Audit Report Template 37
Audit Report Template 37
Audit Report Template 37
U.S. Mission Canada
U.S. Department of State
Contractor Company Name
Contractor Address
Project Name: U.S. Consulate, Montreal, Consul General Residence August 2015
This report was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of the United States
government. Neither the United States government nor any agency thereof, nor any of their
employees, makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility
for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product, or process
disclosed, or represents that its use would not infringe privately owned rights. Reference herein to
any specific commercial product, process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or
otherwise does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by
the United States government or any agency thereof. The views and opinions of authors expressed
herein do not necessarily state or reflect those of the United States government or any agency thereof.
Project Name: U.S. Consulate, Montreal, Consul General Residence August 2015
Team Members
Provide the contact information for each of the key personnel involved in this project. Include
project managers, facility managers, and site assessment team members.
Mr. Walter O’Banion
Facility Manager Canada
Mr. Mark Atkisson
Contracting Officer
Executive Summary.........................................................................................................................1
Project Context Review...................................................................................................................6
Climate Assessment.....................................................................................................................6
Environmental Issues Assessment................................................................................................8
Sustainability History and Vision.................................................................................................8
Building and Site Information......................................................................................................8
Utility Use Analysis.......................................................................................................................12
Utility Benchmarking.................................................................................................................13
Energy Use Analysis..................................................................................................................14
ASHRAE Level II Audit:...........................................................................................................16
Energy Conservation Measures..................................................................................................18
Water Use Analysis....................................................................................................................23
ASHRAE Level II Audit:...........................................................................................................25
Water Conservation Measures....................................................................................................25
Renewable Energy Use and Recommendations.........................................................................28
Appendix A: Detailed Climate Data................................................................................................1
Appendix B: TREES Report Card...................................................................................................3
Appendix C: General Building Data from Output Tool Set............................................................4
Appendix D: Photovoltaic Feasibility Guidance.............................................................................6
Appendix E: Wind Feasibility Guidance.........................................................................................8
Appendix F: Summary of Recommendations................................................................................11
Appendix G: Translated Utility Bill..............................................................................................12
Appendix H: Glossary of Acronyms..............................................................................................14
Each facility identified in the SOW Exhibit A: Project Description shall be addressed
individually in the report, as necessary, within the submission for Post.
Retain any information that does not change from one deliverable to the next.
Examples: The examples shown are required elements of the report. Additional graphics or text
may be appropriate to include in the main report; however, in general, supplemental analysis or
detail should be included in the appendices.
Appendices: Auditors may determine the bulk of the content of the Appendices; however,
ensure that the basic information indicated in each section is included, and that the Appendix
order is maintained. Appendices may include meeting minutes, data tables, supporting
documents, photographs not otherwise included, and other documentation as required. Detailed
modeling results must be provided in the Appendices when requested by the Department via the
Tool Set: This Energy and Water Audit Report Template shall be accompanied by a completed
version of Exhibit C: Energy and Water Audit Report Tool Set (‘Tool Set’), which contains
format and desired content for tables as indicated, in addition to a conservation measure
evaluation table. Auditors may perform analysis in any qualified tool, but must include the
results in the specified Microsoft Excel file. Auditors must retain the structure and reportable
elements in each table of the Tool. A copy of the detailed table as an editable excel file must be
included with each submittal.
If printing this template, please make sure the printer is set to black and white.
Provide an executive summary that is a few pages in length based upon the following outline.
The summary shall contain an overview of each section of the report including key findings,
conclusions, and recommendations. Locate detailed analysis, narratives, and charts in later
sections of the report or Appendices, as noted.
Indicate each assessment that is included in the report (for example, ‘Utility Data
Gathering, a Meter Assessment, and an ASHRAE Level II Audit were conducted at the
United States Embassy Nepal, Kathmandu.’)
Provide an onsite timeline, similar to the example shown in Exhibit E: Project and On-
site Schedules, which displays a schedule of assessment activities.
In one or two paragraphs, include a site overview section that addresses primary issues in
the host country and region, and the buildings assessed.
Provide one to two paragraphs summarizing the significant findings of the audit and
proposed next steps to implement recommendations.
o Include an ‘Immediate Actions’ paragraph that highlights Field Observed
Deficiencies or any imminent problems or observations such as life safety or
health issues, or plumbing leaks, which may be out of the scope of the audit, but
were observed by the contractor.
o Identify Operations and Maintenance Recommendations related to building
system issues and opportunities that need immediate attention and process or
procedural changes that will result in improved operations.
o Briefly summarize recommended Energy Conservation Measures (ECMs), Water
Conservation Measures (WCMs), and Renewable Energy Measures (REMs) in
the following format: “This audit identified:
No- and low-cost energy and water conservation measures that could
result in xx% energy savings at a cost of $yy with a payback of zz years
and xx% water savings at a cost of $yy with a payback of zz years.
Medium-cost measures that could result in xx% energy savings at a cost of
$yy with a payback of zz years and xx% water savings at a cost of $yy
with a payback of zz years.
High-cost measures that could result in xx% energy savings at a cost of
$yy with a payback of zz years and xx% water savings at a cost of $yy
with a payback of zz years.”
Provide an energy usage overview, indicating total annual consumption and cost by
utility type.
o Use the utility performance table provided in the Tool Set. An example is
provided below.
Utility Type Units (kWh, m3) Annual Cost ($)
Tool Set, quantify energy, water, and cost savings of recommendations. Some
examples have been provided below.
Simple Payback (yrs) 10 6 6
o Include both text and icons which identify the magnitude of benefit; time to
conceive, plan, and implement; and cost investment. Model the organization
strategies of the Guide to Green Embassies: Eco-Diplomacy in Operation.
o Do not include a comprehensive list of all conservation measures assessed in the
Executive Summary. Detail should be provided in the following sections, in an
Appendix, or as an attachment in the form of the Life Cycle Cost Analysis
(LCCA) Tool (located within the Tool Set).
Strategy classifications as shown in the User Guidance section of the Guide to Green Embassies:
Eco-Diplomacy in Operation.
Climate analysis example from U.S. Embassy Harare, Zimbabwe (provided by Paladino):
Provide results from the meter assessment using the tables in the Tool Set. Indicate
recommendations for compliance with OBO Facility Meter Application Guideline.
Whether the assessment was performed by post personnel or by the contractor, it is the
contractor’s responsibility to analyze, summarize, and include the information in this section.
If the Meter Assessment is self-performed by Post, indicate that the information presented in the
report is based upon data provided by Post.
Briefly summarize the utilities serving Post that are currently metered, and recommendations for
meeting the requirements within the OBO Facility Meter Application Guideline.
Provide building utility metering description, including a detailed account of the building
automation system and sub-metering (where applicable).
Complete the meter tables, for electricity, water, gas, other energy, or generator as
applicable within the Tool Set, per the example below.
Identify where meters need to be installed and/or upgraded to meet Facility Meter Application
Guideline. Metering Assessment Recommendations (MARs) should be categorized by utilty and
should include type, size, make and model, and location of the meters. MARs should also
identify if repairs are needed and if alternative trending data should be collected from the new
and existing meters. Provide a meter layout diagram similar to the example shown below.
Utility Benchmarking
Perform benchmarking of the building to compare it to similar building types. Indicate
the energy use index (EUI) of the building and compare it to the EUI of similar buildings.
For all posts note the fraction of current costs that would be saved if the energy index
were brought to the target or benchmark level.
o For posts that utilize the TREES Utility Management System, use the
benchmarking performed in the TREES Report Card. Include the Ranking of
Buildings graph, as shown in the example below.
o For posts that do not have utility data in the TREES Utility Management System,
ensure that the benchmarking includes the source, size and date of the sample
used in comparison. Provide a building benchmarking analysis table.
Provide a monthly energy usage graph for each primary fuel type, such as the example
4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
2 01 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201
/ / / / / / / / / / / /
25 /25 /25 /25 /25 /25 /25 /25 /25 /25 /25 /25
5/ 4 3 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 0 9 8 7 6
Include a completed energy use breakdown by major end uses table from the Tool Set.
An example is provided below.
5,2 $42,930 $34,205 Electricity Natural Gas
$6 93 Diesel Oil Chilled Water
4,0 District Steam Other Energy
98 (indicate type)
Potable Water Other Water (indicate
$1,00 type)
7 %7% Heating Cooling
% Plug Loads Domestic Water
% Heating
6 32% Kitchen Cooking Laundry
% Equipment
Swimming Pool Other (describe)
Create an energy profile curve for each building by combining the energy use with
historical weather data. Organizing the months from coldest to warmest using heating and
cooling degree days uncovers what parts of the load are associated with heating, cooling
and base conditions.
Energy Load Profile Curve example from U.S. Embassy Sofia, Bulgaria (provided by Paladino):
Energy Conservation Measure example from U.S. Embassy Tokyo, Japan (provided by Green
Building Services):
Summarize the potential savings for each package of measures according to the LCCA
table analysis, as shown in the example below created from the ECM summary table in
the Tool Set.
Low-and Medium-
no-cost cost
Discuss any measures considered but felt to be impractical and the reasons for rejecting
each, along with any feasible capital-intensive measures that may require an ASHRAE
Level III analysis.
Include detailed analysis such as calculations and charts for individual conservation
measures in an Appendix.
Annual Annual
Year Units
Consumption Cost ($)
2013 2012 2011
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
2 01 201 201 201 201 201 2 01 201 2 01 201 201 201
1/ 1/ 1/ 1/ 1/ 1/ 1/ 1/ 1/ 1/ 1/ 1/
1/ 2/ 3/ 4/ 5/ 6/ 7/ 8/ 9/ 10 / 11 / 12 /
Include a completed water use by major end uses table for the Tool Set. Provide a graph
from the Tool Set, as shown in the example below.
o The measures shall be identified and described for both technical and non-
technical readers.
o Provide rationale for decisions on which measures are recommended, as well as
justification based on the following: implementation cost, consumption savings,
operations and maintenance savings, and general industry best practice.
o Include a list of post-deferred maintenance items.
The list shall include equipment that is obsolete or that has not been
properly maintained due to deferred maintenance. Include the estimates
for replacement and/or repair in the LCCA table.
o Indicate any systems recommended for commissioning.
The list shall include equipment that should remain in each facility and
requires re-commissioning or retro-commissioning. The recommendations
shall also identify the level of effort required to complete the
commissioning recommended.
o Include recommendations for system replacement options for new technologies.
Provide a complete report on the findings including recommendations required to rectify
any deficiencies and to meet the requirements of E.O. 13423, EPAct 2005 and EISA
For a Level II Audit, provide detailed WCM recommendations for all practical measures
including proposed implementation plans.
o Review this list with the facilities team prior to inclusion in the report and ensure
that they are listed in the anticipated order of implementation.
Include the following details with each suggested measure:
Discuss any measures considered but felt to be impractical and the reasons for rejecting
each, along with any feasible capital-intensive measures that may require an ASHRAE
Level III analysis.
Include detailed analysis such as calculations and charts for individual conservation
measures in an Appendix.
Low-and no-
Medium-cost High-cost
Total Savings (MWh/yr) 166 968 968
38% of the year is within a comfortable temperature range. This time is primarily within
the occupied hours (7 AM to 8 PM).
During the winter months, some heating is needed, though it is anticipated that internal
loads within the embassy would mean that a heating system is not required (see
Abundance of Internal Loads section of this report).
There is a small spike in cooling needs from September through November, but this time
is limited and not excessive in temperature; it is a rarity for temperatures to rise above 32º
C (90º F).
Solar angles example from U.S. Embassy Mbabane, Swaziland (provided by H&A):
Audit Date
Year of Construction
Number of Floors
Mechanical System
Water Supply
Wastewater Treatment
PV Feasibility example from U.S. Embassy Abidjan, Ivory Coast (provided by OBO,
reformatted by Paladino):
Potential PV Locations example from U.S. Embassy Lima, Peru (provided by Paladino):
Potential Wind Turbine Location example from U.S. Embassy Maputo, Mozambique (provided
by OBO):
ECM#1 – BASOptimizations
ASHRAE Level I&II Audit
ECM#5- Rainwater
harvesting for rawwater use
Implement Sustainable
Purchasing Policy