Investigation of Blind Source Separation Methods Extraction of Fetal Ecg
Investigation of Blind Source Separation Methods Extraction of Fetal Ecg
Investigation of Blind Source Separation Methods Extraction of Fetal Ecg
K. V. K. Ananthanag J. S. Sahambi
Dept. of Electronics & Comm. Engg. Dept. of Electronics & Comm. Engg.
1.I.T. Guwahati, Assam, India I.I.T. Guwahati,Assam, India
- 2021 -
reflecting the difficulty of distinguishing the MECG, FECC the computational load, only the n most significant eigen
and noise in the frequency domain. In the Multi-Reference pairs of fourth order cumulants obtained from the whiterled
Adaptive Noise Cancellation (MRANC) [2] only second or- process arc joint diagonalized by unitary matrix U. The
der statistics (SOS) are used. A very strong point of BSS separated matrix can he estimated as Ut 2,where t repre-
is its robustness with respect to the number of electrode sents pseudo inverse. The JADE contrast function [8]is the
and their placement. This level of robustness cannot be ob- sum of squared fourth order cross cumulants
tained easily with SOS. Further, FECG sources were clearly
revealed by exploiting a few abdominal leads exclusively, q J A D E=
(y) (Qij~)' (2)
with favorable results from up to only 3 electrodes [ 11. This ijkljiikl
robustness arises as a major advantage of BSS techniques. As this algorithm uses cross-cumulants, there is no need to
go for gradient descent and hence there is no chance of di-
2. METHODOLOGY vergence. Also there is no problem of updating the weights
and tuning the parameters as in Bell and Sejnowski's info-
Independent component analysis (ICA) is the most widely max algorithm.
used technique in BSS and many authors often use the terms
interchangeably. The basic assumption of ICA is "statistical 3.2. Fixed-point Algorithms
independence" of the sources. Different bioelectric current
sources correspond to different bioelectric mechanisms, and The original fixed-point algorithm [9]uses kurtosis and com-
so without loss of generality we can assume them to be sta- putations can he performed either in hatch mode or in a
tistically independent. semi-adaptive manner. It uses deflation approach to update
Letx(k) = ( ~ ( k ) , . .,zq(k))*
. t Rq (wherekisthe the columns of separating matrix W and to find the inde-
discrete time index) be the unknown independent bioelectric pendent components one at a time. More recent versions are
currentsourcesandy(k) = (yl(k),..., ~ ~ ( kE ) Rp, ) ~ using hyperbolic tangent, exponential or cubic functions as
be the signals recorded by the electrodes, then the FECG contrast function.
extraction problem can be formulated as The update rule for the deflation method is given by I 101
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entropy H(y1,. . ,yn) or the outputs is maximized, the
mutual information I(yl, ' . ,yn) among the outputs is then
minimized. Thc output signals are assumed to be indepen-
dent. The learning rule for a single laycr feed-forward neu- SNR JADE Fastica Bcll Comon
Mat Fet Mat Fet Mat Fe1 Mat Fet
ral network to implemcnt the separation is
2 2.96 2.63 2.94 2.64 2.96 2.60 2.71 2.23
AW a [WT]-i + (I - 2y)xT (6) 4 4.67 4.38 4.67 4.37 4.67 4.35 4.35 3.90
6 6.44 6.17 6.43 6.20 6.44 6.1 1 6.04 5.56
Awo c( 1-2y (7)
8 8.36 7.97 8.34 8.04 8.35 7.88 7.83 7.17
where y = f(u), U = Wx +
wo and f(u)is a sigmoid IO 10.29 9.78 10.27 9.67 10.27 9.63 9.57 8.70
contrast function. usually f(u)= 1 &U-') or f(u)=
tanh(u).Here W is the weight matrix and WO is the bias
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