Chapter-2 (C++)
Chapter-2 (C++)
Chapter-2 (C++)
Fundamentals | Chapter 2 Prof. Ghulam Mohyuddin
Diving into the Ocean
How to develop a program?
Basic Types of Instructions
There are 4 types of instructions in a High level programming language
1. Type Declaration Instructions
2. Arithmetic Instructions
3. Input /Output Instructions
4. Control Instructions
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Programming Fundamentals | Chapter 2 Prof. Ghulam Mohyuddin
1. Type Declaration Instructions
• In the Type Declaration generally variables are declared
o int count;
o char c1;
o float value;
• Variables are declared in memory (RAM)
• Data before processing and after processing goes to memory
• Different types of data require different memory space
Data type keyword size size checking
o Integer (int) 2 bytes sizeof(int)
o Float (float) 4 bytes sizeof(float)
o Character (char) 1 byte sizeof(char)
1.1 Variables
o Variables are those quantities, whose values can be changed
throughout the program.
o It is a memory space reserved, where values can be changed.
o Example: A customer’s name
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Programming Fundamentals | Chapter 2 Prof. Ghulam Mohyuddin
1.2 Constants
o Constants are those quantities, whose values cannot be
o It is a memory space reserved, where values cannot be
o Example: Sales tax rate for a particular period
Attributes of a variable
In a program a variable has:
I. Name
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II. Type
III. Size
IV. Value
Example : const int x=10;
1.3 Keywords
o Keywords are those words whose meanings are already
defined to the compiler.
o We cannot assign new meanings to them.
o They are reserved words for doing a specific task.
o They cannot be used as a variable.
o Examples are: int, short, signed, unsigned, default, volatile,
float, long, double, break, continue, typedef, static, do, for,
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union, return, while, do, extern, register, enum, case, goto,
struct, char, auto, const, etc.
2. Arithmetic Instructions
o Arithmetic instructions are used for calculation purposes.
o These instructions are formed by using arithmetic operators
and assignment operator.
2.1 Arithmetic operator
This operator is used for numeric calculations.
These are of 2 types:
I. Unary arithmetic operator
II. Binary arithmetic operator
I. Unary arithmetic operator
o They require only one operand to perform calculation.
o Examples: ++, ‐ ‐
o Syntax: x++, y ‐ ‐.
II. Binary arithmetic operator
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Programming Fundamentals | Chapter 2 Prof. Ghulam Mohyuddin
o They require two operands to perform calculation.
o Examples: + for (addition), ‐ for (subtraction), * for
(multiplication), / for (division), % for (modulus).
¾ Integer arithmetic (int + int) results int
¾ Floating arithmetic (float * float) results float
¾ Mixed mode arithmetic (int + float) results float
¾ Syntax: x + y, y – z, p * q, s / n, etc.
2.2 Assignment operator
A value can be stored in a variable with the use of assignment
• The assignment operator (=) can be used in assignment
statement or assignment expression.
• Operand on the left hand side should be a variable and the
operand on the right hand side should be variable or
constant or any expression.
• Example:
o Sum = x + y + z;
o Sum = 5 + 2 + 3;
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Programming Fundamentals | Chapter 2 Prof. Ghulam Mohyuddin
• Highest: ( )
• Middle: * , / , %
• Lowest: + , ‐
Example of Arithmetic Instruction
Then solve the following arithmetic expression:
Result = x*2/z+4/z+8–2+n/p
= 2*2/4+4/4+8-2+5/5
= 4/4+4/4+8-2+5/5
= 1+4/4+8-2+5/5
= 1+1+8-2+5/5
= 1+1+8-2+1
= 2+8-2+1
= 10-2+1
= 8+1
= 9
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Programming Fundamentals | Chapter 2 Prof. Ghulam Mohyuddin
3. Input /Output Instructions
• As stated earlier, Data before processing and after processing
goes to memory (RAM).
3.1 Input instructions:
o Input instructions are used to enter data from the input
unit to RAM.
o So to input the value of any variable, we need to use
input instructions
o Example:
In C++, We use cin >> for input instructions.
1. cin >> x;
2. cin >> y;
3. cin >> x >> y >> z;
Note: Statement terminator: “ ; ”
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Programming Fundamentals | Chapter 2 Prof. Ghulam Mohyuddin
3.2 Output instructions:
o Data after processing does not go to the output unit;
rather it directly goes to the RAM.
o To display the value of the variable / constant or a string
on output unit, we need to use output instruction.
o Example:
In C++ we have cout << that is used for output
1. Cout << j;
2. Cout << k;
3. Cout << j << k;
4. Cout << “This is my first program”;
4. Control Instructions
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Programming Fundamentals | Chapter 2 Prof. Ghulam Mohyuddin
Structure of C++ Program
1. Comment line
2. Preprocessor directive
3. Global variable declaration
4. Main function ( )
1. Comment line
/* …………………………………*/
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// …………………………………
• Comment line is used for increasing the readability of the
2. Preprocessor directive
#include <iostream.h>
• tells the compiler to include information about the standard
input / output library
3. Global variable declaration
• This is the section where variables are declared globally.
• Global variables can be accessed in all the functions used in
the program
Example: if x is declared after preprocessor directive, and
outside main () function, it will be a global variable.
#include <iostream.h>
int x; // global x
void main()
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Programming Fundamentals | Chapter 2 Prof. Ghulam Mohyuddin
void addition()
Cout << “I am func.1”;
4. Main function
• It is the user defined function.
• Every program has one main () function from where
program starts execution and it is enclosed with in a pair of
curly braces.
• The main () function can be anywhere in the program, but in
general practice it is placed in the first position.
• Syntax:
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Programming Fundamentals | Chapter 2 Prof. Ghulam Mohyuddin
Modify My First program
#include <iostream>
#include <conio.h>
int main()
cout << “Welcome to programming…”;
cout << “I am a student of BSCS”;
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Programming Fundamentals | Chapter 2 Prof. Ghulam Mohyuddin
Programming Practice
1. Write down the program that simply adds two integer values.
2. Write down the program that calculate the sum of 5 numbers and
display the average of these numbers.
3. Write down the program that inputs 5 numbers from user and
display the sum and average of these numbers.
4. Write down the program to convert the temperature given in
Fahrenheit into centigrade.
5. Write a program to interchange the contents of two variables,
while the values of variables are input through the keyboard.
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