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Characteristics and elassification a Dr. Ahmed Shafai Scanned with CamScanner 2| Pases | Mark Scheme ‘Syllabus | Paper | IGCSE EXAMINATIONS ~ JUNE 2003 0610 3 4 (a) (i) (SIMILARITIES) ref. to exoskeleton; ref. to jointed limbs AW; no backbone/ref. to invertebrate; both have segmented body; v. both members of the arthropod group; Accept ref. to stages of development, e.g. ecdy: (i) (DIFFERENCES) 4 MARK FOR TABLE, MAX. 4 FOR DIFFERENCES i. table format with suitable headings; ii, insects have 3 pairs of legs + arachnids have 4 pairs; iil, insects have wings + arachnids do not; Allow refs to ability to fly iv. insects have antennae + arachnids do not; v. insects have compound eyes + arachnids do not/ref. to simple eyes; insects have 3 parts to the body + arachnids have 2 parts; arachnids have chelicerae/pincer-like jaws + insects do not, arachnids spin webs + insects do not; Allow insects can be social + arachnids are not AW: max 5 eS Dr. Ahmed Shafai 39 Scanned with CamScanner 2 3 Paget | Mark Scheme | Syllabus | Paper 1 IGCSE - May/June 2006 | 0610 | 03 (b) (animal feature) Tef. to secretion of enzymes / heterotrophic nutrition ; @ inability to photosynthesise ref. to production of glycogen ; ref. to presence of chitin : Imax. 1] (plant feature) presence of cell wall ; presence of vacuole ; Imax. 1] PageS | Mark Scheme Syllabus | Paper IGCSE - May/June 2007 osio —|__—03 (a) (i) fur /hair/ whiskers / vibrissae ; A teat / nipple / breast / AW external ears / pinna(e); A ear flaps Imax. 1] (il) internal development / young develops in uterus / ‘gives birth to live young’ / AW ; sweat glands ; feeding of young with milk / breast feeding ; mammary glands / breasts / nipples ; Rif given in (I) four types of teeth / named teeth (incisors, canines and molars) ; A two sels of teeth three, bones in (middle) ear / ossicles ; diaphragm ; red blood cells without nuclei ; neocortex ; seven neck vertebrae ; external testes ; dentary / single bone forming lower jaw / secondary palate ; [max. 1] Page6 | Mark Scheme Syllabus Paper | ! IGCSE ~ May/June 2008 0610 31 ao 4 (d) (i) exoskeleton / extemal skeleton ; segmented / jointed, limbs / legs / appendages ; segmented body ; max 1] (li) three parts to the body / head + thorax + abdomen ; Assections / R segments wings ; ignore numbers of wings if given 6/3 pairs of, legs ; {max 2] (e) (i) stripes (on head and neck), become / are, horizontal (when feeding) ; less attractive to (tsetse), flies / insects ; A AW Accamouflage in grass ; [2] (ii) 1. ref to mutation and number of stripes ; ref to number of stripes and likelihood of being bitten ; ref to, disease / death ; survivors breed ; ref to offspring ; (fewer stripes = less / more stripes = more) passing on advantageous, alleles / genes (for more stripes) ; natural selection / survival of fittest ; Noasuns R artificial selection [max 3] Dr Ahmed Chafat Scanned with CamScanner 6 Page2 | Mark Scheme: Teachers’ version | Syllabus =| Paper | IGCSE - May/June 2009 I 0610 | 31 Question Expected Answers Marks 1 one mark per row, treat blank spaces and crossed ticks as crosses if ticks and crosses and blanks in the same row, treat as incorrect allow ‘yes’ and ‘no’ for ticks and crosses feature fish amphibian reptiles birds mammals fur / hair x x x «x v v scales / scaly skin v x v Ax (except x feet/iegs) external ears « x x x feathers x x x v x (4) Scanned with CamScanner any /uniquies (i) xew Jo eouesqejsousseid |g enssy Apoom /uiniquieo ‘ou { sejpungseinosen jo waned |Z £ sejpung Jejnosea pasayjeos tyo0ujo adhy | 9 J001 snosqy tsonea]| £ ye9| paas/ uopajAjoo auo poes/suopayioo yo soquinu| > suedsemoy |: spedsamoy (peweu) jorequnu| ¢ (uuunjoo jed ouymeays |! ANY /WAIS 0} uoNDeUUCD yea} |Z puoges) siuejd snouopa|Aicooucw {seneo| moueu fedeus up yea] | 0} Buusajeu 40 (uwinjoa }suy) seumjeoy jeseua6 soyija 40 }x9qU09 W) SuaMsUE YEP :saunjeaj uope/Ayo20u0w sseunjeos jeiaueb ) (el xew 3 ayes wzhiQ v show b0z a ‘Seje}8q BOWOG} 4 e}ua!nose joyWeW 0 = 14840 2 xeul ouroAto b= 148uZ/L 2 winsoseqn} wnuejos Z = 1u6u w/e © = 146 9/S q uuinaysee wnoKL fe) ob soueping jeuonippy | sew siomsuy payadxg uonsenp [ze] ona S10z eunr/kew - 38991 eBppquieg 8 | sedeg | snqeag ‘ewayos EW | e6eq eureu sapvads jo ued sues, y| [1] ‘+ (eweu) sueus6/snueb| —(q) (e}xew tm / Buin) oy /onisesed ou y 1e\/ SpeaU JO Bop! Ma 1 869) 1398) + Mv / Ap0q au) Jo 8j0uM Jano suonDaloud ‘suey / aejaeyo /sansug y # ,s19[09), @euUa|Ue shed-ans, / sued, / ,s6uy, / suosinp, ; Suo|oes, y tsyuew6os| — (e) 4 SiouMex3 10) soueping | sew Jomsuy ee ‘0190 Eb0z eunrikew - 38991 T ] Z jodeg sngeis | ‘owiayos 422 W) | eebeg | Dr. Ahmed Shafai a2 Scanned with CamScanner [9] RIO. [e xew) ! seeds peonposu! Aq uojepaxd { sajoads ‘onoxe / peonponul ualje yim “uonaadwioo oo} 0} uonHeduiod exouBy ! uoNeNEIs / poo} Jo 422) £ (Poy ; epen yed 40)) Buyuny ‘ eseesip (te6uny) em jeqoj6 y : uoAnyod (peweu) Uorsou8 110s ‘uoneSel0}ep “B'9 ‘uononsisep Jo saidwexe Vy ! eBueuD / uoNonAsep "YeNqey tyes proe / aBueyp oye 0/6 AM tMonee (a) o=W6u0 += qUBU ZL 2 = 16u H/ € €=146u 9/5 [e xeu) v euesodura} euey ‘d_| xeisfuconey sejepadtiog a gygqanb eyeudsydoasQ 90) 06 2 wnuuby eworshquiy a snsojnoew snunjoey ¥0 06 2 snje)sua srun £0) 06 a ejeoydanw sidouuhS l $0) 06 Z0} 06 Me) 4 saueping jeuonippy HeW suemsuy payedxg uonsend [ee “7 oro | | sedeg | sngeiids | ‘Sboz eunr/ew —SSo01 eBpuquIED T ] ewiayas ey | ¢ 06ea | 6 Dr. Ahmed Shafai Scanned with CamScanner tdav {My /Teneu / equese|dsruein 189 poo|g pa payeejonue { spue|6 yeoms. £ M99} Jo Ses omy / YJ@a} Jo SedAy UaIYIp (3N}) £49 ojppius ouy uw) SOU0G (exp) $ wBerydeip ! Mv / seiddiu / Bup99; yseoig / Bulpyons / Bugeyoe| / Hw Jo voRONposd / spue6 yw / spue|6 AJeWWeW z tsiea jewoyxe/(a)euuid| — (q), £ Burdsyo a9 eonposd 0} z ! sonpoidei ued yey) stusiueB0 (yo dno.6) | (2), ‘eoueping sueW somsuy onsen a3Hsnand 6L0z eunr/AeW awayos WeW - 3SO91 eBpuqueo tyi0ls0 Ob Dr. Ahmed Shafai 44 Scanned with CamScanner 1 | Paget | Mark Scheme | Syllabus Paper | L Ll IGCSE -NOVEMBER 2005 | ‘o610 3 (1) ref. to both belonging to the same genus (or ref. (ignore refs. to both animals being toads) (c) _ ref. to sand dunes becoming de, ref. to habitat is changi naterjacks can: + camp sites ; \dland ; @ ref. to loss of habitat in colder habitats AW ; Imax. 2] fathland or sand dunes becoming protected areas AW ; moval of trees / seediing trees AW + from heathland ; [to creation of more heathland / sand dunes + introduction of natteriacks ; (d) ref. t ref. to captive breeding programmes ; Imax. 2] Page 2 Mark Scheme Syllabus Paper 42| | | l IGCSE - OCT/NOV 2006 | ‘0610 3 Q1 (a) CHECK FIG. 1.1 FOR ANSWERS (Clethrionomys glareolus) ; (Oryctotagus cuniculus) ; (Sciurus caroliniensis) ; (Sorex araneus) ; (Talpa europaea) ; max. 4 Bracket the first two answers together for the first tick a>moo (b) ref. to presence of fur/ hair ; ref. to mammary gland / breast / udders / nipples / breast feeding / production of milk (to feed young) / suckling ; ref, to external ears / presence of pinna ; A description max. 2 total max. 6 ee ennEnnnnEnnnnnnnnEnTEIUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEReeeeeen Dr. Ahmed Shafai 45 Scanned with CamScanner (q) woy s}oo1 404 jo 218 Ul SeSeO.0U! wiNNjeoKw / SUO} LuNH|ODKW MOU Jie 94) ul siseBEns se — sje0y / UMOIG 3961p Ou J! UBAS paquosge Yy UIe}GO y paiidws jewayxe y ‘payyjenbun uogsabip y eusAZUB 8}819x9 Y Poo} 40} ajensqns y ‘poo) sso10e peaids, y Poo} Jou snBury oj siejau EW 2.01Z siulod Guipieme vay s}003, a10U6} ayiseied 40 a1ydososdes aq Aews snBun, 088019 pUe S¥0N JO} OU, pu SAK, MoE ypaLOOU! Se yeas} ‘MO! BES a4p UI SyUBIQ Pue sassor0 pUe Sy9))J! — sesso se SyoN passoio pue seoeds yueIq 129) ‘mos sed sew euo syuswui0y [Te Wes0LT [xew z] speaids winijsoAu / eeydAy (Guiped)) ‘esows / s06u0) ‘mou6 Suado / s18INg ‘MV / RS, / win}GueIods y jaydsoune / se / pus ‘ayy u! awed t sesods ‘MW / 8809N/6 / sjonpoid / sjuaL|NU / Poy ‘quosqe: ! uonsebip ‘paquosep / seinyjaoesxe / |eUa}Xxo ! sawkzue ‘aseajas / eonpoid # (eee) eoeyns ebie] e sey ! Buiyouesg / payouesq nyeokw axoub, sjoos y ! (@JEUAAY (Guipeay) ‘Aquepuadepuy yeeuy Z 9 s Seyesysqns / pooy (paweu) ‘oyu! / Uo / YBNosy) / ero ‘MOsB fy £ z L snepnu einsdeo eeydhy x 7 saiods seanpoid ‘snuja—winuayoeq aweyos yey) aimee) 1 0190 T | 4edeg | sngeyds | 6002 FOqUIAONHEGOIDO — SSODI uo|si9A ,s19yoeey :owoYyoS JEW (4 | onsen, €L Dr. Ahmed Shafai Scanned with CamScanner wWa}s UoN'senb ay) Jo juEWE}E} $ yeyqey sabe] e Adnoo0 |) t suydap yuoroyip ye 21 J sargeds / adh) “juensjes yy sayew Jore1ep jeunes ‘pas/ aor wbid jeunes} | (11) Suonemnw | (1) (q) ‘sneuadnpnasg snyeujs snjaydeurdy 90) 06 sypoig Aoi6 ut paceid sieye) | snjey@90 snyjog 0= HOI 0 eGuuow xesoyjouwuhD snjeinoew snuojsoiny souanbas £0) 06 0} 06 g © soueping feuonippy | syeW suamsuy pajedx3 | uojsend ee T 0180 T 0402 4aqWaAoN/18q0}90 — 3SO91 vb | sedeg =| sngeAs Uo|ss8n s1eyoees :oWaYyDS LEW eobed 47 Dr. Ahmed Shafai Scanned with CamScanner Che sevo4] Payijenb Ajjueroysns 1 peyyenyq yo eoejd U! Ysy seem dap, 40/pue MOJeYS, 0} eoUaraje: y uu) J JOU} PUB}XE YSY Pd nadwoo ssa] aney ysl pad { eseos0u! ysy pau Jo aqunu [sy pas Uo aye Sse Sey 19}em Bid ‘enjq 40} ‘ejaI/e / ouaB iq Jo sequin + (ysy eniq say UNXe / 2484 OI antnone + ysy oni UPOR + Seyew Puy 0} YsY ang Jo Ail soueping euonippy | sew suemsuy paysedxa | uonsenp {te 0r80 Ob0z TeqUIaAON/A8G0190 — 35991 T | aedeg snqeiiks Uo|SI9A ,siayDeE) TeWYyOS EW, | vobeg Dr. Ahmed Shafai Scanned with CamScanner T2101) v a snuoBexey sapox| 2 4oyBuoy snydAiBouk, 9.008 4 ‘syeBar evarjooe0d $008 7 snyejnaseqn) 12/949 9 snsoulds snjeip0 ¥ eoyseuiop eveuebes yoob £0108 0=1HOIY 0 Eao6. $= 4HOIW 2/4 a syesiejousiop || 2 = iON e SUCHPAW || p= 1HOI 9/5 | (a) t T WOHBISHS 8INO 7 UOTR|SHSONS + S69] / sq ‘payulof e ! uonequewiBes Apoq payuwbas | (e) ve $ 2 eoueping jeuonippy| sew suemsuy peyadxg| uoRsenD 2 3 [ im T 0190 T ZLOzZ JeqUIBAONA8q0}90 — SSO91 SL = | aedeg | snqeys | awayos We zeBeg : é Scanned with CamScanner [e xeu) ‘ns si Addy “210 ‘snjoapnu piwiseid sejdo1onyo eupuoysous snapnu ‘awosowiosyo &) Podouyjue y99[61 1nq podosupse }deaoe os sue eaey ysni epodosyyy / podoqye (a) seunjeay podosype yda2ae Jou op aylyenbun Apog peyawibes y pue xeiouy ‘peay / sued sai) pa}uewiGes/oqu! papinip Apoq sake punoduico sued aosu) s19)99} / eeuUaIUE (JO eoueping jeuonippy | sew ‘suamsuy payedxg | uopsenp [ te T 0190 ZbO0z JOqUIBAON/18q0}90 - JSOOI 1] OL | aedeg =| snqehs_ | ewayss ey zebeq | Dr. Ahmed Shafat 50 Scanned with CamScanner feb wevou) S|enpiniput jo sé [p xew] dW snojeyeq Bujews *B'9 \(sa1oads Jo) snoineyag | jeo1skud 0) seBueYyo axe seae\d mau Ut suo ses) | Seuab y ‘salaiie say) uo ssed ‘ ‘My /100d ua6 oy) uy eBueyD ‘WNG u! saBue4p / suo uns 30 JEANS uoNeUeA 0} J94 c9 40} 9|66nys eo j juauiuosjaue 04 depe ao enon 51 Dr. Ahmed Shafai Scanned with CamScanner 2) ‘ x x sjewwew th , t x * di x , soindas tx x x x sueiquydwe tx x A x A ‘ysy Auoq fe nd ‘spue|S, (euuid) ‘Sa}eIQeLaA Aewwew | sioyes; | Jee jewsoixe | urs ses | 40 dnos6 @ a SJoUWeXg 405 BoUEPIND sue siamsuy te 190 EL0z JOqUISAONAOGO}O = 3SOOI 2b | sedea sngenks | aways EW | eaBeg Dr. Ahmed Shafai 52 Scanned with CamScanner (el a sisusopouioy snuesep 4 Beujuiedb euosqy a rsuney eunpokD Vv smejsuo snysukwAquiy 2 uosied ewwinjes 9 ejeuueied ersayooig 9.006 5 0106 a snynun seppjeya 0,06 aa “= £= 69/5 i} tu) tsendes| (i) (e) 4 ‘s0ueping [euonIppY oueW domsuy uonsenp [Too 1] ‘St0z JOqUISAONH8q0}90 — 35051 eBPUqUIED T ] sb | sedeg | snqetids | aways EW | © 9Beg | 53 Dr. Ahmed Shafai Scanned with CamScanner io ! ABsoua aseejas jouues t 10 { uonesdses (aIqosae) ou] —(u)(P)L { yewue (wopBury) z euojaydy (snuab) | (1)(p)t ON» v W t 1 z r ' bsgpetien. 6) ssejo yore ul e*L “B14 Z = pauios smoi ¢ 10Z ‘ a eee oy sepads Jo (s)san9] sseo (oy ‘sjoesul { spluyoee z ! sueeoeysnso (a). { sepoq payeBucje $869) Jo suyed Auew / S69) Auew + MV (Sjuawi6es) Apog ‘pue peay z { sjuauiBes (Apoq) Auew | — (2), ‘S9}0N oueping, ‘sue Jomsuy uonsen aaHsrignd twois0 6b J@AON/EGO!O eweyog We — 3SOO| ebpuqued Dr. Ahmed Shafai 54 Scanned with CamScanner queyoeme enxes /Aaud 40 @1n| sioyepaid sexes / jeub1s Bulusem / aBeynowed ‘6'e {soje 26° uy aiqysin ajdusexe ajqeyns Aue + (Guudsyo anee} o}) Bunpoidas jo aoueys saseasou, ! |eAAIns Jo Seoueyo/ ssouyy ‘eseesoUl ! eumyeay “My / euojouny ! ¥NG/(s)al@1e / (s)eue6 Aq payoquos / asnjeey payoyu, (wan ‘dav + pequosep ; sdjed(ipad) ! Apoq ‘2u) Jo sped Jo suolpes omy / xe1OMo;eYdad / xeIOY PUe PeoY pasny ! 869] g/ 69140 sued y (at + smepo / S69] ‘vo ‘My /SeASUd / SHIEY je!n6ue Si Sepis any sey ‘Xpoq aus, /Ap0q / oedesed ‘yoows ! syjeis uo sake + my /s021s juo!eyIp Jo ‘sie0Uld / smejo (sey jeUUE) swoy auo fue ig xog t eoedeseo / smep /sisould ‘ou suonoes easy) ul Apog / uawopge ‘xesoyy ‘peay { sBuIM + s69) @ uey} ss0|/ $69] Jo sued y ss91/ $69] 9/869] 40 suled ¢ ‘sey jee “Woy eu fue :z xog (me) 2 + Ayjouniés £poq josey + any! (kpoq) paluauiBas £ my /sa6epuadde / s691/ squiy ‘Jo sued ! My /seGepuadde / 60] squ| ‘payueubes / payuiol My / Uo\e|aysoxe (we) eoueping ‘sew somsuy uonsend 6102 sequienonjeqopo, ewayps mew — 3S091 eBpuquied aaHsiand zr10190 OZ Dr. Ahmed Shafat Scanned with CamScanner tan ! sapads Aaud Jo sso] / poo} Jo 498 ‘ejduexe Aue / eBueyo oyeuNa !(s)ioyepaid ul aseasou +! pequosep / uojnedwioo peseasou teseasip ¢ ejdwexe Aue /7euGey Jo sso] {suosiod sjewwue pi eu (s)Keads (jeawayp) / epENoasul /(s)apronsad tuognyjod + Mv /Gunoayjoo / Buguny (Pe z sisAfeve YNG UI pajonul anbiuyDe) Aue “6° ! GAY t seuab /yNG/Seouanbas aseq ‘s194) Uu saouasayip samay aney saioads payejau Kjasof YO sapads iu) Woy) $1 ¥NG Usy) SaIDads UMOUY WO YNG YIM YoIeW e JI }e4) BapY { sa19eds UMoUY Jo ‘souaB ; seouanbes eseq /YNG eouelajes ‘yim esedui09 Jey) EEpr { seue6/ ¥NG ‘Mv/enbiun sey ‘sarsads yea seue6 / yNQ Ul ‘waned / 4api0 / saquanbes ‘BSeq :Bursn euop aq ues uoyeaynuep! (OL eoueping sew Jomsuy uonsenD 6102 Jequiononj12q0;00 aaHsiignd ewayos weW - 3S991 epuquied 2/0190 Dr. Ahmed Shafai 56 Scanned with CamScanner anoweyaq 6'8 ! dAV ¢ (sujojoud wi) spi9e ourwe jo seouenbes ! seuaé (seouenbas) yNG + Awoyeue OL +! (epio fue u) 33098 Nat taAv 1 8691 Jo sited sno} ; s69) 14819 {sped Apog omy, (Mat + Ajewuiks Apog 121932119 ¢ (Apoq) payuewibes + my / $69] Jo ‘ued (¢ 04 dn asow 40) (1 yse91 12) / (9 0} dn o10w 40) 1 (yse9] 32) ! My / S69} ‘pejuauibas / pajuiol t Uojajaysoxe + (Kox) snowojoyoip L S euysereunAy ‘ { TeWUNSUOS Asepuonas AseN9} / € (JAaI) sueW Jemsuy uopsenp 6102 Jequisnoneqo199, aaHsiiand aways MEW — 3S991 Bpuquieg ev01s0 be 57 Dr. Ahmed Shafai Scanned with CamScanner Dr. Ahmed Shafai “sion 4 L $ (UonNjos /uoujead (uP) ‘ uonesphyep /eeoywelp ‘Buisneo_g. $poojg ay} Woy sIjBs Jo sso Z £4N6 ;uawiny ‘uy oyu! “poo|q 181180 8u) J9}em / NB Oy) OjUl J9}eM Jo JueWIEAOW 9HOWSO BuIsNeD 9 t pesemo| $1 vowsn] jeunseyU! org JOT ua |per6 FENV|OT TayEM e Guysneo + aUNSaqUy IIE v + UIXO} B SaDNpod ' (ur) az! (WMo)E L | ‘Suoneoylubew + eBeus) e1p jo “yiBUaI/ enjoe) (O)L | ujpjoid jo eouasaid L SVNY/WNQ// leva} oneuaB jo eouasaid | — (q), ' teyoAueyoud | (u(e)p seu | = waui0d | aqago seU Z = 198109 Z SHE E = A109 ¢ avd ‘SHHEW f= 8L09 S/y sew g = pau0Ig9| ¢ sepso S14} Ul MOI YORE (Ee), soueping SEW aomsuy uonsenp asHsmand g10z yore euiayos YEW — 3S991 epuques zenieo Be 58 Scanned with CamScanner

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