Criteria III NBA

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Criteria wise Evaluation Guidelines and

Document Verification during NBA team

(Tier – II Institution)
Dr. Jagada Nand Jha
MIT Muzaffarpur
Criteria wise Marks
Criteria Criteria Tier – I Tier-II
No. Marks Marks
Programme Level Criteria
1 Vision, Mission and Program Educational Objectives 50 60
2 Program Curriculum and Teaching-Learning Processes 100 120
3 Program Outcomes and Course Outcomes 175 120
4 Students’ Performance 100 150
5 Faculty Information and Contributions 200 200
6 Facilities and Technical Support 80 80
7 Continuous Improvement 75 50
Institute Level Criteria
8 First Year Academics 50 50
9 Student Support Systems 50 50
10 Governance, Institutional Support, and Financial Resources 120 120
Total 1000 1000
Sub-Criterion3.2: Attainment of Course Outcomes
3.2.1 Describe the assessment processes used to gather the data upon
which the evaluation of Course Outcome is based (10)
3.2.2 Record the attainment of Course Outcomes of all courses with
respect to set attainment levels (40)
Sub-Criterion 3.2.2:Record the attainment of Course Outcomes of all
courses with respect to set attainment levels
Sub-Criterion 3.3:Attainment of Program Outcomes and Program
Specific Outcomes
3.3.1 Describe assessment tools and processes used for assessing the
attainment of each of the Pos & PSOs (10)
3.3.2 Provide results of evaluation of each PO & PSO (40)

Sub-Criterion 3.3.1
A. List of assessment tools & processes (5)
B. The quality/relevance of assessment tools/processes used (5)
Sub-Criterion 3.3.1….Contd.
Sub-Criterion 3.3.2 Provide results of evaluation of each PO & PSO

A. Verification of documents, results and level of attainment of each
PO/PSO (24)
Documents that would be verified by the visiting committee
• Method of computing attainment of POs and PSOs.
• Attainment of PO/PSOs by each course/core activity.
• Computing the level of attainment of POs and PSOs at the program
level for two batches.
All the sources used for presentation are duly acknowledged

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