20th FA
20th FA
20th FA
Consumers of coal located in India desirous of seeking coal from the mines of SECL over a
long period through Forward e-Auction for end use of coal in their plant, are hereby notified
that the following mines have been identified for sale of coal under Forward e-Auction for the
period OCT’15 to SEP’16. The details of field-wise and source/grade/size-wise quantities offered
for sale by Road mode through Forward e-Auction are given below.
Auction Date: 04.09.2015 by M/s MJS Ltd (Road Mode).
Notified Reserve No.
Grade & Prdct Oct'15- Jan'16- Apr'16- Jul'16-
Area Source Col
Size Id
Price Price of
(`/MT) (`/MT) Dec'15 Mar'16 Jun'16 Sep'16
440 3490 15000 15000 2
(Stock) G4 Sized
2090 3490
Kurja UG ROM
Hasdeo 439 3490 15000 1
Rajnagar G5 Sized
1845 2093 2800 2800 100000 100000 100000 3
OC (Stock) ROM
Hasdeo Total 115000 115000 115000 6
G5 SLK 2094 2820 2820 15000 12000 12000 12000 4
Dhelwadih 419
G5 STM 2095 2980 2980 15000 15000 12000 12000 4
Korba G5 SLK 2094 2820 2820 15000 15000 15000 3
G5 STM 2095 2980 2980 30000 30000 30000 3
Korba Total 75000 72000 69000 24000 14
Grand Total 190000 187000 184000 24000 20
For Terms and Conditions of Forward e-Auction, buyers are advised to visit the website of Coal
India Limited (www.coalindia.in).Consumers desirous of participating in Forward e-Auction in
accordance with the scheme may approach the service provider M/s MJS Ltd. for completing
the requisite formalities and submission of required EMD.
The successful bidders shall have to remit full coal value through NEFT/RTGS in favour of
“SECL Coal Sale Realisation, A/c---“Name of Customer” payable at Bilaspur (C.G) directly at
the Office of the GM(S&M), SECL, Bilaspur.
The websites, e-mail address & postal address etc. of the aforementioned service provider and
SECL are given below:
1. M/s M Junction Services Ltd, Godrej Water Side, 3rd Floor Tower 1, Plot V,
Block DP, Sector V, Salt Lake Kolkata, West Bengal– 700091.
nwjHkk"k dza0@Ph No: 033-66106100
bZ&esy@E-Mail: coaljunction@mjunction.in
टोल-फ्री हे ल्पलाइन/Toll-free Helpline: 1800-419-20001
SECL reserves the right to modify the particulars of Forward e-Auction as above at any point
of time, which would be duly notified on SECL’s website i.e. ww.secl.gov.in and also on
Service Provider’s website.
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