IA Gunslinger

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The Gunslinger 

Let’s be brief. Everyone’s heard the myths, right? Someone storms the 
heavens, steals fire, a new weapon of unfathomable power, and the 
world will never be the same. A few people laugh, a few people cry. 
Most are silent. But perhaps one person among them realizes exactly 
what it is that is happening.  
That’s enough fancy philosophizing. In the real world, some 
people are going to die. Some people are going to live. You hold the 
difference in your hands. Except, maybe it doesn’t feel so much like a 
difference, just something dangerous. Hope you’re feeling lucky. 


The Gunslinger  Level:  XP:  ❏❏ ❏❏ ❏❏ ❏❏ ❏❏ ❏❏ ❏❏ ❏❏ ❏❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏  

(Next level at __+current level)

Name: _______________________________________    Look 

Name: Millie, John, Annie, Leon, Mathilda, Lirianne, Keanu, Billy, Liberty, Nisha, Angel  BODY: Lithe, Honed, Beaten, or ____________ 
Epithet: Blondie, Deadeye, Pilgrim, Kid, Starbuck, Marshall, Doc, Leaden, Boss, Sundown  EYES: Weary, Piercing, Distant, or ____________ 
  HAIR: Dirty and unkempt, Military cut, Fashionable hat, or ____________ 
CLOTHES: Leather duster, Crisp shirt, Weathered cloak, or ________ 

Alignment    Assign to your stats: 16 (+2), 15 (+1), 13 (+1), 12 (+0), 9 (+0), 8 (-1) 

STR ⬤  INT ⬤ 
❏ Lawful 
Bring justice and order to those who lack it.     
❏ Neutral    Strength: Weak ❏ -1    Intelligence: Stunned ❏ -1 
Avoid or defuse entanglement or obligation. 

❏ Chaotic 
Fight to free yourself or others from the powerful. 
  DEX ⬤  
WIS ⬤ 
❏     Dexterity: Shaky ❏ -1    Wisdom: Confused ❏ -1 

CON ⬤  CHA ⬤ 

Starting Moves    Constitution: Sick ❏ -1    Charisma: Scarred ❏ -1 

The Gun 
Through invention, theft, or luck, you are in possession of a unique weapon of 
incredible power: a gun. Its potential as a killing weapon will change the world. 
  HP Max: HP: 
Max HP = 6 + Constitution 
Who else has one?   
❏ No one: But everyone who hears about it wants one. When you wield 
your gun in a new place in front of new eyes, advance the clock. As the   
hour grows late, guns proliferate through the world.  Damage: D6 +    Armor: 
❏ Your rival: Maybe you’re chasing them; maybe they’re after you; maybe    
you’re looking for each other. Whenever you make a name for yourself,   
word gets out and advance the clock. As the hour grows late, your rival 
enacts their agenda and grows powerful.    Background 
❏ Your enemies: Maybe you’re on the run, or maybe you’re hunting them 
down. When you confront your enemies or their deeds, advance the  ❏ Human 
clock. As the hour grows late, your enemies are bolstered and appear in  You’ve been a little of everywhere, and you don’t tend to stay 
more and more places.  anywhere long. When you Undertake a Perilous Journey, you 
❏ The Outsiders: Maybe you stole it from them. Maybe you were one of  roll 3d6 and use the highest two dice. The GM might ask what 
them. Whenever you learn something new about the world, advance  you’ve heard about this place that helped you get by. 
the clock. As the hour grows late, the Outsiders’ agenda is brought to 
bear and they will reach out to you.  ❏ Gnome 
You’re an itinerant tinkerer. Add the tag experimental to your gun. 
High Noon  Whenever you have the time and materials, you can change 
As you act in the world and become a part of its problems, your clock    that tag to whatever you’d like, with the GM’s approval. 
advances. In addition to the trigger from The Gun, the GM can advance your 
clock whenever the fiction demands. As your clock approaches 12 noon,  ❏ Dwarf 
your past and your enemies are catching up to you. At 6 and after, you deal  You’re patient, like stone. When you Cool Down, adjust the clock 
and take +1 damage. At 9 and after, attacks made with your gun are  by 1 in either direction of your choice. 
dangerous. At 12, you treat any hit under 12+ as though you had rolled a 7-9. 
Cool Down (WIS)  _____________________________________________________ 
When you lay low or forsake violence for a time to cool off, roll+WIS. On a  _____________________________________________________ 
10+, you step back the clock by six hours. On a 7-9, by three. On a 6-, you step 
back one hour in addition to whatever the GM says 

Firearms Proficiency    Bonds   

When you deal damage with your gun, you deal +1d6 damage. When you 
shoot someone who’s at your mercy, they die.  _____________ doesn’t have what it takes to survive out here. That’s 
what I’m here for. 
Bullet Time (DEX)  _____________ thinks they’re a pretty hot shot - maybe we’ll see 
When you dodge enemy fire, roll+DEX. On a 7-9, choose one. On a 10+,  about that. 
choose two.  I sleep with one eye open when _____________’s around. 
● You avoid the attack entirely 
  I think I’ve heard the law’s out for _____________. 
● You learn the enemy’s position and take +1 forward against them 
● You end up in a position of relative safety or cover  __________________________________________________________ 
● You push an ally out of harm’s way  __________________________________________________________ 
Template by Jason Shea, (CC-BY) Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
Gear    Coin: ___ Load: ___ / ___ 
You have your gun. What else do you need?  (100 coin = 1 weight) (Your Load is 6+STR) 
Your Gun:   
❏ Rifle (+1 damage, near, far, two-handed, reload, 2 weight) 
❏ Blunderbuss (close, near, two-handed, forceful, reload, 2 weight)  _______________________________ High Noon 
❏ Two Pistols (near, 6 magazine, reload, 1 weight) 
Leather Armor (1 armor, worn, 1 weight)  
Dungeon Rations (5 uses, ration, 1 weight), Uses left: ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏  _______________________________
Fistful of Bullets (3 ammo, 0 weight), Ammo left: ❏ ❏ ❏   _______________________________
Choose one:  _______________________________
❏ Dagger (hand, 1 weight) 
❏ Two Healing Potions (0 weight)  _______________________________
❏ 14 coins  _______________________________
❏ Antitoxin (0 weight)  
& Halfling Pipeleaf (6 uses, 0 weight) Uses left: ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏  _______:❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ 

Advanced Moves (Level 2+) 

❏ Shoot First  ❏ Pistols at Dawn 
You’re never caught by surprise. When an enemy would get the drop on  When you challenge someone to a duel and they’re interested, 
you, you get to act first instead.  advance the clock, show up at the appointed place and time, then 
roll+DEX. On a 10+, tell the GM whether or not they survive. On a 7-9, they 
❏ Dusty Henry  get a shot in but your aim was better. On a 6-, you don’t die but you might 
When you threaten someone who’s seen your skill with a gun, you  wish you had.  
may use DEX instead of CHA to Parley. On a 9-, advance the clock. 
❏ Gun Kata 
❏ From Dungeon World With Love  When you wield your gun in close combat, it is also a weapon with the 
When you surprise an enemy and reveal your gun, you may deal your  tags precise and hand. 
damage or roll+CHA. On a 7-9, choose one. On a 10+, choose two. 
● They reveal one secret (you may suggest the topic)  ❏ Hawkeye 
● You don’t have to fire a warning shot  When you Take Watch, you roll twice and take the better result. 
● They just let you leave 
● They’re especially frightened, impressed, or enamored (GM’s  ❏ Gunsmith 
choice)  With time and materials, you can make guns and ammunition. When you 
have access to machinist’s tools, you can impart a magical 
❏ Pressure Cooker  enchantment from an item to your gun or modify its tags (working with 
At 8 and later, your gun has the tags fiery, messy, and forceful.  the GM). 

❏ Hi Ho, Silver  ❏ Magic Bullet 

Take a move from the Ranger class list.  Attacks with your gun have 2 piercing against magical, ethereal, fae, 
  lycanthropic, and other strange creatures’ armor. 

Advanced Moves (Level 6+) 

❏ I Kill With My Heart  ❏ I Know Kung Fu 
When you steel your resolve and commit your heart and mind to kill,  Requires Gun Kata 
you may erase one of your bonds to treat any roll as though you had  When you get a 12+ on Bullet Time, you can choose to deal your damage 
rolled a 10 (including damage rolls). That bond is gone forever, and your  to someone at hand, close, near, or far for free 
maximum number of bonds is decreased by one. 
❏ Shot the Sheriff 
❏ In The Crosshairs  Gain the Paladin move I Am The Law but your gun and badge are your 
When you Discern Realities, you can choose to forgo asking one of your  authority, and you become the protector of a small settlement (make sure 
questions to shoot something in the scene immediately.  it’s on the map). Discuss with the GM what tags it should have. Whenever 
you protect your settlement, advance the clock. 
❏ The Sunset 
The first time the clock strikes 12 after taking this move, your final  ❏ Bulletproof 
showdown approaches. When the dust settles and we see who’s left  When your clock is at 12, you have +1 armor and an additional +2 armor 
standing, you’ll be left with a choice - leave, and never return, or hang up  versus bullets. 
your gun, pick a new class, and stay, just a while longer. 
❏ And Away 
❏ Akimbo  Requires Hi Ho, Silver 
While you wield a gun in each hand, you can choose to split any  Take another move from the Ranger class list. 
damage you deal between two targets. 

The Gunslinger 
● Guns, Bullets, Reload, and Ammo 
○ The tag reload just means that loading the gun isn’t trivial - whereas an arrow can quickly be 
pulled and then drawn with a bow, the process is more involved with a gun (or, for that 
matter, anything with the reload tag). Reloading a gun does not mark off ammo - although 
selecting to mark off 1 ammo, such as for the 7-9 choice in Volley, might indicate that a gun 
might need to be reloaded 
● High Noon 
○ A clock is provided on the second page on which to keep track of the hour. For more 
discussion on and examples of excellent uses of clocks, please see Apocalypse World and/or 
Blades in the Dark. 
● Cool Down 
○ As the clock grows late, the window is likely closing on the narrative circumstances in 
which the Gunslinger can trigger this move. 
● In The Crosshairs 
○ This does mean on a 10+ that the Gunslinger can just immediately shoot three things in the 
scene. However, this isn’t the Volley move. This move intentionally doesn’t direct the player 
to “deal their damage”. That’s a likely outcome, but the GM decides if it makes sense in the 
moment. It could, for example, trigger Firearms Proficiency and be shooting someone at the 
Gunslinger’s mercy, or maybe the target dodges out of the way. 
● Dusty Henry 
○ Typically, the leverage here would be the threat of violence. 
● Magic Bullet 
○ GM gets final say on whether or not a creature’s armor would be pierced by armor if it 
doesn’t explicitly appear on the list, but the effect is meant to be widely applicable. 
● I Kill With My Heart 
○ Exactly how many bonds a character can have as their maximum is left for the GM and 
player to decide. For the purposes of this playbook, I assumed it to be around five. After a 
bond is erased, if they have any “room” for bonds left, the Gunslinger can write a new bond 
with the ally if they would like, but erasing bonds via this move does not grant XP and 
erasing a bond for this move might also imply a serious change in the Gunslinger’s 
relationship with a person, although players are free to interpret this how they wish. 
● Akimbo 
○ With this move, whenever the Gunslinger deals damage, first they roll to see exactly how 
much damage they are doing and then they choose how to split that up (if they would like to 
split it up at all). Damage does not have to be divided evenly. 
● Shot the Sheriff 
○ This move is intended to work a little bit like the Compendium Class Landed Gentry, 
although not necessarily with as much baggage - just the narrative impetus that sometimes 
you’ll be needed to protect your settlement. 

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