UTILITIES Pugeda Quiz 19 Sound Wave

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MULTIPLE CHOICE: Choose the letter of the best answer.
1. Unit of sound frequency
a. Pascal b. Watts c. Decibel d. Hertz
2. Audio Frequency range of humans
a. 20-20,000 Hz b. 50-75,000 Hz c. 5-50,000 Hz d. 30-30,000 Hz
3. Pitch is the subjective term for Frequency
a. Maybe b. False c. True d. NOTA
4. Human speech is mainly in the range
a. 400-4,000 b. 300-3,000 Hz c. 200-2,000 Hz d. 100-1,000 Hz
5. Prolongation of the sound in the room caused by continued multiple reflections
a. Flutter Echo b. Echo c. Reverberation d. Reflection
6. Bass sound is considered
a. Low Frequency b. Medium Frequency c. High Frequency d. No Frequency
7. Treble sound is considered
a. Low Frequency b. Medium Frequency c. High Frequency d. No Frequency
8. The sound energy transferred per second from the noise source to the air
a. Sound Pressure Level b. Sound Level c. Sound Power d. Sound Pressure
9. Sound pressure converted to the decibel scale
a. Sound Level b. Sound Pressure c. Sound Pressure Level d. Sound Power
10. The human impression of the strength of a sound
a. Pressure b. Loudness c. Power d. Intensity
11. Used to absorb the vibration of the generator base
a. Vibration Dampener b. Vibration Isolator c. Absorption base d. Vibration Diffuser
12. Expressed in units called watts (W)
a. Sound Intensity b. Sound Level c. Sound Power d. Sound Power
13. One octave increase doubles the frequency
a. True b. False c. maybe d. NOTA
14. A logarithmic scale applicable to any parameter.
a. Power b. Pascal c. Decibel d. Watts
15 Safe exposure limit for human reception for eight hours a day
a. 40dB b. 85dB c. 140dB d. 120dB

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