Yale Link App Booklet
Yale Link App Booklet
Yale Link App Booklet
How to Connect?
Register Yale Link Register Yale Link
01 02 03 04 05 06
Verify and set the door lock When door lock and app are
Enter the numbers according
Press + button and enter the Touch the screen to select the installation location information Enter your PIN code. connected, press and
to the order specified on the
name of door lock to register. picture of door lock to register. on the map correctly and then Press R (registration) button. R button to complete the
outer number plate.
move on to the next step. key registration
01 02 03 04 05 06
Bridge Icon
07 08 09 10 11 06
Press and hold the registration
Plug the Bridge into an outlet When the Bridge setting com-
Select the router, enter the button from Bridge for
as close to your door lock plete pop-up window appears, When Bridge setting is completed,
PIN code, and press next 5 seconds, and wait for the
as possible, then press next it is connected normally and there is Bridge Icon on the key list.
button. green light to be turned on.
button. press OK button.
Press next button.
※5G-Wifi is not supported.
03 How to use Yale link
How to Use?
Open the door Set permission
01 02 01 02 03
Other settings
Available to set
01 02 03 04 Language / Volume /
Auto Locking
01 02 03 01 02 03
In the key list, press the key You may check the access In the key list, press the key
Press setting icon to go to You may touch the name or memo part to edit the contents,
to be operated to go to the and registration history in the to be operated to go to the
door lock setting page. or touch the picture part to compile pictures.
door lock status page. event management page. door lock status page.
01 02
In the key list, press the key Press the key delete icon and
to be operated to go to the check the delete progress
door lock status page. warning, and delete the key.
04 Compatible devices with Yale link
Yale Link FAQ
(1) Does Yale Link Basically, Yale Link supports the devices (2) Is Yale Link Yale Link is the new platform of Gateman, (5) The menu that For bridge connection, communication (6) Do I need a The bridge allows for communication by
work on all with Bluetooth 4.0 or higher, Android 5.0 available in it should also be supported in the door connects Bridge pack version must be 2.2 or higher. Please router to use the changing the Wi-Fi and Bluetooth signal
smartphones? or higher, and iOS 8.0 and higher ver- all door locks of lock. Gateman and Gateman Wide Door is not activated open the battery cover to check the com- Bridge? to context. Therefore, you must support
sion. However, the new smartphone may Gateman? Lock, which were released after 2017, when a Bluetooth munication pack version. If you can’t find Wi-Fi before you can use Bridge. Wi-Fi
take some time to apply after the test, so mostly support Yale Link and if ‘Yale Link’ connection is any stickers, it is the lower version. In supports only 2.4GHz for wider compat-
please check the Gateman website www. is written in battery cover, it is available. made. case of this, you can use 1544-3232 call ibility. If there is a [5G] behind the Wi-Fi
egateman.co.kr for the correct support center for free exchange. address, it is likely that this signal is a
device. 5GHz Wi-Fi signal, which requires a differ-
ent signal to operate normally.
(3) Is Yale Link There are two ways ; short distance (4) Can I use Yale Link To use Yale Link service, you need to buy
unavailable if direct connection via Bluetooth and long if I have and connect the communication pack (7) What is the Bridge and the door lock are connected (8) Should the bridge Bridge and door lock use Bluetooth and
internet connection distance connection via Bridge. Even if Yale Link door and Bridge. If you can’t find Bluetooth appropriate by Bluetooth, and if there is no signal be installed near Bridge and the router use a Wi-Fi net-
is down or internet connection is down or electricity lock and a communication pack when you open the distance between restriction, the connection can be made the door lock or work. In particular, the door lock requires
electricity is cut is cut off, a short distance direct connec- smartphone? battery cover, search for ‘Gateman Yale the bridge and up to 20 meters in theory. However, the near the router? the use of a battery, so the distance is
off? tion via Bluetooth enables you to use all Link’ in the application link or several the door lock? distance is reduced due to the installation relatively small compared to the Wi-Fi.
of function normally. However, external online stores to purchase. environment, such as the steel structure Therefore, it is recommended that Bridge
access via Bridge will be lost naturally. of the building, and the limitations caused be installed as close to the door lock as
When electricity or internet is normalized, by the communication signal of the rider. possible.
Bridge connection will be reconnected Therefore, it is recommended that Bridge
without additional efforts. be connected to the outlet closest to the
door if possible. Usually, it works well if
you install it in an outlet on the front door
or in a room next to the front door.
Yale Link FAQ
(9) I connected Bridge, Basically, the Yale Link will attempt the 10) How do I know There are two LEDs on Bridge : red and (13) What should The best way is to delete all devices and (14) What should Please unplug the communication pack
but when I connect Bluetooth connection first. This is because Bridge is properly yellow. The red LED indicates power, and I do if I change reconnect them before changing your I do if there is first, then reconnect it and unplug the
it from the outside, it is a faster and more stable connection. connected? is always on when power is on. The yellow the smartphone? smartphone. If you have already changed no connection? power and plug in again. If the same
there is an error This error message occurs when there LED is on when Wi-Fi and the door lock your smartphone, simply reset all con- symptom persists, please proceed with
message ‘No is no connection because it is external. are connected. If it is blinking, it means nections at the door lock. First, press forced initialization. To initialize the com-
communication. In this case, press on the top-right icon there is a problem with the connection PIN code in the door lock, and press R munication pack, press [Password +
Please check the to switch to Bridge connection and it status. button inside battery cover, then press 8#3# + Password + #] in the door lock.
door lock status.’ will remotely connect to all services as 8#3# and PIN code # to reset the door In case of Bridge, press and hold registra-
normal. lock Bluetooth connection. However, you tion button on the right side for 10 second
should be careful because all connections, until the lamp blinks while the power is
not just your smartphone, will be dis- supplied. Then, press Delete Bridge and
connected. For more information, please select Force Delete in the app. If this does
check the door lock user manual. not work, please call Gateman customer
service center ‘1544-3232’ for advice.
(11) It’s working, but Please make sure to check connectiv- (12) How much With Yale Link service, you can use it
if someone ity between Bridge and door lock. If the longer will the 10 times a day for about 6 months.
opens the door connection between these two devices is battery life be Naturally, battery consumption will vary
sometimes, the unstable, some data may not be deliv- with the Smart depending on the user. Frequent access Q A Q A
alarm is not ered.To confirm connectivity, press the Living Service? to settings and frequent connections will
passed to the ‘Check Sensitivity’ button at the bottom result in fewer days of use. When battery (15) How many If you connect via Bluetooth of short dis- (16) How many smart One door lock can be connected to 8
smartphone. of the door lock setup menu of the Yale replacement is required in this regard, access, alarm tance, you will find up to 50 access and phones can one mobile devices(smart phones) and there
Link App. If the sensitivity is low, please a low power alarm is sent via Yale Link and registration alarm histories, 20 registration histories, door lock be con are 5 key registrations available for on
move Bridge closer to the door lock. app. When you receive the battery alarm, histories can be and each time a new history is added, it nected to use application with Yale Link.
please replace the battery. checked? is deleted sequentially from old records. If Yale Link?
you connect via Bridge of long distance, And how many
you will find up to 300 histories regardless door locks
of the item. can I register on
a smartphone?