Concept Note
Concept Note
Concept Note
1. Definition: A Concept Note is an outline project proposal which is submitted by a project worker or
project group as a basis for further process.
2. Purpose: The purpose of a concept note is twofold: (a) to allow a project worker/group to submit a
project proposal in summary form for preliminary assessment and evaluation without the need to prepare
a fully-detailed proposal. (b) To allow assessors to make a fairly quick judgement on whether concepts
are: - suitable for further consideration OR unacceptable.
3. Submission of a concept note: Concept notes must be prepared according to the following format and
submit on time.
3. Specific objectives
The specific objectives should be measurable.
Several objectives that must be achieved sequentially.
Provide detailed objectives that describe what will be done during the study.
4. Project questions
Provide the questions by pinpoints exactly what you want to find out and gives your work a
clear focus and purpose.
5. Significance of the study
Provide the details to the reader on how the study will contribute such as what the study will
contribute and who will benefit from it. It also includes an explanation of the work's
importance as well as its potential benefits.