Midterm Test

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Khoa Ngoại ngữ
Tiếng Anh chuyên ngành Hệ thống thông tin quản lý (ENP314_221_1_D01)
MIDTERM TEST - 27/10/2022

Bắt đầu vào lúc Thứ Năm, 27 Tháng Mười 2022, 7:58 SA
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Kết thúc lúc Thứ Năm, 27 Tháng Mười 2022, 8:34 SA
Thời gian thực 36 phút 5 giây
Điểm 8,15 out of 10,00 (82%)

Câu hỏi 1 Match the words with their definitions.

Hoàn thành

Đạt điểm 2,00 processor

trên 2,50
This controlls all the operati

This is used to hold the instr

This is a network transmissio

This controlls the cursor.

This is an electronic device c

office suite
This is a set of standard pro

This is an interface enabling

This holds data read or writt

This is a powerfull computer

This is a common enterprise

The correct answer is: processor → This controlls all the operations in a computer., ram → This holds data read or written
to it by the processor., backbone → This is a network transmission path handling major data traffic., mouse → This
controlls the cursor., hub → This is an electronic device connecting all the data cabling in a network., office suite → This is
a set of standard programs used in an office., gateway → This is an interface enabling dissimilar networks to
communicate., memory → This is used to hold the instructions and data used by the processor., server → This is a
powerfull computer storing data shared by all the clients in the network., SAP → This is a common enterprise resource
planning tool.

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Câu hỏi 2 Drag the correct word to complete each blank in the following text. There are more words than you need.

Hoàn thành
Computers are part of our everyday lives. They have an effect
  on almost everything you do. When you buy
Đạt điểm 0,90
trên 1,50 groceries at a supermarket,
barcode a computer is used with laser and   technology to scan the price of each item and
present a total. Barcoding items (clothes, food, and books) requires  a computer to generate the barcode labels and
maintain the   . Most television advertisements and many films use graphics produced by a computer. In
hospitals, bedside   connected to the hospital's main computer allow doctors to type in order for blood tests

and to schedule
memory    . Banks use computers to look
generations after their customer's
inventory efficency  money. In libraries and bookshops,
computers can help you to find the book you want as quickly as possible.

The correct answer is:

Drag the correct word to complete each blank in the following text. There are more words than you need.

Computers are part of our everyday lives. They have an [effect] on almost everything you do. When you buy groceries at a
supermarket, a computer is used with laser and [barcode] technology to scan the price of each item and present a total.
Barcoding items (clothes, food, and books) requires  a computer to generate the barcode labels and maintain the
[inventory]. Most television advertisements and many films use graphics produced by a computer. In hospitals, bedside
[terminals] connected to the hospital's main computer allow doctors to type in order for blood tests and to schedule
[operations ]. Banks use computers to look after their customer's money. In libraries and bookshops, computers can help
you to find the book you want as quickly as possible.

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Câu hỏi 3
Select the a word in the list to complete each blank in the text below.
Hoàn thành

Đạt điểm 1,25 Hard disks consist of a set of

magnetic coated metal disks that are vacuum-sealed inside a case to keep out
trên 2,00

dust. The magnetic surfaces of the plate are formatted using a

read/write head to provide magnetic storage

areas. These storage areas form

concentric circles called tracks and each track is subdivided into sections

sectors . The disks are rotated at high speed and read from or
written to by the read/write head that moves across

the surface of the disks.

In server computers, hard disks can be connected together and made to operate
as one unit

using RAID (a redundant array of inexpensive disks). This can speed

up the system and provide a way of recovering

data if the system

crashes (fails suddenly and completely, usually referring to the failure of a
hard disk). There is a variety

of optical storage devices that use laser light to read or write to a disk.

An input device called a barcode reader

is a capacity type of scanner for reading barcodes (a set of printed bars

varying thickness that are used to identify a product e.g. used to

price items in supermarkets).

When comparing
computers, the power of the computer is important. This is mainly determined by
the speed and

disks (size) of each part of the computer.

The correct answer is:

Select the a word in the list to complete each blank in the text below.

Hard disks [consist] of a set of

magnetic coated metal disks that are vacuum-sealed inside a case to keep out
the dust.
The magnetic surfaces of the [disks] are formatted using a
read/write head to provide magnetic storage areas. These
storage areas form
concentric circles called tracks and each track is subdivided into sections
called [sectors] . The disks
are rotated at high speed and read from or
written to by the read/write head that moves across the surface of the disks.
server computers, hard disks can be connected together and made to operate
as one unit using RAID (a redundant array
of inexpensive disks). This can speed
up the system and [provide] a way of recovering data if the system
crashes (fails
suddenly and completely, usually referring to the failure of a
hard disk). There is a variety of optical storage devices that
use laser [light] to read or write to a disk.

An input device called a barcode reader

is a [special] type of scanner for reading barcodes (a set of printed bars
varying thickness that are [used] to identify a product e.g. used to
price items in supermarkets).

When comparing
computers, the power of the computer is important. This is mainly determined by
the speed and
[capacity] (size) of each part of the computer.

Thông tin
Read the following text and answer the questions that follow.

A database has several parts. These are

called objects. The simplest of these is a table; most databases have at least
Tables look like a spreadsheet. Each row in the table is a record,
containing information about one item, such as a person
or something that the
company sells. Each of these contains several fields with information about the
item. For example,
in a company’s employee database, these might be family
name, given name, phone number and so on. One important
point is that one field
in each record must be unique - the same data must not be in any other record.
We call this field
the primary key. It can be a staff ID number, for example,
it can’t be a given name because many people have the same
given name.

Another type of object is a form, which

is used for entering data into tables. A third object type is a report. This
can show
data from more than one table at the same time, looks good and is
suitable for printing.

These are several

ways to get data out of a database. One is simply to retrieve a record - for
example, if we want to check
the data in a single record, such as an employee’s
hone number. If we want to combine information from several tables or
to do
something with the data such as add up financial information from several
records, we can query the database.

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Câu hỏi 4 What types of objects are mentioned in the text?

Hoàn thành

Đạt điểm 0,40 Select one:

trên 0,40
a. spreadsheet, form and record

b. table, form, and spreadsheet

c. table, form, and report

d. table, spreadsheet and report

The correct answer is: table, form, and report

Câu hỏi 5 One field in any other record can be the same.

Hoàn thành

Đạt điểm 0,40 Select one:

trên 0,40


The correct answer is 'False'.

Câu hỏi 6 We can retrieve a record to check the data in a

single record.

Hoàn thành

Đạt điểm 0,40 Select one:

trên 0,40


The correct answer is 'True'.

Câu hỏi 7
word/phrase in the text that match these definitions.
Hoàn thành
an integrated collection of files of
data stored in a structured form in a large memory, which can be accessed by
one or
Đạt điểm 0,40
trên 0,40 more users at different terminals (paragraph 1)  ..…………………

Answer: Database

The correct answer is: database

Câu hỏi 8
word/phrase in the text that match these definitions.
Hoàn thành
extract information from a file or storage device (paragraph
3) ………………………

Đạt điểm 0,40

trên 0,40

Answer: retrieve

The correct answer is: retrieve

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Câu hỏi 9
Choose the correct answer for the following broken sentence.

Hoàn thành
Part / work /
mainframe / operating systems / be / support
/ multiple program / users.

Đạt điểm 0,50

trên 0,50
Select one:
a. Part in the work of mainframe operating systems
is to support multiple programs and

b. Part in the work of mainframe operating systems

is to supporting multiple programs and

c. Part of the work of mainframe operated systems

is to supporting multiple programs and

d. Part of the work of mainframe operating systems

is to support multiple programs and

The correct answer is: Part of the work of mainframe operating systems
is to support multiple programs and

Câu hỏi 10
Choose the correct answer for the following broken sentence.

Hoàn thành
The Help / facility / enable/ users / get / advice / most problems.

Đạt điểm 0,50

trên 0,50
Select one:
a. The Help facility enables users to get advice on most problems.

b. The Help facility enables users to get advice with most problems.

c. The Help facility enables users to get advices on most problems.

d. The Help facility enable users to get advice on most problems.

The correct answer is: The Help facility enables users to get advice on most problems.

Câu hỏi 11 Choose the correct answer to finish the following sentence.

Hoàn thành
If you added more memory, ...............................................................

Đạt điểm 0,50

trên 0,50
Select one:
a. you can convert a WAV file to MP3 format by using an encoder.

b. it would speed up the


c. you could get a virus


d. allowing you to control the way the music sounds.

The correct answer is: it would speed up the


Câu hỏi 12 Choose the correct answer to finish the following sentence.
Hoàn thành
If you press the delete key, ............................................

Đạt điểm 0,50

trên 0,50
Select one:
a. you can't get used to logging on with a password.

b. you
copy an image of an active window to the clipboard.

c. it would speed up the


d. it will delete the character to the right of the


The correct answer is: it will delete the character to the right of the

◄ PROGRESS TEST 2 Chuyển tới...

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