AN004 - Data Analysis Techniques

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How To Extract Powerful Information From Data

29 Mar - 02 Apr 2020, Dubai

26 - 30 Jul 2020, Dubai
27 Sep - 01 Oct 2020, Dubai
13 - 17 Dec 2020, Dubai
How To Extract Powerful Information From Data

Introduction This GLOMACS Data Analysis Techniques training seminar is

entirely applications-oriented, minimizing the time spent on the
mathematics of analysis and maximizing the time spent on the use
Corporate ethos which demands continual improvement in work
of practical methods in Excel, along with the understanding why
place efficiencies and reduced operating, maintenance, support
such methods work.
service and administration costs means that managers, analysts and
their advisors are faced with ever-challenging analytical problems
Delegates will spend almost all of the time exploring Excel’s data
and performance targets. To make decisions which result in
analysis and representation functionality, including the Data Analysis
improved business performance it is vital to base decision making
Tool Pack, to investigate the totally realistic data analysis problems.
on appropriate analysis and interpretation of numerical data.

Objectives Organisational Impact

This GLOMACS Data Analysis Techniques training seminar aims Organisations that are able to make optimum decisions will
to provide those involved in analysing numerical data with the enhance their ability to compete on the global stage. The
understanding and practical capabilities needed to convert data into participants on this GLOMACS Data Analysis Techniques training
information via appropriate analysis, and then to represent these course, and therefore the teams that they work within will, as a
results in ways that can be readily communicated to others in the result of their training, be better positioned to influence the
organisation. organisation with recommendations based on objective data
analysis that in turn produce a higher performing business.
Objectives include:
•• To provide delegates with both an understanding and Individuals exposed to this GLOMACS training will develop new
practical experience of a range of the more common analytical insights into the use of Excel and the field of data analysis, and they
techniques and representation methods for numerical data will learn why the best companies in the world see data analysis as
•• To give delegates the ability to recognize which types of analysis being essential to delivering the right quality products and services
are best suited to particular types of problems at the lowest costs.
•• To give delegates sufficient background and theoretical
knowledge to be able to judge when an applied technique will Personal Impact
likely lead to incorrect conclusions
Participants will gain an understanding and practical experience
•• To provide delegates with a working vocabulary of analytical
of a range of the more common analytical techniques and data
terms to enable them to converse with people who are experts
representation methods, which have direct relevance to a wide
in the areas of data analysis, statistics and probability, and to be
range of issues. The ability to recognize which types of analysis
able to read and comprehend common textbooks and journal
are best suited to particular types of issue will be addressed, and
articles in this field
delegates will be given sufficient background and theoretical
•• To introduce some basic statistical methods and concepts knowledge to be able to judge when an applied technique will
•• To explore the use of Excel 2010 or 2013 for data analysis and the likely lead to incorrect conclusions.
capabilities of the Data Analysis Tool Pack
It should be noted that the course does not cover the subjects of data Who Should Attend?
acquisition, databases, data management, data warehousing or the
analysis of text-based information. This GLOMACS Data Analysis Techniques training seminar
has been designed for professionals whose jobs involve in the
Training Methodology manipulation, representation, interpretation and/or analysis of
data. Familiarity with a PC and in particular with Microsoft Excel
This GLOMACS Data Analysis Techniques training seminar adopts a (2003, 2007, 2010 or 2013) is assumed.
problem-based learning approach, in which delegates are presented
with a series of real numerical data analysis problems drawn from This GLOMACS training seminar involves extensive computer-based
the widest possible range of applications – from engineering to data analysis using Excel 2010 and therefore delegates will be
finance and from logistics to quality control. expected to be numerate and to enjoy working with numerical data
on a computer.
Each problem presents and exemplifies the need for a different
data analysis approach. For reasons of time constraint, it will not be
possible to develop solutions during the course to all of the problems
posed. Nevertheless, all delegates will be given comprehensive
solutions to all of the problems, to take away with them at the end
of the course, as future learning resources.

GLOMACS Training and Consultancy

The Basics Regression Analysis and Curve Fitting
•• Sources of data, data sampling, data accuracy, data •• Linear and non-linear regression, order; best fit; minimum
completeness, simple representations, dealing with
variance, maximum likelihood, least squares fits, curve
practical issues
fitting theory, linear, exponential and polynomial curve
fits, predictive methods

Fundamental Statistics
•• Mean, average, median, mode, rank, variance, covariance,
Probability and Confidence
standard deviation, “lies, more lies and statistics”,
•• Probability theory, properties of distributions, expected
compensations for small sample sizes, descriptive
values, setting confidence limits, risk and uncertainty,
statistics, insensitive measures
ANOVA (Analysis of Variance)

Basics of Data Mining and Representation Some More Advanced Ideas

•• Pivot tables, the Data Analysis Tool Pack, internet-based
•• Single, two and multi-dimensional data visualisation,
analysis tools, macros, dynamic spreadsheets, sensitivity
trend analysis, how to decide what it is that you want
to see, box and whisker charts, common pitfalls and analysis


Data Comparison
•• Correlation analysis, the auto-correlation function,
practical considerations of data set dimensionality,
multivariate and non-linear correlation


Histograms and Frequency of Occurrence

•• Histograms, Pareto analysis (sorted histogram),
cumulative percentage analysis, the law of diminishing
return, percentile analysis

Frequency Analysis “REP logo, PMI & PMP are registered trademarks of
Project Management Institute, Inc.”

•• The Fourier transform, periodic and a-periodic data,

inverse transformation, practical implications of sample
rate, dynamic range and amplitude resolution

Data Analysis Techniques

How To Extract Powerful Information From Data

Code Date Venue Fees

AN004 29 Mar - 02 Apr 2020 Dubai $4,950

AN004 26 - 30 Jul 2020 Dubai $4,950

AN004 27 Sep - 01 Oct 2020 Dubai $4,950

AN004 13 - 17 Dec 2020 Dubai $4,950


LAST NAME:________________________________________ Tel: +971 (04) 425 0700

FIRST NAME:_______________________________________
DESIGNATION:_____________________________________ Fax: +971 (04) 425 0701
COMPANY: ________________________________________ Email:
ADDRESS: ________________________________________
__________________________________________________ Website:
COUNTRY: ________________________________________ TERMS AND CONDITIONS
MOBILE: __________________________________________ •• Fees – Each fee is inclusive of Documentation, Lunch and
refreshments served during the entire seminar.
•• Mode of Payment – The delegate has the option to pay the course
fee directly or request to send an invoice to his/her company/
sponsor. Credit card and cheque payments are both acceptable.
AUTHORISATION DETAILS •• Cancellation / Substitution – Request for seminar cancellation
must be made in writing & received three (3) weeks prior to the
AUTHORISED BY:___________________________________ seminar date. A US$ 250.00 processing fee will be charged per
__________________________________________________ delegate for each cancellation. Thereafter, we regret that we are
DESIGNATION:_____________________________________ unable to refund any fees due, although in such cases we would
COMPANY: ________________________________________ be happy to welcome a colleague who would substitute for you.
ADDRESS: ________________________________________ •• Hotel Accommodation – is not included in the course fee. A
reduced corporate rate and a limited number of rooms may be
available for attendees wishing to stay at the hotel venue. Requests
for hotel reservations should be made at least three (3) weeks prior
COUNTRY: ________________________________________ to the commencement of the seminar. All hotel accommodation
TELEPHONE:______________________________________ is strictly subject to availability and terms and conditions imposed
MOBILE: __________________________________________ by the hotel will apply.
FAX:_____________________________________________ •• Attendance Certificate – a certificate of attendance will only
EMAIL:_____________________________________________ be awarded to those delegates who successfully completed/
attended the entire seminar including the awarding of applicable
PAYMENT DETAILS Continuing Professional Education Units/Hours.
•• Force Majeure – any circumstances beyond the control of the
Company may necessitate postponement, change of seminar
q Please invoice my company
venue or substitution of assigned Instructor. The Company
q Cheque payable to GLOMACS reserves the right to exercise this clause and implement such
q Please invoice me amendments.
•• Fair Access / Equal Opportunities – In the provision of its services
CERTIFICATION as a world-class Training Provider, the Company is committed to
provide fair access / equal opportunities throughout the delivery of
Successful participants will receive GLOMACS’ Certificate its courses and assessment leading to the completion of training
of Completion seminars, or 3rd party qualifications/certifications.

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Us On LinkedIn

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P.O. Box 74653 Dubai, U.A.E. connect to our LinkedIn profile.
T: +971 (04) 425 0700 | F: +971 (04) 425 0701 *Requires QR code reader/scanner application

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