AS10 Lesson Plan in Science 8

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Western Mindanao State University


Zamboanga City
S.Y. 2020 – 2021
(Second Semester)



Prepared by:
John Carlo P. Magnun
Shema J. Mohammad
BSED 2A-Science

June 08, 2021


At the end of this activity, the students should be able to:
a. identify the different components of an electric circuit.
b. differentiate the two types of electric circuit.
c. discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the two types of electric
d. explain the importance of electric circuits in our everyday life.
e. create a schematic diagram of the two types of electric circuit using the
symbols of the basic components of an electric circuit.


Content: Electric Circuits
Grading Period: First Grading Period
Content Standard
The learners demonstrate an understanding of current-voltage-resistance
relationship, electric power, electric energy, and home circuitry

Performance Standard
The learners shall be able to discuss phenomena such as blue sky,
rainbow, and red sunset using the concept of wavelength and frequency
of visible light

Learning Competency

Explain the advantages and disadvantages of series and parallel

connections in homes

1. Dobbie, S. (2017). Circuits and Electricity. Lernet. Retrieved
May 19, 2021, from

2. Electrical Energy and Power. (n.d.). University Physics Volume 2.

Retrieved May 19, 2021, from

3. Series/ Parallel Circuits. (n.d.). Lesson 6. Retrieved May 19, 2021,


4. Electric Circuits - Lesson 2. (n.d.). The Physics Classroom.

Retrieved May 19, 2021, from

5. Unit 1 Force , Motion and Energy. (n.d.). Depedbataan. Retrieved

June 8, 2021, from

 Laptop/Computer/Mobile  Video links: Video Links for
Phone series and parallel circuits:
 Internet connection 
 Power point presentation watch?v=XSukRnxGy5c&t
 Activity sheet =198s
 Google meet 
 Google Classroom watch?v=Dq6zbNWB0VI&t
 Google forms =75s



Greetings and Checking of attendance

- Good morning/afternoon class. - Good
oon sir.
- Who is absent for today? - None sir.
- Very good!

- Based on your past lessons during grade 7, what - (Some
ideas and insights can you share when you hear the students will
word electricity? answer the
- Very good! Thank you for sharing your ideas. question.)

- Before I will introduce our today’s lesson, let’s warm - (The students
up first and let’s play a game. will participate
and play the
MAD GAB game.)
Mechanics: The teacher will present a group of
words that she prepared which at first glance and
first saying do not make sense. The students will
have to guess it by saying it slowly and listen to
what they are saying until they can figure out what
the word is. If they already know the answer, they
can type it in the chat box.

Guess the following words :

1. Sir I quit
2. Bowl tee age
3. I’m fear
4. Far a lil
5. See wrist
6. Cure rent
7. Eel like tree see tea

- Based from the game, what do you think is our - Our today’s
lesson for today? lesson is about
- Very good! That’s right! Today, we will discuss
about Electric circuits.

- Now, for our activity today, I will share to you these
videos about series and parallel circuits. You can
access the link posted in our chat box/group chat if
you want to watch again these videos.
Video Links for series and parallel circuits: - (The students will watch the
videos then
After watching the videos, the students will answer the answer the
activity sheet. activity sheet
Name: Score:
Grade & Section: Date:

“Let’s light it up!”

Circuit Action Observation Inference

Brightness of
the bulb
When one of
the bulbs is

Brightness of
the bulb
When one of
the bulbs is

After the activity, the teacher will ask these questions to
the students: - (Some
- Q1. From the videos, what are the basic students will
components of an electric circuit? answer and
identify the
different basic
components of
an electric

- Q2. Based from the videos you watched, what - (A student will
forms of energy did electrical energy in the circuit answer the
converted to? question.)

- Q3. (Follow up question) How do you think can we - (A student will

prove that the electrical energy is converted to answer the
other forms of energy? question.)

- Q4. What differences did you observe and noted - (Some

between series and parallel circuits? students will
answer the
question about
the differences
of series and

- Q5. When a bulb is removed in series circuit, the - (A student will

other bulbs did not function but in parallel circuit, if answer the
you do the same, other bulbs still functions. Why do question.)
you think this happen?

- Q6. When more bulbs are added in the series - (A student will
circuit, the light bulbs will produce dimmer lights answer the
while when more bulbs are added in a parallel question.)
circuit, the brightness of the light bulbs are not
affected. Why do you think this happen?

- Okay, very well! I believe all of you did a very great

job in the activity. Now let’s proceed to our

- (The teacher will now start the discussion by
presenting the prepared power point presentation.
During the discussion, questions given during the
analysis will be further explained by the teacher.)
- Presentation: ELECTRIC CIRCUIT

Electric circuit is defined as the path for transmitting

electric current or is simply a closed loop through
which charges can continuously move. An electric
circuit includes a device that gives energy to the
charged particles constituting the current, such as a
battery or a generator; devices that use current,
such as lamps, electric motors; and the connecting
wires or transmission lines. In a circuit, loads or
bulbs act as resistor that limits the flow of electrons
wherein as electrons flow through these resistors,
their energy are transformed to different forms of

- (A1) From the videos you watched, you were able

to note and observe these basic components of an
electric circuit which are battery, wires, switch, and
the light bulbs. Now let’s discuss more on about
these components, mainly about their purpose and
their symbols when we write a sketch of an electric
circuit. Shown is a diagram for a simple circuit.

Figure 1. Simple Electrical Circuit

- (The teacher will then discuss about the symbols of

the main components of an electric circuit.)

Component Symbol Purpose

Starts electrical

The current
travels along
Wire the wire.

Opens and
closes the
Switch circuit.

electricity to
Light Bulb
heat and light.

Table 1. Components of a Simple Circuit

- (A2-A3) From the question earlier, what forms of

energy did electrical energy converted to? So based
from the table shown, the electrical energy was
indeed converted to heat and light energy as the
electricity passes through the loads which are the
light bulbs. So how can we and prove that the
electrical energy is converted to different types of
energy? So basically and obviously, we can prove
that electrical energy is converted to light energy
and heat energy when we observed that the light
bulbs were able to produce light and with light
energy is the heat, thus if we are able to make a
simple electric circuit and if we touch the light bulb
we can surely feel that the light bulb is warm.

- (The teacher will then further discuss on the

differences between series and parallel circuits.)

- (A4) Earlier you were also able to note and observe

the differences between a series and a parallel
circuit. Now let’s verify and know if there are other
differences of these two circuits.
Figure 2. Series and Parallel Circuits

Basis for Series Circuit Parallel Circuit


Here the
components are
components are
Component connected in
connected in
Orientation head to head
one after the
and tail to tail
other manner.

Light Produced Dim Bright

Same current
Different current
flows through
flows through
Current all the
each component
components in
in the circuit.
the circuit.
The potential
Different difference
potential (voltage) existing
difference across the
(voltage) exists various
across each component in
component. the circuit is
Increases with Decreases with
increasing load. increasing load.
(depends on
Number of paths Single
number of
Fault in one of
the circuit
Fault in a single
component does
Fault not hinder the
hindrance in
operation of rest
operation of
of the circuit.
Table 2. Differences between Series and
Parallel Circuit

- (A5) Another question earlier, when a bulb is

removed in series circuit, the other bulbs do not
function but in parallel circuit, if you do the same,
other bulbs still functions. Why do you think this
Based from the table of differences of a series and
parallel circuit, in a series connection, the same
current flows through all the components in this
one-loop circuit, on the other hand, parallel circuit is
a multiple-looped circuit wherein the loops are
independent to each other and different current
flows through each component in the circuit at the
same time. These are the reasons that when we
unscrew a bulb in a series connection, the circuit
opens and the current is cut resulting for other
bulbs not to function while when we remove a bulb
in a parallel circuit, the current is not cut and is still
able to flow in other loops of the circuit and thus
other bulbs will still function.

- (A6) For the last question given earlier, when more

bulbs are added in the series circuit, the light bulbs
will produce dimmer lights while when more bulbs
are added in a parallel circuit, the brightness of the
light bulbs are not affected. Why do you think this
Based from the table of series and parallel circuits,
in series connection, if more bulbs or resistors are
added to the circuit then the resistance will increase
and the current of the circuit will decrease resulting
for the light bulbs to become dimmer. On the other
hand, if we add more light bulbs in a parallel circuit,
the brightness is not affected because each loop
with light bulb is directly connected from the source
and therefore has equal amounts of voltage flowing
through them.


After the discussion the teacher will then ask the students:
- Based on the differences of series and parallel
circuits, what advantages and disadvantages do
series and parallel circuit can give us when used at - (Some
home? How or why they become advantageous or students will
disadvantageous? answer the
- What is the importance of an electric circuit?

- (Some
students will
answer the
- (In a one whole sheet of paper, the teacher will let question.)
the students draw a schematic diagram of a series
and parallel circuit using the symbols of each - (The students
component discussed during the presentation. will make the
Duration: 10mins) schematic
diagram of
Direction: Inside the box, draw a schematic series and
diagram of a series and parallel circuit using the parallel
symbol of each component. circuit.)

At the end of the whole discussion, the teacher will then
give the test to the students.
- (The students
MULTIPLE CHOICE will take the
Direction: Write the letter of the correct answer on the
space provided before each item.
__ 1. It is a complete path where electricity flows.
- Electric Circuit
- Parallel Circuit
- Series Circuit
- Electrical Circuit
___2. Allows the electricity to travel in the circuit, what
component of an electric circuit is involved?
- Wire
- Battery
- Current
- Switch
___3. It provides the pressure in the circuit.
- Battery
- Switch
- Circuits
- Wire
___4. A gate that controls the flow of electricity in a circuit
is the ______.
- Battery
- Switch
- Bulb
- Wire
___5. The component of the electric current that converts
electricity into other forms of energy is called _______.
- Switch
- Bulb
- Battery
- Circuits
___6. A type of electrical circuit that has only one path for
electricity to flow.
- Parallel Circuit
- Electric Circuits
- Series Circuit
- Short Circuits
___7. The total resistance of a series circuit is equal to the
sum of individual resistance.
a. True b. False
___8. A type of electrical current that has multiple paths
for electricity to flow from one point to another.
- Close Circuit
- Parallel Circuit
- Open Circuit
- Short Circuit
___9. Number of paths : Series Circuit : Single ; Parallel
Circuit :_________
- Double
- Multiple
- Triple
- None
___10. In a series circuit, a fault in one of the circuit
component ______.
- Will not hinder the operation of the rest of the
- Will hinder the operation of whole circuit.
- Will affect the battery and the switch.
- No changes will occur.

Direction: On a one sheet piece of paper, answer the following question, take a picture
of it and then submit it on the Google classroom. Make sure to keep the answer as
short as possible.

1. What is an Electric power?

2. What is an Electric energy?
3. Write the formula for electric power.
4. Write the formula for electric energy.
Copy of Reference:

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