GENESIS64 - Reserved Licenses

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Reserved Licenses
August 2014

Description: Guide to configuring reserved user licenses for


Figure 1 - Configuring IcoLicenseRuntime.Config.XML
With GENESIS64, you can configure reserved user licenses for
high priority or critical system users such as system admins, 5. Enter the number of licenses to remove from the global pool
engineering accounts or crucial system operators. and add to the reserved pool.

The feature allows licenses to be reserved for ICONICS security <NumberOfReservedLicenses>0</NumberOfReservedLicenses>

users (see application note entitled, “GENESIS64 Security - Quick

6. Copy the file back into the components directory and
Start”) or via client node name. The feature will reserve a license
overwrite the original.
hence removing it from the pool of available licenses for other
NOTE: It is possible to exceed the system license allocation with
reserved licenses.
7. Restart the ICONICS License service.
Configuring Reserved User License NOTE: Licenses added to the reserve pool are not eligible to be used by
global users, even if no reserved users are connected to the system, the
Reserving a license for a user reserves it permanently removing it licenses are always reserved.
from the global pool of shared licenses. A user with access to the
reserved licensing will first check for a reserved license then can Select users with access to the reserve license pool
take one from the global allocation if none in the reserved pool 1. Open the ICONICS GENESIS64 Workbench.
are available. 2. Select the security provider.
3. Under the users group select the user(s) to have access to
There are two steps to configuring a reserved user license: the reserve license pool and enable the Reserved licensing
check box.
 Assign the reservation to the license.
 Select the user(s) that license reservations would be
available for.

Create the license reservation pool

To configure the license reservation pool it is required to make a
change to the license configuration file and restart the license

WARNING: MODIFYING THE LICENSE FILE IN A MANNER OTHER THAN Figure 2 - Configuring Reserved licensing Users


NOTE: As security users access to the reserved licensing pool is
independent of the reserved license pool configuration it is possible to
configure more users with access to the reserved licensing pool than
1. Locate the IcoLicenseRuntimeConfig.XML (C:\Program number of licenses in the reserved pool and vice versa.
onfig.XML) View the license status for reserved user licenses
2. Copy the file to a different directory. The status of all licenses and reserved user licenses are shown in
3. Open the file in a text editor such as notepad. the MonitorWorX Viewer
4. Go to the following line shown in Figure 1 to configure the
number of reserved licenses:

Copyright 2014 ICONICS, Inc. Page 1 of 5 GENESIS64 - Reserved Licenses

Reserved Licenses
August 2014

To configure the license reservation pool it is required to make a

change to the license configuration file and restart the license



1. Locate the IcoLicenseRuntime.Config.XML (C:\Program

2. Copy the file to a different directory.
3. Open the file in a text editor such as notepad.
4. Inside the <Configuration></Configuration> section the
following section will have to be added:
Figure 3 - MonitorWorX Viewer GENESIS64 license information <LicenseCategory>iCAL</LicenseCategory>
It is also possible to view the node(s) that are using license bits </node>
from this location: <node>

5. Copy the file to back into the directory specified in section 1.

6. Restart the License Service

Client Station Reservation

A client station license (iCAL) is required if the number of clients
that may be trying to connect to the system exceed or equals the
number of available client station licenses.

Client Viewer Reservation

It is typical for a system to handle multiple client types, in which
case a reservation for the client type may be required past the
Figure 4 - MonitorWorX Viewer Diagnostics tab
initial client station connection i,e. GraphWorX64 (GWX64),
Workbench (Workbench), WebHMI (WebHMI). PortalWorX
Configuring Reserved Node License (PortalworX).

It is possible to reserve a user license via node name to ensure The example above would be implemented for a system where a
access from critical workstations or managerial/engineering machine whose node name is AdminNode1 always requires a
nodes. license to connect to the system and launch a GraphWorX64
display. In this system there would be more users than client
NOTE: Reservation by IP address is not supported. station licenses are available therefore requiring the client station

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Reserved Licenses
August 2014

(iCAL) reservation and a GWX64 reservation as there are a limited Number of machines which
number of thick client GraphWorX64 Client application licenses can run the AlarmWorX64
available. AWX64Logger Logger
In summary the license reservation should be done on the
Number of machines which
license(s) which are under contention.
can run the AlarmWorX64
NOTE: License reservation by node are not reflected in MonitorWorX. AWX64Server Server
Diagnostics tab will still display all license allocations, those it is unable
Number of machines which
to serve will be displayed in red.
can run the Hyper Historian
License Reservation Types HHStandard Standard (in process)
The following list contains all of the different license types which
Number of machines which
can be reserved via the Reserved Node Licensing: can run the Hyper Historian
iCAL Total Number of Client PCs HHEnter Enterprise (in process)
Number of machines that can BizVizAssets Number of BizViz Assets
run as a desktop (the rest are Number of machines which
Desktop web-only) can run the Kepware standard
Number of machines that can KepStandard server license
run the server configuration ModBUS_OPC Modbus OPC Server count
DevConfig forms ModBUS Ethernet Server
Number of machines that can ModBUS_Ethernet Ethernet Server count
run GraphWorX in The Number of Machines
GWX64Config configuration mode which can run the Unified Data
Number of machines that can UDM Manager
AWX64Config configure AlarmWorX The The Number of Machines
Number of machines that can which can run the UTM Data
HHConfig configure HyperHistorian UTM Connector
Number of machines that can The Number of Machines
LocalIO access local IO which can run the BACnet
Number of machines that can BACnet Server
IAppServer serve data Server The Number of
Number of machines which Machines which can run the
Workbench can access the workbench N1OPC N1OPC Server
Number of machines which The Number of Machines
GWX64 can access GraphWorX64 which can run the Simple
Number of machines which Network Manager Protocol
TWX64 can run TrendWorX64 Viewer SNMPConnector connector
Number of machines which The Number of Machines
AWX64 can run AlarmWorX64 Viewer which can run the MMX32
Number of machines which MMX32Server Server
EWX can run AlarmWorX64 Viewer The Number of Machines
Number of machines which which can run the MMX64
Gadgets can run the ICONICS Gadgets MMX64Server Server
Number of machines which The Number of Machines
can run the TrendWorX64 MMXLite which can run MMX Lite
TWX64Logger Logger MMXDistribution The Number of Machines
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Reserved Licenses
August 2014

which can run the MMX professional manufacturing

Distribution server
The Number of Machines The Number of Machines
which can run the MMX Phone which can run the Kepware
MMXPhone Agent KepOilGas professional Oil and Gas server
The Number of Machines The Number of Machines
ScheduleWorX which can run ScheduleWorX which can run the Kepware
The Number of Machines professional power
FacilityWorX which can run FacilityWorX KepPowerDistribution distribution server
The Number of Machines The Maximum amount of
which can run the FacilityWorX BizVizClients concurrent BizViz Clients
FacilityWorXNavigator Navigator The Maximum amount of
The maximum amount of enabled Energy Analytics
ReportWorX Reports which EnergyAnalyticsAssets Assets
ReportWorX can be enabled The Maximum amount of
The maximum amount of EnergyAnalyticsClients Energy Analytics BizViz Clients
BridgeWorX Transactions The Number of Machines
BridgeWorX which can be enabled which can run the DB OPC
The maximum amount of DBOPCServer Server
Hyper Historian Collectors The Number of Machines
HHCollectors which can be enabled ScriptWorX32 which can run ScriptWorX32
Whether GENESIS64 The Number of Machines
GEN64Redundancy Redundancy can be enabled ScriptWorX2010 which can run ScriptWorX2010
The Maximum amount of The Number of Machines
GenBrowser Clients which can WebPlugin which can run the WebPlugin
GenBrowser be simulatenously connected The Maximum amount of
The Maximum amount of concurrent GENESIS32 points
WebHMI Clients which can be GEN32PointCount on scan
WebHMI simulatenously connected The Maximum amount of
The maximum amount of GEN32ClientCount concurrent GENESIS32 clients
Alarm Analytics reports which Whether GENESIS32
AlarmAnalytics can be enabled GEN32Redundancy Redundancy is enabled
The Number of Machines Whether CE ToolWorX is
DataWorX which can run DataWorX32 CEToolWorX enabled
The Number of Machines Whether PortalWorX is
which can run the Kepware PortalWorX enabled
professional building Whether the Web Interface is
KepBuildingAutomation automation server WebINTFC enabled
The Number of Machines The Maximum amount of
which can run the Kepware machines which can run
professional IT/Infrastructure DataWorXLite DataWorX32 Lite
KepITInfrastructure server The Maximum amount of
The Number of Machines machines which can run
KepManufacturing which can run The Kepware PocketGENESIS PocketGENESIS
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Reserved Licenses
August 2014

The Maximum amount of

machines which can run
MobileHMI MobileHMI (32-bit)
The Maximum amount of
machines which can run
GridWorX GridWorX
The Maximum amount of
MobileHMIClients concurrent MobileHMI Clients
The Maximum amount of
machines which can run the
MobileHMIServer MobileHMI Server (64-bit)
The Maximum amount of
FacilityAnalytiXClients Facility AnalytiX clients
The Maximum amount of
FacilityAnalytiXAssets enabled Facility AnalytiX Assets
The Maximum amount of
ScheduleWorX64Viewer ScheduleWorX Viewers
The Maximum amount of
machines which can run the
ScheduleWorX64Server ScheduleWorX64 Server
The Maximum amount of
machines which can run
ScriptWorX64 ScriptWorX64
The Maximum amount of
machines which can run the
PortalWorX64Server PortalWorX64 Server

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