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Measurement Gas Turbine Meters: of Flow

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Measurement of Gas Flow

by Turbine Meters






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Date of Issuance: July 15, 1986

This Standard will be revised when the Society approves the issuanceof a new edition.
There will be no addenda or written interpretationsof the requirements of this Standard
issued to this Edition.

This code or standard was developed under procedures accredited as meeting the criteria for
American National Standards. TheConsensus Committee that approved the code or standard was
balanced t o assure that individuals from competent and concerned interests have had an oppor-
tunity to participate. The proposed code or standard was made available for public review and
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(This Foreword is not part of ANSVASME MFC-4M-1986.)

The purpose of this Standard is to provide guidance and recommendation in the application
of turbine meters for gas measurement.
This Standard was prepared by Subcommittee No. 8 - Turbine Meters, of the ASME
Standards Committee on Measurement of Fluid Flow in Closed Conduits. It represents current
This Standard on gas turbine meters complements the following two published American
National Standards on liquid turbine meters:
(a) ANSI 211.299-1971 (API Standard 2534), Measurement of Liquid Hydrocarbons by
Turbine Meter Systems
(b) ANSUISA-RP31.1-1977, Recommended Practice - Specification, Installation, and
Calibration of Turbine Flowmeters
This Standard was approved as an American National Standard on April 14, 1986.

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Measurement of Fluid Flow in Closed Conduits

(The following is the roster of the Committee at the time of approval of this Standard.)

R. W. Miller, Chairman
W. F. 2 . Lee. Vice Chairman
K. Wessely. Secretary

R. B. Abernathy, Pratt & Whitney Aircraft, West Palm Beach, Florida
J. W.' Adam, Houston, Texas
N. A. Alston, Dieterich Standard Corporation, Boulder, Colorado
H. P. Bean, El Paso Natural Gas Company, El Paso, Texas
S. R. Beitler, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio
M. Bradner, The Foxboro Company, Foxboro, Massachusetts
E. E. Buxton, Flow Measurement Consultant, St. Albans, West Virginia
J. Castorina, U.S. Navy, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
G. P. Corpron, Rosemount Inc., Eden Prairie, Minnesota
C. F. Cusick, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
L. A. Dodge, Richmond Heights, Ohio
R. L. Galley, Flow Measurement Consultant, Antioch, California
L. J. Kemp, South California Gas Company, Los Angeles, California
D. R. Keyser, U.S. Navy, Warminster, Pennsylvania
C. P. Kittredge, Princeton, New Jersey
W. F. 2.Lee, Rockwell International, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
E. D. Mannherz, Fischer & Porter Company, Warminster, Pennsylvania
G. E. Mattingly, National Bureau of Standards, Washington, DC
R. W. Miller, The Foxboro Company, Foxboro, Massachusetts
R. V. Moorse, Union Carbide Corporation, Tonawanda, New York
W. M. Reese, Jr., Arlington, Texas
H.E. Snider, AWWA Standards, Kansas City, Missouri
D. A. Sullivan, Fern Engineering, Bourne, Massachusetts
R. G. Teyssandier, Daniel Industries, Inc., Houston, Texas
J. S. Yard, Fischer & Porter Company, Warminster, Pennsylvania


W. F. 2 . Lee, Chairman, Municipal & Utility Division, Rockwell International

J. W. Adam,* Dresser Measurement Division, Dresser Industries, Inc.
J. S. Castorina, Naval Ship Engineering Center, Philadelphia Division
R. 6.Crawford., Diatech
D. F. Kee,* American Meter Division, Singer Company
L. J. Kemp.* Southern California Gas Company
G. G. Less,* Natural Gas Pipeline Company of America
M. H. November. ITT - Barton
W. 0 . Strohrneier, Fischer and Porter Company
R. G. Teyssandier. Daniel Industries, Inc.
E. L. Upp,* Daniel Industries, Inc.
C. R. Varner. Pratt & Whitney Aircraft
M. P. Wilson, Jr., University of Rhode Island

'former members

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Foreword ................................................................ iii

Standards Committee Roster ................................................ v

Introduction .............................................................. 1
1 Scope ............................................................... 3
2 Symbols and Definitions ................................................ 3
3 Construction .......................................................... 4
4 Installation ........................................................... 6
5 Operation ............................................................ 10
6 Performance Characteristics ............................................. 11
7 Data Computation and Presentation ....................................... 13
8 Calibration Methods ................................................... 16
9 Fieldchecks ......................................................... 17

1 Schematic Drawings of Axial Flow Gas Turbine Meters ...................... 5
2 Recommended Installation of an In-Line Gas Turbine Meter
.................................................. 8
3 Short Coupled Installation of-an In-Line Gas Turbine Meter
(Minimum Lengths) .................................................. 8
4 Close Coupled Installation of an In-Line Gas Turbine Meter With
Integral Straightening Vanes ........................................... 9
5 Recommended Installation of an Angle Body Gas Turbine Meter
(MinimumLengths) .................................................. 9
6 Accuracy Curve of a High Pressure Gas Turbine Meter Plotted
Against Reynolds Number (Linear Scale) at Various Line Pressures
Where Rotor Slip Due to Nonfluid Drag Is Insignificant .................... 14

1 Symbols ............................................................. 4
2 Blowdown Valve Sizing ................................................ 7

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The axial flow type turbine meter is a velocity measuring device in which the flow is parallel
to the rotor axis and the speed of rotation is proportional to the rate of flow. The volume of
gas measured is determined by counting the revolutions of the rotor.
The gas turbine meter is used in all phases of natural gas operations: production, transmis-
sion, and distribution. It has also been used on a variety of industrial and commercial gases.
This Standard is produced to provide guidance to the designer, the operator, and others
concerned with the use of the turbine meter for gas measurement.

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1 SCOPE base temperature - a specified reference temperature

to which a gas volume at flowing conditions is reduced
(a) This Standard applies to:
for the purpose of billing and transfer accounting. It is
( I ) axial full-flow turbine meters with mechanical
generally taken as 60°F (15.56"C) by the gas industry
and/or electrical outputs whose rotating member is
in the USA.
driven by a compressible fluid;
(2) the measurement of gas by a turbine meter; the base volume - volume of the fluid at base pressure and
meter's construction, installation, operation, perfor- temperature
mance characteristics, data computation and presenta-
jowingpressure - static pressure of the fluid at the tur-
tion, calibration, field checking, and other related con-
bine rotor in actual operation
siderations of the meter.
(bj This Standard does not apply to: $owing temperature - the temperature of the fluid when
( I ) accessory equipment used to measure pressure passing through the turbine rotor in actual operation
and temperature, and/or density for the accurate deter-
meter pressure tap - the pressure tap provided and
mination of mass or base volumes, or those accessories
identified by the manufacturer on the meter body to en-
used to automatically compute mass or base volumes;
able the metering static pressure at the turbine rotor to
(2) steam metering or two-phase flow measure-
be measured
(3) applications involving pulsating flow or fluc- rated conditions - conditions of pressure, temperature,
tuating flows where adverse effects on meter accuracy and gas composition as specified by manufacturer that
can be anticipated. rates the meter
Reynolds number - a dimensionless parameter ex-
2 SYMBOLS AND DEFINITIONS pressing the ratio between inertia and viscous forces. It
is given by the formula
Much of the vocabulary and manyof the symbols used
in this Standard are defined in ANWASME MFC-lM-
Re = -
1979, Glossary of Terms Used in the Measurement of v
Fluid Flow in Pipes. Others that are unique in the field
under consideration or with special technical meanings where
are given in Table 1, and in para. 2.1. Where a term V = the average spatial fluid velocity
has been adequately defined in the main text, reference = a characteristic dimension of the system in
is made to the appropriate clause or paragraph. which the flow occurs
u = the kinematic viscosity of the fluid
2.1 Definitions pipe Reynolds number - expressed by the formula
base$ow rate - flow rate calculated from flowing con-
ditions to base conditions of pressure and temperature
base pressure - a specified reference pressure to which
a gas volume at flowing conditions is reduced for the where
purpose of billing and transfer accounting. It is gener- D = diameter of the inlet pipe which is of the same
ally taken as 14.73-psia. (101.560 kPa) by the-gas in- nominal size as the meter
dustry in the USA. Vp = average fluid velocity in the inlet pipe
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QuantitySymbol [Note (111 U.S. Units SI Units
FPb base Pressure factor Dimenstonless ... ...
FPf Flowing pressure factor Dimensionless ... ..,
FPV Supercompressibility factor Dimensionless ... ...
Frb Temperature base factor Dimensionless ... ...
Ft’ Flowing temperature factor Dimensionless ... ...
G Specific gravity
of gas (dry air = 1 .OO) Dimensionless ... ...
K Calibration factor L -3 pulses/ft3 pulses/m3
N Number of moles of gas M lbm-mole mole
P Static absolute pressure M L - ~ T - ~abs PaIbf/ft2 abs
P pressure
Static gage ML - ’ T - ~ Ibf/ft2 gage Pa gage
AP Meter pressure loss ML - ‘ T - ~ Ibf/ft2 Pa
0 Volume flow rate m3/s L3T-’ ft3/hr
R Universal gas constant ~ 2 ~ - 2 8 - 1
f t . Ibf/(lbm-mole . OR1 J/(mole . K)
S Compressibility ratio Dimensionless
T Absolute temperature e O R K
V Gas volume passed L3 ft3 m3
M passed Gas mass M Ibm kg
Z Compressibility factor Dimensionless
P Mass density of gas ML -3 Ibm/ft3 kg/m3


a Atmospheric conditions
b Base conditions of temperature, pressure, and gas composition
f Flowing conditions of temperature, pressure, and gas composition
r Rated conditions of temperature, pressure, andgas composition as specified by manufacturer

( 1 ) Fundamental dimensions: M = mass; L = length; T = time; 0 = temperature

turbine meter - velocity measuring device in which the to internal mechanical friction, fluid drags, external
primary device is an axial flow type turbine whose ro- loading, and fluid density.
tating member is driven by the fluid and essentially all
the fluid passes through the rotating member
3.2 Body
3 CONSTRUCTION The body and all otherparts comprising the fluid-con-
taining structure of a turbine meter are designed to han-
3.1 General
dle the pressures and temperatures for which they are
The axial flow type gas turbine meter consists of three rated.
basic components: Body connections should be designed in accordance
(a) the body with ANSI flange standards or appropriate threaded con-
(6) the measuring mechanism nection standards. Other accepted standards could be
( c ) the output and readout device used. Bodies should be constructed of any material suit-
Schematics of axial flow gas turbine meters are shown able for the service conditions to be encountered.
in Fig. 1. The flow enters the meter and is directed to All components forming the pressure vessel will be
the annular passage formed by the inlet nose cone and hydrostatically pressure tested to a minimum of 1.5 X
the interior wall of the body. The fluid enters the rotor the maximum allowable operating pressure. The dura-
and, due to the angle ofthe blades, imparts a force to tion of the test shall be in accordance with ANSI B16.5
rotate the blading. The ideal speed of the rotor is di- or other recognized, applicable standards.
rectly proportional to the flow rate. The actual rotational Bodies should be badged or marked to show the man-
speed of the rotor is a function of the passageway size ufacturer’s name or trademark, serial number, pressure
and shape, and the rotor design. It is also dependent rating, and maximum capacity in actual volume flow rate
upon the load that is imposed on the rotor system due units.
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r Mechanical or
electronic readout

y End


housing and
tail cone


- End

- -

Inlet Outlet


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The body should be clearly and permanently marked should be such that the flow profile entering the meter
with the word INLET on the inlet connection end or an has a uniform distribution and iswithout jetting or swirl.
arrow on the body side pointing the direction of flow. Since the turbine meter construction is designed to di-
rect the flow to the annular passage- upstream
. of the ro-
tor, it effectively tends to average the velocity profile of
3.3 Measuring Mechanism
most normal flow conditions, thus minimizing the influ-
The measuring mechanism consists of the rotor, rotor ence of minor flow distortions on meter performance.
shafting, bearings, and the necessary supporting struc- Straightening vanes are recommended; however, re-
ture. gardless of location they will not eliminate the effect of
There are two general mechanism configurations cat- strong jetting. Integral straightening vanes installed in
egorized by the way they are installed in the meter body: the entrance to a meter and a part of the meter design
( a ) Top or Side Entry Type - the measuring mech- will eliminate minor swirl conditions. Straightening
anism is removable, asa unit, through a top or side vanes located in the upstream meter piping in accor-
flange without disturbing the end connections dance with piping configurations (para. 4.2) will elimi-
(b) End Entry Type - the measuring mechanism is nate most normal flow swirl conditions.
removable, either as aunit or as separate pieces, through The installation of a throttling device such as a reg-
the end connections ulator or partially closed valve is not recommended in
The measuring mechanism shouldbe permanently close proximity to the meter. Where such installations
identified if it is removable as a unit with the following are necessary, the throttling device should be placed an
information: additional eight nominal pipe diameters upstream or an
( a ) mechanism serial number additional two nominal pipe diameters downstream of
(b) direction of flow if module mounting is reversible the installation configuration in Fig. 2, illustrated in
para. 4.2. When used in the configurations illustrated in
Figs. 3, 4, and 5 , the additional pipe diameters should
3.4 Output and Readout Device
be added upstream or downstream of the vertical riser.
Turbine meters are available withmechanical drive Placement of such a device in closer proximity to the
and/or electrical pulse outputs. meter may result in accuracy degradation and/or re-
For mechanical drive output meters, the output con- duced bearing life.
sists of shafting, gearing, and other drive components
needed to transmit the indicated rotor revolutions out- 4 . 2 Installation Configurations
side the body for uncorrected (line) volume registration.
Meters should be marked near the output shaft to indi- 4.2.1 Recommended
Installation for In-Line
cate the direction of rotation andthenominal uncor- Meters. The recommended installation requiresa length
rected volume per revolution. The intermediate gearing of 10 nominal pipe diameters upstream with straight-
should be marked with the basic gear ratio, not includ- ening vane outlet located at 5 nominal pipe diameters
ing the change gears. If used, change gears should be from meter inlet as shown in Fig. 2. A length of 5 nom-
stamped with the size, and the number of teeth. inal pipe diameters is recommended downstream of the
For electrical pulse output meters, the output includes meter. Both inlet and outlet pipe should be of the same
the pulse detector system and all electrical connections nominal size as the meter.
necessary to transmit the indicated rotor revolutions out- 4.2.2 Optional Installations for In-Line Meters.
side the body for uncorrected volume registration. Me- The use ofoptional installations may result in some deg-
ters should be marked to indicate the proper electrical radation in meter accuracy. The meter manufacturer
connections and the number of pulses per unit of uncor- should be consulted for performance accuracies that
rected volume. could be expected when using an optional installation
The readout devices may be of any form suitable for configuration.
the application. ( a ) Short Coupled Installation. In those instances
where the required space for the recommended instal-
lation of Fig. 2 is not available, a short coupled instal-
4 INSTALLATION lation may be employed. This configuration utilizes
about 4 nominal pipe diameters upstream with straight-
4.1 General
ening vanes located at the inlet of the piping. A typical
The turbine meter is avelocity measuring device. The installation is shown in Fig. 3. The distance between
piping configuration immediately upstream of the meter the straightening vane outlet and the meter inlet should
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be a minimum of 2 nominal pipe diameters. The meter TABLE 2 BLOWDOWNVALVESIZING

should be mounted between vertical risers using a stan-
Meter Size Valve Size
dard tee or elbow with the block valves, filters, or
strainers mounted on the risers. The maximum pipe re- 2 in. (50 mm) l/4 in. ( 6 mm)
duction to the risers is 1 nominal pipe size. 3 in. (80mm) 'h in. ( 1 3 mm)
(b) Close Coupled Installation. Close coupled instal- 4 in. (100 mml 1/z in. (1 3 mm)
6 in. ( 1 50 mm) 1 in. (25 mm)
lation of a gas turbine meter is shown in Fig. 4. The 1 in. (25mm)
8 in. (200 mm)
meter design must incorporate integral straightening 12 in. (300mm) 1 in. 125 mm)
vanes upstream of the rotor. This installation would be
used where the available space for a meter installation
is critical and design considerations have eliminated
jetting and abnormal swirl conditions. The meter is con-
nected to the vertical risers using a standard tee or el- 4.5 Overrange Protection
bow. The maximumpipe reduction to the risers is l Sudden rotor overspeeding caused by extreme gas ve-
nominal pipe size. Valving, filters, or strainers may be locities encountered during pressuring, venting, or
installed on the risers. purgingcan cause severe damage. Some metersand
readout devices may be damaged whenthey are run
backwards. Therefore, the pressure blowdown valve
4.2.3 Recommended Installationfor Angle Body
should be located downstream of the meter.
Meters. Recommended installation for angle body me-
While turbine meters can be operated up to 150% of
ter is shown in Fig. 5 . A 90 deg. turn into the meter run
rated capacity with no damaging effects for short pe-
is recommended as illustrated. Ten nominalpipe di-
riods of time, oversized blowdown valves can cause
ameters upstream from themeter are required if straight-
rotational speeds greatly in excess of this amount.
ening vanes are not used. With the use of straightening
Therefore, the blowdown valve should be sized as spec-
vanes, the length of upstream pipe may be reduced to 5
nominal pipe diameters. When straightening vanes are ified inTable 2 . As a rule of thumb, the blowdown valve
used, they should be placed at the inlet end of the up- should not be larger than '16 of the meter size.
Inthose installations where adequate pressure is
stream pipe. There is no restriction on the downstream
available, either a critical flow orifice or sonic venturi
piping except that the companion flange attached to the
nozzle may be installed in the piping downstream of the
meter outlet must be full size.
meter and should be sized to limit the meter to approx-
Vertical installation may be used where desired, but
imately 120% of its rated capacity. A critical flow ori-
the same basic piping configuration as used in the hor-
fice so designed will result in a permanent 25 % pressure
izontal set is required.
loss and a sonic venturi nozzle will result in a permanent
5-10% pressure loss at 100% of the rated capacity of
4.3 Straightening Vanes or Tubes the meter.
The straightening vanes or tubes should be con-
structed in accordance with the recommendation given 4.6 Bypass
by Fig. A-3 of ANSI 211.299-1971, American National
Standard for Measurement of Liquid Hydrocarbons by It is good practice to provide a bypass so the meter
Turbine Meter System. can be maintained and calibrated without a service in-
terruption. This should include proper valving relative
to the type of calibrating equipment to be used.
4.4 Filters or Strainers
Foreign substances in a pipeline will cause serious 4.7 Additional Installation Requirements
damage to turbine meters. In order to provide maximum
protection, a filter or strainer with provisions for sensing The meter and meter piping should be installed so as
differential pressure should be installed immediately up- to
stream of the inlet piping. (a) reduce strain due to pipeline stresses;
Strainers can be used when fine dirt is not a problem (b) obtain a concentric alignment of the pipe flange
and it is only necessary to protect the meter from large with the meter inlet and outlet connections; and
particles. Dry type filters or filter-separators should be (c) prevent gasket protrusion into the bore or flow
used when fine dirt andlor liquid could be present. pattern at the meter connections.
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lo nominal
pipe diameters





4 nominal pipe
diameters long

or tee; max.

pipe size
pipe diameters, min.
elbow or tee

90 deg. standard or
long radius elbow



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90 deg. elbow
or tee; max.
reduction is
one nominal
pipe size



Inlet Piping 10 Nominal Pipe Diameters Long

(5 Nominal Pipe Diameters With Straightening Vane)
Gas turbine
90 deg. elbow
or tee; max.
reduction is
one nominal
pipe size

Space f o r valving, Space for valving

filter, or strainer and temperature well

Horizontal Installation
(Inlet in Horizontal Plane, Outlet Down)



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The pipe interior should be of commercial roughness, proper installation, and proper operation and mainte-
and the flange I.D. should be the same I.D. as the pipe. nance procedures.
Welds on piping at the meter inlet and outlet should be
ground to the I.D. of the pipe. 5.2 Prevention of Meter Overloading
Installations where liquid can be encountered should
be designed to prevent liquid accumulation in the meter. Most turbine meters are capable of operating at mod-
No welding should be done in the immediate area of est overloads (approximately 20%) for short periods of
the meter to prevent possible damage to the meter inter- time without loss in accuracy. Continual overloading
nals. will lead to premature bearing failure andmustbe
avoided by proper meter sizing.
Meters on loads where the flow may significantly ex-
4 . 8 Accessories Installation
ceed rating for short periods can be protected by placing
Accessory devices used for integrating uncorrected a restricting orifice or venturi downstream of the meter.
volume to base conditions or for recording operating pa- (Refer to para. 4.5.) It should be noted that these re-
rameters must be properly installed and the connections strictions will cause a considerable loss in line pressure.
made as specified herein.
4.8.1 Temperature Measurement. Since up-
stream disturbances should be kept to a minimum, the 5.3 Caution Against Quick Opening Valves
recommended location for a thermometer well is down- As withall meters, turbine meters should be pres-
stream of the meter. It should be located from 1 to 5 sured and placed in service slowly. Shock loading by
pipe diameters from the meter outlet and upstream of opening valves quickly will usually result in rotor dam-
any outlet valve or flow restrictions. The thermometer age. The installation of a small bypass line around the
well should be installed to insure that the temperature upstream meter isolating valve can be utilized to safely
measured is the stream temperature and is not influenced pressure the meter to its operating pressure.
by heat transfer from the piping and well attachment.
4 . 8 . 2 Pressure Measurement. A pressure tap as
provided and identified by the manufacturer on the me- 5 . 4 Start-up Recommendation for New Lines
ter body should be used as the point of pressure sensing Before placing a new meter installation in service,
for recording or integrating instruments. particularly on new lines, the line should be blown to
4.8.3 Density Measurement. When densitometers remove any collection of welding beads, rust accumu-
are used, although it is desirable to sample the gas as lation, and other pipeline debris. The meter mechanism
close as possible to the rotor conditions, care must be must be removed during all hydrostatic testing and such
exercised not to disturb the meter inlet flow or the pres- line blowing operations to prevent serious damage to the
sure sensing line, or to create an unmetered bypass. meter measuring element.
References should be made to manuals on the various Filters or strainers can be used to remove anyre-
densitometers for further information. maining foreign material during normal operation. (Re-
fer to para. 4.4.)
4 . 8 . 4 Accessory Instruments. Any accessory
driven by the meter should have a low friction torque
requirement. Meters can drive high torque loads, but
5.5 Maintenance and Inspection Frequency
these loads may degrade meter accuracy at low flows
and accelerate gear train wear. In addition to sound design and installation proce-
dures, turbine meter accuracy is dependent on good
maintenance practice and an adequate frequency of in-
5 OPERATION spection. Basically, the time between meter inspection
periods is dependent on the gas condition and the con-
5.1 General
tract specifications. Meters used in dirty gas applica-
Turbine meters should be operated within the speci- tions will require morefrequent attention than those used
fied flow range and operating conditions to produce the with clean gas, and inspection periods should reflect this
desired accuracy and secure normal life. They are sub- aspect. When strainers or filters are installed, scheduled
ject to premature wear and damage by excessive rotor visual inspections should be made as required and the
overspeeding and pipeline debris. Key considerations in pressure differential across the strainer or filter should
operation are proper meter sizing for the intended flow, be checked.
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6 PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS meter on piping of the same size as the meter. These
locations are specified by the manufacturer (usually one
6.1 Repeatability
pipe diameter upstream and downstream). Care should
The repeatability of a meter is the ability of the meter be taken to choose points where flow pattern distortions
to duplicate a given output or performance for test runs do not affect the pressure readings.
with an identical set of input conditions. There are two The meter pressure loss A Pffor other conditions than
types of repeatability: (1) repeatability on successive that A Pr for rated conditions specified by manufacturer
identical test runs, and (2) repeatability over a longer can be calculated, since the pressure loss basically fol-
time basis such as daily, monthly, or yearly (also under lows the turbulent flow loss relationship (except at very
identical operating conditions). low flow rate):
Disregarding random errors due to the proving system
employed, most gas turbine meters under normal con-
ditions are capable of kO.lO% repeatability or better at
95% confidence level for successive calibration test In terms of pressure loss at rated conditions and from
points and fO.15% or better on a day-to-day basis. the equation of state of a real gas, it follows that
Good repeatability over longer periods depends on pos-

sible changes in the physical conditions of the meter.
Measurement system control charts such as those shown
APf = A P , pr
in Fig. B-3 of ANSI 211.299-1971 maybeused for Pr Qr
long-term repeatability analysis.

6.2 Accuracy
The accuracy of a meter is the degree of conformity
of the indicated value of the meter to the true value of
the measured quantity. The accuracy of a gas turbine 6.5 Maximum Flow Rate
meter as indicated by the meter readout device is gen- Gas turbine meters are generally designed for a max-
erally specified as within k 1 % of the true volume over imum flow rate Qr,,, (or maximum cipacity rating) not
a certain specified flow rate range and pressure range to exceed a certain rotor speed and normal pressure loss.
using air as calibration flow medium. The true volume This maximum flow rate of the meter remains the same
generally refers to the test volume indicated by the (unless stated otherwise) for all line pressures within the
prover used to calibrate the meter. For accuracy better stated maximum operating pressure, i.e.,
than 1% , manufacturers should be consulted for the
specific application or meters should be calibrated,
against an acceptable or approved secondary standard,
under conditions near the meter’s eventual operating The corresponding maximum base flow rate e,,,, can
condition. be expressed as

6.3 Uncertainties in the Measurement of Flow

Rate and Volume Throughput
Reference shall be made to ANSI/ASME MFC-2M-
1983, Measurement Uncertainty for Fluid Flow in
Closed Conduits, for determining measurement uncer-
tainties for flow rate and volume throughput.

6.4 Pressure Loss 6.6 Minimum Flow Rate

The pressure loss of a turbine meter is determined by The minimum flow rate (or minimum capacity rating)
the energy required for driving the meter, the losses due for a turbine meter is the lowest flow rate at which the
to the internal passage friction, and changes in flow ve- meter will operate within some specified accuracy lim-
locity and direction. The pressure loss is usually mea- its. Obviously, the minimum flow rate depends on the
sured at a point upstream and a point downstream of the accuracy limits chosen. Usually, this accuracy limit is
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set at f 1 % . Generally, the minimum flow rate depends flow rate is independent of gas density and remains fixed
on the magnitude of the nonfluid drag and the density by other design considerations as stated above. There-
of the measured gas. For a given meter, the meter will fore,
achieve the required accuracy at a lower line flow rate
(thus a lower value of minimum line flow rate) as the
gas density increases. The minimum line flow rate may Qs,, Qb,,,

be approximated as inversely proportional to the square Rangeability = -= -

Qs,,,~ Qb,,
root of the gas density through the meter, i.e.,

6.8 Swirl Effect

The gas turbine meter is designed for, and calibrated
= Q r m , .&
Qfmbn under, a condition which approaches purely axial flow

at the rotor inlet. If the fluid at the rotor inlet has sig-
G r pr ?
1' i nificant swirl (mainly tangential components), the rotor
= QrmIn -- - - speed at a given flow rate will be different from that for
GfPj Tr z r
purely axial flow. A swirl in the direction of rotor ro-
tation will increase the rotor speed, whereas a swirl in
and the corresponding minimum base flow rate by the opposite direction will decrease the rotor speed. For
high accuracy flow measurement, such a swirl effect
must be reduced to an insignificant
- level through proper
installation practices as described previously.

I 6.9 Velocity Profile Effect

Meter designs and piping installation configurations
considered in this report attempt to condition the flow
to achieve a symmetric, uniform velocity distribution at
Generally, the rated temperatures and pressures are close the rotor inlet. In those cases where there is a distortion
to the base temperatures and pressures. In this case, of the velocity profile at the rotor inlet, the rotor speed
at a given flow rate will be affected. For a given average
flow rate, generally a nonuniform velocity profile results
in a higher rotor speed than a uniform velocity profile.

6.10 Fluid Drag or Reynolds Number Effect

6.7 Rangeability
Fluid retarding torques on the rotor system (e.g.. fluid
The rangeability of a meter is the ratio of the maxi- drag on the rotor blades, blade tips, and rotor hub) cause
mum flow rate to the minimum flow rate of a meter op- the rotor to slip from its ideal speed. The amount of this
erating within specified accuracy limits and operating fractional rotor slip due to the overall fluid drag is ap-
conditions of pressure and temperature. For a gas tur- proximately equal to the ratio of the overall fluid drag
bine meter, the rangeability increases essentially with actually exerted on the rotor system to the maximum
the square root of gas density. This is because the min- available driving torque which the given rotor can
imum line flow rate decreases essentially as the square possibly possess under the existing flow rate and gas
root of gas density increases, while the maximum line density (fluid driving torque if rotor were stalled). It is
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predominantly a function of Reynolds number of flow drag effect is insignificant, the meter accuracy curves
through the meter, and therefore is frequently called the for various line flow rates and line pressures approach a
Reynolds number effect. single characteristic curve in terms of Reynolds number
predominantly detepined by the Reynolds number ef-
fect on the meter. Fig. 6 shows an example of such a
6.1 1 Nonfluid Drag or Density Effect curve for a high pressure gas turbine meter, plotted
Nonfluid retarding torques on the rotor system (e.g., against Reynolds number (linear scale) at various line
bearing friction, mechanical readout drag, electrical pressures.
readout drag) also cause the rotor to slip from its ideal
speed. The amount of this fractional rotor slip due to the 6 . 1 3 Pulsation Effect
overall nonfluid drag is approximately equal to the ratio
of the overall nonfluid drag to the maximum available In a number of measurement applications (e.g., com-
driving torque which the given rotor can possibly pos- pressor stations), the flow may be pulsating instead of
sess under the existing flow rate and gas density. For a steady. Where possible, this can be rectified by placing
given overall nonfluid drag, the fractional rotor slip is the meter further from the pulsation source or by adding
inversely proportional to the product of the first power a pulsation dampener. Thus it may be important to know
of gas density (or line pressure) and the second power whether the magnitude of the error due to pulsating flow
of line flow rate and, therefore, is not a unique function conditions is significant. The solution of the problem is
of Reynolds number. When plotting against Reynolds complex, but the error is usually positive since the rotor
number, the fractional rotor slip due to nonfluid drag responds better at high flow than at low flow (i.e., the
will be a family of curves depending upon the value of rotor overruns more during the low velocity portion of
gas density (or line pressure) and is directly proportional the flow cycle than it underruns during the high velocity
to the gas density (or line pressure) and inversely pro- portion). Major factors affecting the meter error due to
portional to the square of the Reynolds number. pulsation flow are the amplitude, frequency, and wave
For a given gas turbine, meter measuring a given line shape of the pulsating flow and the rotor response time
flow rate, the fractional rotor slip due to nonfluid drag (which includes rotor inertia and mass flow rate). It is
depends only on the density of the gas being measured. important to note that the pulsation error depends on the
Therefore, this nonfluid drag effect is also called densiry variation in flow velocity and not o n the variation in line
efect. However, for a gas turbine meter, this effect is pressure (which may or may not be related). Of practical
usually significant only at very low line flow rates. The use in determining whether the pulsation error is signif-
higher the gas density or line pressure, the lower these icant, is the pulsation threshold. A peak-to-peak flow
flow rates. variation of 10% of the average flow will generally re-
sult in a meter pulsation error of less than 0.25% and
can be considered as a pulsation threshold.
6 . 1 2 Gas Turbine Meter Accuracy Curve
For a gas turbine meter with proper installation, the 6.14 Temperature and Pressure Effects on
meter accuracy curve is determined by unity (corre- Change of Meter Dimensions
sponding to ideal rotor speed) less fractional rotor slip
due to overall fluid drag and fractional rotor slip due to When the operating temperature and pressure are
overall nonfluid drag. When plotting against line flow much different from those at meter calibration condi-
rate, the meter accuracy curves for various line pres- tions, the temperature and pressure effects on change of
sures wouldbe generally a family of distinct curves. meter dimensions should be checked by the method de-
When plotting against Reynolds number or base flow scribed in Appendix E of ANSI Z11.299-1971.
rate (which is practically proportional to the Reynolds
number for a given meter), the meter accuracy curves
for various line pressures tend to approach a single char- 7 DATACOMPUTATIONAND
acteristic curve determined by the Reynolds number ef- PRESENTATION
fect of the meter, except at low line flow rates where
7.1 Calculation Equations for Volumetric Flow
the curves branch off individually (depending upon line
pressure), downward from the characteristic curve de- The turbine meter is a velocity measuring device. The
termined by the individual nonfluid or density effect of turbine meter rotor speed is proportional to the gas ve-
the meter. However, within the operating range of flow locity, and since the effective flow area is defined, the
rates and line pressures of the meter where the nonfluid rotor revolution is proportional to the gas volume pass-
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Pipe Reynoids Number (Varies Directly as Base Flow Rate)



ing through the meter at line conditions. The usual gas Since R is a constant for the gas regardless of pressure
industry practice is to relate volumes to a base condition and temperature, and for the same number of moles of
for billing and transfer accounting. The following are gas N,the two equations can be combined to yield
calculation equations to convert the gas volume at line
conditions as registered by the gas turbine meter to gas
volume at specified base conditions (base pressure and
base temperature). Flow rate may be determined by tim-
ing meter output over a specific volume and reducing The above equation can be calculated for the specific
this line flow rate to flow rate at base conditions by the conditions at the meter, or tables can be employed.
same calculations. The following is an expansion of the above equation
Since the turbine meter measures volumes at line or that includes factors to calculate Vb for any pressure or
flowing conditions, the equation of state of real gases temperature base other than 14.73 psia (101.56 kPa) and
may be applied to change the register volume to base 60°F (15.56"C). The equation is in a form similar to
volume. that used in orifice metering, and certain factors are the
p f Vf = Zf N R q (for flowingconditions)


7.2 Flowing Pressure Factor Fpf

where Flowing pressure factor Fpf is defined as the ratio of
p = absolute pressure static absolute pressure in psia at flowing condition to a
V = volume pressure base of 14.73 psig (101.56 kPa), or
2 = compressibility factor
N = number of moles of gas
T = absolute temperature
. R = universal gas constant and
f = subscript for flowing conditions
b = subscript for base conditions Pf = Pf + Pa
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where For natural gas, the compressibility ratio s can be eval-

pf = static absolute pressure in psis at flowing con- uated from the supercompressibility factor F,,, which is
dition defined as
Pf = static gage pressure in psig at flowing condition
pa = atmospheric pressure in psia
The numerical values of the supercompressibility factor
7.3 Pressure Base Factor Fpb Fpvgiven inAGA Report NX-19 or ANSIIAPI 2530
Pressure base factor Fpb is defined as the ratio of the (1978) are not exactly equal to Fpv= = Jzdz, as
pressure base of 14.73 psia (101.56 kPa) to the actual defined above. Fpvgiven by AGA ReportNX-19 is made
contract base pressure P b in psia, or equal to unity at a pressure of 14.7 psia (101.35 kPa)
and at all temperatures, whereas Fpvdefined by Fpv=
Jz,/z,can have the value of unity at only one temper-
ature for a given pressure. The discrepancy between
(F,,)* given by AGA Report NX-19, Manual for the De-
This factor isused to change the base pressure from termination of Supercompressibility Factors for Natural
14.73 psia (101.56 kPa) to an actual contract pressure Gas (1962), and (F,,)2 = s = Zb/Zf, depends upon the
base p b in psia. flowing temperature, the base temperature and base
pressure, and the composition of gas. However, this dis-
crepancy is generally small (e.g., within fO. 1% for a
7.4 Flowing Temperature Factor F,, 0.6 sp gr hydrocarbon gas with base conditions of 14.73
Flowing temperature factor Ftr is defined as the ratio psia, 60"F, and flowing temperature between 0°F and
of the temperature base of 60°F (15.56"C) or 519.67"R 140°F).
(288.71 K) to the actual flowing temperature of the gas For gases other than natural gas, the values of the
Tfin degrees Rankine, or compressibility ratio s = (zb/zf) at various pressures
and temperatures can be determined from published ta-
519.67 bles of their thermodynamic and transport properties.
F~ = - For example, Tables of Thermodynamic and Transport
Tf Properties of Air, Argon, Carbon Dioxide, Carbon
Monoxide, Hydrogen, Nitrogen, Oxygen and Steam (by
7.5 Temperature Base Factor Ffb J. Helsenrath, H. Hoge, et al., Pergamon Press, 1960)
Temperature base factor FIb is defined as the ratio of can be used to determine the values of s for air and the
the actual contract base temperature Tb in degrees Ran- seven other gases listed.
kine to the assumed temperature base of 519.67"R
(288.71 K), or
7.7 Calculation Equations for Mass Flow

FIb = -
Tb Mass flow measurement is determined by computing
519.67 the product of the flowing volume Vf registered by the
turbine meter and the gas density pf at flowing condi-
This factor is used to change from the assumed temper- tions:
ature base of 60°F (15.56OC) to the actual contract base
M = VfPf

7.6 Compressibility Ratio s where M is the total mass through the meter.
The compressibility ratio s is defined as The gas density pf at flowing conditions may be deter-
mined by an on-line densitometer. The densitometer
needs to determine the gas density at the pressure tap
location of the turbine meter.
Since the mass at flowing conditions equals the mass
where at base conditions. it can be stated that
zb = compressibility factor at base conditions
Zf = compressibility factor at flowing conditions
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or represent a definite volume, e.g., 10,OOO or loo0 cu ft

(100 or 10 m3) at flowing conditions.
Most manufacturers of gas turbine meters perform
routine factory calibrations to determine the calibration
factor for each meter using air at pressures below 100
The above equation shows that the base volume v b can psig (690 kPa gage). These are also the conditions dur-
be determined by knowing the gas density at both flow- ing many field calibrations. Arrangements can be made
ing and base conditions. The gas density at base con- for factory calibration at higher pressures. Field tests
ditions can be calculated from the density of dry air at can also be made at higher pressures by using sonic noz-
base conditions and the specific gravity G of the gas, zles or calibrated transfer meters.
].e., Turbine meter manufacturers normally will guarantee
an accuracy of f 1 % at any operating pressure. Turbine
meters are capable of f0.25% accuracy for operation
at a particular pressure, ifthey are individually cali-
The specific gravity G of the gas can be determined by brated against an acceptable high pressure standard.
a gravitometer. Therefore, the most accurate turbine meter calibrations
For pure gases or known gas mixtures, the specific are obtained when each meter is calibrated under pres-
gravity G can be calculated from their molecular weights sure conditions near the meter’s eventual operating pres-
and composition with proper correction for difference in sure in the actual application.
compressibility factor Z between gas and air. The ratio If high pressure calibrations are impractical, it is nec-
of the molecular weight of gas to the molecular weight essary to rely on the manufacturer’s prediction of the
of dry air gives the ideal specific gravity Giwhich, in calibration shift to be expected between the calibrating
turn, gives the (real) specific gravity G when multiplied
by the correction factor (ZbaiJZbgas), or *
and operating conditions. Such predictions can usually
be relied on to about 1%.

7.9 Presentation of Calibration Data

molecular weight of gas

molecular weight of air >-Zbgas

where z b is the compressibility factor at base conditions.

For near constant line pressure operation, plotting the
meter accuracy curve as a function of the line flow rate
for the calibration pressure at or near the operating pres-
sure is preferred for maximum accuracy. However, for
situations where the operating pressure and operating
The molecular weight of a gas mixture is determined flow rate may vary considerably, it may be preferred to
by computing the sum of the products of the molecular plot the calibrated meter accuracy curve as a function of
weights of the components and their known mole frac- base flow rate or Reynolds number (either blade chord
tions: or pipe diameter). The meter accuracy at any particular
combination of operating pressures and operating flow
molecular weight = X,A + XJ3 + . . . rates may then be more precisely determined from the
calibrated accuracy curve at its equivalent base flow rate
where or Reynolds number than from the calibration curve
X,, X,,, = mole fractions of various components of plotted in terms of line flow rate for a single or a few
the gas mixture calibration line pressures.
A, B, . . . = molecular weights of the component
7.8 Determination of Calibration Factor 8.1 General
It is a general practice and most.convenient to use a The term calibration methods as used here encom-
fixed meter calibration factor over the whole range of passes those procedures that are used for initial calibra-
flow rates. This will be a calibration factor K (pulses per tion by the manufacturer, for checking the accuracy of
unit volume) for an electrical output. For mechanical the turbine meter by the user, and for fecalibrating the
output meters, the factor is set by choosing “change meter if major repairs are necessary. The techniques are
gears” that make each meter output shaft revolution applied to field, shop, or laboratory installations. The
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major difference is the fluid used for testing - air or The major difference between the critical flow orifice
line gas. The procedures and techniques are recognized and the sonic nozzle is that the sonic nozzle will operate
methods that have been in use for many years. This dis- correctly at a loweroverall pressure drop. Thedischarge
cussion will identify precautions of particular interest. section of the sonic nozzle is designed similar to a ven-
However, reference should be made to instruction man- turi where a large part of the pressure loss is recovered.
uals and reports covering the particular device used to To operate correctly, the discharge pressure must be less
perform the calibration. than 85% of the inlet pressure. With this minimal pres-
sure drop, the gas discharge can be placed into a lower
pressure system eliminating the need to discharge to
8.2 Bell Prover atmosphere. Proving methods and calculation descrip-
tions are given in American Meter Bulletin AIM-21 1.1,
The bell prover is widely used as a primary standard
Sonic Flow Nozzle Prover.
and, when properly instrumented, can be one of the most
Both the critical flow orifice and the sonic nozzle are
accurate and repeatable of all low pressure standards.
capable of calibrating a meter at operating conditions
(Reference ANSI B109.2, 6.5.5.)
with an accuracy as high as f0.25 % of actual flow rate.
Meters tested against a bell prover are usually oper-
To obtain this high degree of accuracy requires accurate
ated near the bell pressure (a few inches of water); how-
determination of the basic orifice or nozzle coefficient,
ever, it is possible to test the meter at several times the
upstream pressure, temperature, and gas composition.
atmospheric pressure. This is accomplished by expand-
These provers are fixed flow devices. This means that
ing the gas from the meter, through a throttling valve,
a nozzle or an orifice of a given throat (bore) diameter
to the bell pressure before entering the bell.
will give only one volumetric flow rate. To achieve a
proof curve over the operating range of the turbine flow-
meter, several nozzles or orifices of different throat size
8.3 Transfer Prover
must be used.
The principle of transfer proving consists of testing a
meter against a master or reference meter of known ac-
8.5 In-Line Orifice Meter
curacy. AGA Report No. 6, Part 111, 1975, describes
the gcneral technique of transfer proving. Differential pressure meters using thin-plate squared-
Although direct calibration of a turbine meter against edged orifices are frequently utilized by the gas industry
a bell prover is limited, as mentioned in para. 8.2, it is for checking turbine meters. Tables of factors and cal-
still possible to develop a turbine meter as an accurate culation methods are given in AGA Report No. 3. For
high pressure reference meter traceable to the bell a high level of accuracy, it is preferable that the basic
prover. To accomplish this, the accuracy curve of a large orifice and Reynolds number factors for each plate be
turbine meter can be established using two or more established by actual calibration. Orifice meters are in-
smaller turbine meters which have been calibrated ferential devices and require knowledge of the gas spe-
against a bell prover. A series of alternating transfer cific gravity if used for testing in natural gas. The con-
proving tests between the larger and smaller meters, in trol and accurate measurement of temperature, pressure,
a high pressure flow facility, can be conducted to grad- and differential pressure are very important if accurate
ually extend the calibration of the meters, based on Rey- results are to be obtained.
nolds number concept, to higher pressures and those
flow rates where the nonfluid drag effect is insignificant.
8.4 Critical Flow Orifice Prover and Sonic Nozzle 9.1 General
The most commonly applied field checks are visual
Critical flow orifice provers and sonic nozzle provers inspection and spin time test. Meters in operation can
are devices that operate with a pressure drop above a often yield information by observing their generated
specified (critical) pressure ratio. The critical flow ori- sounds or vibrations. Severe meter vibrations usually in-
fice prover requires that the exit pressure be less than dicate damage and subsequent unbalance of the rotor
50% of the inlet pressure and the gas or air vented to which will ultimately lead to complete rotor failure. Ro-
atmosphere. AGA Report No. 6, Part IV, 1975, pro- tor rubbing and damaged bearings can often be heard at
vides a description of the critical flow orifice and meth- relatively lowflow rates where such noises are not
ods for performing a general field calibration. masked by normal flow noise.
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9.2 Visual Inspection curacy. If the mechanical friction has increased signifi-
During visual inspection, the rotor should bein- cantly, this indicates that the accuracy characteristic of
the meter at low flow rates has degraded. Spin times for
spected for missing blades, an accumulation of solids,
individual meters are provided by the manufacturer.
erosion, or other damage that would affect the rotor bal-
The spin time test must be conducted in a draft-free
ance and blade configuration. Meter intemals should also
area with the measuring mechanism in its normal oper-
be checked to insure there is no accumulation of debris.
ating position. The rotor is set into rotation and is timed
Flow passageways, drains, breather holes, and lubrica-
from the initial motion until the rotor stops. Spin time
tion systems should also be checked to insure there are
tests should be repeated at least three times and the mean
no accumulations of debris.
average time taken.
The usual cause for a change in spin time is increased
rotor shaft bearing friction. It should be noted, however,
9.3 Spin Time Test
that there are other points where mechanical friction af-
The spin time test determines the relative level of me- fects spin time. The spin times at various stages of dis-
chanical friction present in the meter. If the mechanical assembly will help to identify the problem area.
friction has not significantly changed, the meter area re- Additional conditions which affect the spin time are
mains clean, and the internal portions of the meter show heavily lubricated bearings, low ambient temperature,
no damage, the meter should display no change in ac- drafts, and attached accessories.

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