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(75 Marks)

Answer ANY FIFTEEN questions from this section.All questions in this section carry 5
MARKS each.Start answer to each question on a fresh page and the answers to all the
sub-parts should be written together.

TF 3 a.A union fabric (20/80) is made from conditioned nylon and cotton.Assuming the
moisture regain for nylon filament as 4% and that aof cotton yarn as
8%,calculate the moisture content of this fabric. [2]

b.An unknown fibre was heated in hard glass test tube in the presence of soda
time.The vapours thus obtained gave white fumes when contacted with a glass
rod dipped in dilute.HCl, In another experiment,the sodium extract of the same
fibre gave back precipitate with acidified lead acetate solution.Identify the
fibre.Give reasons in support of your answer. [3]

TF 4 a.Both the starch and cellulose are made up of glucopyranosyl units.While

cellulosic fibres are well known,fibres from starch cannot be made justify [2]

b.The cellulose molecules in the primary wall of cotton happen to be arranged in

criss-cross network like structure.What purpose does this serve? [2]

c.Why is jute called a multicellular fibre? [1]

TF 5 a.Using chemical equations,give the mechanism of nylon 6 polymerization [3]

b.What is the role of AH salt in the production of nylon 66? [1]

c.Acrylic fibres are generally copolymers.Why? [1]

TF 6 a.In the context of man-made fibres,what is the function of drawing?Why is

polyester not drawn at room temperature? [2]

b.Why do synthetic fibres shrink on free annealing?Give two important

morphological chages that take place as a result of this [3]

TF 7 Four grams of polyester fibre of 1.5 denier with fibre density of 1.39 g/cm3
is packed in a chamber to make a 2 cm long plug of 3 cm diameter Calculate
a.porosity of the fibre plug

b.percentage change in the air flow rate if 1.5 denier fibres are replaced with the
same mass of 1.2 denier fibres in the plug of the same size [3]

TF 8 A 76 denier 34 filament polyester yarn tested on a CRE tester shows a breaking

load of 350 cN when the gauge length was 100 mm and the cross-head speed was
50 mm/min.What is the expected percentage change in the observed tenacity of
the yarn if the traverse rate is increased to 500 mm/min assuming no change in the
breaking extension of the yarn? [5]

TF 9 A fabric manufacturer regularly tests consignment of yarn to check the average

liner density.Experience has shown that samples chosen at random from a
delivery of this type of yarn gives 3% coefficient of variation in the tex value.A
nominal 20 tex yarn is to be tested such that confidence limits are equal to
20 ± 0.5 tex.How many samples should be tested? [5]

TF 10 Why grab strength of fabrics is more than strip strength? Discuss the effect of
fabric extension in the test direction and the gauge length on the measured values
of strength in case of grab and strip test methods. [5]

TF 11 a. The spinning limit of any given fibre is more in ring than rotor spinning. Why
is it so? [2]

b.A 40 mm rotor running at 60,000 rpm is producing a yarn at

100 m/min,calculate the number of doublings of fibre layers in the rotor [3]

TF 12 a.The grey shade obtained by mixing black and white fibres appears more
uniform in drawn sliver than in the yarn.Why is it so? [2]

b.A 30 tex blended yarn consists of P and Q type of fibres in the weight ratio of
50:50. If fibre P is 1.5 denier,30 mm long and Q is 2.0 denier, 38 mm
long,what will be the number ratio of P and Q in the yarn? [3]

TF 13 a.Why aprons are not used in draw frame drafting system/ [2]

b.Why combing roller is preferred to roller drafting system in rotor spinning? [3]

TF 14 a.Why the draft between cylinder and licker-in is higher for longer fibres than for
shorter fibres?
b.What happens to the noil loss as feed length is increased in forward and
backward feed combing machine?

TF 15 a.Explain the cause of instability of a flangeless cross wound package

b.Calculate the angle of wind on a 10 cm diameter cheese being wound on a
precision winder with a traverse of 10 cm and traverse ratio of 2.2

TF 16 A 20 kg cotton warp conditioned in standard atmosphere is sized with a paste of

15% concentration.If a 10% add-on on the bone dry yarn is aimed at, then what
should be the wet pick-up/ How much wate is to be evaporated so as to leave 8%
moisture in the warp and10% moisture in the size film?

TF 17 a.Why is a selvedge produced on a conventional shuttle loom constructed

differently from rest of the warp sheet?
b.In the light of the crimp balance equation of Peirce,discuss as to how the crimp
in selvedge yarns is kept tge same as that of the rest of the warp although both
the yarn spacing and yarn thickness in selvedge are different from rest of the

TF 18 a.Arrange the three weft knitted constructions, namely,

plain singlejersey l x l rib and interlock, in ascending order in terms of width of
resultant fabric if the yarn count and total number of needles remain the same.

b.What type of dimensional change would occur when a tuck stitch is introduced
in a knitted construction?

c.What is the role of a cross lapper in a needle punching non woven production

TF 19 a.Why enzyme desizing of cotton is safer compared to desizing with mineral

b.why quenching of cotto fabric is essential after singeing?

c.What is the role of sodium silicate in bleaching of cotton with hydrogen


TF 20 a.Sublimation transfer printing with disperse dyes is suitable for printing of

polyester and not for acrylic.Explain briefly

b.Justify why ionic dyes cannot be used for sublimation transfer printing

TF 21 a.In the case of vat dyes,sodium hydrosulphite is not suitable for printing while
sodium sulphoxylate formaldehyde is not suitable for dyeing. Explain

b.Why soaping at boil is absolutely essential after dyeing of cotton with

reactive dyes?
TF 22 a.Differentiate between wash-n-wear and durable press finishing of cotton
garments in terms of process sequence and range of crease recovery angle

b.Distinguish between vapour phase and condensed phase mechanism

of flame retardancy.

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