Sentence, Question, Exclamation and Command
Sentence, Question, Exclamation and Command
Sentence, Question, Exclamation and Command
(2) How
very happy he looks. (3) Hey, he kicked that ball so far! (4) He
has scored the winning goal for his team. (5) Listen to his
coach praise him. (6) Wow, what a wonderful day!
A. Write statement if the sentenc. something. Write
question if it asks something. Pu, t he correct end
punctuation at the end of the sentence.
1. We learned about fire safety at school today _ __ _ _ __
E ," ,,
3. pumpkins at the pumpkin patch
4. do you go to football games in the fall
nD In your writer's notebook, write about. yo. ur favorite tim
. e
i of year. Then reread your work. Make sure you have used
complete sentences and correct end punctuation.
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• Begin every senten,ce with ', ~ ,~apital'>,IE!tter. :.:' , , I I ',:-•\'<.1 t· • l.,H•I 11 ' I ,I_ I
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After each sentence, wtite .ste- question, ·or command for the ;·.
kind of sentence it is. Then ~ sentence' corre~tly. ~se capi'ta{
letters and end marks correct.
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Grammar • Exclamations
Name __________________________
5. Go with me to Miami _ _ _ _ _ __
'I.Writing .Connection
Write a letter to a friend or family member. Try to
,' ~I· . , • include at least one statement, question, command,
and exclamation. Use the letter above as a model.