Committee Actions :
The following require a 50%+1 placard vote. Every delegate
must vote during committee actions, and there shall be no
abstentions as per crisis rules. If numerous abstentions hold
back the committee from having a decisive vote, the
committee shall re-vote.
Rules of Procedure
for the Partition of
1. Directives: Directives are closest to a standard-style
resolution. However, they only contain operative clauses.
These are concrete actions taken by the whole committee.
Example: Moving troops, funding a vaccine, sending an
envoy to another committee or country, etc.
2. Communiques: Communication or statements issued by
the committee. For the purpose of this conference, this
includes press releases.
Example: Propaganda or statements made to the press,
communication with other committees, etc.
Rules of Procedure
for the Partition of
1) Portfolio Powers: Also known simply as “Action
Orders”. Often private actions taken by a delegate. These
are delegates (or a small combination of delegates’)
individual actions and thus, use their personal resources
and power. Portfolio powers do not encompass or
utilize committee resources, unless otherwise noted by
crisis staff. Delegates may wish to enact their portfolio
powers through sending notes to crisis or by adopting
them into directives if they choose to disclose such
private information.
Rules of Procedure
for the Partition of
2) Joint Action Orders : Joint Action Orders are actions
that the committee as a whole votes to take collectively.
Delegates should:
a) Move to introduce the action order (simple majority),
upon passage of the motion it will be read to the
committee, then
b) The committee will vote to approve or reject the joint
action order. (simple majority)
Unlike standard committees, there are no resolutions,
speaker’s list, and there is no formal voting procedure
(all votes done by placard).
Rules of Procedure
for the Partition of
Procedure of Debate :
Like standard committees, crisis committees will open
with an attendance roll call and a motion to open
session. From that point on, their flow of debate will be
conducted differently.
By default crisis committees operate in a perpetual
moderated caucus – this can either be done informally,
or may require regular motions (at the Chair’s
discretion). Like committee actions, every delegate must
vote on procedural motions.
All motions require a 50%+1 placard vote except when
specified otherwise. Every delegate must vote. Motions
cannot be amended, a separate motion should be made
if a delegate is not satisfied with other present motions.
All Pro/Con speakers have 1 minute.
Rules of Procedure
for the Partition of
Motion to Introduce and/or Vote on Committee
Documents :
To facilitate easy and quick committee action, delegates
may read the clauses of any drafted committee action
and immediately move into a vote, or at the chair’s
discretion may forego an introduction (if the Committee
Action is already understood) and allow an immediate
Rules of Procedure
for the Partition of
Order of Disruption :
Many delegates may wish to motion for various motions to
advancie the committee. All chairs must know what
motions the committee must vote on from most to least
disruptive. The following motions are ordered from most
to least disruptive along with rationale for the order of
Motion to Suspend Rules of ProcedureThis motion halts
the governance of Parliamentary Procedure in the
committee, only accepted when approved by the chair. The
chair will decide when the rules of procedure are
Rules of Procedure
for the Partition of
Motion to Adjourn/Recess
This motion suggests the cessation or adjournment of the
committee and should only be used to go on break or to end
committee by the end of conference.
Motion toTableTopic/Debate
This motiontemporarily closes a topic of debate allowing
fora new topic to be selected. The topic can be reopened. (2
Pro, 2 Con speakers required)
Rules of Procedure
for the Partition of
Motion to introduce/ Vote on Committee documents :
committee shall interrupt debate on a given subject and
enter proceedings to vote on the submitted action order,
communique, and or press release.
Rules of Procedure
for the Partition of
Types of Voting :
Motion to Vote by Roll Call: This motion passes
automatically, unlike any other motion. The chair will then
individually ask each delegate to vote yes/no.
Motion to Reorder :This motion is suggested right after
entering voting procedure, and votes to reorder the
directives in an order specified by the delegate.
Motion to Divide the Question: A Division of the Question
separates a draft resolution into separate units for passing
and requires four separate votes. Approved through 50%+1.
1. Vote on the motion to divide the question.
2. Single out clauses.
3. Vote on the singled-out clause(s).
4. Vote on the directive as a whole, taking into account any
changes made. 33
Rules of Procedure
for the Partition of
All communication that affects the committee proceedings
of the crisis will be done generally via announcements by
the Chairpersons.
This includes
Announcements, Delegate
Communications, and Directives.
Additionally, other tools might be
used by the Crisis Team in order to
illustrate information to the
delegates, e.g. Google Maps or