Introduction To Logic

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Introduction to Logic


Program Associate Degree in Computer Science

Credit Hours 3

Duration 16 Weeks / 32 sessions

Prerequisites N/A
Course Introduction
After studying this course the students should be able to:

 Improve the reasoning ability of the students.

 Make students capable to demarcate fallacious and valid arguments.
 Introduce to student’s application of logic in administrative sciences.
 Develop decision making ability based on logical reasoning, which is crucial pre-
requisite for successful managers.

Course Objective
This course should enable students to:
 formalize informal reasoning and run systematic checks for validity of argumentation
 improve their understanding of their own rationality
 have insight into the scope and limits of logic
 appreciate the historical significance of logic as an inquiry
 understand some aspects of the close relation between mathematics and philosophy

Learning Outcomes
This course should enable students to:
 formalize informal reasoning and run systematic checks for validity of argumentation
 improve their understanding of their own rationality
 have insight into the scope and limits of logic
 appreciate the historical significance of logic as an inquiry
 understand some aspects of the close relation between mathematics and philosophy

Violation of Academic Honesty Policy:

If the instructor receives any two projects / assignments that are identical or partially identical
(including spreadsheets), both cases will receive a zero. If the student violates the Academic
Honesty policy for a second time, he/she will receive an “F” grade for the course.

How to Keep Your Professor Happy:

Class attendance is mandatory. You may miss up to 6 class sessions. On the seventh absence,
you will be withdrawn from the course. As a courtesy to the instructor and other students, be
prepared to arrive at class and be in your seat on time. In addition, please note that each class
lasts for 90 minutes.

Also keep in mind some general rules as given below:

 Cell phones should be powered off.
 Eatables are not allowed in the class.
 The teacher will not tolerate any disruptive behavior in the class.
 The Dress Code has to be observed, no warnings will be given, and violators will be
asked politely to leave the class and consequently will be marked absent.
Students are required to attend all classes and read all the assigned material in advance of class
(although not necessarily with perfect comprehension). Advanced preparation and class
participation are crucial for periods in which we discuss cases. During discussion sessions, the
instructor generally keeps track of the insightful and useful comments students make. (any
unproductive contribution is not rewarded.

Texts and References:

 Introduction to Logic, 13th edition Irving M.Copi, Carol cohen
 Inductive Logic Karamt Hussain


Weeks Contents Activities

 Basic logical concepts

 Analyzing Arguments
 Language and Definitions Assignment-1

4  Fallacies Quiz-1

5  Categorical propositions
6  Categorical syllogisms Assignment-2

7  Syllogisms in ordinary language Quiz-2

8  Symbolic logic


10  Methods of deduction

11  Quantification Theory
12  Quantification Theory

13  Analogical Reasoning
14  Casual Reasoning Assignment-4

15  Science and Hypothesis

16  Project Presentation
Project Presentation

Exam Type Percentage (%)

Quizzes 10
Assignments 10
Class Participation 10
Mid Term 30
Final Term 40
Total points 100

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