EPG Assignment 1

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Assignment 1

Part1: Thermal power plant

1. State any six factors governing the selection of site for thermal power
plant . explain each in brief.
2. Draw a layout of thermal power plant and explain its working.
3. State the function and location of economizer.
4. Explain fire tube boiler and water tube boiler with diagram.
5. State the function of Boiler, Superheater, chimney, condenser.
6. State the advantages and disadvantages of thermal power plant.
7. State any four thermal power plants in Maharashtra with their installed

Part2: Nuclear power plant.

1. state the site selection criteria for Nuclear power plant.

2. Explain Nuclear chain reaction in nuclear power plant.
3. List any four nuclear power plants in India with their installed capacity.
4. Explain the working of Nuclear power plant with neat layout.
5. State any two fuels used in nuclear power plant.
6. State any four advantages and disadvantages of nuclear power plant.
7. Draw the basic arrangement of nuclear reactor.
8. Explain the function and material used for the following in nuclear power
I. Fuel rod
II. Control rod
III. Moderator
IV. Shielding
9. Draw a neat sketch of pressurized Water Reactor.(PWR)
10. Describe the construction of boiling water reactor with the help of sketch.
11. Explain how nuclear waste is disposed .
Part 3: Diesel power plant.

1. Draw a complete layout of Diesel power plant and label it.

2. State any four applications of diesel power plant.
3. State the function of diesel engine system.
4. Explain working of four stroke diesel engine.
5. Explain Air intake system in diesel power plant.
6. Explain Engine fuel supply system.
7. State the function of engine starting system and engine exhaust system.
8. State any four advantages and disadvantages of Diesel power plant.

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