroy
your tissues—quite literally aging you from the inside out. But
benfotiamine helps prevent the formation of AGEs in the first place.
Mulberry leaf extract (200 mg/day). This herbal powerhouse
supports blood sugar control in three ways. First, it helps your body
process starch without impacting your blood sugar levels. It does this
by distracting the enzymes in your intestine responsible for turning
starch into sugar. These enzymes are “tricked” into thinking mulberry
leaf extract is a sugar molecule and rush towards it. Meanwhile, starch
is able to safely pass through your intestine without being turned into
sugar. Second, mulberry leaf extract helps usher sugar from the blood
stream into the cells that actually need it. In fact, a laboratory study
reviewed in the American Journal of Chinese Medicine reveals:
Mulberry leaf extract could increase glucose uptake in cells by as
much as 54 percent. And last but not least, mulberry leaf extract also
helps your body reduce glucose production from within the liver.
Chromium (200 mcg, three times/day). Chromium is a trace
mineral that most of us are lacking, largely because of nutrient
depletion in farm soil. It is vital to blood sugar regulation, making
it a great supplement for hypoglycemics, diabetics, and everyone
in between. Another benefit: It curbs food cravings. Since it’s
exceedingly difficult to get this nutrient from food, I recommend
taking it in supplement form.

Top-5 Age-Busting Foods
No one can argue with the blood sugar benefits of my New Hamptons
Health Miracle, but what if I told you it can also make you look and
feel younger?

People ask me all the time what I do to stay looking so young. Actually,
it’s quite simple: I follow the advice I’ve given you here, and I hardly ever
deviate. What I’ve found is that the key to youthful, glowing skin begins in
the stomach. The wrong food choices cause inflammation right down
to the cellular level—and that inflammation leads directly to wrinkling,
sagging, and premature aging.

These five favorite foods will take years off the reflection in the mirror—
with the added benefit of being great for your whole body!

• Wild salmon: The pigment that makes wild salmon pink, astaxanthin, is a
powerful foe of free radicals—those rogue molecules that damage cell
membranes and DNA and cause skin to age. Farmed salmon, on the
other hand, gets its pink color from manmade dye. Eating one serving of
wild salmon every five days may prevent actinic keratoses—those ugly,
brown, precancerous skin patches that become common with age.

• L eafy greens: Spinach, kale, and other leafy greens contain lutein,
which protects the skin from sun-induced inflammation and wrinkles.

• Sweet potatoes: These contain beta-carotene, which balances the skin’s

pH, combats dryness, and promotes cell turnover—all resulting
in smoother skin.

• Vitamin C–rich foods: Red and green peppers, broccoli, cauliflower,

and of course, berries, cantaloupe, and citrus fruits, are all great
sources of vitamin C—an essential nutrient for building collagen,
the key component to younger-looking skin. These foods also contain
bioflavanoids, which protect skin from UV rays and help prevent
cell death.

• Lycopene-containing foods: Tomatoes (cooked), pink grapefruit,

watermelon, and red peppers (cooked) are good sources of lycopene,
a potent antioxidant that shields skin from sun damage from the inside.

Collagen isn’t just important for skin health—it’s also an essential part of the
lining of blood vessels, helping them to expand and contract. So all the
nutrients listed above can shave years off your heart and your complexion!

Vanadyl Sulfate (25 mg): Used in Europe as a natural diabetes
cure, vanadium sulfate mimics the effects of insulin in the body,
allowing it to lower blood sugar and decrease insulin dependence.
It does this by tackling one of the key elements of diabetes—insulin
Gymnema Sylvestre Leaf Extract (250 mg): This ancient Indian
herb gradually lowers blood sugar, increases insulin, and cuts
cholesterol and triglycerides—all very important exits off the road
to diabetes.
Cinnamon Extract (1/2 teaspoon): Who knew the stuff that
gives oatmeal cookies their spice could also lower blood sugar? If
you find it difficult to get ½ teaspoon a day into your meals, pick
up a cinnamon supplement for the same blood sugar benefit.
Alpha Lipoic Acid (100-300 mg/day): Europeans have been
using ALA for years to lower blood sugar levels and tackle another
common complaint among diabetics—neuropathy. You can find
ALA in foods such as red meat, organ meat, and brewer’s yeast, or
you can take it in supplement form.
Berberine (500 mg): Burn fat, lower blood sugar, and
cholesterol and triglycerides with this ancient plant extract. Bonus:
It just might make you less thirsty and, as a result, less chained to
the bathroom.
Pycnogenol (50-100 mg): A diabetes cure in the bark of a tree?
Researchers have discovered a wonder-nutrient in pine bark that
lowers blood sugar, slows or prevents retinal diseases (common
in diabetics), and improves blood flow.

Get started today!

See? I told you this would be easy! No gimmicks, no games, and
NO DEPRIVATION. Mark the day on your calendar so you can look
back six weeks from now and remember that this is the day that you
chose to change your life and say goodbye to diabetes for good!

The Good Stuff
When choosing your foods, refer to this simple chart to sort the
good from the bad.


Salmon, trout,
Whole grains
like brown rice,
✓ (yes) spelt, quinoa,
walnuts, lean
meat, poultry
wheat, and rye
without skin

White flour
Fried fish,
products, white
rice, or any
X (no) meats, too
other refined
much bacon/
or processed
sausage or milk


lettuce, spinach,
nut oil;
kale, fennel,
mushrooms, Melons & berries
bok choy,
olive oil;
celery, radishes,
avocado oil
peppers, bean
sprouts, and

vegetables like
peas, carrots,
corn, white
Tropical fruits oils and trans
potatoes, winter
squash, beets,
parsnips, jicama,
and plantains

Now go ahead…dig in, and get thin—

and beat your diabetes, for good!

Chapter 13
Diabetes Cheat Sheet for Even Faster Results:
Without eating less or lifting a finger!

My NEW Hamptons Health Miracle has sparked a national

sensation, not only because it WORKS, but also because it’s FUN!
This DECADENT crash course is so easy and so enjoyable; it
will completely transform the very course of diabetes care. Follow
my advice and you can:
✓ Escape the deadly diabetes snare
✓ Shed excess pounds to stay lean and sleek
✓ And look and feel fabulous at any age…
Yes! You can defeat your diabetes demons—for good! All you
need are a few of my POWERFUL “secrets,” FAST “tricks,” and
SIMPLE “short cuts” to supercharge your success.


1. Go ahead…eat more chocolate!
Yes, eat more chocolate, the darker the better. You see, real cocoa
contains powerful antioxidants, even stronger than those found
in wine.
So indulge in more dark chocolate temptations. You’ll lose
weight and keep your blood sugar under control. Just skip the
pre-made brownies or cookies. Make your own decadent treats,
instead. They’ll taste even better made with real cocoa and Stevia.
Stevia is a natural sweetener that comes from a plant native to
South America. There are many grades of it, so be careful when
shopping. Unless you use a brand high in steviosides, there can
be a bitter aftertaste.

Truvia™ is the newest form of Stevia and you can find it just
about everywhere. It actually contains a combination of Stevia
and erythritol, a sugar alcohol. But unlike other sugar alcohols,
erythritol seems to cause fewer GI symptoms. But it’s still a
processed product, so use it sparingly.
In your baking, try to use straight Stevia. Look for powdered
versions in the sugar aisle of your grocery store. You can also find
plain or flavored liquid Stevia in health food stores or online.
Plus, you can even find Stevia-sweetened chocolate candies on
the market nowadays.
I recommend making your own treats by melting 100%
unsweetened dark chocolate. Mix it with 1-2 tablespoon of heavy
cream and Stevia. Drizzle it on berries or whipped cream for a
decadent treat.
Also, here’s a helpful Stevia conversion: 6 packets of powdered
Stevia = ½ tsp Stevia liquid = ¼ cup of sugar.
For more chocolate temptations, see my dessert recipes in the
on page 226…
2. Get a little tipsy!
I hope you enjoy and savor life. That’s what’s missing from
most diets. They tell you how to CUT your cravings…CUT your
calories…CUT your fat…and CUT the good things out of life!
But I say, “NO” to cutting!
You can enjoy life and indulge in a few naughty sins. Heck,
even enjoy the occasional martini!
Yes, friends! You can (and should) enjoy moderate amounts of
alcohol and still keep your blood sugar tightly under wraps. And
don’t worry; it won’t make you gain weight either.
For women, you can have up to two glasses of distilled spirit
drinks (1.5 oz of liquor) per week. Men can have up to four glasses
of distilled spirit drinks each week.

Distilled spirits include rum, gin, vodka, tequila, and whisky.
My all-time favorite cocktail is an organic cucumber martini.
Make it by mixing three parts organic cucumber vodka with one
part dry vermouth. Shake and enjoy!
Now then, doesn’t that make your Saturday nights a little more
3. Never skip meals!
Diets call for deprivation. But let me make this perfectly clear:
Do NOT skip a meal and think you’re on the fast-track to weight
loss and blood sugar control. This will only make you hungrier
and create metabolism problems. It also leads to overeating.
Instead, eat regular meals, spaced throughout the day. Strive to
begin each meal with savory vegetable appetizers. Blanche veggies
(lightly steam for 30 seconds or so, then run under cold water)
and dip them in rich cream cheese, ranch dressing, peanut butter,
or sour cream.
Also, if you must snack between meals, keep a bag of macadamia
nuts or walnuts in your purse, car, or office drawer. This will help
fend off cravings and dips in blood sugar.
4. Enjoy your carbs!
Carbs aren’t the enemy! You just need to
choose the right ones. In fact, carbs like 100 percent whole wheat,
barley, quinoa, buckwheat, short-grain brown rice, and oats can
actually help you lose weight and reign in your blood sugar. As
do vegetables. Just remember corn and potatoes don’t count. They
are filled with too much starch.
Also, watch out for the hidden sugar in processed foods that
contain whole grains. You’ll find sugar hidden in whole grain
breads, whole grain cereals, crackers, granola, and even in salad
Your safest bet is to avoid processed foods altogether.

5. Let those decadent desserts drive you wild!
Who says you can’t enjoy your sweets? Decadent sweets. Rich
sweets. Creamy sweets.
Have you ever tried making your own whipped cream at home?
Once you try it, you’ll never go back!
Make a berry float using 8 ounces of heavy whipping cream.
This stuff is like heaven on Earth. Add to it 1 ounce of berries, 8
ounces of water, and ice. Combine all the ingredients in a blender.
You can even add a packet of Stevia to the mix. Then, pour into
two parfait glasses and top with a few more berries.
Voila! Instant satisfaction. And you don’t have to feel guilty
about one biteful.
6. Keep your refrigerator stocked, not sparse!
It’s pathetic. When you go on a diet, you eat the same thing day
after day after day. And your pantry looks plain depressing with
just “low-fat” cheese, yogurt, and turkey on the shelf.
I want you to take the COMPLETE OPPOSITE approach. Fill
your refrigerator! Stock your pantry to the brim!
When you go shopping and see something fresh, buy plenty
of it! You’ll never feel deprived when your kitchen is stocked with
Sinfully Smothered Hot Dogs and Too-Good-to-be-True Peanut
Butter cookies.
Plus, on most diets, entertaining goes out the window. Your
friends won’t stay friends for long if you serve them bland diet
food. But try hosting a barbeque with Sticky Finger Spareribs, Sweet
Potatoes, Dark & Decadent Fudge Brownies, and Cucumber Martinis
on the menu! Now, that’s what I call Hamptons-style entertaining.
7. Eat more fat to stay lean
When hunger strikes in the middle of the day (as it always
does!), here’s a fool-proof quick fix…eat a handful of nuts. They

quickly fill your tank fast and keep you going until your next meal.
This is because, unlike most snack foods, they contain protein,
carbs, and fat.
Yes, nuts contain a lot of fat, but it’s the good kind of fat. They
are low in saturated fat and contain lots of monosaturated fat.
So they will actually help you lose weight. In fact, a recent study
followed 50 people with diabetes for one year. Half of the adults
followed a low-fat diet. The other half followed a healthy diet that
included a daily serving of walnuts.
Both groups lost weight in the first six months. But during the
second half of the year, the low-fat dieters gained weight. On the
other hand, the walnut eaters kept their weight off!
Plus, nuts are great for diabetics! Yale researchers recently found
that diabetics who ate a handful of nuts each day for eight weeks
improved their blood flow. And as you know, poor circulation is
a major problem among diabetics. But eating nuts can help!
Enjoy macadamia nuts, walnuts, pecans, and hazelnuts. Eat
them plain or roasted, not honey roasted. But skip the peanuts—
they’re not actually nuts at all, but legumes.
8. Get the waistline of a coffee-drinker without the jitters
Studies show that drinking coffee may help prevent the
development of diabetes. In fact, Harvard researchers found that
drinking four cups a day reduces your risk by almost 50 percent!
But that’s a lot of coffee, even for a New Yorker like me. It’s just
too much caffeine.
Now, here’s the good news…
You can get all the benefits of drinking coffee without the jitters.
Try coffee bean extract. A recent lab test found that subjects given
coffee bean extract reduced their visceral fat (belly fat) and body
Researchers believe coffee bean works to block the absorption

of fat and boost fat metabolism by the liver.


9. Get an instant fix—now!
Okay. You’re staring down a fresh box of donuts your colleague
“kindly” brought to the office.
What do you do? Take glutamine!
It will INSTANTLY calm your sugar cravings. Pop a 500 mg
capsule in your mouth when you feel a craving coming on. You
can take up to 1,500 mg of it per day.
It’s especially helpful early on in the program to help you keep
you on track.
10. Drink water.
This is a cheap, surefire way to supercharge your weight loss.
Studies show that when you’re properly hydrated, you burn more
calories—even when you’re NOT exercising!
Plus, you’ll save money.
The average six-pack of bottled soda costs upwards of $4
- $5. If you’re like most folks and like to drink one or two of
these a day, you’ll save about $30 a month just from cutting
out the soda! And while you’re at it, skip the Crystal Light
too. I have found that men and women who drink this lose
weight much slower. Plus, for health reasons, you’re better
off without the aspartame.
How much water should you drink?
That’s a great question! For quick weight-loss, divide your
weight by 2.2. This is how much you weigh in kilograms. It’s also
how many ounces of water you should drink each day.
So, say you weigh 200 pounds. Divide that by 2.2 you get about

90. That’s how many ounces of water you should drink each day
to jump-start your weight loss.
11. Eat water too!
Here’s one tasty trick you’ll love to try. Certain foods contain
high levels of water. So not only do they fill you up faster, they
also help you lose weight.
Food Percentage of water
Lettuce 95%
Zucchini 95%
Cucumbers 95%
Asparagus 90%
Broccoli 90%
Cauliflower 90%
Cabbage 90%
Spinach 90%
Clams 90%
Yogurt 85%
Cottage Cheese 80%
Eggs 75%
Brown rice 70%
Mozzarella Cheese 50%
Fill your plate with these foods to supercharge your weight loss.
12. Think green!
Green tea supercharges weight loss. It works by stimulating the

breakdown of fat in your body.
It also improves kidney, liver, and pancreatic function.
You can drink green tea throughout the day, as I do. Or, you
can take a green tea extract. Go for 300 mg three times a day.
13. Eat REAL food!
Your body knows the difference between real food and “diet”
food. That’s why diets fail. Your body wants you to take in real food.
Always choose real butter over “heart-smart” plastic butter.
Choose full-fat yogurt over fat-free varieties. Whip up mouth-
watering omelets made with real eggs and cheese…not fake eggs
and fat-free cheese—and always use the yolk. Make your own sinful
desserts with real heavy whipping cream…not the fat-free white
plastic filled with artificial ingredients.
I’d also skip the protein bars (they are nothing more than
cleverly disguised candy bars) and protein shakes. These aren’t
satisfying. I could probably eat seven protein bars before feeling
full. Instead, make A Craveable Crab Quiche on Sunday and eat it
all week for lunch along with a Ridiculously Delicious Raspberry
Cheesecake Bar. Now that’s what I call real food.
14. Eat “high heat” foods
Here’s another healthy way to trick your body into losing
weight fast: eat “high heat” foods. You see, not all calories are
created equal. You body works much harder to digest foods with
high thermic indexes.
Foods high in protein and fiber have high thermic indexes. That
means they require a lot of energy to digest. On the other hand,
high carb foods have low thermic indexes. They require very little
energy to digest.
Strive to eat a fist-sized serving of protein with each meal. Also,

eat lots (and I mean LOTS) of vegetables.


Taking vitamins is one of the best ways to get on the fast-track to
optimum health and supercharge your weight loss. Plus, these key
vitamins help protect you against the occasional slip up (everyone
has them). But these nutrients will help fill in the gaps.
15. Daily Multivitamin
A good multivitamin will save you time and money. Plus, it’s
the basic building block to good health.
Now, I know that cheap grocery store brands will seem very
But skip them.
They’re actually a waste of money and don’t give you a fraction
of what you need. Sure, they contain often 100 percent of the
recommended daily allowance. But that’s simply not enough.
You’ll save money and time by choosing a high-quality multi.
Take for instance, one popular brand on the market. The
company claims that it is the No. 1 doctor-recommended brand
(I certainly wouldn’t want him or her as my doctor). But it only
contains 60 mg of vitamin C. That’s just pitiful. A good multi
should contain almost 10 TIMES that much!
You see, unlike most mammals, we do not produce vitamin
C on our own. But we need it badly. A potent antioxidant, it zaps
free radicals that cause disease and premature aging.
Vitamin C is critical to people with diabetes and prediabetes. As
you know, most people with diabetes don’t actually die of diabetes.
They die of heart disease or stroke. But getting enough vitamin C
may help reduce your risk of developing cardiovascular problems.
You see, experts believe vitamin C helps to reduce oxidative stress,

a major risk factor in cardiovascular diseases.
A study published in 2003 found that women who took vitamin
C reduced their risk of fatal and nonfatal coronary heart disease. For
this study, researchers followed 85,000 for 16 years. Two percent
of the volunteers had diabetes.
After careful analysis, the researchers found that all of the
volunteers who took at least 400 mg per day of vitamin C benefited.
They were far less likely to suffer fatal heart attacks. Plus, they were
far less likely to develop nonfatal coronary heart disease. This
proved true even among the volunteers with diabetes.
But if you only take 60 mg of it a day you may be headed for
trouble. You need at least 500 mg of vitamin C per day. Ideally, I’d like
to see you get 1,000 mg, taken up to three times a day.
So yes, most store brands skimp on the good stuff.
You’ll also want to skip any of the once-a-day brands. I know
the convenience of an “all-in-one” pill is tempting. But it’s simply
not possible to fit all of the nutrients you need—in the quantities
you should be getting—into one single capsule.
In fact, the very best way to get all the nutrients you need is to go
powdered. Look for “scoop-able” vitamin formulas. You mix them
with water and drink them. Your body will absorb more of the
important nutrients when taken this way. And the manufacturers
won’t have to leave out any of the good stuff simply because it
doesn’t fit into a tiny capsule.
16. Vitamin D
After a good multivitamin, make sure to get plenty of vitamin
D every day! It’s the sunshine vitamin. Your body will make 10,000
IU of vitamin D after sitting out in the sun for just 30 minutes
without sunscreen. I recommend you do this as much as you can,
if you have the skin that can tolerate this exposure. But keep in
mind that, if you live up North, the outdoors only works from
May to September.

To help fill in the gaps, I also recommend taking a multi that
contains 1,000 IU of vitamin D3. This is the form of vitamin D best
absorbed by your body. You can get vitamin D alone, but you’ll
stretch your dollar by finding a multi that includes it.
Of course, that’s easier said than done.
Let’s take another look at the “doctor’s No. 1” multivitamin.
It contains 400 IU of vitamin D. And, yes, that’s 100 percent of
the RDA. But studies show that we need much, much more of this
vitamin…especially if you are prone to blood sugar issues.
Just consider this…
A recent major analysis combined the results of 28 different
studies involving almost 100,000 men and women. It showed that
men and women who get the most vitamin D cut their diabetes
risk by a whopping 55 percent!
Plus, they reduced their risk of cardiovascular disease by 33
percent. And they cut their risk of developing metabolic syndrome
by an impressive 51 percent.
You see, vitamin D seems to go to the root of the problem: your
beta cells. These important cells produce insulin, the chemical that
flushes sugar from your bloodstream.
But if you develop diabetes or prediabetes, your beta cells stop
working. You stop producing insulin. Or, your body stops using
it properly. As a result, sugar doesn’t get to where you need it…to
your cells and your muscles. It stays in your bloodstream instead.
Hence, the term “high blood sugar.”
Dr. Pittas, MD, an endocrinologist at Tufts University Medical
Centers, says that worn-out beta cells are “the main defect in type-2
But vitamin D may help recharge these “worn out” beta cells.
Dr. Pittas and his team recently recruited 92 pre-diabetic men
and women. The volunteers all needed to lose a few pounds. Plus,

they had above-normal blood sugar levels.
The researchers divided the volunteers into four groups. One
group took 2,000 IU of vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) once a day
for four months. The second group took 400 mg twice daily of
calcium carbonate for four months. The third group took both.
And the fourth group took a placebo.
After four months, the vitamin D3 group significantly improved
beta cell function. In fact, an expert estimated that beta cell function
improved by 15 to 30 percent. Plus, the D3 group saw slight
improvements in hemoglobin A1C, an indicator of blood-sugar
levels over time.
So you see why getting enough vitamin D is important?
Remember, look for a multi that contains 1,000 IU of D3. Your
body absorbs this form best.
17. Essential Fatty Acids
After a good multi and some extra vitamin D, make sure you
also add a high-quality fish oil supplement to your regimen. Fish
oil contains important omega-3 fatty acids like EPA and DHA.
Studies have shown these nutrients are critically important
to people with diabetes because they decrease your risk of
cardiovascular disease. Remember, most people with diabetes die
of a stroke or heart attack…not high blood sugar. So here’s what
omega-3s can do to help:
1. Prevent arrhythmias that can lead to sudden death.
2. Decrease your risk of developing harmful clots that can lead
to heart attack or stroke.
3. Prevent the development of atherosclerosis.
4. Improve elasticity of your blood vessels.
5. Help to lower blood pressure.
6. Squash inflammation through the body.

And that’s not all…
High triglycerides are a common problem among people with
diabetes and prediabetes. These harmful blood fats can get out of
control when you eat too many simple carbs.
But taking fish oil can help here, too.
A recent meta-analysis looked at the results from 18 different
clinical trials. Researchers found that men and women with diabetes
who took fish oil supplements lowered their triglycerides by 31
mg/dl compared to placebo.
In 2006, scientists reviewed numerous clinical trials involving
EPA and DHA. They found that taking fish oil reduces your risk of
all-cause mortality as well as your risk of suffering a fatal heart attack.
So not only does fish oil appear to improve your heart health…
it seems to protect you against all types of early death.
Now, most western diets contain far too many omega-6 fatty
acids (found in vegetable oils) and not enough omega-3 fatty acids.
But taking a fish oil supplement will help to correct this
imbalance. Look for a capsule that contains EPA and DHA. You
want the total daily dosage to reach 3,000 mg.
Sure, I know a lot of people cringe when I tell them to take fish
oil. But here’s the key: Take it with meals! You’ll have far fewer fish
burps. I usually swallow mine about mid-way through my meal
to minimize the fish aftertaste.
Also, you want to make sure you get your fish oil from a reputable
company. Many brands on the market contain contaminants and
mercury. These toxins accumulate in fish. So it’s important to find
a brand that only contains highly-refined fish oil.
18. Chromium
No diabetes program is complete without chromium. Sure,

it’s an old standby, but it’s also a MUST for people with diabetes
and prediabetes.
Here’s why…
Chromium helps your body use insulin more efficiently. It also
“turns on” insulin receptors in your pancreas. It helps transport
sugar from your blood to your cells, where you need it! Lastly, it
helps regulate how your body digests fat.
In recent studies, chromium reduced blood sugar among type-2
diabetics. It even reduced the need for insulin.
Chromium is an essential trace mineral once found in our soil.
So 100 years ago, simply eating vegetables from the garden gave
you enough of this important mineral.
Not today.
Poor farming practices have depleted our soils. That’s why
studies show that as many as 90 percent of Americans don’t get
enough chromium! Plus, as you age, your chromium levels decline.
The only real answer is to take it daily as a supplement.
Look for a supplement that contains at least 200 mcg of
chromium. According to a study recently published in the Journal
of the American College of Nutrition, this is how much diabetics or
prediabetics should aim to get each day. It’s also the amount used in
many clinical trials shown to lower blood sugar. But you’ll have to
look hard for a multi that contains this much chromium. Most fall
waaaay short. Let’s again look at your typical daily multivitamin.
It contains an absurdly low amount of chromium. Just 35 mcg.
So, again, choose your multi wisely!
19. Pycnogenol—one of the most important powerhouses
you’ve never heard of!
This one little-known, all-natural discovery will revolutionize
your health. It’s a MUST for EVERYONE with blood sugar issues,

high blood pressure, or poor circulation. But you’ve probably never
heard of it. Even among nutritional gurus, it’s discussed very little.
And that’s a shame, for several reasons…
First off, pycnogenol helps to improve blood flow throughout
your body. It does this by supporting the health not only of your
veins and arteries but also of all the small blood vessels and
capillaries that deliver oxygen-rich blood to every part of your
body—from your fingertips to your pinky toe.
You see, pycnogenol produces and maintains collagen and
elastin throughout your body. Yes, these two proteins help you
maintain a youthful appearance. But what you probably don’t
know is that they’re essential to your veins and arteries as well! In
fact, your veins and arteries are built out of collagen and elastin.
That’s how pycnogenol revives your worn-out circulatory
system. Plus, it goes to work fast!
Just consider this…
Italian researchers recently followed type-2 diabetics with
muscle cramps and poor circulation. They divided the patients
into two groups. One group received 200 mg a day of pycnogenol
for four weeks. The other group got a placebo.
The placebo group didn’t get any better. But in just four weeks,
the pycnogenol group significantly improved their blood flow!
They also experienced fewer cramps and less muscle pain. Even
patients with intermittent claudication felt better after just four
weeks of taking pycnogenol.
Plus, pycnogenol helps to lower blood sugar.
In another recent study, researchers gave people with diabetes
either 100 mg of pycnogenol or a placebo for 12 weeks. The
pycnogenol group significantly lowered their blood sugar levels
compared to the placebo group. Plus, they lowered their glycated
hemoglobin levels (or HbA1(c) levels). This is another tool doctors
use to evaluate diabetes.

Pycnogenol works by regulating the release of glucose into your
bloodstream. In a recent study, scientists found that pycnogenol
significantly delayed the uptake of glucose after a meal. In fact,
it delayed glucose uptake 190 times more than a commonly-
prescribed diabetes medication.
Lastly, pycnogenol helps support healthy blood pressure. In
another recent study, researchers gave 125 mg of pycnogenol to
type-2 diabetics with high blood pressure. After just 12 weeks,
58 percent of the diabetics lowered their blood pressure so
dramatically…they were able to cut their meds by half! Plus, they
significantly lowered their fasting blood sugar levels as well as
their LDL cholesterol.
I recommend taking 100 mg of pycnogenol per day if you’re
prone to blood sugar issues. This is the dose used in more than
200 clinical research trials.
20. Natural extract works as well as metformin!
Over and over, you hear about the benefits of taking cinnamon.
But one natural agent called berberine blows cinnamon out of
the water.
In two recent studies, researchers divided newly-diagnosed
diabetics into two groups. One group took berberine and the other
group took metformin.
Shockingly, berberine performed just as well as—if not BETTER
than—metformin! Makes you wonder why endocrinologists hand
out metformin at all, doesn’t it?
Here’s how the data broke out at the end of three months. The
berberine group:
• Lowered fasting blood sugars from 191 to 124 ml/dL
• Cut post-prandial blood sugar (blood sugar after eating) from
356 to 199 mg/dL

Chapter 14
Decadent Dining Out Plan:
How to eat out every day,
still lose weight, AND defeat diabetes

Love to dine out? Of course you do!

And so do my Hamptons clientele of course, which is why
I’ve spent so much time designing a program that could fit
easily into the busiest lifestyles.
In fact, being able to still “hang out” and “be seen” is probably
the No. 1 request I get when working with new clients.
Take Chuck for example. He was 47 when he first came to see
me. He was 50 pounds overweight and had high cholesterol. He
was an investment banker that worked long hours and traveled the
globe. And he loved every high-strung minute of it.
But he was also on the road to diabetes, and a heart attack waiting
to happen. And he knew it.
Clearly, Chuck needed a diet that would conform to his lifestyle.
There was no way I could put him on a plan that required him to
cook at home, or that would make him look foolish when he was
dining out with clients.
He needed a program that would give him all the benefits of
“dieting” without looking like he was on a diet!
Then there’s Brady.
A Wall Street trader, used to the perks that come along with that
position—fancy clothes, fancy beach houses, and lots of wining and
dining. He also needed something that would work with his lifestyle.
Fortunately, The New Hamptons Health Miracle fits them to a “T”!

My program is easy to follow, whether you’re
cooking at home, eating out, or even traveling
around the globe.
And with just a few simple tricks, eating out will be even more
enjoyable than before—guaranteed!
Imagine…NO MORE side-salads with dressing on the side for
your main course…NO MORE turkey burgers sans mayo, cheese,
or bacon…and NO MORE “no thank you” for dessert!
Instead, now you can go ahead and order that T-Bone with
mushrooms and onions with creamed spinach on the side, or grilled
salmon with broccoli and a sweet potato, or a juicy rare burger with
bacon and cheddar, and follow it all up with a big bowl of berries
in rich, heavy cream.
Just a few simple special requests and modifications to the items
you see on the menu is all it takes.
And I’m here to tell you—don’t be afraid to do this!
It’s common practice nowadays, and most places are happy to
accommodate you. And, if they’re not, why would you want to eat
there anyway? (After all, isn’t the customer always right?)
And I can tell you this…if a restaurant wouldn’t agree to make
a few small changes to Chuck or Brady’s orders, no matter where
they are eating, they wouldn’t tolerate it. And you shouldn’t either!
Simply move on to one that will.

And this advice doesn’t just apply to eating out.

When you make dinner plans with friends, explain that you’re
doing your best to stick to a healthy diet, and ask if you can pick
the restaurant—and choose somewhere you know you can find (or
special order) something nutritious.
When you accept an invitation to dine at a friend’s house, go
ahead and ask what’s being served... and offer to bring a side dish.

(And make sure it’s healthy! You don’t have to advertise this fact, but
you’ll have some peace of mind knowing that you can eat it—plus,
you’re doing all the other guests a favor, too!)
And if the main course isn’t something you feel comfortable
eating, just explain your situation to the host or hostess and ask
if they would mind if you brought a grilled steak with you. Good
friends will understand, and be glad to support you. And in fact,
they may actually ask for a bite of whatever you bring later!
And that’s really what I’m getting at here...

The road to good health can’t be paved alone.

Don’t be afraid to be vulnerable and ask for help. Others can’t
support you if they don’t know what to do.
If you let people know what you need, you’ll be surprised at how
much easier it is to achieve your goals.
Now on to the good stuff…
Following are a few tips and tricks that you can follow when
dining out.
They’ll work whether you’re hitting the local drive-thru, diner,
or a high-end, 5-star restaurant.
1. Focus on the core foods from my MUST LIST first—to
narrow your options.
Remember, there’s really not much you need to know to put my
plan for defeating diabetes into action, especially when it comes to
which foods to enjoy and which to avoid. I really tried to make it as
simple as possible, so you don’t have to pull out any complicated
point guides, food diaries, or calorie counters.
When it comes to making a choice from the menu, depending
on where you go, it can quickly become overwhelming. After all,
some menus are a half a dozen pages long! Really?! You may want
to avoid the temptation of such establishments from the start. But

if you must…
Start by focusing on options for your main course first, and
narrow down the possibilities by identifying those dishes that feature
foods from the following MUST list:
Main Course Musts:
• Beef • Fish
• Poultry • Seafood
• Pork • Eggs

QUICK TIP: Be sure to check out the Dinner Entrée section—

even for breakfast and lunch, just check with the server that
they can prepare anything at any time. You may also find some
surprisingly good options in some Appetizer sections as well.

2. N
 arrow it down to how the main course is prepared.
• Stick with the following cooking methods: grilled, broiled,
baked, or steamed. Which shouldn’t be too hard, especially if
you have the flexibility of choosing from the Dinner Entrées.
And if you’re doing sushi, stick with the hand rolls without rice
or sashimi (which is the raw pieces of fish without the rice).
And soy sauce is ok, by the way.
• Avoid anything breaded: While you may be able to make a
healthy breading for dishes at home, in most cases, what you’ll
find in restaurants is not a healthy option!
• Avoid anything fried: Unless you find a rare gem of a place
that uses macadamia nut oil to do it!
• Avoid sandwiches/buns if you can. If you can’t see below.
3. Consider minor modifications to the Main Course item—
beware the bun, sauces, and condiments!
Ok, so up until this point, it should be pretty straight-forward,

and fairly easy to narrow down your choices. But this may be
one of the trickier steps. And it’s definitely one of the most important.
First, the more obvious—avoid the bun. Simple. Meats sit on a
plate quite nicely…no need to hide it under a bun, no matter what
the bun’s made of!
Second, if you must order a sandwich and just can’t stand to
the contents sitting out naked on the plate, ask to have it set on a
bed of lettuce instead. And if that simply won’t work for your ham
& cheese, ask to swap out the sandwich bread with a tortilla wrap
instead. These days, you’d be hard pressed to find a restaurant that
doesn’t offer something in a wrap. This means they must have them
in the back. Why limit the wrap option to just the item already on
the menu?
Again, don’t be afraid to ask…you may end up starting a new
And finally, skip the sauce and the condiments! You’d probably
be shocked to find out just how much sugar is hiding in those
toppers. But for someone with diabetes, they can be your worst
nightmare... just a little too much, and they can sneak up on you
out of nowhere and throw your blood sugar out of whack so fast,
you won’t have any idea where it came from!
Catsup contains more sugar than ice cream, so stick to whole-
grain mustard or just a dab of mayonnaise (just NOT the fat-free
versions, please—they also contain more sugar than the regular
And as for the sauce, unless it’s Hollandaise or something made
with heavy cream…skip it. Or, better yet, see if they have some
blue cheese or feta to sprinkle on top, or have them melt some
cheddar or sauté some onions or mushrooms for you, and just
some fresh lemon or melted butter (not margarine), on the side
for fish is all you need. Or ask if they have a bit of soy sauce in the
back that you could get on the side.

QUICK TIP: While the server goes around to ask everyone with
pasta if they’d like fresh parmesan on top—go ahead and
ask to have some grated on top of your meat! Do the same
with the fresh-ground pepper as well…many restaurants
will offer it to patrons with salads…and there’s nothing like
a bit of fresh cracked ground pepper on a grilled chicken
breast or grilled steak.

4. Switch out your sides.

Unfortunately, these days, it’s next to impossible to find an
entrée on a menu that doesn’t come with some sort of starch
or pasta on the side…French fries, potatoes, potato salad, potato
chips, pasta salad, and even sides of spaghetti!
Fortunately, these days most restaurants are used to swapping
out sides for the low-carbers and low-fatters alike. Really EVERYONE
should be swapping them out just for the sake of it being a healthier
option regardless of what “diet” you may be following.
Stick with veggies or a side salad. Just remember, corn is not
a vegetable, it’s a starch, and just like potatoes, it’s not a healthy
option! Green is always best.
And if they have them, and you can’t do without a starch,
substitute a baked sweet potato if you can—just be sure they don’t
load it up with cinnamon sugar—a little butter and plain cinnamon
on top is just delicious!
Another option for when they’re in season, or if you’re lucky
enough to live or vacation where it’s warm…is a side of mixed berries.
5. You can always opt for a salad.
If you’ve gone through all the steps above and just aren’t finding
something you’d like—or if the dinner entrée menu isn’t an option
at lunch—you can always count on finding a salad. Just keep the
following in mind:

• mixed greens and romaine are always better than iceberg
• make sure the meat or seafood you add is grilled, not fried
• skip the dressing and just ask for some fresh ground pepper, sea
salt if they have it, and maybe a little high-quality olive oil and a
slice of lemon on the side
• antipasto is always a safe bet and even salad nicoise if they have
it (a French salad made with a mixture of fresh vegetables and
usually tuna and anchovies)
6. Go ahead and consider the apps…
Appetizers that is. (I promise, my program is not so complicated
that you need some fancy phone app to keep track of everything!)
Once you decide on your main course, you may actually feel
that what you’ve chosen will be filling enough. Which is why you
should always start by deciding on the main course first. You will
typically find healthier options in the entrée section compared to
the Apps, and ultimately more satisfying as well.
But if you really feel the need to pick at something first, you can
always start with a small salad. Or ask your companions to consider
something on the healthier side.
All you need to do is apply the same rules as above to zero in
on your selection.
7. Go ahead and consider dessert…
Just be prepared to get creative. Unfortunately, while it’s quite
easy to whip up a healthy and still decadent desert at home…it’s
tough to find a restaurant that doesn’t have something laced with
If you find a dark chocolate truffle or something of the like,
you may be in luck. Just double-check with the waiter to check
with the chef to see if they’ve added sugar. If you really want
chocolate, you can see if any of their chocolate desserts are

topped with a dark chocolate bar. If so, just ask if you can get just
the bar!
Another option is to look for berries and cream on the menu.
Again, you may have to get creative. Just because they don’t have it
listed in the dessert section, doesn’t mean they can’t put it together
for you. If they have a fruit salad side or berry garnish on something
else, and heavy cream for Alfredo or for making fresh whipped
cream, they might put it together for you.
If you’re lucky enough to splurge on a 5-Star restaurant for
some special occasion, another great option for dessert is actually
a cheese plate!
And finally, you can always just top the night off with a hot cup
of coffee with a splash of heavy cream, a steaming cup of green tea,
or my favorite, an ice-cold martini.
8. Take your time!
If you’re not hitting the drive thru and actually have the luxury
of some time to sit and enjoy your meal…please, take your time
and enjoy it! When you’re relaxed and take the time to chew your
food fully, savor the flavors, and enjoy conversation between bites…
you’ll give your body a chance to feel satisfied sooner, and you may
actually eat less.
Unfortunately, many servers feel pressured to turn over the tables
quickly—meaning they hardly give you time to sit down and open
the menu before they’re in your face demanding an order.
So when they come to ask what drink you’d like to start with,
order your water or cocktail and go ahead and give the waiter a
heads up from the start that you would like to sit for a bit and take
your time... so no need to hurry. You may be surprised to find they
appreciate it!
9. How to “fake it” in style
Ok, ok…I’ll admit, all the substitutions and modifications can

seem a bit “high maintenance.” But remember, you’re saving your
life here…isn’t a little extra attention to the details worth it? And
after a while, this will become second nature and it won’t seem so
“odd” at all. In fact, you will start to find it strange when others
don’t eat like you.

If you’re concerned about being a burden on the waiter or kitchen,

simply offer to leave the tip and provide a little more than the typical
15-20%.They’ll love to see you and make any accommodations next
time you’re in. Or, if they make you feel uncomfortable, like I said
earlier, go somewhere else next time!

If you’re not dining with friends and family who are supporting
your efforts, but rather important potential clients, or even your
boss, here are a few quick tips:

• Go ahead and ask for the dressing or sauce and condiments on
the side (everyone does that these days anyway).

• Asking for an additional side of sautéed mushrooms and onions

or feta cheese or blue cheese is also usually socially acceptable in
most restaurants. Certainly if you go to a steak house.

• Get the bun or the bread, then remove the meat from it, and
eat it with your fork and knife. Usually once the food is served,
everyone’s so absorbed with their own eating, they don’t notice
exactly how you’re eating your own food! And the servers clear
plates so fast these days, they may not even notice a full bun left on
the plate…if they do, just say you weren’t feeling as hungry today.

• Go ahead and substitute the side for veggies or a salad—again,

this is very common practice these days, and would probably be
admired. If for some reason you can’t substitute, go ahead and
order an additional side salad and just eat that. Leave the rest on
the plate with your bread. Again, chances are, no one will notice
if you don’t take a bite.

Chapter 15
Amazing Hamburger Cure:
How I cured my own obesity for life,
with the help of America’s favorite “junk food”

I’d like to let you in on a little secret…something you’d never

suspect just looking at me. But it’s something I share with all my
new patients when I start them on my program, I tell them:
“I know you can do this—because I did.”
That’s right: My experience with weight loss began long before
I ever became the “doctor to the stars.”
You see, I grew up in what I consider a very normal Italian-
American family. Loving, close-knit and completely obsessed with
food. We ate pasta and bread with every meal, and we ate all the time.
Needless to say, we were all overweight—my parents, my two
older sisters and me. But that was the norm in my family, so I never
thought much about it, until I hit high school and…
By the time I was 15 years old, I was a whopping 240 pounds,
plagued with asthma and allergies, and the brunt of many cruel
jokes amongst my peers.
I knew I had to do something.
Then it hit me: As much as I loved and respected my parents,
I was in charge of what I put in my body.
And simply by choosing different foods, I could change the way
I looked. (As it turned out, I would also completely revitalize my
health…but at 15, I was mostly concerned with appearance!)
So I started that very day.
Six weeks later I’d lost 60 pounds. Then, believe it or not, I managed

to keep it off and stay healthy…

Well, it proved so successful for me, that now I’d like to share
this little secret with you.
Mind you, this is definitely not something I would recommend
anyone follow for a long period of time. But, if you’re a lover of
hamburgers, then this is a nice little trick to kick-start your efforts
for a few days!
And if you follow it longer than that, please be sure you are
also taking a high-quality multivitamin, a fish oil supplement,
and something for added antioxidant support, since you won’t be
getting everything you would normally get from a greater variety
of meat, fish, and vegetables in your diet. But, when you consider
this trick from a logical perspective…it can make starting your new
dietary efforts easier than ever. It takes all the stressful guesswork
out of what your next meal will be—and definitely makes grocery
shopping a snap.
Plus, when you do it alongside my 3-Day Sugar Cure—each meal
will leave you fully satisfied and your sugar-levels steady as a rock,
which will make getting through those first three days a cinch. And
help rocket you to your blood sugar and blood panel goals even
faster than you thought possible.
So what exactly did I do? Remember, I was only 15, so it wasn’t
all that complicated…
I simply ate a hamburger at each meal, made with lean ground
beef—without the bun, with a salad of mixed greens sprinkled with
olive oil for dressing.
No snacks in between. And water to drink.
Of course, I didn’t know about the value of macadamia nut
oil then, like I know now. So I would definitely switch that for the
olive oil.

As for the size of your burger, it depends on your appetite. A
quarter pound burger should really be plenty for everyone. But if
you need a little extra, go for it. Just be sure to eat slow and allow
time for your body to process what you’re putting into it and realize
that you’re actually starting to get full. I would bet you won’t need
as much as you may think to fill it.
And if a quarter pound even seems too much for you, try making
up a batch of smaller sliders—these would be great for breakfast,
and you can make them up in a larger batch and keep them in the
fridge to warm up when you’re ready.
It’s that simple.
Of course, now that I’m older and actually know how to cook…I
would probably have mixed it up a bit to make it more enjoyable.
Try topping your burger or, for a more gourmet delight, mix the
different cheeses inside the burger—cheddar, provolone, pepper
jack, or even jalapeno cheese. You can also mix it up with sautéed
mushrooms, onions, peppers or of course bacon.
As for the salad, you can mix that up as well—try romaine,
spinach, or even an arugula salad. And sprinkle some macadamia
nuts or even blueberries on top.
I know that once you decide, like I did, that you’re ready for a
change…you’ll quickly discover how getting thin—and ditching
diabetes for good—is almost TOO EASY with my NEW Hamptons
Health Miracle. It’s so SIMPLE, and so ENJOYABLE, it just makes

Chapter 16
3-Day Sugar Cure:
Start reversing diabetes in just 72 Hours

When it comes to pinpointing the cause of diabetes and all its

complications, it essentially boils down to ONE thing.
And despite what the American Diabetes Association would have
you believe, it’s NOT FAT, and it’s certainly not cholesterol.
Simply put, it’s highly unlikely that you’ll develop type-2 diabetes
if you do NOT eat sugar—at least not a ton of it. Diabetes is a blood
sugar disorder. Therefore, by eliminating sugar and anything that
TURNS INTO sugar in the body, you eliminate your risk of becoming
And if you have diabetes, kicking your sugar cravings is the fastest
thing you can do to get you on the road to reversing your diabetes
for good!
Think you can’t live without sugar? Well I think you can.
In fact, I know you can. And I’ve helped hundreds of others do
it…starting with this one simple technique.
All it takes is 72 hours. That’s it.
Imagine, 72 hours from now, you’ll be well on your wait to living
diabetes-free for the rest of your life.

So isn’t it worth a shot?

I’ve seen even the most diehard sugar addicts succeed.
Just remember to take it day by day. Don’t try to make all your
changes at once, keep it easy. Make one change at a time, and in just

72 hours you’ll be reformed—for good!

Ready to get started?

Day 1: Cut the Crud
This first day is simple: Just avoid everything that you know has
sugar without even having to think about it. Cookies, cakes, ice
cream, soda—toss them all.
If it seems like just one small sweet won’t hurt you, try looking
at the sweet and visualizing all the sugar it contains. An ounce of
hard candy? Picture a 5-teaspoon mound of sugar! A slice of cherry
pie? Make that 10 teaspoons.
Now imagine sitting down and eating that mound of sugar, and
you’ll see just how damaging those sweets really are!
Day 2: Unrefine Your Diet
Get rid of all the processed, refined, and simple carbohydrates
in your diet. This means white rice, white flour, sugar, corn syrup,
and fruit juice (did you know apple juice has more grams of sugar
than a fully leaded soda?).
Whole grains (quinoa, brown rice, and millet, for example) are
Day 3: A Sugar by Any Other Name
So you switched to whole wheat bread. Great! But did you read
the label to make sure it didn’t have any simple sugars? You should—
and don’t just trust the marketing claims, such as “no sugar added.”
It’s surprising how many seemingly safe foods hide sugar, corn
syrup, and refined carbohydrates. Take a close look at the ingredients
list and avoid sugar, obviously, but also these ingredients:
• Honey
• Concentrated fruit juice
• Barley malt

• Maple syrup
• Rice syrup Crush Your Cravings
• Cane sugar
It’s 3 o’clock and you’ve
• Fructose got only one thing on your
• Anything that ends mind: a chocolate bar.
in –ose or –ol. You’re pretty sure you’re not
going to make it through
Now here’s the part where the day without one. Or
I get the most raised eyebrows, three. What do you do to
but hear me out: I need you get your mind back on
to give up fruit on day three. track?
Fruit is largely sugar (did you Take some glutamine! This
know a banana has 6 grams protein building-block is
of sugar?) and therefore needs a surefire cure for sugar
to be included in the sugar- cravings. Take 500 mg (up
elimination challenge. to three times per day),
and you’ll watch your sugar
This isn’t forever—just until
cravings disappear.
your metabolic imbalances
have been corrected, at which Chocolate bar?
point you can add low-sugar What chocolate bar?
fruits like melons and berries
back in.

You Did It!

You should be extremely proud of yourself.
If you were as sugar addicted as most Americans, it was probably
a tough three days. Sugar is everywhere! We can’t escape it; it’s in
every office, at every social gathering. But this challenge showed you
that you can do it, even if it’s sometimes a bit difficult.
And now that you’re through the first three days, you’ve made
it past the hardest part. So even if you don’t feel great just yet, you
will—as long as you continue to stick with it. Your body has begun
to readjust its metabolism. Instead of using sugar for energy, it

uses the other food that you feed it for energy—and best of all it is
beginning to burn your fat cells as well.

Keep up the great work!

Sweet Drinks
One of the hardest things for some people to give up is
sweet drinks—and on this plan, soda has got to go. (Yes,
that includes diet soda!) But that doesn’t mean you need
to stick to plain old water. One of my favorite ways to make
water more satisfying is to infuse it with flavors I love. I keep
a pitcher of this infused water in my fridge for when I need
something more interesting than water—the cucumber
makes it crisp and refreshing, and the mint satisfies my
sweet tooth.

Ingredients Directions
½ gallon filtered water Combine all ingredients
in a pitcher and stir.
1 small cucumber,
Refrigerate for at least
sliced thin
24 hours. Pour over a
½ cup fresh mint leaves, glass of ice and enjoy!

Train your brain to conquer your cravings

When it comes to eating right, your best ally is within you.
No, that’s not some new-age drivel. The fact is, you can actually
train your brain to deny cravings (or, at least, translate cravings
for unhealthy food into healthier choices).
This is a topic I’ve brought up before, but new research makes it
even more compelling… a new study I read examined the question
of what happens to your cravings when you don’t give in to them.

The authors in this study, called “How Non-Consumption
Shapes Desire,” concluded that the longer someone goes without
something they crave, the weaker the desire for it becomes.
So, “Out of sight, out of mind,” clearly isn’t just a cliché. But
there is a catch...

Simple swaps could put the

junk food industry out of business
This “Jedi mind trick” only works if you’re able to find a
satisfying alternative to the things you’re craving.
The researchers found that cravings actually get stronger in
people who don’t seek out a substitute.
I’m sure the big corporate behemoths that produce America’s
beloved junk food by the ton are going to put on their heavy-duty
earmuffs and ignore this study.
Because if they really took it to heart, they’d realize it could turn
their entire industry on its ear. You see, their marketing campaigns
directly target cravings…and they build entire campaigns out of
creating desire for their products.
Remember the whole Twinkies™ fiasco? Hostess briefly “retired”
them (a very happy period, in my book). But just a few months
later came the headlines trumpeting their return. “They’re finally
back! You’ve been craving them!”
The whole marketing campaign played on the very concepts
of “non-consumption and desire.” Only they used it in reverse—
increasing desire by reminding people that Twinkies were gone.
This is where “training your brain” would have come in handy. If
people had found a substitute that satisfied those Twinkie twinges,
well, then they wouldn’t have felt the need to rush out and re-stock
their pantries with them when they made their comeback.
But you don’t have to wait for your favorite junk foods to

disappear from store shelves to find healthy alternatives for them.
In fact, this can be one of the most fun parts of adopting a
healthy new lifestyle.

Practice makes perfect

Think about the things you love to eat…and then figure out
ways to make them better for you.
In other words, forget the idea of “deprivation.” Thinking about
what you “can’t” have will only make you miserable and feed
those cravings. Instead, focus on shifting your cravings in the right
Visualize all of the wonderfully indulgent foods you CAN enjoy
(and still lose weight)—things like juicy burgers dripping with
cheese and southern fried chicken with crispy skin. (You can find
recipes like these—and many more—in my special report Dr. Fred’s
Decadent Diet-Free Recipes. You can download and view it free by
logging in to the Archives on my website,
Also, remember: food is just that. Food. It’s what your body
needs to survive. Nothing more. Don’t give it any other meaning
in your life than that.
Don’t get me wrong—I think it’s important to enjoy your meals.
And it’s never been easier to do that than with my New Hamptons
Health Miracle. But if you’re turning to food for comfort, for
validation, or for any reason other than sustenance, you’ll only
wind up hungrier than ever.
So, if you find yourself craving a bag of chips, a cookie, or a pizza,
take a deep breath and make a conscious choice not to give in. Try a
handful of nuts, some celery dipped in peanut butter, or a few slices
of deli meat and some cheese instead. Any one of these will keep
you feeling satisfied far longer that what you were originally craving.
And remember, practice makes perfect. Developing new habits
isn’t easy, but I will be here to help you every step of the way.

Three more tips to keep cravings at bay
I know denying your cravings isn’t always easy. It can make
you downright cranky. Believe me, I’ve been there.
So here are a few more things I’ve found that are great for
keeping cravings at bay:
1. Stay hydrated. Drink lots of water throughout your day.
2. Keep moving. Even a little exercise can go a long
way in reducing your cravings. I’m not talking about
working up a sweat or spending hours in the gym. A
walk around the block will do. The idea here is that when
you’re moving, your brain is otherwise occupied and
there’s simply no room for those cravings. And you’ll be
surprised how long the effect lasts.
3. Try glutamine. This amino acid is my go-to rescue
remedy for all sorts of things. It provides energy to your
muscles and your brain. And it regulates a number of
biological functions, including the synthesis of protein,
vitamin B3, and the antioxidant glutathione. It’s also a
world-class craving killer, for a few different reasons.
For starters, it’s able to inhibit insulin release, which prevents
hard blood-sugar crashes. (The same crashes that often
trigger intense cravings.) It also stimulates your body to
release stored glucose (called glycogen) in order to get low
blood sugar back on track. And finally, glutamine is able
to stand in for sugar itself when your body really needs the
In a nutshell, glutamine ensures that your blood sugar never
gets low enough that your body hits the panic button. That’s
why I recommend glutamine to all my dieting patients—500
mg, three times a day, and whenever you get the urge to
stick your head into a box of Mallomars.

Chapter 17
that makes dodging diabetes simple

There’s a top-secret super-food I recommend to all my patients.

It’s an essential part of my New Hamptons Health Miracle. And
can make all the difference between moderate results and a true
healing miracle. I’ve seen it work for thousands of my patients.
And it’s worked for me as well!
The SSC secret is…Macadamia nut oil.
It’s the kicker that changed everything for my patients—
multiplying the power of my dietary recommendations. And doing
away with the need for steely discipline. Because shedding the
weight becomes easier than ever. All they had to do was replace
the olive oil they were using with macadamia nut oil.
You can add it to entrees, sides, salads or desserts of every
variety, making them even healthier. In my opinion, it blows away
olive oil, flaxseed, grape seed or any other oil you may have tried…
Like the genie in “Aladdin’s lamp,” it grants three wonderful
1. It cleans up blood sludge, helping to lower your total
cholesterol and LDL “bad” cholesterol and tri­gly­cerides,
all while keeping your “good” HDL in check.
2. It promotes healthy blood pressure.
3. And best of all…it helps make you THINNER. Nobody
seems to know why yet. But Japanese scientists found when
they fed people a macadamia nut-rich diet, it not only
helped the patients lose weight, it also reduced their body
mass index (BMI). Which means they were losing body fat.
So while olive oil gets all the glory… macadamia nut oil will
win hands down, every time. Thanks to its taste, nutrition, and

ease and versatility of use.
Macadamia nut oil has the highest amount of monounsaturated
fats—with about 80–85 percent. Those fats are one of the secrets
of the heart-healthy “Mediterranean” way of eating. Macadamia
nut oil is also low in omega-6 fats. These fats are less desirable,
because they can cause inflammation. And macadamia nut oil
is healthier to cook with thanks to its high smoke point—up to
400 degrees F.
Even a light sauté can reach 350 degrees F, and most unprocessed
oils start to break down by that point. Even extra virgin olive oil,
whose smoke point is around 320 depending on the kind. In fact,
the smoke point of olive oil can vary so much between the types
used and the quality, it’s difficult to know what you have. This
makes even a light sauté with olive oil a gamble.
Macadamia nut oil, on the other hand, is safe for sautéing,
baking, even pan frying—however you would want to use oil.
There is no danger of those deadly trans-fatty acids and free radicals
forming as they can with other cooking oils.
But the real beauty of macadamia nut oil is that it tastes light
and buttery. Its flavor isn’t overpowering. While it’s strong enough
to hold its own as a frying oil, it can also easily be used with delicate
dishes. Including fish, or as a finishing oil over salads. It’s even
great in recipes you wouldn’t want to ruin with the strong taste of
olive oil—things like omelets, muffins, or pancakes.
Macadamia nut oil can still be a little hard to find. Stores like
Whole Foods or specialty/gourmet food stores usually have it. You
can also find it online.

Easy to use, easy to LOVE!

I learned how to use macadamia nut oil simply by substituting
it in my old standard recipes. And wow! What a difference it
made! Just start to switch the oil you use in everyday cooking
with macadamia nut oil, to create a monounsaturated-rich diet. I
promise it will be as if you’re eating entirely new delicious foods—
that’s how much it enhances the flavor of any dish.

You’ll love it so much, you’ll use it for all your oil needs…
I certainly do.

Move Over Mayo!

Want an easy way to get rich (monounsaturated rich,
that is)? Swap out your regular mayonnaise with this better-
than-the-real-thing version.

MACONNAISE Yield: 2 cups

3 egg yolks
juice of 1/2 lemon
1-1/3 cups macadamia nut oil
Place the yolks and lemon juice in the bowl of a food
processor. Turn the machine on, and slowly drizzle in
the oil until the mixture is thick and emulsified. Season a
portion of the Maconnaise with salt, pepper, and your
favorite herb—tarragon, chives, or basil, for example.

Maconnaise Variations
Because Maconnaise is so versatile and because the recipe
makes quite a bit of Maconnaise, you can experiment
with different flavors by adding to the basic recipe to
create many variations and delicious dishes that are rich in
monounsaturates. I always keep the basic Maconnaise in
my refrigerator and use the following variations when I need
a little change. They’re all delicious, and you can easily
make your own versions.
South of the Border: Mix in 2 seeded and minced chipotle
peppers in abobo sauce.
Asian: Mix in 1 1/2 teaspoons freshly grated ginger.
Steak Sauce: Mix in 1 cup finely crumbled blue or
gorgonzola cheese.
Dijonnaise: Mix in 1 tablespoon Dijon mustard.
Japanese: Mix in 1 teaspoon wasabi mustard.
Sunday Brunch: Mix in teaspoon horseradish.
Delhi: Mix in 1 teaspoon each cumin and turmeric.
Provencal: Mix in 1 shaving black truffle or 1 teaspoon white
truffle oil.
Thai: Mix in a chopped scallion, 2 tablespoons red chili
paste, and 1 jalapeno pepper, seeded and chopped.



Part IV: Decadent Diet-Free Recipes.. ............................. 208
Chapter 18: BREAKFAST: Never be bored again................. 210
Chapter 19: LUNCH: Enjoy all these “forbidden” favorites... 222
Chapter 20: DINNERS: Dine in decadence!...................... 234
Chapter 21: SAVORY SIDES .. ........................................ 252
Chapter 22: Sweet and Sinful Desserts: ........................... 256

If you’ve been struggling to eat what
you’re “supposed” to—only to get fatter
and sicker, listen up!

Now, finally, you can forget about depriving yourself. I have

made it even easier to indulge your way to a slimmer, healthier,
future. You won’t believe what’s not off limits! Now you can start
enjoying your food again, with things like…

• Deep, Dark & Delicious! Chocolate deserts

• 15-Minute Weeknight Feasts!
• Magnificent Make-aheads! (And freeze-aheads)
• Oh Yes, You CAN! “Diet” impossibilities
• NO-COOK CUISINE! Sure to please

And you don’t have to banish carbs from your life forever. In
fact, certain kinds can actually help you. So get ready to go ahead
and banish breakfast boredom forever, long for lunches again, and
dine in decadence very night!

To get you started, following are a few general guidelines to

keep in mind as you enjoy the recipes to follow.

First…oils you should NEVER cook with!

Even good oils can go bad when they’re heated past their smoke
point, and each oil has a different smoke point. The following oils
should never be heated:
• Flaxseed oil • Wheat germ oil
• Fish oil • Hemp Seed oil
• Borage oil • Black currant oil
• Evening primrose oil

Chapter 18
Never be bored again!


Even Better Than Mom’s Oatmeal

4 servings

Pinch of Salt
2-1/2 cups water
1 cup steel-cut oats
1/3 cup lo-han, or Stevia to taste (optional)
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon, ground
2 tablespoons Tabasco sauce
1/2 cup cheddar cheese, shredded
In a large saucepan bring the salted water to a rolling boil. Add oats
and cook for about 20 minutes, stirring constantly. Transfer the oats
from the saucepan to a large mixing bowl and add the remaining
ingredients except the cheese. Mix thoroughly. Divide the mixture
into four bowls and sprinkle equally with the grated cheese. You
could serve the oatmeal immediately this way, or you could place
the (heatproof) bowls under the broiler until the cheese gets crispy.

Magnificent Make-Ahead!

Craveable Crab Quiche

6 servings

2 tablespoons macadamia nut oil + macadamia nut oil spray
4 green onions, chopped into a fine dice
12 ounces fresh crabmeat
1 teaspoon grated lemon rind, rated
1/2 teaspoon Old Bay Seasoning
1/8 teaspoon ground red pepper
1 cup heavy whipping cream
3 large eggs
1/2 teaspoon black pepper
1/2 teaspoon salt
6 ounces parmesan cheese, grated
Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Heat oil in a large skillet and saute the
first five ingredients together for 2–3 minutes. Whisk together the
cream, eggs, and spices in a large bowl. Stir in crabmeat mixture and
cheese. Pour into a nonstick 9-inch pie pan that has been sprayed
with macadamia nut oil. Place on the lowest rack of the oven and
bake for 40 minutes or until set. Let stand for 10 minutes before
removing from the pan and placing on a serving dish.


Creamy-Dreamy Pine Nut Muffins

6 servings

1 cup ricotta cheese
2 large eggs
1/2 cup parmesan cheese, grated
1/2 teaspoon salt
2 packets Stevia
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 ounce pignoli nuts, toasted and crushed
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. In a medium bowl, combine the ricotta
and eggs and mix until smooth. Add the parmesan, salt, Stevia, and
vanilla. Mix again until smooth. Mix the nuts throughout the batter.
Pour into a nonstick muffin pan and bake for 15 to 20 minutes.


Mouth-watering Macadamia Pancakes—

Blueberry, too!
4 servings

1/2 cup almond flour or soy protein isolate
3 eggs
1/4 cup water
1/4 cup heavy cream
2 ounces crushed macadamia nuts (or 2 ounces blueberries)
1/4 teaspoon salt
Macadamia nut oil
Combine the first six ingredients in a mixing bowl and mix
thoroughly with a whisk. Note that there should be lumps. Spray
a large skillet or griddle with a light coating of oil. When the oil is
hot, pour about 1 tablespoon of the batter onto the griddle or skillet,
cooking evenly on both sides, about 1 minute for each. Continue
until all the batter is used.

Crispy Corned Beef Hash
4 servings

1 (3-pound) corned beef
1 cup cabbage, shredded
1 dill pickle
2 tablespoons macadamia nut oil
4 ounces cheddar cheese, grated
Place the corned beef in a large stock pot, and cover with water.
Bring to a boil, reduce the heat to simmer, cover, and cook for 3
hours. Add the shredded cabbage to the water, and simmer for
another 30 minutes. Remove the beef from the pot, and allow to
rest until it can be handled. Remove any excess fat or gristle. Drain
the cabbage, and set aside. Puree the dill pickle in a blender or a
food processor. Cube half the corned beef and shred the other half.
In a large bowl, mix the corned beef, pickle, and cabbage. Season to
taste. In a large skillet, heat the oil until warm over medium-high
heat. Add the corned beef mixture, and press down with a spatula.
Cook until crisp, turning once. Divide the hash among four plates,
sprinkle the cheese over each dish, and serve.

Magnificent Make-Ahead!

Scrumptious Sausage Scramble

4 servings

1-1/2 cups heavy cream
4 tablespoons parmesan cheese, freshly grated
Macadamia nut oil spray
1/4 pound hot pork sausage, crumbled
1 tablespoon macadamia nut oil
1 green onion, very thinly sliced
1 green pepper, roasted and peeled, cut into thin strips
1 jalapeno, seeded and finely minced
1 clove garlic, finely minced
Kosher salt
10 eggs
8 ounces shredded Monterey Jack cheese
Freshly ground black pepper
Combine cream and parmesan in a medium bowl, and whisk until
frothy. In a large skillet, spray a little oil and add the sausage, cooking
over high heat until browned, about 4 minutes. Set on paper towels,
and drain excess fat from skillet. Add the tablespoon of oil and heat.
When hot, add the onion, roasted green pepper, jalapeno, garlic, and
salt. Cook over medium-high heat until the onions are translucent,
about 5 minutes. Remove from heat, and add the sausage, eggs, 1 1/3
cup cheese, and black pepper, and mix well. Spray a 10-inch baking
dish with the oil to lightly cover. Sprinkle 1/3 cup cheese onto the
bottom of the baking dish. Pour in the egg mixture, being careful
to distribute the ingredients evenly. Sprinkle the remaining cheese
on top, and bake in a preheated 350-degree F oven for about 60
minutes or until a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean.

Scrumptious Sausage Scramble (continued)

To Grill a Pepper — Cut into strips, remove the seeds, arrange on a

foil-lined baking sheet, and broil until blackened, about 8 minutes.
Remove from heat, wrap the foil around the pepper. And allow to
steam. When cool enough to handle, remove the skins. This method
can be used to roast any type of pepper. The timing may be a little
more or a little less, depending on the variety.

Spicy Huevos Benedict

8 servings

Chipotle hollandaise Sauce (see next recipe)
8 large eggs, poached
2 cup shredded Monterey Jack cheese with peppers
1 cup salsa—your favorite salsa will do here, as long as it doesn’t
contain sugar
8 teaspoons sour cream
Ladle a small portion of the hollandaise sauce onto each plate.
Then put the poached egg onto the center of the plate, place some
shredded cheeses and salsa on top of each egg, drizzle more of the
hollandaise sauce on each egg, and top with a dollop of sour cream.


Chipotle Hollandaise Sauce

Yields 1-1/2 cups

4 large egg yolks
2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice
1 cup butter, melted
1 tablespoon fresh minced cilantro
4 teaspoons pureed chipotle peppers in adobo sauce.
This ingredient can be found in the international section of
your supermarket or in Latin grocery stores in a can.
1/4 teaspoon salt
Whisk the yolks in the top of a double boiler, then gradually whisk
in the lemon juice. Place over hot water that’s in the bottom of the
double boiler (do not boil). Add butter, 1/3 cup at a time, whisk in
until smooth; whisk in the cilantro; whisk until smooth; whisk in
the peppers and then the salt. Cook, whisking constantly, about 10
minutes or until thickened and a thermometer registers 160 degrees
F. Serve immediately.


Berry-Kissed Breakfast Shake

1 serving

2 ripe strawberries, cut into small pieces
2 ounces heavy whipping cream
8 ounces water
1 scoop almond or whey protein powder (unsweetened)
1 tablespoon macadamia nut oil
Combine all ingredients in a blender and liquefy. I add the
macadamia nut oil to this recipe because a tablespoon a day may
keep the doctor away. You can choose not to add this, but it makes
the drink extra rich and smooth.

Bubbling-Over Spinach Pie
6 servings

1 pound Italian sausage
1 (10-ounce) package frozen chopped spinach, thawed
1 (15-ounce) container ricotta cheese
1 (8-ounce) package cream cheese
4 ounces shredded mozzarella
2 eggs, beaten
1/2 teaspoon hot sauce
2 teaspoons Italian seasonings
Preheat oven to 400 degrees F. Cook and crumble the sausage. Drain
the spinach and squeeze it dry. Combine all ingredients. Butter a
10-inch pie plate and smooth mixture in plate. Bake for 40 minutes
until set and light golden brown. Cool for 5 minutes before cutting
into wedges.

Buttery Bistro Avocado & Brie Omelet
4 servings

6 eggs
1-1/2 ounces grated Parmesan cheese
1 tablespoon unsalted butter
1/4 cup minced ham
1 ounce Brie, cubed without the rind
2 ounces avocado, sliced
Preheat oven to 375 degrees F. Beat the eggs with a pinch of salt
and the cheese. Grease a jelly roll pan with butter, cover the butter
with parchment paper and butter the parchment paper (as an
easy alternative, you can spray the parchment with macadamia
nut oil). Pour the egg mixture over the parchment and bake for
10 minutes. Remove the egg roll-up from the pan and spread with
the ingredients for the filling. Roll the egg sheet as you would a
jelly roll. Slice and serve.

Savory Sicilian Egg Roll-up
4 servings

6 eggs
1-1/2 ounces grated Parmesan cheese
1 tablespoon unsalted butter
1/4 cup cooked Italian sausage, crumbled
1/2 ounce shredded provolone cheese
1 teaspoon oregano
1 tablespoon minced tomatoes
Preheat oven to 375 degrees F. Beat the eggs with a pinch of salt
and the cheese. Grease a jelly roll pan with butter, cover the butter
with parchment paper and butter the parchment paper (as an
easy alternative, you can spray the parchment with macadamia
nut oil). Pour the egg mixture over the parchment and bake for
10 minutes. Remove the egg roll-up from the pan and spread with
the ingredients for the filling. Roll the egg sheet as you would a
jelly roll. Slice and serve.

Chapter 19
Enjoy all these “forbidden” favorites!

Southwestern BLT
1 serving

4 slices turkey bacon (thin)
2 slices whole grain bread
1 tablespoon maconnaise (see recipe in on page 203)
1 chipotle chili, minced
1/4 cup avocado (mashed or sliced)
2 slices tomato
2 leaves of lettuce
Fry the turkey bacon until it’s crisp and drain. Toast the whole grain
bread. Wisk together the maconnaise and chipotle chili in a bowl.
Spread the chipotle maconnaise and avocado on both slices of the
whole grain toast. Then build your sandwich with the tomatoes,
lettuce and bacon. Slice down the center and serve.


Want an easy way to get rich (monounsaturated rich, that is)? Swap out
your regular mayonnaise with this better-than-the-real-thing version.

Yield: 2 cups

3 egg yolks
juice of 1/2 lemon
1-1/3 cups macadamia nut oil
Place the yolks and lemon juice in the bowl of a food processor.
Turn the machine on, and slowly drizzle in the oil until the mixture
is thick and emulsified. Season a portion of the Maconnaise with
salt, pepper, and your favorite herb—tarragon, chives, or basil, for

Magnificent Make-Ahead!

Artichoke and Shrimp Chowder

8 servings

3 tablespoons macadamia nut oil
1 small onion, finely chopped
2 garlic cloves, minced
3 ribs celery, peeled and cut along the diagonal into a small dice
1 (6-ounce) can artichoke hearts
24 ounces reduced-sodium chicken broth, organic
1 teaspoon dried thyme
1 bay leaf
1 teaspoon red pepper
4 ounces heavy cream
kosher salt
2 tablespoons cauliflower puree
1 pound small uncooked shrimp
1/2 cup chopped cilantro for garnish
In a large stockpot, heat the oil and all the onion, garlic, celery, and
artichoke hearts, then sauté for about 5 minutes until the onion is
translucent. Gradually stir in the broth, and bring to a simmer. Add
all the other ingredients except the shrimp and cilantro leaves, and
simmer for one hour, allowing it to reduce. Add 1 tablespoon of
cauliflower puree or continue to simmer for another 30 minutes.
Finally, add the shrimp, cook for 10 minutes, and serve garnished
with cilantro leaves.

Magnificent Make-Ahead!

Savory Stuffed Peppers

6 servings

6 medium-sized Italian green frying peppers
1 pound ground chuck
1 medium onion
2 cloves garlic
1 cup shredded parmesan cheese
1/4 teaspoon crushed red pepper
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon pepper
macadamia nut oil, as needed
Cut the top off the peppers, and remove the innards, including
the seeds. Cook ground beef in a large skillet over medium heat,
about 6 minutes, stirring until the beef crumbles. Add the onion
and garlic, and sauté 4 or more minutes or until the beef is no
longer pink. Remove from heat and drain. Stir in the crushed red
pepper, salt and black pepper. Spoon the mixture evenly into the
frying peppers, and place in a baking dish that has been lightly
coated with oil. Sprinkle the parmesan cheese over the peppers,
lightly drizzle some macadamia nut oil on top, and place on a
pre-heated 350 degree F oven for about 20 minutes to make sure
the peppers get soft but do not burn on the top. Cover with foil, if
needed, at this time.


Sinfully Smothered Hot Dogs

8 servings

8 hot dogs, preferably organic and without preservatives
4 ounces cheddar cheese, shredded
1/2 cup salsa
1 cup iceberg lettuce, shredded
Sour cream (if desired)
Guacamole (if desired)
Cook hot dogs in boiling water for 5 minutes. Combine the cheese
and salsa in a glass bowl, and microwave on high for 1 minute or
until thoroughly heated, stirring once. Cut a small slit on one side of
the hot dog so that it lies flat on the plate. Spread the heated mixture
on top of the hot dogs, and top evenly with shredded lettuce, sour
cream, and guacamole.

The Happy Snack

Macadamia nuts aren’t just delicious and good for your body,
they’re also good for your mood. Macadamia nuts are a rich
source of tyrosine, a precursor of serotonin, the “happy” brain

Luscious Lemon-Tarragon Chicken Salad
2 servings

2 cups chicken broth
1 pound boneless, skinless chicken breast
1/2 cup Maconnaise (see recipe on page 197)
2 tablespoons Dijon mustard
2 radicchio leaves
4 teaspoons lemon juice
2 teaspoons lemon peel
2 tablespoons minced fresh tarragon, or 2 teaspoons dried
1/2 cup diced celery
Bring the chicken broth to a simmer in a large saucepan. Add the
chicken breasts and simmer until cooked through and no longer
pink, about 7 to 10 minutes. Remove from the broth and cool. Once
cool, shred the chicken. Reserve 1/2 cup of the broth and discard the
rest. In a small, nonreactive bowl, combine the next five ingredients
to make the dressing. To thin the dressing, add chicken broth two
tablespoons at a time until the desired consistency is reached. Mix
together the shredded chicken, celery, and dressing. Mound on
radicchio leaf to serve.

Heavenly Ham Casserole
6 servings

1 medium cauliflower
4 tablespoons butter
1 cup heavy whipping cream
4 ounces cheddar cheese, shredded
1/2 cup sour cream
2 cups cubed cooked ham
1 cup mushrooms, sliced
1 cup parmesan cheese, grated
1 tablespoon cold butter
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Cut cauliflower into florets and cook in
boiling salted water for about 10 minutes or until tender; drain and
set aside. Melt the 4 tablespoons of butter in a medium saucepan
over medium heat. Do not let it burn. Slowly add the heavy cream,
whisking constantly until the mixture starts to reduce and thicken
slightly. Add the cheddar cheese and sour cream, stirring until the
cheese melts, but do not let it boil. Stir in the cauliflower, ham,
and mushrooms and pour into a 2-quart baking dish. Sprinkle the
parmesan cheese evenly over the casserole. Cut 1 tablespoon of cold
butter into pieces, and sprinkle over the parmesan. Bake uncovered
for 45 minutes.

Impossibly Creamy Squash Soup
8 servings

1/4 cup macadamia nut oil
8 cups yellow squash, diced
4 stalks celery, with leaves, diced
1 medium onion, diced
64 ounces organic chicken broth or homemade
organic chicken stock
1 pint heavy cream
1/2 cup Parmesan cheese
Black pepper, freshly ground Salt, to taste
Over medium heat, add the macadamia nut oil to a large soup
pot. Add the squash, celery, and onion. Cover and cook until the
vegetables are soft and the squash starts to break down. Add the
chicken broth and simmer until the broth reduces by half. Add the
heavy cream and Parmesan cheese and mix thoroughly. Just before
serving, add pepper, and taste the soup to see if it needs any salt.
This may be served with a small dollop of sour cream or a pinch
of cayenne pepper.


Seafarer’s Secret Shrimp Salad

6 servings

2 tablespoons macadamia nut oil
1/2 red bell pepper, seeded, de-ribbed, and diced
1/2 cup chopped fresh parsley
2 tablespoons Dijon mustard
1/4 cup Maconnaise (see recipe on page 197)
1/2 cup sour cream
1 tablespoon fresh lime juice
1 teaspoon fresh tarragon, minced
1 pound small shrimp, boiled (can buy already cooked fresh or
frozen, thawed)
Sea salt
Freshly ground white pepper
5 heads Belgian endive
Mix the pepper, parsley, mustard, Maconnaise, sour cream, lime
juice, and tarragon until well combined. Add the shrimp, and mix
gently. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Separate the leaves of
the endive, and select 36 of the best leaves. Put 1 tablespoon of the
mixture onto each leaf, and arrange on a plate. Each plate gets 6
filled leaves. Sprinkle each plate with additional tarragon, and serve.


Rich & Robust Roast Beef Wraps

6 servings

1 medium red onion, halved and sliced
1 yellow bell pepper, halved and sliced
6 romaine lettuce leaves
Mustard-Horseradish Crème (see next recipe)
1 pound roast beef, thinly sliced
Lay out the large lettuce leaves, one per plate. Spread the Mustard-
Horseradish Crème onto each leaf. Next, lay the roast beef into each
leaf. Divide the bell pepper and onion mixture evenly into each leaf
and onto the roast beef, then finish with the remaining mustard
mixture. (This is also good if you sauté the onions and pepper in a
little macadamia nut oil first!)

Mustard-Horseradish Crème
Yields 1 cup

1 cup sour cream or crème fraiche
3 tablespoons horseradish
1 teaspoon dry mustard
1/4 teaspoon lemon rind
Stir together all ingredients in a small bowl. Chill until ready to


Gift of the Gods Greek Lettuce Boats

6 servings

1/2 pound fresh mozzarella, cut into
1/2-inch pieces
1 cup macadamia nut oil and red wine vinegar dressing
1/2 cup kalamata olives, pitted and halved
2 green onions, sliced
2 tablespoons chopped fresh basil
1 tablespoon chopped fresh thyme
1/4 teaspoon pepper
6 large outer romaine lettuce leaves
1 pound thinly sliced fresh turkey breast
10 bacon slices, cooked and crumbled
3 cups chopped romaine lettuce
Combine the mozzarella and the dressing in a shallow dish or
a resealable plastic bag; cover or seal, and chill for 1 hour. Toss
together the olives, the next four ingredients, and the mozzarella
mixture. Let stand for 20 minutes. Lay out the large lettuce leaves
on each plate, and divide the turkey evenly among the leaves. Then
divide the mixture among the turkey/lettuce boats, and sprinkle
each one with bacon and the chopped romaine leaves.

Maine Lobster Rolls
Serves 4

1 tablespoon butter, softened
4 whole grain hot dog buns or Kaiser rolls, split (if you can’t find
whole grain rolls, you can also use tortilla wraps or whole grain
4 lettuce leaves
1-1/2 pounds cooked and cubed lobster meat
2 tablespoons maconnaise (see recipe page 197)
1 teaspoon fresh lime juice
1 dash Tabasco™
2 green onions, chopped
1 stalk celery, finely chopped
Salt and pepper to taste
1 pinch dried basil, parsley or tarragon
Lightly butter the insides of the buns or rolls and line with lettuce
leaves. Set aside. In a medium bowl, stir together the maconnaise,
lime juice, hot pepper sauce, salt and pepper until well blended. Mix
in the green onion and celery, then lightly mix in the lobster so it
just gets coated without falling apart. Stuff the lobster filling into the
buns and sprinkle parsley, basil or tarragon lightly over the filling.

Chapter 20
Dine in decadence!

Fall-Off-Your-Fork Pork Tenderloin

8 servings

4 tablespoons macadamia nut oil
3/4 pound of your favorite mushrooms, sliced
1 small onion, chopped
1/4 cup chopped pecans, toasted
2 (12-ounce) pork tenderloins, flattened to 1/4-inch thickness
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon fresh ground black pepper
8 thick bacon slices
Macadamia nut oil spray
1 teaspoon fresh cracked black pepper
Heat the oil in a large skillet over medium-high heat, add the
mushrooms and onion, and sauté for 8 to 10 minutes or until
tender. Stir in the pecans, and set aside. Flatten the pork loins or have
the butcher do this for you, to 1/4-inch thickness. To do this yourself,
you’ll need a rolling pin or a meat mallet. After flattening, sprinkle
with salt and ground pepper. Spread the mushroom mixture evenly
on one side of the tenderloin, leaving a 1/4-inch border. Roll it up
jellyroll-style, starting with the long end, and wrap 4 bacon slices
around each tenderloin. Secure with toothpicks, and place on a
lightly oil-sprayed rack in a roasting pan, seam sides down. Rub
with the cracked pepper. Bake uncovered in a preheated 450-degree
F oven for 15 minutes. Reduce the temperature to 400 degrees F,
and cook for another 15 minutes.

Magnificent Make-Ahead!

Divine Chicken Devon

4 servings

3 tablespoons macadamia nut oil
4 boneless, skinless chicken breast halves, flattened
Kosher salt
Fresh ground white pepper
1 shallot, chopped
1 tablespoon fresh chopped tarragon
1/2 cup heavy whipping cream
Fresh-squeezed lemon juice, to taste
Chopped fresh Italian parsley for garnish
Heat the oil in a large skillet over medium-high heat. Season the
chicken with salt and pepper. When the oil is heated, add the
chicken and sauté gently on each side, turning once, until the juices
run clear, about 3 minutes per side. Transfer to a heated plate, and
place in a food warmer. Pour off any excess fat from the skillet, and
return to medium heat. Add the shallot, and sauté for about 1-1/2
minutes. Add the tarragon and the cream, increase the heat, and
stir, getting the browned bits on the bottom of the pan. Blend well.
Continue stirring until mixture is bubbling, about 3 minutes. Do
not burn. Sauce should be starting to thicken by this time. Season
with salt, pepper, and a squeeze of lemon juice. Return the chicken
to the pan, and coat well on each side. Put on individual plates,
and lightly drizzle sauce over each breast. Sprinkle with the fresh
parsley and serve.

Magnificent Make-Ahead!

“Cheater’s” Chicken Cutlets

4 servings

1 teaspoon cayenne pepper
2 cups freshly grated parmesan
2 eggs
1/2 cup heavy cream
Kosher salt
Freshly ground black pepper
Macadamia oil for frying
2 pounds boneless, skinless chicken breasts, pounded thin
Combine the cayenne and parmesan on a plate. Beat eggs in a bowl
with the heavy cream, salt, and pepper. In a large skillet, pour oil
to a depth of about 1/4 inch. Dip the breasts into the parmesan,
then into the egg, and then back into the parmesan. Place on
another plate until each breast has been coated. Heat the oil on
medium-high heat, and do not put the chicken in until the oil is
very hot. You’ll know when it’s ready if you drop a small piece of
the parmesan coating into the oil and it begins to sizzle. This is
the key to making the chicken cutlets without breading. Place the
chicken cutlets in the oil and allow to cook thoroughly on the first
side before turning. They are not ready to turn until the side facing
you starts to look as if it’s cooking. Use a spatula to carefully turn
the chicken and allow to cook until the top side is golden brown.
Remove to a plate and serve.

Grill-Lover’s Rib-eye Steak Salad
8 servings

4 (8-ounce) rib-eye steaks
Salt to taste
Pepper to taste
1 teaspoon fresh chopped thyme
1 teaspoon fresh chopped basil
2 teaspoons ground cumin
Macadamia nut oil spray
3 romaine lettuce hearts
Salad Dressing (recipe follows)
1 medium red onion, slice into very thin rings
Season the steaks with salt and pepper. Place the thyme, basil,
and cumin in a small dish. Spray the steaks with a light coating of
macadamia nut oil, and rub them in the spice mixture. Allow to
season for at least 2 hours or up to 24 hours, if preferred.
Preheat the grill. Grill the steaks to desired doneness, about 8
minutes on each side for medium, and keep them warm. Divide
the romaine leaves onto eight plates. Dress the salads individually,
then slice the steaks thinly and arrange on the salad. Before serving,
put two slices of red onion on top of each steak, add another dollop
of dressing, and serve.

Scrumptious Beef Stroganoff
6 servings

2 pounds filet of beef
Salt and pepper
4 tablespoons butter
1 tablespoon almond flour
2 cups beef broth
2 tablespoons tomato paste
2 tablespoons sour cream
1/4 cup grated onion
2 tablespoons minced parsley
Cut the beef into thin strips and generously sprinkle with salt and
pepper. Allow the beef to rest in the refrigerator for one hour.
Melt 2 tablespoons of the butter in a small saucepan. Add the
almond flour and stir until smooth. Slowly add the beef broth
and stir with a whisk to prevent lumps. Boil for 2 minutes. Stirring
constantly, add the tomato paste and sour cream. Simmer gently.
In a nonstick frying pan, sauté the onion in the remaining butter
until translucent. Add the strips of beef and fry until brown. Add
the broth mixture and cover the pan. Simmer gently for 30 minutes.
Garnish with the parsley.

Southern Fried Chicken with Crispy Skin
4 servings

3 to 6 cups macadamia nut oil (depending on pot used)
1 whole chicken, cut into 8 pieces,
or 3 pounds boneless chicken breast
3 eggs
1/4 cup heavy cream or water
2 1/3 cups oat or almond flour
2 teaspoons salt
1 teaspoon black pepper
1 teaspoon garlic powder
1 teaspoon poultry seasoning
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Place a heavy pot over medium-
high heat with at least 1-inch of macadamia nut oil for boneless
chicken and 2 inches for whole pieces. Heat oil to 350 degrees F; it is
important to monitor and maintain the temperature, or the almond
flour breading and your oil will burn. In a medium bowl, mix the
eggs and cream to make an egg wash. In a separate larger bowl, mix
all the breading ingredients together. Season the chicken well with
salt and pepper. Dip it first in the breading, then in the egg wash, and
then back in the breading again, making sure to coat well on all sides.
Pat off any excess breading and then carefully place into hot oil and
fry until golden brown and crisp, just a few minutes. Remove and
drain on paper towels. Boneless chicken breasts, if thinly cut, may
cook all the way by frying alone, but whole chicken will not because
of how fast almond flour browns. It is best to place any chicken you
fry with almond flour on a sheet pan and finish by baking at 350
degrees F for an additional 10 minutes for boneless chicken and 20
to 25 minutes more for cut up chicken pieces that have bones. The
internal temperature of the chicken should register 165 degrees F.


Sticky-Finger Spare Ribs

6 servings

2 pounds spare ribs (beef or pork)
2 tablespoons sugar-free soy sauce
1 teaspoon cayenne, chili powder, or a combination of the two
1 tablespoon dried thyme
2 tablespoons dried rosemary
15 drops liquid Stevia
1 teaspoon salt
1 clove garlic, grated
3 tablespoons olive oil
Put ribs in a roasting pan. Combine all the other ingredients in a
bowl and mix thoroughly. Pour over the ribs, and rub them so all
sides are coated in the mixture. Place in a 375 degree oven, basting
the ribs every 15 minutes. If the sauce runs dry, add some water to
the bottom of the pan and continue to baste. Bake for about 1 hour,
or until crispy on the outside.

Dr. Fred’s Foolproof Secret BBQ Sauce

1 cup yellow mustard
1/2 cup Stevia
3/4 cup cider vinegar
2 tablespoons chili powder
1 teaspoon ground black pepper
1 teaspoon ground white pepper
1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper
1/2 teaspoon soy sauce
2 tablespoons butter
1 tablespoon liquid smoke flavoring
In a saucepan over medium heat, stir together the mustard, Stevia,
cider vinegar, chili powder, black pepper, white pepper, and cayenne
pepper. Simmer for 30 minutes. Stir in the soy sauce, butter, and
liquid smoke; simmer for another 10minutes. Allow the sauce to
cool completely, and then refrigerate it overnight to allow the flavors
to blend before using.

15-Minute Weeknight Feasts!

Succulent Scallops with Crispy Pancetta

4 servings

16 large sea scallops
3 tablespoons macadamia nut oil
6 thin slices pancetta
1 handful baby arugula
mall head butter lettuce,
torn into larger pieces
1 teaspoon lemon zest
2 tablespoons chopped fennel fronds
2 teaspoons red wine vinegar
Preheat your grill to medium. Brush the scallops lightly with the
oil. Cut the pancetta to fit around the scallops’ rims. Wrap a strip
of pancetta around each scallop. In a large stainless steel bowl,
toss together the arugula, butter lettuce, lemon zest, and fennel.
Sprinkle with the vinegar, and salt to taste. Mix thoroughly, and
adjust seasonings as desired. Divide the salad among the four
plates. Season the scallops with slat on both sides, and grill until the
pancetta is crisp on the edges and the scallops are cooked through,
about 5 to 8 minutes. Remove from the grill, and place on top of
the salads.

Dripping-with-Cheese Mushroom Burger
4 servings

1 pound ground chuck (85% lean)—anything leaner will
cause drier burgers
Kosher salt
Freshly ground black pepper
3 tablespoons minced scallion,
white part only
1 tablespoon grated fresh ginger
1 cup crumbled blue cheese
2 tablespoons macadamia nut oil
1/2 cup chopped onion
1 garlic clove, minced
3/4 pound chopped white mushrooms
Spinach leaves (raw)
In a stainless steel bowl, combine the first five ingredients (up to
the cheese), until mixed well. Form this mixture into 8 hamburger
patties. Press an equal amount of cheese on 4 of the patties, and
refrigerate. In the meantime, heat the oil in a small skillet, add the
onion and garlic, and sauté for 5 minutes. Then add the mushrooms,
and cook for about 7 minutes or until the mushrooms release their
juices. Drain, remove the burgers from the refrigerator, evenly divide
the mushroom/onion/garlic mixture among the four burgers, then
cover with the other 4 patties. Seal the edges with your fingers, and
refrigerate again. On a preheated medium-high grill, sear each side
for 3 to 4 minutes for medium or until they reach desired doneness.
Serve on a bed of spinach leaves.


Herb-and-Cabernet Pot Roast

4 servings

1 cup Cabernet Sauvignon wine
1.5 pounds raw top sirloin roast
2 cloves garlic, minced
Pinch of salt
Pepper, freshly ground
1 teaspoon dried marjoram
1 teaspoon thyme
1 teaspoon oregano leaves
2 sprigs fresh rosemary
1 red onion, quartered and sliced
1-1/2 cups fresh green beans
Put the roast in a large Ziploc bag or small dish, submerge in
the wine, seal and refrigerate overnight. In the morning, put the
marinated roast and wine in the bottom of the slow cooker—it’s
important that the meat is on the bottom, in the liquid, so that
it doesn’t dry out in the cooking process. Add the garlic, a pinch
of salt, a generous amount of freshly ground black pepper, dried
marjoram, thyme, oregano and rosemary. Cover with the onion
and green beans. Cover the pot, turn on low and let cook for 8-10
hours. Remove the rosemary before serving.

15-Minute Weeknight Feasts!

Tempting Taco Salad

6 servings

4 tablespoons macadamia nut oil
1 pound ground beef
1 small onion, chopped
1 garlic clove, minced
1 tablespoon fajita seasoning mix
1 12-ounce jar salsa verde
1/2 head iceberg lettuce, shredded
Sour cream (if desired)
In a large skillet, heat half the oil over medium-high heat. Add the
beef, stirring until the beef crumbles and is no longer pink, about
8 minutes. Drain, pat dry with paper towels, and set aside. In the
same skillet, heat the remaining half of the oil, add the onion and
the garlic, and sauté for 1 minute. Return the beef to the skillet; add
the fajita seasonings and half the salsa verde. Cook over medium-
high heat 3 minutes or until thoroughly heated and the liquid has
evaporated. Divide the shredded lettuce among 6 plates, pour the
beef mixture onto the lettuce; top with guacamole, the remaining
salsa verde, and a dollop of sour cream, if desired.

Magnificent Make-Ahead!

Beef and Goat Cheese Ravioli

4 Servings

1 pound ground beef
1 package wonton skins
1-1/2 cups spinach (fresh)
5 tablespoons fresh grated parmesan cheese
1 cup soft goat cheese
1-1/4 tablespoons parsley (dried)
1/4 cup bread crumbs
1/4 cup macadamia nut oil
1 large egg
1/2 teaspoon garlic salt
1 pinch black pepper
Heat a large skillet over medium-high heat and stir in the ground
beef. Cook and stir until the beef is crumbly, evenly browned, and
no longer pink. Drain and discard any excess grease. Stir in the
spinach and cook until wilted, about 1 to 2 minutes. Remove from
heat and allow to cool for 10 minutes. Transfer the beef mixture to
a bowl. Add the Parmesan, parsley, macadamia nut oil, egg, garlic
salt, goat cheese and pepper and mix well. Run the filling through
a grinder until smooth (or puree in a food processor until smooth).
The filling can be kept in the refrigerator for up to four days or in
the freezer for up to three months. Lay out wonton skins and brush
all sides with macadamia nut oil. Spoon a small mound of filling
in the middle of the wonton and place second skin on top. Press
firmly together. In 2 quarts of salted, boiling water, blanch raviolis.

Butter-Drenched Lobster
6 servings

6 one-pound lobsters
2 sticks salted butter
Juice of 1 lemon
Plunge lobsters headfirst into a large pot of boiling water. Cook 12
minutes or until shells are bright red and tails are curled. Remove
from water. Meanwhile, melt butter in a saucepan over medium
heat. Add lemon juice and stir. Serve lobsters with lemon butter
for dipping.

Wedding Banquet Prime Rib

6 servings

1 three-rib prime-rib roast
2 tablespoons macadamia nut oil
2 tablespoons coarse salt
1 tablespoon garlic powder
Preheat oven to 450 degrees. Rub roast with oil, salt, and garlic
powder. Place in a heavy metal roasting pan, fat side up. Cook 20
minutes and then reduce heat to 325. Continue cooking for another
hour to hour and a half, or until an instant-read thermometer
registers 145 degrees. Transfer the roast to a large platter and set
aside. Pour off the juices before slicing and serving.

Island Getaway
Macadamia & Coconut-Crusted Salmon
4 servings

4-5 tablespoons macadamia nut oil
1/4 cup macadamia nuts, crushed, unsalted
1/4 cup coconut flakes, unsweetened
1 tablespoon garlic, minced
1 teaspoon sea salt
1 teaspoon black pepper, freshly ground
4 salmon fillets (wild Alaskan, if possible), skin removed
4 slices lemon
Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. On the stove, heat 2 tablespoons
of macadamia nut oil to a medium temperature in an ovenproof
pan. In a bowl, combine the macadamia nuts, coconut, garlic, salt,
and pepper. Rub 1 tablespoon of oil onto the salmon fillets, then
press the dry ingredients onto both sides of the salmon. Sauté one
side of the salmon fillets in oil. Flip them over in the pan and then
put the pan in the oven. For rare, 3 to 4 minutes is all it takes. For
more well-done fillets, leave in the oven for 10 minutes. Garnish with
lemon and more oil as needed. (You may also top with Hollandaise
Sauce, see recipe on page 191, just leave out the chipotle.)

Spicy, Creamy & Saucy Buffalo Meatballs
2 servings

1 pound ground organic buffalo
1 egg
1/4 cup grated Parmesan cheese
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/4 cup chopped Italian parsley
2 tablespoons chopped roasted red pepper
1 jalapeno pepper, seeded and diced
Macadamia nut oil
1 cup button mushrooms, sliced
1/2 pint organic heavy cream
Black pepper, freshly ground
3 big handfuls of baby spinach
In a large bowl, mix together the buffalo, egg, cheese, salt, parsley, and
red and jalapeno peppers. You may adjust the amount of jalapeno
depending on your individual taste. Form meatballs about the size
of golf balls. Place them in a cast-iron skillet with some macadamia
nut oil. Sauté and turn as needed until the meatballs are cooked
through. While the meatballs are cooking, sauté the mushrooms
in a saucepan with some macadamia nut oil until they are cooked
down. Place the mushrooms into a blender with the cream and
blend until a sauce forms. Salt and pepper the sauce to taste. On a
serving plate, form a bed out of the baby spinach. Top the spinach
with the meatballs. Pour the cream sauce over the meatballs and
serve. The heat from the buffalo meatballs and mushroom sauce
will wilt the spinach.

Rib-Sticking Korean Short Ribs
2 servings

1-1/2pounds flanken-style beef short ribs, 1/2 inch thick
1 teaspoon sesame seeds
1/4 cup tamari sauce
1/4 cup water
2 teaspoons sesame oil
2 teaspoons minced fresh ginger
2 cloves garlic, minced
1 teaspoon garlic powder
1/2 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
1/2 cup minced scallions
Put all of the marinade ingredients into a blender and whirl to
combine. Put the ribs into a self-closing plastic bag, pour the marinade
over the ribs, and close the bag. Refrigerate at least overnight and
up to 2 days. The longer the ribs are allowed to marinate, the more
flavorful they will be. Heat the grill. Drain the ribs and discard the
marinade. Grill about 1-1/2 minutes per side. Serve hot.

Fantastically Fresh Tomato Bread salad
with Country Grilled Chicken
Serves 4

1-1/2 cups macadamia nut oil
2/3 cups red wine vinegar
1 clove garlic, minced
1/2 teaspoon chopped fresh thyme
1 teaspoon fresh chopped rosemary leaves
1/3 cup grated parmesan cheese
1-1/2 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon fresh ground pepper
4 roasted chicken breasts—skin on, with ribs
Tomato Bread
3 juicy, vine-ripened tomatoes, cut into 1-inch pieces
Salt and pepper
3 hick slices of good quality sourdough bread, cut into 1-inch
cubes and toasted
1/2 red onion, chopped into a fine dice
In a mixing bowl, stir the marinade ingredients together well. Pour
half the marinade over the chicken. Let it marinade at least 1/2
hour, turning once. While the chicken is marinating, prepare the
tomato bread salad. Lightly season the tomato with salt and pepper.
Mix the tomato, bread, and onion in a bowl. Pour the remaining
marinade over this mixture, and season to taste. Allow to marinate.
Grill the chicken over medium heat, turning occasionally for 25–30
minutes or until firm to the touch or juices run clear. To serve, divide
the tomato salad evenly among four plates, and place the chicken
on top.

Chapter 21

Double Baked Sweet Potato

with Cheddar and Bacon
2 servings

1 small to medium-sized sweet potato
2 pieces bacon, cooked and crumbled
2 tablespoons butter
2 ounces cheddar cheese, shredded
kosher salt
fresh crushed black pepper
Cover the sweet potato with aluminum foil. Pierce the potato and
the foil in several different locations, and bake in 425 degree F oven
for 60 minutes or until tender. Remove and slice the potato in half
lengthwise. Remove the insides of the potato, and place in a small
bowl. Add the butter, cheese, and bacon, and mash together well.
Season to taste, and spoon it back into the potato shell. Put back
in the oven for 15 minutes or until the tops are browned.


Mac and Cheese to the Max

Serves 8

1 box (13.25 oz. or about 3.5 cups)
whole grain macaroni
4 cups shredded cheese (Use any combination of cheeses that
you like. For example: grated cheddar, grated Gruyere, and Brie
diced into cubes without the rind.)
1 whole egg and 2 egg whites, beaten
1-1/2 cups whole milk
1 dash of cayenne pepper
2 teaspoons prepared mustard
Black Pepper, freshly ground
1/4cup Parmesan cheese
Preheat oven to 375 degrees F. Bring a large pot of salted water to
a boil. When water boils, add the dry pasta, stir and bring back to
a boil, then reduce heat and time for 9-10 minutes. (The pasta will
cook more in the oven, so be sure to stop cooking when it’s still fairly
al dente.) Pour pasta into a colander placed in the sink to drain.
Mix together the prepared mustard, salt, pepper, eggs, and milk and
whip together with a fork. Put the drained pasta back into the pan
you cooked it in, then pour the milk mixture over pasta and mix.
Add the cheese and stir. Spray a 9” by 12” glass casserole dish with
macadamia nut oil, then pour the macaroni mixture in and evenly
distribute in the dish. Sprinkle Parmesan cheese and paprika on top
if desired. Bake uncovered for 30-35 minutes, or until all cheese is
melted and cheese on top is starting to brown slightly.

Mediterranean Couscous Salad
8 servings

3/4 cup vegetable broth
1 cup uncooked couscous
4 tablespoons macadamia nut oil
1 (14-ounce) can artichoke hearts,
drained and coarsely chopped
10 o
 unces green chilies, finely diced
1/2 cup crumbled feta
1/4 cup pine nuts, toasted
1/4 cup pitted kalamata olives
2 green onions, chopped
1 garlic clove, minced
2 tablespoons chopped fresh basil
2 tablespoons chopped fresh mint
2 tablespoons chopped fresh parsley
Bring the broth to a boil in a heavy saucepan, then stir in the
couscous. Cover, return to a boil and remove from heat. Let stand for
5 minutes. Drizzle in the oil, fluff with a fork, and let cool. Combine
the couscous, the artichokes, and the next nine ingredients, tossing
gently, serve.


Sweet Potato Gratin

Serves 8

1 pint heavy whipping cream
4 sprigs fresh thyme
2 bay leaves
15 black peppercorns
15 cloves garlic, smashed
unsalted butter for baking dish
4 medium sweet potatoes, cut into 1/8 inch slices using a
Black pepper, fresh ground
Place the cream in a saucepan over high heat. Add the thyme, bay
leaves, peppercorns, and 12 cloves of garlic. Bring to a boil, and
immediately lower to a simmer. Simmer for 15 to 20 minutes, until
the cream takes on all the flavors. In the final few minutes of the
cooking process, add the remaining 3 cloves of garlic. Strain and
clean, and discard the solids.
Lightly butter a 12-inch round baking dish, and cover the surface
with a layer of potato slices. Dust with salt and pepper, and spoon
some of the cream mixture over the top. Repeat with another layer
of potatoes, seasoning, and cream until the gratin reaches a height
of 2 inches. Press down gently on the potatoes to bring the cream
to the top. Cover with aluminum foil, and continue to cook until
the top is browned or the gratin is done (when a knife slips easily
into the center).

Chapter 22
Sweet and Sinful Desserts
Shh! We won’t tell if you don’t.

Macadamia Nut Crumb Crust

Makes 1 9-inch pie crust

1 cup macadamia nuts
(or, alternatively, almonds), toasted
1/2 cup miller’s bran
1/4 cup Stevia
6 tablespoons macadamia nut oil
Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. Put the nuts on a cookie sheet
and toast for about 5 minutes or until just brown—do not overcook.
Put the nuts, bran, Stevia, and oil into a food processor. Pulse until
everything is crumbled together. Press this mixture into the bottom
of a 9-inch pie pan and bake it for 10—12 minutes until lightly
browned. Remove it from the oven, add your pie filings, according
to the pie recipe’s instructions. Or you can pre-bake a lot of these
crusts, allow them to cool completely, and freeze them.

Crunchy Pears w/Chocolate Whipped Cream
1 serving

1 ripe pear
2 tablespoons peanut butter, natural, sugar-free
2 tablespoons granola, sugar-free
Chocolate Whipped Cream for garnish (optional)
(see recipe below)
Wash and dry the pear. Cut it in half lengthwise and remove
the seeds. Place the pear halves in a sundae dish and spread the
nut butter into the cored area of the fruit and around the edges.
Sprinkle granola on top. To make it extra special, top with Chocolate
Whipped Cream.

Chocolate Whipped Cream

Makes 1 Cup

1 cup heavy cream
1 teaspoon lo-han, or Stevia to taste
1 tablespoon unsweetened cocoa
Pour the cream into a cold stainless steel bowl—I put mine in the
freezer for up to one hour before using it—and, with an electric
mixer, set on the highest speed, whip the cream until just before it
starts to from peaks. Add the sweetener, if you would like, at this
point continue to whip the cream. Add the unsweetened cocoa and
whip until stiff peaks form.

Too-Good-To-Be-True Peanut Butter Cookies
12 servings: Serving size = 2 cookies

1 cup almond flour
1-1/2teaspoons baking powder (nonaluminum kind)
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
1/2 cup water
1/4 teaspoon liquid Stevia
2 teaspoons butter, melted
4 tablespoons all-natural, sugar-free, crunchy peanut butter
(room temperature)
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Combine the flour, baking powder,
vanilla extract, water, and sweetener and mix vigorously, either by
hand or with an electric mixer. Then add the melted butter and
the peanut butter. Combine all the ingredients well until a batter
is formed. Drop the batter in teaspoon-size lumps onto a greased
cookie sheet and place in the oven for 12 to 15 minutes. Allow to
cool before eating—if you can resist!

Coconut Cream Pie
4 servings

1 pound queso blanco, divided into 4 even pieces
8 ounces shredded, unsweetened coconut
8 ounces heavy cream
4 tablespoons sour cream
4 macadamia nuts
Put each slice of queso blanco onto an oven-ready dessert plate.
Sprinkle with coconut, and place in a pre-heated 400 degree F oven
for about 5 minutes or until the cheese starts to melt. Remove from
heat, and allow to cool for 5 minutes. Pour the cream over each
one; dollop with the sour cream and place one nut on top of each
dollop of sour cream.

Ridiculously Delicious Raspberry

Cheesecake Squares
8 servings

1 package sugar-free raspberry gelatin
1 cup boiling water
2 (8-ounce) packages cream cheese, softened
Sprinkle the gelatin into the boiling water, and stir until well
dissolved. In a bowl, beat the cream cheese until it is very creamy.
With the mixer running, add the gelatin, 1/4 cup at a time, and
mix until thoroughly combined. Pour into an 8x8-inch pan and
refrigerate until firm, about 2 hours.

Frozen Chocolate Mud Pie
10 servings

3/4 cup heavy cream
1/2 Cup crème fraiche
4 ounces unsweetened chocolate, chopped in a food processor
1/2 cup Xylitol
Chocolate Whipped Cream (see recipe on page 225)
1 Macadamia Nut Crumb Crust (see recipe on page 224)
Place all the ingredients into the top of a double boiler over hot
water. Whisk until well blended and the mixture begins to form
small bubbles along the outside rim. Remove the mixture from the
heat, and continue whisking until the chocolate becomes shiny and
begins to cool. Set it aside to cool, and make the topping. Spoon
the cooled filling into a prebake shell. Top with Chocolate Whipped
Cream. Serve immediately or refrigerate.

Tantalizing Chocolate Truffles

1/2 cup dried apricots
1/4 cup walnuts, chopped
1/4 cup dried figs
1/4 cup lemon juice, freshly squeezed
1/4 cup almonds, sliced
4 ounces unsweetened chocolate
Put the fruit and nuts into a food processor and chop until they’re
small. Add the lemon juice and chop again. Scrape the mixture into
a bowl and taste it to see if more lemon juice is needed. Melt the
chocolate in a heatproof bowl in the microwave for about 2 minutes
or, preferably, over a double boiler, until it’s just melted. Roll the
fruit mixture into small balls. Using two forks, roll each ball in the
melted chocolate. Place the balls on oiled foil to cool and set. If the
chocolate gets too hard to work with, briefly reheat it.

Georgia Cheesecake
Serves 8

3/4 cup finely crushed pecans
1/2 cup oat or almond flour
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
2-3 tablespoons Stevia (to suit your taste)
1/2 cup melted butter
3 (8-ounce) packages of cream cheese
or Neufchatel cheese softened
1 cup granulated Stevia
1 teaspoon vanilla
3 eggs
1/4 cup cream
1 small peach, sliced thin
Melt the butter in a microwave safe bowl. Add the crushed pecans,
almond or oat flour, Stevia and cinnamon, stir to combine. Prepare
a 9” spring-form pan with non-stick spray then spread the crust
evenly on the bottom and 1” up the sides of the pan.
Bake at 375 degrees F for 10 minutes. For the filling, beat the cream
cheese, Stevia and vanilla until smooth and creamy. Add the eggs
and cream, beat until combined. Pour the filling into the prepared
crust, being careful to fill only to the top of the crust, and bake for
45 minutes or until it appears set when shaken. Loosen the cake
from the sides of the pan with a knife or spatula and allow to cool
for 30 minutes. Remove the sides of the spring-form pan and cool
completely. Chill in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours before serving.
Top with a few fresh slices of peaches and serve.

Coconut Macadamiaroons
Yields: 16 servings

8 ounces unsweetened shredded coconut
8 ounces almond flour (any nut flour can be used)
4 tablespoons macadamia nut oil
1 tablespoon sugar substitute
Combine all ingredients in a stainless steel bowl until well mixed.
For each cookie, spoon a tablespoonful of the mixture onto a cookie
sheet. Bake in a preheated 325-degree F oven for about 6 mintues
or until the cookies just start to get browned. Remove from heat,
and allow to cool on wire rack.

Part I: Simple Natural Secrets to Life’s Annoying
Ailments: The ultimate guide to everyday
illness—from IBS to LDL
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Part II: Shockingly Simple Cures for Today’s

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Part III: The New Hamptons Health Miracle:

The next generation cure for diabetes,
pre-diabetes, belly fat, metabolic syndrome,
and so much more

“How non-consumption shapes desire,” Journal of Consumer Research 2014; 41(4): 936


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