You need to attend the laboratory class that you are enrolled. Not attending the laboratory class will
lead to a zero mark.
(1) In the report you need to explain how the values, including the heat flow rates and heat
losses, are calculated. The formulae and theory must be given. Only showing the results is not
(2) In test A, calculate the heat loss between T2 and T4 and the heat loss between T4 and T5 (see
Figure 1 for the positions of T1 – T5). Discuss how these heat losses are affected by
temperature T2.
(3) By assuming zero heat loss between T1 and T2, find out the power supplied by the preheater.
Discuss if there is any difference between the power in Test A and that in Test B, and what is
the possible reason for the difference.
(4) In test B, calculate the heat loss between T5 and T1, and heat loss between T4 and T5.
Discuss how these heat losses are affected by the temperature T2.
(5) Compare the temperatures in Test A with their counterparts in Test B and analyze the reason
for the difference.
(6) Discuss the possible reasons that lead to errors in the measurement.
You need to use the theory about thermal and fluid engineering, thermodynamics and fluid
mechanics to complete the assignment and write the report. This report tests students’ ability to solve
simple problem using what they have learnt.
Appendix A is a working table that can be used to record the experimental data.
Appendix B lists some formulae (not all) for air flow in a duct.
Air recirculation through a duct‐room system
Lab Note - Air recirculation through a duct-room system
In this laboratory class, the air flow through a duct and a room will be studied. The heat loss through
a duct system will be analyzed. Two tests will be conducted. In test A, heated air flows into a room
through a duct and flows out through an exit. In test B, air flows through a recirculated duct-room
Figure 1 shows a sketch of the Air conditioning unit. It has a recirculation duct, a room model, two
heaters (preheater and reheater), two velocity meters (Velocity u1 and velocity u2) and five
temperature sensors (T1 to T5). The sensors RH1 to RH5 are used to measure Relative Humidity.
They will not be used in this study. Three louvres (inlet, outlet and recycle) are used to control the
The cross section area of the duct is 0.2 m×0.2 m = 0.04 m2.
The air conditioning unit is controlled by computer software. The power of the heaters, the speed of
the fans can be controlled using a computer. The measured temperature and flow velocity can be
read directly from the software as shown in Figure 1 (b).
Test A
In test A, air enters the duct through inlet louvre and exit through the outlet louvre. The system is not
a recirculated system. Before the air enters the room, it is heated by the preheater.
Inlet Louver fully open; outlet louvre fully open, recycle louvre fully close.
Set the fan speed to 50%. In the following steps, keep the fan speed constant.
Air recirculation through a duct‐room system
Set the preheat control to manual 40%. Wait until the temperatures are stabilized. Record the
temperatures and the flow velocities.
Increase the preheat control to manual 60% and record the temperatures and the flow
velocities after the temperatures stabilize.
Note: The temperatures will be stabilized very slowly. You must ensure they are stabilized before
you record the data.
Air recirculation through a duct‐room system
Test B
Close the Inlet Louvre and outlet Louvre, open Recycle Louvre fully. The system becomes an air
recirculation system. Set the preheat control to manual 40%. Wait until the temperatures are
stabilized. Record the temperatures and flow velocities.
Appendix A
power of
speed V1 V2 T1 T2 T3 T4 T5
Test the
of the (m/s) (m/s) (°C) (°C) (°C) (°C) (°C)
fan (%)
Appendix B
The difference in energy (heat) between positions A and B in a duct can be calculated by (for dry air
and without mass loss between A and B)
Q AB m c pBTB c pATA
where cp is the specific heat for constant pressure and T is the temperature, m is the mass flow rate.
The mass flow rate can be calculated by
m VA
where ρ is the density of the fluid, V is the flow velocity and A is the cross sectional area.