Sentence, Question, Exclamation and Command

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(1) The soccer player is running down the field.

(2) How
very happy he looks. (3) Hey, he kicked that ball so far! (4) He
has scored the winning goal for his team. (5) Listen to his
coach praise him. (6) Wow, what a wonderful day!

1. Wh ich sentence should have an 4. Which of these sentences has an

exclamation point? interjection?
A Sentence 1 A Sentence 2
B Sentence 2 B Sentence 3
C Sentence 4 C Sentence 4
D Sentence 5 D Sentence 5

2. Which sentence is an imperative 5. Which of these sentences is neither

sentence? imperative nor exclama tory?
A Sentence 2 A Sentence 1
B Sentence 3 ,B ,Sentence 3
C Sentence 5 C Sentence 5
D Sentence 6 D Sentence 6

3. In which of these sentences is the 6. Which of these sentences is an

punctuation NOT correct? exclamatory sentence?
A Sentence 2 A Sentence 1
B Sentence 3 B Sentence 4
C Sentence 4 C Sentence 5
D Sentence 6 D Sentence 6

;~·, t·Mt#rl al :,I ,


1. \ read a book about sea life.

2 .. The largest mammal.

3. ·, wan1 t o see a whale someday.

4 . Sw im s quickl y ihrough the water.

5 .. fo~ j eHy'flsh is a n tnteres.t ing. sea cre a ture.

6 . Mc,$\ sh ark s hve in w a rm w a ter.

7. I~ QtF,-ni s·qul ci c an g r o w 1o be very large .

• A statement, or declarative sentence, tells something. It ends in
a period: I like to play baseball.
• A question, or interrogative sentence, asks something. It ends in
a question mark: What is your favo rite sport?

A. Write statement if the sentenc. something. Write
question if it asks something. Pu, t he correct end
punctuation at the end of the sentence.
1. We learned about fire safety at school today _ __ _ _ __

2. It is important to have fire alarms that work _ _ _ _ __ _

3. Do you check your fire alarms each year _ _ _ _ _ __

4. Do firefighters teach safety classes at your school _ __ _ _ __

5. Families should plan escape routes from their home _ _ _ _ __

8. Reread this paragraph from "Room to Grow." Underline one

question. Circle the end punctuation of the question. Then
rewrite the question on the lines below.

All of a sudden, Jill's mother smiled. "Can you help

us with a project ?" she asked. "Our community wants
to plant a garden. Our plot is very small. There is so
much we want to grow:
/ .'I

Write each sentence corrL •• 19 capital letters and end

punctuation. If the group of words 1oes not tell a complete thought,
put an X next to it. Then add words ~o make it a complete sentence.

1. fall is my favorite time of year

2. i like to see the leaves turn bright colors

E ," ,,


3. pumpkins at the pumpkin patch

4. do you go to football games in the fall



j 5. we take lots of pictures of the colorful leaves

nD In your writer's notebook, write about. yo. ur favorite tim
. e
i of year. Then reread your work. Make sure you have used
complete sentences and correct end punctuation.
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• Begin every senten,ce with ', ~ ,~apital'>,IE!tter. :.:' , , I I ',:-•\'<.1 t· • l.,H•I 11 ' I ,I_ I

II 1_ !.,I,' I , ','' :\ I I '\

• A statement,is a s~riten'ge' that' ~r describes something: A

statement ends in pe'~ioc:t ,,. ' ii'
~l '· I ' ' 11 I i .',
I " '

' .,
' ', I ' ,,

'' ' ",

• A question is a ·sentence thata~ks something. A question .ends i.n

a question mark. '

Rewrite the sentences below, f 1 mistakes you might find.

1. we had a terrib'le storm last nic,

,.., rt.

2. There was a lot of wind and heavy rain? ' ,,'\


11 1\
,,,•1 • \ ,, \ ,
'' ' \ I I

' q 'l'

4. Yesterday our town got over three inches of rain '

5. Do you think that some streets are flooded.

f' I • . . 1 f, t l _ / r i "' r rvi::: -, ,,,1J ' 11

i 1\ I

,. ,', I
I, r. ' j, '1 I- l'•I
I, I l .

After each sentence, wtite .ste- question, ·or command for the ;·.
kind of sentence it is. Then ~ sentence' corre~tly. ~se capi'ta{
letters and end marks correct.
,,. I .-

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2. put the cans of food on the shelves
\ I
' \ ,,\\~\ l~_i\1';'
' '\' \11\\, \ '\ !' _1,1
i ,llj\1,tl·\\1

.,I f 'n

,,1·l i,'11,i,1

4. where should I put the flour and sugar _ _ _ __

5. close the door when you are finished _ _ _ __

In your writer's notebook. write about a game or sport you

\ .f\ like to play. Explain the rules of the game. Reread your work
: - _J to make sure you use complete sentences.
J I l.B Page view I A" Read aloud CTJ Add text 'V' Draw v 'p" Highlig ht
- -·- -¥-• - ~· - - - -- __s......,._·~-- - - - - - ~ '

Grammar • Exclamations
Name __________________________

• A command is a sentence that tells someone to do something. It

ends with a period: Clean up your toys.
• An exclamation shows excitement or strong feeling. It ends with
an exclamation mark: We won the game!

A. After each sentence, write sta tf:: uestion, command, or

exclamation for the kind of sent e, 1 it ::: Place the correct
punctuation at the end of the sentence.

1. I want to go to Florida next summer _ _ _ __ _ _

2. What a beautiful state it is _ _ _ _ __

3. Have you ever been there _ _ _ _ _ __

4. Wow, my grandmother sent me a free ticket _ _ _ _ _ __

5. Go with me to Miami _ _ _ _ _ __

B. Reread this paragraph from Gary the Dreamer. Underline one

exclamation. Circle the exclamation mark. Then write the
sentence on the lines below.

I played tag with the neighbor kids. I played hide-

and-seek. I played catch with oranges. In our backyard,
we had an orange tree. We also had plum, lemon, and
apple trees. Lucky me! Anytime I was hungry for a snack,
I just went outside and picked a fruit! I
' '

• ·Use a period C.. > at the end of a statement or command.

1 '
• Use a question mark < ? > ~t the end of a question.
• Use an exclamation i:nark < ! > at the end of an exclamation. ·

Add correct punctuation to the,. ..i ,, of sentences in the letter below.

Dear Aunt Jackie,

Wow, I was so happy to hear your good news It will be
fun to read your poem in the magaz:ne. Mom ~ays we can
frame it Will you get extra copies Send me an extra
one, please I want to take it to school to show ,my class
They will see that I have the best aunt ever · · ·
I have a small favor to ask Would you mind giving me ·
some tips on writing a poem Find out if you·can come for a
visit soon We can have an amazing poetry reading together,
Your favorite niece,

'I.Writing .Connection
Write a letter to a friend or family member. Try to
,' ~I· . , • include at least one statement, question, command,
and exclamation. Use the letter above as a model.

TEKS l 11<DlW Grade 3 • Unit 1 • W eek 2 15

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