20 - Seven - Sorrows - EN 33
20 - Seven - Sorrows - EN 33
20 - Seven - Sorrows - EN 33
II. The Flight into Egypt (Mt 2:13–21) VI. The Taking down of the Body of Jesus from the Cross
Herod the King seeks to kill the Child. (John 19:31–34, 38; Lam 1:12)
Warned in sleep by an angel, Joseph takes Consider the most bitter sorrow which
Jesus and His Mother Mary, setting out rent the soul of Mary, when she saw the
for Egypt. What anguish was hers, dead body of her dear Jesus on her
in leaving Judea, lest she should be knees, covered with blood, all torn
overtaken by the soldiers of the cruel with deep wounds. Who would not
king! How great her privations in that pity thee? Whose heart would not
long journey! What sufferings she be softened, seeing affliction which
bore in that land of exile, what sorrow would move a stone? Behold John
amid that people given to idolatry! But not to be comforted, Magdalen and
consider how often you have renewed the other Mary in deep affliction, and
that bitter grief of Mary, when your sins Nicodemus, who can scarcely bear
have caused her Son to flee from your heart. her sorrow.
III. Loss of the Child Jesus in the Temple (Lk 2:41–50) IV. The Meeting of Jesus and Mary on the Way VII. Jesus is Laid in the Tomb
How dread was the grief of Mary, when of the Cross (John 19:1; Luke 23:26–32) (Matt. 27:59; John 19:38–42; Mark 15:46; Luke 27:55–56)
she saw that she had lost her beloved Son! Mother, so tender and loving, meets her Consider the sighs which burst from
And as if to increase her sorrow, when beloved Son, meets Him amid an impious Mary's sad heart when she saw her
she sought Him diligently among her rabble, who drag Him to a cruel death, beloved Jesus laid within the tomb.
kinsfolk and acquaintance, she could wounded, torn by stripes, crowned with What grief was hers when she saw the
hear no tidings of Him. She forthwith thorns, streaming with blood, bearing His stone lifted to cover that sacred tomb!
returned to Jerusalem, and for three heavy cross. Ah, consider, my soul, the She gazed a last time on the lifeless
long days sought Him sorrowing. Great grief of the blessed Virgin thus beholding body of her Son, and could scarce
be your confusion, O my soul, who has her Son! Who would not weep at seeing detach her eyes from those gaping
so often lost your Jesus by your sins, this Mother's grief? But who has been the wounds. And when the great stone
and has given no heed to seek Him at cause of such woe? I, it is I, who with my was rolled to the door of the sepulcher,
once, a sign that you make very little or no sins have so cruelly wounded the heart of oh, then indeed her heart seemed torn
account of the precious treasure of divine love. my sorrowing Mother! from her body!