Microprocessor Based Automatic Door Open
Microprocessor Based Automatic Door Open
Microprocessor Based Automatic Door Open
Abstract— A microprocessor controlled automatic door and intelligent features that makes it distinct from all
opener including means for detecting the velocity and other gates which bring it so close to a security device.
direction of travel of the door. The micro-controller evaluates
detected changes in either the velocity or direction of travel to 2. THEORY AND DESIGN
determine the cause, and either reverses door travel direction
or ignores the detection. The settings of the door are stored in
Certain specifications, parameters, and methods of
the memory of the microprocessor. The microcontroller will implementation must be considered in system design and
regulate the opening and closing speed and the direction of construction in order to give the expected result. The
door travel depending upon a preprogrammed sequence. The implementation of the design involves segmenting the
door control mechanism is able to differentiate between these overall system design into subsystems/modules/units,
internal factors and external obstructions. which are individually designed and tested before the
integration of the various subsystems. The system design
(Keywords: Automatic gate, Microprocessor, Programmable is divided into:
Sensor Unit
Input /Output Controller (PIO), light dependent 2.1) Hardware Design consisting of:
Trigger Circuit
CPU Module
The need for automatic gates has been on the increase in Memory Module
Gate Control Unit
recent times. The system described in the project
incorporates the use of a microprocessor as a controller
in achieving the aims of this project.
2.2) Software
It uses a remote control convenience to avoid the stress
of manually opening and closing the gate. The
technology used eliminates gate monitoring and
manning by human beings. The gate uses a state-of-the-
art entry system. The gates have to perform gyrations –
open, auto-reverse, stop, fully close and fully stop. The
system senses, opens and closes the gate, counts, and
registers. The automatic gate system comprises a sensor
unit, a trigger circuitry, CPU module, memory module,
display unit, gate control unit and the power supply unit
as shown in the block diagram below. The automatic
gate system comprises a sensor unit, a trigger circuitry,
CPU module, memory module, display unit, gate control
unit and the power supply unit. As a monitoring and
control system, the microprocessor was used to read in
data values from the input device and interact with the
outside world. The automatic gate developed in this
project is unique in that it is controlled by software,
which can be modified any time the system demands a
change. Figure: Block Diagram of the system
The automatic gate is not a security device and should I. SENSOR
not be construed as one. It provides convenient access
The sensor provides an input signal to the system. This
module makes use of an optical sensor, specifically a
light dependent resistor (photo conductive cell, LDR), When light rays of great intensity are focused on the
whose resistance changes with the intensity of light. sensor resistor, the output voltages, V01 and V02 are
When light rays are focused on the LDR, the resistance low (approximately 0V). When the light beams are
becomes very low (0-500Ω) but when the rays are interrupted, the output voltages increase to 5V
interrupted, the resistance increases to its dark approximately.
resistance. The variable resistor is used to vary the
sensitivity of the LDR. It is otherwise called Dark
Activated Sensor. II. TRIGGER CIRCUIT
Two pairs of sensors (4 total) were used for the entire The trigger circuitry serves as an Analog–to–Digital
system; each pair for the entrance and exit gates and the converter (ADC), which produces a HIGH signal when
outputs from the sensor units and is part of the trigger the beam is interrupted. This is made up of a Schmitt-
circuitry. The sensor unit is arranged in such a way that trigger. It accepts the output of the two sensor units. Its
it consists of two pairs of LDRs to provide signals for function is to NOR the two inputs from the sensing unit,
the trigger circuitry whenever there is an obstruction clip, and shape the pulse into square waves. It is
through the entrance or exit gate For the design, two configured in such a way that when there is an output
conditions are considered: first, when light rays are from any of the two sensing units will the trigger
focused on the sensor resistor, and secondly, when the circuitry go HIGH, else it remains at LOW level.
rays are being interrupted. The trigger circuitry sends a signal to the interface unit,
The circuit has the ability to detect only the passage of a which is made up of Programmable Input /Output
person or other moving objects. Each pair of sensor is Controller (PIO). The software causes the
separated by a reasonable distance such that it can cover microprocessor to be check the input port of the
the complete gate. When a person or other moving interface unit for the sensor status information (the
objects obstruct the sensor, one sensing unit (or may be outputs of the trigger circuitry). A HIGH value causes
two) is activated and is processed by the trigger the microprocessor to send a signal to the output port of
circuitry. the interface unit in order to activate the DC motor to
control the gate (open and close).
This circuit functions to initialize the Z80 after power is
supplied and also to revitalize it if a “HALT” occurs or
after some other catastrophic event. When the Z80 is
reset, it begins execution from memory location 0000H
because the program counter is cleared to zero and
forced to begin at location 0000H. It also disables
interrupts and clears the interrupt enabled flip-flop.
The memory devices interfaced to the CPU module
consists of:
a. 2K X 8 ROM
b. 2K X 8 RAM Figure: Memory Mapping
In order to interface a microprocessor to ROM/RAM
chips, two address decoding techniques are usually V. GATE CONTROL UNIT