Cirac Zoller PRL
Cirac Zoller PRL
Cirac Zoller PRL
A quantum computer (QC) obeys the laws of quantum and an excited state ~e)„—= ~1)„. The state of the QC is a
mechanics, and its unique feature is that it can follow a su- macroscopic superposition
perposition of computation paths simultaneously and pro- 2 —].
duce a final state depending on the interference of these
paths [1]. Recent results in quantum complexity theory
and the development of algorithms indicate that quantum
computers can solve some problems efficiently which are of quantum registers ~x) = ~xz t)z t . ~xp)p with x =
considered intractable on classical Turing machines. An p x„2" the binary decomposition of x. In this system
example is the factorization of large composite numbers independent manipulation of each individual qubit is
into primes [2], a problem which is the basis of the secu- accomplished by directing different laser beams to each
rity of many classical key cryptosystems. of the ions. The quantum controlled-NOT, and, more
The task of designing a QC is equivalent to finding a generally, the (controlled)"-NOT gate between n arbitrary
physical implementation of quantum gates between quan- ions in the trap can be implemented by exciting the
tum bits (or qubits), where a qubit refers to a two-state collective quantized motion of the ions with lasers [8].
system (~0), ~1)) [3]. It has been shown [4] that any op- The coupling of the motion of the ions is provided
eration can be decomposed into controlled-NOT gates be- by the Coulomb repulsion which is much stronger than
tween two qubits and rotations on a single qubit, where any other interaction for typical separations between
a controlled-NOT is defined by C~2 . ~et)~e2) ~e))(e) e the ions of a few optical wavelengths. Decoherence
e2) with e& 2 = 0, 1, and e denoting addition modulo 2. in an ion trap is due to spontaneous decay of the
While there exist promising proposals to demonstrate the internal atomic states and damping of the motion of the
basic principle of gates in cavity QED [4], the experimen- ion. Application of stored ions in ultrahigh precision
tal steps necessary to realize even a controlled-NOT gate spectroscopy and time and frequency standards [9,10]
indicate that extended networks would be exceedingly dif- shows that this decoherence time can be extremely
ficult to build. On the other hand, a number of interactions long, much longer than the time required to perform
have been proposed for the construction of quantum com- many operations in a QC. Spontaneous emission is
puters [1,5], but so far no explicit physical system has been suppressed using metastable transitions [10]. Collisions
shown to serve as a realistic model. The main obstacle for with background atoms can be avoided at sufficiently low
a practical realization is the existence of decoherence pro- pressures for very long times, and other couplings that
cesses due to the interaction of the system (the QC) with affect the moving charges can be made sufficiently small
the environment [6]. [9]. Furthermore, the final readout of the quantum register
In this Letter we show that a set of N cold ions (state measurement of the individual qubits) at the end of
interacting with laser light and moving in a linear trap the computation can be accomplished using the quantum
[7] provides a realistic physical system to implement a jumps technique with unit efficiency [11].
quantum computer. The distinctive features of this system The situation we have in mind is depicted in Fig. 1.
are (i) it allows the implementation of n-bit quantum gates N ions are confined in a linear trap, and interact with
between any set of (not necessarily neighboring) ions, different laser beams [Fig. 1(a)] in standing wave con-
(ii) decoherence can be made negligible during the whole figurations [12]. The confinement of the motion along
computation, and (iii) the final readout can be performed X, I', and Z directions can be described by an (anisotropic)
with unit efficiency. harmonic potential of frequencies p «py vz Nonhar-
The basic elements of the computer (i.e., the qubits) monic traps can also be used leading to very similar re-
are the ions themselves. The two states of the nth sults. The ions have been previously laser cooled in all
qubit are identified with two of the internal states of the three dimensions so that they undergo very small oscil-
corresponding ion; for example, a ground state ~g), — = ~0)„ lations around the equilibrium position. In this case, the
The effect of this interaction is to change the sign In summary, the two key elements behind the above im-
of the state only when both ions are initially excited. plementation of quantum gates are as follows. First, non-
Note that the state of the CM mode is restored to the local entanglement between individual qubits is achieved
vacuum state IO) after the process. Equation (3) is by transferring the internal atomic coherence to and from
k= l,' q=0
equivalent to a controlled-NOT gate. To show this, let us the CM motion shared by all the ions (Un ). Second,
denote by I~) = (lg) ~ lep))/~2. Then, this proce- as an intermediate step we "hide atomic amplitudes"
dure can be summarized as lg) l~&„ lg& l~)„and corresponding to the qubits in a third internal atomic
leo)~l~)„ lep&~l~)„. With an appropriate individual level let& (Un
k=1,' q=1
), and induce 2'
rotations via this
(one-bit) rotation applied to the nth ion this procedure state to selectively change the sign of atomic amplitudes
then yields the controlled-NOT. These individual rota- k=2,' q=1
(U~ ). We note that no population is left in these
tions acting on a single ion (without modifying the CM auxiliary atomic and CM levels after the complete gate
motion) can be performed using a laser frequency on operation. Any population left in these states is an indi-
resonance with the internal transition (6„= 0), polariza- cation of an imprecise realization. This could be used to
tion q = 0, and with the equilibrium position of the ion implement an error detection scheme by probing the pop-
coinciding with the antinode of the laser standing wave. ulation of these intermediate states, for example, with a
In this case, the Hamiltonian is laser inducing fiuorescence after each gate operation [16].
The core of Shor's factorization scheme [2] is the high
H„= (f1/2)[leo&„(gle ' + Ig)„(cole' ] . (4) efficiency of a QC to find the period r of a given function
For an interaction time t = k7r/A (i.e. , using a k7r by doing a discrete Fourier transform (FT) on a periodic
pulse), this process is described by the following unitary state vector of the form I'Ir& ~ g, llr + k). Here k is an
evolution operator: integer number and l = 0, . . . , [(2 —k)/r] with [. . .] the
integer part. The FT is defined by the operation
V„"(p) =cos(kyar/2)
exp ik p)„(gle '~
(le— + H. c. ), (5)
FTIx) = I/42~ ge '"i I y)
so that
on the quantum registers. This FT can be decomposed
: Ig&„—i e' ~ sin(k7r/2) lep)„, into a sequence of one- and two-bit operations [17,18].
The probability to measure the state Iy) of the quantum
cos(kyar/2)lep)„— ie '~ sin(k~/2)lg)„.
register is then P~ = I(ylFTIW)l . Shor has shown that
leo&. =
Thus the complete controlled-NOT gate for the this measurement gives with high probability an outcome
states Ie )Ie, & (e,
= g, eo) is given by C „= that allows one to calculate r.
V„'i ( —)U „U„'i ( ——) [15]. To show the capabilities of an ion trap as a QC, and
Nonlocal three-bit gates can be implemented in a to analyze how experimental uncertainties may affect the
similar way between ions n, I,
and l. The process final results [6], we have simulated the above scheme
takes place in five steps: (j) Same as (i); (jj) same on a (digital) computer. Figure 2 shows a comparison
as (ii), but with a vr pulse; (jjj) same as step (ii)
but with ion l; (jv) same as (jj); (v) same as (j).
0. 15
The corresponding unitary operation for this process is
U' U,"U~' U„"U' . This procedure only changes the
sign of the state if all three ions were initially excited. 0. 15
One can easily generalize this procedure to the case of
many ions. For example, a (control)"-NOT gate acting
on ions n1 02 nq corresponds to the unitary evolution 0. 15
p —]
77 ~ 10
71~ np
U" U'nl10 V
2 77
Using similar ideas with different laser phases and inter- FIG. 2. Probability distribution P, after FT (see text): (a)
action times one can implement other n-bit gates [8]. exact, (b) ion trap simulation, (c) simulation with 5% errors.
between the exact results [Fig. 2(a)] for PY and the ion and to perform efficient state measurements. We have
trap simulation [Figs. 2(b) and 2(c)] for a state with shown how to implement n-bit gates between n arbitrary
k = 4, r = 7, and eight ions. The existence of peaks in ions, and have illustrated the performance of such a system
this spectrum (separated by =2N/r = 256/7) allows one with a numerical simulation. We believe that the present
to determine the period r. Similar to Ref. [17] one can system provides a realistic implementation of a QC which
show that this probability distribution P~ can be obtained can be built with present or planned technology.
from the physical process corresponding to the sequence We thank R. Blatt, A. Ekert, M. Lewenstein, and
of operations VOTO W~ Vi . - W& 2V& i. Here W„= D. Wineland for helpful comments. This work was
W„'W„~ W„'+' is a sequence of two-bit operations
~ ~
supported by the Austrian Science Foundation.
Ul, o [ (I 2(n —m))] Unl, l
[ (I 2(n m))] Ul, l Ul, o
(n ( m), and V, —
= —
V„'&2( ~/2) iS a One-iOn rOtatiOn [See
(2) and (5)]. The specific form of the pulse sequence can *Permanent address: Departamento de Fisica, Universidad
be directly deduced from the definition of the operators de Castilla-La Mancha, 13071 Ciudad Real, Spain.
W, and requires two- and one-bit gates between the [1] For a review, see A. Ekert, in Proc. ICAP '94. edited by
ions. The simulation has been performed with the full S. Smith, C. Wieman, and D. Wineland (to be published).
Hamiltonian (to all orders in the Lamb-Dicke expansion) [2] P. W. Shor, in Proceedings of the 35th Annual Symposium
for W = 8 Ba+ ions in a trap with v = 2~ X 50 kHz. on the Foundations of Computer Science, Ion Alamitos,
CA (IEEE Computer Society Press, New York, 1994),
The Rabi frequencies have been chosen as follows:
p. 124.
A = 22r X 1.5 kHz for resonant excitations (at the antin-
= 27r X 15 kHz for off-resonant excitations [3] D. Deutsch, Proc. R. Soc. London A 425, 73 (1989).
ode) and 0 [4] T. Sleator and H. Weinfurter, Phys. Rev. Lett. 74, 4087
(at the node). The rest of the parameters correspond to (1995).
those of the Ba+ ions. As shown in Fig. 2(b), with these [5] K. Obermayer, W. G. Teich, and G. Mahler, Phys. Rev.
realistic parameters, the result is nearly indistinguishable B 37, 8096 (1988); S. Lloyd, Science 261, 1569 (1993);
from the exact one. From our numerical simulations D. P. Di Vincenzo, Phys. Rev. A 50, 1015 (1995).
we could see that this result can even be improved by [6] R. Landauer, Proc. R. Soc. London A (to be published);
increasing the trap frequency (or decreasing the Rabi W. G. Unruh (to be publishd).
frequencies), in agreement with a perturbation theory [7] M. G. Raizen et al. , Phys. Rev. A 45, 6493 (1992);
analysis for the terms neglected in (1) and (4). Note that H. Walther, Adv. At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 32, 379 (1994).
[8] Although a (controlled)" -NOT can be decomposed
the total time required for the whole operation is about
into a finite number of controlled-NOT gates plus
35 ms, much smaller than the decoherence time due to one-bit rotations, this may require many operations.
spontaneous emission (the lifetime of the metastable state [H. Weinfurter (private communication)] Thus a direct
of Ba+ is about 45 s, so that the decoherence time is implementation of the (controlled)"-NOT gate may be
=6 s). To analyze how experimental uncertainties affect interesting from a practical point of view.
the final results we have carried out numerical simulations [9] D. J. Wineland et al. , Phys. Rev. A 50, 67 (1994); 46,
assuming a 5% error in all the interaction times involved R6797 (1992).
in the operation, 1 kHz of error in aII'1 the laser detunings, [10] R. Blatt, in Proc. ICAP '94, Ref. [I].
and a 5% 7r/2 error in all the angles in the problem (sit- [11] W. Nagourney et al. , Phys. Rev. Lett. 56, 2797 (1986);
uation of the standing waves with respect to the position J. C. Bergquist et al. , ibid 56, 169.9 (1986); Th. Sauter
of the ions, and phases of the lasers). Figure 2(c) shows et al. , ibid 56, 1696 (1986)..
that even with all these errors the peaks in the distribution
[12] A similar scheme can be used with traveling wave
configurations. However, the standing wave minimizes the
are still maintained, and the system of ions is remarkably effects of unwanted transitions; see Ref. [14].
robust to perform quantum computations. [13] F. Diedrich et al. , Phys. Rev. Lett. 62, 403 (1989); here
Apart from one- and two-bit operations, (5) and (2), only the CM has to be cooled to the ground state.
one can also prepare the most general entangled state of [14] J. I. Cirac et al. , Phys. Rev. Lett. 70, 762 (1993).
N ions [9, 19]. For example, the maximal entangled state [15] The two-bit gate (3) (instead of the controlled-NOT)
together with single bit rotations are sufficient to generate
arbitrary unitary operations.
—&o —I+&N — . . I+&il+&0) [16] Nonobservation of Iluorescence corresponds to a projec-
X I 1
tion of the state vector on ~g&, ~eo&. This might be the basis
can be obtained starting from ~g)N l~g)N 2. . ~g)0 (as of a partial error correction scheme.
[17] D. Coppersmith, IBM Research Report No. RC19642,
obtained after sideband cooling), by using the operations
VoUN —1,0 ' '
U2, 0U1, 0VN —1 Vl Vo [18]. [18] FT and the preparation of general entangled states could
In summary, linear ion traps are well suited to implement be performed more efficiently using general n-bit gates
a QC. This is due to the negligible decoherence in these (instead of a sequence of two-bit gates).
systems [9], as well as the possibility to manipulate the [19] D. M. Greenberger et al. , Am. J. Phys. 58, 1131 (1990);
internal and CM degrees of freedom with external fields, see also N. D. Mermin, ibid 58, 8 (1990). .