LML4806 Ass 1 Memo
LML4806 Ass 1 Memo
LML4806 Ass 1 Memo
Question 1
Firstly, you had to identify all 7 views / concerns / legal rights of Zelda and Velaphi.
Secondly, you had to discuss the legal principles that relates to each of them. Lastly you
had to apply the legal principles to the fact of the matter. You failed to deal with all Zelda
and Velaphi’s views, concerns and legal rights in your answer. Please compare your answer
to what is set out below to see how you could have obtained additional marks:
Whether AGI and Realty had the right to demand that Pristine call a shareholders’ meeting
and whether the demand was valid:
● The holders of at least 10% of the voting rights entitled to be exercised in relation to
the matter may demand that the company hold a shareholders’ meeting. (s 61(3) of
the Companies Act).
● A company’s Memorandum of Incorporation (MOI) may specify a lower percentage
in substitution for the 10%.
● The demand must be written, signed by the relevant shareholders, and delivered to
the company.
● Such demand must describe the specific purpose for which the meeting is proposed.
● As holders of more than 10% of the voting rights in Pristine, AGI and Realty (50.1% +
2% = 52.1%) have the right to demand the holding of a shareholders’ meeting.
● The demand in this case is valid: – AGI and Realty have delivered the demand to
Pristine in compliance with the provisions of section 61(3) – i.e. the demand is
written, signed and describes the specific purpose of the proposed meeting.
Whether there was a legal obligation on the Pristine board to call a shareholders’ meeting:
● The board of a company (or any other person specified in the MOI or rules) must call
a shareholders’ meeting if a written and signed demand for such a meeting has been
delivered to the company. (s 61(3)).
● Therefore, the Pristine board had no choice but was required/obliged by the
Companies Act to call a shareholder’s meeting to consider the proposed resolutions.
Whether AGI and Realty have any right to remove these two directors from the board of
● An ordinary resolution for the removal of a director requires the support of more than
50% of the voting rights exercised on the resolution for it to be approved, and this
threshold for passing an ordinary for the removal of a director may not be altered by
the MOI. (s 65(7) and (8)).
● In this case, AGI directly holds 50.1% of the voting rights in Pristine and Realty holds
2% (50.1% + 2% = 52.1%), which is more than 50%.
● AGI and Realty therefore have the power/enough voting rights to pass the ordinary
resolutions for the removal of these two directors.
The concern that no explanation has been provided for their envisaged removal:
Whether they will be entitled to be heard before resolutions pertaining to their removal are
voted on:
● The director concerned must be given notice of the contemplated removal and must
be given a reasonable opportunity to make a presentation before the resolution is
put to a vote. (s 71(2)).
● Therefore, Zelda and Velaphi will be afforded the opportunity to be heard before the
resolution for their removal is voted on.
● The removal of a director by shareholders does not remove any right that the
director may have at common law or otherwise to apply to a court for damages or
compensation for loss of office. (s 71(9)).
● Therefore, Zelda will be entitled to claim damages or compensation from the
company for loss of office based on breach of contract.
Question 2
Please compare your answer to what is set out below to see how you could have obtained
additional marks:
● Realty indirectly controls Pristine and the business of Pristine in that Realty, together
with AGI (which is a related or inter-related person as its holding company), is
directly or indirectly able to exercise or control the exercise of a majority of the
voting rights associated with securities of Pristine (i.e., 50.1% held by AGI and the 2%
held by Realty).
● AGI directly or indirectly controls each of Realty and Pristine and the business of
each of them in that:
- AGI directly controls 50.1% and indirectly (through Realty) controls 2% of the
voting rights in Pristine. Pristine is therefore a subsidiary of AGI.
- AGI controls all the voting rights in Realty. Realty is, therefore, AGI’s