Steady State Analysis of Synch To No Us
Steady State Analysis of Synch To No Us
Steady State Analysis of Synch To No Us
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Abstract A method for the efficient simulation of the steady- rotor position is not required. In conjunction with the proper
state performance of synchronous generators is proposed in this use of the dqO reference frame, great time saving is achieved
paper. The method is based on an indirect coupling of the finite without the loss of engineering accuracy.
element method and circuit models and provides the rated exci-
tation requirement, complete load-angle characteristic and
dynamic synchronous parameters. The implementation of the The basic idea of the well-known two-axis theory is to
whole procedure can be realized conveniently by using commer- resolve the magnetomotive force (MMF, excitation) into two
cially available and technically mature finite element packages. components -one acting along the d-axis, and the other acting
along the q-axis -to calculate the individual response (flux) of
An application example is provided to demonstrate the effective- each excitation component. It is apparent that the two reaction
ness of the proposed approach. theory is not inherently correct when nonlinearity is included,
since it is based on the linear concept of superposition. Fortu-
I. INTRODUCTION nately, this difficulty can be surmounted by using the finite ele-
The use of the finite element method in modeling rotating ment method to model the nonlinearity. This is because the
electrical machines provides a significant advance in the finite element method is able to obtain the resultant field
degree of accuracy with which performance can be predicted. response directly. This accounts for all source excitations,
Two-dimensional models are especially appropriate for syn- rather than the individual d-axis or q-axis excitation compo-
chronous generators with relatively large stack lengths. Such nents. Each field component can thereafter be resolved from
models have been used to determine steady-state parameters the resultant field response, which is a pure mathematical
and initial load data for stability studies[l,2]. Modeling the operation that does not introduce any extra error. Another side-
coupling between the non-linear magnetic components and benefit of this approach is its natural handling of the electrical
electric circuits is important in order to predict the perfor- connection between phase windings in terms of zero-sequence
mance characteristics of a generator at system level. High components.
accuracy is obtained by including voltage drops across power Phasor analysis can provide a significant speed advantage
switching elements and the effects of 3D parts to complete the compared to time-stepping. The effect of the armature MMF
2D finite element analysis. harmonics can be included in the circuit equations by har-
There are two different approaches to couple finite element monic leakage reactance through conventional formule. The
models with circuit equations. One is direct coupling and the harmonic voltages in stator windings due to permeance ripple
other is indirect coupling. In direct coupling, the circuit equa- and higher harmonic MMF produced by rotor field current is
tions are directly incorporated into the field calculation and normally very small because of the distributing and chording
solved simultaneously[31. In indirect coupling, the field calcu- of the stator winding, and thus can be considered as having a
lation is performed by a free-standing program, while circuit negligible effect on machine performance. An exception to
simulation and coupling between field and circuit models are this is the voltage distortion investigation, which can be treated
handled in a separate program[4]. A drawback of direct cou- separately by performing Fourier analysis of flux distribution
pling is that symmetry of the large finite element coefficient along the airgap under both no-load and rated-load conditions.
matrix may be destroyed by adding in the circuit equations. In Thus, the space-time phasor relationship as shown in Fig. 1
addition, difficult modification of existing field calculation can be used to determine the instantaneous phase currents in
programs is required. Furthermore, direct coupling requires the armature and field current in the rotor for any load condi-
excessive computationaltime and memory if electric and mag- tions without the trouble of moving the rotor position. The dif-
netic nonlinearities are to be accounted for. The success of the ferent armature reactions under specified load conditions can
coupled finite element and state space method in modeling of simulated by setting I,, the peak value of stator currents
synchronous generators is encouraging[5,6]. This method I,, and the angle p as inputs to field calculation. The stator
incorporates the full impact of space harmonics caused by voltage equations in the dqO reference frame are
geometry and continuous relative motion in the inductances,
as well as the impact of saturation. It is recognized, however,
that this modeling technique requires extensive computation
time. Consequently, this method becomes impractical to sim-
ulate the complete load-angle characteristic as required when
a generator is connected to a power system.
In this paper, a modeling approach for computing the steady and the stator flux linkages are given by
state performance of a synchronous generator is presented wd = LdI,+ Laflf
based on the indirect coupling of the finite element and circuit
models. The space-time phasor relationships of the quantities WO = LJ,
in the machine are used to coordinate the set of instantaneous where I f is the field current, and L is the mutual inductance
phase currents in the armature and field current in the rotor. between the field winding and the greet axis. For steady state
Different load conditions are simulated and the motion of the operation, the differential terms with respect to time are zero
OWd = EiC0SGi
ent load conditions while the magnitude I,,, is determined by load field solutions, the values of rated load angle and voltage
iteration. This choice is made because p is very sensitive to load distortion factor are also determined. From the successive no-
angle. Thus, for a specific p setting, the lack of balance between load simulation under rated field current, the open circuit volt-
the computed terminal voltage and the prescribed one can be age, voltage regulation factor and voltage distortion factor are
used to obtain an improved estimate of the correct magnitude also obtained. The results o f simulation are shown in Table 1
I,, and to proceed in an iterative manner until satisfactory bal- together with the available test data.
ance is achieved. The entire process is illustrated in Fig. 3. TABLE 1. SOME PERFORMANCE DATAAT NO-LOADA N D RATEDLOAD
i = O set p“’ and initialize I!:’
rated field current If (A)
I rated load angle 6 (deg.) 32.86 N.A.
open circuit voltage E, (V) 22614 22195
voltage regulation (%) 43.58 40.9
no-load voltage distortion (%) 1.9 2.04
rated-load voltage distortion (%) 3.9 N.A.
Keeping the rated field current unchanged, the complete
load-angle characteristic evaluated is shown in Fig. 4.It is seen
from the figure that the load-angle curve is not purely sinusoi-
no dal as is the one derived by using the conventional approach. In
addition, the armature current, power factor characteristic and
1 dynamic parameters E,, X, and X as a function of load angle
can also be evaluated. These simulation results are crucial to
do p adjustment
assess the steady power limit, power transfer capability, tran-
4 sient stability margin and critical clearing time of the generator.
Eo = ~o(oprr) 4
- _ l _ - l l _ ~ - ~ -
update x, and xp
+ GA
field current = 1236.5IAl.line voltage = 15751 [VI