FSR Question Bank
FSR Question Bank
FSR Question Bank
Sub. Name: Field and Service Robotics Branch / Year / SEM: RAA /IV/ VII
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Part A
1 Give the advantages of active gripper. R CO1
2 Distinguish between the human and robot. R CO1
3 Define the term robot. R CO1
4 Give the four robot applications in manufacturing field. R CO1
5 Discuss forces opposing the development of robotics. An CO1
1 Define Localization. An CO2
List the method present in probabilistic map-based A CO2
3 What do you mean by navigation? R CO2
4 List the advantages of MCL. U CO2
5 Define global localization. R CO2
1 Define Behaviors. R CO3
Write the expression for attractive and repulsive U
2 CO3
3 What is path planning? An CO3
4 What do you mean by tried robot? R CO3
5 Define potential. R CO3
1 Define collision avoidance. R CO4
2 What is potential path in path planning? U CO4
3 Give some advantages of Ariel robot. R CO4
4 Give the disadvantages of Ariel robot R CO4
5 Define path. R CO4
1 Define locomotion. A CO5
2 How many types of legged robot available and list it. R CO5
3 Define stability. A CO5
4 Define wheel in robot. A CO5
5 What is hexapod? U CO5
6 What is quadruped? U CO5
Part B
1 Explain in brief the history of robots. U CO1
Explain in brief the factor to be considered before introduction of
2 U CO1
robot in an organisation.
3 Explain the future applications of robot. R CO1
Discuss the advantages and limitations of industrial robot in
4 R CO1
assembly tasks.
Briefly explain the role of the industrial robot in inspection, testing
5 U CO1
and light machining operations.
1 Explain in detail about Monte Carlo Localization. A CO2
2 Explain in detail about the probabilistic map-based localization. An CO2
3 Discuss about the Grid Localization method. R CO2
4 Discuss in detail about Global Localization method. R CO2
Describe the industrial robot and explain detail about Active CO2
5 U
beacon navigation system robot.
1 Explain in detail about the tiered architectures with behaviors. U CO3
2 Explain in brief about the Road – map path planning in detail R CO3
3 Briefly explain about the Bug algorithm R CO3
4 Briefly explain about the Bug -1 algorithm U CO3
5 Explain in brief about the cell decomposition path planning in detail U CO3
1 Explain the future applications of robot in military field. A CO4
2 Discuss the application of Robot in agriculture field. An CO4
3 Explain in detail about Ariel robot. An CO4
4 Explain the future applications of robot in nuclear field. A CO4
5 Explain the future applications of robot in space field. A CO4
1 Explain in detail about the leg configuration and stability. An CO5
2 Explain in detail about the quadruped leg robot locomotion. A CO5
3 Explain in detail about the hexapod leg robot locomotion. A CO5
4 Explain in detail about the wheel design locomotion. A CO5
5 Explain in detail about the wheel geometry locomotion. A CO5