Fat Loss Mastery Guide
Fat Loss Mastery Guide
Fat Loss Mastery Guide
Have you ever wondered why some people can seemingly eat
whatever they want and not gain a pound while others seem to
gain weight just by looking at food?
In this guide, we'll walk you through the basics of how your body
stores and burns fat, and provide tips for losing weight and
keeping it off.
The good news is that there are steps that can be taken to
address the obesity epidemic.
If you take in fewer calories than your body needs to maintain its
current weight, you will lose weight.
Creating a caloric deficit is the key to losing weight, and there are
a few different ways to do it.
While it's true that eating in a caloric deficit will lead to weight
loss, it's important to understand that not all weight loss is
created equal.
In fact, when we lose weight, we don't just lose fat – we also lose
lean body mass, which includes muscle.
And since muscle is more metabolically active than fat, this can
actually lead to a slowdown in weight loss.
For many years, dietary fat has gotten a bad rap. However, it is
fair to say that not all fats are created equal.
In fact, just like proteins, quality dietary fats are essential for a
variety of functions in the body.
They also play a role in brain development and can help to reduce
The optimal daily fat intake forms at around 0.45g per pound of
bodyweight, derived from quality sources, such as the ones listed
Once you know your TDEE, you can start to make adjustments to
your diet and exercise routine in order to create a deficit.
Out of those 2000 calories, you will then have to set the
protein/fat intake to the amounts mentioned above, and leave the
rest for carbohydrates.
For instance, if you are eating 2000 calories a day and 1200
calories come from protein and fat, you’d have 800 calories worth
of carbs to consume, which is 200 grams of carbs, because 1g of
carbohydrate has 4 calories.
While this approach may require some trial and error at first, it is
ultimately more effective than simply cutting calories without
knowing your TDEE.
After all, we lose muscle when losing overall weight, and weight
training is a great way to tell the body that you'll need that
Not only that, but it can also help to maintain your metabolism
and help you shape up the muscle under the fat!
Just make sure not to exert yourself too much, or reach failure,
because after all, you are in a deficit, meaning you have
insufficient resource for recovering from truly grueling workouts.
When it comes to weight loss, there are many different diet plans
that people can follow.
But is there one type of diet that is more effective than the
After all, if you're not following your diet plan, then you're not
going to lose any weight.
Nevertheless, there are tips and tricks that can help you do just
So let’s have a look at the top 3 tips and tricks we have for your
weight loss plan!
Satiating Foods
What are satiating foods? Satiating foods are those that help you
feel full and satisfied after eating them.
They are an important part of any weight loss plan because they
help to control your hunger and prevent you from overeating.
There are a variety of satiating foods that you can include in your
diets, such as protein-rich foods, healthy fats, and fiber-rich
When you are planning your weight loss diet, be sure to include
plenty of satiating foods so that you can stick to your plan and
reach your goals.
These are all satiating due to the fact they are abundant in the
most satiating nutrients - fats, proteins and fiber!
Conscious Restraint
This can lead to overeating, even when we're not really hungry.
But it does mean being conscious of what we're putting into our
bodies and making choices that will help us reach our goals.
Diet Breaks
After all, who wants to spend their days feeling hungry and
The term "diet break" may sound like a recipe for disaster, but
diet breaks can actually help to improve diet adherence.
So, what have we learned? Fat loss mastery is not about a one-
size-fits-all approach.
It’s about understanding the science behind weight loss and using
that information to create your own unique strategy.
Are you ready to put in the effort required to become a fat loss