Coursebook Evaluation Course Content
Coursebook Evaluation Course Content
Coursebook Evaluation Course Content
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Course Content
• Course Introduction
• Generalities and definition of key concepts
• Overview of course book
• What is a course book?
• The course book as ELT material
• The advantages of textbooks
• Problems with Textbooks
• An appropriate textbook
• The purpose of textbook evaluation
• Steps in textbook evaluation
• Observation in textbook evaluation
• Textbook evaluation checklists
• Practical exercises
Textbooks, coursebooks,
• In many cases the term “materials” is used in place
of “textbooks”, which refers to anything that is used
by teachers or students to facilitate the learning of a
language. The term “textbooks” is still widely used,
but its reference has expanded from books to all the
materials used around or independent of the books.
The advantages of textbooks
They provide structure and a syllabus for a program
They help standardize instruction
They maintain quality
They provide a variety of learning resources
They can provide effective language models and input
They can train teachers
They are visually appealing
They are an effective resource for self-directed learning; an effective
resource for presentation material; a source of ideas and activities;
• They allow the teacher to manage and organise the learning process more
• They give direction to lessons, they guide discussions, they provide
continuity to the learning process and provide a plan of action to the teacher.
The advantages of textbooks
• In short, they offer security to teachers; the teacher does not
have to make important decisions on what to teach, in which
order and how to teach (this is particularly useful for
inexperienced teachers who lack the skills and confidence for
developing materials of their own).
• Textbooks can also save teachers a lot of time since they offer
a wealth of activities and ideas for language development and
• One of the primary advantages of using textbooks is that they
are psychologically essential for students since their progress
and achievement can be measured concretely when we use
Problems with textbooks
• Adoption of traditional language learning processes. Many
textbooks are not up-to-date with current research in Second
Language Acquisition and may include language learning
activities which have proved to be ineffective.
• Unhelpful teacher guides. Many coursebooks are
accompanied by teacher guides which essentially provide a
key to the textbook activities and no substantial support or
guidance on how to implement the course.
• Failure to recognise constraints present in most teaching
• [Based on Richards 2001, Sheldon 1988]
An appropriate textbook
• No perfect textbook exists but the most appropriate book for you and your
students does. An appropriate textbook must satisfy at least three
– It should suit the needs, interests and abilities of your students
– It should meet the requirements of the official curriculum/syllabus
– It should suit you
• In order to decide whether a particular textbook is indeed appropriate,
textbook evaluation is necessary. Textbook evaluation, like any other
evaluation activity, should be focused, systematic and principled.
Textbook evaluation helps teachers move beyond impressionistic
assessments and it helps them to acquire useful, accurate, systematic, and
contextual insights into the overall nature of textbook material
Purposes of textbook evaluation
• a) to select the most appropriate textbook from the array of
textbooks available on the market,
• b) to adopt and revise textbooks which are being used in
• c) Textbook evaluation can also serve the purpose of teacher
development (Hutchinson 1987). When teachers are involved
in developing their own criteria for evaluating their materials,
they are obliged to analyse their own presuppositions and
clarify their theories as to the nature of language and
Steps in textbook evaluation
• Analyse the nature and underlying principles of the teaching/learning
• analysis of student needs
• On the basis of the results of your analysis, define criteria on which the
evaluation will be based
2 • Prioritise criteria.