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A compilation of Farm practice in the Faculty of Agriculture and Animal Sciences covering Mushroom
production, Green house, Pasture management, Botanical garden, Workshop skills, Small ruminants,
Power implements, Piggery unit, Aquaculture, Poultry, Apiary, Horticulture, Orange production under
Orchards and Cattle production

Procedure changes, and when tapped, a deep voice is
Sock the substrate in water to soften the heard
substrate, enhance decomposition and break It takes 3 days after cropping, to harvest
down of oligosaccharides to avail nutrients by Advantages of Mushroom Growing
aid of bacteria, to ease penetration of mycelia  Mushrooms are a popular delicacy
into the substrate, among others.  Medically, aids in malnutrition
Drain off excess water overnight, with the aid disorders; T.B, high blood pressure,
of mats constipation, anti- diabetic properties,
Steam the substrate to sterilize it from anti-tumor, anti- cholesterol, anti- viral,
pathogens among many
Pack the substrate in polythene papers to hold  Catalyzes decomposition of organic
the substrate, alternating with a handful of the manure to readily avail nutrients
spawn, to 3- quarters full (2 to 3 table spoonful  Boosts body immunity
of spawn in 1 L of substrate  Rich in minerals and vitamins
Liquid fertilizers may be added like D.I grow  Aids in wisdom and longevity
(organic fertilizers) using sterilized syringes to  Oyster mushrooms are used by some
increase nutrient levels plants to breakdown contaminants
Compress out air, especially oxygen, to allow from petroleum, fertilizers, agricultural,
anaerobic bacteria to break down medical, and industrial wastes; though
oligosaccharides so as to avail nutrients, to form for these purposes, the mushroom is
the shape of the garden required, to keep away not edible.
micro- organisms that are harmful to the Advantages of Mushroom
mushroom thus reduce chances of
production over other Enterprises
 Has a high rate of success
Hang gardens in a clean rack in a dark room, as
 Takes less time to produce
they do not initially require light for growth
Provide high humid conditions, with low  Easy to process
temperatures.  Not labor intensive
After approximately 3 weeks, the mycelium is
seen growing. The colour of the substrate

0776652700, 0785566723, 0704511131
Green house is where plants of great value are This is the best propagation method as offspring
propagated are identical to the parent genetically. However,
Propagation is the reproduction of a single plant the entire generation can be destroyed by pests
to many plants. There are three major ways of or diseases like the African mosaic cassava
reproduction. By wildings, by seeds, asexually disease.
by cuttings (clones)
There are other forms of propagation like; Plants are propagated vegetatively
sporulation, binary fission, and tissue culture. by:
Propagation by wildings
Sweet Ipomoea Root tubers, vines
A wilding is a young plant growing in the potatoes batatus
wilderness, as a result of natural influence Cassava Manihots Stem cuttings
(insitu) esculenta
Exsitu is extracting of a wilding from its original Sugarcane Saccharum Setts
location to a desired location.
Onion Allium cepa Bulbs
Propagation by seeds Bananas Musa Suckers
Seeds are fertilized matured ovules. Sources accuminata
Ginger Zingiber Underground
include: communal, research stations, and agro- officinale rhizomes
input shops Garlic Allium sativa Clones
Communal, refers to seeds collected from trees Mangoes Mangiferra Scion
with desired characteristics like; quick maturity, indica
Neem tree Azadinatcher Root cuttings
disease tolerance, high yielding, , good aroma,
and attracting color from the society. Star grass Cynadon Surface rhizomes
Trees should be healthy and disease free, have dactylon
the same species in not less than 30m, and Napier Penninsetum Stem cuttings
grass purpureum
seeds collected at around 1100hrs when dew
are dried.
NB: Self-pollinated flowers have high chances of ROOTING MEDIUM
producing bad recessive characteristics.
Anthracnose, down mildew, fungal, and This is a substance in which plants
bacterial diseases can be soil borne
anchor, to derive support, nutrients,
Certified seeds are seeds tested and proved to
satisfy certain characteristics, mainly got from moisture;, and correct PH.
agro- input outlets
Composition include: virgin soil (forest soil), manure
and sand in the ratio of 3:2:1. However, the ratio
Propagation by cuttings

may vary depending on the type of soil and texture The components of rooting medium
of the place.
serve different functions.
Farmyard manure
This provides both macro and micro nutrients Contains micro and macro organisms which aids
Aids in moisture retaining within the rooting in breaking down manure to release nutrients
medium Sand
Serves as bank for nutrients over time Promotes aeration in the rooting medium
Corrects PH of the planting medium Promotes water infiltration
Forest (virgin) soil Influences soil PH
Contains organic matter in form of dead Promotes easy root penetration
animals and plant parts which decomposes
continually to form nutrients

A pasture is a crop naturally established, or planted singly in the mixture of grasses and legumes

Natural pasture (naturally established)

Natural pasture Grasses Natural pasture Legumes

Genie grass Panicum maxicum Centro Centrosema pubescens

Thatch grass Hyperrenia rufas Siratro Macroptillium

Nut grass Cyperus rotundas Stylo Stylosanthes hamate

Star grass Cynadon dactylon Silver leaf Desmodium incinatum

Fox-tail grass Setaria pumilla Green leaf Desmodium Intortum
Cat-tail grass Tyha/ Masuba latifolia

Spear grass Impereta cylindrica

Nandi grass Setaria spacelata

Kikuyu grass Penninsetum clandestina

Love grass Eragrotis spectabalis/curvula

Congo signal Bracharia brinzantha

Fodder (planted) Pasture
Pastures artificially planted and agronomically cared for by man. Thus, carry highest nutritive value for
Fodder grasses Fodder legumes
Napier/ elephant grass Penninsetum purpureum Calihandra
Guatemalan grass Tripsicum lasbs Butterfly peas Clitoria ternatea
Gunie grass Panicum maximum Sesbania sp Sesbania sesban
Setaria Setaria anceps Field peas Cajunus cajan
Fodder maize Zea mays Alfalfa Sativa Alfalfa sativa
Fodder sorghum Sorghum bicolor Ginicidia
Fodder millet Leocosotholia
Mucuna sp
Improved pasture
Crosses from fodder and natural pasture  Prepare fresh herbage, (fodder banks
,like Setaria, Bracharia ruziniziesis, B. mulato, are used for fresh herbage preparation)
Brufella grass, Kakamega I,II,III; Napier 16-1102, 16-  Conserve standing hay, as it favors
702; Funicum maxicum, Nut grass (Cyperus communal grazing
rotundas), Sporobolus, (Sporobolus spirenidales),  Prepare silage
Rhodes grass (Gloris gayana)  Store hay from star grass, Rhodes grass,
Feeds/ Pasture security
Congo signal grass etc.
Stored feeds are properly utilized by the
body as it contains high digestibility and
absorption rates

Botanical garden is an establishment of a collection of living plants grown for scientific study, and
displayed to the public like; medicinal, ornamentals, rare species, Exsitu, insitu among many.

Roles of a Botanical garden Cactus (Tephrosia vogelli)

 For scientific study It is propagated vegetatively.
 For research purposes  It is a neural plant that boost
 For conservational purposes memory
 Conserves genetical resources  Treats ulcers
 Protects endangered species Sausage plant (Kigelia africannus)
Basic Requirements of a Botanical Garden It is propagated by stem cuttings/seeds
 Gently sloping land It is pounded to extract juice used in,
 Easily accessibility of the location  Pneumonia
 Well drained fertile soil
 Urinary infections
 Protected by fencing to meet Exsitu
 Deworming
 Water source accessibility

 Skin care  It is a fly repellant
Tamarind (Tamarind indica)  Aids in skin diseases like scabies, ring
It is propagated by seeds worms
Barks are pounded which aid in,  Used for settling disputes
 Hormonal imbalance
 Reduce pain Acacia (Acacia hocki)
 Rich source of iron It is propagated by seeds
 Aids in constipation It aids in the treatment of,
 Relieves paralysis and stroke  Abdominal pain
 Fever in children
Purging nut (Jatrophes carcus)
 Tuberculosis
It is propagated by stem cutting and seeds
 Malaria
Sap is extracted as it aids in treating,
 It is a dewormer
 Wounds and burns
 It is a forage plant
 Constipates diarrhea
 Relieves heart burns Guava (Psidium guajava)
 Treats bees and wasp stings Established by seeds and roots
 Fruits control constipation; Roots and Neem tree (Azadinatcha indica)
young leaves treat diarrhoea, Propagated by seeds and root cuttings
dysentery It has antifungal, antiviral, and antibacterial
 Stops vomiting and diarrhoea in properties. Thus used in,
cholera patients  Treating new castle disease in poultry
Wandering Jew (Commelina benghelensis)  Treats ulcers, and asthma,
It has blue flowers, and is propagated by stolons  Detoxifies blood
 It treats wounds, leprosy  Aids in liver function
 Roots and young leaves treats  Increases insulin in diabetic patients
indigestion  Used in the manufacture if shampoo
Albezia (Albezia coriarie)  It is a dewormer
It is propagated by seeds  It can be used as a tooth stick
 It is a bee fodder, and forage plant
 Produces quality timber Mango (Mangiferra indica)
 It is intercropped in coffee It is propagated by seeds
 It is a legume  Its leaves treat diabetes
 It prevents abortion  Bark treats female disorders
White ginger (Desmodium white)  Hand in hand with eggs, aids in uterus
Established by seeds and by rhizomes problems
 Treats urinary infection  Fresh seeds are rich in mineral nutrition
 Relieves stress in adults  Aids in teeth problems
 Relieves headache  Helps in mental problems
 Whole plant treats diarrhoea  Relieves cough
 Aids in kidney stones
Cutting disc, is thin, for cutting metals cutting and grinding disks, to cut or grind metals,
Grinding discs, is thick, for grinding and concrete, and wood. It is maintained by use of
sharpening metals blower in case of excessive dust.
An angle grinder produces a rotary motion of Bench grinder uses grinding stones to grind and
6600rounds per minute. It is articulates with sharpen metals. One grinding stone is soft, for
grinding small metals; and the rough one to grind A welding machine is used to step up or to
and sharpen rough metals step down power depending on
Jack plane is used for smoothening metal usage
surfaces of wood Electric hand drill is used for drilling holes in
Spirit level is used to determine horizontal or metals, wood and concrete
vertical straightness due to gravity. Drill bit articulates to the hand drill to
Electric holder is used for holding an electrode perform the drilling action
(welding rod). It is well insulated to avoid Wire strainer produces tension, for making
elect is used ric shock the wire taut during fencing
Electrode is a rod used for welding Spanners are used for tightening the bolt
Hand welding shields is used for protecting eyes and the nuts (male and the female)
from igneous metals, bright welding rays, (i)Open ringed spanners have one side
and welding fumes. opened, and the other, ringed
Welding mask is used for welding overhead. It is (i)Open ended spanners have both sides
worn vertically and horizontally over the opened
head G-clamp is used for used for holding metals
Welding machines are of two types. Which when cutting or grinding
include- Straight hammer is used for bending or
(i)Dry type welding machine which uses the straightening metals. The piston
fern for cooling the windings once handle and the head make a
heated. hammer
(ii)Wet type welding machine which uses Hack saw is used for cutting metals
transformer oil for cooling windings

Breed identification and physical  Ear shape and length, Long pendulous
ears for South African Boer goats; and
short erect for East African.
 Coat colour and type, Long hair with
specific colour for South African Boer;

and short variegated, is East African  Ear shape and length- Long pendulous
breed. for South African Boer and short erect
 Function and purpose of breed, south for East African breeds
African, used for dual purpose (meat and  Coat colour and type- Long haired with
hair) specific colour for South African breed,
 Body size- Height at withers (withers is the short haired for E. African
highest point above the shoulders)  Function and purpose of the breed-
Breed Identification and Physical South African Boer breed is fir both
meat and skin.
1. By Horn Rings-
Count the number of rings on the horns, but always often not accurate
2. By pattern of Dental eruption
Below 12 All milk teeth present
12 to 18 1st pair erodes , replaced by permanent teeth
24 to 30 2nd pair erodes, replaced by permanent teeth
3 to 3.5 years 3rd pair erodes, replaced with permanent
4 to 4.5 years 4th pair of incisors replaced with permanent
5 year First teeth start wearing out
6 year Most teeth wear out half way
7th year Goats would have lost some teeth

Assigning body condition

Body condition score aids in assessing
nutritional status of
the animal and how to regulate to improve or Feel area amount of fat deposit: Lumbar
Continue. vertebrae, obese animals don’t feel;
 Scores 1 and two are for very area between ribs, emaciated once
emaciated animals pressed fingers easily go through;
 Scores 4.5 and 5 are for obese animals sternum (breast bone). In 3, 3.5, 4, 4.5,
 Scores ranging between 2.5 to 4 are breast bone is not easily felt
normal, healthy animals
Characteristics of South African Boer  Large in size
 Pendulous ears  Convex shaped face, between the nose
 Long hair and the eyes
 Long horns
Weight estimation tape is used in estimation of live weight through measuring round the diameter of
the Girth region.
Stethoscope aids in hearing the heart pulse and the ruminal movements
Thermometer is used for taking temperatures through the walls of the rumen
MEDICINE Tylosin titrate treats respiratory disorders like
Dimazine diaceturate treats proplasmosis and calf pneumonia, swine dysentery, infectious
anaplasmosis sinitus, mycoplasma, gallispticum and many
Oxytetracycline treats bacterial infections, others
respiratory diseases, mastitis, rickettsia, Ivermectine injection, is administered by
mycoplasma, dermatological disorders, subcutaneous injection, and works mainly on
septicemia infections, dermatological disorders, internal parasites
and genital urinary infections. It is administered Norotraz is administered topically as an
through deep Intramuscular injection acaricide
Penicillin and streptomycin is administered Levamisole hydrochloride is administered orally
through deep intramuscular injection. It treats as worm acid.
injuries, wounds, and associated infections Amitraz is topically administered to control
including pneumonia external parasites

Power implements are the study of devices attached to power source. These are divided into animal
power and engine powered


Ox- plough/ ox- mould

It is used for primary tillage surfaces, spreading manure, and collecting

Ox- cultivators have scattered cutting tools and trash and residues
are named depending on cutting edges Yoke is used for harnessing power from the
Spiral type/ spring tooth cultivator is used for animal
secondary tillage powered by animals Ox- row planters (drills) contains
Shovel cultivators/ weeders are shovel shaped,  Farrow opener to cut rills
used for weeding and braking soil clods  Rills to apply fertilizers and seeds into
Spike tooth harrows are sharp pointed for the soil
secondary tillage, tertiary tillage, leveling  Press to fill and cover the soil after
Disk harrow

This is a secondary tilling tractor implement. Disc harrows vary with arrangement pattern.
Hitching: toppling unit is by three points, used The resultant v- shape is to completely coverf
for pulverization, leveling and spreading the plough rills, as one pushes left, and the
manure heaps. They are arranged on axle to other to the right. Joint axles appear in an x-
form a gun. Disc harrows depend on the shape with axons facing opposite sides leave no
number of guns rills either due to double action.
Notched discs aid in chopping plant residues
that might have been buried during initial The tilted v-shaped harrows with axons facing
opening of land- by hooking and chopping them the same direction leave rills showing passages
as it slides over. It penetrates through hard of ploughs.
pans, unlike complete disc ploughs that roll The power take-off shaft (P.T.O) is used to
over harness rotary power from the engine.


Disease investigations are steps or procedures nodes, Parotid nodes, found around the neck
taken to determine animal health status also region, prescapular lymph nodes, and Precrure
known as antemorterm. It starts with assessing lymph nodes found around the flank regions.
the health history of the animal, preliminary The E.C.F mainly affects the parotid lymph and
examination, and then clinical findings, based makes it swollen.
on body systems. Examples include: TECHNIQUES USED IN DISEASE INVESTIGATION
Integumentary system clinical findings on ill- Observation of body systems,
health may include: Blisters, rough hair coat, Body readings like weight, pulse rate,
wounds on hooves, overgrown hooves, and temperature among many. Temperatures in
External parasites causing diseases. Like the pigs range between (36.8 to38.5) degrees
brown tick, causes E.C.F, Amboina Variegated Celsius. Depending on age
ticks causes anaplasmosis, among many Palpitations (touching and feeling) Swellings
Digestive system includes the tooth, tough, and associated with pus is an indication of abscess,
the anus. Clinical findings are observed on the Swellings associated with gas is _______, ones
saliva, vomit, diarrhoea, bloat, foul stool, mouth associated with liquids is Aneodema. Taking
for wounds, among many. samples is called Biopsy.
Lymphatic system is made of the lymph nodes.
These lymph nodes include: Mandibular lymph


Fish farming is the rearing of fish in a controlled water environment

Aqua culture is the rearing of useful aquatic organisms like fish, crustacean, aquatic plants and many
 Generates income FISH PONDS
 Promotes recreation  Gentle slopes
 Source of food rich in lipids  Loamy clay soils
 Creates employment  Accessibility
 Promotes education and research  Water quality
 Creates employment  Reliable water source
 Creates agricultural diversification  Market
 Labour
Loams aid in the provision of nutrients, which pH of the water. This is controlled by addition of
are essential for growth of planktons, and other Lime, to decrease; or increased by adding
plants that fish feed on. Clay soil provides a chicken droppings.
surface that aid in retention of water PARTS OF A FISH POND
WATER QUALITY  Inlet,-allows water in
Physical Quality  Outlet- allows water to drain/ flow out.
Turbidity refers to not being clear due to  Dyke- retains water in the pond.
suspended materials in the solution.  Spillway
Excessive affects light penetration. This is  Harvesting disk
controlled by draining off the water as you
allow fresh water until a desired turbidity is got; POND CONSTRUCTION
and adding compost manure or chicken Raised ponds are ponds constructed at ground
droppings to increase turbidity, so as to keep level, where the dykes are used to hold water
fish secure from predators. on ground level,
Light penetration is to the mount of light in the Sunken ponds are ponds constructed on flat
pond. sloppy areas where dykes hold water below the
It affects growth of aquatic plants like ground level
planktons, algae; feeding, security, and also Contour ponds are ponds in which dykes are
reproduction (as fish uses external fertilisation) raised on ponds.
Optimum temperature- of between 20 to 28 Barrage ponds are constructed by building a
degrees Celsius Some work best to up to 35 dyke across a natural stream like a river. It is
degrees centigrade. Control temperature, we difficult to keep of wild fish, thus difficult to
use of water heater to raise temperature, and protect your fingerlings from predators
draining water to reduce temperature. Construction
Chemical Properties  Mark a big square, about 26m by 26m
Water pH- Most fish survive in a range of 6.5
and 8.5 media. We use a pH scale to measure
 Mark Corners with pegs, and run a of the bank. This is to trap water runoff
string between the pegs, to show where from entering the dyke
the outside of the banks would be.  Mark a small square 20m by 20m out of
 Clear the big square off bushes, trees, the big square, and mark with pegs to
stumps, and big roots show location of the pond banks
 Take about 20 cm of top soil and put  Begin digging from the upper end,
aside. This will later be put by the sides gently slanting to a depth
approximately 2m with a 30cm
 Difference in horizontal gradient, for free gravitational flow of water.
 Put the inlet slightly above the water level, to increase dissolved oxygen and the outlet below
the water surface, for efficient draining of contaminated water.
Ssechi disk is a black and white coloured piece of metal tied to a string, used to determine turbidity of
a of a pond
The Ssechi disk is sank to the point where it is not completely visible, and a notch tied; then lifted
upwards till visible, and the notch tied again. The average of the two notches determines the turbidity.

Disinfect twice a week, or until dung filled to Grains are normally pre-mixed with all
control pathogen. Add 20 ml per liter of water nutrients present, with exception of minerals
for foot bath. and carbohydrates
Reasons for Small Egg Laying Concentrates are pre-mixed, but alternative
 Early stimulation feeding can be opted.
 First time laying Vegetables are washed in salt solution and
 Diseased like New castle disease rinsed in clean running water to get rid of pests
Reasons for Huge Egg Laying like caterpillars which might have remained on
 Nutrient imbalance, the leaves.
 Double yolks Vitamins – minerals premix are sources of
Feed formulation in poultry minerals and vitamins, and required in small
60% carbohydrates (broken maize and maize quantities.
bran), 20% proteins (sunflower, and soy meal), Vitamins are got from fruits, milk, and sunshine.
5% lime, and 10% concentrate Vitamin D aids in absorbing calcium, which is
Maize bran- 150kgs@800 essential for strong bones and shells.
Broken maize- 150kg@1200 Minerals sources include limestone, oyster
KLC10% 1bag- @ 28,000 shells, bone meals, blood meal, brown soils/ ant
Soy meal 50kg- @ 4,000 hills, especially in piggery.
Sunflower 50kg- @1,500 Multivitamins aids in administering antibiotics,
Egg booster 5 packets-@ 5,000 strong drugs and relieving stress; normally
Lime 50kg- for 25,000 mixed in drinking water.
Dirty water results into diarrhoea
Vaccination is done in the morning, or late Chick mash are fed to chicks 1 day old to 2
evening. months old, Growers mash, between 2 to 4
Feeding birds is always on hygienic feeds, months old, then layers mash till off layers
When vaccinating, antibodies are not administered, as they reduce the effectiveness of the vaccine.
Fowl pox vaccinator is used in vaccination on the wing web.
Injection sites include; thigh muscles, breast muscles, and subcutaneous


Temporary bee- keeping techniques included the top-bar hive, where the bees attach their
use of gourds, and clay pots. They were for combs during comb construction.
single time use, because were destroyed during The top bar is made of flat iron sheet, to protect
harvest. the hive body from rain.
The top bar, insulates the hive against noise and
Re- usable techniques included use of hollow heat
tree trunks, woven basket hives , and bark hives
extracted from bark hives. The Johnson’s hive
This takes a cuboid shape. On the long side are
Open grass fire was the major harvesting
two windows- like shutters, fitted with hinges,
technique. Tree climbers and ropes were used,
and fitted with a lock on the shorter side. On
since the hives were suspended from the trees.
one are small holes to act as entrance for the
Wooden cylindrical motor containers were used bees. The hive is divided by the queen excluder
to lower the harvested honey, and the to limit its movement.
remaining helper poured it in clay pots to be On the top is the top board, on which the bees
carried home attach their combs during comb construction.
The board also acts as an insulator made of flat
Machetes, cutlass were used to clear the way to iron sheet.
locations of the hives
This looks like a square rom far, but rectangular
The Kenyan Top-bar hive in shape, and resembles a storage building.
This takes the shape of a boat. On the bottom On the short side of the bottom board are
board are two pieces of wood fitted at an angle holes/ slots to act as entrances.
of 650 each. At the short side are two trapezoid On the bottom board rests a deep super, brood
shaped wood fitted with small holes to act as box, brood chamber. Inside the deep super are
entrances to the hive at one end. The hive is large movable comb frames fitted with food
divided into two by a mesh called the Queen grade wire and starter combs foundation
excluder to limit the queen movement to only sheets.
one part of the hive. There are small movable The food grade wire aids hold comb to the
pieces of wood called top bars at the groove of frame, and the starter-comb foundation sheets
guides the bees on how to construct their This gives protection from bee stings
combs, also acts as bait. Smoker is used to produce cool smoke to calm
On the deep super is the queen excluder on the bees down bees during the operation. It has
which rests a shallow super box also known as tree parts;
the honey chamber. Inside the shallow super  Bellow, fire output from the bottom
are small movable comb frames which are also  Fire pot, air inlet at the top.
fitted with food grade wire and starter comb Air inlet and outlet face each other. Use dry
foundation sheets. The top cover is made of flat grass, wood ash, cow dung maize cobs to
iron sheets insulated by plywood. produce a friendly smoke, instead of repelling
smoke like paspalum, Neem among many.
The catcher box Gently puff the lit smoker after getting the fire
A small portable sized box made in the shape of lit.
a bee- hive is used to catch small swarms of Harvesting Equipment
bees, populate it, before transferring it to the Airtight bucket- replace cylindrical container.
main hive Owing to the fragility of honey purity, it is kept
A standard catcher box must contain only 5 top in an airtight container to keep it safe from
bars/ comb frames, (deep super-size in specific). robber bees, from environmental
Shallow super are specific for honey storage. contamination, and water composition
Standard catcher box must have entrances in alteration.
two parts, with a queen excluder, and the other The smoker which replaces the open/ cross fire,
without, but both must have a provision for to produce bee friendly smoke.
closure. Sisal bee brush to brush off the bees from the
combs gently and safely; it should have a long
Protective Equipment wooden handle.
Leather hand gloves; made of a kid’s skin as it is Hive tool, for opening and loosening the top
tender on hands and protects them, unlike hives. It is chisel shaped on one side and
others that stiffen the fingers. hooked on the other.
Bee veils protects face from stings Knife should be used purposely for harvesting
Cotton, cackier or nylon bee suits fitted with only
elastic bands at the end of the sleeves. It should
have a bee friendly colour, like white or yellow
The torch, for light provision

Factors to Consider when Selecting a Good Shade to modify the average temperature and
Apiary site light
Nearness to water source, for temperature  Wind direction and wind breakers
regulation  Topography that allows easy drainage
Accessibility to them market or consumption  Wind direction and wind breakers
area  Light for communication, where they
Noise- free area, need morning light and evening; as they
Flowers nearness for extraction of nectar mainly communicate through dances
 Avoid water- logged areas
 Security- should be in a fenced area.  Noise- free area, about 100m from
 How to suspend them above the noise areas
ground, (stands or chains, binding wire, For the first days, provide water, and a suitable
or ropes). Suspension should not go landing place like grasses, or sticks suspended
beyond/ above the breast height floating on top.

Apiary Layout  Entrances should be clearly indicated to

 Meandering / snake layout avoid jeopardizing bees’ flight.
 U- shaped lay out  Use hand hoes to keep grass short
 Rectangular layout  Secure apiary with a fence of 2m height
 Circular layout from the ground

Liquid Manure Dilute in the ratio of 1:2, and apply by

Liquid manure is food for plants made from fertigation, or foliar method.
fresh animal droppings by extracting with the Advantages
aid of water.  Nutrients are readily available
Put fresh dung in a gunny bag, and suspend it  Cost free
with the aid of sticks into the gunny bag.  Raw materials are easily available
Pour water into the bucket almost full, transfer  Environmental friendly
to a shade and cover to prevent volatilization.  By product can be mixed with water to
Keep it still for three days then shake the form cillary, so as to repel animals from
apparatus regularly for 10 days. the garden.
Plant Tea
Are nutrients derived/ withdrawn from a decomposing plant
 Collect the ingredients; which include: Soft leaved plants to quicken decomposition (wandering Jew,
acacia, cassava leaves); Legumes like desmodium species, to provide nitrogen; Hairy leaves (pumpkin
leaves, elephant grass) since they are heavy feeders, and so will produce more nutrients they absorbed;
and wood ash to facilitate composition.
 Cut/ chop plant materials into smaller pieces, so as to increase the surface area
 Fill the container to almost full, with the chopped plant materials, and then add water to cover the plant
materials fully, with water level slightly above the planting materials
 Sprinkle wood ash, cover, and transfer the set up to a shade
 Stir regularly after 3 days for uniform decomposition
 After two weeks, filter and dilute in the ratio of 1:2
Organic Pesticides Hot pepper; It can be crushed and mixed with
Dry wood ash dehydrates soft bodied insect on produce; applied by fumigation (effective for 4
sprinkling as a contact pesticide to 8 months); or by spraying.
 Crush a handful of hot pepper and mix with Sac mound
5 liters of water. Keep it 3 days, or boil for This refers to a vegetable plot next to the
20 to 30 minutes. kitchen where vegetables are planted.
 Allow it cool, and mix with an equal amount Procedure
of soapy water, to create adherence of the Put the soil in the gunny bag to make the base.
active ingredients to the pest. Mode of Transfer an open ended bucket to the centre
action is by irritation and fill it with stones
Tobacco: Dry, crush and ix with produce before Pour soil around it to level up with the pebbles
storage. Crush pound and extract nicotine to Gently raise the bucket upwards and refill it
manage fungal infections on plants. with stones, and soil around the open ended
Neem tree: contains azeradactine which is a bucket over and over again, until when full.
systemic insecticide. Dry and mix with produce The gravels allow easy drainage, aeration, and
or apply by foliar spray. infiltration.
Tagetes minuta (Mexican marigold) is also
dried and mixed in the produce.

An orchard is a place where fruits’ trees, are grown and established.

Ecological Requirements for Oranges  Have either embedded or protruded navel
Well drained fertile soils, to curb gummosis  Fruit setting is in singles
(dumping)  Irregular shaped leaves, (of all sizes)
0 0
Temperatures ranging between 13 c to 38 c but  Has an open canopy
those between 250c to 350c are preferable  Has a limonene content (for salads)
Low attitudes of about 200m above sea level  Thick skin peel that is pale green
Spacing and Planting holes  Flowers and fruits throughout then season in
 Spacing should be 6m by 6m good weather
 Planting holes should be at a depth of  Has an open canopy (spread branches)
60cm with a 60cm width, prepared Valencia
early in the season  Very juicy (good for juice extraction)
Seeds are planted early in the in the season  Dark green coloured fruits and leaves
The top soil is put in the windward side, or on  Broad leaves
the upper side of the slope, and the sub soil on  Fruit setting is in singles or two
the opposite side.  Has an open canopy
The top soil is mixed with manure, and put back  Has a rough skin peel
during planting, and then the sub soil is left. Hamline
Varieties include: Valencia, tangerine,  Pale green leaves
Washington navel, American tangerine,  Small leaved, and curved inwards
hemline, among many.  Occurs in clusters of 4 to 6
The Washington navel  Forms compact canopy
 They are big fruits with rough skin peel  Thin skin peel
 Compact canopy  Very sweet
 Smooth and shiny skin peels  Round shaped

THE FRUIT FLY The adult is small light coloured moth, less than
The adult through its ovipositor punches and 2 mm, and a serious pest from nurseries.
lays eggs into the fruit The adults deposit its tiny eggs on the lower
Eggs hatch into maggots which feed in the surface of the mid- vein of the leaf. On
interior of the fruit, causing rotting and hatching, larva enters the leaf and mines
discoloration before falling off for pupation. extensively in a meander, causing silver film
Affected fruits drop prematurely appearance on the surface of the leaf. The larva
Control comes out of the leaf, folding part of the leaf
 Use pheromone trap impregnated with margin.
insecticide Damage
 Burry affected fruits  Mines through veins, causing distortion and
 Spray plants with protein bait impregnated curling
with insecticide  Causes retarded growth in younger citrus
 Use of natural enemies like spider (predators)  Causes defoliation and death in young citrus
 Prune trees to make harvest manageable  Creates openings for citrus bacteria canker
 Pick up fruits immediately to check on Control
potential breeding sites Use recommended systemic pesticides
APHIDS (Toxoptera auranti)
THE ORANGE DOG (Papilio demodocus)
These are small brown/ black insects, winged or
The adult is a giant swallowtail dark brown
wingless and form clusters in new flash
butterfly with numerous pale yellow markings.
They suck sap from the plant causing leaves to
The caterpillar has 5 harmful stages, where the
curl up towards the stem causing:
1st three are dark brown with white markings
 Leaves to curl towards the stem
resembling a bird’s dropping, while as in stages
 They are vectors of viral infections (Citrus
4 and 5 are pale green with black brown and
grey markings. It has a Y- shaped organ that it
 Secrets honey dew from ingested sap
shoots in front of the head once disturbed.
 Attraction of ants to extract, thus more
Feeds on citrus causing defoliation
 Growth of a fungus, sooty mould which
 Chemically using, pentagon, 50 E.C
interferes with photosynthesis
 Field sanitation
 Proper weed control
Use recommended insecticide; however, adults
 Crop rotation with non-host plants
may fly off, thus not fully warranted
 Use of predators
Natural enemies can control it in 6 weeks  Physically picking and crushing the pest
CITRUS LEAF MINER (Pyllocnnistis citrella) CITRUS WOOLY FLY (Aleorothrixus floccusus)
It is an invasive species considered polyphagous
Found in more than 20 plant genera, taking 80 Some have armored scales with tough coating
days to complete life cycle, from egg to protected with wax and hard shells.
adult;45, 30, and 28 days. They have high They insert their heads and feed, lays eggs, and
mortality in high temperatures, and reproduce do everything in the same spot. After death, the
asexually scales on the fruit remains, causing deformation
 They suck sap, causing leaf deformation and and loss of fruit value.
defoliation Soft coated shells are coated with wax, and soft
 Secretes honey dew, promoting growth of coats. The insect can move around till
sooty molds, thus interfering with reproductive stages.
photosynthesis Damage
They can be found at the surface of new flush.  Suck sap, causing culling, folding, and
Control deformation.
 Use recommended pesticides  They secrete honey dew, attracting
 Biological control by natural enemies like secondary pests, and growth of sooty moulds
Cales noacki which interfere with photosynthesis.
These are tiny sap sucking pests that affect Use recommended systemic insecticide
citrus fruits. Female adults are wingless with no Use of natural enemies like wasps
legs; while as the male adults have a pair of Eliminate plant colonies (secondary pests)
wings with notable leg development.
CITRUS MELLANUS It is a fungal infection caused by Erysiphales
It is a fungal disease caused by Diporte citri fungi. It develops powdery white spores on new
All citrus are susceptible, but severely common flush.
in lemon Symptoms
Symptoms  Premature falling of fruits leaves and flowers
 Small circular dark depression with yellow  Powdery fungus growth, whitish in colour
margins  Young leaves turn whitish grey green twisted
 Fruits have dark brown spots on the fruits and culled upwards
 Later, spots become raised, turn dark brown,  Young shoot withers and dieback occurs
and darker.  Reduced yields
 When spots are close together, have a rough NB: The disease can be a problem in nurseries,
feeling, thus the name Sandpaper mellanus and common in oranges
 The affected leaves turn yellow and drop Control
prematurely Use standard fungicides
NB: It only affects skin/ coverage with black Plant resistant varieties
color Pruning
Control Controlling humid conditions
Use recommended fungicides Controlling aphids
THE POWDERY MILDEW NB: The powdery mildew is caused by wooly
aphid in the sub temperate region through
secretion of fecal and digestive secretions.
It only affects skin coverage, thus marketing.

Reasons for pasture improvement To limit movement when carrying out

Overcoming toxic plants in the paddock management practices
Prevent damage of hides and skin by tearing Techniques on restrain
Improving soil texture and fertility  Use of cattle crush
Improve palatability of pasture  Transquizer method
To introduce new fodder in the paddock  Use of muzzle(drug treatment)
Restrain  Rope restrain
An act of preventing an animal from flight  Casting down
Reasons  Hand restrain
To avoid injuries on animals  Tail restrain
Proper drug administration
Disease diagnosis is the act of identifying disease from its signs and symptoms
Procedures Commence with shot active ingredients, then
 Finding historical background long active ingredients
 Preliminary observation Diminazine handles Trypanasomiasis, and
 Critical observation based on systems Babesia.
 Identifying disease and drug to be administered Babesia is associated with blood stained urine
 Restraining an animal, Gentamycin aids in urinary tract infection, foul
 Drug administration diarrhoea, clears bacterial infections, aid in
Signs of Brucellosis include; Abortion, respiratory infections, and administered as
macerated fetus, retained afterbirth, and deep I.M injection
infertility among many Imidocap handles Babesia and anaplasmosis
Routes of Drug administration Levamisole controls internal parasites
Intramuscular injections, sub-cutaneous, S- Dime curbs bacterial infections as neurosis in
intravenous, topical route, intra-mammary pigs, and coccidiosis in calves and poultry
injections, oral administration, and through the Dexamethasone treats inflammation, allergic
eyes reactions, respiratory infections, and often used
Intramuscular injections are given at the raised in conjunction with calvafan
grooves to avoid swelling resulting to necrosis Butalex/ Parvaquone treat E.C.F often
(wounds that don’t heal). associated with constipation, swollen lymph
Dewormers are administered by bolus gun, nodes, high temperatures, frequent bellowing,
drenching gun, and injections. and loss of appetite.
Use short needles for Sub-Q injections, and Alamysin aids in repelling flies and disinfecting
long ones for I.M and I.V injections 1inch wounds to enhance quick recovery. It is sprayed
16guage for heavy animals under I.M injection 4 cm from the root of infection.

Pen & strep Clears mastitis, brucellosis, abscess, Dental eruption; At one month, all teeth are
tumor, oedema, respiratory infections and temporal. At 6 months, 4-molars erupt; At 18
mainly given as I.M injection. The upper layer is months, 5th pair erupts and slightly yellowish. At
streptomycin. 24 months, 1incissor erupts, and 6th molar and
Tylosin; treats infectory infections, foot rot, and 1st and 2nd molars are replaced. At 36months, 2nd
micro-organisms. It also aids in some skin incisor pairs erupt, and 3rd molar replaced. At
conditions, mainly administered as I.M or sub-Q 48, 3rd incisor erupts, and all molars are
injections replaced as present
Multivitamins: Supplement vitamin compliment
and aid in metabolic disorders; boost appetite,
and immunity. Use sub-Q, I.M, or I.V methods
of administration
Alfa-cypermethrine- controls external
parasites, applied topically
Albendazole 10%- Active ingredient: Levamisole
hydrochloride; alternative dewormer for early
Tryptomedium tamorin- Used to control
Trypanasomiasis. Dilute in 12mls of water and
administer as I.M injection
Age Determination
Ring counting, under most circumstances, it is
the number of rings+2. But not so reliable

Bless you and Good luck

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