Jewelry Tree MT
Jewelry Tree MT
Jewelry Tree MT
Provided at
Make & Take Class:
Crosscut Saw
Wood glue
Jewelry Tree
Printed in the USA © 2018 Rockler Companies Inc.
Each post will also be Determine how tall you would like each vertical post
glued into a hole that is to be. Use a crosscut saw to cut each post from the
drilled in the underside 1/2"-dia. dowel stock. In this case, we held the dowel
of each horizontal bar. stock secure in the same backerboard with V-groove
Use a backer board with that we used to drill the holes in the bars. You could
a V-groove to keep the also use a miter box to hold the dowel while cutting.
bar from moving when Or, make these cuts using a miter saw.
drilling the hole. Place the
bar in the V-groove and clamp the bar down
to the backerboard. Set up the drill press to
bore a 3/8"-deep hole in the bar. Bore a hole
in the center of each bar. You can also choose
to modify the design and bore the hole in a
position that is slightly off-center to create an
asymmetrical design.
Sand the dowels and base smooth. The stock for You can apply finish to your jewelry tree before or
these parts should already be relatively smooth, after assembling it. If your class time permits, then
so you should only need to use 150-and 220-grit we recommend applying stain before assembling the
sandpaper. jewelry tree. The advantage to applying the stain first
is that you won’t have to worry about excess glue
getting on the parts and causing uneven staining.
Cover 3/8" of the ends of the posts with painters
tape to mask them from the stain. The unfinished
ends will provide a stronger glue bond when the
project is assembled. Apply stain to all of the parts,
being careful to not stain inside the holes you drilled
in the base and bars.
T x W x L
1 Base (1) 1" x 6" x 6"
2 Bar (1-4) 7/8" x 9" dowel 3
3 Post (1-4) 1/2" x 36" dowel