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Reading Newsletter Autumn Term 2020

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The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse Matt Haig

by Charlie Mackesy ‘The Truth Pixie is an enchanting,

rhyming story that will delight
"Charlie Mackesy offers inspiration younger readers - with words by the
and hope in uncertain times in this bestselling mastermind Matt Haig
beautiful book based on his and pictures by the inky genius Chris
famous quartet of characters. The Mould. From number one bestselling
Boy, the Mole, the Fox, and the author Matt Haig comes a hilarious
Horse explores their unlikely and heart warming story, brilliantly
friendship and the poignant, illustrated throughout by Chris Mould.”
universal lessons they learn
together. Radiant with Mackesy’s
warmth and gentle wit, The Boy, The Truth Pixie Goes To School shows
the Mole, the Fox, and the Horse children how to navigate
blends hand-written narrative with relationships, relate to those who are
dozens of drawings, including some unable to be kind due to hurting
of his best-loved illustrations and stay true to themselves. The big
(including “Help,” which has been shared over one million times) life messages are there too, so
and new, never-before-seen material. A modern classic in the vein poignantly written. An amazing book
of The Tao of Pooh, The Alchemist, and The Giving Tree, this that supports emotional wellbeing
charmingly designed keepsake will be treasured for generations to and truly empowers the self.
come." --Barnes & Noble website.
Useful Websites While We Can’t Hug




By Eoin McLaughlin Polly Dunbar

“If a person has ugly thoughts, it begins to show on the
face. And when that person has ugly thoughts every https://www.youtube.com/watch?
day, every week, every year, the face gets uglier and
uglier until you can hardly bear to look at it.

A person who has good thoughts cannot ever be ugly.

You can have a wonky nose and a crooked mouth and a
double chin and stick-out teeth, but if you have good
thoughts it will shine out of your face like sunbeams
and you will always look lovely.”
Roald Dahl, The Twits
Meet The Teacher

It was lovely treat to chat to Mrs Piper about all

things to do with books last week! Mrs Piper
works in Apple Class and has run Book Club for
A story for children about the last 5 years.
social distancing (Big Topics
for Little People) Kindle
Edition. A book for children to What is the last book that you really, REALLY enjoyed?
explain the importance of Malamander by Thomas Taylor. It is spooky and eerie and kept me
hand washing and social guessing right to the end!
distancing. Written in rhyme
What book do you remember having read to you as a child?
for young children to teach
them about diseases and I can’t remember but my favourite book to read to my own children
viruses. when they were little was Each, Peach, Pear, Plum and Peep! by Allan
and Janet Ahlberg.
Which book would you love ot be able to step inside the world of?
The Magic Faraway Tree by Enid Blyton
What else do you read?
I try to read a range of different material from fiction: self-help books,
magazines and newspapers, especially The Week Junior. It has lots of
book reviews, recommendations and interviews with authors.
Redwood’s Class Story This Term
Title Once
Author Morris Gleitzman
Plot Summary / Blurb 2 Jewish children make their way through Poland

Language Features Use of short sentences to create tension.

That The Author Uses Humour within text.
That The Class Will Language used.
Themes Explored In How Jews were treated during WW2
The Book For The How people collaborated with the Nazis
Class To Explore Idea of identity in relation to your family

Other Reasons That Reading for pleasure

The Book Was Link to WW2
Similar Books That When Hitler Stole Pink Rabbit - Judith Kerr
Could Be Recom- Goodnight Mr Tom – Michelle Magorian
mended To The Mouth of the Wolf – Michael Morpurgo
Children Waiting for Anya - Michael Morpurgo
Then – Morris Gleitzman
Now – Morris Gleitzman
Next- Morris Gleitzman
Ash’s Class Story This Term
Title Dangerous Reality
Author Malorie Blackman
Plot Summary / Blurb DR - Dominic’s mum works for a company and she
is an inventor. Her invention is VIMS – a virtual
reality machine. Dominic uses VIMS, when he
shouldn’t. Chaos ensues and it appears that there
is a saboteur and a dark secret. Dominic has to
work through friendship issues and gets used to
being part of his new family.
Language Features That References made to technology
The Author Uses That The
Class Will Discuss
Themes Explored In The Being bullied How to be a good friend
Book For The Class To Being part of a ‘new’ family Being responsible
Other Reasons That The Malorie Blackman is a successful author of an
Book Was Chosen ethnic minority and a positive role model.
Similar Books That Could
Be Recommended To The Other Malorie Blackman titles.
Beech’s Class Story This Term

Title Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

Author Roald Dahl
Plot Summary / Blurb A poor boy called Charlie is grateful when
he wins a golden ticket to gain entry to
Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Factory. He has
amazing experiences inside the factory
and his character is truly tested.
Language Features That *Detailed character and setting descrip-
The Author Uses That tions
The Class Will Discuss *Humour both explicit and implicit
Themes Explored In The *Greed
Book For The Class To *What is really important in life
Other Reasons That The *It is imaginative, unique and funny!

Similar Books That *Most Roald Dahl books.

Could Be Recommended *Books by David Walliams.
Willow’s Class Story This Term
Title BFG
Author Roald Dahl
Plot Summary / Ten-year-old Sophie is in for the adventure of a lifetime when she meets the Big Friendly Giant.
Blurb Naturally scared at first, the young girl soon realizes that the 24-foot behemoth is actually quite
gentle and charming. As their friendship grows, Sophie's presence attracts the unwanted
attention of Bloodbottler, Fleshlumpeater and other giants. After traveling to London, Sophie and
the BFG must convince Queen Victoria to help them get rid of all the bad giants once and for all.
Language Fea- Nonsense language
tures That The Homophones
Author Uses That Rhyming words
The Class Will Incorrect use of grammar (muddling tenses etc)

Themes Explored Team work

In The Book For Love and hate
The Class To Ex- Friendship
plore Over coming barriers/obstacles – stamina and self-belief.
Not to always judge people by what they look like.
Other Reasons Willow Class are enjoying reading stories by Roald Dahl. Pupils like the humour and imaginative
That The Book plots that seem to transcend time and different generations.
Was Chosen We are also currently studying the Stone Age. Giant Country will provide some great setting
descriptions that will inspire when we write our own Stone Age Boy stories this half term.
Oak’s Class Story This Term

Title The Owl Who Was Afraid of The Dark

Author Jill Tomlinson
Plot Summary / Blurb ‘Plop is a beautiful baby barn owl, perfect
in almost every way, except for just ONE
thing…Plop is afraid of the dark!’
Language Features Adjectives/synonyms
That The Author Uses Alliteration
That The Class Will Descriptive phrases
Themes Explored In Conquering fears, self-esteem, respect,
The Book For The appreciating others
Class To Explore
Other Reasons That Pie Corbett Reading Spine
The Book Was Chosen
Similar Books That Can’t You Sleep Little Bear?
Could Be Recom- The Penguin Who Wanted to Find Out
mended To The The Gorilla Who Wanted to Grow Up
Maple’s Class Story This Term
Title Esio Trot
Author Roald Dahl
Plot Summary / Blurb Saying things backwards can make magic happen. Just ask
Mr Hoppy and Mrs Silver! Esio Trot is the story of a very shy
man and a very kind woman, and a small tortoise called
Alfie who brings them together.
Language Features That Looking at adjectives to describe the two main characters
The Author Uses That The Mr Hoppy and Mrs Silver.
Class Will Discuss Interesting vocabulary to explore-
Gorge, guzzle, bewildered, examine.
Predicting events: will the magic spell work?
Esio Trot- is tortoise spelt backwards.
Themes Explored In The Friendship and the concept of truth
Book For The Class To
Other Reasons That The The class have been learning How The Tortoise Got His Shell
Book Was Chosen in T4W, we thought this story would be an interesting link.
Similar Books That Could The Giraffe, the Pelly and Me - Roald Dahl,
Be Recommended To The The Magic Finger- Roald Dahl
Class Stories In Apple Class This Term
Titles The Three Little Pigs and Mr Gumpy’s Motor car
‘The Three little Pigs’. The children are enjoying predicting the different endings.
We have been reading We love using a deep, gruff voice for the wolf.
different versions of We have discussed ‘fairness’ and asked the question ‘Should the pigs give Mr Wolf a
this traditional story. chance at the end of the story?’
Stories about We have used the stories to help us in Maths. We have counted in 2’s after reading ‘Mrs
Transport Armitage on Wheels and we have measured how far our vehicles have travelled down
different ramps.
Reasons That The Book We are learning our own T4W version of ‘The Three Little Pigs’.
Was Chosen We are learning about journeys, transport and maps.
We have made our own maps and explored maps of Sudbury and London.
We made a map of the world and added flags, the oceans and different modes of
Similar Books That
Could Be
Recommended To The
More Class Stories In Apple Class This Term
Titles Guess how much I love you in the Autumn by Sam McBratney
We’re going on a leaf Hunt by Steve Metzger
Stories about Autumn We love the rhyming words and the describing words like splish, swoosh, plip and plop.
Stories about love, ‘It’s OK to be different’ by Sharon Purtill
being loved and
Reasons That The Book We are learning about Autumn and the hope that each new season brings us.
Was Chosen We are looking at signs of Autumn, exploring colour patterns and Autumn treasure.
We are also learning about friendship, love, difference and ourselves. It’s ok to be different
explores how we all look and act differently and ‘if everyone looked and acted the same,
how would we know who was who?’
Marvellous Me…’There is no one else quite like Alex. With his special laugh, his grizzly hugs,
and his own interesting thoughts, Alex is one of a kind. Presenting similarities and differ-
ences Alex has with others, Marvellous Me, by Lisa Bullard, will encourage children to em-
brace the things that make them unique. Playful illustrations and fun activities make this
book a great addition to home and classroom libraries.
Similar Books That We’re Going On A Bear Hunt
Could Be Guess How Much I Love You
Recommended To The

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