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Chapter- One


1.1 Introduction:
The recruitment and selection processes of an organization are two of its most important
HR planning activities. The basic purpose of recruiting is to ensure a sufficient pool of
applicants from which the most qualified individuals may be selected. Effective
recruiting is important because sufficient number of qualified applicants is needed to
ensure that selection can be successfully accomplished.

1.2 Origin of the Report:

The Internship report is prepared for making a study on “Recruitment and Selection
Process of GRAMEEN BANK.” It is required to perform internship project for
completing of BBA program at City University. The guideline and preparation of the
report was supervised and directed by Dr. Milir Kumar Roy, Assistant Professor ,
Department of Business Administration,, at City University and I am thankful to her for
assigning this project.

1.3 Significance of the report:

As a mandatory part of the BBA program, all the students of faculty of business, City
University, have to undergo a 12 weeks long internship program with an objective to
gain practical knowledge about business world. After this program, the students have to
submit an internship report, which reflects their activities during the program. I joined
the GRAMEEN BANK to undergo this internship program for the period of 12 weeks
starting from 28-08-2017 to 28-10-2018. In GRAMEEN BANK I was assigned at
general banking service. My organizational supervisor was Nazma Salam, Assistant
General Manager, GRAMEEN BANK, khamarbari branch my internship report is on
“Recruitment and Selection Process of Grameen Bank”, which is also approved by
my internal supervisor Dr. Milir Kumar Roy, Assistant Professor, Department of
Business Administration, City University.

1.4 Scope of the report:

This report is some sort of case study. So the scopes of this report are limited. The first
scope of this report is to have practical experience about how a research is done in the
corporate office. The report has the scope to cover different aspects of Human Resource
Management, which include Human Resource Planning, recruitment and selection
procedures, selection devices, job analysis, job design, training and development, and
salary and compensation administration.

 To understand the various sources of recruitment provided in the organization.

 It helps to analyze the recruitment policy of the organization.
 This report will introduce with the recruitment & selection process of

1.5 Objectives of the Study:

Primary objectives:
The Broad objective of the study is to analyze the “Recruitment and Selection Process of

Specific Objectives:
 To identify the needs assessment process of Recruitment and Selection process of
 To know the Recruitment and Selection process of GRAMEEN BANK
 To explore the employees perception and reaction about the Recruitment and
Selection program.
 To identify the factors that influences the recruitment of GRAMEEN BANK

1.6 Methodology:
Research methodology is a systematic process of identifying and formulating data by
setting objective and method for collecting, editing and tabulating data to find solution.
The study requires a systematic procedure from selection of the topics to preparation of
the final report. To perform the study, the data source was to be identified and collected,
to be classified, analyzed, Interpreted and presented in a systematic manner and key
points were to be found out. The overall process of methodology has been given.

1.7 Research design:

The report is prepared based on using primary and secondary data resources. Primary
data was collected by observing organization’s recruitment and selection process,
interviewing employees while working as intern in Human Resource Division at
GRAMEEN BANK. The duration of internship was 28 th August 2016 to 28th November
2016 Secondary data was collected by Organization employee hand book,
website, and relevant books.

1.8 Sampling Plan:

A sampling plan is a detailed outline of which measurements will be taken at what times,
on which material, in what manner, and by whom. Sampling plans should be designed in
such a way that the resulting data will contain a representative sample of the parameters
of interest and allow for all questions, as stated in the goals, to be answered.

 Population : A group of individuals or items that share one or more characteristics

from which data can be gathered and analyzed is called population .Total number
of population was 29 and branch name Grameen Bank, khamarbari Branch.

 Sample method: The non – probability convenience sampling method to collect


 Sample size: The sample size was 20 respondents.

1.9 Types of Data Used:

Mainly two types of data are used:

Primary data:
Primary data is the data, which is collected by the researcher directly by survey,
observation and experience. For example, if the researcher conducts a survey for the
collection of data then it is known as primary data.

Secondary data:

Secondary data is the data taken by the researcher from secondary sources, internal or
externa l. That means the data, which was collected and used previously for another
purpose is called secondary data.

Sources of data:
Sources of data of this report can be divided into two categories.

Primary Sources:
 Through questionnaire survey.
 Direct observation &
 Face to face conversation.

Secondary Sources:
 Annual Report (2014 & 2015) GRAMEEN BANK, Dhaka, Bangladesh
 Different text books.
 Official records of GRAMEEN BANK.
 Various reports and articles related to study.
 Web base support from the internet.

1.10 Limitation of the Study:

The major limitations that I faced during my internship period and preparation of this
report are as follows:
1. Employees are not allowed to provide sensitive and depth information.
2. The main constraint of the study was insufficient access to information which has
significantly disturbed the scope of the analysis that is required for the study.
3. As the employees were busy with their own duty, they could give me little time
for consultation.
4. Time restriction is another important for limitation of study.
5. Published information is not up to date.

Chapter- Two
Company Overview

2.1 A Short History of Grameen Bank:
The origin of Grameen Bank can be traced back to 1976 when Professor Muhammad
Yunus, Head of the Rural Economics Program at the University  of Chittagong, launched
an action research project to examine the possibility of designing a credit delivery system
to provide banking services targeted at the rural poor. The Grameen Bank Project
(Grameen means "rural" or "village" in Bangla language) came into operation with the
following objectives:

Bring the disadvantaged, mostly the women from the poorest households, within the fold
of an organizational format which they can understand and manage by themselves; and

reverse the age-old vicious circle of "low income, low saving & low investment", into
virtuous circle of "low income, injection of credit, investment, more income, more
savings, more investment, more income".

The action research demonstrated its strength in Jobra (a village adjacent to Chittagong
University) and some of the neighboring villages during 1976-1979. With the
sponsorship of the central bank of the country and support of the nationalized
commercial banks, the project was extended to Tangail district (a district north of Dhaka,
the capital city of Bangladesh) in 1979. With the success in Tangail, the project was
extended to several other districts in  the country. In October 1983, the Grameen Bank
Project was transformed into an independent bank by government legislation. Today
Grameen Bank is owned by the rural poor whom it serves. Borrowers of the Bank own
90% of its shares, while the remaining 10% is owned by the government

2.2 Grameen Bank Vision:

The dual vision of offering a banking service to the poor and of poverty alleviation is
accurately captured by the following list of objectives GB presented in 1988.
 To extend banking facilities to the poor.
 To eliminate exploitation by money lenders.
 To create small enterprise opportunities for the unemployed and underemployed.
 To bring disadvantaged people within the fold of some organizational format which
they can understand and operate and can find some socio-political and economic
strength through mutual support.
 To reverse the age old [poverty] cycle of “low income, low savings, low investment,
low income” into an expanding system of “low income, credit, more income, more
credit, more investment, more income”.
 With the specific input of credit facilities for the poor and move through the
intermediate goal of elimination of explo0itation by moneylenders.
 Expansion of self employment and empowerment through group formation, to a new
state that transforms the downward cycle of poverty into an expanding spiral of
growth and development.

2.3 Grameen Bank Mission:

Its mission is to help the poor families to help themselves to overcome poverty. It is targeted at
the poor in rural area in Bangladesh, particularly poor women. It promotes credit as a human
right. It is not based on any collateral or legally enforceable contracts. It is based on "trust", not
on legal procedures and system. It is offered for creating self employment for income-generating
activities and housing for the poor people, as opposed to consumption.

2.4 Grameen Bank At A Glance :

Nobel Peace Prize, 2006
October 13, 2006 was the happiest day for Bangladesh. It was a great moment for the
whole nation. Announcement came on that day that Grameen Bank and I received the
Nobel Peace Prize, 2006. It was a sudden explosion of pride and joy for every
Bangladeshi. All Bangladeshi's felt as if each of them received the Nobel Peace Prize.
We were happy that the world has given recognition through this prize, that poverty is a
threat to peace. Grameen Bank, and the concept and methodology of micro-credit that it
has elaborated through its 30 years of work, have contributed to enhancing the chances
of Following is a brief introduction to Grameen Bank.

Owned by the Poor
Grameen Bank Project was born in the village of Jobra, Bangladesh, in 1976. In 1983 it
was transformed into a formal bank under a special law passed for its creation. It is
owned by the poor borrowers of the bank who are mostly women. It works exclusively
for them. Borrowers of Grameen Bank at present own 95 percent of the total equity of
the bank. Remaining 5 per cent is owned by the government.

No Collateral, No Legal Instrument, No Group-Guarantee or Joint Liability

Grameen Bank does not require any collateral against its micro-loans. Since the bank
does not wish to take any borrower to the court of law in case of non-repayment, it does
not require the borrowers to sign any legal instrument.

Although each borrower must belong to a five-member group, the group is not required
to give any guarantee for a loan to its member. Repayment responsibility solely rests on
the individual borrower, while the group and the centre oversee that everyone behaves in
a responsible way and none gets into repayment problem. There is no form of joint
liability, i.e. group members are not responsible to pay on behalf of a defaulting

97 per cent Women

Total number of borrowers is 8.35 million, 96 per cent of them are women.

2. 5. The 16 decisions

1. The four principles of Grameen Bank- discipline, unity, courage and hard work-
we shall follow and advance in all walks of our lives.

2. We shall bring prosperity to our families.

3. We shall not live in dilapidated house. We shall repair our houses and work
towards constructing new houses as soon as possible.

4. We shall grow vegetables all the year round. We shall eat plenty of them and sell
the surplus.

5. During the plantation seasons, we shall plant as many seedlings as possible.

6. We shall try to keep our family small. We shall minimize our expenditures. We
shall look after our health.

7. We shall educate our children and ensure that they can earn to pay for their

8. We shall always keep our children and the environment clean.

9. We shall build and use pit latrine.

10. We shall boil water before drinking or use alum to purify it. We shall use pitcher
to remove arsenic.

11. We shall not take any dowry at our son’s weddings; neither shall we give any
dowry in our daughter weddings. We shall keep the center free from the curse of
dowry. We shall not participate in child marriage.

12. We shall not inflict any injustice on anyone; neither shall we allow anyone to do

13. For higher income we shall collectively undertake bigger investments.

14. We shall always be ready to help each other. If anyone is in difficulty, we shall
all help.

15. If we come to know of any breach of discipline in any centre, we shall all go
there and help restore discipline.

16. We shall take part in all social activity collectively

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2. 6 The 10 indicators
Before they lend the poor money, Grameen Bank(GB) disciplines the poor by teaching
the 10 indicators.

1. The member is able to live respectably with her family in a house worth at least
Tk. 25,000 or a house with a tin roof, and each member of the family is able to
sleep on a bed instead of on the floor.
2. The member drinks purified water form tube-wells, boiled water, or water
purified using alum, bleaching powder, purifying tablets or pitcher filters.
3. All children in the family who are six years of age or older, and are mentally and
physically capable of studying, are all going to school.
4. Members deposit Tk. 200 or more in installments every week.
5. Every member of the borrower’s family uses sanitary latrines.
6. The borrower’s family members have necessary clothing for daily use, winter
clothing and linen, such as shawls, sweaters, sheets, blankets, comforters etc, and
mosquito nets to protect themselves from mosquitoes.
7. Members have sources of additional income, such as planting of vegetables and
trees in their neighborhood, etc, so that they are able to repay installments using
these sources of income.
8. At least Tk. 5,000 on average is saved in the bank every year.
9. The member’s family is able to afford three square meals a day throughout the
year, i.e. no member of the family goes hungry.
10. The member’s family is health conscious. If any member of the family falls ill,
they can afford to take all necessary steps towards the patient’s treatment.

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2.7 Difference between Grameen Bank and Commercial Bank.
1) No Collateral
GB does not require any collateral against its micro-loans. Commercial banking is based
on collateral, the principle that the more you have, the more you get. Grameen
methodology is not based on assessing the material possession of a person. While
commercial banks look at what has already been acquired by a person, Grameen looks at
the potential that is waiting to be unleashed in a person.
2) No Legal Instrument
Since the Grameen does not wish to take any borrower to the court of law in case of non-
repayment, it does not require the borrowers to sign any legal instrument. There is no
stipulation that a client will be taken to the court of law to recover the loan, unlike in the
conventional system. Commercial banks go into punishment mode when a borrower is
taking more time in repaying the loan than it was agreed upon. Grameen Bank allows
such borrowers to reschedule their loans without making them feel that they have done
anything wrong.

3) Branches in the Rural Area

'Grameen' means "rural" or "village" in Bangla. Grameen Bank branches are located in
the rural area, unlike the other commercial bank which tries to locate themselves as close
as possible to the business districts and urban centers. First principle of Grameen is that
the clients should not go to the bank, it is the bank which should go to the people instead.
Grameen Bank has 2,565 branches,works in 83,566 villages with 22,128 staff.

4) Low Interest Rates

Government of Bangladesh has fixed interest rate for government-run microcredit
programmes at 11% at flat rate. It amounts to about 22% at declining basis. Grameen's
interest rate is lower than government rate. There are four interest rates for loans from
GB : 20% for income generating loans(so-called "Basic Loan"), 8% for housing loans,
5% for student loans, and interest-free loans for beggars. All interests are simple interest,
calculated on declining balance method. If a borrower takes a basic loan, and pays back
the entire amount within a year in weekly installments, borrower will pay a total amount
of principle, and equivalent to 10% interest for the year.
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2.8 Organizational Structure
There are 7.4 million borrowers in total where 97 percent are women. Grameen bank
has 2, 481 ranches in 80, 678 villages all over Bangladesh. The total amount of money
disbursed by Grameen bank from the beginning is around 356,798 billion taka, that is to
say XXX Euros, and recovery rate is 98.48%.


Area Office

Branch Office

The bank’s structure can be resuming by a scheme:

39 ZONES, consisting of 5-10 Area Offices
257 AREAS, consisting of 8-12 Branch Offices
2481 BRANCHES, consisting of 50-65 centers
136 619 CENTERS, consisting of 6-8 groups
The head office is composed of 10 departments, each of which is presided over by a
General Manager and a Deputy General Manager
Departments :
Monitoring and Evaluation Department
1. Training Department
2. International Program Department
3. Administration Department
4. Establishment Department
5. Accounts Department
6. Services Department

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7. Secretariat
8. Personal Secretary of Managing Director
9. Coordination Department

A) Financial structure
Working at its beginning thanks to donations and borrowings, Grameen Bank has
worked without any external funds since 1995.The growing amount of deposits is
enough to run and expands its credit programs and repay its existing loans.
One of Grameen Bank ´s important idea was to make the borrowers the owners of the
Bank. In fact, after becoming member of Grameen bank and as soon as they can save
Tk.100, they have to buy a share of Grameen Bank.
During a long time, the Government refused to Grameen Bank the distribution of its
dividends to the shareholders. Expecting a change, a registered fund has been created to
save the profits. In 2006, the Government changed its former decision and Grameen
Bank could declare dividends to its shareholders at the rate of 100% of their equity for
the year 2007. The bank earned a net profit of Tk. 1,398,155,029.78 during the year. It
enabled the bank not only to declare a hefty dividend but also to create a Dividend
Equalization Fund to ensure distribution of dividends at attractive rates in the coming

2.9 Company’s Value:

The main vision of the Grameen is to remove poverty from the country with best
practices and highest social commitment.
 Result Driven
 Engaged & Inspired
 Accountable & Transparent
 Focused on Borrowers Delightment
 Courageous & Respectful and social standards in our dealings.

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2.10 Initial Briefings at Head Office
Grameen Bank in numbers
1. 40 Zonal Offices
2. 268 Area Offices
3. 2565 Branch offices
4. 144.619 Centers
5. 1.284.606 Groups
6. 8+ million Borrowers
7. In 2010: $ 1463 million savings & $ 964 million loans

Field Position Official Rank

Center Manager Probationary Center Manager
Center Manager Center Manager
Center Manager Senior Center Manager
Center Manager Center Manager Selection Grade
Officer Officer
Second Officer Second Officer
Branch Manager Probationary officer
Branch Manager Senior Officer
Branch Manager Senior Officer Selection grade
Branch Manager Principal Officer
Programme Officer Principal Officer
Area Officer Senior Principal Officer
Zonal Manager Assistant General Manager
Zonal Manager Deputy General Manager
Zonal Manager General Manager

2.11 Banking Division:

I worked in two branch office in Grameen bank. All the employees are very experienced
at their work. They know what to do for the betterment of their organization. In a branch
office there are 8-9 employees.Among them,

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 1 branch manager,
 1 second officer,
 5-6 centre manager,
 1 caretacker.

Generally Banking Division of Grameen Bank contains following Sections and

1. Deposit Section (for both borrower and non borrower)
2. Savings section( only for the borrower)
3. Loan Section

2.12 Human Resources Development:

The bank always laid emphasis on human resource development. The Bank believes in
the factor that helps the bank’s survive is closely interlinked with the quality of service
and satisfaction of the requirements of the client and that directly depends on the
qualification and efficiency of the employees. As our human resources give the
organization a significant competitive edge, we continue our policy of recruiting the best
professionals and implement programs to develop and retain high quality employees

2.13 Company Competitive Scenario:

There are many NGO’s in Bangladesh who are doing microcredit banking in
Bangladesh. Some of them are BRAC, PROSHIKA, ASA etc. Bangladesh is witnessing
steep growth in the uptake of microcredit loans for the past 5-6 years. Microcredit
banking has been growing at a fast rate for the past few years, for the development of the
infrustraucture of Bangladesh and to remove poverty from Bangladesh. Now, all
privateand state-owned microcredit organizations have come up with more and more
benifits to attract customers. BRAC, Grameen Bank and ASA are leading microcredit
organizations who are growing their revenue through Microcredit Banking. City Bank is
one of the oldest private Commercial Banks operating in Bangladesh. It is a top bank
among the oldest five Commercial Banks in the country which started their operations in

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Chapter- Three
Theoretical Aspects

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3.1 Management:
The organization and coordination of the activities of a business in order to achieve
defined objectives. Management consists of the interlocking functions of creating
corporate policy and organizing, planning, controlling, and directing an organization’s
resources in order to achieve the objectives of that policy.

Human Resource Management:

The process of hiring and developing employees so that they become more valuable to
the organization. Human Resource Management includes conducting job analyses,
planning personnel needs, recruiting the right people for the job, orienting and training,
managing wages and salaries, providing benefits and incentives, evaluating
performance, resolving disputes, and communicating with all employees at all levels.
Examples of core qualities of HR management are extensive knowledge of the industry,
leadership, and effective negotiation skills.

According to Armstrong (1997), Human Resource Management can be defined as “a

strategic approach to acquiring, developing, managing, motivating and gaining the
commitment of the organization’s key resource – the people who work in and for it”.
Ricky W. Griffin has defined; Human Resource Management is the set of organizational
activities directed at attracting, developing and maintaining an effective work force.

Functions Human Resource Management:

The role of human resource management is to plan, develop, and administer policies and
programmers designed to make expeditious use of an organization’s human resources. It
is that part of management which is concerned with the people at work and with their
relationship within an enterprise.
Training & development.

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These functions are described here briefly:
 Acquisition: It deals with human resource planning. It includes job analysis,
recruitment, selection and socialization of employees.

Job Analysis: is the procedure which one can determines the duties of the
positions of an organization and the characteristics of the people to hire for them.
It produces information for waiting job description and job specification.

Recruitment refers to the process of attracting, screening, and selecting qualified

people for ajob at an organization or firm. It is undertaken by recruiters. It also
may be undertaken by an employment agency or a member of staff at the
business or organization looking for recruits.

Selection: is a process of hiring suitable people for job. Right person for right job
is the main goal of selection.

Socialization: is a process of getting new employees acquainted with the

organization, its culture, rules and regulation.

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 Training and Development: The training and development function gives
employees the skills and knowledge to perform their jobs effectively. In addition
to providing training for new or inexperienced employees, organizations often
provide training programmers for experienced employees whose jobs are
undergoing change. Large organizations often have development programmers
which prepare employees for higher level responsibilities within the organization.
Training and development programmers provide useful means of assuring that
employees are capable of performing their jobs at acceptable levels.

 Motivations: Motivations is the process that account for an individual’s

intensity, direction and persistence to effort toward attaining a goal.

 Maintenance: Maintenance refers to maintaining employee commitments and

loyalty to the organization. It is willingness to stay in the company.

3.2 Objectives of Human Resource Management:

The objectives can be as under:

Organizational Objectives:
HRM is a means to achieve efficiency and effectiveness. It serves other functional areas,
so as to help them to attain efficiency in their operations and attainment of goals to attain
efficiency. Acquiring right man for the right job at right time in right quantity,
developing through right kind of training, utilizing the selected workforce, and
maintaining the workforce is the organizational objectives of HRM. Succession planning
is an important issue to be taken up as a contemporary organizational objective.

Functional Objectives:
HRM performs so many functions for other departments. However, it must see that the
facilitation should not cost more than the benefit rendered.

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Personal Objectives:
In today’s world there is shortage of requisite talent. Employees are encouraged by
competitive firms to change the jobs. HRM has the responsibility to acquire, develop,
utilize, and maintain employees.
This would be possible only when the HRM helps employees to achieve their personal
goals to get their commitment. Creating work-life balance for the employees is a
personal objective.

Societal Objectives:
HRM must see that the legal, ethical, and social environmental issues are properly
attended to. Equal opportunity and equal pay for equal work are the legal issues not to be
violated. To take care of farmers (whose land has been acquired for the factory) and
tribal’s (who are displaced by industries and mining companies) are the ethical issues.
HRM Objective Supporting Function
1. Social Objectives 1. Legal compliance
2. Benefits
3. Union-management relations
2. Organizational Objectives 1. Human resource planning
2. Employee relations
3. Selection
4. Training and development
5. Appraisal
6. Placement
7. Assessment
3. Functional Objective 1. Appraisal
2. Placement
3. Assessment
4. Personal Objectives 1. Training and development
2. Appraisal
3. Placement
4. Compensation
5. Assessment

Objective of Human resource Management

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3.3 Definition of Recruitment:
Recruitment is a process of locating individuals with sufficient qualification & number
and encourages them to apply for jobs. From other perspective it is a process of
identifying and hiring the best qualified candidate for a job vacancy, in a most timely and
cost-effective manner.

According to David A. DeCenzo and Stephen P. Robbins, “Recruitment is the process

of discovering potential candidates for actual and anticipated organizational vacancies.”

From the above definition we can say that, Recruitment is the process of finding and
attraction capable applicants for employment. The process begins when new recruit are
sought and ends when their application are submitted. The result is a pool of applicants
which new employees are selected. The quality of an organization’s human resources
depends on the quality of its recruit

3.4 Recruiting Sources:

Recruiting is more likely to achieve its objectives if recruiting sources reflect the type of
the position to be filled. Certain recruiting sources are more effective than others for
filling certain types of jobs. Every organization has the option of choosing the candidates
for its recruitment processes from two kinds of sources.
Those are
 Internal Sources.
 External Sources.

1. Internal Source : The sources within the organization itself (like transfer of
employees from one department to other, promotions) to fill a position are known
as the internal sources of recruitment. In 3 three ways internal candidates are
 Job Posting:
Posting notice of job openings on company bulletins boards is an effective
internal recruiting method. It informs employees about openings & required
qualifications & invites qualified employees to apply. The notices usually posted

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on company bulletin boards or electronic bulletin boards or are placed in the
company newspaper. Qualifications & other facts are drawn from the job analysis

 Skill Inventories:
Making use of HRIS can find the best suited candidate and this must be secure
and confidential source of internal candidate. This source gives adequate but
relevant employee information.

 Nominations:
Recommendation from potential supervisor, employees who are interested in the
posted opening report to the HR Department & apply.

2. External Sources:
Recruitment candidates from all the other sources (like outsourcing agencies etc.) are
known as the external sources of recruitment. In addition to looking internally for
candidates, it is customary for organizations to open up recruiting efforts to the external
community. These efforts are discussed below:
 Advertisement:
When an organization wishes to communicate to the public that it has a vacancy
advertisement in one of the popular method used. Want ad describes the job, the
benefits and tells those who are interested how to apply. It is the most popular

 Employee Referrals/Recommendation:
An employee will recommend if he believe the individual can perform
adequately. Employee referrals also may have acquired more accurate
information about their potential jobs. The recommender often gives the applicant
more realistic information about the job than could be conveyed through
employment agencies or newspaper advertisement.

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 Employment Agencies:
There are certain professional organizations which look towards recruitment and
employment of people; they supply required manpower to needy concerns.
 Schools Colleges & Universities Recruiting:
Whatever the educational level required for the job involves a high-school
diploma, specific vocational training, or a collage background with a bachelor’s,
masters or doctoral degree, educational institutions are an excellent source of
potential employees. Sending an employer’s representatives to college campuses
to pre-screen applicants and create an applicant pool from the graduating class.

 Unsolicited Application:
Many job seekers visit the office of well-known companies on their own.
Moreover without encouragement from other sources applicants go directly to the
organization. In addition courteous treatment of any applicant is a good business

 Temp Agencies:
These types of different organization can be a source of employees when
individuals are needed on a temporary basis. Temporary employees are
particularly valuable in meeting short term fluctuations in HRM needs. It does
not provide recruits. They are a source of supplemental workers. The temporary
workers actually work for the agency. During vacation and peak season-these
agencies can be a better alternative.

3.5 Selection Process:

Selection is the process of choosing from a group of applicant that individual deemed to
be best qualified for particular job opening. The process of interviewing and evaluating
candidates for a specific job and selecting an individual for employment based on certain
criteria is called selection process.

3.6 The Generalized Selecting Method:

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Selection begins where recruitment ends- with applicant pool. Selection goes through
five steps:
1. Initial Screening: A systematic examination of employment application, resume
analysis is done in this stage.

2. Secondary Screening: This stage eliminating unqualified employees and identify

prospective employees for open position. Selecting process starts with testing. Test
can be different type. We can conveniently classify test according to whether the
 Cognitive abilities
 Motor and physical abilities
 Personality and interest
 Job Knowledge

3. Candidacy: The basic component of this stage is the employment interview or

series of employment interviews, which focus on an in depth evaluation of the
applicant’s qualification. In some organization, individuals successfully sent to an
assessment center where they may complete batteries of tests and engage in various
simulations to further assess their capabilities. Applicants completing this stage are
potential employees.

4. Verification: This stage is concerned with verifying the reference information

furnished by applicant. Due to the increasing number of negligent hiring cases,
organizations must be careful to exercise due diligence in verifying and
documenting references.

5. Final Selection: This is decision making stage. The information furnished by the
applicant and gathered by the organization is evaluated. If the information is
favorable, a job offer is made; if the information is unfavorable, no job offer is
extended. The tentative job offer is subject to a physical examination and a
background investigation. If the candidate successfully completes these two final
hurdles, a final job offer is made.
3.7 Components of the Recruitment policy:
 The general recruitment policies and terms of the organization
25 | P a g e
 Recruitment services of consultants
 Recruitment of temporary employees
 Unique recruitment situations
 The selection process
 The job descriptions
 The terms and conditions of the employment
 Organizational objectives
 Personnel policies of the organization and its competitors
 Government policies on reservations.
 Preferred sources of recruitment.
 Need of the organization.
 Recruitment costs and financial implications.

3.8 Factors Affecting Recruitment policy:

 Organization objectives
 Personnel policies of the organization and its competitors
 Top management influence
 Government policies of the organization and its competitors
 Need of the organization
 Budget

3.9 Objective of Recruitment policy:

Objectives are targets and goals. According to Yoder, following are the main objectives
of recruitment policy:
 To find and employ the best qualified person for job
 To retain the best and most promising ones
 To offer promising careers and recruitment
 To reduce the scope of favoritism and malpractices

26 | P a g e
Chapter- Four

Recruitment and Selection Process

Grameen Bank

27 | P a g e
4.1 Recruitment and selection process of Grameen Bank:
Bangladesh is the ninth largest country of the world as regards its population not for its
area of land. It has almost 16 core people. So the main thrust could be given on the
development and management of human resources. In the country some large medium
sized and a large number of business and industrial organization have been established
and a significant number of human resources are employed in the organizations. Though
more than 70% of its total population is still involved in cultivation of land, but no
remarkable attempt has been made to manage the agriculturists for the national purpose.
That is why Bangladesh is still a poor country. In Bangladesh, many public and private
businesses, non-business and industrial organization has been emerged.

4.2 Recruitment and selection:

Having good people in a team gives a competitive advantage to a business. Employing
the right person for the role will positively influence the performance and productivity of
the work team as a whole. Selecting the wrong person can result in lower performance,
higher operating costs, reduced morale and increased turnover among other staff
members. The only way to get good people on a team is to attract applicants through a
well thought out recruitment process and then finding the best person for the role using
sound selection techniques. The recruitment and selection process also provides a
window into a business for job seekers. Having a professional approach to these
processes reflects positively on the farm business. This fact sheet will cover:
 Preparation required to be successful
 The recruitment process
 The selection process
 Examples
 Templates
Preparation required being successful before recruiting and selecting; an employer
should complete a job analysis, job description and person specification. These
documents will help to fully clarify the role as the employer sees it. A clear description is
important so it can be communicated to the potential employee. When an employee
knows what is expected of them they can assess whether or not the position is right for

28 | P a g e
them. Knowing what is expected allows the employer to select staff much more
objectively, reducing the risk of failure in the selection process. Recruitment and
selection is also important in performance management, as illustrated below, because
performance expectations are shared at the start.

4.3 Aim of Recruiting & Selecting:

To ensure that a pool of suitably experienced and qualified people apply for the job.

To identify one candidate who is likely to perform better in the position than the others.
This combines aspects of the person’s knowledge skills and experience as well as their
place in the culture of an established team. This is a two-way process and the applicant is
also trying to establish for themselves if the role and the team meets their own needs.

The recruitment process: The recruitment process involves:

Advertising the role
Selling the job to potential applicants.

4.4 Advertising the job:

Advertising is the shop window that attracts a potential applicant to find out more about
the job. It should provide enough information to make the job sound appealing and
encourage a potential applicant to take action.

4.5 Types of advertising:

Traditionally, advertising has been done through the local newspaper or rural media.
Other forms of advertising may include:
Word of mouth through friends and associates
Referrals from other team members
Direct approaches to a potential applicant
Job sections on websites such as
29 | P a g e
Signs on notice boards at local businesses (supermarkets, farm supply stores etc)
Agencies such as Work and Income or Student Job Search
Local school or club newsletters
Print advertising in industry publications
Listing with farm consultants or an agricultural employment agency.

4.6 Writing an Advertisement

Newspaper advertising is the most common form of recruitment; therefore this fact sheet
will focus on that process.

4.7 Components of a Good Advertisement

There is clear evidence that qualified applicants are less likely to reply to vaguely word
or ill- defined advertisements, whereas unsuitable applicants are more likely to apply. A
common advertising format is as follows:
Advert Title
Sales pitch
Job title and property
Description of the job
Type of person required
Contact details and closing

The advert title may either be the job title or an eye-catching phrase. Other eye-catchers
such as graphics or pictures (your farm logo) may also be added.

30 | P a g e
4.8 Job title and property description
The job title and property description tell the applicant what the position is and provides
a context for the role by describing the location, size and facilities available on the farm.

4.9 Description of the job

This section describes the appropriate responsibility areas, tasks or duties for the role.
This can be taken almost directly from the job description previously constructed.
Realistic job previews: While selling the job is important, it can be a good sales ploy to
point out any particular difficulties of the job, giving the applicant a more realistic idea
about what the job entails. This should only be used where a direct compensation has
been built into the package.

4.10 Job specification

A job specification goes beyond a mere description - in addition, it highlights the mental
and physical attributes required of the job holder. Selection involves procedures to
identify the most appropriate candidates to fill posts. An effective selection procedure
will therefore take into consideration the following: keeping the costs of selection down
making sure that the skills and qualities being sought have been identified, developing a
process for identifying them in candidates making sure that the candidates selected, will
want the job, and will stay with the company.

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4.11 Recruitment Process of Grameen Bank :

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Chapter- Five

Questionnaire Survey Analysis

33 | P a g e
5.1 Questionnaire survey analysis:
Questionnaire analysis is very important for any research activities. With the help of a
questionnaire we can get the real scenario of any survey. To prepare this internship
report I have also prepared a questionnaire on Recruitment and selection process of is
GRAMEEN BANK. I have collect data from employees of GRAMEEN BANK to
prepare this report.

1. Grameen Bank follows the formal recruitment system

From the above figure it is seen that in Grameen Bank 50% employees strongly agreed
and 30% agreed that Grameen Bank properly follows the formal recruitment system but
20% employees disagreed about the statement.

34 | P a g e
2. Which type of interview mostly used in your interview session?


The above graph shows, that 40% employees said mixed interview, 20% said
unstructured, 10% give opinion about structure, again 20% said behavioral and 10% said
stress interview usually used during the interview session.

35 | P a g e
3. Recruitment and Selection process of Grameen Bank is Lengthy?


In this graph, the above figure shows that 30% agree, 10% Neutral and 30% disagreed
and 0% strongly disagreed, about Grameen Bank recruitment process is not lengthy
about the statement.

36 | P a g e
4. Recruitment and selection process of Grameen Bank is cost effective for


In this graph, it is found that, 50% employees strongly agree, 30% employees agree, &
20% 0f employees disagree give the information about the bank’s recruitment and
selection process of Grameen Bank is cost effective.

37 | P a g e
5. Dose the recruitment and selection process of Grameen Bank free from


From the above figure it is seen that in Grameen Bank 20% employees strongly agreed
and 20% agreed, 40% employees were neutral but 20% employees disagreed about the

38 | P a g e
6. Do you think your bank’s recruitment and selection process need any further


In This graph, it is seen that 40% employees are disagree with this statement, but on the
other hand 30%employes of Grameen Bank want some improvement of recruitment and
selection process in this bank and 30% employees are strongly with the statement.

39 | P a g e
7. Are you satisfied with the whole Recruitment and Selection process of Grameen


In this graph it is seen that 60% employees are satisfied with the recruitment & selection
process 20% of them strongly satisfied and 10% of employees are they have no effect
about this. Other 10% of employee is dissatisfied by considering the recruitment&
selection process.
5.2 Major Finding:
40 | P a g e
The major findings in the recruitment and selection procedure of Grameen Bank that are
justified in my view are:
 Grameen Bank follows the formal recruitment system.
 Grameen Bank uses promotions and demotion as the sources of internal
 The recruitment and selection process of Grameen Bank is lengthy.
 The recruitment and selection process of Grameen Bank is cost effective.
 The recruitment and selection process of Grameen Bank is free from biasness.
 The Employees are satisfied with the existing recruitment and selection process
of Grameen Bank.

41 | P a g e
Chapter- Six

Recommendations & Conclusion

42 | P a g e
5.1 Recommendations
 Sometime GRAMEEN BANK seems nepotism but they should avoid it for 100%
fair and transparent recruitment.
 GRAMEEN BANK should select employee by focusing more on job description.
 Moreover recruitment process for the new employees should be more attractive.
 Some time in recruitment process is based so GRAMEEN BANK must take the
stapes to remove the business.
 Any type of favoritism should be abandoned in recruitment & selection process.
 GRAMEEN BANK should reduce the number of days to recruit an select
employees from advertisement to Final Appointment
 The right process of recruitment helps them throw the recruitment process
quickly and smoothly
 The wrong way takes lots of time and money and ultimately does not guarantee
the right person for the position.

43 | P a g e
5.2 Conclusion:
One of the most important resources of an organization is its people. Employees supply
the talent, skill and creativity and exert the effort and leadership that contribute to the
level of performance of the organization. Effective use of human resources management
leads to a number of consequence like helping the firm to achieve its objectives,
increasing employees job satisfaction, providing the firm with well-trained and
motivated employees and developing quality of work life which marks employment
personally and socially desirable.

Grameen Bank has a human resource department and they conduct every activities of
human resource management. The main and important part is requirement and selection
of employees. So recruitment and selection pays a vital role in the Human Resource
Department. In recruitment and selection there is a process and the necessary steps are
required to follow. Through every step candidates skill, Knowledge, abilities, personal
appearance, intelligence, smartness, behavior, mental and physical fitness everything can
be judgment is to recruitment perfect and fitness everything can be judged. The result of
this judgment is to recruitment prefer and eligible personnel. Grameen Bank follows the
whole process of recruitment and selection for the post of probationary officer. But for
the other most they do not follow the overall process.

Though there are some positive factors and strengths in their recruitment and selection
process but also some negative side. The recruitment and selection process of Grameen
Bank is good enough but in accordance to the employee’s opinion it has a major lacking
that it is lengthy. After overcoming the lacking the recruitment and selection program of
Grameen Bank may improve.

44 | P a g e
1. Robbins, S.P. (2009). Organizational Behavior. 11th Ed.
2. Dessler, G. (2005). Human Resource Management. 10th Ed. Pearson prentice
hall, International edition.
3. Griffin, R.W. (2012). Management.7th Ed. New York. Houghton Mifflin
4. Bank Book of Instructions.
5. Armstrong. M.(2006) a handbook of Human Resource Management practice (8 th
6. Fisher , C.D (2003) Human Resource Management
7. Library Books

Annual Report (2017 & 2018) Dhaka, Bangladesh Krisi Bank


45 | P a g e
Dear Respondents,
I am Kamrun Naher Ruma student of BBA program in City University (BUBT). For the
potential fulfillment of the BBA program . I have to prepare a report on “Recruitment
and selection process of GRAMEEN BANK”. So that some information would be
needed from you. It is assured that all the information will keep confidential and safely
use in this report only.

Please read carefully the question and put a tick (√) in the respective number and kindly
give your response where necessary.

Section-1: General information about Respondent:

Contact No………………………………………….
Gender : a. Male b. Female
Age (In years):……………………………………………………………….
Marital status: a. Single b. Married
Religion: a. Muslim b. Hindu c. Christian d. Buddist e. Other
Education level
a. Graduation b. Post-Graduation
Name of your Institution……………………………………………

Section-2 Question related With Recruitment and selection issue:

Does your bank have any recruitment policy?
In your bank which recruitment source usually used?
Internal source

46 | P a g e
External source
GRAMEEN BANK follows the formal recruitment system.
Strongly agree
Strongly disagree

Which internal sources of recruitment and selection process are used in the

Which type of interview mostly used in your interview session?


Recruitment and Selection process of GRAMEEN BANK is Lengthy?

Strongly agree
Strongly disagree

47 | P a g e
Recruitment and selection process of GRAMEEN BANK is cost effective for
Strongly agree
Strongly disagree

Dose the recruitment and selection process of GRAMEEN BANK free from biasness?
Strongly agree
Strongly disagree

Do you think your bank’s recruitment and selection process need any further
Strongly agree
Strongly disagree

Are you satisfied with the whole recruitment and selection process of GRAMEEN
Strongly Satisfied
Strongly Dissatisfied

48 | P a g e

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