WP07 Act PP DS
WP07 Act PP DS
WP07 Act PP DS
PP/DS Activation
February 2019
Version 1.3
10Steps2S4 – [ACT] PP/DS Implementation
1 Introduction........................................................................................................................................3
5 Appendix ......................................................................................................................................... 21
10Steps2S4 – [ACT] PP/DS Implementation
1 Introduction
Production Planning and Detailed Scheduling (PP/DS) for SAP S/4HANA is not a legal successor of the
PP/DS component from the SAP SCM Server. Data migration and customer code migration from PP/DS
component from the SAP SCM Server is not supported by the standard solution.
The following guide describe the steps required for the activation of PP/DS after a conversion to
2434851 - How to setup Advanced Planning Activate and maintain CIF basic settings for
(PPDS) in S/4 HANA (CIF Basic Setup) PP/DS
2407589 - Manual installation of liveCache for Installation and basic configuration of liveCache
S/4HANA 2407589 - Manual installation of in S/4HANA
liveCache for S/4HANA
10Steps2S4 – [ACT] PP/DS Implementation
The ABAP schema user is the standard user of the SAP HANA instance, as displayed in the menu
item°"System" -> "Status", in the section "Database Data" --> "Owner". This user is referred to in the
following as <ABAP-USER> (previously, this was usually the user SAP<SID> for S/4HANA 1610, and in
later versions also the users SAPABAP1 or°SAPHANADB).
10Steps2S4 – [ACT] PP/DS Implementation
5. Create other 2 identical connections named LDA and LEA and test them to make sure they are
10Steps2S4 – [ACT] PP/DS Implementation
NOTE: Nothing required since it has been already done as part of the preparation activities.
Correction in support packages mentioned below. In urgent cases, you can implement the correction
instructions as an advance correction.
Execute the program /SAPAPO/OM_CREATE_LC_TABLES to rectify inconsistencies.
10Steps2S4 – [ACT] PP/DS Implementation
2. Specify parameter LCA for the “DB Connection Name” and press “Execute”
/n/sapapo/om13: liveCache Health Check. Note in particular any error messages on the tab page
10Steps2S4 – [ACT] PP/DS Implementation
3. If you have any red items check the information and complete the related activity
4. Execute transaction “/n/sapapo/om03”
5. If everything is ok you will just get a message on the buttom saying “liveCache-test at LCA
finished without errors”
10Steps2S4 – [ACT] PP/DS Implementation
3 Configuration of PP/DS
3.1 Settings in Customizing
3.1.1 Activate Advance Planning flag in customizing
1. Call transaction SPRO and click on button “SAP Reference IMG”
2. Navigate to Advanced Planning à Basic Settings à Activate Advance Planning and Scheduling
3. Select “New entries” and activate the option
4. Save the changes selecting a customizing request or creating a new one
10Steps2S4 – [ACT] PP/DS Implementation
5. Go back
6. Execute “Assign Logical System to a Client”
7. Double click on client 100
8. Make sure that the Logical System assigned is the one you created or verified previously
10Steps2S4 – [ACT] PP/DS Implementation
9. GO back
10. Execute “Set up RFC Connection”
11. Create a new connection with the same name of the logical system you previously defined.
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17. Save
18. Go back to SPRO
19. Execute “Maintain Business System Group”
20. Create a new entry for a new business system group
10Steps2S4 – [ACT] PP/DS Implementation
10Steps2S4 – [ACT] PP/DS Implementation
6. Go to transaction SPRO
7. Go to Integration with other SAP Components à Advanced Planning and Optimization à Basic
Settings for Setting Up the System Landscape à Set Target System and Queue Type
Please Note: Value “T” as OpMode is set automatically after saving. In case OpMode value is
wrong or remains empty after saving use this program to update the entry
8. Go to Integration with other SAP Components à Advanced Planning and Optimization à Basic
Settings for Data Transfer à Set User Parameters
9. Go to Integration with other SAP Components à Advanced Planning and Optimization à Basic
Settings for Data Transfer à Initial Data Transfer à Determine Number Ranges for
10Steps2S4 – [ACT] PP/DS Implementation
10. Register the CIF Queue in transaction SMQR with the following settings
1. To complete this activity you may have to deactivate the new Belize theme in SAP GUI otherwise
the “Save and activate” button won’t be displayed.
a. To do so log-off from the system and in the SAP Logon screen open the “Options…”
b. In the options under Visual Design select the Theme Preview/Settings and deactivate the
option “Accept Belize theme”.
10Steps2S4 – [ACT] PP/DS Implementation
c. Now logon again to the system and you will see the old SAP GUI theme.
2. Call transaction /N/SAPAPO/MVM
3. Create model “000”
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Location: 1000
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10Steps2S4 – [ACT] PP/DS Implementation
10. Save
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10Steps2S4 – [ACT] PP/DS Implementation
5 Appendix
5.1 ABAP Report
TABLES: cifopmode.
DATA: lv_logsys type TBDLS-LOGSYS,
ls_cifopmode type cifopmode.
"Operation modes
CONSTANTS: lc_opmode_std type C VALUE 'T'." Transactional Events
IF ls_cifopmode-opmode is INITIAL.
ls_cifopmode-opmode = lc_opmode_std.
modify cifopmode from ls_cifopmode.