Advanced MoldHammer

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Players begin at level 0 with ​<3 <3​ and 10 To-Hit.

There is a guild for every main class in the town. Attend such guilds to gain class levels.
To advance, pay the guild a number of treasures equal to the level you will become.
You may gain up to 8 levels in each class.

Basic Classes
Fighters get +​<3​ and +1 To-Hit per level.
Thieves master one trick per level.
Wizards learn one spell per level.

Fighting Feats
A fighting feat can be any creative combat move that doesn’t directly inflict damage.
Anyone may attempt a fighting feat instead of attacking by rolling d20 under To-Hit.
Non-Fighters and over-ambitious Fighters are stopped by the victim rolling as well.

Thieving Tricks
Anyone may attempt these with a base 1 in 6 chance of success, but Thieves get +1.
Thieves master one individual trick per level, gaining an additional +1 to their chance.
1 Climb Sheer Surface: ​Steep surfaces with little to no footholds. Also for parkour.
2 Hide in Shadows: ​In open shadows, without enough cover to block line-of-sight.
3 Move Silently: ​When quietly is not enough, or if hurrying / on a noisy floor.
4 Disarm Trap: ​Trap’s internal mechanism must be visible and accessible.
5 Pick Pocket: ​Victim must be distracted or oblivious. Also for stealing.
6 Open Lock:​ The lock must not be enchanted or gordian in nature.
7 Track:​ Find and follow someone’s trail.
8 Connive:​ Lie to or influence people.

Wizarding Spells
Wizards may cast any known spell once between rests, unless they know additional copies.
Spells with ongoing effects last until you cast another spell, rest, or lose ​<3​.
1 Food: ​Permanently conjure a bread bun or mug of beer.
2 Fly:​ Take flight, up to your Wizard level x 10 feet in the air.
3 Curse:​ Target rolls d20 under To-Hit each turn or defecates loudly.
4 Spectacle:​ Conjure a noisy, brightly-colored and bombastic illusion.
5 Animal Friend:​ Neutral animals become friendly, aggressive animals neutral.
6 Befuddle: ​Target becomes totally confused. They roll d20 under To-Hit to resist.
7 Morph:​ Change something’s shape. Living targets roll d20 under To-Hit to resist.
8 Portal:​ Conjure a pair of linked portals anywhere within sight or recent memory.
9 Unyielding Prism:​ Target gains a geometric aura which grants 12 minimum armor.
10 Elemental Blast:​ Fires a projectile of any chosen element which deals ​<3<3​ damage.
11 Big Hand: ​Conjure a giant floating hand with To-Hit = 12 + your Wizard level.
12 Raise Undead:​ Permanently raise one corpse with ​<3 <3 <3​ and 10 To-Hit.
Players go before enemies unless explicitly ambushed. Combatants attack once per turn.
When you attack, roll d20 under To-Hit to deal ​<3​ damage. At zero ​<3​, you are slain.

Ornate or magical weapons grant +1 To-Hit. Defensive weapons grant +1 armor.
Unarmed attacks grant the victim one parry. Improvised weapons break when they hit.

Heavy Damage
Cannons, explosions, and gigantic or venomous monsters deal ​<3 <3​ damage per hit.
If your armor blocks ​<3​ from a heavy attack, one piece of it breaks until repaired.

Roll d20 under your total armor to nullify ​<3​ damage per attack.
You may benefit from up to 6 armor items and one steed at a time.
Light Armor Item +1 / Heavy Armor Item +2. Steed +2 / Warsteed +4.
Armor Items: Helmet, Shield, Gauntlets, Cuirass, Pauldrons, Boots, etc.

Cover & Distance

Targets of ranged attacks may get a bonus armor roll from their place in the environment.
Light Cover 6 / Heavy Cover 12. Long Distance 6 (w/o sight) / Great Distance 12 (w/o scope).

Roll d20 under To-Hit to entirely deflect or dodge one melee attack against you.
You may forgo attacking on your turn to get one parry chance before your next turn.

Morale Check
Roll a d6 when a group of NPCs is halved or their leader is defeated.
+1 for:​ Brave NPCs / Meek players. ​-1 for:​ Cowardly NPCs / Scary players.
1: ​Flee! ​2/3: ​Begin retreat. ​4/5: ​Maintain offense. ​6: ​Redouble!

If a group flees from combat and their enemy chooses to pursue them, roll a d6.
The fleers must choose an adjacent space to retreat towards. The GM tracks time as usual.
+1 for:
● Fleers faster than pursuers / Fleers choose much better path.
● Fleers place hazardous traps / Drop items pursuers will pick up.
-1 for:
● Pursuers faster than fleers / Pursuers choose much better path.
● Fleers waste time doing something that doesn’t help them escape.
1: ​The pursuers block you off! Stay put and continue fighting.
2/3: ​They're hot on your trail! Retreat and continue fighting.
4/5: ​You escape, for now! Retreat one turn ahead of the enemy.
6:​ You totally lost them! Retreat. The enemy goes the wrong way.
Check for encounters whenever you enter a room, travel to a hex, or fail to pick a lock.
Also check for encounters whenever you make a racket or dilly-dally inside a dungeon.
If you bash a door down, roll d20 under To-Hit, or an encounter may ambush you.

Encounter Check
Each check is an X in 6 chance to provoke an encounter with NPCs.
1:​ Grasslands / Streets. ​2: ​Forests / Dungeons. ​3: ​Wastelands / Warzones.

Reaction Check
Roll a d6 when an NPC group with an unknown attitude meets the players.
+1 for:​ Bellicose NPCs / Rude players. ​-1 for:​ Kindly NPCs / Polite players.
1:​ Friendly! ​2/3:​ Cautious. ​4/5:​ Spiteful. ​6:​ Aggressive!

Hexcrawling and Time

Travel up to 2 hexes (6 hours each) during the day, then camp the night (12 hours).
If you eat and drink well before camping, restore ​<3 <3​ and clear all exposure.
Take +1 Exposure if you don’t eat at nightfall, another +1 if you don’t drink.

Exposure is subtracted from your To-Hit score. If you reach 0 To-Hit, you perish.
If you travel 1 more hex instead of camping overnight, take +d6 Exposure.

Travel Actions
You may spend 1 hex of travel (6 hours) to perform one of the following actions.
Forage: ​X in 6 chance each player picks ration of edible plants. ​0:​ Desert. ​2:​ Hills. ​4:​ Woods.
Search: ​Scour the hex for hidden features not seen by merely passing through.
Parade:​ March about loudly (often rudely) to provoke random encounters.

When hazarded by traps or other threats, roll d20 under To-Hit or take ​<3​ damage.
Some hazards ignore armor, like drowning, and/or deal ​<3 <3​, like lava.
Players may apply wits and/or an X in 6 ruling to avoid most hazards.

X in 6 Rulings
Roll d6 equal to or under X to indicate a positive outcome.
Begin with a 1 in 6 chance. Add +1 for each of these conditions:
● Clever or entertaining approach
● Situation is generally favorable
● Appropriate tool used
● Helpful attribute
● Relevant skill
This is a tool to be used at the GM’s discretion. Its principles may be applied to other rules.
The GM is encouraged to openly discuss the conditions of most rulings with the players.

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