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Chap 4-3-4 Spillways-Energy Dissipators RR ST Vers

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Characteristics of spillways

1. A Spillway is a structure constructed at or near a dam to dispose of surplus water from the
reservoir to the channel downstream. It acts as an overflow portion of the dam structure, over
which surplus discharge flows from the reservoir to the downstream side of the river.

2. Spillways are provided for all dams as safety measures against overtopping and consequent
damages and failure. Acts as a safety valve for the dam, as excess water is discharged safely
to the downstream channel and so the dam is not damaged.

3. Sufficient capacity of a spillway is paramount importance, especially in earth and rockfill

dams where overtopping may be very dangerous.

4. Based on their most prominent features, such as its control, or its discharge capacity, the
following are the main types of spillways:

a. Straight drop spillway

b. Ogee spillway

c. Shaft spillway

d. Side channel spillway

e. Siphon spillway

f. Labyrinth spillway


Is the one in which the flow, after passing over a weir or ogee crest is carried away by a side
channel running essentially parallel to the crest. The side channel spillway is suitable to earth or
rock fill dams and for other situations where direct overflow is not permissible.

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A chute spillway is the one which passes the surplus discharge through a steep sloped open
channel, called a chute or trough, placed either along the dam abutment or through a saddle
and is isolated from the main dam. Generally, this type of spillway is provided on earth or rock
fill dams.

Plan of Chute Spillway Schematic view

Profile of Chute Spillway

A chute spillway has the following characteristics:

a. It is a steep sloped open channel like structure

b. It is generally constructed separately away on steep slope of the gully face on one end of
the dam with suitable inlet and outlet
c. Is mostly suitable for gravity, earthen and rock fill dams

d. Is the simplest type of spillway which can be easily provided at a low cost?

e. Chute spillways are constructed with constant width and they are widened at the tail end
to minimize discharge velocities.

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f. Chute spillway slopes in such a way that the flow should be always in super critical

g. To dissipate energy from the falling water, the energy dissipators can be provided on the
bed of the chute spillway


Also called morning glory spillway or bell mouth spillway. In steady of allowing water to spill over
the crest of a dam or weir, surplus water may be discharged downstream through a siphon
spillway consisting of one or more siphon units. There are generally types of siphon spillways;
saddle siphon and volute siphon spillways.

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Characteristics of shaft spillway

a. Consists of a vertical shaft followed by a horizontal conduit.

b. The horizontal conduit either passes through the dam body or through the foundation of the

c. Minimum discharging capacity is attained at relatively low heads.

d. Is ideal where the maximum spillway outflow is to be limited

e. In the case of large projects, the inlet hole of the vertical shaft is specially shaped which is
called as morning glory.


a. Adopted advantageously in dam sites in narrow canyons

b. It can be used as a service spillway in conjunction with an Emergency spillway.

c. Recommended when there is no space to provide for other types of spillways such as ogee
spillway, straight drop spillway, etc.

d. Used to discharge full capacity discharges, at relatively low heads.

e. Positive and automatic operation without mechanical devices and moving parts


a. It is difficult to handle flows materially greater than designed capacity, even if the reservoir
head exceeds the design level
b. Siphon spillways cannot pass debris, ice etc.
c. Possibility of clogging of the siphon passage and breaking of the siphon vents in cold climates
due to water freezing.
d. The siphon structure is subject to heavy vibrations during its operation needing strong
e. Siphons cannot be normally used for vacuum heads higher than 8m and there is danger of
cavitation damage.
f. If there is the air-entrainment in the shaft, air may escape in bursts, causing an undesirable
water surging.

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Labrynth has the following charatestics:

a. Weir wall is constructed in zig-zag manner in order to increase the effective length of the weir
crest with respect to the channel width
b. Thee increase in effective length raises the discharge capacity of the weir
c. Higher discharge at small heads can be conveyed to the downstream easily.

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1) Random fill

2) Water tight membrane

3) Steel reinforcement

4) Concrete slab

a. Consists of low height weir wall having its downstream face roughly or perfectly vertical.

b. When the water level in the reservoir rises above the normal pool level, the surplus water
falls freely from the crest of the weir.

c. To prevent the scouring of the downstream bed from falling water jet, an artificial pool
with a concrete apron and low secondary dam is constructed on the downstream side.

d. Proper ventilation should be provided on the underside portion of the falling jet to prevent
pulsating and fluctuating effects.


a. Suitable for arch dams or dams with downstream vertical faces

b. Suitable for small drops and passing any occasional flood.


a. The downstream face of the weir is constructed corresponding to to shape of the lower nappe
of freely falling water jet which is an ogee shape.

b. The shape obtained for maximum head is taken into account while designing an ogee

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Ogee Spillway Ogee Spillway and Apron
Suitability of an Ogee Spillway

a. It is the most commonly used with gravity dams

b. Also used with earth and rock fill dams with a separate gravity structure

c. Ogee crest can be used as a control in almost all types of spillways

d. Advantage over other spillways is its high discharging efficiency

Tainter Gate and Flip Lip Ogee Spillway Discharging Water Over crest

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Performance of Energy Dissipators

1. When a flood discharge passes over the spillway crest, it has a high potential energy which
gets converted into kinetic energy as it glides along it.

2. This high energy has to be dissipated otherwise it would cause scouring at the toe and
channel erosion downstream, therefore protection against erosion is necessary.

3. Protection may be rendered in two ways:

a. By dissipating the energy by means of a hydraulic jump.

b. By directing the jet of water so as to fall away from the structure by a deflector bucket
hence dissipating the energy by impact.

Characteristics of Stilling Energy Dissipators

1) Stilling basins are external energy dissipators placed at the outlet of a culvert, chute, or canal

drop and are characterized by some combination of chute blocks, baffle blocks, and sills

designed to trigger a hydraulic jump in combination with a required tailwater condition.

2) With the required tailwater, velocity leaving a properly designed stilling basin is equal to the

velocity in the receiving channel.

3) Depending on the specific design, they operate over a range of approach flow Froude

numbers from 1.7 to 17 as summarized in Table 1.

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4) Common types of stilling basins include: USBR Type II, III and IV; developed by United States

Bureau of Reclamation (USBR) based on model studies and evaluation of existing basins

(USBR, 1987).

5) The St. Anthony Falls (SAF) stilling basin is based on model studies conducted by the Soil

Conservation Service at the St. Anthony Falls Hydraulic Laboratory of the University of

Minnesota USA (1959).

Table 1. Applicable Froude Number Ranges for Stilling Basins

Stilling Basin Minimum Approach Maximum Approach Froude Number

Froude Number
USBR Type II 4.0 17
USBR Type III 4.5 17
USBR Type IV 2.5 4.5
SAF 1.7 17

The selection of a stilling basin depends on several considerations including hydraulic

limitations, constructability, basin size, and cost

This is recommended for use on large structures, such as spillways, large canal structures. Used
when the incoming Froude number (Fr) is more than 4.0. the length of the basin is determined
as (𝑘 𝑦2 ). The floor of the stilling basin should be set at such a level as to provide 5% more than
water depth y2.

Relationship Between Basin Length and Froude

S/N (Fr) Length of the
4 3.6𝑦2
6 4.0𝑦2
8 4.2𝑦2
10 or more 4.3𝑦2

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The USBR Type III stilling basin (USBR, 1987) employs chute blocks, baffle blocks, and an end
sill as shown in Figure 8.3. The basin action is very stable with a steep jump front and less wave
action downstream than with the free hydraulic jump. The position, height, and spacing of the
baffle blocks as recommended below should be adhered to carefully. If the baffle blocks are too
far upstream, wave action in the basin will result; if too far downstream, a longer basin will be
required; if too high, waves can be produced; and, if too low, jump sweep out or rough water
may result. The baffle blocks may be shaped as shown in Figure 8.3 or cubes; both are effective.
The corners should not be rounded as this reduces energy dissipation.

The recommended design is limited to the following conditions:

1. Maximum unit discharge of 18.6 m3/s/m

2. Velocities up to 18.3 m/s entering the basin.

3. Froude number entering the basin between 4.5 and 17.

4. Tailwater elevation equal to or greater than full conjugate depth elevation. This provides

a 15 to 18 percent factor of safety.

5. The basin sidewalls should be vertical rather than trapezoidal to insure proper

performance of the hydraulic jump.

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USBR Type III Stilling Basin


The USBR Type IV stilling basin (USBR, 1987) is intended for use in the Froude number range
of 2.5 to 4.5, which generally occurs in canal drops, canal weirs, diversion dams, etc. since
oscillating waves are generated in the range of 2.5 to 4.5 Froude number, they dissipator are
provided with large chute blocks. In this flow Froude number range, the jump is not fully
developed and downstream wave action may be a problem as discussed in Chapter 4. For the
intermittent flow encountered at most highway culverts, wave action is not judged to be a severe
limitation. The basin, illustrated in Figure 8.4, employs chute blocks and an end sill.

USBR Type III Stilling Basin

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The recommended design is limited to the following conditions:

a. The basin sidewalls should be vertical rather than trapezoidal to insure proper

performance of the hydraulic jump.

b. Tailwater elevation should be equal to or greater than 110 percent of the full conjugate

depth elevation.

c. The hydraulic jump is very sensitive to tailwater depth at the low Froude numbers for

which the basin is applicable. The additional tailwater improves jump performance and

reduces wave action.


The Saint Anthony Falls (SAF) stilling basin, shown in Figure 8.5, provides chute blocks, baffle
blocks, and an end sill that allows the basin to be shorter than a free hydraulic jump basin. It is
recommended for use at small structures such as spillways, outlet works, and canals where the
Froude number at the dissipator entrance is between 1.7 and 17.

SAF Stilling Basin

The reduction in basin length achieved through the use of appurtenances is about 80 percent of
the free hydraulic jump length. The SAF stilling basin provides an economical method of
dissipating energy and preventing stream bed erosion.

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