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12123122, 8:20 AN IC POSTF:00 [SKYACTIV-G 1.5, SKYACTIV-G 2.0, SKYACTIV.G 25} DTC P057F:00 [SKYACTIV-G 1.5, SKYACTIV-G 2.0, SKYACTIV-G 2.5] Note + Tedetemine tha matunctloning par, proceed wth te agnosis from “Functon Inpection Using MMOS" Details On DTCs [DESCRIPTION [Power system: Battery deterioration 1 [Sensor used [_Current sensor = [tnhibts engin-stop By operating tho ston function. FAIL-SAFE FUNCTION [Innit the HELOOP corral (th -ELOOP) [Flashes rstop waring Tot (amber). Tuminates the master warning ih [The ongine canal be stated or he engine may stall due lo batory voltage doeoate, Batery maunetion Cnet sensor matron Front 20d) coil made (FECM) malfunction PCM mattneion \VEHICLE STATUS WHEN DTCs ARE OUTPUT| ‘System Wiring Diagram + Not applicable Function Explanation (DTC Detection Outline) « The battery assures otage for engine staring and whl Ira frequency af batory ehering voage tthe vehicle's stectcal oad ihe ciront sensor sends a baltrychargoldscharge valve othe PCM va the fron body contol module (FCM). I the accumulated chargldcharge vale ‘exceeds the specie’ valua, the POM detarmines baterydetaroraton In ts case, the PCM determines a mafuncton na batary elated par ad stores @ DTC. the vohies being even, an forthe voici eletcal devices whan the engine i topped by stop ichargng igh, to Batory will dlorrato wren cou rutin pose engine strani andthe los of assured supply Repeatability Verification Procedure 1, Sian the engin, PID Item/Simulation Item Used In Diagnosis PIDIDATA monitor tem table [Rem [Definition T[Uni|Conaition/Specification J [BATT_DAY [Number of days elapsed sine current sensor niialzation]| — [- Dsplay vehicle btiry days mn serie] Function Inspection Using M-MDS [STER]INsPECTION T[RESULTS [ACTION [PURPOSE: VERIFY RELATED SERVICE ‘Yes [Perform repair or dagnosis according tote avaiable Serie Information, ; IN AVAILABILITY I ithe vehicle natrepsired go tothe next step. Seruce Information avait -—— {Isany related Serie Information avaiable? ‘No__|[Gt6 te next ste. | hitossimazdamanuals,com auiwsm-secure/WSMIDSGS-1A-218 Vert TesicontsrvethinVid0 1029401000 htm 1 12128122, 8:20 AN DIC POSTF:00 [SKYACTIV-G 1.5, SKYACTIV-G 2.0, SKYACTIV.G 25] |STEP|INSPECTION |[RESULTS [ACTION (PURPOSE: VERIFY IF BATTERY VOLTAGE IS CURRENT SENSORY OTe RELATED {co to tho applicable PENDING CODE or OTC inspection. [CURRENT SENSOR an ON (ngine of Yor fGen cre Binek iscracTivg ta ekrACTING 20, SKY80TV-6 251) 2 |; Porto tne Pending Trouble Code Access Procodure ep lana DTC Reading Procedure See ON.ROARD DAGNOSTIC TEST (SKYACTI.G fis: SKYACTVG 2.0, SKYACTIVG 2.91) (0 [oot vere ‘the PENDING CODEIDTC POSEAU also present? ||_N?_ [Soto the next se. (PURPOSE: VERIFY IF BATTERY VOLTAGE IS [FALSELY RECOGNIZED BY DTC RELATED CAN OR {IN COMMUNICATION. [Repair or replace the maltunctoning pat according tothe applicable DTC. *'Partorm tne POM sn front body conrl modus {rouoleshooting : . (cto DTC inspection vai the MMOS, Yes |{iSee Ore TABLE |sHevactv.c 15, sxvACTW.G 20, SKYACTW.G2.81) 3. S00 ON-boARD DIAGNOSTIC Test [SKYACTN.G \See D7 TABLE [FRONT BODY CONTROL MODULE FBOM}) fis. SKYACT.G 2.0, SKYACTIVG 2.81) (Soto te next step (Se0 DIC INSPECTION [FRONT BOGY CONTROL IMoouLe FBcM)) ‘DTCs related CAN ar LIN communication fae oTe No _|[soto tre next stop (PURPOSE: VERIFY IF A MALFUNCTION OCCURRED [very the battery replacement reoord (serving record or coneutaton with [DUE TO FAILURE OF PERFORMING THE BATTERY laustomer), and ean bo determined thal the ater inbolseing wae Nt INITIAL SETTING Yes [Pstformod,poform ho batery intl soting. 4g [Assess the BATT_DAY PID us 08 liSee BATTERY REMOVAUINSTALLATION (SKYAGTIV‘G 15, SKYACTIVG 20, [see on.song0 HaGNOstic ISkvactwas 251) eects 20 SATIS 22 [Go to te troubleshooting procedure to perform the procedure rom Stop 2 (replaced? |__No _][Go tothe troubleshooting procedure to perform the procedure fom Step 1 Troubleshooting Diagnostic Procedure Intention of troubleshooting procedure "Step — Replace the bate. + Step 2-9 — Verity thatthe primary malfunction is resolved and there are no other malfunctions. [STeP|INSPECTION [RESULTS||ACTION (PURPOSE: REPLACE THE BATTERY | Repice he baay. [see BATTERY REMOVALINSTALLATION (SKYACTIV{G 15, [Sevacrv.c 20. SkYACTIV-G 2.8] '- Perorm ine Saitery Condon ita Satin (-t0psetng) Prosodire |See BATTERY CONDITION INITIALIZATION SETTING (ston [SEPENGSKYACTIV.G ‘i: SRYACTIV-G 20 SXYACTI-G>.S1) \so to tre next sto. [PURPOSE: VERIFICATION OF VEHICLE REPAIR COMPLETION = Always roconnect al isconnoctog connoor, «Clear tre DTC from the BCM memory using the M-MDS. [see CLEARING Dro [SKYACTIVG 1s, SAVACTING 20, Sevacri-g 251) 2. | Implement tho ropestabityvorifcation procedure [see Repeatabliy Verfeaton Proesure) Perform the OTC Reading Procedure. Ise onceoneo paGnosme [S20 SkYACTIV-G 231) {isthe same DTC present? EST [SKYACTM.G 1.5, SKYAOTI feertorm the Baty Condon Ia! Setng (slop settng) Procedure. [see BATTERY CONDITION INITIALIZATION SETTING {ston Gs, SRYACTIV-G 20, SKYACTIVSG 9.51) Yes | rime matuncton cur, relacs the POM. |isee Pow REMOVALINSIA.LATION [SKYACTIG 1 [S20 skvactw.c251) \cato tne next ste. sxvn |PURPOSE: VERIFY IF THERE IS ANY OTHER MALFUNCTION. | Ieany ether DTC or ponding cde stored? [Goto me appicabe OTC wepecion, kiseo oi TABLE |SKYACTIV-G 15, SKYACTIV.G 2.0, SkYACTIIG Ba [te te raustestooing competes —*d Yes -ntps:tmazdamanuals com aulwsm-securenWSMID8G8-1A-21B_VerfPlesiconsrvemhimlid0102N8401000.html 2

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