CS-475 - Computer Vision
CS-475 - Computer Vision
CS-475 - Computer Vision
Computer Vision
What is the technology behind Google Street View? How does the Google Car find its location
using images? How can a robot make 3D models from images? How can we train a robot to roam
in the city? How does a drone make a 3D map? What is data association? What is robust
estimation? In this course we will learn the basics of computer vision and machine learning applied
to images. Prerequisites include linear algebra and passion to solve exciting problems.
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National University of Sciences & Technology (NUST)
School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (SEECS)
Department of Electrical Engineering
Course Description:
About 50% of the brain area is activated when eyes are working. This indicates that path to unlocking human
intelligence is perhaps related to visual processing. How do humans manage to detect objects of different sizes
and from different views? How do we manage to exist in a 3D world while perceiving only 2D images with our
eyes? This course is about learning the basics of visual processing related to 3D scene modelling from single
and multiple views. These concepts will form the basis of various computer vision applications related to
surveillance, robotics and medical image processing etc.
Course Description:
With a single glance a human interprets the entire scene. How many objects are present in the scene and
where they are located? Which person is present in the scene? What will happen next? However, computers
lack this capability. We have seen only face detectors so far working in our mobile phones? What is the
challenge in understanding the 3D scene, i.e., the identity, the location and the size of the objects present in
the scene. In this course we will introduce the basic concepts related to 3D scene modelling from single view
and multiple views.
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National University of Sciences & Technology (NUST)
School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (SEECS)
Department of Electrical Engineering
Text Book: 1. Multiple View Geometry In Computer Vision by Richard Hartley and Andrew Zisserman
2. Lecture Notes
3. Programming Computer Vision with Python by Jan Erik Solem
4. Udacity online course (https://www.udacity.com/course/introduction-to-computer-vision--ud810)
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National University of Sciences & Technology (NUST)
School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (SEECS)
Department of Electrical Engineering
Lecture Breakdown:
Week No. Topics Sections Remarks
1 Why Computer Vision? The State of the art in Computer Vision. CLO 1
2 Camera Model: How the 2D image is formed from the 3D world? CLO 1
Homogenous Transform, Ideal Points, Ideal Lines, Degree of Freedom of
homogenous points and lines, Python examples.
Linear Filtering, Gaussian smoothing.
3 Transformations in 2D: Transformations (Similarity, Affine, Projective), Invariants CLO 1
for each transform. Python examples.
4 Homography: How to view an image from a different angle automatically. CLO 1
Image Stitching: Making a bigger picture from smaller pictures.
Direct Linear Transform (Ax = 0), Null space, Forward warping, Inverse warping.
Python examples.
5 Robust Estimation: Optimization, gradient descent, learning rate. CLO 2
RANSAC: How to fit a line if there are noisy points? How to calculate
homography with incorrect data associations? Python examples.
6 OHT-1
7 Transformations in 3D. Rigid Body Transforms. 3D rotations (Roll, Pitch, Yaw), CLO 1
Conventions of a rotation matrix, Unknowns in 3D Pose, Python examples.
8 Pin hole camera projection. Intrinsic and Extrinsic Calibration. CLO 1
Camera calibration toolbox.
9 Fundamental Matrix. Epipolar line, inliers vs. outliers, how kinect works? CLO 1
10 Stereo Geometry: Making 3D model from two or more views. Structure from CLO 1
Motion (SfM), Bundle Adjustment.
11 SIFT & SURF Descriptors: How to find an object appearing at different sizes? CLO 2
Scale and view invariance.
12 OHT-2
13 Augmented Reality: Making a startup application in python. CLO 3
14 Bag of Words / Spatial Pyramid CLO 2
15 Tracking using Kalman filter. CLO 2
16 CNN & RNNs CLO 3
17 Discussion on Research Paper and Semester Project
18 Week 18: ESE
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National University of Sciences & Technology (NUST)
School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (SEECS)
Department of Electrical Engineering
Grading Policy:
Quiz Policy: The quizzes will be unannounced and normally last for ten minutes. The question framed is to test the
concepts involved in last few lectures. Number of quizzes that will be used for evaluation is at the
instructor’s discretion.
Assignment Policy: In order to develop comprehensive understanding of the subject, assignments will be given. Late
assignments will not be accepted / graded. All assignments will count towards the total (No ‘best-of’
policy). The students are advised to do the assignment themselves. Copying of assignments is highly
discouraged and violations will be dealt with severely by referring any occurrences to the disciplinary
committee. The questions in the assignment are meant to be challenging to give students confidence and
extensive knowledge about the subject matter and enable them to prepare for the exams. Note that for
programming assignments viva will be conducted. The grading will be mainly based on the viva
Plagiarism: NUST maintains a zero tolerance policy towards plagiarism. While collaboration in this course is highly
encouraged, you must ensure that you do not claim other people’s work/ ideas as your own. Plagiarism
occurs when the words, ideas, assertions, theories, figures, images, programming codes of others are
presented as your own work. You must cite and acknowledge all sources of information in your
assignments. Failing to comply with the NUST plagiarism policy will lead to strict penalties including
zero marks in assignments and referral to the academic coordination office for disciplinary action.
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