Of Fuel
Of Fuel
Of Fuel
Fired Heaters / Steam Boilers require combustion air for combustion of the fuel to generate heat
for heat transfer to the fluid being heated which in case of steam boiler would be water. Control
of combustion air is an absolute must to control the combustion process to provide optimum heat
transfer in any fired heater / boiler.
A Forced Draft (FD) fan is commonly employed in many fired heater / boiler applications for
supplying combustion air to the combustion box of the fired heater. Normally the FD fan is part
of the fired heater package supplied by the package vendor. However, during the design phase of
any plant / unit a electrical load list may be required during the FEED stage of engineering. It is
quite possible that at that stage the vendor data related to the fired heater may not be available
and the design engineer would require to provide an estimate of the power requirement for the
FD fan. In such a case it becomes essential that the design engineer does the preliminary FD fan
sizing calculations. Also if the fired heater is debottlenecked for increased capacity it may
require checking the adequacy of the existing FD fan for the increased capacity
The purpose of this blog entry is to guide a design engineer in estimating the power requirement
of a FD fan for fired heater / Boiler application.
The estimation methodology is described in steps considering the adequacy check of an existing
FD fan which can be also extended for initial estimation for a new fired heater. Readers can build
an excel sheet based on the steps.
1. Estimate the theoretical air requirements by combustion calculations for the fuel being
combusted. A combustion calculations spreadsheet is available in the "Free File Repository" of
"Cheresources" which would help in determining the theoretical air requirement as kg of air / kg
of fuel.
2. Estimate or obtain (from vendor) the maximum fuel consumption for the maximum or design
firing rate of the fired heater as kg of fuel / h.
3. The above two steps will provide the theoretical air requirement in kg / h.
4. Find out the maximum average ambient air temperature which the FD fan can see at the site
ambient conditions. This will be required for calculating the air density.
5. Consider excess air requirement for the combustion process based on the fuel type. Some
guidelines are provided below:
6. Consider air leakage through the combustion air preheater as a percent of theoretical air.
Typically a value of 2% of theoretical air is quite adequate for preliminary sizing.
7. Consider air leakage through the furnace or heater shell as a percent of theoretical air.
Typically a value of 7.5% of theoretical air is quite adequate for preliminary sizing.
8. Sum up the theoretical air including the leakage losses to get the final theoretical air in kg/h.
9 Add up the excess air required based on the fuel type and as per guidelines given in step 5 to
the theoretical air as calculated in step 8.
10. What you have now is the calculated air flow requirement in kg/h.
11. It is recommended that an additional safety margin of 5-10% on the calculated air mass flow
be provided in order to take care of any unknowns during operation.
12. Consider the various pressure drops in the FD fan discharge system for preliminary sizing.
Some recommended values are as follows:
a. Air Preheater Pressure Drop: 40 mmWC
b. Duct Pressure Drop: 20 mmWC
c. Heater Wind box Pressure Drop: 45 mmWC
d. Burner Pressure Drop: 30 mmWC
The above are recommended values for the case where data is not available. Readers may use
actual data in case it is available.
13. A safety margin of 20%is recommended on the sum of the pressure drops calculated as per
step 12 to account for unknowns.
14. You have now the pressure drop available or the differential pressure for the FD fan to be
sized based on steps 12 & 13.
15. Calculate the air density for the given average maximum ambient temperature using:
rho = P*M / R*T*Z
rho = air density, kg/m3
16. Divide the calculated air flow rate as calculated in step 11 by the density to get the
volumetric flow rate of air in m3/h.
17. Use the volumetric flow rate calculated in step 16 and the differential pressure calculated as
in step 14 to determine the shaft power of the FD fan using the equation:
18. Consider a fan efficiency of 75% and motor efficiency of 90% and divide the shaft power
obtained as per step 17 with these efficiencies. This will provide you the motor power.
19. Consider a standard commercial motor size closest to the calculated motor power as per step
Sample sizing calculations for BFW pumps and Fans for a typical Coal fired Boiler generating
steam of 50,000 Kg/hr at 67 kg/cm2 and 485 degC. (110,000 lb/hr at 950 PSI & 905 F). Feed
Water inlet at 105 C and Exhaust gas temp at 150 C.
Let us first calculate heat load and fuel consumption of the above boiler.
coal boiler
Total Heat Load of the Boiler = Total heat absorbed by water to convert to steam + heat
absorbed to get superheated + Blow down losses
= 5639 x 14.05
= 51,00 Kg/hr
Sizing Calculations :
Two pumps of 100 % capacity are required one for working and one for standby.
= 53.8 m3/hr
If Recirculation valves are not provided, you need to add min recirculation flow to the above
figure, which may be about 6-10 m3/hr depending up on pump type and make.
Pump head required = Drum Pressure + Drum elevation + Piping Losses + Control Valve Loss +
Other valve losses
= 86 Kg/cm2
= 905 mts of WC
So BFW pumps (2 nos) rating is 65 m3/hr at 950 m of WC with feed water at 105 C.
Forced Draft Fan is required to pump in primary combustion Air into the Boiler furnace. Air
from FD fan passes through Air Heater before entering furnace through Grate. Secondary Air
Fan (SA fan) supplies secondary combustion air in to the furnace. Usually primary air is 70 -80
% of the total air and balance is supplied as secondary air through SA fan. Secondary air is
supplied at a higher pressure to help fuel spreading on the grate called as pneumatic spreading.
= 17.56 m3/s
= 12.3 m3/s
Take 20% margin on discharge capacity. So FD Fan flow is 1.2 x 12.3 = 14.76 m3/s
Head required = Draft loss across Air Heater + Grate + Ducting & others
= 75 mmWC + 75 + 50 mm : Approximate
= 200 mm WC (approximate)
Take 15-20 % margin on head. So FD fan head should be about 230 mm of WC.
= 60.7 HP
Annual cost of operation assuming 7 cents per KWH and 7200 hrs of operation per annum. 0.74
is factor for converting HP to KW. Pl note that unit Electricity charges vary widely across
different countries.
= $ 25, 362 /-
Secondary Air Fan (SA fan) supplies secondary combustion air in to the furnace.
= 5.27 m3/s
Take 20% margin on discharge capacity. So SA Fan flow is 1.2 x 5.27 = 6.3 m3/s
= 77.1 HP
Annual cost of operation assuming 7 cents per KWH and 7200 hrs of operation per annum. 0.74
is factor for converting HP to KW. Pl note that unit Electricity charges vary widely across
different countries.
= $ 32,075 /-
Induced draft fan or ID Fan is required to evacuate the exhaust gases from Boiler to atmosphere
through Duct collectors and chimney. Usually ID should take care of draft loss across the Boiler
from furnace to Air heater and then draft loss across Duct Collectors like ESP, Wet Scrubber or
mechanical type Cyclone dust collectors .etc.
= 59227 Nm3/hr
= 16.6 Nm3/s
= 30 m3/s
= 150 + 50 + 50 mm WC : Approximate
= 250 mmWC
= 158 HP
Annual cost of operation assuming 7 cents per KWH and 7200 hrs of operation per annum. 0.74
is factor for converting HP to KW. Pl note that unit Electricity charges vary widely across
different countries.
Total Heat Load of the Boiler = Total heat absorbed by water to convert to steam + heat
absorbed to get superheated + Blow down losses
= 50000(809-305) + 50000 x 1.03 x (305-105)
= 35.5e06 Kcal/hr = 140.87e06 BTU/hr
Sizing Calculations :
a) Boiler feed Water Pumps :
Two pumps of 100 % capacity are required one for working and one for standby.
If Recirculation valves are not provided, you need to add min recirculation flow to the above
figure, which may be about 6-10 m3/hr depending up on pump type and make.
Pump head required = Drum Pressure + Drum elevation + Piping Losses + Control Valve Loss +
Other valve losses
Take 20% margin on discharge capacity. So FD Fan flow is 1.2 x 12.3 = 14.76 m3/s
Head required = Draft loss across Air Heater + Grate + Ducting & others
= 75 mmWC + 75 + 50 mm : Approximate
= 200 mm WC (approximate)
Take 15-20 % margin on head. So FD fan head should be about 230 mm of WC.
Take 20% margin on discharge capacity. So SA Fan flow is 1.2 x 5.27 = 6.3 m3/s
SA fan static head is about 630 mm WC.
Therefore, SA fan rating is 6.3 m3/s of air at 650 mm WC static head.