Year 7
Year 7
Year 7
Projected Y8 Performance 1/2
8/20/22, 10:18 AM GLO-BUS Decisions & Reports
Assembly Labor Costs 35,671 34.18 Assembly Labor Costs 7,183 48.11
Product R&D Expenditures 6,000 5.75 Product R&D Expenditures 30,000 200.94
Allowance for Warranty Repairs 4,470 4.28 Allowance for Warranty Repairs 3,810 25.52
Maintenance of Plant and Maintenance of Plant and 11,664 78.12
15,207 14.57
Equipment Equipment
Depreciation of Plant and Depreciation of Plant and 6,544 43.83
8,550 8.19
Equipment Equipment
Total Camera Total Drone 184,371 1,234.90
156,913 150.36
Production/Assembly Cost Production/Assembly Cost
Projected Unit
Assembly Regular Overtime Total
Projected Unit
Assembly Regular Overtime Total
UAV Drone Unit
149.3 0.0 149.3
Assembly (000s)
AC Camera Unit
1,024.0 19.6 1,043.6
Assembly (000s) 2/2
8/20/22, 10:18 AM GLO-BUS Decisions & Reports
Projected Y8 Performance
Appeal P/Q
Variable Rating 4.9 4.9 4.9 4.9
ed from
Design No. Of 3 models 3 models 3 models 3 models
Decisio Models
Retailer Support Budget
$ 800 $ 800 $ 170 $ 150
Projected Support $3.05 per unit $3.37 per unit $5.60 per unit $6.24 per unit
Expenditures Per Unit Sold
Advertising Budget
$ 800 $ 800 $ 200 $ 200
Website Displays/Info
$ 100 $ 100 $ 100 $ 100 1/3
8/20/22, 10:18 AM GLO-BUS Decisions & Reports
Price-Cost-Profit Breakdown $ Per Unit $ Per Unit $ Per Unit $ Per Unit
Revenue Wholesal 254.00 254.00 249.00 240.00
Projectio e Price
– 0.00 0.00 -1.92 -1.85
± -3.80 3.91 5.40 -11.25
e Rate
Net 250.19 257.91 252.48 226.90
Anticipated Price to $ 290 per unit $ 293 per unit $ 266 per unit $ 262 per unit
Industry Retailers
Sales 1 wk 1 wk 1 wk 1 wk
6.3% 6.3% 13.8% 13.8% 2/3
8/20/22, 10:18 AM GLO-BUS Decisions & Reports 3/3
8/20/22, 10:19 AM GLO-BUS Decisions & Reports
Projected Y8 Performance
Search Engine
Advertising ($000s) $ 150 $ 150 $ 600 $ 300
Retailer Recruitment /
Support Budget ($000s) $ 130 $ 120 $ 500 $ 500
Retailer Recruitment / $82.28 per unit $94.49 per unit $75.76 per unit $113.64 per unit
Support (per 3rd-party unit sold)
Warranty Period (60 days,
90 days, 120 days, 180 days, 1 90 day 90 day 60 day 60 day
Total Unit 51.3 55.4 43.5 46.3 25.5 29.9 15.1 17.7
(000s) 1/2
8/20/22, 10:19 AM GLO-BUS Decisions & Reports
Operatin Cost of 1,238.71 1,238.35 1,238.15 1,239.45 1,227.77 1,226.21 1,225.56 1,228.64
g Cost Units
Projectio Assembl
ns ed
Delivery 62.50 12.47 140.51 78.82 164.51 102.12 164.51 102.27
Cost (ship
ping /
Operating Profit 470.73 209.11 485.95 258.98 277.81 113.48 143.23 -30.68
Operating Profit Margin 25.2% 13.5% 24.5% 15.4% 16.0% 7.4% 8.8% -2.2%
(operating profit ÷ net revenues)
22.2% 22.3% 14.3% 6.4%
Anticipated Average Retail $ per unit $ per unit $ per unit $ per unit
1,72 1,74 1,56 1,52
Industry Price
Marketing Retailer 14.0 % 13.9 % 11.9 % 11.9 %
Efforts in Year Discount
P/Q Rating 5.7 5.7 5.7 5.7 2/2
8/20/22, 10:19 AM GLO-BUS Decisions & Reports
Projected Y8 Performance
Assembly Assembly
Quality $ per unit 2,047 2,031 Quality $ per unit 2,740 2,274
Incentive Incentive
Attendance 800 850 Attendance 850 850
Bonus $ per worker
Bonus $ per worker
Projected PAT Productivity (AC Camera units per Projected PAT Productivity (UAV Drone units per
PAT per year)
3,200 PAT per year)
Assembly 1,024.0 w/o OT 1,229.0 at maximum OT Assembly 195.0 w/o OT 234.0 at maximum OT
Capability Capability
(000s of units) (000s of units) 1/2
8/20/22, 10:19 AM GLO-BUS Decisions & Reports
Expected ACC Unit 0.0 (000s of units) Expected UAV Unit 0.0 (000s of units)
Shortfall Shortfall
(unsatisfied demand) (unsatisfied demand)
Labor Costs
Unit Assembly and Units 2/2
8/20/22, 10:19 AM GLO-BUS Decisions & Reports
Projected Y8 Performance
While practicing good corporate citizenship is often considered "the right thing to do", one
reason to operate in a socially responsible manner is to enhance the company's image.
Aggressive and astute pursuit of a social responsibility strategy over 5 years can increase the
company's Image Rating by 15 to 20 points.
However, which (if any) of the six initiatives to pursue and how much to spend is entirely
voluntary. There is no pressure to spend anything on these initiatives — the company can
perform success-fully without undertaking any social responsibility initiatives. In Year 5, prior
company management spent no money on any of the six optional social responsibility
The Help button at the top-right offers further information and guidance regarding the six
CSRC initiatives.
CSRC Initiatives
Charitable Contributions Involves donations to registered charities and charitable causes.
$ or of operating profit Treated on the Income Statement as "Other Expenses" (reduces
pre-tax income).
Involves use of environmentally friendly components, recycled
"Green" Initiatives to Promote
materials, and green shipping. Increases production cost of AC
Environmental Sustainability Cameras by $2.00 and UAV Drones by $5.00 per unit, shipping
costs of AC Cameras by $1.00 and UAV Drones by $2.50 per
unit, and annual administrative costs by $300k.
Renewable Energy Program Involves ongoing expenditures to incorpoprate renewable energy
$ 1500 resources at the Taiwan assembly facilities. These expenditures are
treated as capital investment and depreciated at 5% per year.
Improved Working Cafeteria and On-Site Child Involves one-time capital
Conditions Care Facilities for Plant Continue
Employees investment of $3.0
million and increased
administrative costs of
$500k annually. Results
in one-time productivity
increases of 100
units/year for camera 1/2
8/20/22, 10:19 AM GLO-BUS Decisions & Reports
PATs and 50 units/year
for drone PATs.
Involves one-time capital
investment of $2.5
million and increased
administrative costs of
Additional Safety Equipment
and Improved Lighting / Continue
$600k annually. Results
Ventilation in one-time productivity
increases of 100
units/year for camera
PATs and 50 units/year
for drone PATs.
Involves a dedicated effort to promote fair employment practices
Institution of a Supplier Code
and safe working conditions at supplier factories (regarding
of Conduct and Compliance
excessive work hours, substandard wages, underage labor,
Monitoring of Suppliers exposure to toxic materials, and unsafe work practices). Entails
added annual administrative costs of $500k.
The information below indicates the range of effort being exerted by companies to operate in a
socially responsible manner and be good corporate citizens. These statistics should be helpful in
crafing your own company's social responsibility strategy. 2/2
8/20/22, 10:20 AM GLO-BUS Decisions & Reports
Projected Y8 Performance
Stock Repurchase
(000s of shares at
Shares of stock outstanding at the 19,354 k Max. share repurchase in Y8 = 726k
beginning of Year 8
Shares of stock outstanding at the 19,354 k
Projected Cash Available in Year 8
end of Year 8
Beginning Cash Balance (carried over from
$ 23,682 Projected Cash Outlays in Year 8
Year 7)
Cash Inflows Receipts from Sales 519,905 Cash Payments to Component $ 209,062
Outlays Suppliers
Bank Loans 1-Year 0
Production and Assembly 114,005
5-Year 0 Expenses
10-Year 0 Delivery/Marketing/Admin 69,744
Stock Issue (0 shares @
$101.27) Capital New 0
Outlays Workstations
Loan to Cover Overdraft
0 Robotics
(1-year loan) 0
Interest on Year 7 Cash 0
Balance Facilities 0
Cash Refund (awarded by
0 Facilities
Improvemen 1,500
Cash Available from All Sources $ 543,587 t
Loan 1-Year 20,000
Principal Loans
5-Year 17,000
10-Year 0
Interest Bank Loans 4,850
Y7 Overdraft 0
Stock Repurchases (0
shares @ $101.27)
Outlays in Year 8 0
Projected Cash Balance at the End of Year 8 Could generate interest income of
$0k in
$ +74,516
($000s) Year 9. 2/2
8/20/22, 10:02 AM GLO-BUS Decisions & Reports
& Drone
Journal Year 7 Scoreboard
20-Aug-22 Investor Best-In- Weighted
Expectation Industry Average Change
Rank Company Name Score Score Score from Y6
1 B Company 116 99 108 +2
Industry 5 2 A Company 115 81 98 +3
IBS K46 3 C Company 115 77 96 +10
3 D Company 114 78 96 -6
Year 7
Game-To-Date Scoreboard
Investor Best-In- Weighted Overall
Expectation Industry Average Bonus G-T-D
Rank Company Name Score Score Score Points Score
1 B Company 116 99 108 2 110
2 D Company 115 79 97 1 98
3 A Company 114 80 97 0 97
4 C Company 113 75 94 2 96
Investor Investors and company boards of directors have established targets for the five
Expectation key performance measures that appear on pages 2 and 3 of this report. The
Score (I.E.) I.E. score ranges from 0 to 120 (if all targets are exceeded by 40% or more).
Click the Help button (upper-right) for more information.
Best-In- The B-I-I score measures each company's performance relative to the best
Industry performing company on each key scoring measure. The B-I-I score ranges
Score (B-I-I) from 0 to 100. To score 100 a company must be the best performing company
in the industry on all five key performance measures.
Weighted The weighted average score combines the Investor Expectation Score and the
Average Best-In-Industry Score using a 50%-50% weighting as specified by the course
Score instructor. Detailed explanations of scoring are provided in the Help sections
asociated with pages 1, 2, and 3 of this report. 1/8
8/20/22, 10:02 AM GLO-BUS Decisions & Reports
Industry 5 Camera & Drone Journal Year 7
(practice) 2/8
8/20/22, 10:02 AM GLO-BUS Decisions & Reports
Industry 5 Camera & Drone Journal Year 7
Credit Rating
Credit Rating scores are based on a 20% or 20 point weighting. Bolded credit ratings indicate achieving or exceeding the investor expected
EPS shown below each yearly column head. For Best-In-Industry scoring, an A+ credit rating earns a score of 20 points (lesser credit ratings
earn lower scores). Game-To-Date scores are based solely on the most recent year's credit rating.
Y6 Y7 Y8 Y9 Y10 Y11 Y12 Y13 Y14 Y15 Y7 Score G-T-D Score
(B+) (B+) (A–) (A–) (A–) (A) (A) (A) (A) (A) I.E. B-I-I I.E. B-I-I
A B+ A– 22 18 22 18 A
B A– A 23 19 23 19 B
C B+ A– 22 18 22 18 C
D A– A– 22 18 22 18 D
Image Rating
Image Rating scores are based on a 20% or 20 point weighting. Bolded image ratings indicate achieving or exceeding the investor expected
image rating shown below each yearly column head. Highlighted numbers indicate best-in-industry performances for each year. Game-To-
Date scores are based on an average of each company's image ratings for the most recent three years.
Y6 Y7 Y8 Y9 Y10 Y11 Y12 Y13 Y14 Y15 Y5-Y7 Y7 Score G-T-D Score
(70) (72) (72) (75) (75) (77) (77) (80) (80) (80) Average I.E. B-I-I I.E. B-I-I
A 68 78 73 21 19 20 18 A
B 77 81 79 21 20 21 20 B
C 83 79 81 21 20 21 20 C
D 74 75 75 20 19 21 19 D 3/8
8/20/22, 10:02 AM GLO-BUS Decisions & Reports
Industry 5 Camera & Drone Journal Year 7
BULL'S EYE AWARD One bonus point added to any company's game-to-date score when actual
performance on Total Revenues AND Earnings Per Share vary by no more
for Accurately Forecasting Total Revenues, than 5% from projected performance AND when Image Rating varies by no
Earnings Per Share, and Image Rating more than 4 points from the projected image rating.
Revenues (within ± 5%) EPS (within ± 5% or ± 10¢) Image Rating (within ± 4 points) Year 7 Cumu-
Year 7 Year 7 Percent Year 7 Year 7 Percent Year 7 Year 7 Point Bull's Eye lative
Forecast Actual Variance Forecast Actual Variance Forecast Actual Variance Award Awards
A 435,202 483,687 +11.1 % 2.53 3.27 +29.2 % 75 78 +3 pts. No 0 A
B 524,425 535,120 +2.0 % 4.58 4.59 +0.2 % 78 81 +3 pts. Yes 2 B
C 593,147 572,810 -3.4 % 3.06 2.80 -8.5 % 80 79 -1 pts. No 1 C
D 515,735 539,531 +4.6 % 2.71 3.06 +12.9 % 74 75 +1 pts. No 1 D
Year 6 Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 Year 11 Year 12 Year 13 Year 14 Year 15
Industry 5 Largest +11.1 % +14.8 % 0.0 % 0.0 % 0.0 % 0.0 % 0.0 % 0.0 % 0.0 % 0.0 %
Variance Average +3.1 % +4.7 % 0.0 % 0.0 % 0.0 % 0.0 % 0.0 % 0.0 % 0.0 % 0.0 %
Smallest +1.2 % +1.2 % 0.0 % 0.0 % 0.0 % 0.0 % 0.0 % 0.0 % 0.0 % 0.0 %
Company A Variance +11.1 % +14.8 % 0.0 % 0.0 % 0.0 % 0.0 % 0.0 % 0.0 % 0.0 % 0.0 %
LEAP FROG AWARD Beginning in Year 7, one bonus point is added to the game-to-date overall
score of the company whose current-year overall score is most improved
for Most Improved Overall Score over the prior year. If all companies fail to improve their scores from one
(current year to current year) year to the next, then no Leap Frog bonus is awarded.
Δ = net change in score between years Highlighted figure = Leap Frog Award winner 4/8
8/20/22, 10:02 AM GLO-BUS Decisions & Reports
Industry 5 Camera & Drone Journal Year 7
Industry Overview
P/Q Rating –
$220 0
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
P/Q Rating –
$1500 5
$1000 0
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Year 5/8
8/20/22, 10:02 AM GLO-BUS Decisions & Reports
Industry 5 Camera & Drone Journal Year 7
A 0.00 0 0.0 % 45:55 10.71 1.33 34.4 % 20.8 % 13.1 % 9,000 19,354 A
B 0.00 0 0.0 % 24:76 15.58 1.91 40.7 % 26.2 % 17.0 % 15,500 19,800 B
C 0.00 0 0.0 % 47:53 10.33 1.85 29.9 % 16.3 % 10.3 % 6,750 21,016 C
D 0.00 0 0.0 % 47:53 10.40 1.94 29.7 % 17.3 % 11.0 % 5,500 19,354 D
0.00 0 0.0 % 41:59 11.76 1.76 33.7 % 20.2 % 12.8 % 9,188 19,881 6/8
8/20/22, 10:02 AM GLO-BUS Decisions & Reports
Industry 5 Camera & Drone Journal Year 7
Europe-Africa Delivery Cost ($ per unit sold) 16.16 17.23 17.60 16.16
Marketing Cost ($ per unit sold) 11.80 17.43 21.48 11.80
Operating Profit ($ per unit sold) 63.69 73.02 95.05 68.31
Operating Profit Margin (%) 20.0 % 24.8 % 32.4 % 26.5 %
Warranty Claim Rate (%) 6.1 % 9.8 % 13.6 % 6.8 %
Warranty Repair Cost ($ per unit sold) 3.02 4.91 6.83 3.38
Asia-Pacific Delivery Cost ($ per unit sold) 20.94 21.45 21.80 20.94
Marketing Cost ($ per unit sold) 13.43 16.20 18.98 18.02
Operating Profit ($ per unit sold) 21.86 40.43 63.16 47.45
Operating Profit Margin (%) 7.9 % 15.4 % 24.2 % 19.0 %
Warranty Claim Rate (%) 6.1 % 9.7 % 13.6 % 10.3 %
Warranty Repair Cost ($ per unit sold) 3.03 4.85 6.81 5.12
Latin America Delivery Cost ($ per unit sold) 20.40 21.24 21.84 20.40
Marketing Cost ($ per unit sold) 15.10 20.01 24.15 21.22
Operating Profit ($ per unit sold) 50.03 64.30 89.36 64.01
Operating Profit Margin (%) 16.5 % 21.9 % 30.0 % 23.8 %
Warranty Claim Rate (%) 6.1 % 9.7 % 13.6 % 10.3 %
Warranty Repair Cost ($ per unit sold) 3.03 4.85 6.81 5.12 7/8
8/20/22, 10:02 AM GLO-BUS Decisions & Reports
Industry 5 Camera & Drone Journal Year 7
Europe-Africa Delivery Cost ($ per unit sold) 104.11 114.85 120.28 119.52
Marketing Cost ($ per unit sold) 99.61 102.97 108.05 108.05
Operating Profit ($ per unit sold) 230.86 314.96 368.73 348.21
Operating Profit Margin (%) 14.9 % 18.6 % 23.8 % 18.5 %
Warranty Claim Rate (%) 10.1 % 13.3 % 22.5 % 10.1 %
Warranty Repair Cost ($ per unit sold) 29.94 39.66 67.10 30.34
Asia-Pacific Delivery Cost ($ per unit sold) 132.41 142.61 153.46 150.63
Marketing Cost ($ per unit sold) 70.59 80.98 89.51 70.59
Operating Profit ($ per unit sold) 109.12 158.84 196.02 159.73
Operating Profit Margin (%) 7.5 % 10.3 % 12.6 % 9.6 %
Warranty Claim Rate (%) 6.2 % 10.3 % 14.6 % 6.2 %
Warranty Repair Cost ($ per unit sold) 18.82 30.83 43.49 18.82
Latin America Delivery Cost ($ per unit sold) 125.32 138.87 150.76 148.41
Marketing Cost ($ per unit sold) 62.07 101.15 127.70 99.34
Operating Profit ($ per unit sold) 145.89 274.91 363.03 322.12
Operating Profit Margin (%) 9.7 % 16.2 % 19.8 % 17.3 %
Warranty Claim Rate (%) 6.2 % 10.3 % 14.6 % 6.2 %
Warranty Repair Cost ($ per unit sold) 17.88 30.81 43.45 17.88 8/8
8/20/22, 10:04 AM GLO-BUS Decisions & Reports
Industry 5 Competitive Intelligence Reports — Comparative Competitive Efforts Year 7
Co. A
North America Competitive Efforts by Company Ind. vs Ind.
A B C D Avg. Avg.
Price (average wholesale $ per unit) 254 289 310 305 290 -12.4 %
P/Q Rating (1 to 10 stars) 4.9★ 5.3★ 5.5★ 6.5★ 5.6★ -12.5 %
Brand Reputation (prior-year image) 68 77 83 74 76 -10.5 %
Number of Models 3 2 4 2 2.8 +7.1 %
Retail Multi-Store Chains 26 40 45 45 39 -33.3 %
Outlets Online Retailers 52 78 91 93 79 -34.2 %
Local Retailers 2,160 3,240 3,730 3,900 3,258 -33.7 %
Retailer Support ($ per unit) 3.36 5.17 6.14 5.15 4.96 -32.3 %
Advertising Budget ($000s) 800 1,800 2,750 2,300 1,913 -58.2 %
Website Displays ($000s) 1,000 1,800 1,700 1,800 1,575 -36.5 %
Sales Promotions — Weeks 1 1 1 1 1.0 0.0 %
Discount 0.0 % 5.0 % 10.0 % 10.0 % 6.3 % -100.0 %
Warranty Period (days) 60 120 60 120 90 -33.3 %
Demand for ACC Units (000s) 238.4 289.9 341.8 329.9 300.0 -20.5 %
Gained/Lost (due to stockouts) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
AC Camera Units Sold (000s) 238.4 289.9 341.8 329.9 300.0 -20.5 %
Market Share
19.9 % 24.2 % 28.5 % 27.5 % 25.0 % -5.1 pts.
Special AC Camera Contracts
Discount Offer (% off standard price) 0.0 % 0.0 % 0.0 % 0.0 % Avg. Discount = 0.0 %
Value Index 0 0 0 0 Avg. Value Index = 0
Special Contract Units Sold (000s) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Total Units = 0.0 k
Price and P/Q Rating
D D 1/12
8/20/22, 10:04 AM GLO-BUS Decisions & Reports
Industry 5 Competitive Intelligence Reports — Comparative Competitive Efforts Year 7
Co. A
Europe-Africa Competitive Efforts by Company Ind. vs Ind.
A B C D Avg. Avg.
Price (average wholesale $ per unit) 254 289 315 315 293 -13.3 %
P/Q Rating (1 to 10 stars) 4.9★ 5.3★ 5.5★ 6.5★ 5.6★ -12.5 %
Brand Reputation (prior-year image) 68 77 83 74 76 -10.5 %
Number of Models 3 2 4 2 2.8 +7.1 %
Retail Multi-Store Chains 21 36 38 40 34 -38.2 %
Outlets Online Retailers 47 69 79 80 69 -31.9 %
Local Retailers 1,847 2,950 3,300 3,307 2,851 -35.2 %
Retailer Support ($ per unit) 3.63 5.95 6.64 4.83 5.26 -31.0 %
Advertising Budget ($000s) 800 1,800 2,800 1,800 1,800 -55.6 %
Website Displays ($000s) 1,000 1,300 1,450 1,800 1,388 -28.0 %
Sales Promotions — Weeks 1 1 1 1 1.0 0.0 %
Discount 0.0 % 5.0 % 10.0 % 10.0 % 6.3 % -100.0 %
Warranty Period (days) 60 120 60 120 90 -33.3 %
Demand for ACC Units (000s) 220.3 251.9 286.3 269.4 257.0 -14.3 %
Gained/Lost (due to stockouts) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
AC Camera Units Sold (000s) 220.3 251.9 286.3 269.4 257.0 -14.3 %
Market Share
21.4 % 24.5 % 27.9 % 26.2 % 25.0 % -3.6 pts.
Special AC Camera Contracts
Discount Offer (% off standard price) 0.0 % 0.0 % 0.0 % 0.0 % Avg. Discount = 0.0 %
Value Index 0 0 0 0 Avg. Value Index = 0
Special Contract Units Sold (000s) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Total Units = 0.0 k
Price and P/Q Rating
D D 2/12
8/20/22, 10:04 AM GLO-BUS Decisions & Reports
Industry 5 Competitive Intelligence Reports — Comparative Competitive Efforts Year 7
Co. A
Asia-Pacific Competitive Efforts by Company Ind. vs Ind.
A B C D Avg. Avg.
Price (average wholesale $ per unit) 249 259 275 280 266 -6.4 %
P/Q Rating (1 to 10 stars) 4.9★ 5.3★ 5.5★ 6.5★ 5.6★ -12.5 %
Brand Reputation (prior-year image) 68 77 83 74 76 -10.5 %
Number of Models 3 2 4 2 2.8 +7.1 %
Retail Multi-Store Chains 34 28 33 30 31 +9.7 %
Outlets Online Retailers 63 54 66 57 60 +5.0 %
Local Retailers 2,712 2,300 2,716 2,450 2,545 +6.6 %
Retailer Support ($ per unit) 6.52 5.06 7.41 4.30 5.82 +12.0 %
Advertising Budget ($000s) 2,000 1,200 1,300 800 1,325 +50.9 %
Website Displays ($000s) 1,000 1,000 1,200 900 1,025 -2.4 %
Sales Promotions — Weeks 2 1 1 1 1.3 +53.8 %
Discount 20.0 % 10.0 % 10.0 % 15.0 % 13.8 % +44.9 %
Warranty Period (days) 90 120 60 90 90 0.0 %
Demand for ACC Units (000s) 260.8 237.0 216.0 186.1 225.0 +15.9 %
Gained/Lost (due to stockouts) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
AC Camera Units Sold (000s) 260.8 237.0 216.0 186.1 225.0 +15.9 %
Market Share
29.0 % 26.3 % 24.0 % 20.7 % 25.0 % +4.0 pts.
Special AC Camera Contracts
Discount Offer (% off standard price) 0.0 % 0.0 % 0.0 % 0.0 % Avg. Discount = 0.0 %
Value Index 0 0 0 0 Avg. Value Index = 0
Special Contract Units Sold (000s) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Total Units = 0.0 k
Price and P/Q Rating
D D 3/12
8/20/22, 10:04 AM GLO-BUS Decisions & Reports
Industry 5 Competitive Intelligence Reports — Comparative Competitive Efforts Year 7
Co. A
Latin America Competitive Efforts by Company Ind. vs Ind.
A B C D Avg. Avg.
Price (average wholesale $ per unit) 240 264 275 270 262 -8.4 %
P/Q Rating (1 to 10 stars) 4.9★ 5.3★ 5.5★ 6.5★ 5.6★ -12.5 %
Brand Reputation (prior-year image) 68 77 83 74 76 -10.5 %
Number of Models 3 2 4 2 2.8 +7.1 %
Retail Multi-Store Chains 25 15 25 26 23 +8.7 %
Outlets Online Retailers 54 29 54 48 46 +17.4 %
Local Retailers 1,570 802 1,570 1,370 1,328 +18.2 %
Retailer Support ($ per unit) 7.07 8.28 7.58 4.22 6.79 +4.1 %
Advertising Budget ($000s) 2,000 1,200 1,000 900 1,275 +56.9 %
Website Displays ($000s) 1,000 1,000 900 700 900 +11.1 %
Sales Promotions — Weeks 2 1 1 1 1.3 +53.8 %
Discount 20.0 % 10.0 % 10.0 % 15.0 % 13.8 % +44.9 %
Warranty Period (days) 90 120 60 90 90 0.0 %
Demand for ACC Units (000s) 212.1 138.7 158.3 147.0 164.0 +29.3 %
Gained/Lost (due to stockouts) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
AC Camera Units Sold (000s) 212.1 138.7 158.3 147.0 164.0 +29.3 %
Market Share
32.3 % 21.1 % 24.1 % 22.4 % 25.0 % +7.3 pts.
Special AC Camera Contracts
Discount Offer (% off standard price) 0.0 % 0.0 % 0.0 % 0.0 % Avg. Discount = 0.0 %
Value Index 0 0 0 0 Avg. Value Index = 0
Special Contract Units Sold (000s) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Total Units = 0.0 k
Price and P/Q Rating
D D 4/12
8/20/22, 10:04 AM GLO-BUS Decisions & Reports
Industry 5 Regional Average Competitive Efforts Year 7
North America
Year 5 Year 6 Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 Year 11 Year 12 Year 13 Year 14 Year 15
Price (average wholesale $ per unit) 225 264 290
P/Q Rating (1 to 10 stars) 4.0★ 4.9★ 5.6★
Brand Reputation (prior-year image) 70 70 76
Number of Models 3 3 3
Retail Multi-Store Chains 36 36 39
Outlets Online Retailers 72 72 79
Local Retailers 3,000 3,000 3,258
Retailer Support ($ per unit) 6.00 6.18 4.96
Advertising Budget ($000s) 2,500 2,125 1,913
Website Displays ($000s) 1,500 1,513 1,575
Sales Promotions — Weeks 1 1 1
Discount 10.0 % 7.5 % 6.3 %
Warranty Period (days) 60 105 90
Demand for ACC Units (000s) 285.0 294.0 300.0
Gained/Lost (due to stockouts) 0.0 0.0 0.0
AC Camera Units Sold (000s) 285.0 294.0 300.0
Market Share 25.0 % 25.0 % 25.0 %
Special AC Camera Contracts
Discount Offer (% off standard price) 0.0 % 0.0 % 0.0 %
Value Index 0 0 0
Special Contract Units Sold (000s) 0.0 0.0 0.0
Price (average direct-sale $ per unit) 1,100 1,538 1,725
Discount to Online Retailers 15 % 14 % 14 %
P/Q Rating (1 to 10 stars) 4.0★ 5.1★ 5.9★
Brand Reputation (prior-year image) 70 70 76
Number of Models 2 2 2
Online Retailers 36 36 37
Website Displays ($000s) 1,500 1,550 1,939
Search Engine Advertising ($000s) 1,500 1,850 2,064
Retailer Recruitment ($ per unit) 80.00 94.39 98.97
Warranty Period (days) 60 105 113
Drone Unit – Direct (company website) 37.7 40.4 41.5
Demand 3rd-Party Retailers 14.3 12.6 15.6
Total Demand 52.0 53.0 57.0
Gained/Lost (due to stockouts) 0.0 0.0 0.0
UAV Drone Units Sold (000s) 52.0 53.0 57.0
Market Share 25.0 % 25.0 % 25.0 %
$1326.25 7.5★
P/Q Rating
$100.00 0.0★
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Year 5/12
8/20/22, 10:04 AM GLO-BUS Decisions & Reports
Industry 5 Regional Average Competitive Efforts Year 7
Year 5 Year 6 Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 Year 11 Year 12 Year 13 Year 14 Year 15
Price (average wholesale $ per unit) 225 269 293
P/Q Rating (1 to 10 stars) 4.0★ 4.9★ 5.6★
Brand Reputation (prior-year image) 70 70 76
Number of Models 3 3 3
Retail Multi-Store Chains 30 30 34
Outlets Online Retailers 60 60 69
Local Retailers 2,500 2,500 2,851
Retailer Support ($ per unit) 6.00 6.46 5.26
Advertising Budget ($000s) 1,400 1,925 1,800
Website Displays ($000s) 1,200 1,338 1,388
Sales Promotions — Weeks 1 1 1
Discount 10.0 % 7.5 % 6.3 %
Warranty Period (days) 60 105 90
Demand for ACC Units (000s) 240.0 247.0 257.0
Gained/Lost (due to stockouts) 0.0 0.0 0.0
AC Camera Units Sold (000s) 240.0 247.0 257.0
Market Share 25.0 % 25.0 % 25.0 %
Special AC Camera Contracts
Discount Offer (% off standard price) 0.0 % 0.0 % 0.0 %
Value Index 0 0 0
Special Contract Units Sold (000s) 0.0 0.0 0.0
Price (average direct-sale $ per unit) 1,100 1,538 1,741
Discount to Online Retailers 15 % 14 % 14 %
P/Q Rating (1 to 10 stars) 4.0★ 5.1★ 5.9★
Brand Reputation (prior-year image) 70 70 76
Number of Models 2 2 2
Online Retailers 30 30 31
Website Displays ($000s) 1,200 1,450 1,869
Search Engine Advertising ($000s) 1,200 1,725 1,888
Retailer Recruitment ($ per unit) 80.00 99.85 97.05
Warranty Period (days) 60 98 113
Drone Unit – Direct (company website) 31.2 33.5 35.3
Demand 3rd-Party Retailers 11.8 10.6 12.8
Total Demand 43.0 44.0 48.0
Gained/Lost (due to stockouts) 0.0 0.0 0.0
UAV Drone Units Sold (000s) 43.0 44.0 48.0
Market Share 25.0 % 25.0 % 25.0 %
$1338.25 7.5★
P/Q Rating
$100.00 0.0★
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Year 6/12
8/20/22, 10:04 AM GLO-BUS Decisions & Reports
Industry 5 Regional Average Competitive Efforts Year 7
Year 5 Year 6 Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 Year 11 Year 12 Year 13 Year 14 Year 15
Price (average wholesale $ per unit) 225 242 266
P/Q Rating (1 to 10 stars) 4.0★ 4.9★ 5.6★
Brand Reputation (prior-year image) 70 70 76
Number of Models 3 3 3
Retail Multi-Store Chains 24 24 31
Outlets Online Retailers 48 48 60
Local Retailers 2,000 2,000 2,545
Retailer Support ($ per unit) 6.00 5.89 5.82
Advertising Budget ($000s) 1,000 1,625 1,325
Website Displays ($000s) 900 925 1,025
Sales Promotions — Weeks 1 1 1
Discount 10.0 % 12.5 % 13.8 %
Warranty Period (days) 60 105 90
Demand for ACC Units (000s) 185.0 205.0 225.0
Gained/Lost (due to stockouts) 0.0 0.0 0.0
AC Camera Units Sold (000s) 185.0 205.0 225.0
Market Share 25.0 % 25.0 % 25.0 %
Special AC Camera Contracts
Discount Offer (% off standard price) 0.0 % 0.0 % 0.0 %
Value Index 0 0 0
Special Contract Units Sold (000s) 0.0 0.0 0.0
Price (average direct-sale $ per unit) 1,050 1,425 1,565
Discount to Online Retailers 15 % 14 % 12 %
P/Q Rating (1 to 10 stars) 4.0★ 5.1★ 5.9★
Brand Reputation (prior-year image) 70 70 76
Number of Models 2 2 2
Online Retailers 24 24 27
Website Displays ($000s) 900 875 1,050
Search Engine Advertising ($000s) 600 850 1,164
Retailer Recruitment ($ per unit) 80.00 104.02 80.40
Warranty Period (days) 60 98 90
Drone Unit – Direct (company website) 20.3 22.7 27.1
Demand 3rd-Party Retailers 7.7 7.3 7.0
Total Demand 28.0 30.0 34.0
Gained/Lost (due to stockouts) 0.0 0.0 0.0
UAV Drone Units Sold (000s) 28.0 30.0 34.0
Market Share 25.0 % 25.0 % 25.0 %
$1206.25 7.5★
P/Q Rating
$100.00 0.0★
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Year 7/12
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Industry 5 Regional Average Competitive Efforts Year 7
Latin America
Year 5 Year 6 Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 Year 11 Year 12 Year 13 Year 14 Year 15
Price (average wholesale $ per unit) 225 239 262
P/Q Rating (1 to 10 stars) 4.0★ 4.9★ 5.6★
Brand Reputation (prior-year image) 70 70 76
Number of Models 3 3 3
Retail Multi-Store Chains 18 18 23
Outlets Online Retailers 36 36 46
Local Retailers 1,000 1,000 1,328
Retailer Support ($ per unit) 6.00 5.53 6.79
Advertising Budget ($000s) 750 1,278 1,275
Website Displays ($000s) 600 650 900
Sales Promotions — Weeks 1 1 1
Discount 10.0 % 13.8 % 13.8 %
Warranty Period (days) 60 105 90
Demand for ACC Units (000s) 130.0 144.0 164.0
Gained/Lost (due to stockouts) 0.0 0.0 0.0
AC Camera Units Sold (000s) 130.0 144.0 164.0
Market Share 25.0 % 25.0 % 25.0 %
Special AC Camera Contracts
Discount Offer (% off standard price) 0.0 % 0.0 % 0.0 %
Value Index 0 0 0
Special Contract Units Sold (000s) 0.0 0.0 0.0
Price (average direct-sale $ per unit) 1,050 1,413 1,525
Discount to Online Retailers 15 % 14 % 12 %
P/Q Rating (1 to 10 stars) 4.0★ 5.1★ 5.9★
Brand Reputation (prior-year image) 70 70 76
Number of Models 2 2 2
Online Retailers 18 18 22
Website Displays ($000s) 600 725 978
Search Engine Advertising ($000s) 300 450 785
Retailer Recruitment ($ per unit) 80.00 117.26 95.61
Warranty Period (days) 60 90 90
Drone Unit – Direct (company website) 12.3 13.6 16.1
Demand 3rd-Party Retailers 4.7 4.5 4.9
Total Demand 17.0 18.0 21.0
Gained/Lost (due to stockouts) 0.0 0.0 0.0
UAV Drone Units Sold (000s) 17.0 18.0 21.0
Market Share 25.0 % 25.0 % 25.0 %
$1176.25 7.5★
P/Q Rating
$100.00 0.0★
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Year 8/12
8/20/22, 10:04 AM GLO-BUS Decisions & Reports
Industry 5 Time Series Competitive Efforts — Company A Year 7
$1682.50 7.5★
P/Q Rating
$100.00 0.0★
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Industry 20%
Market Share 15%
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Year 9/12
8/20/22, 10:04 AM GLO-BUS Decisions & Reports
Industry 5 Time Series Competitive Efforts — Company A Year 7
$1682.50 7.5★
P/Q Rating
$100.00 0.0★
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Industry 20%
Market Share 15%
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Year 10/12
8/20/22, 10:04 AM GLO-BUS Decisions & Reports
Industry 5 Time Series Competitive Efforts — Company A Year 7
$1457.50 7.5★
P/Q Rating
$100.00 0.0★
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Industry 20%
Market Share 10%
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Year 11/12
8/20/22, 10:04 AM GLO-BUS Decisions & Reports
Industry 5 Time Series Competitive Efforts — Company A Year 7
$1457.50 7.5★
P/Q Rating
$100.00 0.0★
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Average 20%
Market Share
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Year 12/12
8/20/22, 10:13 AM GLO-BUS Decisions & Reports
(Industry 5) (practice)
Financial Year 5 Year 6 Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 Year 11 Year 12 Year 13 Year 14 Year 15
EPS (earnings per share) $0.75 $1.59 $3.27
ROE (return on equity) 14.0 % 24.4 % 38.2 %
Stock Price $12.00 $41.41 $101.27
Credit Rating B B+ A–
Image Rating 70 68 78
Net AC Camera 188,637 169,928 239,560
Revenues UAV Drone 145,491 169,542 244,127
Total 334,128 339,470 483,687
AC Camera North America 285.0 218.5 238.4
Sales Market Share 25.0 % 18.6 % 19.9 %
(000s of units)
Europe-Africa 240.0 194.9 220.3
Market Share 25.0 % 19.7 % 21.4 %
Asia-Pacific 185.0 224.4 260.8
Market Share 25.0 % 27.4 % 29.0 %
Latin America 130.0 153.2 212.1
Market Share 25.0 % 26.6 % 32.3 %
Total 840.0 791.0 931.6
Market Share 25.0 % 22.9 % 25.6 %
UAV Drone North America 52.0 31.9 51.3
Sales Market Share 25.0 % 15.1 % 22.5 %
(000s of units)
Europe-Africa 43.0 26.0 43.5
Market Share 25.0 % 14.8 % 22.7 %
Asia-Pacific 28.0 16.1 25.5
Market Share 25.0 % 13.4 % 18.7 %
Latin America 17.0 10.1 15.1
Market Share 25.0 % 14.1 % 18.0 %
Total 140.0 84.1 135.4
Market Share 25.0 % 14.5 % 21.3 %
Strategic / Operating Year 5 Year 6 Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 Year 11 Year 12 Year 13 Year 14 Year 15
PQ Rating AC Camera 4.0★ 3.5★ 4.9★
UAV Drone 4.0★ 5.7★ 6.4★
Compensation AC Camera 25,000 24,300 26,023
($ per PAT member) UAV Drone 25,000 25,937 27,793
PAT Productivity AC Camera 3,000 3,088 3,149
(units per PAT) UAV Drone 1,500 1,608 1,644
Labor Cost AC Camera 33.67 31.87 33.44
($/unit assembled) UAV Drone 65.38 46.05 47.84
Production Cost AC Camera 156.97 133.07 153.36
($/unit assembled) UAV Drone 806.22 1,409.22 1,287.25
Marketing Cost AC Camera 17.73 19.33 15.46
($ per unit sold) UAV Drone 77.71 172.41 94.53
Operating Profit AC Camera 29.33 37.51 63.33
($ per unit sold) Margin 13.1 % 17.5 % 24.6 %
UAV Drone 65.75 311.24 308.60
Margin 6.3 % 15.4 % 17.1 %
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Year 1/5
8/20/22, 10:13 AM GLO-BUS Decisions & Reports
(Industry 5) (practice)
Installed Workstations (at end of Year 6) 300 workstations Installed Workstations (at end of Year 6) 115 workstations
New workstations Added (at beginning of Y7) 20 New workstations Added (at beginning of Y7) 0
Total Installed Workstations (available for use in Y7) 320 workstations Total Installed Workstations (available for use in Y7) 115 workstations 2/5
8/20/22, 10:13 AM GLO-BUS Decisions & Reports
(Industry 5) (practice)
Regular AC Camera Sales North America Europe-Africa Asia-Pacific Latin America Overall
Revenue-Cost-Profit Breakdown $000s $ / Unit $000s $ / Unit $000s $ / Unit $000s $ / Unit $000s
Revenues Gross Revenues 60,554 254.00 55,956 254.00 64,939 249.00 50,904 240.00 232,353
– Promo Discounts 0 0.00 0 0.00 -500 -1.92 -392 -1.85 -892
± Exchange Rate Adj. 0 0.00 858 3.89 702 2.69 6,539 30.83 8,099
Net Revenues 60,554 254.00 56,814 257.89 65,141 249.77 57,051 268.98 239,560
Production Costs (components / assembly) 36,349 152.47 33,592 152.48 40,220 154.22 32,708 154.21 142,869
Delivery Shipping 1,430 6.00 1,322 6.00 1,565 6.00 1,273 6.00 5,590
Costs Import Duties 0 0.00 2,238 10.16 3,896 14.94 3,054 14.40 9,188
Marketing Retailer Support 800 3.36 800 3.63 1,700 6.52 1,500 7.07 4,800
Costs Advertising 800 3.36 800 3.63 2,000 7.67 2,000 9.43 5,600
Website Expenditures 1,000 4.19 1,000 4.54 1,000 3.83 1,000 4.71 4,000
Administrative Expenses 2,179 9.14 2,014 9.14 2,384 9.14 1,939 9.14 8,516
Operating Profit 17,996 75.49 15,048 68.31 12,376 47.45 13,577 64.01 58,997
Operating Profit Margin 29.7% 26.5% 19.0% 23.8% 25%
Unit Demand and Sales Units Market Units Market Units Market Units Market Market
(000s) Share (000s) Share (000s) Share (000s) Share Share
Projected Demand (from decision entries) 239.1 19.2% 213.0 20.5% 250.9 28.0% 186.2 29.6% 24.2%
Actual Demand (as determined by competition
among rival companies in Y7) 238.4 19.9% 220.3 21.4% 260.8 29.0% 212.1 32.3% 25.6%
Units Gained/Lost (due to stock-outs) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Total Units Assembled and Shipped 238.4 19.9% 220.3 21.4% 260.8 29.0% 212.1 32.3% 25.6%
Retail Outlets Year 7 Year 8 Year 7 Year 8 Year 7 Year 8 Year 7 Year 8
Number of Multi-Store Chains 26 19 21 16 34 43 25 33 Number of retail
outlets willing to
Outlets Online Retailers 52 45 47 36 63 84 54 72 carry the compa-
ny's brand of AC
Local Retail Shops 2,160 1,920 1,847 1,386 2,712 3,598 1,570 2,289 cameras.
Special AC Camera Contracts North America Europe-Africa Asia-Pacific Latin America Overall
No No No No
Discount Offer (% off of standard price) 0.0% Offer 0.0% Offer 0.0% Offer 0.0% Offer 0
Value Index of Units Offered 0 0 0 0 Accepted
Units Assembled / Sold (000s) 0.0 units 0.0 units 0.0 units 0.0 units
Incremental Revenues-Costs-Margins $000s $ / Unit $000s $ / Unit $000s $ / Unit $000s $ / Unit $000s
Revenues Gross Revenues 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0
± Exchange Rate Adj. 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0
Net Revenues 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0
Less: Cost of Components / Features 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0
Assembly Labor Costs 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0
Allowance for Warranty Repairs 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0
Delivery (shipping and import duties) 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0
Contribution Margin 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0
All AC Camera Operations North America Europe-Africa Asia-Pacific Latin America Overall
Revenue-Cost-Profit Breakdown $000s $000s $000s $000s $000s
Net Revenues 60,554 56,814 65,141 57,051 239,560
Operating Production Costs 36,349 33,592 40,220 32,708 142,869
Costs Delivery (shipping / duties) 1,430 3,560 5,461 4,327 14,778
Marketing Costs 2,600 2,600 4,700 4,500 14,400
Administrative Costs 2,179 2,014 2,384 1,939 8,516
Operating Profit 17,996 15,048 12,376 13,577 58,997
Operating Profit Margin 29.7% 26.5% 19.0% 23.8% 24.6%
Warranty Period / Claims / Costs
Warranty Period Offered in Year 7 60 days 60 days 90 days 90 days
Anticipated Warranty Claim Rate 6.8% 6.8% 10.3% 10.3% 8.5%
Allowance for Warranty Repairs ($000s) 805 745 1,335 1,085 3,970
Warranty Repair Cost ($ per unit sold) 3.38 3.38 5.12 5.12 4.26 3/5
8/20/22, 10:13 AM GLO-BUS Decisions & Reports
(Industry 5) (practice)
Direct Online Sales North America Europe-Africa Asia-Pacific Latin America Overall
Revenue-Cost-Profit Breakdown $000s $ / Unit $000s $ / Unit $000s $ / Unit $000s $ / Unit $000s
Revenues Gross Revenues 63,270 1,900.00 55,965 1,950.00 33,660 1,700.00 19,040 1,700.00 171,935
± Exchange Rate Adj. 0 0.00 858 29.90 367 18.54 2,465 220.09 3,690
Net Revenues 63,270 1,900.00 56,823 1,979.90 34,027 1,718.54 21,505 1,920.09 175,625
Production Costs (components / assembly) 43,005 1,291.44 37,051 1,290.98 25,314 1,278.48 14,307 1,277.41 119,677
Delivery Shipping 2,081 62.49 1,794 62.51 1,238 62.53 700 62.50 5,813
Costs Import Duties 0 0.00 2,239 78.01 2,020 102.02 1,142 101.96 5,401
Marketing Website Expenditures 2,000 60.06 2,000 69.69 700 35.35 700 62.50 5,400
Costs Search Engine Advertising 1,500 45.05 1,500 52.26 600 30.30 300 26.79 3,900
Administrative Expenses 408 12.25 351 12.23 242 12.22 137 12.23 1,138
Operating Profit 14,276 428.71 11,888 414.22 3,913 197.63 4,219 376.70 34,296
Operating Profit Margin 22.6% 20.9% 11.5% 19.6% 19.5%
Direct Online Sales (000s of units) 33 units 29 units 20 units 11 units 93.0 units
% of Total UAV Drone Unit Sales 65.0% 66.0% 77.5% 74.0% 68.7%
3rd-Party Online Retailers North America Europe-Africa Asia-Pacific Latin America Overall
Revenue-Cost-Profit Breakdown $000s $ / Unit $000s $ / Unit $000s $ / Unit $000s $ / Unit $000s
Revenues Gross Revenues 28,386 1,577.00 24,531 1,657.50 8,527 1,495.96 5,834 1,495.90 67,278
± Exchange Rate Adj. 0 0.00 376 25.41 93 16.32 755 193.59 1,224
Net Revenues 28,386 1,577.00 24,907 1,682.91 8,620 1,512.28 6,589 1,689.49 68,502
Production Costs (components / assembly) 23,216 1,289.78 19,101 1,290.61 7,307 1,281.93 4,997 1,281.28 54,621
Delivery Shipping 225 12.50 185 12.50 71 12.46 49 12.56 530
Costs Import Duties 0 0.00 981 66.28 512 89.82 350 89.74 1,843
Retailer Recruitment / Support 1,300 72.22 1,200 81.08 500 87.72 500 128.21 3,500
Administrative Expenses 220 12.22 181 12.23 70 12.28 48 12.31 519
Operating Profit 3,425 190.28 3,259 220.20 160 28.07 645 165.38 7,489
Operating Profit Margin 12.1% 13.1% 1.9% 9.8% 10.9%
3rd-Party Sales (000s of units) 18.0 units 14.8 units 5.7 units 3.9 units 42.4 units
% of Total UAV Drone Unit Sales 35.0% 34.0% 22.5% 26.0% 31.3%
Number of online
Retail Outlets Year 7 Year 8 Year 7 Year 8 Year 7 Year 8 Year 7 Year 8 retailers willing to
carry the compa-
Number of 3rd-Party Online Retailers 30 44 28 39 28 22 24 20 ny's brand of UAV
All UAV Drone Operations North America Europe-Africa Asia-Pacific Latin America Overall
Revenue-Cost-Profit Breakdown $000s $000s $000s $000s $000s
Net Revenues 91,656 81,730 42,647 28,094 244,127
Operating Production Costs 66,221 56,152 32,621 19,304 174,298
Costs Delivery (shipping / duties) 2,306 5,199 3,841 2,241 13,587
Marketing Costs 4,800 4,700 1,800 1,500 12,800
Administrative Costs 628 532 312 185 1,657
Operating Profit 17,701 15,147 4,073 4,864 41,785
Operating Profit Margin 19.3% 18.5% 9.6% 17.3% 17.1%
Unit Demand and Sales Units Market Units Market Units Market Units Market Market
(000s) Share (000s) Share (000s) Share (000s) Share Share
Projected Demand (from decision entries) 43.6 17.6% 34.9 17.1% 22.4 16.0% 13.9 15.8% 16.9%
Actual Demand (as determined by competition
among rival companies in Y7) 51.3 22.5% 43.5 22.7% 25.5 18.7% 15.1 18.0% 21.3%
Units Gained/Lost (due to stock-outs) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Total Units Assembled and Shipped 51.3 22.5% 43.5 22.7% 25.5 18.7% 15.1 18.0% 21.3%
Warranty Period / Claims / Costs
Warranty Period Offered in Year 7 90 days 90 days 60 days 60 days
Anticipated Warranty Claim Rate 10.1% 10.1% 6.2% 6.2% 8.9%
Allowance for Warranty Repairs ($000s) 1,560 1,320 480 270 3,630
Warranty Repair Cost ($ per unit sold) 30.41 30.34 18.82 17.88 26.81 4/5
8/20/22, 10:13 AM GLO-BUS Decisions & Reports
(Industry 5) (practice)
Income Statement ($000) North Europe Asia Latin Company Notes to Income Statement
America Africa Pacific America Total
AC Camera Revenues 60,554 56,814 65,141 57,051 239,560 ¹ Revenues listed here have been ad-
UAV Drone Revenues 91,656 81,730 42,647 28,094 244,127 justed for promotional discounts and
exchange rates. See the Market Seg-
Total Revenues¹ 152,210 138,544 107,788 85,145 483,687 ment Performance reports for details
Cost of Goods Sold 102,570 89,744 72,841 52,012 317,167 on promotional discount and ex-
change rate adjustments to revenues.
Delivery Costs 3,736 8,759 9,302 6,568 28,365
Marketing Costs 7,400 7,300 6,500 6,000 27,200 ² Other Income (Expense) will include
charitable contributions, instructor-
Administrative Expenses 2,807 2,546 2,696 2,124 10,173 imposed fines (appearing as nega-
Operating Profit (Loss) 35,697 30,195 16,449 18,441 100,782 tive), and instructor-awarded refunds
(appearing as positive).
Interest Income (Expense) -9,406 ³ The income tax rate is 30%. If a net
Profitability and Payout Year 6 Year 7 Other Income (Expense)² -1,008 loss was recorded in Year 6, the loss
Pre-Tax Profit (Loss) 90,368 is carried forward and may offset
Earnings Per Share $1.59 $3.27 some or all taxable Year 7 profit and
Dividends Per Share $0.00 $0.00 Income Taxes³ 27,110 reduce the company's tax liability in
Net Profit (Loss) 63,258 Year 7. 5/5