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Active Directory
Handy Guides
Contents SysAdmin Magazine July 2022
SysAdmin Contents
3 What are FSMO Roles in Active Directory?
July ‘22
12 What Is a Global Catalog Server?
Contents SysAdmin Magazine July 2022
Roles in Active original name: flexible single-master operator (FSMO) roles. those three domain-level FSMO roles are assigned to the ini-
tial domain controller in the newly created domain; the two
enterprise-level FSMO roles (Schema Master and Domain
Naming Master) already exist in the forest root domain.
What are FSMO Roles?
Schema Master
Kevin Joyce The 5 FSMO Roles
Senior Technical Product Manager at Netwrix Schema Master is an enterprise-level FSMO role; there is
Active Directory has five FSMO roles: only one Schema Master in an Active Directory forest.
▪ Schema Master The Schema Master role owner is the only domain con-
Active Directory (AD) allows object creations, updates and
▪ Domain Naming Master troller in an Active Directory forest that contains a writable
deletions to be committed to any authoritative domain
▪ Infrastructure Master schema partition. As a result, the DC that owns the Sche-
controller (DC). This is possible because every DC (except
▪ Relative ID (RID) Master ma Master FSMO role must be available to modify its for-
read-only DCs) maintains a writable copy of its own domain’s
▪ PDC Emulator est’s schema. Examples of actions that update the schema
partition. Once a change has been committed, it is repli-
include raising the functional level of the forest and up-
cated automatically to other DCs through a process called In every forest, there is a single Schema Master and a single
grading the operating system of a DC to a higher version
multi-master replication. This behavior allows most opera- Domain Naming Master. In each domain, there is one Infra-
than currently exists in the forest.
tions to be processed reliably by multiple domain control- structure Master, one RID Master and one PDC Emulator.
lers and provides for high levels of redundancy, availability At any given time, there can be only one DC performing the The Schema Master role has little overhead and its loss
and accessibility in Active Directory. functions of each role. Therefore, a single DC could be run- can be expected to result in little to no immediate opera-
ning all five FSMO roles; however, in a single-domain envi- tional impact. Indeed, unless schema changes are neces-
An exception applies to certain Active Directory operations ronment, there can be no more than five servers that run sary, it can remain offline indefinitely without noticeable
that are sensitive enough that their execution is restricted the roles. effect. The Schema Master role should be seized only when
to a specific domain controller. Active Directory addresses the DC that owns the role cannot be brought back online.
Contents SysAdmin Magazine July 2022
Bringing the Schema Master role owner back online after RID Master a considerable length of time because of a relatively low
the role has been seized from it can introduce serious data volume of object creation events. Bringing a RID Master
Relative Identifier Master (RID Master) is a domain-level
inconsistency and integrity issues for the forest. back online after having seized its role can introduce du-
role; there is one RID Master in each domain in an Active
plicate RIDs into the domain, so this role should be seized
Directory forest.
only if the DC that owns it cannot be brought back online.
Domain Naming Master The RID Master role owner is responsible for allocating ac-
tive and standby Relative Identifier (RID) pools to DCs in its
Domain Naming Master is an enterprise-level role; there
domain. RID pools consist of a unique, contiguous range Infrastructure Master
is only one Domain Naming Master in an Active Directory
of RIDs, which are used during object creation to generate
forest. Infrastructure Master is a domain-level role; there is one
the new object’s unique Security Identifier (SID). The RID
Infrastructure Master in each domain in an Active Directo-
The Domain Naming Master role owner is the only domain Master is also responsible for moving objects from one
ry forest.
controller in an Active Directory forest that is capable of domain to another within a forest.
adding new domains and application partitions to the for- The Infrastructure Master synchronizes objects with the
In mature domains, the overhead generated by the RID
est. Its availability is also necessary to remove existing do- global catalog servers. The Infrastructure Master will com-
Master is negligible. Since the primary domain controller
mains and application partitions from the forest. pare its data to a global catalog server’s data and receive
(PDC) in a domain typically receives the most attention
any data not found in its database from the global cata-
The Domain Naming Master role has little overhead and its from administrators, leaving this role assigned to the do-
log server. If all DCs in a domain are also global catalog
loss can be expected to result in little to no operational im- main PDC helps ensure its availability. It is also important
servers, then all DCs will have up-to-date information (as-
pact, since the addition and removal of domains and parti- to ensure that existing DCs and newly promoted DCs, es-
suming that replication is functional). In such a scenario,
tions are performed infrequently and are rarely time-criti- pecially those promoted in remote or staging sites, have
the location of the Infrastructure Master role is irrelevant
cal operations. Consequently, the Domain Naming Master network connectivity to the RID Master and are reliably
since it doesn’t have any real work to do.
role should need to be seized only when the DC that owns able to obtain active and standby RID pools.
the role cannot be brought back online. The Infrastructure Master role owner is also responsible
The loss of a domain’s RID Master will eventually lead to
for managing phantom objects. Phantom objects are used
result in an inability to create new objects in the domain
to track and manage persistent references to deleted ob-
as the RID pools in the remaining DCs are depleted. While
jects and link-valued attributes that refer to objects in an-
it might seem that unavailability of the DC owning the RID
other domain within the forest (e.g., a local-domain securi-
Master role would cause significant operational disruption,
ty group with a member user from another domain).
in mature environments the impact is usually tolerable for
Contents SysAdmin Magazine July 2022
The Infrastructure Master may be placed on any domain cerns, the PDCE registers as the target DC for legacy ap- ensures that passwords can reliably be processed even
controller in a domain unless the Active Directory forest plications that perform writable operations and certain if recent changes have not fully propagated through
includes DCs that are not global catalog hosts. In that case, administrative tools that are unaware of the multi-mas- scheduled replication. The PDCE is also responsible for
the Infrastructure Master must be placed on a domain ter behavior of Active Directory DCs. processing account lockouts, since all failed password
controller that is not a global catalog host. authentications are passed to the PDCE.
▪ Time synchronization. Each PDCE serves as the mas-
ter time source within its domain. The PDCE in forest ▪ Group Policy updates. All Group Policy object (GPO)
The loss of the DC that owns the Infrastructure Master role
root domain serves as the preferred Network Time updates are committed to the domain PDCE. This pre-
is likely to be noticeable only to administrators and can be
Protocol (NTP) server in the forest. The PDCE in every vents versioning conflicts that could occur if a GPO was
tolerated for an extended period. While its absence will
other domain within the forest synchronizes its clock to modified on two DCs at approximately the same time.
result in the names of cross-domain object links failing to
the forest root PDCE; non-PDCE DCs synchronize their
resolve correctly, the ability to utilize cross-domain group ▪ Distributed file system. By default, distributed file sys-
clocks to their domain’s PDCE; and domain-joined hosts
memberships will not be affected. tem (DFS) root servers will periodically request updated
synchronize their clocks to their preferred DC. One ex-
DFS namespace information from the PDCE. While this
ample of the importance of time synchronization is Ker-
behavior can lead to resource bottlenecks, enabling
beros authentication: Kerberos authentication will fail
PDC Emulator the Dfsutil.exe Root Scalability parameter will allow DFS
if the difference between a requesting host’s clock and
root servers to request updates from the closest DC.
The Primary Domain Controller Emulator (PDC Emulator the clock of the authenticating DC exceeds the speci-
or PDCE) is a domain-level role; there is one PDCE in each fied maximum (5 minutes by default); this helps count- The PDCE should be placed on a highly-accessible, well-con-
domain in an Active Directory forest. er certain malicious activities, such as replay attacks. nected, high-performance DC. Additionally, the forest root
domain PDC Emulator should be configured with a reliable
The PDC Emulator controls authentication within a domain, ▪ Password update processing. When computer and
external time source.
whether Kerberos v5 or NTLM. When a user changes their user passwords are changed or reset by a non-PDCE do-
password, the change is processed by the PDC Emulator. main controller, the committed update is immediately While the loss of the DC that owns the PDC Emulator role
replicated to the domain’s PDCE. If an account attempts can be expected to have an immediate and significant im-
The PDCE role owner is responsible for several crucial op-
to authenticate against a DC that has not yet received pact on operations, the seizure of the PDCE role has fewer
a recent password change through scheduled replica- implications to the domain than the seizure of other roles.
▪ Backward compatibility. The PDCE mimics the sin- tion, the request is passed to the domain PDCE, which Seizure of the PDCE role is a recommended best practice
gle-master behavior of a Windows NT primary domain will process the authentication request and instruct the if the DC that owns that role becomes unavailable due to
controller. To address backward compatibility con- requesting DC to either accept or reject it. This behavior an unscheduled outage.
Contents SysAdmin Magazine July 2022
PDCE, RID Master or Infrastructure Master Domain Admins in the domain where the role is being
Contents SysAdmin Magazine July 2022
Contents SysAdmin Magazine July 2022
Transferring the Domain Naming Master Role Right-click the Active Directory Domains and Trusts node
and select Change Active Directory Domain Controller.
The Domain Naming Master role can be transferred using the Active Directory Domains and Trusts Management Console snap-in.
Choose the DC that the Domain Naming Master FSMO role
Run the Management Console as a user who is a member of the Enterprise Admins group, and add the Active Directory Domains will be transferred to, and click OK to bind the Active Direc-
and Trusts snap-in to the Management Console: tory Domains and Trusts snap-in to that DC.
Contents SysAdmin Magazine July 2022
Transferring the RID Master, Infrastructure Master or PDC Emulator Role Right-click either the Domain node or the Active Directory
Users and Computers node and select Change Active
The RID Master, Infrastructure Master and PDC Emulator roles can all be transferred using the Active Directory Users and Computers
Directory Domain Controller. Choose the domain
Management Console snap-in.
controller that the FSMO role will be transferred to and click
OK button to bind the Active Directory Users and Computers
Run the Management Console as a user who is a member of the Domain Admins group in the domain where the FSMO roles are
snap-in to that DC.
being transferred and add the Active Directory Users and Computers snap-in to the Management Console:
Contents SysAdmin Magazine July 2022
5. At the server connections prompt, type connect to serv- ronment. The reintroduction of a FSMO role owner follow-
How to Transfer FSMO Roles using er <DC> (replacing <DC> with the hostname of the DC ing the seizure of its roles can cause significant damage to
PowerShell that the FSMO role is being transferred to) and press En- the domain or forest. This is especially true of the Schema
ter. This will bind ntdsutil to the specified DC. Master and RID Master roles.
You can transfer FSMO roles using the following PowerShell 6. Type quit and press Enter.
To seize FSMO roles, you can use the Move-ADDirectory-
cmdlet: 7. At the fsmo maintenance prompt, enter the appropriate
ServerOperationMasterRole cmdlet with the Force pa-
command for each FSMO role being transferred:
rameter. The cmdlet will attempt an FSMO role transfer; if
▪ transfer schema master
Move-ADDirectoryServerOperationMas- that attempt fails, it will seize the roles.
▪ transfer naming master
terRole -Identity TargetDC -Operation-
▪ transfer rid master
MasterRole pdcemulator, ridmaster,
▪ transfer infrastructure master
infrastructuremaster, schemamaster, do-
▪ transfer pdc
8. To exit the fsmo maintenance prompt, type quit and
How Netwrix Can Help
press Enter. As we have seen, FSMO roles are important for both
9. To exit the ntdsutil prompt, type quit and press Enter. business continuity and security. Therefore, it’s vital to audit
all changes to your FSMO roles. Netwrix Auditor for Active
How to Transfer FSMO Roles using Directory automates this monitoring and can alert you to
To transfers an FSMO role using ndtsutil.exe, take the fol- Transferring FSMO roles requires that both the source DC However, FSMO roles are just one part of your security
lowing steps: and the target DC be online and functional. If a DC that strategy — you need to understand and control what is
owns one or more FSMO roles is lost or will be unavailable happening across your core systems. Netwrix Auditor for
1. Open an elevated command prompt. Active Directory goes far beyond protecting FSMO roles and
for a significant period, its FSMO roles can be seized, rather
2. Type ntdsutil and press Enter. A new window will open. facilitates strong management and change control across
than transferred.
3. At the ntdsutil prompt, type roles and press Enter. Active Directory.
4. At the fsmo maintenance prompt, type connections In most cases, FSMO roles should be seized only if the origi-
and press Enter. nal FSMO role owner cannot be brought back into the envi-
Contents SysAdmin Magazine July 2022
Contents SysAdmin Magazine July 2022
Contents SysAdmin Magazine July 2022
Contents SysAdmin Magazine July 2022
In a single-domain forest, all DCs host the only domain Active Directory takes advantage of this by allowing any domain controller in a single-domain forest to function as a virtual global
partition in the forest; therefore, each one contains a catalog server, regardless of whether it has been configured as a global catalog server. The only limitation is that only DCs config-
record of all of the objects in the forest and can process ured as global catalog servers can respond to queries directed specifically to a global catalog.
authentication and domain service requests.
Contents SysAdmin Magazine July 2022
Contents SysAdmin Magazine July 2022
First, look for Enhanced Key Usages (EKUs) that enable any
When an authentication-based certificate is issued to an kind of domain-level authentication. Here is a brief list:
identity, the certificate can be used to authenticate as the
Services: Risky identity set in the Subject Alternative Name (SAN); this is
usually a UPN or DNS name. The certificate is then used in
Any Purpose (
SubCA (None)
Contents SysAdmin Magazine July 2022
When the flag CT_FLAG_ENROLLEE_SUPPLIES_SUBJECT is present in the mspki-certificate-name-flag property, the enrollee of the
certificate can supply their own alternative Subject Name in the certificate signing request. This means that any user who is allowed
to enroll in a certificate with this setting can request a certificate as any user in the network, including a privileged user.
You can check this flag in the Certificate Template console; it’s under the Subject Name tab as the “Supply in the request” radio Further Reducing Risk
In addition to correcting certificate misconfigurations,
consider using the following options to control the issuing
of certificates.
Contents SysAdmin Magazine July 2022
Requirements tab on each certificate to see if it requires of users who shouldn’t be able to request certificates; if
you find them, consider revoking their Enroll or AutoEnroll
approval from the Certificate Authority (CA) manager or
one or more authorized permissions.
registry setting. This setting is one of the most interesting:
If is enabled on the CA, then any authenticated-based
certificate that is issued (including certificates where the
subject is automatically built from Active Directory) can
have user-defined values in the SAN.
Enabling one or both of these settings can greatly reduce
risk by requiring checks before certificates are issued. If you
To check this setting, you can run this command:
are unsure about requiring authorized signatures, at least
require CA certificate manager approval; then every time a
certificate is requested, it will go to the Certificate Authority certutil –getreg policy\EditFlags
Contents SysAdmin Magazine July 2022
Active Directory
of the default options.
Free Download
Contents SysAdmin Magazine July 2022
Active Directory Active Directory Object Recovery without the AD Recycle Bin
Object Recovery
In a domain without the AD Recycle Bin, when an Active Directory object is deleted, it becomes a “tombstone.” This object, stripped
of the majority of its attributes, is kept in the partition’s Deleted Objects container for the time period specified in the domain’s
Kevin Joyce
Senior Technical Product Manager at Netwrix
Contents SysAdmin Magazine July 2022
Once the object’s time in a deleted object state is up, the object becomes a recycled object. A recycled object looks suspiciously like Here is a user account that I am planning to delete:
a tombstone with an isRecycled attribute slapped on and set to TRUE. Like a tombstone, the majority of its attributes are removed
and it persists in Active Directory for the time period specified by the tombstoneLifetime attribute. Then, it is cleaned up by Active
Directory’s garbage collection.
The lifecycle of an object deleted with the Recycle Bin enabled looks like this:
Contents SysAdmin Magazine July 2022
Here is the object in the deleted object state in the Recycle Bin: While the majority of the object’s attributes are retained,
there are some important changes:
Contents SysAdmin Magazine July 2022
To restore an object, simply click Restore in the Tasks list on the right side of the window. Here’s what the restored object looks
Contents SysAdmin Magazine July 2022
Contents SysAdmin Magazine July 2022
Contents SysAdmin Magazine July 2022
Secure Endpoints and Boost Deploy software and custom OS settings to any Win-
dows endpoint, whether domain-joined, MDM enrolled
Productivity or virtual
of the endpoint management technologies you already
Prevent users from installing unknown software and
Manage and secure your on-premises, hybrid or remote
Request Demo manage how they use removable storage
desktop environment from a single solution
Contents SysAdmin Magazine July 2022
[On-Demand Webinar]
Active Directory and authorization hub of their IT infrastructure— but its inherent complexity leaves it prone
to misconfigurations that can allow attackers to slip into your network and wreak havoc. To
Masterclass: AD reduce risk, you need to ensure your AD is clean, configured properly, monitored closely and
controlled tightly. Netwrix is eager to help you achieve these goals.
Configuration Strategies ▪ Whether you should upgrade your domain controllers to Windows Server 2019 and beyond
▪ Achieving mission impossible: updating DCs within 48 hours
for Stronger Security ▪ How to disable legacy protocols and outdated compatibility options in Active Directory
▪ How to better secure service accounts with gMSAs and least privilege
▪ The AD Tier Model as a goal and the Protected Users group as an easy fix
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