Gas Engineering Course 2017
Gas Engineering Course 2017
Gas Engineering Course 2017
Quosay A. Ahmed
Petroleum hydrocarbons (ie natural gas and crude oil) are most commonly
formed from the decomposition of organic marine growth. Natural gas is a
subcategory of petroleum that is a naturally occurring, complex mixture of
hydrocarbons, with a minor amount of inorganic compounds.
Gas Production Engineering ,
Formation of Oil & Natural Gas
2. Conventional
associated gas
3. Shale gas
5. Coalbed methane
Underbalanced drilling
Some drilling personnel want to drill underbalanced in tight and shale gas
reservoirs because:
1. The penetration rate is faster
2. Formation invasion of mud filtrate is minimized
3. There is little chance of a gas kick because of the low permeability nature
of the formations
Gas Production Engineering ,
Production and Processing Engineering
Gas wells are wells with
producing gas-oil-ration
(GOR) being greater than
100,000 scf/stb
Production Consumption
by region by region
(British Thermal Unit) is
used to describe the
energy content of fuels
A BTU is defined as the
amount of heat required
to raise the temperature
of one pound of water by
one degree Fahrenheit
143 BTU is required to
melt a pound of ice
It would take over 31 million years to count to a quadrillion at the rate of one number per second
Depending upon gas composition, especially the content of inorganic compounds, the heating value of
natural gas usuallyEngineering
Gas Production varies from
, 700 Btu/scf to 1,600 Btu/scf.
Energy Consumption Example
Natural gas from the Schleicher County, Texas, Straw Reef has a
heating value of 1,598 Btu/scf. If this gas is combusted to generate
power of 1,000 kW, what is the required gas flow rate in Mscf/day?
Assume that the overall efficiency is 50 percent (1 kW= 1,903 Btu/h).
Compressed Natural Gas or CNG is made by compressing natural gas (which is mainly
composed of methane [CH4]), to less than 1% of its volume at standard atmospheric
pressure. It is stored and distributed in hard containers, at a normal pressure of 200–220
bar (2900–3200 psi), usually in cylindrical or spherical shapes.
Gas Production Engineering ,
Environmental effects
Natural gas is often described
as the cleanest fossil fuel,
producing less carbon dioxide
per joule delivered than either
coal or oil. However, in absolute
terms it does contribute
substantially to global
emissions, and this contribution
is projected to grow.
The net result is that natural
gas fired power stations emit
less than half the amount of
green-house gas per MWh of
electricity produced than do
coal fired power stations.
P1 n1
, P2 n 2
, P3 n 3
,.... Ma y jM j
V V V j
P P1 P2 P3 ... Specific Gravity of a Gas:
g Mg Mg
V j
air M air 29
nj Specific Volume:
V RT 1
Pj y jP v
Vj y jV m M a g
yj =The mole fraction of the jth component in the gas mixture
pV = znRT
Ppc y jPcj
The conditions under which these phases exist are a matter of considerable practical
importance. The experimental or the mathematical determinations of these conditions are
expressed in different types of diagrams commonly called phase diagrams. One such
diagram is called the pressure-temperature diagram.
3. Gas-cap reservoir. If the initial reservoir pressure is below the bubble point
pressure of the reservoir fluid the reservoir is termed a gas-cap or two-phase reservoir, in which the gas
or vapor phase is underlain by an oil phase. The appropriate quality line gives the ratio of the gas-cap
volume to reservoir oil volume.
The following classifications are based upon the properties exhibited by the crude oil, including
physical properties, composition, gas-oil ratio, appearance, and pressure-temperature phase
1. • Ordinary black oil
2. • Low-shrinkage crude oil
3. • High-shrinkage (volatile) crude oil
4. • Near-critical crude oil
Gas FVF, Bg
Note that Eq. 13 is derived with an implicit assumption that the volumetric
sweep efficiency is 100%.
The residual gas saturation, Sgr is usually h high . Typical values of Sgr : 30 -
40% P V
Considering the gas in place equation
Rawlins and Schellhardt developed the empirical backpressure method of testing gas wells
based on the analysis of tests on more than 500 wells. They noted that when the difference
between the squares of the average reservoir pressure and flowing bottomhole pressures
were plotted against the corresponding flow rates on logarithmic coordinates, they obtained
a straight line.
Two commonly used empirical models are the Forchheimer model and
backpressure model. They take the following forms, respectively:
It is obvious that a multirate test is required to estimate values of these constants. If two test
points are (q1, pwf1) and (q2, Pwf2), expressions of these constants are:
dP dP dP dP
{ }e l { } f { } acc
dL dL dL dL
Hydrostatic component due to potential gSin( )
energy or elevation change
This correlation has been found to give reasonable accuracy for Reynolds
numbers between 104 and 106 for nozzle-type choke
A 0.65 specific gravity gas flows from a 2-in pipe through a 1-in orifice- type
choke. The upstream pressure and temperature are 800 psia and 25 oC,
respectively. The downstream pressure is 200 psia (measured 2 ft from the
orifice). The gas-specific heat ratio is 1.28.
(a) What is the expected daily flow rate?
(b) Does heating need to be applied to assure that the frost does not clog
the orifice?
(c) What is the expected pressure at the orifice outlet?
• The components selecting is very important to control the pressure drop with production
Well head
Bottom node
and TPR by:
. The operating flow rate (qsc) and pressure (pwf) at bottom node can be determined in various methods:
1. Graphically:
this can done by plotting equation (1),(2); by taking values for (qsc) and the corresponding (pwf), (phf) ,the
intersection of the two curves is the operating point.
1000 TPR
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500
2. Numerically:
this equation solved by numerical ways like Newton Raphson iteration for gas
flow rate.
• But the compressibility factor is a function of pressure ,we take average value for
the pressure and calculate (zav) to estimate (qsc) which used to calculate pressure.
• Then we check (zav) factor ,we do this until having reasonable values.
• then the operating flow rate qsc and pressure phf at the
wellhead node can be determined graphically by plotting
Equation (6.5) and Equation (6.6) and finding the intersection
point. The operating point can also be solved numerically by
combining Equation (6.5) and Equation (6.6). In fact, Equation
(6.6) can be
• rearranged as:
which can be solved numerically for gas flow rate qsc. This
computation can be performed automatically with the spreadsheet
program Wellhead- Nodal.xls. Users need to input parameter values in
the Input Data section
and run Macro Solution to get results.
Gas Production Engineering , UofK 112
Analysis with Wellhead Node
Example Problem 6.1
• Suppose that a vertical well produces 0.71 specific gravity gas
through a 2 7/8-in tubing set to the top of a gas reservoir at a
depth of 10,000 ft. At tubing head, the pressure is 800 psia
and the temperature is 150 0F, the bottom hole temperature
is 200 0F. The relative roughness of tubing is about 0.0006.
Calculate the expected gas production rate of the well using
the following datafor IPR:
– Reservoir pressure: 2,000 psia
– IPR model parameter C: 0.1 Mscf/d-psi2n
– IPR model parameter n: 0.8